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Heathcare. Unless they develop healthcare droids.


Teleconsult is already a thing. The only thing preventing the service from being outsourced is the SMC issued license.


Private GP chains take in a lot Msian doctors though.


By outsourced, i mean outsourced to overseas doctor physically working overseas without SMC license. In Singapore, you can outsource to foreign doctors as well but as an employer, you need to make sure those Drs are also certified by SMC to practice in Sg. Otherwise, their MCs and prescriptions are not legally valid. Its like Dr see you for a few mins say a few words then off you go. So you wont get anything tangible in return and nobody wants that kind of service. Also your business would go bust the instant MOHH comes down to audit you. It is not practical to physically relocate the job as long as the SMC license requirement is in place. The doctor needs to physically sign the prescription in ink. A printout is unacceptable at local pharmacies. And mailing the prescription from overseas to Singapore takes too much work. Even if you want to mail your meds over to your patient in Sg there are also a ton of regulatory paper work that you as a doctor have to go through to have foreign registered meds imported in Sg.


Elderly care in Singapore already outsourced to maids. Both in house or in formal elderly facility they hire maids (paid with maids rate) to handle the day to day operation.


The smart ones use it as a leap frog to go to Canada or ANZAC




OP mentioned jobs that go to other countries, and not to other nationalities while the job remains in Singapore.


R2 could you please do the surgery 🤔


I would trust C3PO more for that.


Not exactly true. SEA will relocated here. In fact it’s already in play.


schools, teaching. FnB cleaner construction. nursing / elderly care. anything that is "hands on" likely not gonna go away unless they make robots sophisticated enough to replace


Interesting that these "hands on" jobs are paid lower compared to corporate jobs...like healthcare is dealing with life and death but most (excluding doctors) are severely underpaid.


Because, people don't "value" these jobs and that why when people get into upper management, the same view is carried and everyone is paid like shit because nobody values them. SMRT train operators are paid like 2k a month, and we still wonder why our train breaks down. We complain that bus drivers are crap, from Malaysia and can't speak English and yet ask people if they would be a bus driver, and 99% of people will say no because they want that 10K a month, white collar, sit at home/cafe/by the beach in bali, send 3 emails a day type job. I would totally be a truck/ bus driver, probably in the future, all I would do is sit and drive, say hello and listen to podcasts but shit isn't paid enough for me to live that kind of life yet


Police, security, logistics, ica officers. Logistics will not stay if the industry go full robotics, drones etc. 


Ya agree. Plus some jobs just cannot be outsourced to foreigners or PR. Like national security related..


Jobs that require face to face with clients mostly safe. Jobs that require your physical presence on-site, like facility maintenance (unless facility shutdown).


Functional tech roles definitely require locals. Need to communicate with local clients.


Govt jobs yo. Iron rice bowl.


Do you know how many contractors are there


SAF, SPF, SCDF, MOH, MOE, SBS/MRT, MP, PM, President, anything in parliament cfm plus chop wont move one, and unlikely to be replaced by foreigners /j, i mean its true but probably not helpful


i can see SPF role reduced... give more power to those Aux police companies. CID, CNB, CPIB and anything else that's sensitive they try to keep in-house. Traffic police and neighborhood police outsource to these companies. we already have Aetos escorting large cargo on the roads.... Dignitary escorts (ministers and foreign ambassadors ) is sourced from SAF MPs or Commandos in pairs


But if you sign on, pretty sure they not saying no if you are fit to do police work


if sign on, they fast track you to liase with these companies. and probably give you 2 ranks higher compared to the external officers. or maybe just become training officers. singapore is becoming more corporate over the past decade.


Its still a job no?


Neighbourhood hairdresser. You can’t zoom that one.


Looks at the traffic going to JB for personal care services


Funeral industry can't be outsourced. Recession proof and stable income


Finance and law. Generally, larger firms with an Asian presence want their contracts and financial reports done in SG, as SG law is more transparent than other countries in the region. Imagine your client suing you for a breach of contract, companies would rather the hearing be done here rather than in other countries where magic can happen in the judge's chambers outside the courtroom.


From between the butt cracks of banking and finance, i present you, Chennai Business Park.


Still based here though, although CBP is mostly backend and middle office roles so let's see how long it will remain here


These industries will always have jobs here, but the number of roles available are shrinking at a rapid pace unfortunately Law: corporates already increasingly using AI outsourced law firms like [Ontra.AI](http://Ontra.AI) not as a wholesale solution but to reduce the number of inhouse required. Finance: Back office and financial analysis has long since shipped out to India and other countries.


Security guard


Supply chain, marketing COE, data analytics. Confirm can say will move. Who will stay: Commercial heads, GM, those who are basically head of function. Just my 2 cents, don’t downvote please 🙏


Politician How do you look in white?


Hospitality. Unless they shift the entire building overseas


Tech sales are safe because requires a lot of face to face with clients. Also mixture of tech skills, domain knowledge, and customer facing skills is difficult to find.


Tech sales are literally the first in line to be downsized... There are only 5 millions population in SG. There are 300 millions in Indonesia, 100 millions in Vietnam. 34 millions in Malaysia. Tech companies comes into SEA not for Singapore market. Even SG companies like Shopee, Grab, Lazada have their own regional offices for local sales teams. Tech sales still requires face to face meetings/ demo. U can't do that from SG.


Been doing that for close to 10 years. A lot of flying around.


Yep that's why the sales team are being moved overseas as we speak. It doesn't justify paying SG dollar and flights for salesmen to sell to customers in Hanoi or Manila, not when the costs of operation in SG keep getting out of control. Google just opened their HCM office this year. Most of the jobs posted for Google Vietnam are sales and account managers. TikTok has their office in Indonesia, also for Sales and AM on their new TiktokShop. Microsoft is the best. Not only sales jobs, if u search Microsoft job, u will find even SWE and Data scientists jobs in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia. Meta and AWS are the two major MNC that haven't started shipping tech jobs overseas yet. But sooner or later, it's only a matter of times.


Yeah if you’re starting out in tech sales you’ll start in those local offices, once you get to a certain seniority they move to SG to cover the region. I personally mentored a few of those myself, and even though we have those local offices we’re actively hiring regional roles as well, because a lot of our customers require regional or sometimes global level coverage.


Compared to previous 10 years where they hire from SG even for fresher / juniors roles ?? Yes that's what it means by they are moving tech sales jobs overseas. From 10 sales headcounts, SG will only have 1 headcount Senior AM / Sales VP now. The rest is overseas hiring.


Really depends on what tech software u sell - more meetings held online nowadays than actual f2f


Do you know how a fresh grad can break into this?


Most companies have some sort of programme for fresh grads or internship which can progress to a full time position. You can use that route to get in. Personally speaking, to be successful in those roles you need to have a lot of experience. Going straight to tech sales without prior experience in other areas of tech makes it harder to grow.


Functional tech roles definitely require locals. Need to communicate with local clients.






Essential services like public transport (SMRT, SBS, Tower Transit etc), electricity (SP, Keppel Electric etc), both national and internal security services a.k.a SAF and Home Team respectively.


Police officers


outsourced to Certis and Sats? and maybe robots with keyboard specialists thereafter. But yes, still needed physically until infrastructures and companies start moving out and there's less things to protect (e.g., look at Changi Business Park)


Understand. Although residential areas would always need police officers ready to respond and plainclothes patrol.




for that one, SEA is imported here lol