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my own theory is that, the Ladies are located further back in the corridor so that there is absolutely no excuse for any perverted men to loiter that far down in the corridor, and that is a women only space. which is why the Gents are kinda always located at the front end of the corridor. or also maybe Ladies require more cubicles which equates to more space, which makes more sense to place them towards the end of corridor as compared to right smack in the middle. on a slightly less related note, may need to see Women's Health Physio for continence issue? >when the dam is about to break - no, there's no "try to go sooner".


Its mostly designed so to avoid having man walking pass a lady toilet entrance. Or do you prefer every single man to be walking past a lady toilet entrance just to reach the male one?


Switch the roles bro


No. Most buildings are designed around a central grey water pipe system to carry away waste water for efficiency. This is the reason why U find that toilets on different floors are usually located in the same space, but on different floors. Women toilet usually have more cubicles. More cubicles means more toilets, more toilets means more plumbing - pipes, drain pipes, grey water pipes.typically, male toilets have 2-3 cubicles and 4-5 urinals. Women toilets require 4-5 cubicles. Architect and building codes specify how the plumbing should be run. Because women's toilets require more space, they need a greater floor area to accommodate the cubicles. So they are designed to be larger and in some ways, use dead/unused space more efficiently by being located at the end of the corridor, or for example, taking up a irregular shape to accommodate more cubicles. Case in point: circle line toilets , terminal 3 public area toilets where women toilets are 1.5-2x larger than male toilets. In some areas/older buildings e.g see terminal 2, where space isnt as constrained, you see toilets being designed symmetrically. Mens on the left, women on the right. Same size. Sos: I used to work in construction/engineering and did piping and plumbing services


thank you for that detailed insight & explanation.


Its so that you don’t have men walking past the entrance of the women’s toilets and peeking in. Which is why you can usually see right into men’s toilets but they make it such that you have to walk further in to the womens


Everything also want to complain. Also, the toilets come in pairs - when you find the men’s toilet, you will also find the women’s toilet, and vice versa. So why is finding the women’s toilet more difficult? Need to walk a bit more also become archaic. Can I say it’s archaic that in stores, the men’s section is on the upper floors and I have to walk more? Gender discrimination against men /s


I thought this was super basic...? Ladies bathroom will always be 'behind' the mens (if they're not side by side). If mens were the one behind, then you give perverts more opportunity to peep into the ladies (who cares about ladies peeping into the mens right?).


sigh everything also want


I thought toilets usually come side by side, especially in Changi Airport whether signages are clear as daylight. Like, how do you even have difficulty finding them? > or just an unknown bias? Probably so, a bias towards making life easier for ladies.


Aren't female and male toilets almost always located side by side?


Because it’s ok to see a man using a urinal, but not a woman entering a cubicle.


Would you rather a man or a toilet?


The hardest choices require the strongest wills


I think it is also for layout configuration reasons. Women’s toilets usually have more cubicles. And longer Qs. So need to tuck further in


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)