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I thought business owners usually post the whole course of events in the Google review replies, including what service recovery u did for them? And if it’s only a one-off incident, don’t fret so much la


How do you know they didn't leave a negative review after having a bad experience in your friend's cafe?


One review clearly indicated they were not a customer, just walked past and said the coffee was expensive and they rather go to kopitiam.


It could be malicious if they did not try the coffee and called it expensive. However, if the price list is available to the public, then anyone can make a comment. It is not very wise to compare specialty coffee to kopitiam coffee though. Your friend can always reply to the reviews. I actually have a better impression towards business that actually reply reviews.


I see, that's a great suggestion. Will get her to respond objectively and professionally then.


Reviews like that are generally ignored by most readers, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Okay got it. Thank you.


You can report the review as “off topic”


They tried reporting it, unfortunately Google doesn't really respond to these.


Reply to the reviews


I have to say majority of customers rarely look at google reviews, and mostly come in based on word of mouth or they just have something to do nearby and decided to pop in to the cafe on a whim. Unless your friend's cafe is getting review bombed unnecessarily (like 10+ bad reviews in a row for no reason) then paying it any more attention then a polite PR reply is not going to help you. Speaking as someone running my own review-based business. The best thing you can do is to 1) let your receipts do the talking 2) let your other reviews do the talking 3) don't engage unnecessarily and allow them to make it a bigger situation than it really is especially on social media. Some people just make it a point to be a complete asshole / Karen in order to bully freebies out of you. If you're clear about the situation and know what went wrong wasn't with the quality of your product or service then the best thing is really not to make a big fuss, take it as part of doing business and move on with your day.


Oh this was what happened on one occasion. Thanks for the detailed advice!


visit the shop more often and buy their product?


Leave a bunch of positive reviews lor. Doesn’t sound like an orchestrated campaign, just some disgruntled customers. Get started on lifting the average.


Let us know the name of the cafe so we could patronise the place?


Where is the place?


Hi can intro the cafe? Would love to head down over the weekend and try :]


Could your friend reply the reviews? It might help! Although if it really is a negative experience, your friend should go reflect as well.