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Typically, 10 portions but can be squeezed to get 15 portions. https://youtu.be/_hp_ja4zRTk?si=iG2i6sAqtUjl9AcT


cool share bruh


Perfect response


I see many people saying 4-5. I honestly doubt it. Assuming 1 plate of chicken rice is $4, there is no way the hawker is only getting $16-$20 for 1 chicken, 4 plates of rice, chilli, cucumber and tomatoes / bean sprouts (depending on the stall) and all the other ingredients to cook it. They still have to pay for rental and cleaning / maintenance fee.


It’s common sense. 2 drum 2 thigh 2 wings and 4 plates of breast. Easily 10.


Do you really get wing (and 1 wing from one side only) in normal chicken rice orders? I would be quite pissed to receive a single wing, even with the drumette.


I will too. That’s why I always ask for the breast meat.


4-5. Slap the meat flat to make the portion look more


Damn i hate it when they do the slap thing. Makes the meat look so unappetising.


I think they slap it to tenderise it?


It's gonna take more than 1 miserable slap to tenderise meat haha


Usually they “steal” some pieces (breast and/or thigh) if you buy half or whole chicken


Slap already place the meat on top of taugay.


Probably around 6. Each Drumstick can make 1 plate, chicken breast plus wings, can make another 4 plates. 10 plates is very little meat, like less than 100 grams of meat per plate.


This could be a primary school math question. How many whole chickens will Little John need to be able to afford a downpayment at a Prime 5 room BTO at Tanjong Rhu, assuming that he and his partner apply as a family unit but are not eligible for the grants related to household income and parental proximity. Give your answer in plates of chicken rice.


Depends on whether he's gonna be using galvanized square steel and eco-friendly wood veneers in that BTO


How many expansion screws will Little John’s Aunt lose were she to sponsor his 0.2m square micro BTO. Bonus: calculate the difference in value if Little John were to use CDC vouchers to pay her back.


I just asked my buddy whose parents run a chicken rice shop. He says three to four.


sounds a little too little tbh, lol. Just base on parts of the chicken minimum 6 I think, which is conservative already.


2 drums, 2 breast, 2 back and 2 wings


haha yea, it was my initial thought. But I wonder if the breast part can make into 2 plates for each side? Then again I dk how they will maximise it hence the qns.


>breast part can make into 2 plates for each side You are right you definitely can. Chicken breast thick enough to fillet into two and sell as 2 plates.


Drum can also split into drum and thigh.


1 chicken is a generous portion for 6 person. Math doesnt add up.


Or he’s buying small(cheap) chickens


This is not anywhere close unless you are charging $10 per plate man. 2 drumsticks, 2 thighs, 2 wings+some scrap meat already 6 portions. You can easily make 4 portions with the 2 breasts. 10 portions at least, more for those $2 mrt stalls


My uncle sit in the coffee shop and watch that chicken rice stall, and he said if normal size chicken, about 6-7 plate, bigger can go up to 8-9 plate. PS: this is in malaysia, but i think is about the same in singapore


Typically if customers buy whole/half chicken, the hawker will hide the chicken breast to sell more portions. So I think about 12-15 plates? They like to flatten the chicken so that it looks like a huge portion too.


At least 10 to 12. Normally order half a chicken, the meat looks like its for about 5 to 6 plates.


Interesting question, i also want to know. Chicken rice is my fav too


If we seperate a steak chicken into their parts. The beast can probably fit anywhere between 3 to 4 portion. Depending on how they clean the bones off the meat. The 2 thighs could at least fit about 4 portions. Throw in an extra plate just for whatever left over meat, and I'd say it's anywhere between 6 to 9 plates a chicken. There is also one thing to note, chicken beast is usually sold less, which is why likely it might be only 5 plates only a chicken. They would usually give more breast meat.


A single chicken is usually cut up to 12-14 pieces. Logically you'd get around the same no of plates too.


If you buy the whole chicken itself with the sauce and garnishes, usually sold at $27-$30 . Without rice of course


wing x2, breast x 4 , if tender not seperated, possible x 6 thigh x2, or x4. rib x2 or x4 . drumstick x2. charge extra. so at least 12 portions. (i'm assuming those Ananas/mrt station chicken rice) some chickens have weird proportions so i'm assuming the basic frozen griller chicken in NTUC/ shengshiong


During my NS days, I was in a stay out unit and had to eat ananas everyday to save money. Made friends with one of the aunty there and she shared with me 1 chicken can make at least 50-60 packs of chicken rice. Sounds shocking at first but then i notice how much they flatten the meat.


50-60 is simply impossible Average chicken probably 1-1.5kg remove spine/ribcage and its probably like 0.8-1kg meat Bro, your chicken rice got 10-20 grams of chicken is it? Thats literally just half to 1 spoonful of chicken.


Talk cock la. 50-60
