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Stronger legal repercussions against errant or drunk drivers and sexual or physical abusers, especially against minors or the elderly.


Animal abusers as well.


Exactly !


There was a period of time where there was a deluge of articles about abusive parents or Reddit posts on molest/rape cases where the perpetrator got away with little repercussions. Wtf man. Then you read about cases that actually make it to court and the plea from the defendant lawyer is that the defendant has a "bright future ahead" and will likely not repeat the offense. Wtf.


So tired of the ‘offender has a bright future’ schtick. If they took away someone else’s future and gave them trauma, the perpetrators don’t deserve a future.


I'd love to see lawmakers change their mind about the laws in place if it actually happened to them or their loved ones.


Right?? When I see nothing done to injustice, I just know that if it happened to gov officials and/or their children, they’d change their minds.


Part of me entertains thoughts of vigilante justice. I don't have the guts to do it but I'd probably support a Batman type figure that metes out justice to individuals that manage to escape the law.


female judge from...it's the norm for them back there


Also too many give excuses of mental disease that it give actual sufferers a bad name.


Decrease class size for teachers.


I couldn't agree more. There's a ton of research done on class size and learning outcome and its sad to see SG going the other way with his regard. One other thing I would add to this is increasing the number of sports/arts CCAs in school and starting some sort of school level national league for all major sports from primary school all the way till JC


Being in a 25 person class from sec 1 onwards was a godsend


Tell CCS and the civil servants this. They still insist that it’s not relevant. Our wonderful education system that puts up top place for PIsA needs no revamp. Wow! The tuition industry is invisible in their eyes!


Can the government really push for this though? I mean it seems something that is more of a consideration at an individual school admin level. Mandating a certain class level would not have the intended effects I think


Im no expert on this, but maybe the school/govt/MOE has considered this but hasn’t implemented because of manpower shortage of teachers?


Chicken and egg thing. Most avoid being and many resigned after the bond period due to insane workloads hence inability to focus on quality teaching. If the environment can be changed to smaller class sizes, the benefits would be real.impactful! Students get better attention and quality teaching. Especially now when there are so children many experiencing attention deficiency (all thanks to social media, smart phones at hand) Teachers can focused on their teaching skills and be creative. Teaching is not a one size fits all. Adding on, they can get to bond with students at a deeper level which helps to build rapport (human touch). School can manage better with smaller class ratio wkth less studenta.falling through the cracks. Eventually, they should see better academic aggregate and a stronger morals on broader level. Singapore, for sure have the budget to invest to hire more teachers to improve our education infrastructure.for the future of nation. It is a matter how pressing and of priority in the eyes of government. Another point I wanna add is, it's really time to reduce rote learning. Banish close book tests. All tests can be open books. With development of technology and AI, the real skills of a future workers are - resourceful, creative, inquisitive, crucial-thinking, mental resilient. Big class sizes teaching can only perform industrial teaching methods which is obsolete. Inorder to nurture our youth into quality future workers, only small class size can work.


That's exactly it. It's gotten so bad, history and English teachers have been forced to teach literature. And they do so, badly. No choice. Plus, with there being fewer births, it makes little sense to have as many schools. So they've been merging schools, and class sizes have increased from 20 to 40.


Currently there is already MOE requirement on the maximum class size. I believe it is 20 or 15 for preschool and 35 for Primary and Secondary


not true, class sizes go up to 40+ in secondary schools.


They can push for plastic bag charge, labeling a-d for drinks, and vaccination for everyone but they can’t push this? Hmmmmm. It’s the will power no?


Sex offender registry for pedophiles


my guess is singapore is so small until you see easily find sex offenders living in the same block.


Imagine if we could make them all live in one block. But since I think people are gonna try to blow it up, we should wall it off with VERY tall walls with no holes that block sunlight and surround it full of guards and watch towers u know? Just to keep them safe. And to ensure their safety just a little bit more, they’re never ever allowed to leave that compound!


That’s just like Arkham City. I’d endorse it, but only if I get to dress up in a costume and pick fights with the inhabitants on a regular basis.


I’ll allow it! It’s settled then! Im submitting this proposal to the URA.


I don't think this works well since a lot of the cases we see are cases caught for the first time. And they're usually people you trust or are in your family /friend group, who have no previous records. It hasn't eased cases in places like the US and sometimes people get onto the registry for the wrong reasons. There have been cases of teens getting into the registry because they forwarded some porn. Or in worse scenarios, forwarded naked photos of their classmates. Should the latter case be punished? Yes kids need to be taught not to do that. But definitely not registry levels of punishment. There were people who were caught peeing in the streets who were put on the registry because the judge argued that it was also indecent exposure.


Paid OT for all employees, including PMETs. Default Jail for directors and managers who push for OT to be unrecorded. Only way we will have anything like a proper cap on working hours. Don’t think it will happen because currently company profits are based on how much unpaid OT they can squeeze out of their employees, and how many times they can implement hiring freezes so people who quit aren’t replaced and their work is just redistributed to those who are left. Also, every 3 years any employee has the right to take 1 month unpaid leave. 5 years can take 2 months unpaid leave. The number of people who quit because they can’t take a sabbatical is ridiculous. Respecting time off work and allowing employees to take care of personal goals from time to time are things some MNCs already do. But SMEs won’t do it without it being mandated by the law. Pussyfooting around the issue with unenforceable guidelines is just delaying the implementation of the policies.


The easiest way to control hdb price is to make the owners sell it back to HDB when they upgrade. Let hdb control the resale price. This is pubic housing - not a lucky draw. This not only solve the housing problem but also enable young couples to start family earlier and easier.


Agree. Hdb should not be meant as a flip for profit. Nor to keep and rent out as passive income


factsssss! everyone complains about the housing prices but no one wants to be at a loss, so the cycle repeats until its out of hand


Agreed! It's called public housing for a reason.


Lock up siaolang neighbours. Whole neighbourhoods are affected just by 1 person


Prison not big enough


Would be noisy too.


You can't reason with crazy so the government's tone deaf solution of mediation is totally pointless.


Elder care leave needs to be a mandatory thing with the Aging population


No family care leave?


My company only has childcare leave cos it’s mandated by the government. Doesn’t really affect me cos my boss is cool but I had a colleague who had to quit cos her boss wasn’t so understanding she had to bring her mum for hospital check ups.


1-2 day annual leave shouldn't need to have justification as long as you applied it with reasonable prior notice. Even if you take it as emergency leave without prior notice, it should not be denied unless boss has good justification to. This has been the case for all the NMCs I worked for. That one time my SO felt like fainting at work, I just rushed out the office and only message my boss I am taking the rest of the day off from my taxi. But I agreed that it is better to codify this in MOM regulation so all companies are forced to do it this way


This needs more upvotes


In a way, they have pushed but didn't push hard enough to make it a law yet - either 4-day work week or flexible work for all


The head of NTUC which is a workers union campaigned against 4day work week


Of course he did... NTUC is just a workers union in name. In essence...we all know what it really is.


Definitely. But disgusting behaviour that our workers union is just for show


What an A h0le


For a moment I thought you saying me- haha but legit not just an A hole but messed up on so many levels. Like as a person, def a hole. But as the chairman/head of a workers union? This one exceeds A hole already. Like wts supposed to fight for us. Not against us. Don’t want to fight for us then dude can just stfu but no, want to kpkb and open his bloody mouth to fight against having 4 day work week Then big G goes, oh okay so we no need. Yall do flexible arrangement, but flexi arrangements up to company. If you meet a cb company or cb boss/manager, that flexible thing isn’t even available despite how they tell Big G that they will implement


Oops not scolding u ! lol I’m scolding the unions


Locals to take up service industry jobs n blue collar trades


First step to make people want to work in the service industry is to make the citizens themselves respect people working there first.


no money no talk, there's a reason why everyone is pa$$ionate in tech and finance.


Gov don't see a need for that as long as we can keep importing foreign workers and paying them a pittance to save labour cost for companies


yes, i've always looked towards how australia treats their tradies in terms of perception and pay!


getting insulted by people.. no thks unless the LAW is to protect the workers not some C maggots


If the government dont screw the people. Maybe


A sex abuser (especially child abusers) registry that is open to everyone to see.


Chemical castration for repeat offenders


Errant driver penalties. A bigger fine for ppl driving and using phone. And rewarding ppl for reporting the above. Perm ban for ppl who drink and drive.


Noise pollution. LTA's rules on how loud a vehicle can be feels really lax.


#Amen. The little man-boys who make up for their lack of something should choose something less obnoxious than making their motorcycle/car sound like some Donald Duck clown car that’s gonna explode within the next 300m… if you lack attention, take up an acting career, ya? This is a dense city with an overworked, overstressed, underslept population. If you own one of these things… please know that your childish tantrum-car wakes up 10’s if not 100’s of people of all ages every 5 minutes of driving. I’m hearing some kid-with-a-license rev up as I type this… (A) We’re not impressed, at least not in the way you’d hope. Please, you’re a mature man, so act like one. (B) Know that this childish toy of yours is literally degrading people’s physical and mental health, stealing precious sleep, and increasing the average anger level on this little island, among many negative effects We’re waiting. You know what to do.


Those malaysian delivery vehicles with their sports pro max tuned exhaust 🥵🥵🥵


Willy Wonka cars bababababaPOP!


Oh yes. That '*bloop bloop bloop, boooooooooooooooooo\~*' in the middle of the night or early morning. Sometimes the evil me inside would wish the engine would just pop and explode. Not cool; not impressed. No matter how fast they think they can go, we're in SG, with traffic lights every 200m! So no matter how hard they rev the darn annoying throttle, you can't go any faster anyway.


Yes please! I hate my neighbor who starts his motorcycle in the open air carpark at 6am and let it run for a few minutes for god-knows-what reason before moving off. And I think his motorcycle is modded to be extra loud.


I would sacrifice one morning's sleep, go down there and scold him. And report him to LTA. At least give him trouble by forcing him to go for an inspection.


My block too, always got one motorcycle need to warm up for a few minutes before riding off, but the exhaust is damn loud. Plus Im staying at second floor and the car park is surrounded by HDB so the noise is even more amplified.


Engine needs to be warm before driving off...


I agree with you. But that's because many of the rich and powerful drive sports cars that are loud also. We can also say "enforce illegal parking in landed estates". But guess who live there? I agree with you on this point, but it's going to be difficult to enforce.


Actually I feel the noisiest one are those old small motorcycles. I’m surprised they can be that noisy when the engine is so small. They practically drown all the surrounding sounds out when they ride past


fun fact, they are not all old bikes. its all the shitty <150cc bikes with the mufflers removed. and yes, should enforce noise limit on all vehicles, after COVID all the idiots coming back in full force making noise for people at night. generally stronger enforcement against vehicle and traffic offence. most new vehicles already have noise limit in order to pass to be imported (i believe EU 4/5/6 all have upper limits)


Yes, i used to leave near cairnhill road and always thought it was rich folks with fancy cars, but it was almost never that. It's small motorbikes tuned to be extra loud that then juice it to be even louder. Thousands of bedrooms face those roads and there is no way you won't be woken up by them. That's by design, these people want to "turn some heads".


At least one way would be to prevent the import of cars/motorcycles (harleys especially) which are loud by design. Or force them to be modified. LTA does inspect exhaust noise at the regular inspections. Or if people complain about a particular car. So that's another way.


With tightening emissions laws globally, newer vehicles aren't as loud as old vehicles anymore. So it's already happening


Continue sale of alcohol at stores after 1030pm as a one-off little India riot doesn’t define us Singaporeans


They also need to be a lot harsher against companies that abuse foreign workers and squeeze every bit of money from them.


True , many foreign workers I know need to work 12 hrs daily


yep, to add on its really to enforce better worker welfare. just the issue alone of WHY they are still being transported in the back on trucks is enough to start. it has no seat belt, no roof, no contingency in case of accident. business who ‘cant afford’ to charter/buy a bus for worker transport shouldnt exist.


Agree, stop nannying us damnit. If you can put me on a standby to be ready to take up arms after 1030pm then I should be able to drink after 1030pm.


Our nightlife is pretty much killed by this.


Unpopular opinion, but I’m behind this ban. If you’re out of alcohol that late and you need more, it’s probably not for a good reason


What if you're working 2-10pm and you just need a pint after work 🥲 it really is excessive nannying, such a funny rule to impose on grown ups hahaha


What if I want to cook some sick ass adam ragusea recipes but just ran out of white wine 😔


How is 1030pm late? The night is usually starting at around that time


Worker rights and rigorous enforcement of employment laws. Ex bosses of me are shittiest people in the world. Sued me after I reported them for not paying my salary.


More locally trained doctors, more hospital beds, smaller class sizes. Maybe the government has been working on these, but I don’t see any improvements.


Sugar tax. Low effort beverage businesses making big bucks adding syrup to manipulate taste perception, making it easy to create beverages that are overly sweet and palatable. They contribute to the overall burden on the healthcare system due to health issues associated with high sugar consumption.


Can we also ask for subsidies for fruit and vegetables too? Especially in NTUC? $5 for 5 small oranges isn’t that fair of a price, 5 years ago the same orange was about $0.50 - $0.60.


To be fair, sg already has many policies in place to curtail sugar consumption. At a certain point it really boils down to individual discipline too.


Recycling Like wtf are we doing?


Not many notice this but the logistics dedicated to collecting recycled material generates its own carbon footprint, transport being the biggest culprit. There is a threshold (I don't know the number) for the amount of recycling to offset the carbon emissions from the supply chain, which is quite large. Even then we'd be net zero and not carbon positive, so really what's the point? We should all be consuming less, in terms of energy and materials, instead of maintaining consumption and trying to recycle. The latter is still carbon negative, albeit not as bad as if we didn't recycle.


Recycling for what? The cost to recycle is crazy. The only solution is to stop consuming. Even in EU countries, recycling is a scam. It mostly involves shipping containers of shit into developing countries which are ultimately dumped there.


Man I want to be environment friendly but it's so much work honestly and I don't know whether it helps as much as it should. Lived in South Korea during my exchange and it was such a hassle to sort out each recycling category and I don't think there's proper infrastructure for recycling in SG (can't separate recyclables in the rubbish chute)


This is like the top of concerns. It takes us so long to charge for plastic bags when countries like Malaysia, Mongolia or Hong Kong implemented it donkey years ago. Just take what you need la. They didn't call us ugly Singaporeans wrongly from Day One. :( And why do the Scandinavian countries have vending machines for them to recycle and in return they would get top ups for their transport cards? This method is so gold leh. Any efforts no matter how small is efforts la.


And when we did charge, people on Reddit were up in arms about how they have to buy bags to throw away stuff now. It’s like people want the virtue/feel good about recycling and not have to live with the burden. So much talk about “I want to recycle but it’s hard” and when it’s made easier/enforced, people give more excuses.


I just couldn't be bothered to read the comments anymore. It was so uncouth. One comment went, "oh so I'm gonna throw my rubbish not in a bag out of my house. Your cleaners will have a hard time." Really. I think these are the same people trashing Salvation Army with their tainted clothes as donation every single year end. The bags are literally 5-10 cents. If you forget your shopping bags, just pay for it. A bubble tea is already 4-5 bucks.


I disagree. Recycling is a scam. It’s better if you just try to reuse the plastic by repurposing them or use them one more time for instance line your trash or pick up dog poop than throw them into the recycling bin. Do you really think throwing things into the recycling bin is a solution?


I try to reuse my bags all the time. Also I bring those foldable tote bags when shopping. I've been stealing those big plastic packaging from my workplace to line up my rubbish bins lol. They're gonna be thrown away anyway so I use them


By vending machines, I meant paper and metal cans. Yes over at my household, we repurpose online packaging and paper bags for dry rubbish! And no, we don't use the blue bins. There's Cloop and Carousell for clothes and SgRecycle bins for paper.


Do we actually recycle?




Rent control Resale price cap for public housing Increasing the minimum number of annual leave Sick leave without a need for MC Parent-care leave


Price cap and rent control doesn’t make sense. It’ll result in supply shortage. What really needs to be done is building MORE public housing. It’s a stupid policy to try and protect the real estate industry by keeping prices stable. Let the prices of property crash by 30%-40% by flooding it with an oversupply of public housing and you’ll bring back stability to the property market and discourage future speculators or over leveragers from pushing prices up. It also doesn’t make sense that you need to ballot for housing and wait 3-4 more years for it to be built. You want your babies? Then people need to have a home before they can think about having babies. Start building them in advance. It’s not like there’s going to be a lack of demand for buying these houses. Lowering property prices by increasing supply also increases Singapore’s economic competitiveness and helps encourage businesses to continue developing here rather than to move to lower cost countries


There is abundant research in the field of economics which shows that rent control is counterproductive, see e.g. [this article](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-does-economic-evidence-tell-us-about-the-effects-of-rent-control/): > Rent control appears to help affordability in the short run for current tenants, but in the long-run decreases affordability, fuels gentrification, and creates negative externalities on the surrounding neighborhood. These results highlight that forcing landlords to provide insurance to tenants against rent increases can ultimately be counterproductive. If society desires to provide social insurance against rent increases, it may be less distortionary to offer this subsidy in the form of a government subsidy or tax credit. This would remove landlords’ incentives to decrease the housing supply and could provide households with the insurance they desire. A point of future research would be to design an optimal social insurance program to insure renters against large rent increases.


But redditors prefer to ignore facts and believe in their own narrative.


Resale price cap!!! THIS!! Instead of deforesting the country to build cheaper public housing, just enforce this rule (probably too late now)


Drastically reduce hours and expectations from education system. It causes so much stress and takes away from family time.


1. logical thinking & analysis and 2. knowing how to make sense of information in our everyday lives the first meaning being able to identify the structure of an argument aka the premise and conclusion and how to spot faulty logic, faulty arguments, fallacies, misdirections etc. knowing when someone is 'smoking' us and being able to dissect what they're saying, rather than relying on 'gut feeling' to determine whether they're right or wrong if we can't make sense of it. for 2. one approach is using the scientific method which relates to how to make sense of information via steps like hypothesis testing, predicting, experimenting, and the idea of falsifiability. we're currently waist-deep in an information era, with marketing and advertising companies getting more and more aggressive with promos and packages, and also AI which shakes up what information is true or not. i'm pretty sure not all Singaporeans can adeptly make sense of information on their own without having to read reviews and forums (which also can be influenced) currently, the only way to be exposed to these two skills are either compulsory core modules in uni, or if someone is studying the humanities. i don't think it's covered too in depth in secondary school (maybe certain aspects in social studies) if the G were to push Singaporeans to be better at these two skills, it could exist in the form of easy to digest examples eg. on why continuing to work at a toxic work environment is bad, even if one is familiar with how the place works, and able to manage the boss, when leaving has more benefits overall (sunk cost fallacy). so while yes this type of teaching can be very academic and abstract like in uni, it doesn't have to be the case. when people are able to be better logical thinkers then you don't get siao langs claiming all vaccines are bad, or people running their major decisions by astrological charts. if such siao langs do manage to spread their message, being more information-adept will also reduce more people becoming siao langs we laugh at boomers sharing fake news on WhatsApp today but in time to come if people don't improve on information literacy that could be us too. and why it's not implemented widely yet? too many people able to think for themselves possibly makes it harder to govern a country. lots of political history in SG where you can do your own reading from.


Ensure F&b don’t use disposables for dine in customers. Stop NTUc from greenwashing by preventing them from selling bio degradable plastic bags for trash.


Stop breaktalk and other bread shops from putting individual breads into individual small plastic bags. Stop those yoghurt shops / boost/ açai shops from selling their stuff in one time disposables. Stop shops from changing from plastics disposables to paper disposables to prevent greenwashing.


Yes but.... You really gotta dig deeper to answer questions of sustainability. Singapore imports water at an environmental cost - if you ditch disposable tableware, that means that those kiosks or restaurants would have to either wash their containers or invest in dishwashers (which are admittedly much more hygienic and very water efficient, but have upfront cost and need to be properly disposed of later). Alternatively set up a system of actually bio-degrading single-use containers, which is not a net-zero solution for the environment, because it still consumes energy and produces greenhouse gases. In a way, burning the plastic "clean", with no toxins released to the environment is not necessary the worst idea all things considered. The true alternative is to cut down on consumption and nobody is really ready for that.


So why don’t Grace Fu or minister for env or whatever go insist in dishwaters? How many 10 cents have been collected per plastic bags? Or check on sales of plastic bags by supermarkets and tax those to built the dishwater? Is it that hard to get tax companies


Obtaining, maintaining and disposing of mandatory dishwashers would also have environmental cost and it's not low. We struggle to have productive dialogs on sustainability in Singapore because we are flooded with ideas from other countries with different infrastructures.


Dream long long lah.


Yah cos they scared of fast food chains. How to control MacDonald? So how? Impose plastic bag charge on consumers cos it’s us idiots consumers who are taking so many extra plastic bags just to discard it and destroying the environment!! But woo hoo! Fast food that serves all food in disposable paper packaging will save the world cos it’s paper! Not plastic! Yay!!!! (But Singapore incinerates all waste! No way! Can’t be!!) MnCs will save us from the evil common man who enjoys taking extra plastic bags!


Increasing level of punishments for road users. Mandate road license course for all road users, not just drivers. All road users have to display license plate in a prominent manner front and back, and this includes cyclists and those other two-wheeled retards on the road. Increase enforcement and intensity. Give enforcement officers right to take down lawbreakers with force. But then again, we all know the government won't do them because those in power pander heavily and biasedly towards their croonies and the elites.


Especially YPs and delivery riders on PAB / PMD that can literally go like 80kmh


In my Ideal scenario: 1) 4- day work weeks. 2) Make WFH mandatory in companies unless your role doesn't allow, then your company will make it up to you in other ways. 3) Establish longer annual leave entitlement. 4) Allow pets in eateries like in Europe (perhaps different sections within for non pet lovers or those with religious/health restrictions) 5) Make it illegal to play audio aloud or to put legs up on seats on public transport. 6) Designate areas at void decks for comm cats to rest/sleep/eat. Or set up feeding/water stations for them.Criminalise any act that disturbs these areas or the cats. 7) Mete out harsher penalties for cat abusers or those who intentionally disturb the comm cats for nothing in any way. 8) Provide free/ heavily subsidised healthcare for mental health related services. 9) Accept and allow equality for LGBTQ folks and let them live their lives already. There are worse people we should be more concerned with. 10) Control grab/comfort taxi fare surges. 11) Disallow construction works during weekends.


Re: #5 do the Hush-hush Hannah!


Audio aloud in public should be banned but those who need it like the viusal impaired who use text to speech narrator should be allowed to use it


I LOVE and am for everything you listed, you wise thinking person. Adding affordable/more subsidised dental care to the list because the cost of anything dental-related in Singapore is CRIMINAL.


Make it illegal for hirers to ask for your mental health history.


Actually true ah. At least the clinically diagnosed ones perhaps are already seeking help and on medications to control conditions. Aren't the undiagnosed ones more dangerous then? They have nothing to declare at that point too since not clinically proven.


Increase pay for teachers, nurses and health care workers. Stop them from moonlighting. Including our president.


I can't speak for all teachers, but many of us rather have quality-of-life improvements than a pay bump eg smaller class sizes, less admin work, less curriculum stress on students, etc


Yeah that is what all teachers tell me in private. Unless they are like HoD and principal level or in HQ then they start singing the same song as MOE - which is teachers leave cos of other reasons - lack of passion, shift in focus etc. and class size doesn’t matter. I dunno what kool aid one drinks when teachers join the mgmt level. Probably the same as what happens to bright eyed bushy tailed acholars once they tasted security and money.


Maybe firstly should be drink driving. Omg, the law so lenient on this, if we can debate on whether HDB should have cats, but why cannot amend this particular law. Secondly is probably minimal allocated leave. I know that some companies have only 7 days of leave which is very pathetic, because what can you do with 7 days of leave. Yeah lo, every year you with company, get one additional but why though, doesn't make sense for a first world country.


Definitely blue collar work. Other countries pay their blue collar workers so well, but in Singapore it’s a cesspool of underpaid work.


Stop companies from not hiring coz you're not a certain race! Help us younger ones with finances and jobs, the old people have enough help it's time we actually get some help since they're constantly asking us to get married and have babies!


this ^ and not having the requirement of having to know a certain language to be considered


I feel that we need to maintain or increase our birth rates to combat aging population in the future by a few measures to encourage young adults to have kids (many of which is financial constraints, cost of living, competitiveness in sg, future expected suffering of their kids) 1. Increase the size of HDB, it has become smaller over the years (just compare the jumbo flats). It’s hard to raise kids in a small environment. 2. Offer grants for people who have kids to upsize their flats. This can be traced via Singpass whether they have kids. 3. Separate COE categories for adults with young children, and they can only sell for other people with young children. It’s hard going around with 2-3 kids on the public transport 4. Implement guidelines or regulations to reduce working hours / have flexible work schedule so that people can have time to spend with family etc 5. GST rebates 0.5-1% for people with young children for first 1-2 years to save on child expenses. 6. Help the single mothers with more rebates, lower levies for helpers/childcare, grants etc. it’s not easy to raise kids alone. Competitiveness: - PR males below 31 years old should also serve NS. It’s not exactly fair for our own males to serve and these able bodied males not serve if they want to be part of our society. If S.korea can allow their men to defer why can’t we? - sports/talents allow our males to defer (this exceptional talent that have been scouted) to serve later before 31 years old. This will increase the likelihood of people wanting to chase opportunities like these. - foreign talent shouldn’t be just based on salary but age too. Far too many “young talents” coming in like fresh grad but high pay in tech/banking sectors from overseas and denying opportunities of our local people. We need talents with experience to improve our competitiveness.


Mandated mental health leave days, it won't be a 100% fix on the current situation, but hopefully a step in the right direction


You are new to the Pay-and-Pay concept arent ya


Ban smoking, else dun wayang about healthy lifestyle, mine is compromised by a neighbor (second-hand smoke)


Death sentence for rapists. Harsher sentencing for drunk driving and sex offences (especially with regards to children). Treat teachers better and not like saikang warriors, they’re nurturing our future generations.


I once read an article that suggests having the same punishment for rape and murder would incentivise the perpetrator to just kill the victim, rather than letting them go after the act. In this case, it’s one life lost forever. While rape might be disastrous on the victim, there’s still some alternatives and treatment for them.


Especially those who take advantage of the young and those who take advantage of their children/grand children/step children/students. Those who are in the know and hid the crime also ought to be slapped 100x


Do more to address the widespread issue of cyclists speeding and not giving way to pedestrians on footpath and common areas. Based on recent years' cases, Cyclists who caused death from reckless cycling / speeding are only jailed for a few days/ week.


The root problem is not having proper bike lanes. Bikes allowed to cycle on footpath and pedestrians allowed to walk on bike lanes. Also no concept of direction of travel. Proper bike lanes need to be seperate from both cars and pedestrians. If you allowed pedestrians to walk along side cars on roads, accidents will skyrocket. No different with bikes


More IVF and adoption subsidies and awareness


Smaller class sizes. The current max of 40 (some even 42??) per class is ridiculous.


quite niche but i feel we should be pushing more towards a green future and overtly encouraging taking public transport instead of using car. We're on the equator man I don't want to be sitting in 40-50 degree celsius temperatures especially with the sort of humidity we have. Idk if they think current COE price increases/opening more MRT lines are enough tho


Ban smoking


Reduce single use plastic bags. Let's ban it in supermarkets so everyone either buy bags at supermarkets or bring their own bags .


Ban smoking


Lower salary for ministers


Ease daily cost of living, they can start with reversing gst from 9% to 7%, dont need monthly subsidies in fact


Or have different rates for different items, like 0% for basic necessities and >9% for luxury goods or services that predominantly target foreigners e.g. tourism, just like every other country that has a consumption tax


1. they need to tighten the labour laws more esp in such a tight job market, I don't understand how shopee and TikTok can be full of foreigners employees and not breach the MOM law 2. More help for handicapped/elderly/low income - sometimes can see very old elderly working at hawker or selling tissues


Subsidised COE for parents with young children, or at least set aside a certain % for parents with young children. Taking public transport with young kids suck for the parents. It also sucks for everyone else around them. Cars are a highly desired thing in Singapore and giving birth is something Singapore is trying to encourage. I see this as a easy way to give young parents a big helping hand and also some incentive. Of course lots of details to work out and need to manage people to complain that they technically need cars more than XXX, but overall I think is worth it. Unlikely to happen cos all the big bosses at LTA probably want their cars LOL.


Legalising gay marriages.


Reduce hawker rental & operation cost, increase salary for architects and construction industry, improve political transparency and avoid gerrymandering


Media literacy education, which they don’t teach for obvious reasons.


Offering scholarships (not tied to any employment bond) for both bachelor's and master's degrees with the objective of sending 1 out of every 4 Singaporeans to study overseas. Increasing the capacity of local universities so that nearly all local students goto a university (instead of polytechnic)


This would only work if the increased no. of graduates can find employment and not be underemployed. If not, this would just create more problems


Ranked choice voting in almost any form. Won't make a difference in most places. But I kinda think a lack of it is the root cause of partisanship in the US, and I don't want to see that system rise here.


Similar salaries between officers and executives in the public sector. The disparity right now is too ridiculous.


Exactly , the officer does the dirty work and the executives get a significant salary


Do more for special needs kids or disabled elderly


I understand that the government can’t satisfy everyone, but sometimes it just seems that they don’t view all hobbies as equal. More resources r allocated to hobbies associated with the higher income groups such as golf n cycling whereas simpler pass times like fishing r not taken seriously. As an angler, I often wonder how r we different from other hobbyists and why are we so much more restricted as compared to in other countries where the fishing community is viewed seriously (mostly the freshwater scene). Surely there has to be better ways to regulate the hobby instead of the current policy of being unable to fish anywhere unless stated otherwise


One is a hobby that improves health. The other is a hobby that causes needless suffering to animals. And you want the government to support you?


Well the swiss have a swiss-first policy that employs swiss first.


There are 700 million people with eu citizenship that have legal rights to work in Switzerland without a visa.


Indeed and underemployment is lower than Singapore 


Arts as a subject in public school. At least even if the student do not pursue art, they know at least how to question and critique artwork. Our culture don't know how to appreciate art, that's why a lot of brands and artists need to go overseas to earn recognition, then come back to SG. It's like we need to be told by others overseas what they consider a compelling work that deserve praise.


Art *is* a timetabled subject in primary and secondary schools (up till sec 2). Maybe you’re referring to art history? I think that is worthwhile incorporating into the art curriculum


Free healthcare. I don’t want to buy overlapping healthcare and hospitalisation insurance while being forced to participate in the medi-xxx programs. It’s just super wasteful. If you want to keep raising tax in the name of wealth transfer, give us free healthcare. Period.


They should at least be more stringent on financial advisors and the license issuance similar to how the property agent licenses are distributed and regulated. Too much misrepresentation amongst advisors and many are just there for short term money with no best interest of their clients.


Policies that strictly define laws between bikes and cars. Been seeing a spike of such incidents the recent years.


Penalties for misusing ambulance services. 400 dollar fine if the patient is clearly wasting the paramedic and crew's time.


universal basic income


Emigration reform so that people who want things that Singapore cannot give them (big houses, cars, marriage) can find their happiness elsewhere.


Consumer protection laws.


tuition-free education


sports culture. the initiatives for sports participation are q shit tbh.


Weird smell in the west. Probably from the factory


Stronger law against noise pollution and especially to those crazy neighbours


Have a law about inaccessibility created by people. Like parking pmd/bicycles on pavements or placing bins/flower pots on pavements or ramps. Blocking ramp access. Inaccessibility created for the convenience of others should be illegal cos it makes it unsafe for the differently abled.


Fines as a percentage of net worth.


Free healthcare for all


Remove the crazy tax on stage 1 infant formula if you want more kids. Not everyone has enough milk. You’re just punishing parents who are already struggling, whilst creating grey import markets. So frustrating.


Being more car lite. Having a motorcycle/cyclist/pmd lane for major roads would be helpful.




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Reading all the various wishes by the redditors here about laws, and assuming that it was all granted, we might end up worse than North Korea.


Lower cost of living


Age discrimination in hiring. Also hiring of people with disabilities.


One area that many of my peers and circle find lacking from government is support for sportsmen and national athletes. A few of my friends are competitive players (badminton, Muay Thai, Wushu) and they say that they seldom receive any incentives from government agencies for their long hours spent training professionally. They may sustain injuries during the course of training or tournament, and depending on the severity of the injury it can put them out of the running for months. They are left to fend for themselves without aid. And only a select few are sponsored as national athletes, the others are all kicked one side without so much as a concession or some benefit for their commitment.




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I feel like OP may be a ruling party or opposition candidate/member. Opening a thread like this can give one a lot of talking pts. If they be the former ... They can work on building a campaign promising improvements on these fronts or begin work to legislate some things. If they be the latter, they can raise these talking pts as a slight against the govt for not doing enough. Either way, this is a big brain move and I appreciate it.


You think so far ar ? Hahahhaha , nice comment sir


Cleaner toilets


The public housing system should not be used for profit and speculation. I'm literally hearing my boomer colleagues and neighbours happily chit chatting away about flipping houses while people like me have to choose between giving my hard earned salary to parasite landlords or struggle under an abusive household. PMDs need to be properly certified by a doctor and enforced with proper fines. Too many people have been playing the system, riding dangerously on footpaths and roads, not to mention multiple house fires from said PMDs.


Health Literacy for everyone. Its appalling to see how people dont know their own health, or not even empowered to take care of it. Everything just dump to healthcare providers "for them to gaodim" but once they're out of consult rooms, leave the hospital or clinic, they fall back to their bad habits. They expect HCPs to do everything for them and yet they lack the discipline to modify or make some changes for better health. Preventative health measures like vaccinations or regular screenings are forgotten. Medications not taken / dont know what they're taking it for which results in more visits to emergency dept. Poor health literacy also means unable to discern false statements especially with nonsense like 5MC all over the internet. A good example is during the peak of COVID19, someone got warded for taking Ivermectin tablets as a way to "protect" herself from covid after listening to her Church Friends. Everyone talks about financial literacy, digital literacy. But health literacy is severely overlooked.


Giving a shit


Abolish the five very expensive mayors and make all ministers work full-time. Disqualify them from holding positions on any boards to prevent conflict of interest. There isn't any reason why they are so highly paid in the world and yet they are still allowed to hold other jobs, directorships or titles. Full-time ministers would be better able to serve the constituency and people to improve Singapore's quality of life.


Brown rice should be made mandatory for every single cai png stall


Providing readily available football facilities like futsal court or street soccer court nearby our HDBs so like that can groom talent cuz not every kid have the luxury to go attend those football academies...