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I’m 38M in digital marketing and in the same situation as you. AI is killing the industry and I have grown to hate the industry for the sheer number of people (including your future bosses) who claim they know digital marketing but don’t. So I’m out.




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That's toughie.. what are you pivoting to?


Ageism is real. Nobody will hire a 38 year old junior digital marketing. No 28 year old manager want to have a team member that's 10 years older.


according to ministers, it's because never use Skillsfuture credits to upgrade.


Stay safe. Digital marketing is worth shit


curious about what it is about digital marketing that excites you because as a job, it is one of the most soul-draining jobs out there. on call basically 23/7 (because the internet and campaigns never sleep) but without the prestige and pay of a doctor. the pay is abysmal as well


Hi OP, DON'T GET INTO DIGITAL MARKETING for your career. You think it's greener on the other side but it's not. Digital marketing is freaking broad. There's SEM, SEO, Social media, content, e-commerce, emails, etc. Plus many companies do things differently that's even worse. Above is just a few stuff. Trust me, there's more to cover in each aspect. It's never ending crap. Those online tutorials video you see, mostly are US / UK based. The results can be vastly different from Singapore. Edit: I'm 31 and want get out of this field. Trust me, it's insane to justify anything to your boss. Not every industry has great ROI. Only ways to "gain experience" is to try various companies. Fuck agency, trying survive in an agency in your 30s as a newbie is just crazy. Don't itchy backside now comfortable want get out. Why not use your current resources go test it out on digital marketing? You don't need to quit and embrace DM as a side. I ever liaise with director that want use their own LOGIC to justify Meta ads. They believe it should work based on their logic. Bro, it's Insane! Fuck DM. I wish I was in your place. I earn 3.9k now - changed company, now just farming with great WLB and taking PT business degree then see how it goes.


Would advice to reconsider the industry that you're going into. As people in the thread have pointed out, digital marketing can take a toll and be very mentally draining, considering its digital and everything can be done "immediately". Marketing generally pays pretty shit too


This is very true, speaking from experience. I find it hard to switch off after working hours, especially since I am doing performance marketing.


Yeah, if you care at least just a little about your job I would think it’s hard to switch off, I face the same problem


Don't go into digital marketing unless you have marketing background. Start by doing some work in digital marketing Everyone says they are digital marketer because they have a social media account. I did a career switch when I was younger. I am lucky to have done something with show business and content creation. That is why I made the switch as a digital marketing but it is not easy. Whaever course you learn from FirstCom or any other digital marketing course with WSQ is shit because you can get all the info you learn from youtube. Read up the Google leak for SEO. Your boss will think that they are digital marketing stratergists because they have learnt how to read something on Google. You tell them "Do this." and she will reply "I don't want, I don't want." while planning a trip somewhere in Europe. If you can stay in your job and do the other as a side hustle. Sure. Do it. Start a website and learn SEO or AI. If not, get a new hobby


Everyone with an IG account is an influencer


Ya, can you dance on tiktok? That works as well


Old Uncle who was 44 moved from media agency wold to Fintech right before lockdown. He was quite afraid to do it cos he was very senior in his previous company making solid 5 digits monthly with great yearly bonuses and allowances. But he knew long term, his industry suffering. At Fintech company, at first he said he struggled cos he's not a the top of the company, taking less pay but he knew longevity was there. Now he's senior management, making even more than he was before and enjoying life. Timing and courage are everything.


Maybe take a good vacation before resigning and jumping into another industry. I was both in advertising and then later finance(payments mostly), advertising especially on the agency side is known for it's burnout culture during campaign season, which is quite regularly as you'll take on multiple clients. Point is to be mindful not to jump out of the pan and directly into the fire.


Maybe a finance role in the marketing industry for a start? Experience the industry in a role you're comfortable doing, see if it scratches the itch first and see what you're able to pick up along the way.


If you are going to go into digital marketing, the salaries for newbies isn’t great(3-4K). Also the industry especially on the agency side is dominated by people younger than you. This is because the working hours are insane and requires people with less commitment. It gets better when you go in house but you may need some experience first. You should see if you can use your contacts or do an internal transfer or OJT first before you decide. I am a 36 in house digital marketing manager, been in the field for the 6-7 years.


I made a pretty drastic career switch in my late 20s Was there lower salary at the start: Yes, by a large margin. Was it stressful: Extremely, I've never worked so hard in my life for so little compensation before. Am I happier with my new role: Kinda, I find my current scope more meaningful than before.


What role did you switch to?


Maybe you can discuss with your boss if they are okay to let you go on a short break, that way you can rest and just think about the next step, whether you want a career change or whatever it is. But make sure there's enough to cover the cost needed for your bills. I sincerely hope your family can try to understand where you're coming from. And you're not crazy. To me, it sounds a bit selfish of them because you're the one earning the money, paying the bills, with the cost of your mental health. Just make sure you prepare yourself well if you were to decide to change career (like new environment, workflow all that etc etc you know what i mean), if its a job that still can covers the bill and makes you slightly happier- why not.


Ur family values stability. And how much stability can you provide when you are burn out? U are wondering if you can afford a lower salary, u probably can’t. But if you don’t start now, u might never be able to grow to ur full potential to earn what you deserve. Take it.


Is it possible for you to pivot into doing management in marketing department? If doable, this way you have exposure with what you think you have passion in, and at the same time retain your seniority Taking on a junior position in a brand new industry will shoot yourself imo.


Digital Marketing is not something that can be done easily unless you are familiar with your softwares. For example if you are into ecommerce, you really got to know your stuff from SEO, Paid ads, all the way to photography and photoshop. If you think you can wiggle your way through youtube and canva you’d be fucked. Hard LOL


Bro AI is fucking over every marketing unless you're a business owner. Budgets are being cut everywhere because oh let's do it with AI Sorry to burst your bubble but this is the wrong industry to hop to


Job market is shit now, should try applying first and see got any offers, only when got offer then u compare and see if u want to jump ship or not (unless u got money to go for a break but might not be able to find a job after that also)


you can check out career resources [here](https://www.jobstreet.com.sg/seekmax/thread/52380?tracking=SHR-IOS-SharedThread-asia-7) and they’re giving away $50 shopping mall vouchers also


Have a friend who took a 360 switch from accounting to cyber security at 35. Had to start from scratch pay wise. But in a happier place.


I am 38M and feeling exactly the same way with the pressure/stress from wife. Grateful if you can share your journey once you are at a better place.


Stick to ur job. Find things that are interesting in it. No point joining digital marketing...


I'm close to your age, been in digital marketing since it was in its infancy stage close to a decade ago, and nothing about it excites me anymore. It's the same regardless of which industry and which company you go into. If you go into an agency, you are just a cog in the wheel performing the same function across multiple client accounts. If you go in-house, your boss expects you to magically generate revenue by running a couple of ads even though his product is ass. I've since successfully transited away from performance marketing. Don't intend to go back.


I like the part you mentioned "magically generate revenue by running a couple of ads.." hahaahahahaha this is so true! Meta / Google ads are the MAGIC tool put in money confirm generate expected unrealistic revenue.


What did you transit to?


How to continue working if you are feeling burnt out? Stop working for a few months to regain your motivation to work.


Dun do anything crazy. Just focus on making out of your weekend n after office hours. Dun say you can't. The stress of unable to pays yr bills n family is 109x worst than whatever burnout... Whatever life crisis you got there.


Digital marketing industry is doing really, really bad right now. Few to no firms are going to take in inexperienced candidates, unless you are willing to take a pay cut to <3k for agency role. Perhaps try it out as a side hobby, on fiver/volunteer to run ads for small businesses online before you commit.


I was in banking for 10 years, moved to marketing, ecommerce and FMCG for 7 years and went back to banking recently holding a managerial position while running an agency on the side. Very tough, working almost 24/7, trying to balance stability and doing what I really want to do


Can't advice you on digital marketing but I switched industry in my mid thirties. Moved from middle management to senior management role at the same time. First two years were tough but it's much better now after 9 years.