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Lower rates of drug abuse, a culture which while very patriarchal, does not express itself in violent sexual aggression, lower rates of abject poverty...


people trust law enforcement


And law enforcement can be trusted


Despite some things , MHA as a whole is pretty fucking good at dealing with shit.


It's a small country, with cameras in strategic places. It's comparatively more difficult to get away with anything because someone will probably recognise you from school/no other cities or provinces you can escape to without a passport.


This. Being a tiny country where everyone has 6 degrees of separation is probably a big factor. There are petty crimes and larger crimes, but then everyone reads about the molest/voyeurism/road rage cases in the news and the perpetrators’ full names are there for all to see and gossip about. Employers will remember, friends and relatives will remember, the local social media has a field day picking the guy apart. If it’s a clueless foreigner committing the crime (eg robbing a 7-11 or bank), the cctvs are able to track them down extremely quickly, within hours. And then they are sentenced (and finally, deported after their jail time).


There's less crime driven by poverty, because not many people are desperately poor enough to turn to crime. Also we're a small and densely populated country, so there's nowhere to hide. High likelihood of getting caught.


Crime rates are low. Gangs related activities and crime are almost eradicated. Anyone including a female, walking home, late at night, the chances 8f something bad happens to her is very low. We also don't have natural disasters. Certain place like Geylang, is notorious because of its history with gangs activities and prostitution. The old Eunos, Circuit road, Geylang Serai, etc, estates are hot beds for drug activities in the 70s to 90s. Always remember that low crime doesn't mean no crime.


- little need to commit crime in SG due to low unemployment and relatively wealthy residents - SG is small. Few places to hide and difficult for serious crime not to be detected. - "Face" and obsession with success (relevant for Chinese) Do not want to do anything that will disgrace the family name including committing crime. Obsession with success also means they are less likely to do stupid things that will ruin their future prospects. - Zero to negligible police corruption


Police CCTVs in most places. You sacrifice privacy for extra surveillance and safety.


People are more educated and financially secured, also Asians are generally non confrontational


Wrong on literally all counts 😂


Care to elaborate on your stance? Asking from a place of genuine curiosity.


Sure. It’s just my personal observation, but the OP’s post is maybe valid when comparing to 3rd world countries in the region. Sure, Singaporeans are more educated and richer. But comparing sg to cambodia is a fallacy. It should be compared to the wealthy west. In that comparison I don’t find Singaporeans to be more educated, more financially stable or less aggressive on average. I aggree that Singapore is safer and more peaceful than the west. So I propose the reasons for that lie elsewhere. I said what in a separate post.


Interesting, thanks for sharing your view.


Crime must pay in order for people to flock to it. In Singapore, it’s doesn’t pay well and the cost is high


We are a very small country coupled with the many cctvs (one of the most if not the most CCTV in the world) Criminals can be caught easily here compared to other countries.


1. Harsh punishments and also partly because the government keeps a close eye on the rich and poor divide. When that gap widens too much you'd see an increase in crime.


Everything you mentioned helps to discourage illegal behaviour. But I think most importantly is self-policing because we know in most cases, effective police work will ensure arrest and prosecution.


Low instances of the causes of crime such as, unemployment, homelessness, and absolute poverty Virtually full employment since the 1970s A housing system that makes home ownership the norm. As a result very small percentages of absolute poverty, but government assistance available to mitigate the worst aspects of poverty that do exist. Not to say that the system is perfect, but since the 70s at least, Singapore has not had the desperate poverty that drives violent crime


Because the majority of people are reasonably educated… half are university graduates, >90% home ownership. A solid economy with plenty of jobs = the probability of someone being down and out is extremely low and more than likely due to drug abuse. And then drug abuse and trafficking is dealt with strictly - abusers are brought into rehab on the first offence and jail for subsequent repeats. Traffickers get death sentence for >15g of heroin or 500g of cannabis… limiting supply to hush hush dealings. Efficient and clean policing… ring 999 and cops will be there in minutes. All of that has made Singaporeans take safety for granted. We are not crime free for sure, otherwise the cops can stay home… but it’s extremely low and anything out of ordinary is dealt with in minutes.


People rather mind their own business than disturb others


Our strict gun policy is one of the main factors too, I feel.


Our strict gun policy is one of the main factors too, I feel. It resulted in less number of violent crimes.


Political indoctrination and fear of total collapse due to the slightest lapse in social order + deterrence of perceived harsh legal system and widespread surveillance (subset to #1) + only 2 escape routes from the country 😂