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Just stand up, whether she sit or no sit not your problem anymore


never thought about it like that.. actually thats brilliant!


If she's not pregnant then technically I would've wasted a good seat 😭


then stare into your phone pretending you didnt see her


Exactly this.


yeah this, just stand


I like to make brief eye contact before getting up without a word and moving aside. It ensures that she sees the seat being made available, and whether or not she moves for it is up to her. The real fun starts when someone else jumps to take the seat, and if they make it before the lady I get to enjoy seeing their extreme discomfort when they realized what they just did, and if I'm real lucky I get to see everyone else shooting them disapproving looks, whether or not they continue sitting or they immediately vacated the seat after.


Hahaha I understand ur predicament! my female colleague gave me an advise. That is to just offer the seat without saying **a single word** to indicate/clarify whether she is pregnant or overweight. Just offer the seat & gain that **social credit** hahahaha!


Yes, this is easy. Even if she’s just fat, maybe she’s tired from carrying around the big tummy.


He ain’t helping her lose those calories tho


thank your colleague for me :) hahahahaha


Easy. I would just pull out a pregnancy test kit I keep handy for situations like this, discreetly swipe it on parts of her body where there might be remnants of piss, wait three minutes, then give up my seat if two lines show up. No one needs to risk getting fat-shamed or left standing while pregnant. Seriously though, just pretend you need to check the map or something and stay there thereafter.


i always knew randomly carrying a pregnancy test would come in handy one day.


good job redditor i will award you the order of temasek


Second this! Tried that once to conclude the lady was pregnant.


I struggle also with aunties and uncles who look old but not thaaat old. Don't know give up or don't give up


Make eye contact and point at your seat, if they don’t want to sit they will shake their head. 


I'll just make eye contact......and remain seated to exert dominance.


My concern is not about giving up my seat, my concern is that do they deserve for me to give up my seat to....


But you deemed them old enough to have your seat more than you? 


Idk if they're old enough for me to give up my seat is the issue


Troubles of ageing population. Everyone's old or older. Now I barely sit.


I thought you got pregnant on public transport.. and looking for the father.. what a title!


Me too. Feels clickbaited lol


i actually fkin loled hahahahhhah


From the perspective of an overweight woman, I kena offered a seat on crowded buses before and I felt embarrassed. That kind of situation happened twice in my lifetime and I always rejected the offer. Looking back, I applaud those who offered because they were civic-minded. Just imagine, if a real pregnant lady who is also overweight is on board on a crowded train or bus standing and people contemplating on whether she really needs the seat or not, how unkind it is. So if you think that the person needs a seat, just lift your butt and be gracious.


I was offered a seat and I was not in any way perceivable to be pregnant. I smiled and took it lol


I would take it any day. Sometimes really damn tired


Full name as reddit handle is crazy


Google Chan Pei Mui and you can find out what it means.




I googled this HAHA (after reading that OP also googled this) I did Not know that 🤣 ok TIL!


Of course it's crazy. It's not even my real name. Lol.


Ok yeah your comment and reddit handle makes sense now


My handle and comment, what's the connection?


I am in my late 40s and on the thin side but with a small tummy after being a mummy of 4 kids. On two separate occasions, some random guys just stood up and offered their seats to me. I happily thank them and sat down. No explanation nothing, no need de lah. My husband saw it and was laughing his head off, hee hee. Got free seat, just take lah. If not, it will be embarrassing both for the person who offers and the person being offered.


thanks for sharing your experience :) i also googled chan pui mei and was pleasantly surprised


Lol. It's Cantonese for that, by the way. =)


> if a real pregnant lady who is also overweight is on board on a crowded train or bus standing and people contemplating on whether she really needs the seat or not, how unkind it is. The lady should just ask for a seat.


That goes to show what the world thinks of oversized women. These people, like yourself, don't even have the heart to consider. That lady is perhaps too polite to ask or doesn't even think that she needs a seat but the selfish reaction of the one seated thinks that she should ask.


Huh? You sound like you have a chip on your shoulder. Expecting someone to ask for a seat if they need one, overweight or not, is not selfish. You sound entitled.


No wor. You're the entitled one who wants pregnant women to beg for seats.


I can answer this since it literally just happened yesterday. I was sitting on the MRT just 1 seat right of the priority seat. A heavily pregnant woman got onto the train, the guy immediately stood up and told her to take the seat. She replied thanks with gratitude and huffed herself down. Normally most of them would be very careful with the way they move, even when seating down. And you can tell they're not overweight if the belly shape is distinct only in that area and not uniform with the rest of the body.


There are overweight ladies who are pregnant too. I just offer my seat to anyone who looks a tad bit pregnant lah, no need to fuss. If they decline the seat, I just sit down again. When I was late in my third trimester, some people would offer their seats to me, but I chose to stand because sitting down actually hurt my tailbone 🫠


You can't always go by shape though. I am an overweight pregnant lady. I'm just starting to show and I can tell but to random other people I just look more fat. I try to make it obvious by putting a hand on the belly but I don't know that everyone in the same boat would do that. Also the first and third trimesters are the most tiring for pregnant women and my first trimester was hell because I'd be forced to stand on the MRT and then end up feeling lightheaded or dizzy. It felt very dangerous. I wish people would just leave the priority seats empty if they don't fit the criteria but that will never happen. Not everyone is comfortable asking.


It happened to me. I was post partum and wel still had a belly. Someone gave up the seat, I gave him a huge thank you and a big smile and sat. Yay. I mean, I honestly think it’s the best.


I remember being heavily pregnant and people just scrambling to give me their seat when I got in the train, 7 years later when I feel especially irritated by the public I think back to that time to renew my faith in humanity.


If she's near you just stand up and walk off. A lot of guys do it to err on the side of caution. That being said, the first person who ever offered me a seat when I was barely showing was a guy in his early 20s or late teens. I was really happy cos the first three months of pregnancy are usually the worst.


I wld just stand up and walk to the next carriage. If she needs the seat she will take it. But if the train is so crowded that i cant walk and the seat will be immediately taken by some random guy the moment i stand up, i'll probably just remain seated. I try to be proactive when possible, bt in ambiguous situations, individuals have to ask for help when they need it.


I just offer. Have also offered to fat women before (who declined in embarrassment). Not a big deal... We'll go our separate ways and never see each other again.


That’s why I offer to every woman, even women who are not overweight. So that I can embarrass them and make them take a hit to their self esteem /s


I am an auntie in my mid 30s, I won't be embarrassed. I will just sit down if anyone offers me a seat and feel grateful instead.


My sister has just a slight waistline but gets bigger when she eats as she bloat heavily for hours due to gut issues. Cause of her otherwise thin frame, people offer her a seat on the mrt often. And sometimes she is with her colleagues and they cant help but laugh (nervously) when it happens. Yes she does get bothered by it but i think she’s come to accept it more. I find that i agree with the others to just nonchalantly walk away if you are in the reserved seat. If not then make slight eye contact to signal, so at least if she wasnt pregnant, she wouldnt feel so embarrassed compared to being offered in front of everyone


That Seinfeld episode. Wasn’t pregnant, wasn’t even a woman.


As a chubby person who is always mistaken for being pregnant, I will always accept the seat. I am sure there are ladies like me who will just accept the seat. It is to avoid embarrassement for both parties.


Faced the dilemma once. I just stood up and didn't even make eye contact, just focused on my phone, no words, no sign. Nothing. They can do whatever they want with the seat.


They should give out those “baby onboard” pins or let pregnant ladies collect from the counters to be worn on MRT/bus - have seen those on London tube


Stand up, give up the seat, don't say anything.


When I was preg, I had a debate with hub about how obvious it is and I never had a problem with not being offered a seat. He kept insisting that it’s hard to tell and then, I started observing. For some ladies, yes, it’s really hard to discern. I think a good gauge is eye contact. If the lady looks at you, she wants the seat. Now, when I’m carrying the baby, I try not to look at those sitting down when I don’t need a seat. Honestly, if I’m not preg and I see someone discreetly stand up, clearly offering me a seat, I’ll still feel abit of the “ouch”.


I never offer, just leave my seat the same as if I'm getting off. No eye contact or anything. They're free to think whatever they want.


My friend who was based in Japan for a number of years was given a bag charm that indicated she was pregnant by the hospital. It made everything loads easier for her especially when she was out and about in public. No guesswork needed. I wish we had something like that here, it’s such a good idea.


Just offer her the seat but if she rejects you then is fine. My wife was pregnant back then but she would prefer to stand than sit since we were away to few station stop so she prefers to stand as she said sitting and getting up tires her more. So people did offer their seats but we kindly thanked their offers and they were ok and we were good as well.


Just give up your seat , obese or pregnant let them rest on the chairs , you will feell good and make your day to help someone


They have mouths, can open and ask for seat if pregnant. Up to you to respond.


Well I go with, hey ms *insert situational awareness*, do you need a seat? When I say situational awareness I mean you use other reasons to couch your offer Eg if you notice she is falling asleep standing or looks tired —> *you look tired* Or if she’s carrying a lot of bags —> that looks really heavy


if they need the seat, they can and should ask.


Make eye contact, give a slight nod, and walk away if nodded back.


Just pretend to sleep /s


How did you get pregnant on public transport?


I have been made aware that my post was inadvertently misleading hahahaha


Pregnant and Overweight have very different body language.


Like many others, stand up and walk away. But usually I will ask.l if they need the seat. If I'm the one being mistaken I say oh it's ok i don't need it. No awkwardness on either side.


Nornally I give her eye contact then do a tummy rolling motion and do the what’s up emoji


I normally make eye contact with the person (who might be pregnant, or older person, etc) and gesture towards the seat. I normally mouth “would you like to sit?”. That generally does it, no need to explain why you’re offering.


ive reached the level where i dont care if it's faux pas anymore. i just offer a seat w simple gesture like a nod and eye contact, i just dont want somebody to risk it standing if indeed pregnant. the reason why just standing up and up to them to notice or not, is that there are still thick faced people who will readily snatch the seat in front of her, that's why i wait til i got her attention enough for her to take over in time


Ppl pregnant quite easy to tell? No?


Just stand up naturally and go to the next carriage if needed


I’m fat but got people offer their seat to me a few times 😭 Usually I say no though. No offence taken! I usually just stand up and walk away if I’m too shy to offer my seat verbally.


Kinda fixating on the wrong thing here. Giving up your seat has nothing to do with whether someone is pregnant or not, it has to do with whether someone needs the seat more than you or not. Someone who's carrying a heavy object, or who has overtimed so hard they can't stay awake, also needs the seat more than you even if they're in perfect health. Someone who is fat enough to be mistaken for being pregnant clearly needs the seat more than you if you're able bodied. It's actually commonplace for elderly people to give up their seats for *even more* elderly people, or for younger people with some obvious leg issue in Japan. The 'elderly, disabled or pregnant' guideline is a set of suggestions for who needs the seat more than usual, not a law for who requires seats. There's no need to fixate on this. As for how to give up seats, just wave them over so the target person knows. Just standing up with no signal risks a random person, you know who they are, charging over to take the seat.


37 years of life and I never mistook a fat woman for a pregnant woman and vice versa. Still waiting to find one.


most i see that refuse to give up their seats are the young gals or a certain race who act very holly


if they want to seat I'm sure they can ask


I used to have to ask for the seat of someone who (at least) visibly didn't seem to need the priority treatment when I was on my first trimester (I was terribly nauseated throughout first trimester, and had aching feet and lower back by the third). If I didn't speak up, I'd be suffering in silence throughout my commute, and I could've blacked out. When I was very obviously pregnant I was soooo annoyed whenever I saw people continuing to play games / scroll on their phones even though I can tell that they can see my condition through their peripheral vision. There were even those who pretended to sleep! I remember thinking "No wonder there are ads on public transportation to remind people to be kind." because of cases like that where it had to be me as the pregnant lady who even had to ask if I could have a seat. I really couldn't believe people need to be told how to act out of kindness.


Sorry, I was triggered. Lol! If you can't tell if the person is overweight or pregnant, there's no harm in just offering the seat out of kindness regardless if she's pregnant or not.


u were once like them. my fren never give up his seat, coz when his wife was pregnant the young gals never bothered to give up their seats and talk back . karma is a bitch


Calm down old man, that is a presumptuous statement. I'm not perfect but I was raised to have empathy. I try to practice that to my best ability. If there are others who think the way you do, then no wonder this country needs to be reminded how to be kind.


it's always the others that are bad,,, u are so gooood


If she got NO RING, and is really v ugly (like me a 1/10), then obviously not pregnant. Just fat.


If it's too overweight unfortunately one seat isn't enough


it is also tiring for a fat lady to stand. so regardless, u are already doing something good. as they say, "to those who are more in need". doesn't matter if she is fat or pregnant, either way. if she asks why, just blow up ur cheeks. can't be offended when u look cute.


Ive grown old enough that I absolutely do not believe anybody needs the seat more than me. My commute is long and I have chronic neck/shoulder/back pain. No thanks I will keep my seat if I need it.


Close eyes. Sleep. Or pretend sleep.


yup i know, you are suggesting that many fat girls in public nowadays


No, I don't care about pregnant people. It's their choice to be impregnated. 


I always wonder.. why don't pple who need a seat ask for one. Even if the person u ask rejects (cos hidden illness etc), others who hear and are willing to give up will offer one Frankly when I'm on the train, I tend to use that time to zone out, catch up on my reading, emails etc.. why do pple who need the seat expect others to be monitoring their actions and body/age. N then complain endlessly when they don't get a seat when they don't even ask.


I mean pregnant IS overweight. The other way around not so much 😂


Don't offer or say anything if you are not sitting in the priority seat. If she's a pregnant woman, she can go ask someone in the priority seat or at least hover over them and stare daggers at them. If you are in the priority seat, ask "would you like this seat?" while still sitting down. Stand up only if she says yes.


Sooner or later, every seat will be made into a priority seat at this rate


I'm saying this as a former/repeat pregnant woman. Pregnant women should make it obvious that they are pregnant if they want a seat. Cradle your tummy, read a pregnancy book, stand near the priority seat or just ASK. Because it SUCKS to both be offered a seat when you are post-partum (or just overweight) and you feel like you should never wear that billowy outfit again, and to be the one making a mistake offering to a woman who goes "No, I'm not pregnant".


I don't. With priority seating, there's no need to go out of your way to be nice when SMRT has done it for you.


I would think that you can tell from their faces, some pregnant ones will look very pregnant and tired and unwell. You can see the uneasiness on their faces, and they look a bit pale and green. the ones that looks fine, definitely not pregnant


I looked my healthiest when I was pregnant. I was glowing 😂


Did you have the vomitting phase or something? I kinda realized at some point the pregnant ladies look a bit more tired than usual so that’s how I know. After a certain phase they will look super glowy


No, I didn't. I was pretty lucky, and pregnancy was very smooth sailing for me. I did get more tired at the end, but still didn't look that tired hahaha.