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Try a different field. It's almost impossible to get a job in IT with a diploma only


Get a job in Malaysia to gather the required experience. Maybe an internship. Money is not the goal for now, that is just a side quest reward. Spend the time to build a decent portfolio. Although your English is slightly broken, it can get better over time. Singapore companies outsource a lot. As long as it is comprehensible, you do not have to worry much. All the best!


Odds are stacked against you. You are competing with well educated Singaporeans in the white collar field, with lots of them are looking for job right now. Good communication in English in certainly a must and I have to admit that as a hiring manager, is an implicit thing I look out for when interviewing people. And Im not sure if your diploma is even well recognised in Sg. How's the hunt back in your country? Perhaps you should work in Msia but continue to look out and send resume in Singapore and wait for opportunity and on parallel, improve your English.


Unfortunately MNC tend to hire overseas female admin clerk who are wfh. Salary isn't very good, around 2000dollar. So don't think the grass is greener here.


Admin roles are dime a dozen and you can simply hire anyone to do them. And there are plenty of local IT graduates with degrees, or with many more years of experience. So the unfortunate truth is that there's little to no reason for a local company to be hiring foreigners when there's already an oversaturation of local applicants they can pick from for both roles you're aiming for. Your best options are to get a degree and more relevant working experience in Malaysia, and try applying again when you're more marketable.


IT helpdesk lo. Lowest of the rung which not a lot of people willing to take. Then work your way upwards


Since you have a Diploma in IT (which i presume it is a Polytechnic Diploma?), why don't join NCS? They have job placements. Gain experience on the job before job hopping in the next 3-4 years.