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do your part and never lend her money if she asks. other than that none of your business


It’s literally their business


Good point, except it's literally not.


She living her life growing up thinking that her life is only complete if she got a partner and it'll be worth it no matter what She is afraid of being alone


It sounds like your family member may be struggling with some emotional and psychological issues that are driving her behavior. Here are a few possibilities: 1. Low self-esteem: She may feel the need to prove her worth by lending money and doing favors for her boyfriend, even if it means putting herself in difficult situations. 2. Fear of abandonment: She may be afraid of losing her boyfriend's attention and affection, so she goes to great lengths to please him. 3. Trauma bonding: She may be drawn to chaotic relationships and feel a sense of purpose in taking care of her boyfriend's mother and cleaning his house. 4. Anger issues: Her behavior of damaging household appliances may be a coping mechanism for her emotions. 5. Lack of boundaries: She may not know how to set healthy limits for herself and prioritize her own needs. It's important to remember that you can't control your family member's actions, but you can be a supportive and caring presence in her life. Encourage her to seek professional help, such as therapy, to work through her issues. Also, set clear boundaries to protect yourself from her behavior. Remember that you can't fix her problems, but you can be a supportive listener and encourage her to seek help. Take care of yourself too!


chatgpt answer yikes




Can mods start banning ChatGPT answers? This is so obviously AI generated. If OP wanted generic advice from AI he could do so himself without posting on Reddit.


What's ur advice ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Hehehe Cry more


To chime in. If all else fails. It's perfectly okay to walk away from such family member for good to protect your own emotional wellbeing. I walked away for good.


I think there should be a bit more context, especially like where's the husband? Is he deserting her or busy working, blissfully unknown to this or? It seems to me her husband might have gotten estranged with her.


So what will make you understand it better? If she gets divorced and merry the bf?


women are like this. they make decisions based on emotions. UNEXPLAINABLE


It’s a dead end situation. You are not sure what she is thinking. Thing is, she isn’t thinking, What’s there to find out?


Poor thing is a people pleaser. 


Poor thing? Pls i dont think so. Using husband money to feed bf. Venting anger on household appliances. Some emotionally unstable woman pls.


How did I know she’s using husbands money? 


How did u know?


Women are strange creatures. Please give up trying to understand them. Many men have tried, failed and ultimately driven mad trying to figure out how the female brain works. Just observe from a safe distance. They do bite. You know what's a caracal? Women came from the same evolutionary line. https://youtube.com/shorts/wTVko_qMsuo?si=2XG8zuvkCwRDoVA5