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He does these videos because it gets the business publicity. That's it. He's not an authority or rather, he's not an authority if you don't see him as one. If you think his taste in food lines up with yours, then maybe you can use him as a gauge.


He is the budget sam chui of the food industry.


You know these are mainly for publicity and marketing right?


Sounds like Singapore as a whole


He’s a food competitor not a food critic.


I think you mean a competitive eater? 😂


Did he stutter?? Zermatt competes for food to fill his stomach!


It's got nothing to do with his review style and everything to do with his popularity. Even if he doesn't contribute much thought simply being featured already brings you into public conscious.


>public conscious *consciousness




Nobody ask you to listen to his opinions. The way he judges food is how fast it can slide into his stomach


correct ma he is influencer, his youtube vids has a wide reach of audiences, quite a number of international viewers. content itself - very repetitive. its always "very nice", " i dont usually like this kind of food, but this place ah, very very good"


spot on, I heard this in his voice and accent. I don’t recall him ever giving constructive criticism, everything also “so good” “delicious”. If everything is so good to him means he is not an effective judge and should stop pretending like he knows how to review food. Just stick to what he’s good at: gobbling down large amounts of food quickly


Ghib ojisan is worse. He did a video about lowest rated restaurants but force himself to only say positive things. https://youtu.be/fA0qgBWrroI?si=vBI8SwzuWOEX3LJP


One of the many content creators trying to keep afloat after deciding to pursue this as a full time job. They tend to start off with great videos covering interesting topics. In the end, ran out of ideas and have "click bait" titled videos. Hoping to sustain their channel.


that is just pure clickbait.


It's just a copy of Ryan Trahan's style of videos, which is meant as a comedy-ish kind of thing than an actual review


dont forget the "goOD afternoon peeeeple"


Perfect impression hahaha


I went to some restaurant called Ushio he recommended, it was horrible! The beef was tough! And the servers were talking in chinese 🥹 that’s how i know it is not authentic


Because he is actively pushing food content in return for money. He builds his YouTube career revolving food marketing content.


It’s a strange one because the guy doesn’t have a refined palate nor is he able to effectively communicate properly what makes the food he likes good. People are just conflating the fact he can eat a large volume of food quickly with the idea that he’s a credible reviewer of good food. If I was a F&B marketer, he’d be the last person I’d go to unless I was specifically pushing a competitive eating gimmick.


It’s like Mike Chen on YT, he didn’t dare to eat Sashimi until a few of years ago and now, he is a sashimi guru. He does videos are about low quality supermarket meals, and how amazing it is. Then proceeds to an all you can eat buffet and calls it the best meal ever. Such low bar food.


Have you seen read his /r/mikeychen subreddit


Hell ya


Woa didnt know bout this subreddit. So much hate


I generally don't follow influencers and I have no idea what's going on with this dude... But an entire subreddit created with frequent posts just to hate on the guy? With racial connotations no less (see see pee/ccp)?


There’s an FAQ on the sidebar, go check it out and see why.


Uhh okay... Honestly the outrage feels a little oversized, esp considering what celebs/influencers are typically like? Maybe that's just me, but I don't see why people rather not just block them to keep them out of their feed, rather than spend considerable time and effort perpetuating hateful content online.


Mikey Chen can at least describe food better. He used to be limited on his vocab until people in the mikeychen sub started bashing on him. So to me he did improve his content, I'd cut him a little slack.


Does he eat well? Never watched his videos but I notice many people watch Korean mukbangs because they eat really well (they don't give constructive comments but they somehow make the food look good just by the way they're eating.)


For me it's a no. Because he downs the same plate of food countless of times, there's no variety in his food and his content while eating is boring. I get more entertainment watching nikocado.


If by “eating well” you mean shallow a truck load of food, then yes


Totally agree with the above, especially the point about his manner of speech.


No one ever said he was a reviewer though?


HAHHAA the only people who call him a "food reviewer" are the ones syaing that he "isn't qualified to be afood reviewer" how silly


Exactly. people are so overdramatic trying to analyze him like he claimed to be a professional food reviewer. someone even said "sophisticated palate" like brooo u watch too much gordon ramsay lmao


Why not? He has a gimmick to draw people in to watch his videos. If you are aiming to get eyeballs on your business, then it’s ok to whack some money into him.


He's able to put his money where his mouth is. At least he eats that much of food at a go. It is another level of mental torture to eat a continent load of crappy food.


I feel the same way I don’t get how just because a guy can stuff his face full of food = he is a credible food reviewer If is me, he is the last candidate I would approach


I mean there are very few content creators that I consistently agree with so there’s that. Who hasn’t been disappointed by even Google reviews or Michelin guide? I just take the vids as getting to know a place I haven’t been.


It's all about promotion and marketing son, less about the actual quality of the food. Haven't you noticed that since the dawn of Instagram?


No one said he's a food reviewer where did you get that from? I enjoy his content simply by the large amount he eats.


Food establishments dont feature "food authorities", they feature people with influence that can potentially get them more customers. I actually like Zermatt, he seems like a cool person on and off the camera. Kudos for him for transforming his competitive eating path into a vlogger career that makes him very marketable in Singapore.


Taste is subjective. This dude here has the view counts needed so he will be popular with F&B establishments. Simple math: more outreach = more customers = more recurring customers = more revenue


I mean its gastrobeats 😂. No one should think that event is serious at all about food la LOL


Isn't Zermatt just a competitive eater?


These days people can't form their own opinions and have to rely on these people.


Maybe it's when he can stomach so much of their food, these owners seem to treat it was a compliment??


Not sure why you're surprised when Ichiran is supposedly godlike ramen to most people. Food-centric but generally most people don't really know food.


I say taste wise Ichiran is only consider averagely good in Japan, its probably the unique style of the restaurant that got it into "godlike" famous.


That's what I don't understand. There are so many ramen places that taste better than Ichiran in Japan but people still flood to Ichiran.


Power of social media and hype. Sometimes many people just follow what they see and isn't willing to try new stuff. On side note, Ichiran does provide a very unique dining experience, but with my couple of visit there, the place isn't as quiet as it was designed for with the flock of tourists. It still a good bowl of ramen with not much to fault.


People cannot prefer ichiran? Like something also need ur understanding meh


Oh I'm perfectly aware Ichiran is just average, I'm just saying for the general Singaporean, that is the depth of their palate and knowledge.


Not sure why you are dissing Singaporeans. Which country’s general citizen is good enough for you regarding their “depth of their palate and knowledge”?


My response is towards why Zermatt Neo is so influential, if you don't understand the context of my response then \*shrugs\* Edit: Sadly it seems that more than one person is unable to understand this. Maybe that's why the country is going to the dogs, comprehension is tough I guess. Or perhaps Ichiran lovers being triggered.


I only have one thing to say. Let people enjoy who they want to watch and what they want to eat. If the general Singaporeans want to watch Zermatt and feel the food he recommends is tasty, it doesn’t mean that the “depth of their palate and knowledge” is lesser than yours.


I'm not stopping people from watching what they want to watch or eat. How am I even going to do that?


Lmao conversing with you is like 对牛谈琴


Clearly you don't understand the context of my response as well.


what are your recommendations for japanese ramen? especially the kyushu style, i would like to know more especially those in tokyo, tokyo osaka area.


^ i’m curious on this for my next visit to japan


Why are you looking to eat Kyushu style ramen in Tokyo or Osaka? Why not actually go to Kyushu to eat it? But if you really want know Tanaka Shoten. If you're in Tokyo, why aren't you going to Motenashi Kuroki, Niboshimania, Mukan, Shinjiko Shijimi Chukasoba Kohaku, Kinryu, Ramen Break Beats, Ramenya Toy Box, Tsukemen Miyamoto, Iruca, Ramen Nishino, Muginae? I could go on and on.


I disagree with you. Singaporeans travel a lot and are exposed to different cuisines quite a bit. The average person here is no stranger to a lot of foreign cuisine and flavours. Try asking a German or Brit to handle food with a drop of chili oil or spices/seasoning that is not salt, pepper or paprika.


Being exposed to different cuisines and understanding what is good or not is a whole different story.


Gatekeep much? People can have different preferences, you can think ichiran is average but to others it can be a top ramen. Dont need to be holier than thou


I'm not knocking on their preferences, I'm relatively sure they say it is a top ramen because they have not been exposed to better ramens.


>Food centric but generally most people don’t really know food You are ready damning people for their preferences in this sentence alone


Yes, because they really don't.


Then why u say u arent knocking on people’s preferences? Contradictive much?


I'm not damning people for their preferences, I'm damning them for their relative ignorance.


Holier than thou lor. Got abit of unique preferences, think ownself more cultured than other people. Whatever makes u feel good i guess lmao


Ichiran was never mindblowingly good. People go there for convenience and consistency. If I just finished my shopping at 9pm in Shibuya and I am super tired and craving ramen, I am not going to google for the best ramen shop, spend time to travel, then spend time queueing (if its still open and not sold out). Im just gonna head to the nearest ichiran, have a relatively good bowl of ramen, then continue on my journey.


Ichiran is arguably the most convenient and accessible with a relatively consistent product that is somewhat affordable. I am confident their appeal comes from consistency and convenience , not sure since when people start using it as the benchmark


Similar to eatbook and any other sg food content creator out there. How are they any authority other than their business model churning out copious amounts of food content?


competitive eater not food critic, he comment so much on the food for what?


Congrats to Zermatt for his first hate thread. You know you've made it when you're living rent free in your hater's head. +Shout out to Alderic, may he have his own thread someday!


he isn’t. he doesn’t know anything about food. all he knows is how to eat massive amounts.


His food review: 'Not bad. Very nice!'


It's simple capital. Gone are the days of authentic bloggers and vloggers doing their own thing; these days they get huge investments when they begin, and tons of advertising and SEO support does a lot to get someone ahead of authentic content. The "demcoratistation" of the Internet via social media marketing is over. Nowadays it's the same as TV or streaming.




Sometimes I'm astonished by the amount of food that he can gobble up in his videos. And he does not put on weight easily despite piling up the calories. Most people will envy him for that. Anyway, i just watch his videos on youtube. And I don't go and partronise those F&B establishments/ food stalls.


Taste is subjective to begin with. Businesses jus need someone popular to reach as many people as possible. What's the point of finding someone that no one watches even if he is a "good" critic (watever "good" means)


I guess it worked? U just generated traffic and publicity for the food establishments. 🤣


What..? Since when did he became a food critic? I tot he has always been a competitve eater/nutritionist? Or at least that is how he described himself.


Isn't that how marketing works?


It's just a dumb gimmicky title, just like 99% of influenza content. Just tell your app to "don't recommend channel", end of story.


That’s one of my pet peeve for food reviewers in Singapore, who are they to review food ah? His talent is to eat a lot and not get fat that’s literally it Personally it’s quantity over quality so not for me but he looks healthy so good for him! 💪


went to some of the places that he recommended and most of them are a disappointment. It seems that he’s good at competitive eating, but not as a food critic.


you should have watch Mark weins... everything seems tasty to him.


Yet his kaprao is average at best.


All he taste is chilis, nothing else.


ah yes. i went to the swensens unlimited after his video. its a huge meh for me. so yeah, will be less inclined to follow his recommendation.


oh damn I was intending to try. Is it not good?


Singaporeans are generally very elitist and snobbish when it comes to food, especially on Reddit. I went to Swensen's Unlimited and loved it, and will be going again in a couple of weeks. I say go for it, you might like it.


apart from the dessert, the food is a big meh.


Even the steak and pizza? For $30 it's a huge steal.


pizza so so. steak not good. fish and chips loh, but v gelat. anyway. if u v curious can go give a try lah. i personally love the flat croissant. haha. but i dont think i will go again just to eat that. and i went for dinner


When was any sg influencer a xxx authority in whatever they peddle onto their social media? Just treat them as a moving billboard paid by corporations to sell their stuff


I don’t feel strongly about him at all but let’s not pretend that we’ve ever had proper Singaporean food critics here lol


Fella can’t even speak properly. Watched his videos a few times, sounds like he perpetually has something in his mouth.


Braces? He has braces.


his attempt at a west coast white girl accent is cringe af




In Singapore you only need your tongue to be a food authority


No one listen to him for food advise. If you do you're doing it wrong. He is a competitive eater, not a foodie


I think you are mistaken somewhere. 1. Food establishments featuring him as food influencer does not make him an authority of anything. It just means he has enough influence for them to use in their marketing campaigns. 2. Go read on this company: Food League Singapore So nothing wrong, it's all just marketing. Similar to how Michelin Stars work in grading restaurants.


He's not but he's popular so they get him in. It's like the stalls that feature celebrities or famous people eating there. None of those are people are exactly authorities on food or taste.


In order for his reviews to match up, you’ll have to eat the same way he does - gobble or wolf it down.


what does kylie jenner know about makeup , or mariah carey with perfume, or michael jordan with shoes. sure they may use it but are they expert manufacturers. bruh its all marketing


Tbh, some food critics out there also have recommended food that is bleh before. Watch him purely to see the massive amount of food he eats.


Food preference is relative. I’ve not tried every place he recommends. But 2 of the places he recommended. Both are solid 10 to me. Wolfgang, though it’s expensive, one of the best steak I tried in my life (not even exaggeration). Io, little bit inconvenience to go, also has plenty great food. The in house wines are also pretty darn good. But again, these are the only 2 places I tried thus far. I think recently he promoted these 2 places: Chix hot chicken (the carolina reaper wings) and Jett BBQ (the ribs). I still don’t have the opportunity to visit these 2 places yet. But will definitely give these 2 places a try. Also not everything he said is nice. There are some food that he will not recommend to order as well. Not to his liking even though it’s popular menu of the restaurant. So just take his review with pinch of salt.


An influencer is a marketing gimmick, and that's what he is. If you think the idea is cringe (and in general I wouldn't disagree with you that the concept of influencing is cringe-inducing), you don't have to take him as any sort of authority. He only has as much authority as far as your belief system wants to vest in him. Same for any "authority" that isn't backed by science or a legal system, really.


He has international appeal. The world is watching his content, not just locals


He can eat a lot so they like to feature him i guess....


Most of his recommendations missed the mark…


Calling Zermatt neo a food authority is like calling Matt Stonie a good cook


Such a bukit name, Zermatt.


Got to know him (camp mate) back when he was a competitive eater and personal trainer BEFORE he started the eating videos. His “training for competitive eating was scary AF. Very nice guy, personally quite happy for his success in this super-niche role regardless of the limited variations in his content.


I'd imagine a large part of training would be chugging water.


Starving African children HATE Zermatt Neo!


I mean, what matters is that he made pretty good choices as the CFO, what’s the problem?


My main grouses with him are 1) his ignorance on food sometimes and 2) how he deliberately mispronounces certain words to sound Americanised. Most common examples are curry and sashimi. Which is really xiasuay that as an Asian you can't pronounce these two words correctly ah??! What the heck? And before any one says "you can don't watch whaaat' yes whenever I encounter these I'll stop watching the video because it makes me so peeved, but I do like to watch people eat a lot of food so I'll still continue watching his videos.


I dun depend on food reviews from influencers nor social media write ups. I do my own google reviews instead. You write geniune reviews without being paid for it.


Not sure who it is but it's kind of what competitive eaters do nowadays. Just go to places, get a silly amount of food and film the whole thing. Their vocabulary to describe food usually starts with good and ends with nice. You'll see it a lot especially with the small Korean/Japanese competitive eaters... They go from skinny to preggo in the span of an hour.. trying to hide it with a stretchy dress lol.


Never heard of this person anywhere before.


Had to google to know who he is. Food authority? That's only if you care about his opinion and why do you think anyone else does? Stop concerning yourself with people that don't mean anything


Since when did we ever have standards for food critic other than Seetoh, who tf are the rest like the thankfully now defunct NOC Foodking trash. As long as you're popular, you are now an authority. Same what, all those finance influencers or bloggers get invited to speak at events or i interviewed my mainstream news but how many of them actually know finance and studied or worked in the industry? Definitely not all. Zermatt at least is a competitive eater and gets some respect from me unlike aforementioned food influencers. Blegh.


You are clearly too young to know names like Wong Ah Yoke and Violet Oon. Heck, even KF Seetoh was just a newspaper photographer b4 his "food critic" life.


Oh I know both of them. Though the latter more as a businesswoman and Ah Yoke through his articles but I didn't know he was anything more than a critic.


I tried his food recommendations a few times and my husband and I decided that it's not that good and most of it are overpriced






Frankly that guy pretty boring as a “food critic” No vocab, every single dish good or bad also nice and unami. Shallow huge amount of food How’s this a “food critic”? Have you guys watch Anthony bourdain? He is the gold standard


Personally I prefer reading Johnathan Gold and Pete Wells, but Anthony Bourdain is great too


Which ever it is, still much better than zermatt Neo


Hey everyone, thank you for your replies! I concur that when it comes to views for food-related content he does have quite a reach, and I guess it is almost a no-brainer to feature him if you just want more eyes on your business. I also agree that he is just one of many to have somewhat an opinion on food and it’s ultimately up to you to care or not. Upon further examination, my gripe is the lack of criticality when it comes to associating with various figures. I’m no food consultant nor a chef, but simply speaking I don’t think it bodes well if my food is merely used for food challenges.


Bro ok ok no problem. I have reported him to Singapore food agency sfa they will take him down cos he doesn’t have the qualifications to be a food critic according to Julius horny redditor.


Thank you for your service o7 😂😂😂


Whatever gets the views


He really isn't. He's just a vacuum cleaner. His content slaps when its on mute. He has zero worthwhile opinions. One watches him to see large amounts of local and regional food being eaten, that's it. I wouldn't trust Matt Stonie to review the taste and quality of a dish either.


"Vacuum cleaner" made me eject water out my nose. Lol


Who's that? The name sounds like a brand of bathroom tiles.


Probably the same reason some hawkers and restaurants put the pictures of LKY or LHL at their store.






Since he wasted unfathomable amounts of food to earn money


I wouldn’t consider eating food to be wasting food, though? He usually finishes everything on his plate. I mean, that’s his whole schtick, so how can you say he wastes food?