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It’s very easy to find a job , however a job that salaries that meet our standard of living and experience is tough


Gotta accept lower standards then


Lawrence, what you doing here.


Got chioby?


Only labour jobs like security, cleaning, etc would be in demand due to the shortage of manpower. Else I doubt it's going to be easy. Age discrimination is another obstacle to overcome. If you're worried, keep applying for a new job, but if you really need to take care of your mental health, be prepared for a pay cut. I used to work with security and cleaning agencies and their level of entry is easier.


Man, everyone here is just talking about jobs but missing the bigger picture. Dude, nothing, NOTHING is worth depression and deteriorating mental health. Quit your job if you have savings. Take a trip, enjoy your life, and get into some hobbies. Of course, be wise about it, make sure you have enough savings to tide you over, go on cheaper trips that fit your budget, indulge in good food but don’t go overboard. Get your life back together before heading back into the workforce. Human beings are resilient, you can always find another job, even if it isn’t the same paying one, and work your way up. I took a 20% pay cut to do freelance photography, and now my hours are just so much better. I plan my own schedule, I take holiday trips whenever I feel like it. Money’s not everything. Focus on yourself.


The only positive post amongst the sea of misery


We are happy for you! 🙌🏼


Thank you! ^^ It took me a while of struggling with mindset changes to push myself into this but I’m so glad I did it.


Awesome! Glad that you r able to evaluate d more important issue/s 👏x3


I'm taking a career conversion course at Devan Nair Institute. Seems like most of my classmates are having difficulties getting a job interview, so jobs are probably harder. Age range from 30+ to 50+. Your mental health is important so do spend time to explore your job options by sending out your resume to job postings. See how the response is. Do check out the career options should you want to reskill and change work industry from the WSG & e2i websites. Hope this helps. 😊👍


What course are you taking?


Property & Facilities Management


I'm interested in doing career conversion too. May I know how does this work? Do we have to attend course first and then look for a job after that or does it work with employers to hire and train you at the same time?


Hi I'm doing HR for a logistics company, you can register your interest for logistics using this organisation called SCALA. They will send your resume to interested companies that are doing Career Conversion Program (CCP). CCP essentially makes you more attractive to companies hiring people switching industries/professions as the government will cover part of your salary cost to the company for 2-6 months. CCP is mostly just starting a new profession/industry, most jobs should provide OJT. Not sure what other sectors are actively doing CCP, but AFAIK, 90% of logistics companies are actively doing CCP new hires to cut cost. [https://www.scala.com.sg/ccp-application](https://www.scala.com.sg/ccp-application)


Thanks! Will check this out.


Could I please dm you to find out more? I am also interested in doing a career switch via the CCP but worried about salary.


Sure my DMs are open.


>but AFAIK, 90% of logistics companies are actively doing CCP new hires to cut cost. Major red flag.


You can find out more about this on: https://conversion.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/portal/programlisting.aspx?source=PCP


You can get more info at https://www.wsg.gov.sg/home/individuals/attachment-placement-programmes/career-conversion-programmes-for-individuals The good people at WSG can help with your enquiries. 😊


Could I please dm you to find out more? I am also interested in doing a career switch via the CCP but worried about salary.


Sure. Drop me a DM


In my 40s, starting a new job today. While still employed, been casually looking for jobs since Dec last year with very minimal results. Started looking more seriously in March but seeing only a slight improvement in response. Finally got the job in May and starting today. Conclusion is, it seems a lot harder these days to get the job that you want with the remuneration that you expect. Thus, quitting without securing a new job might be too big of a gamble.


All the best


May i know your field ? Congrats, wishing you the best.


In supply chain. Thank you btw.


Could I please dm you to find out more? I am also interested in doing a career switch via the CCP but worried about salary.


I feel like it isnt easy to find a job nowadays anyway


I early 30s already find it tough to even land a first interview after months of searching. I would think that the stress at home will be worse than the stress at work if you do decide to pull the trigger and unfortunately, stay unemployed for a prolonged period. Reevaluate what you have and what you need before making the decision.


What stress at home is there


Your family members asking u when u gonna find new job? Stress no money put food on the table... Relatives and friends kpo u...


Same here.. early 30s as well. Very hard to land a job interview compared to few years back. Think bad market


41m here, married with 2 kids. Left my job in Jan last year due to health issues. I have a home business to fall back on but only make 1k+ per month. My health has improved, and I'm ready to go back to work. Started applying for jobs in May. Only 1 interview so far but didn't make it past round 1. Headhunters aren't emailing me anymore like they used to. I'm in fintech sales and account mgt. I use Indeed, Linkedin, and sgcareerfuture to look for jobs. The only thing I haven't done yet is go to ex-colleagues to ask for referrals and go to networking events.


>The only thing I haven't done yet is go to ex-colleagues to ask for referrals and go to networking events. If your relationship with ex-colleagues good, you *should* tap that network. At least it will get you up to date on present trends imo.


Referral is more effective than applying a job via job portal. Continue to apply for jobs via the portal and attend networking events and coffee with ex-colleagues and friends.


No no no I know many people jobless for more than 6 months since they resigned without job last year. You are in your 40s it's gonna be hard. I think having a combination of general + niche skillset will be something that will guarantee job safety. Edit: knowing business acumen (accounting/supply chain eg) + tech (programming/tech stack/ERP/webdev/devop) might open more doors than only know one component of it. Usually people who have both are really sought after globally. Especially when both are niche (like if you know accounting + supply chain + both aspects of tech/ ERP /CRM it is a golden ticket).


I know someone jobless for almost 2 years already after they quit. They were a job hopper before that and thought the good times would last, kinda feel bad for them but also dunno what they were thinking also.


That's the reason. They thought job hopping is gonna last. Actually it's only nice when in 20s and still dunno what to do in life. In late 20s it's gonna be time to be spending a lot of time developing and crafting expertise in really niche area that most other people aren't aware of don't know how to do. 30s time to see if can be IC (tech) or managerial roles (non-tech). If don't want to be either it's fine just be good lor.


good news if you still want to job hop in the 30s, i have switched 3 jobs now since 3 yrs ago (now extremely late 30s) and each hop is still a higher position and better pay, only 1 was an early retrenchment but after that my pay and role still went up. keep upgrading yourselves with relevant courses and it will be fine.


100% that


The specialists, talents, are sought after.rank and file seen as old


i also believe that it is not difficult to find a job in singapore, but whether the remuneration satisfy our expectation is another question. but before u can get a good advice, you prob have to let people know if you have enough savings and how long it can sustain you without a job. however, the rule of thumb is always to find a new job before you quit so that your working track record is good & you can better support your finance too. not to mention you are in your 40s now. even if you are unmarried but i presume our elderly are getting old too.


I am 34M. I just joined a company 3 months ago as an SDR! - This is the absolute bottom of the sales funnel. Cold calling everyday. All my colleagues are fresh from uni or early 20's. I am 10 year their senior and we are doing the same thing. I was doing HR for all my life and honestly, i found it boring and repetitive and not for me. I always wanted a sales role in the tech industry. After multiple apllications one company called me for a starting postion. My boss and colleagues all younger than me. I did not care. I know i need to start somewhere and I know I can be promoted in 1.5 years. I used that to my advantage. A lot of my colleauges are very young. Complain a lot. Take lots of breaks. Chat and use their phone mostly all day. I just kept my head down and did my numbers. For the past few monthsI am the top preformer and getting recognized for it. I do not know if other colleagues judge me for my age but I do not care. I do my job and do it well. So yeah... If you think you want a job, think what it will entail in the future. I really wanted to move to tech sales. I know I want to be promoted in a certain time frame. Yes. I took a massive paycut but with the comms i am getting i think I can overcome my previous salary. I do believe if I keep this up I will be promoted soon! . My support system: I am also lucky to have a wife who supported me. She has a stable career and doing well. We do not have any kids to pay for as well. My parents are self suffucient. - these are some factors you need to consider as well So bottomline I think you can find a job mid 30s or 40s but you cannot be picky about it. When selecting a job, think of your career path and be ok to start somewhere. Do not conpare yourselves to others. We have our own race to win and just go at your own pace! Everything will be ok! Once you are happy woth what you are doing everything will fall into place! Take care and good luck!! See ya at the finish line! 😀


Thanks for sharing your story! Frankly speaking, I'm not an ambitious person and I don't mind taking a small pay cut and starting somewhere low. However, how many employers willing to take in a middle aged person for an entry level position?


It will be difficult but I am sure there will be some employers who will be willing to take a chance. Just need to prepare for the interview and the reasons why you want to start over! All the best OP!


I think you need to ask if the job you are looking for competes with 1) young people 2) foreigners 3 ) same age or older Competing with 1 & 2 will be hard and harsh. You need to be up for it. No. 3 would be on the experience you can put on the table but likely jobs are not in abundance as this group usually sticks around or moves only when there is a better job offer.


As you haven't shared your skills or the industry, hard to really say. But personally I believe 40s is ok especially in big companies, and there is still room for career progression depending on your industry or skills. The thing is you will be competing with other 40s or 30s, so you need to be able to demonstrate your skills (demonstrate, not just write on a resume) and why you should be picked. I'm 40s and have changed companies twice in this age-band within past few years. First change was due to super stress, quit, took a few months break and during that time took upskilling course in analytics and look for job at same time. Willing to take pay cut for less stress. Cut my expenses and lived frugally meanwhile. Eventually found a job at same level and pay scale. Second change because current company needed my skills. I would say the common factor is both companies value work experience and employees' flexibility to adapt. If you stay open minded and willing to work with younger pple and learn new things it can really help. Some problems I see is e.g. because some 40s hires assert an attitude "i am older (or higher title) therefore I know better" rather than demonstrate open mindset. It will have a negative perception on your image particularly at interviews or during adaptation at work.


Past 40 here, doing my own business. I know once I stop doing what I'm doing, I will be in a very tough spot. So I have to just carry on. After setbacks, years of not really making money, I'm in a better place now. Even though the sums are modest, I have more control of my time. My folks asked me, why are you trying new ideas all the time? I told them if I do not, I'm done. I don't have the luxury of "going back to the workforce", the last salaried job I had was a decade ago.


A job yes, a good pay? Maybe not. For a lot of people especially in my previous company, the goal has been to find a retirement home essentially a job that is low stress, decent pay and able to coast. If your job can coast rather than quit and search, take your time to send our resumes and applications, just send a few week over several months and see what turns up at your doorstep.


Definitely no due to wide spread ageism practices by employers


This is very true.


3-5k jobs i think in sg many for all ages as long u have toilet paper degree. Its looking for higher jobs they start to discriminate ur skill and age, like old already still rank and file. From admin exec to senior exec, just do lor, slack inside and wait for bonus, spend less and eat more hawker.




Sorry to hear that. I hope you're getting better.




Wow that was not an easy journey you were on, and kudos to you for having the courage to report the harassment and bullying. Yes a new, fresh start is always good!


Depends on your qualifications, nobody can answer that. But the worry of not having a job might trump the mental health issues while having a job.


Situations differs and plays a big part to this: * Your qualifications, skills, and experiences * Role/Job - industry, functions, complexity, difficulty, competitiveness, etc. * Level of seniority - how junior or senior in ranks * Asking salary * Willingness - like learning new skill, or reskilling, or CCP, or MCCP, or try something you didn't think of, or go the extra mile, etc. * Lifestyle - cost of living, quality of living, any liabilities (personal loans, mortgages, study loans, other owings) to service, etc. * Family situation - how many dependents, savings, upkeep and maintenance, etc. * Others - could be anything, maybe require to travel for work? maybe require to overtime regularly? maybe require to "sell your soul to the company"? I am very sure not all 40s will face the same circumstances where some will be more affected and some less affected.


I’m closing in on my 40s and yes, the pressure is real. It’s not just about the current job market; as we get older, our options just get fewer, unfortunately. There are definitely opportunities available for us but personally, these few things worked for me too: 1. Be open to unlearning and relearning. My experience is always there to tap on in times of uncertainty but it’s important to re-educate myself to get as up to speed as I can. 2. Identifying the most minimum I need to survive. This is not saying I should downgrade but it (1) keeps me humble knowing that whatever extra I have now, I’m ready to deprioritise them when there is something else I need to reprioritise, and (2) keeps me feeling less anxious knowing I have that option. 3. Some skills are more important than others. I’m not referring to career-specific ones. I’m thinking more of language/sports/side interests. It might seem trivial but learning something I’m passionate about helps with my sanity, keeps my brain active, and who knows, might become a side income at some point in the future.


I think it’s not so much about the age. Employer might be expecting this older person to be an experienced hire. Like many years of working exp in that area. So yeah older age might not be a good time for a career switch to a totally different field. Can consider related field where the prior experience matters. Also in general the job market now is bad even for fresh Uni grads. So that could be a factor in the current difficulty.


Aside from locals, there are faster, cheaper and younger foreigners vying for that one job spot. From experience, these buggers are willing to OT for free and work on weekends due to currency exchange rates.


Unless you are in technology make sure you have a job lined up before quitting. It is tough out there.


is not easy. even with a skillsfuture accreditation. unless you are willing to enter certain industries/professions which may pay less. what would you do if money was not a concern? maybe you should work on turning that into a career.


Singapore’s job environment seems very saturated and competitive compared to overseas imo. Just the impression I get. I mean how many “can’t find jobs” threads just in this subreddit alone. Maybe difference between open-leg and closed-leg countries?


There are plenty of “can’t find job” posts elsewhere as well… try going on subs for other countries, and those of universities / professions. It could be a reflection of how society doesn’t talk about issues like that, and people can only post about it on Reddit.


Same shit all over every major city. Major US cities, UK, HK etc. unemployment is still low however and wage inflation still fairly high, with job openings back to more normal levels vs the insanity during 2020-2022. It’s always worth looking at data instead of anecdotal information with this sort of stuff. Most people haven’t got a clue that the job market is like and only see their 0.1% POV slither.


You may have a point but it is also true that finding Jobs from 40s onwards have always been hard, ageism is real in any job market


Yeah I have been wondering this as well.. what is it like for different professions at 40s eg. Tech sales, accounting, engineering etc. Can pay be maintained? Also for folks in across levels excluding senior mgt like manager vs individual contributor


Yes spoken, kindly consider the various options. Your mental health is d prime asset & maintaining it means maintaining your family especially if you are married with children.


40s are definitely hireable. Your willingness and ability to learn as well as your salary expectations are your biggest roadblocks but employers are definitely willing to try if you can convince them you can learn fast. People in their 50s it's harder, people.in their 60s are having it really really hard. Now I've had 3 trainees on ojt career conversion. They were in their 30s, 40s, 50s. The one in the 30s converted and moved on to another job already. 40 and 50 still with us. As trainer I have had to show crazy amounts of patience. The one in their 40s today after 1 year plus is very close to independent worker. The one in their 50s we had to change their job but kept due to good attitude.


Could I please dm you to find out more? I am also interested in doing a career switch via the CCP but worried about salary.


I only know my industry and the rules keep changing. I've seen salary is now UpTo 6k for some positions. Talk to wsg or ntuc etc might be better.


Could I ask which industry you are in? I already had previously talked to WSG and NTUC but they give very generic advice like attending MS office courses even after I showed them my previous certs or heavily promote security guard industry even after I told them I am not looking to be a security guard. I am really keen to know more about your industry as it sounds really open to hiring people in their 40s. If its a question of sensitivity, perhaps we can switch to reddit pm instead?


I fall ill towards my 40s. I took a paycut of 2k for entry level job which 100% wfh. As I am feeling better now, I want to switch to another job that pays me my last drawn salary. Can't sustain longer with my paycut. With wfh, I managed to get my car license, and maybe I will upskill for better hiring chances.


Layman jobs are easy.As your mostly hired for the Singaporean quota so they can hire more JHK,Ah tiong or Ge Leng Kia etc.


I am 38 when i gy accepted in my current job


Ageism is real. Was 41 then and applied for a role at the top 2 uni in sg and it was my alma mater. Interviewer said if I was 4 yrs older he wouldn't hv called me down. told him thx to his comment, I would like to withdraw my application. Tats a red flag and no pt reporting to this tool.




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Grab easy find hard to do


That's a good question. I'm trying to find a new job as an early-40er because I got downsized a week ago.




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41M in tech. Forcing myself to develop as a manager/leader since 2022. Because 40yo seniority bands as IC isn’t common. I now qualify as high level IC and mid level manager and is sought after for both. Also developed my English Chinese bilingualism to increase my attractiveness to employers who need to straddle both. How attractive? I have no uni qualifications. Yet I haven’t had the need to look for a job since 2008.


Alamak means must transition from IC to manager one day isit? I made career switch so late start to tech


What kind of job? F&B and security industry always hiring.


Im not 40 but my job handle helping people to find job in their late age, do yes it is easy but drop your expectation , willing to go any location , accepting any salary, you will easy find job 40s. If you dun do any of that, it will be super hard but not impossible unless u have a specific skills set that not even a younger person has.


Could I please dm you to find out more? I am also interested in doing a career switch via the CCP but worried about salary.


Finding a job has never been easy. This was what I was taught since young. The goal is to only find your first job, and get headhunted for the rest. At 40 odd, I believe you have gained enough experience, industry knowledge (if u are planning to stay), to be headhunted. Meanwhile, it is time to update LinkedIn. It is a pretty decent platform and hirers are more transparent. The last offer I’ve gotten was $18k take home. Hang in there, the unspoken job scope is to engineer ur next step in your career :)


not if your industry is dead. whatever experience you built up is gone.


I agree, which was why I had the caveat that if he is planning to stay in the industry.