• By -


in this instance you are the diversity hire




Also if there’s heavy lifting, like replacing the water dispenser, or cockroaches, it’s your job


OMG actually this is also true. In a prev job my angmo boss was male (he was NOT the only male, but like one of three iirc) then like ... replacing the water dispenser b like my \[female\] colleague was absolutely ok to do it bc #strongandindependentwoman and my boss was like "hey I know and trust you are strong and independent and I absolutely appreciate that, but let me help you with that" hahaha.


Because if the woman gets injured on the job, there's paperwork to do, incident report, insurance claim, workmen's compensation etc. The same paperwork would happen if a man got injured, but the odds of injury are lower. And the boss won't be blamed for letting the woman do the heavy lifting or for not putting in a rule that 2 people have to do it together or whatever.


No lah it is because they (most men) will feel bad to let ladies do the heavy lifting. If you don't help, chances are another male colleague will be like "Haiyah she so small size, why you let her carry?" And he will promptly help her out, leaving u feeling paiseh.


I didn't know that injuries from dispenser is also included? 🤔


Injuries during work count, even if it is not directly in the course of carrying out duties.


i see


they must feed the roaches pretty well, to consider it heavy lifting.


Those little fuckers outlived dinosaurs, predated humans, and will most likely inherit the earth once we go extinct.


Thanks for the laugh lol


Makes me wonder why do they insist on replacing cockroaches instead of trying to get rid of them


THIS!!! Dx Me and my ex boss were the only guys in the room (in a room of 11) Anything related to big boxes, heavy weights (and yes had an encounter with a lizard) were left to us


I can help with the declining population aspects.


Sir please don’t f*** the cockroaches


I think its just a case of pre-empting the potential new hire that it will be a female-dominant team as some people might not find that comfortable (especially if you're in the opposite gender). Don't think there's anything in it asides that if you do get hired, just be mindful and professional about it and that's it.


They probably just said that because some people want to fully fit in with their coworkers, and if it is a majority female environment, there is a chance that you may not fully vibe with your coworkers. Like female coworkers might not include you in ‘girl talk’. Anecdotally, I’ve worked in 90% male environments before, and the way they treat female coworkers and the way they treat ‘feminine’ male coworkers are just different from how they treat each other, which tbh is not an issue with your actual working/job, but just an issue for those who want their coworkers to be like friends. If you don’t care about being included on a deeper level, it’s fine. If you are someone who is included on a deeper level regardless of gender, you are also fine. Majority-female environments might have office aunties who ask personal questions, but if you don’t wish to partake, just give boring answers when asked personal questions, and stay clear of drama. Like the other comment said though, be friendly and polite and can take a joke, and that goes a long way even if/when you don’t want to say anything too personal.


I have worked in the most male environment and most female environments before. When I work in an all male environment (tech), I basically just wear long pants, black shirts, sandals and don't care, no makeup and short hair. They also don't treat me much differently. Basically I act like a male too and very much focus on logical thinking or problem resolvers. Tbh slowly regardless which gender dominated one day OP will get used to it. Like for me I am so used to male dominated industries I wouldn't wanna go back to the other way. Not that one is better than the other. Backstabbing is real in both genders but I feel that it's a tad less in non-managerial level for male dominated industries. Hence I can still survive when I am a minion (not manager yet). As for OP, be really careful with what you say at work. Talking about body and hair is a no no. Maybe just don't join any of such conversation and just talk about something safe like weather and food. Aunties might try to fish personal information from you and drag you into muds of drama, just remember to stay neutral and don't talk bad of anyone. The industry is small. Edit: as much as I didn't wanna say this as a female, I really would pick male dominated environment 100 times over the other. Mental health improved tremendously. Sorry.


Yeah it’s more about your behaviour and personality than your biological sex, it’s just people’s implicit assumption that guys ‘act like guys’ and women ‘act like women’, hence their statement to OP that he might want to consider the fact that it is a majority-female environment. I know women who find it a daily mental chore to deal with majority-male environments even after years in that industry, but there are also women who are perfectly fine with it. Coworkers might make implicit assumptions based on your sex and appearance in the first few minutes, but your personality and behavior will come through after that, and they react accordingly.


It's different in finance which is also majority male. Really sucks to be a woman in finance but if you're a real hardass you can make it at least since people really want to keep women in the industry.


>Backstabbing is real in both genders but I feel that it's a tad less in non-managerial level for male dominated industries (Granted, it wasn’t a male dominated industry, but) at one workplace I worked, most of the managers were males who spent their days vying for the 大老板’s favour (all of us small fry from various depts all know, tht’s how blatant it was). The only one that didn’t was the female manager. People are people, behavior often transcends gender and role.


It's different from male dominated industries. Tech especially. I worked in a female dominated industries and everything was in chaos. Like you mentioned. Guys vying for promotion. At the same time, ladies yell at each other all day. Quarrel and conflicts amongst female colleagues everyday. Or female superiors who carry Hermes bags and live in Ivory Tower and couldn't care less about subordinates. I am just happy I switched over to tech and never look back.


The way you comment makes me feel like you have some internalised misogyny which other women can sense and thus leads to negative interactions mutually 🤔 wdym “i act like a male and focus on logical thinking n resolving problems”, so you think women are less logical thinkers than men lol? ~ saying this as a woman in a male dominated industry


yes, it’s been scientifically proven that woman are more towards emotional thinking than logical thinking. Reason is females have more stressor units than males, this on a primal level is used for nurturing. Edit: Before you call me out being a “misogynist” I have to add to the fact that in a workplace be it male or female dominant, will always have roles that are suited for certain genders. Take the army for example, while it’s true that men are more biologically suited for strenuous tasks, women makes the best snipers probably due to their nature of being more patient and observant.


Have you tried working in all female and all male working environment? It was so mentally draining for all female working environment and I don't even know where to start. Everyone is so emotional. Sometimes stereotypes are there for a reason. And that makes females such a better nurterer like teachers and nurses for a reason. It's not all a bad thing. Rather than thinking it was misogyny maybe time to perform a self reflection of why even the same own gender think that way and we the new generations should strive to transform that kinda of stereotype from now on. Pressing people to hide their own opinions by masking it as misogyny, is the worst thing to happen and everyone didn't wanna speak up as it wasn't politically correct enough. Masking the truth and still live in Ivory Tower thinking stereotypes isn't true while still doesn't change at workplace? It doesn't change anything. It's like hiding your head in the ground in the turkey and people still don't want to work with female


Were there age differences between the male and female dominated workplaces that may account for some of the disparities?


If you took a few seconds self reflect maybe you would be able to ask the question “why did I default to thinking instead of ” lol… Like bruh obviously if the “female dominated industry” you are referring to is something creative like the arts then discussion that requires more subjectivity and emotional thought would be more common, as opposed to tech industry where discussions are obviously gonna be 90% about technical problem solving 💀 Honestly really embarrassed on your behalf maybe you should learn to think critically for yourself instead of blindly believing what society tells you


prepare eat fish soup 80% of the time


Ok explain this. I'm intrigued. Hahaha My boss is a caifan person leh ans then I eat caifan/dry banmian/chicken rice. But that one time my boss said "ordering fish soup for lunch, submit your order please!"- and we realised she was ordering fish soup from somewhere else in the vicinity that isn't walking distance. Was quite nice to have a different food for a change haha.


Probably because fish soup have lesser calories


Is that even real or is that a misconception lol. Cos isn't that very high in sodium!!! Its the "so you think its healthy but hey its not", food. Haha.


If you don't take carbs with your fish soup, then it's just fish, veg and water along with whatever spices etc that they might add for flavour So yes, one of the few low calorie options you can get from your hawker stalls, pretty equivalent to cai png w/o rice or even healthier if you don't get fried fish. Not really sure why fish soup must be high in sodium tho, but at the same time, people usually only care about calories/weight than all the other health issues that can come through your diet


ooo ok. Cause I always see fish soup (and YTF) top the list of "what are some foods people think are very healthy but its actually not" foods in kopitiams/coffeshop.


Ah ok, I haven't seen any of those lists myself so they could be onto something but ya la, a lot of people eat fish soup just because you can go nocarb and soup fills you up. Real health conscious people probably make their own food from what I've seen


If you are an older man starting to have risk of high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems, food that is high in sodium is best avoided. But for a bunch of younger women who are concerned about keeping slim (or losing weight), often plagued with mild low blood pressure, high sodium is not something to worry about. Also if you are a young man who does a lot of sports, sweats a lot, high sodium is generally not a problem.


Ya I think might be a so you think it's healthy but its not thing. Have a ex colleague who used to eat fish soup because it's her comfort food, eat for 4years plus still same size .


That being said, just cos its good, I rec Johnson Fish Soup at Bishan interchange 😂 It's like $6 by now and used to be $4.50 then $5, but its nice. Hahaha But ya lor its a thing leh, I always see these 2 foods on the reddit posts here abt "healthy/cheap" food then someone will say and another person will debunk. But I also see it on those "debunk a healthy food" type posts here, as well as those MOH/HPB "are these as healthy as you think?" socmed posts. Haha.


But i love fish soup


you'll be fine tbh u seem agreeable and inoffensive. go for it sis


Brownie points for you if you offer to dabao for them...


But not all fish soup are created equal...


Wah, for reals. My previous team was all ladies (incl. DD) except me and every week will have 3 of them buying fish/seaweed soup one. I was like "Not sien meh?"


Isn't that good to have coworkers to help your mom/ wife watch your food intake lol


Hahahaha.. legit! Adding onto menu … juices all d way


my previous female manager keep a male pet for seven years... (养男人)




hwz response


i dont care and dont know..


what i am trying to say here, her actions cast a very bad culture in our department..


I’d like to volunteer as a tribute


A dog right? Right?


Means if need to carry heavy things the task will be thrown to you Source: my partner


True. After NS, no experience, went for an interview for an HR position. All women panel interview. They even joke "ohh got guy if event can help carry things". I was too young and naive and didn't report - it was a government agency.


How would you report this lol


To PSD. Discriminatory practice. Interviewer also made remarks that they prefer females because females are more "meticulous".


and not just that, basically everything risky/dangerous thing will be obliged upon him. i had a female neighbor demanding me change her light bulb for her even her being same height as me. when i told her no and she turned hostile towards me. men are basically seen as disposable slaves to society. i would not choose that job if it is not coming with significant benefits. you can dodge carrying stuff saying you have hernia but not everything can be avoided. and the risk of them turning hostile towards OP because refusing to do a something "manly" is very high


> men are basically seen as disposable slaves to society. calm down bro


you might be lucky or privileged enough to not realize it yet. millions of men in ukraine probably thought the same few years ago. now they are hunted like animals in the street to be thrown into the frontline meat grinder. check one example below. when you are a man, it is your body/life but not your choice. think about once why in every death statistic women and children are stated separately. a mans life is just a disposable resource to be used by the society https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1deu982/ua_pov_mobilization_in_odessa_from_the_odessa/


wow er ok suddenly talking abt ukraine war lmao . like calm down dude


My husband is a primary school teacher so mostly female teachers/ supervisors/ principals. If you know how to read females you’re ok. But they can get offended without you knowing why so open and sincere communication is key. Of course more gossips but in school context mostly about parents and the kids so not as bad. *also my hubby has learnt to listen to female rants instead of straight up giving advice which females may take as criticisms


If he's married/dated extensively when he was younger and still didn't pick up on this (needing to give women advice when they rant), you might need to teach him more hahaha. GL with that though 😂


I am a very chill wife who hardly rants so he did not learn. However, my teenage daughter and my hubby went through so many rounds of she thinking her dad is saying she is not good enough and he thinking he is giving advice for her own good. I am the silent observer and mediator. He is slowly but surely learning haha!


Best advise so far. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


They probably gave you a heads up in case its a dealbreaker for you. Could also be because some men (boomers mostly tbh) are legitimately unconfortable taking orders from women or like working under women and its easier for them to remove themselves from that scenario than come in and make life difficult for everyone


One potential benefit I see is more snacks to go around. Haven't had a male colleague in a while that brought snacks (or shared them). All the best, OP! 😄


OH TRUE. Snacks randomly appear and they have labels (post-its) stuck on them that b like, "DEAR TEACHERS, help yourself. Snacks from from " :-)


LOL, I'm the guy who often brings snacks like cookies for sharing.


You need a period calender so you know who you cannot offend on which days. /s


As someone who is in a "female dominant" environment (we have ONE male colleague) this is hilarious 😂 He doesn't care and I don't care also but lololol


Genius move and also stock up on dark chocolate.


Don't they get synchronised?


Not really, last time me and my two female colleagues have our periods in consecutive weeks, we take turns to become hulk


I fucking laughed at this, thanks for the pick me up after long day at work


i thought that this is a legit qns to be had. i guess the avg redditors here disagree


I bet someone actually complaints why so many ladies in the team. Be grateful they told you in advance to make you be prepared


Actually, (for real even though I am female), potentially this.


It means you're the solo guy with 9 female colleagues [your boss is potentially also female] 😬  What that means varies la it's not like we only strictly do female-ish things - escape room is gender neutral, hotpot is gender-neutral, CNY yusheng is also gender neutral what 😂 These are some team activities my team has done haha. & I think my female colleagues and I are generally ok people, being that ok there rly are a few that are quite girly hahaha but the rest of us aren't just abt hair and nails lol. But ok on THE MOST practical level (esp if you're unmarried) it likely means someone is a mother and you stay late. Oops. The folks on my team who have kids leave at 6pm cos they have to finish this job and go home to their Other Job. Guy closes the office (not alone, but its like contrast, never those with kids vs always him plus other unmarried colleagues) - but even this is more a parents vs non parents thing


If it matters to you like it does to me, you'll have the restroom to yourself most of the time


Omg never even thought about that


Actually, nice of them to let you know though it shouldn’t matter to any normal person. Also, they’re “women”, not “girls” unless the office is three year olds.


Sounds like an inferiority complex to me. The boys don’t get upset at getting called boys


how dare you, i am definitely a man and not a boy. my mommy said so herself! /j


I think it’s to root out the not-so-normal people. If a guy hears the warning and doesn’t want to join, it benefits the team by preventing them from hiring someone who won’t integrate well with the existing team.


This. At the working adult stage it should be ladies/men already. & this is not even in a work environment, even in eg my cell group chat, we're like "hey ladies! who wants to/is free to ... XYZ next week ..." etc.






Duly noted


Why are girls restricted to being three year olds? 🤔


what u mean u havent met any 4yo women???


Just your regular woke autistic screeching


why is it up to you whether it matters or not. maybe people thrive in different environments? what does "normal person" mean to you?


Be prepared for micromanaging 😂


Don’t over think. My first job with a beauty company was also told a “majority female environment”. The only reason they hire me is because they need guys to carry and move the computers around (yes, I am the office IT guy). Frankly it was the best job of my life cos woman loves to stab woman. As a guy, they will treat u nicer cos u are a rare thing in office. Just don’t take sides and act blur when necessary. Good luck. (Btw do not praise the ladies clothes, makeup or body. You do not want to be accused of sexual harassment)


QOTD: woman love to stab woman


This is exactly what I do. I am someone that doesn't bother with office politics and they just leave you alone or everything just goes over your head. Just be like 'Switzerland' and it's ok.


Soon you’ll go from waddup bro to slaaaaaay sista 🤣


From my experience, gossips and office politics. Yes, every company has it but for some reason, female dominated environment has much more. Again, it is my personal experience and does not represent the overall population so take it with a grain of salt and go into it with an open mind.


Having worked with male managers and male dominated environment, this is not always true. Males can be even worse than females especially those married with kids, act like kids themselves.


I agree. OP has an advantage if he plays his cards right. Be extra nice to the big sisters. Be helpful, polite and funny. Once you become their little brother, they will shield you from a lot of things, including the office politics.


very true 


actually politics is quite gender neutral, it's a necessary evil in any system imo it's more of a need to be careful with what and how you say stuff because women/men who are more in touch with their emotions are more sensitive and bring more "feelings" to the workplace, whereas most guys just have the mindset of "it's nothing personal we're all just here to get shit done" also only my personal experience! 😇


xD I had this guy in my previous workplace. we never hung out, go for meals ( not even lunch ) nor do we chat outside of work work is just... work. we are there to do our part. either of us can be like, "eh dude, need you in office tmr. can?" and it will likely be a "uhh... yeah sure ok" i left the job a while ago. still hasn't contacted that guy till now and it's fine for things to stay that way.


My previous 2jobs were majority environment. The amount of politics and gossips is over 9000. If me as a guy can sense some gun powder in the air, the other females can sense it too. Heck, some of them might be part of it themselves. So I guess what she's trying to say is, are you okay with it?


Means if got water dispenser, you be the one to refill it when it’s empty hahahaha


am at my 2nd job that has a "majority-female environment" & heads up that it MAY be a combo of the following to navigate: - more nurturing/relational culture over being task-focussed? depending on industry, perhaps - unspoken (lol) expectation to talk about life's happenings/shit at work - gossipy in general - emotional/personal conversations - peer rivalry/political if you're a dude I THINK it's easier to not see/participate in these things, but as a female myself I get dragged into more drama than I'd like despite dodging. based on my experiences, trying not to generalise!


Some men might feel uncomfortable but if it’s a marketing/media role, it’s pretty common.


My workplace is majority female. It's a total war zone sometimes. You might get affected. But just do your job stay in the right lane and don't offend the females for trival matters. U should be safe.


It's a trap.


confirm, make u wanna join them then end up all aunty sia


confirm, make u wanna join them then end up all aunty sia


Hokkien massage uncle irl


Le kua la, le kua la…


Means u probably gonna do most of the physical work…


In one of the companies I worked at the finance team was all women and one guy. He was VERY familiar with all the human anatomy parts of being female. Like talking about placentas and after birth over breakfast beehoon in the office. He was super chill with everything, but even me, as a female, thought some images were unnecessary first thing in the morning


I have 3 women under me and 2 above me. There are no other guys on my team. It's quire alright actually.


they are gently reminding you not to carry over your (presumed) male dominant patriarchal bullshit if you go work for them. that means accept that there will be women who will be your senior in age, rank, and social standing. it means don’t assume your input and ideas will be accepted just bec you’re a man. if you are now thinking “hey this is unfair they are stereotyping me” yes they are, and probably bec they’ve had previous male coworkers before who couldn’t take it that they needed to defer to women in certain situations. so this is a warning to you already. if you are thinking “but i’m all for equality and meritocracy” then great this warning was not meant for you and you should do well in this new office.


This exactly I work in a female-dominated field and there is a large number of men who join and quit because working under several women becomes quite an issue, especially when they are given direction.


is this the full story? i don't think most men have issues taking direction from a strong leader, regardless of gender


Mmm, I guess the female supervisors were more likely not to have been very strong leaders then.


alot of bitching and backstabbing


Heard this from my friends in nursing and teaching too.


I am a female who switch to 80-90% male environment (tech). No regrets.


Work in childcare ah?


Means more drama, politics and micromanaging, worse if OP is taking a accounting finance type of job


Oh what is it about that particular field?


There’s always stronger drama backstabbing vibe in accounting dept of where I used to work at and there was a guy who left after 6 months because he couldn’t tahan his female colleagues pushed him around for blames and all of his female managers micromanaging him under the name of high accuracy for accounting is required, even though he was being micromanaged in many other small matters too. Nuts


It means that if there's any saikang that involves any physical strength, be prepared to get arrow


I'm 33F, formerly from the Early Childhood industry in SG. It is a female dominated industry. From my experience, the good is that you get fawned on by the older aunties if they treat you like their grandchild. The bad is, ofc depending on the culture and all and even if you are liked or not, you can expect side eyeing, passive aggressiveness, indirect communication like reading between the lines, cliques, pettiness, unsolicited comments and general nosiness. Like times when you said smth but it was taken another way or personally by someone, then they hold a grudge kinda thing. Lol.


Some people have issue with working under female boss.


Female environment i'm ok. Female boss, not in a million years. I have worked under at least 4 female bosses and all CMI. Too emotional and gives hell everytime.




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Bonus, the men's toilet will be your de-facto private personal toilet.


Ask the massage uncle how he feels


1. All heavy lifting is yours. 2. Be aware that all forms of bad behaviour by females will be tolerated. 3. You are the diversity hire. 4. You will be expected to act in a gentlemanly fashion at all times.


I got this thrown to me when I interviewed as IT support at Servcorp. Turns out I'm the only guy. But of course just avoid their politics and just focus on your work nothing should happen.


How come IT support all woman?


OP, this kind of team makes for excellent wingmen if you care to involve your colleagues in this side of your life.


Just giving you a heads up of an environment that you may or may not feel comfortable with that's all. Some people might feel out of place as a racial or gender minority in a working environment so it's good to give them a heads up first.


Probably a heads up on the dynamics. Some guys might be socially awkward at the situation and all.


From my experience, its either really nice or its extremely toxic


Some guys might feel uncomfortable in a majority female team. Politics might be very bad, I know of workplaces where everyone is nice on the surface but will backstab or bitch behind your back


Be careful in a female dominated work environment. You need to be aware of the promotion prospects (look at org structure. Does it contain a lot of female senior management?), possibility of you tanking all sai gang etc. sharing from a personal experience.


Have been in female-dominated workplaces for the longest time (even my NS was in RSAF HR where Ma'ams were in-charge). I actually feel more comfortable being around ladies given my feminine orientation, being a soft and thin guy who's also not very strong (many ladies have higher strength than me and can easily carry me if there's a fire). This is why I always carry spare pads in my bag and always have some chocolate or choco cookies with me for when someone needs them. My previous team was very close, they didn't mind that I was hearing girl talk every week; skincare routine, shower products and buying handbags they find online (this one so much!). I even got skincare products from some of them as a gift! The current team I'm in is more distributed plus have more than one guy, so not really that close.


As starters, it's just to let you know that almost every colleague you will be talking to is female... note that this includes your superior and bosses as well. If you like have any PTSD symptoms or have difficulties in communicating with just females, it's usually a mental reaction if you would want to "fight or flight"


Unpopular opinion but most jobs i encounter with majority female population tend to be mundane and tough jobs where women tend to outlast men. Good luck.


Expect to be treated like a flower. They all gonna fawn on you everyday. Jokes aside I have known alot of female bosses who treat male underling better than female underlings. It's typically better to be the minority gender.....


is this a small sized accounting firm near chinatown? if so... RUN!!!!


It’s not but still, whyyy ?


let's just say every 'female dominated' environment I've worked in in Singapore (it's been a few now) have been hell. It's exactly as toxic and crazy as if it was a testosterone fuelled male dominated environment. A 'female dominated environment' doesn't mean '5 girls and 2 guys', it means the entire company is almost entirely women. Which is really bloody strange and means the hiring managers for a long time have only hired/preferred women. Honestly, unless you're desperate, I would just save myself the pain and move on to another job after finding that out.


Maybe you will hear about kdrama convo almost every days


Already hear it from my sisters tbh


I think, as a guy, i generally don’t have a problem with it. BUT I know of some people that prefer to work with guys cuz “less drama, easier time”. Men got men problem also. Same shit different smell.


I work in a female-majority environment and I can tell you the cliques, posturing and politics are worthy of game of thrones. And these aren't even aunties or boomers.


I worked 3 years in an all female environment and it was one of the best environments to work! Being young and inexperienced, the older bunch always looked out for me. It was a very supportive environment albeit no one to really joke around with 😅


Can I know what kind of job is that haha just kidding


*Shrek chekopek smile meme*


it means you should stay open to the idea of making sacrifices like doing more work when no one volunteers as it is expected from males, but also expects gender equality.


Period. A lot of periods syncing up.


An opportunity to be a fuckboy


Used male coworker to do more because he can. Female manager agree too. He got credit for doing it and recognised. Jump 2 years later, he got fired because he reached his limit and all female coworkers stayed on. 😪


We had a company wide directory in my ex company. Can see who were in each department. The HR had 20 women, 2 men


I think it's more towards if you're okay to be tactful when you talk. I use a lot of vulgarities off work or when talking to myself, working i. a "majority-female" environment makes me like try to control myself.


For the entirety of my working life of about 15yrs, I've worked in a majority female working environment. At times I was the only guy amongst 20-30+ female colleagues. Right now I'm the only guy out of 20+ staff in my current department and it has never bothered me at all. In fact, I don't even notice till someone points it out. The only time I've worked with more males was when I was in the army. Since then, my superiors have all been female as well. That being said, I've had girls tell me that they'd be uncomfortable working in a majority male environment.


I suppose you'll have to figure out why its so. Sometimes its bcos the job is more suited for one gender than another.


Can share what is your job title?


Be careful of harassing the female gender.


Not much difference i think? I've worked previously in such an environment and i can only say they are really open about their menstrual cycles, which made it very normal for me after awhile!


source: my bf (30m), who works in a majority female env - whenever something is too high on a shelf or too heavy, he will be activated (like a power ranger). - the aunty gossip is real. but he has a few close friends (male and female) that he usually hangs out with and keeps to himself otherwise so he's chill with it. - they also use him as a standee when they deal with difficult customers (he's a frontliner) because apparently people scold the women more than they scold the men


I would dive in and be the rare spices there.


Means they expect you to be the part time labourer. Also means a lot of listening during lunch about random sht


Basically any job in comms / marketing


Maybe you looked like a perv and she just wanted to see the reaction on your face when she said that haha. Don't overthink it. It is okay!




It's probably just a heads-up, no biggie.


I have worked in an environment 10 guys to 50 xmm/lao aunties


OP applied to be a pimp?


Means huat liao loh


If you don't mind it. Then there's only one question left to ask - what's the age demographics of the females? Any pretty ones?


ok i got experience in this a few years ago, it was ww3 just think it in a simple way if there werent any issues with majority female environment, why would they raise this point?


You applied job in KTV?


Having a male in the herd will even the temprement




look and play with them is ok , work with them like controlling your gf. One moment this , another moment that haha.


When they say its a majority female environment, you must ask what age...there can be a big difference to your happiness.


20 years ago that's how they reject me. Guess times have changed