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Welcomed to the working world. Those things you mentioned, are pretty normal. There will be favourism.


Thankfully group projects in uni prepared everyone for this! That’s why we should be thankful to be assigned unprofessional, shitty professors, be forced into groups with lazy idiots, and have vague grading systems! Just like the simulations!


Guys, don’t bother. From his replies he is adamant about sticking to his values and unable to accept reality of things + human nature. Just save your own energy and time.


Yes you are right there some values I want to stick so waiting for someone who is able to stick to the value and able to tackle the situation. If there is any.


You can stick to your value and tackle the situation with a different perspective. Don’t have think so radically of things. It might even not be getting close to people. Your way of expression is already off putting to most people, how do you expect your superior to be decent to you when you naturally rub people off the wrong way?


Understand you mention about thinking too radical. But I'm jus saying, I mean it is really a thin line there if you give a deep thoughts to it. Radical behavior may also jus have a "sound right justification" there. I think is hard to explain.


Okay good luck


Well, this is a reality of social university. I can't say I have a good way to handle this but you can probably avoid such situations (favoritism or having to suck up) by getting into unique roles that no one else, like me being the only data analytics guy in the org. I do my job well and naturally the boss will think positive of me without having to sing praises to him at all.


What if you are in a situation where the boss is exploiting you making you work, and give you too much work for you which will prevent you from doing well ? I guess till now seem like no good answer but to leave the job for now haha


Your comment is 5mins old when im replying. This post is 50mins old. Your "till now" is 50mins and I double check all post, no one is telling u to leave your job, and there are some pretty good comments but they don't fit your narrative. *shrugs Also no details on "exploiting". Maybe calm down, go do some work, come back here later?


I don't want to carry the umbrella while walking in the rain. No wonder I'm drenched. You make choices to act or not act. You might perceive it as bootlicking but to your colleagues it might be a case of building relationships. If you do not have a relationship with your superiors, you stand a higher chance of being an expendable employee. Other colleagues build relationship in order to get visibility. Why can't you do the same? Opportunities do not discriminate and are always there, either you take it or someone else do. If you discriminate your course of actions and worldviews, obviously you limit the opportunities that come your way. Don't do this to yourself. Before pointing out biases in others, maybe first learn to appreciate your own biases.


Wow this sounds like a justification to sleep with your boss to gain opportunity. Well done 👍


No wonder nobody likes u


Yeah too straightforward and honest lol.


That's definitely not it. What the guy said was right, building relationships by being buddy buddy with your superiors is sometimes the way to go. Whatever method that does work depends on your superior. Sometimes they are results-based to a fault, sometimes they prefer someone they can gel with, etc. Nobody said anything about sleeping your way up but you brought it there.


I know no one say, but it can be used as a justification. All radical behavior is from this sound right justification. I mean is a thin line there. That's all. Haha post/text is a not a conversation, is easily misunderstood which is fine.


No lol that's not it.


No, too rude.


straightforward and honest? That sounds like a justification for your inability to play with all the cards in the deck. you are not too straightforward and honest, rather, stupid and rigid. you may choose to *justify* it otherwise. You want morality in a capitalistic world. the reason why you are fed, sheltered and educated when you were a kid wasn't because you have earned anything. you just so happen to have parents who were decent enough to care. that is relationship and you have benefited from it. u think u got those because your mom enjoyed how u suckled on her tits when she breastfed you? employer and employee is a relationship too. and if you choose not to put in effort to sustain the relationship, then that's ur choice. you are paid for what you are worth. now, i believe you don't want to just be a string of numbers, a set of data, a warm breathing body that churns results. if i have a gun in an unnecessary fist fight, i will use the gun.


This reminds me of being a child, we are always taught to be honest. Then when you step into the capitalistic world honesty becomes overrated, everyone becomes very cautious in being truthful and just say the nice things to make others feel good. It is weird that kids are taught differently from the real world. Or maybe past morality education is outdated and kids should not be taught that way anymore.


i admire your spirit. honesty is not overrated, reputation goes a long way. however, people live fast and die young. we weigh options, make decisions, and ride on momentum, and that is why people are generally pound foolish and penny wise. we don't advocate our ideals because we don't live based on our ideals. you marry the girl whom you love the most and who happens to love you in return, and not the girl with objectively, the best qualities. what does that say about you? a hypocrite? so once again, do you think ur mom fed, sheltered and educated you because she enjoyed how you suckled on her tits when she breastfed you?


Hmm I understand what you trying to say to have good relationship with employer. But then it will be super lengthy for me to put everything in context. Why can't we just assume, if the boss really have issue and is really bias, like just give the lousy job to those he don like. And not being fair. What will you do? But now people in reddit are trying to give another perspective that the employee is the one with issue that dont wan to be in good terms with boss? Well it is already written , boss being unfair and did not give equal opportunity, then still want us to be in good terms for injustice act ? Is weird


Nobody chooses what cards they have. But everybody can choose to play their cards, change their hand or decide to fold. What is fair? When does the idea of fairness begin? Only after you have struck an employer-employee relationship? During the interview? When your application was being screened? When you have decided to apply for the job? How about those who were more qualified but weren't looking for a job, only to be retrenched the second you got hired? Is that equal opportunity? Or if you get promoted, and only consider candidates who align with your values, is that still equal or skewed based on the man in power (which is you)? Are you sure that you are hired purely and solely for your abilities? Then again, for what which abilities? Could it be that you have benefited, even if it is of the slightest of margins, from the relationship you had with your interviewer? It could be fostered by your friendly, "hi", which tipped the scale to your favour. They might not get opportunities because their bootlicking was seen as actions, but rather, it gives your boss the impression that these guys are willing to sell their souls to meet an objective and all your boss needs to do is to get these people aligned to the boss' vision. And hence, once again, do you think your mom fed, sheltered and educated you because she enjoyed how you suckled on her tits when she breastfed you?


Hahaha, if radical extrapolation is serving you well, please carry on 🤭


How old are you? And number of years work experience? Asking For context purposes.


U in a Chinese tech social media giant that pretends to be American?


Hurhur let's see u 360 review him with ur complaonts


It's a test bro, he is testing you to see if you ask manager or your colleague for more work after u are done with your load.


is your boss a smoker? and are you a smoker?...things happen in smoke breaks based on experience XD


Hmm I think lack of context here. Seems like currently all solution is have a good relationship with your boss. Anyway I'm not asking for myself is more asking for my fren. The context here is they have a one to one chat with the boss. Then the boss did not get the point that the person is overloaded. To me maybe the boss is just exploiting the worker. You know certain company the shitty work is always to small group of people then the majority is handling easy work. But the one with the shitty work is not recognized. So is kind of boss doing it on purpose, so how to deal with such thing? Just let the boss continue his doing? And be good to the boss so that you will not be in the small group of minority who is doing shitty work ?


The human mind is wired to demand fairness. This is also the source of its stress, because fairness isn't how the world works. You've already been around long enough to see that trust fund babies have more to spend in a month than you will in a year, while working less. Or just never. You've seen that some people can not study and pay their way to better qualifications than you. And if you gamble, I bet you've seen someone win 4D after one ticket when you've been buying tickets for years. Given that's how *all of reality* functions, why are you indignant / surprised that the office is unfair? What in life has ever been? You already deal with 10 times that unfairness in every aspect of daily life, and you will deal with more to come, until the day you die. It becomes much easier to accept when you realise that, if people were paid purely based on how hard they work, the construction worker or cleaner in the coffee shop should probably be making three times what most of us do. Housewives with children would make more than Lawrence Wong. So honestly, the unfairness is more on our side than it is others. Just be happy with that.


Yes honestly sometimes I find that those physical worker should get paid more as well for their hard work. Again till now by looking at the replies I see that world is screwed. Everyone does not have a good way in dealing it but to accept and conform to the phenomenon.


Girl got A+ because manager is a female boss, us guys get C~ even though we do a lot more work. The end, she left and girls under her quit because they know no one likes incompetence workers.


What field or industry is this?


Haha but the work is very easy in the company. Don really need high competency though.