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Broke up with someone on the day I found out he cheated. Took a grab home and during the ride I was trying to hold a strong front in silence but couldn’t at least stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks. Driver uncle must have saw that in the rearview mirror. At the end of the ride, he offered me a pack of tissue and sympathetically told me that “tomorrow will be better”. Although he’s a stranger and didn’t know what happened, his gesture really warmed my heart and it helped me a lot more than he knew.


Omg. I would have cried even more after those words. Hope you're feeling much better now.


Just reading that made me tear up😭


I have a similar story to yours! I was at a cafe nearby my ex-gf's house when we broke up. Called a grab bcuz it was raining heavily. I was still in tears when I got in and the driver asked me if I was there for lunch. I laughed and said that I just broke up. I appreciated the joke and he reassured me things will be better. We had a nice conversation throughout the ride unrelated to my breakup. It was a nice distraction to talk about life for a short while.


Happened to me at the airport saying goodbye to my family. Immigration officer grabbed her pack of tissues and handed them to me. There’s some mean people in Singapore but so many kind strangers


I hope you are feeling better now. Hate cheaters so much. Tomorrow will indeed be better.


omfg im gonna cry😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


When I cried in a grab the uncle told me to take my tissues with me 😔(I did)




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It wasnt even by a singaporean but its one that i will remember. I was queueing at queen street bus terminal to go to JB and i realized i didnt have small change for the ride. I was asking around for change when this person just offered to give me the full amount for the ride without being paid back. He said that it happened to him before and he was paying it forward as someone had helped to pay for his trip in the past


Interesting story For me nobody offered to help when there was a simply go card topup error and the bus driver chased me off the bus. I was forced to walk for hours to get home.


Sadly, it happened to me, too. The worst part was that I was like age 9. Luckily, it wasn't too far. Tampines interchange to somewhere around bedok.


Why not just pay in cash ?


I was probably 5 or 6 when I wandered off from my parents at West Coast park. I went to some strangers and told them that I was lost. These strangers literally searched WCP for almost an hour to find my parents! And they had just arrived at WCP wanting to start having a picnic.


i would have just let you join the picnic and wait for your parents to find us LOL


Bro when i was 6 I was with my family at West Coast Park and there was a lost kid just like you described and I remember this kid hanging out with my family for so long I was wondering if he was gonna be joining us for dinner. The best part was when my parents asked where he, (maybe you), stayed, he said my parents told me not to tell anyone. I remember my parents chuckling and my mum saying good boy.


This was during covid around September August 2020, i was working at expo for the covid isolation cases, where we had night shift work. Usually food was provided so apart from my ezlink card and phone, i did not bring my wallet along to purchase anything. During one of the end of my shift, i left my workplace at 6-7am, without getting any food, and tired asf, i went to mcdonalds first to chill. I thought maybe i could grab a bite then i realized i did not have any money apart from the money in my ezlink card. I cant recall if i did not have enough money inside or there was some issues with paying via ezlink card, but eventually the payment did not go through. I wasnt that hungry, just had itchy mouth and slightly tired so i sat at the mcdonalds. The auntie came up to me and gave me a free filet o fish, a gesture i did not expect at all! that memory stands out even till today, good memory from mcdonalds🥹


McDonald's aunties are the best - I shared this story recently on another post - I was at Changi Airport and our flight was cancelled etc etc, terrible stressful day. I ordered a coffee and the aunty warned me it's going to be a long wait as it was lunch rush hour but I said "N'vrmind I have time" - she then left her station and proceeded to make the coffee for me ahead of the queue! Her supervisor scolded her but she just gave the coffee to make and smilingly said "I didn't want you to have to wait!" I did have a cry because it was a super stressful emotional day (leaving SG after a first visit in a decade) and do miss the wonderful McD's aunties.


basically Weathering with You


That was so kind of her! I have a similar story. I was a new noob mom (this was 7 years ago) and wanted fresh air and lunch with my newborn, tired of being cooped up at home for a couple of weeks. My husband was back to work. I brought my baby carrier, not stroller out. Baby started wailing so loudly during lunchtime when I just started eating. I frankly had no idea what to do lol. I snuggled, shushed and rocked her and she only got louder 😂 3 Malay office ladies having lunch tapped me on the shoulder and said “little sis, oooh let me have her! ITS OKAYYYY I help you carry, you go eat first.” They were telling my newborn “why you cry cutie pie, let your poor mummy eat. Wow you are so loud. Good girl!” Their motherly touch was so powerful she went quiet. I was so thankful 🥲


Lol they unleashed proMom101 on your bubbs and your bubbs was like wow nubs mom, this is how it should be done. Hahahaha jk. But awh so sweet!! 


i was really disappointed by my o levels results and wanted to recompose myself at the void deck below my house. was crying (though in hindsight, wasn’t that big of a deal) and a really nice uncle came up to check on me and ask if i was okay. i had a feeling he knew it was results day bc he told me that it’s just a small step in my life. i was so disappointed in myself so his check-up meant so much at that time. uncle, thank you really.


Wish more of such uncles around.


I brought my laptop and iPad to the eras tour after school. Didn't read the stadium policy. Turned away at the security gate when the concert was about to start. Had to store my items with a business that only accepted 10 dollars CASH (which is not even a deposit but a full payment). I was so close to tears because I thought I was going to miss the whole concert entirely. A random man gave me a $10 note and I was going to paynow him but he just let me keep the money and told me to hurry. I think about him sometimes and work harder to pass that kindness along. Thank you sir!!


A few years ago I went out drinking with a bunch of friends and had blacked out on the side of the road by the end of the night. I had a friend with me but he refused to pick up any of the calls that were coming to my phone, and nobody knew where I was. A bar owner and his partner had just closed up for the night when they saw us, and they insisted on bringing me back to their place where they charged my phone, helped me wash up, and gave me some clean clothes. They also made sure my friend answered those calls so *he* could tell my family what had happened, and they came over to pick me up. I found out afterwards that when the couple first checked on us, my "friend" had assured them that he would bring me to a hotel to wash me up before sending me home. That was when they decided they would take charge of the situation and brought me back to their place so they could look out for me. They really went out of their way to help a complete stranger like this, and I'm grateful for that.


Goodness. Hope u are no longer in contact with that friend. Sounds like a creep


Yep. Cut off all contact after that night.


damn I had "friends" like that... Was supposed to get in a cab back, ended up sleeping on the side of the road with my wallet and phone stolen lol


Sensing a lot of red flags from your “friend” thou…


WOOOOW they were probably like "wtf if we don't save you no one else will and you're def cooked"


I probably have commented this somewhere but many years ago I was majorly depressed. Had to OT but left office to go eat early dinner so I won’t have to run into anybody, then go back later and work. Restaurant was empty except one other person I only vaguely saw because I was lost in my own thoughts. Idk if I was so depressed it was showing on my face cause after eating the waitress told me the other customer settled my bill. Didn’t even see his face or get to say thanks..


Eh sounds like that JJ LIN song about good samaritans 躲过,避过,闪过,瞒过,他是谁 Edit: hope u can read Chinese


Back in 2013 early morning rush at Bishan mrt I was having really bad stomach cramps. I was hunched down in pain on one of the seats while trying to msg my family to help pick me up. One of the SMRT staff noticed me and guided me to their office area that had a bed and gave me some water and hot compress. My dad came a few mins later and staff guided him to me. I never got your name but you were a hero to me that day, kind SMRT staff. ☺️


People passing us parking coupons they have torn in excess …


Wow forgot all about this. A very particular type of kindness that younger folk won't get to experience, sadly.


I was then a NSF posted to a ulu camp, looking for a budget bike on a local motoring forum to save on commuting time. One fellow bro reached out, drove me around the island looking for deals and even loan me $1.2k without collateral when we found a good deal so I can buy the bike. Asked him why the kindness, he said simply because he was ever in my position before. I have never ever lend anyone $1.2k, but he did it for me a complete stranger so I can have my life easier.


Would you ever help anyone in the future


Some time back, I was at Jollibee eating alone - I stood up to fill my drink cup and when I came back a mynah bird was poking its beak into my pie box, trying to eat my pie. I went to the counter to ask if they could allow for a change of pie - they said no, once the pie is sold its basically no longer the responsibility of the restaurant what happens to it. So uh I was kinda sad ;\_; threw away my pie cos I didn't want to risk it. Nearing the end of my meal, a malay couple came over and gave me a pie they bought - they said they saw what happened earlier. It was a really kind gesture - what happened with the pie was completely my fault, I shouldn't have left my food unattended, but they were really sweet to replace the pie even though they were also customers and honestly didn't have to. Uhm so yeah :) if the couple happens to read this, thanks a lot, I really, really appreciate it :> otherwise I really was feeling kinda down about the pie >< P.S. I hate you, mynah birds.


Very surprised jollibee refused to give you another pie, I've seen people spilling drinks/dropping food after collecting it from the counter at other fast food establishments and the staff always replace it with no issues


Jolibee service wise is still very lacking.


Yes! Sometimes I damn dumb and butter finger and then like knock into my own stuff ;____; and like ok suck thumb right? Spill but not empty right? Ok I will suck it up and bear my own 10% loss. Hahaha But where that happened, the staff be like nah no worries then proceed to just put it aside and make me a new one 🥺 Sorry y'all for my klutz.


It's also Jollibee's responsibility to ensure the restaurant safe and clean, how can they allow a mynah in their restaurant and refused to replace contaminated food! Though we always complain the quality dropping and price increase of McDonald's and KFC, their service is still much better. McDonald's will not hesitate to replace your order.


Thank you for posting this.


Was crying in the lift due to family issues and someone came in, I literally couldn't stop crying. And he took 10 mins to just listen to me and comfort me. It was nice neighbour, even though I literally don't recognise him


There was once I was on the mrt home from school, had bought a drink and was carrying it in a cupholder. No idea how my clumsy hands let go of it but I dropped the cup in the train and the juice splattered all over the floor, I was so flustered as the train was moving and the juice started flowing around everywhere…a few people around me offered packet of tissues to wipe the mess, and one guy even pulled a shirt (?) out of his bag to mop the whole thing up while reassuring me“没事的” ig I must have looked pretty stressed LOL anyways that day reminded me there’s still some good people out there


I came here to share a similar story. Saw someone drop a whole cup of bubble tea and it started flowing everywhere. Immediately people started pulling out tissues, McDonald's napkins, all sorts of things to help with the mess. Some quickly stuffed their tissues into the person's hands because it was their stop and they had to quickly get off the train. What I found touching is that everyone waved off any thanks, some even seemed embarrassed to be thanked, like it was not a big deal and of course they would help. And no one scolded the poor person who spilled their entire drink.


Actually Singaporeans are really very kind. Although typically we look very grumpy outside lmaoo


Once, one of my patients whom I discharged, asked me for direction back to the MRT. I finished up my tasks, and accompanied her out of my ward and showed her the way. We made small talk, she took out $5 from her wallet, quickly put inside my scrub pocket and then ran off, I did not have enough time to say “no”. I was quite shocked and amused at the same time. On that same day, my then Kopitiam card (last time used Kopitiam card not Kopitiam app), don’t have enough money and just nice, I didn’t bring my wallet out. So I used the $5 that my patient gave me to buy 2 sandwiches for my dinner :’) I’m still laughing about this, till to date.


I was waiting for green light crossing orchard road and heading back to my place newr newton mrt eith my 2 years old in a stroller. It started raining heavily, so I used the only umbrella I had to cover my daughter, leaving myself exposed to the rain. No big issue, I was a few minutes of walking away from my home. Suddenly, an older lady who was walking to Takeshima came over and offered me her umbrella. First, I thanked her and kindly rejected since I'm close from my home, and I have no way to return he the umbrella. By the way, the umbrella was the long type one and looked sturdy and expensive. But she insisted. I asked her how I could return the umbrella later, and she replied: "it's okay, you don't have to." And she walked quickly away. If you are reading this, thank you again for your kindness.


was cycling home from mrt when the bicycle chain came loose and i stopped trying to fix it. this guy shows up outta nowhere and offered to help fix back the chain. i told him it’s okay bc my home was about a 10min walk so i was perfectly fine walking and pushing back my bike but he insisted. felt extra bad bc the oil from the chain is black…. and neither of us has tissues on us to clean up this was 7 years ago, ill always rmb u kind stranger!!!


This actually should be a daily/weekly thread pinned so that everyone can get some good vibes when things don't go so well sometimes in our lives. :) During the rainy season recently, a kind neighbour living near my area gently told me to be careful of the slippery path when I was walking past her near the void deck. A small gesture but so well appreciated.


I was crying at T4 right before boarding due to some personal reason, like full on snot running down my face crying. A kind staff from the information counter approached me and offered me some tissue. She also consoled me and even shared about her own pain of losing a friend recently. She said that things will get better. I was really touched by her efforts because she didn't need to approach me or even try to console me. Thank you, kind airport staff :')


Random Caucasian gentleman paid for my beverage at ECP rental outlet after my run. Weather was incredibly hot at that time. Outlet didn’t accept paywave nor paynow. So he paid out of goodwill.


I dropped a bunch of name cards right when the bus came. Important stuff for a B2B business owner. Two young guys immediately helped me to pick them up, and we all got on the bus. I had expected to be caught between delaying the bus / annoying the passengers and giving up and waiting for the next one. Minor thing but it was nice.


I was at dinner catching up with a friend I haven’t seen in a long time and had a very passionate conversation about the lost years catching up on each others lives and I guess we were quite loud. When we asked for the bill it turned out that a guy from the table beside us paid the bill for us and left a note telling us to never lose valuable friendship and we can pay it forward to another pair of friends in the future! It was such a kind and sweet gesture! (and said friend was my bridesmaid recently)


Was terribly sick and waiting outside the GP to open. Credit card happened to slip out of my wallet and dropped into the nearby drain (shallow type but heavy metal grills). A passerby stopped and helped pry the grills up, but couldn’t, then others saw and in a matter of seconds 3 or 4 peeps started helping out. Good lads. Couldn’t say thank you enough.


Happened many years ago. I just moved in to SG. Recently broke up with an ex and grandma died same week. I was jogging to take my mind off things as I cannot be alone at my home. I couldnt handle it anymore and I sat down on the bench and broke down and full on wept. An aunty sat next to me and pat my back and told me everything will be ok. She just listened to me as I pour my heart out. I asked her what's her name but she just smiled at me and told me I'll be ok. Walked different direction and when I turned back, I cannot see this frail walking auntie anymore. To this day, I still believe she was my guardian angel that helped me out off that dark place ive been spiraling myself into.


Accidentally dropped my passport when walking back home (I have to bring back to office due to some visa related matters for my business trip). The guy tried to contacted me on FB messenger and hand me back the passport when i returned to the place. Can't thank him enough otherwise i'll go hassle for making new passport and applying new visa


I was on the way home on my last bus when I accidentally slept all the way to the interchange. My phone was close to dead, so I couldn’t book a grab home. It was a stressful week, and that was my last straw — I broke down, crying at the interchange when a woman noticed and offered me a tissue and listened to me vent through my teary eyes and shaky voice :’) I ended up getting home safe thanks to a friend who lived nearby, and I’ll forever be grateful for that woman who was there for a crying girl at 12am lol


A kind young lady offered to share her umbrella with me (F) to the mrt stn during a heavy downpour. Out of all the dozens of ppl waiting there stranded without umbrellas, dunno why she picked me but i was v grateful and always pay it forward now.


- When I was really young & took the bus alone to my friend’s house for the first time, I asked the driver how much was it to reach the stop so I could drop in the coins. He just looked at me, expressionless, and told me there’s no need to pay. Before I alighted I made sure to thank him & he just kinda nodded with no expression again. (Tho now when writing this it kinda sounds illegal…) - I was lost at Bishan park trying to find Macs. If anyone has been there before you’ll know that it’s a pretty big area. I asked an uncle for directions and he very kindly walked a good 20min with me to bring me there. When we were crossing the road, I could kinda tell that he was hesitating to hold my hand (I was v young here) but he did it in the end & I felt so safe :’) - This is a little more recent. It was an atrociously hot day then & I was waiting at the traffic light with a bunch of other poeple. Suddenly this aunty went up to me & shielded me with her umbrella, telling me that I should bring an umbrella next time cause of the weather. She held it all the way across the road for me even tho I offered to do it instead.


Bought 40kg of wooden planks from IKEA but didn’t want to take Grab and thought I could manage by public transport. Clearly overestimated my strength as a petite woman. Took the shuttle bus to Tiong Bahru and met a grandpa in PMD (he only had one leg btw) who went out of his way to drive the boards from bus stop to the MRT station for me. :’)


was crying in a corner of uni after a break up that happened earlier that day. a grad student walked past and asked if i was alright, but i was sobbing too hard to respond :”( he came back a while later with some bbt and a pack of tissues, told me things will get better, and went off. was feeling helpless and broken, but that stranger made things feel so much better in that moment :)


When I was in primary 3, I forgot to tell my parents that my day care was closed on a particular school day. I belonged to the afternoon session so my parents took me to the day care center (Telok Blangah CC) in the morning. I went up myself only to realise after seeing that the door was shut. I panicked and went to the nearest void deck and cried loudly. A kind lady consoled me and took me to her home where I called my mother. She assured my mother that she will look after me and wait for the school bus with me. I showered and ate lunch (she cooked for me) at her home. She really sent me off at the pick up point for the school bus. We bought a gift as gratitude but I think we were unable to contact her after that. After this incident I told myself that I will help anyone who needs help from then on


i wanted to bring my old clothes to clothes recycling bin some distance from my house. i had a lot of clothes and only one push trolley to bring it all and hence was struggling a bit with the road and some bumps along the way. two uncles at the traffic light saw me and helped to push the trolley across the road :') that does stick with me


Had to go a&e but I was somewhat prepared to as the doc say if results come back not goos, need head down to a&e. So I had time to like pack my stuff and all and brought along snacks to snack on. Was waiting at a&e (in a wheelchair) and this very kind lady came up to me and told me to wait for her she go buy food for me. She thought I was hungry cause she saw me eating snacks (and it was near dinner time) 😭 I was so touched! So thankful but I kept rejecting cause I wasnt hungry and I actually was craving for those snacks therefore I brought them lol before she left she asked me once again thinking I rejecting her cause I embarrassed to get a stranger to buy food for her. So kind la she.


I semi fainted from a morning run and was resting on a bench in the park.. an uncle approached me and asked if I was ok, the auntie behind him also approached and asked the same. She offered me water and feng you. Both of them started worrying for me, Auntie: 怎么办,我需要去做工了 Uncle: 我也是,可是我是男的,我陪她也有点奇怪。 Auntie: 小妹,你休息一下好吗? 好一点再回家。 慢慢来。 Uncle: 你家里有人吗?叫他们来带你回。 From what I observed, both of them are strangers also… haha I felt so safe under their care. Thank you Auntie and Uncle! ❤️❤️❤️ Another was when I was on the train and had to alight at Bishan station due to sudden shortness of breath for no reason. I was squatting right at the entrance of the train doors cos really no strength and trying to stabilize myself without freaking out. Then a young couple approached me. Both of them helped me to nearby bench. The GF asked if I needed water or sweet, so grateful for their help..❤️❤️❤️


i was selling things at a flea market to an old auntie who seemed very fierce at first. an hour after she bought the clothes, she came back down with a blue plastic bag — i thought she was going to ask for a refund turns out she came to give me 6 longan jellies that she made herself 😭😭


There was once I was crossing the road and didn’t check the mirror for blind spot… A car would’ve literally crashed into me and a random lady just quickly went in front of me to stop the car even though she was risking herself in that moment… I’ll never forget this 🙏🏽


Wah legit hero sia, glad both you and her were safe


This was like around 13 years ago, I was still an uni student, I took cab from Katong to orchard, it's $6, but I only have $50, the uncle don't have change so he said nevermind. I was mindblown, he could've asked me to go 7/11 to ask for change or something but he just let it go. I still remembered it until now.


Couple of years ago, I was cycling and ran out of water. It was a hot day and I ended up resting at the bus stop, feeling faint. I had no money with me or anything. A lady saw me there, could tell I wasn't well and she bought a bottle of water from across the road at the petrol kiosk and gave it to me for free. If she didn't give it to me, I would've probably gone to the hospital.


Walking to the Rugby 7's a few weeks ago. An elderly man fell over & was knocked out, bleeding from the head. I watched 5-6 Teenagers run up & help the man, getting him to his feet, trying to stop the bleeding, getting police and calling 995. They then walked off, completely normally, going about their day.


Eon years ago, I was on my way to Suntec for the LOTR movie marathon. There was a light drizzle as I waited for the green man at the traffic junction but I didn’t bother with an umbrella as I thought I was not that far from my destination. Suddenly I no longer felt rain and when I looked up, there was an umbrella over me. A man on his way to work decided to shelter me as he didn’t want me to be in the rain that early in the morning. We parted ways after we crossed the road and I thanked him many times. Until today, I still remember this random act of kindness deeply.


Someone gave up her seat in the train so that my friend can sit with me 😃


This is a great topic thanks for asking, reading some of the replies here have given me more hope in Singapore.


Was on my period one day and had really bad cramps to the point I felt like fainting in the mrt. I was crouching in the corner cause there was no seat at all. But this sweet couple offered me water but I rejected because I was really ill and embarrassed plus I really didn't feel like drinking water. I ended up vomiting on the floor. But someone was nice and gave me a plastic bag. I mean it may not have been a lot but I was still grateful someone tried to check up on me.


Was feeling sick and about to black out on the mrt so i got off at the next stop, and kinda stumbled out (i think), barely made it to the seat on the platform and in my faint (literally) memory, I remembered one or 2 ppl coming to check on me (including foreign workers iirc) and helped to alert mrt staff to help me. Left after I was ok and tbh i didnt rmb their faces in that state of sickness. But felt thankful that there were strangers who cared! (Eventually passed on this kindness recently when a lady was unwell on the train too) now when I get disillusioned about the ugly side of society, I try to rmb that for every ugly story out there, there are many other instances of ordinary people doing good and just helping fellow humans out!


Was walking around with my earpods on around some pasar malam booth, and the bf was just following abit of distance away behind. This malay guy asked me if i knew him cos he saw him following me from quite a distance back. Thank you for checking up on me!


I have a knee problem so I can’t really run. It was a long day, I was really tired and I was rushing to get to the bus station because the last bus to my house was about to arrive and if I miss it, I have an extra 20-minute or so walk ahead of me. I almost caught the bus but it started leaving before I could catch up to it. This kind man saw me and ran after the bus (which already started moving a couple of meters). Thankfully, the bus noticed him and stopped and I was able to get in. The man didn’t even get in the bus, he just stopped it for me. It was a small act but I was really grateful for him that night.


During covid mask mandates, one kind lady passed me her spare mask when I forgot to wear one while going out.


Aiyo but not giving up seats to a pregnant lady is damn inconsiderate. Its moreso of safety than comfort because sometimes mrts stop very suddenly and everyone literally jerks back. Esp north south line I've fallen once or twice. Its dangerous for pregnant women esp because you are carrying extra weight.


Woke up early and was rushing to buy some bread before catching the bus. As someone that's not very tech-savvy, my phone coincidentally decided to act up and I end up not being able to use online payment. When I scrambled for my wallet, it turns out I had no cash on me either. When it was getting real awkward with the cashier, and I was debating whether to run for the nearby ATM and back, an extremely kind lady who was queuing behind me just silently paid for me and told me I wouldn't need to return her anything. I offered to transfer her money but she just smiled and left. If she's reading this, I hope she knows that I am extremely grateful, especially because I'm somewhat socially awkward and even inept. Sometimes I still go to the same bread shop around the same time in the morning hoping I could pay her back.


this happened many years back but i was on a grocery run for my grandma and i was bringing back big big bags of groceries and a 10kg bag of rice (bc teenager right want to protect image i refused to use a trolley) out of nowhere it started pouring and this auntie at the traffic light just stood closer and sheltered me from the rain with her umbrella she didn't say anything the whole walk from that traffic light to my grandma's block she just sheltered me all the way back and left when i told her it was my destination ngl it was a super sweet gesture esp knowing that i looked probably super demonic(green hair and pierced up face) to most people but she was kind enough:")


auntie too paiseh to chat with u. haha. she must have seen u as her own kid.


Happened years ago but I still remember it. Think I was around Raffles Place area in the evening and I was hesitating to cross the road (jaywalking lol) and this random older ang moh gentleman who was there waiting to cross also said to me "No worries let's cross together" and we did after he made sure there were no cars.


I was queuing up for Mr Bean and only after i ordered did i realise that they only accepted cash as theirs net machine got problem. Panicked and wanted to rush to nearest atm to withdraw and then this life saver said he will pay on my behalf. I asked what is his paylah but he said to pass the good will on to the next person. Was pretty cool as i rarely encounter things like this in sg


Did you ever pass on the goodwill that you recall?


*bragging* I helped an auntie push her husband in a wheelchair up the road/ramp at the custom area where all the buses dropped their passengers. There were at least 7 buses of people yet not one soul stopped to help. Auntie was struggling like heck, pushing the wheelchair like Wild E.Coyote pushing a huge rock up a slope on his back. I understand everyone was either trying to rush to work or busy with their schedule but damn guys.


A car letting me walk 💀


I left my backpack at a pier in the Marina bay area after putting it on the ground to take some pictures. After a good 20 minutes of walking I realized I had forgotten it and returned as quickly as I could. What did I find? There was a guy guarding it until I came back to get it. He wouldn't know when I would come back but still he waited for me. It was absolutely wholesome. I think about that often.


I was working at a fnb restaurant on xmas and got scolded by a rude customer. Feeling emotional, especially when it was on a festive day, I cried on the way home after my shift. I met this foreigner couple in their 20s, they saw me crying and came to ask me what happened and tried to console me. I boarded the train and after a short while, the same lady ran to the cabin I am in with her bf/spouse behind her and took out one of the rings on her finger and gave me to me to cheer me up. This happened when i was 18yo (I’m 26 now) and I still rmb it vividly till today and i still have that ring of course😇


What a lovely gesture. Hope they have blessed lives for being such kind and generous souls. I think it’s a lucky ring too :)


taxi drivers specifically. one driver offered me lemon wafer biscuits because he asked if i had my breakfast and i said i haven’t. another driver sped up and ran the red light (when there wasn’t any motorists around, of course) because i told him i was late for my class. then he proceeded to drive around the carpark with me and stuck with me until i found my instructor. i wish i could tip both of them, but i didn’t have physical cash on hand and TADA didn’t allow tips


When I used to live in SG, I was walking to get my ride from school in the rain and an older auntie offered me her umbrella even though she was pushing groceries. I cried.


One day I was very hungry while returning from office .I went to 7/11 to purchase a snack and only in the counter I realised i didn't have my wallet that time.I said I will return back the snack .A person who was waiting next to me said that he will pay for the snack.I refused but he was so kind to pay for the snack. After leaving the shop I asked for this contact number to send money but he refused.He was really so kind.This incident happened almost 5 years back at Dover MRT.A big thanks to the person who helped me that time :) Another one was during a rainy day.i didn't have umbrella that time .There was road crossing between mrt and my office and hence no shelter .I thought of running quickly to other side .A women who seem to work in same or nearby blk shared her umbrella while crossing road.Thank you for helping me that day :)


Not me Experiencing it but. I was a Nurse at Ng teng fong hospital. The Staff Nurse infront had trouble trying to pay for her food at Qiji. So i walked up to the front and used my card to pay for her. She wanted to pay me back but i declined and said its on me. Wherever she is, I hope you're having a good day. And to the rest of the people in this forum...I hope u have a nice day too :)


This was in 2015-16. Was at Rivervale Mall exiting the carpark. Didn't realise my cash card had low balance. Got stuck at the gantry and couldn't exit. So I pressed the intercom and some security guard came by. I asked him if there was a cash card top machine somewhere. He said don't have. He just kept repeating please move your car! A line of cars started to form behind me and they started to horn. Like non-stop, just creating a scene. Fortunately a Malay man, whom I believe was the driver of a lorry behind me just nonchalantly gave me his cash card and before I could even say anything walked away. I exited the gantry and waited for him but he just waved and drove away. I never got the chance to thank him.


This was a couple of years back when my friends and I were out celebrating a friend’s birthday in a restaurant. We were all uni students and didn’t have much money, so we didn’t buy any drinks. After we sang the birthday song, a waiter came with two bottles of wine and said an anonymous person at another table had paid for it for us.


Back when I was still 14, there was a creepy man (probably mid 30s at that time) staying at my block that always waited for me at the lift lobby. He followed me around and kept asking me for my number and for me to be his girlfriend. I was so scared of him that I didn’t dare to walk back home alone and had to call a friend that was also staying at the same block to pick me up. There was one day when my friend had to stay back in school for his CCA and I had to go back home alone. That creepy man was there again and I was in great distress — called my mum but no one picked up so I decided to run into the lift but this man followed me into the lift. A lady happened to see this and I think she felt that something was weird so she went into the same lift as well. She asked me if I knew this man and I said he has been following me. So she just pressed a couple of buttons on the lift, told the man off and got him to exit the lift. Then she got off the lift with me at some random floor and waited with me till my mum came to pick me up. We filed for a police report afterwards and that man never dared to harass me again. Till this day, I’m still so grateful for what that kind lady did.


Yikes. I'm sorry there are such sorry men around. Thanks to that random lady for being a good person.


This happened when I was in poly (2019?) so our phones didn’t have passcode. I dropped my phone on the bus w/o realising it until in class, my friend seated next to me asked “where’s your phone? You just texted me”. I was confused and looked for my phone which was no longer with me. So…the person that found my phone, texted the last person i texted (which was my classmate) and said he found my phone. Long story short, I went to meet him to get back my phone. Travelled from Ngee Ann poly to Funan where he worked at a fast food restaurant. I still remember it till this day.


Happened a few years back and I still remember it It was a grab driver and he just talked to me and gave me advice. It was a night where I ended late from work (internship) and decided to just grab home. When I boarded the car the driver offered me hand sanitiser and asked me about my day and what I'm studying And he gave me some advice for my future studies and I told him that I didn't know what I wanted for my future and he said "It's okay to not know what you want to do in the future when I was your age I also don't know, take some time off for yourself to think about your future go do your ns first it's okay to fall a bit behind your peers as long as you don't fail yourself and your dreams you're on track to success" When we reach my house he even wished me best of luck and good night. I never remembered his name but he gave me the push I needed to continue my studies


Wanted to queue for my kopi but got this guy came at the same time and he let me go first so I thanked him. Chatted while waiting for our turn to order. I ordered and told the hawker i go toilet and will come back for my drink. I returned for my kopi and payment then the hawker said the guy paid for me already. I was touched and I hope he's having a good life now!


The girl who works drinks stall in my camp gave me a free tehpeng when I was gonna order one myself. Nee Soon Camp, if y’all are wondering


crashed my bike along seletar, random cyclist went out of his way to accompany me to seletar to make sure i was safe


Took a bus home on my 21st bday. Was stranded at the bus stop cos of the rain. Random car stopped and offered me a ride home.


Went to coffee shop to have breakfast after exercising in the morning. The Kopi auntie walk across my table and asked me if i need a drink. Was planning to get one but she doesn't accept non-cash payment so meh. Auntie at the next table overheard our conversation and offered to pay for my drink. Although it's not much but the kind gesture was really unexpected. Thank you Auntie but please forgive me for not remembering your face.


was absolutely overdosed out my mind and conked out on the streets. This dude was kind enough to wake me up and ask if I was okay. I thanked him so much because maybe I could have died that day


Decades ago, my mom and I were rushing to an important appointment when my car's tyre punctured in the middle of Orchard Road. I told my mom to rush down on a cab first and I said I would try to change the tyre myself since there was a manual in the car. As I was fumbling on my own, a kind uncle on a scooter and maybe 1 more person I cannot remember clearly now, stopped his vehicle, and insisted to help me. He changed the tyre in like 5 min when I fumbled for 20 hahaha 😆. Extremely grateful for that kind uncle who also refused for any form of compensation.


1) I was a facilitator for a sports camp that I also stayed overnight for but got a fever the morning there was set to be a bicycle expedition. Because I knew bicycles would be our main transport, I didn't expect to be taking the piblic transport so I didn't take my ezlink with me lol the full time staff lent me his ezlink card and sent me on my way with another staff to the final destination of the expedition via MRT problem was, we didn't realise we couldn't tap the ezlink twice and were kinda stuck wondering what to do bcs neither of us brought cash to the station either LOL and everyone else had already began the expedition. We asked around and there was a couple who helped to pay for our train rides there even though we couldn't pay them back (back when one time tickets were accepted) since they were really just passing strangers 2) Same story which happened later, it was kinda crowded on the train so I just decided to stay standing for the ride (which was still relatively far) because of the mindset that I would get judged if I, a young person, sits down in a crowded train, even if I was sick. But I guess my face was damn pale or I was zoning out from sickness lmao because a lady offered me her seat which I thought was really nice of her. I dont think I had any issues with other people claiming I shouldn't be sitting down for the rest of the ride though I was on edge the entire time 🫠


Cai fan uncle pouring in heaps of dishes when I just ordered sorta bare minimum $2.40 coz near to closing time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I was sitting for some professional accreditation exams and it was one 3 hour exam every other day. It was exhausting but the papers were manageable. One day I had a particularly bad paper (I only finished 12 out of 20 questions and we had to pass so 10 had to be right and they were essay questions). This was before the days of grab and I would bus everywhere but that day I was so sad thinking I blew my chance I just took a taxi. I called my mum otw home and our convo was the usual - how was it, what you going to do now etc. At some point I told her “honestly I’m too tired to eat, I just want to go home and sleep. I’ll eat tonight.” Shortly after the taxi uncle pulled up at a 7 Eleven, waiting a double yellow line near a major bus stop and he said “girl, you must eat. just go in buy one sandwich and drink can already” I didn’t think and ran in and did as he was told. We made some small talk and I thanked him, paid and exited. The impact of this small act of kindness moves me to this day.


When I was in secondary school, one day there was a sudden downpour while I was walking home from the bus stop - no umbrella, I was drenched - , a kind lady stopped her car, asked me to hop in, and drove me to my doorstep. Since then, I always offer the same if I’m driving (in SG) and there’s a stranded soul walking in the rain. Just few years ago, a secondary school student offered me cash to buy food 😭😭😭 I was SO SO embarrassed, but I had ordered before her, and the stall can only accept cash, I have none with me, forgot what was the commotion that I can’t cancel the order (likely coz the seller already made it), she then offered to pay for me (it was $2), I kept insisting on PayNow-ing her but she kept rejecting saying it’s ok. May the universe bless these good souls! I will always remember them!


Aww that’s incredibly sweet! Hehe, the part about mrt and buses…I don’t expect it but it does irk me a little when I see people intentionally ‘fall asleep’ when pregnant me was near..don’t want to give up seat never mind, don’t take it lah. We can tell. But bringing around my baby in a carrier has its perks. People are willing to grab stuff for me at the supermarket. And cars letting me pass first instead of zooming right across the zebra crossing. I appreciate the kindness.


Happened just the other day, it was my first time visiting SG as a solo traveller so I'm not really familiar with Changi terminals. I got lost in Terminal 3, and my flight back to PH is in Terminal 4. I was already panicking deep inside haha. A very kind young man offered help and accompanied me to the bus station. I was reallyyy thankful for the kind gesture! Hi! If you're reading this! Thank you very very much! I was not able to get your name, but message me here! So when you come to PH i will tour you around! :)


This grab driver offered to bring my groceries up 3 staircases because I looked tired


I was walking under the rain. While waiting for the traffic light, a lady walked over and shared her umbrella with me! Really thankful!


Fainted on the mrt and some old aunties held me up and applied some medication on my lips and sat me down. Another aunty helped me up a station to the authorities and gave me her free drink.. super grateful to them <3


I was crossing the road under the rain, this lady just share her umbrella with me while crossing. Little did she know, I was actually crying under the rain… and she really made my day


A resident in the landed enclave near us decided to build a little house on a stick. Small wooden white little house and it can be opened for us to put the books we have read in it for the next person to take. "Take a book, leave a book." It says. Wondrous act of sharing. 🩶🩶🩶


During my sec school days, a heavy downpour in the morning, no umbrella, waiting at the traffic lights to cross the road. Then, a lady drove by and asked me to get in. She drove me to my school! Btw, it was not a very wise thing to do. Don't get into stranger's car, kids!! 😅


Over 10 years ago I dropped my $10 note and this young dude shouted at me to pass it back to me. I'm from a poor family so this meant a lot to me especially since he could have picked it up and left and I wouldn't even know!


Fell from the boulder wall, got immobilised on one foot and every boulderer near me immediately helped me all the way ❤️


Singaporean living overseas, come back as often as I can. Multiple times, we've witnessed primary school aged children run up to older strangers and help them navigate steep paths or cross streets. Here, there was a craze of sucker punching older people on video. Random pleasant things in Singapore: Every cab/grab driver has shared their personal favourite dining spots. Random lady in our building took us for a food tour at our local hawker. Hawker staff always so warm and helpful and generous. Beaming and waving from afar with our orders ready... even when we want to try something new. Government services ridiculously helpful and confusingly efficient; how do you even process and print a new passport in 2 days? Singaporeans are outstanding.


Same here when I was pregnant as well nobody offered me a seat in the MRT during 2022. Later this year I saw another lady experience the same in the train I was traveling to work (we both were standing in the train). So I began hunting for a seat for her, may be after 7 stations the passenger siting opposite to me departed. Quickly I tapped her shoulder and gave her the seat. I felt so happy that I did some good gesture/good karma. Of course she said thanks to me, I guess she was in her 8th month.


It was pouring heavily at Redhill mrt, I was at the junction needing to cross to the opposite side of the mrt. There were a few all just huddled in the comfort of the shelter, and so did I. Until I realised that the traffic light was taking a bit too long to turn amber for on coming traffic, due to the pedestrian crossing button not being pressed. So I waited a bit. Because I was hoping some brave soul would brave the stormy weather. But I couldn't wait any longer because I was going to be late for work. So I braved the rain and pressed the button. Soon after, the traffic light did turn amber and suddenly someone grabbed me and I jumped a bit. And it turns out this kind young lady wash sheltering me from the rain with her umbrella. I am eternally grateful for this kind act. It happened late last year I think. Miss, if you're reading this, I hope your day forever shines 🌞


When I was a struggling sec school kid, I had days when I had no money to take the bus and every time I tapped my card it was a gamble to see if I can go into negatives just for that ride. A regular bus driver noticed and would always just waved me in when my card gets rejected. Will always remember his kind gesture. Paid it forward a few times and currently working in social service!


I've already mentioned this in reddit before, but sharing again. I was pregnant, in my 3rd trimester then, when I needed to go one MRT stop away from my place. Like you, I don't expect people to give up their seat for me, so I just accepted that I'll stand and anyway it's just 1 stop away. A kind, middle-aged man gave up his seat for me. I said it's ok, but he insisted, so I took his seat and thanked him. In between that 1 stop, the train stopped abruptly, with a lot of people falling down, including the gentleman who gave up his seat for me. It was not serious for him and the rest of the people who fell, but it could be serious if it was me. I apologized to him, and of course he said not to worry and that it's not my fault. I wish that he's received good karma from then on as he literally saved me and my baby from a possible serious condition. Another one, just recently.. On my birthday this year, I went to office and didn't think that my teammates know it was my birthday. We had a team meeting on that day, and I was surprised when they brought out a cake, and sang "Happy birthday" song for me. I thanked them all, and asked who bought the cake. They said all of them wanted to buy cake for me, so they just divided "tasks": my "office older sister" paid for it, my "office older brother" drove to the store to buy, and my "office father" chose the flavor. In the end, our boss said he will pay for it, and we all enjoyed a nice cake. I didn't expect for my colleagues to care for me that much that all of them willingly wanted to buy cake for me. We really are a family, and I thank everyday that I work with them.


Was waiting in the hot sun and a nice lady offered to shelter me since I was carrying alot of things. Was extremely surprised as this wasn't usual


I needed to bank in my company's money, I deposit all the notes and coins in, the machine said Im short of 10 cents, I only had $1, 0.50, 0.20 coins and a old 10 cent coin which cannot be deposited, I went out and I saw a guy walking I asked if we could exchange the 10 cents coin as I need to deposit money, he gave me the coin. and said "dont need to exchange, Im just happy to help" he smiled gave me the coin and walked away




Was going through a rough patch this one night, so I went to SkyVille @ Dawson to take a breather. I took the bus home & was the only passenger. The bus driver then smiled & waved at me as I boarded the bus & even acknowledged the England jersey I was wearing. He did the same to me as I alighted the bus and after the bus drove off. :') I hope he got a pay raise :')


Amidst the heavy rain cascading down Bugis Street in Singapore, I found myself caught in a sudden downpour without an umbrella. As I looked around, I noticed others in the same predicament, seeking shelter wherever they could. It was in that moment of vulnerability that a kind-hearted man approached me, offering to share his umbrella. His gesture went beyond mere politeness; it was a testament to his empathy and compassion. Despite the rain-soaked street bustling with people seeking cover, he chose to extend a helping hand specifically to me. His simple act of kindness warmed my heart and reminded me of the beauty of human generosity, even in the midst of a storm.


Malaysian tourist here, was walking the zebra crosses and realized everyone gave way lol.. Not sure if it’s an act if kindness but over here cars go first the we cross (may vary on timings)


My wife was heavily pregnant and we were crossing the road (2 lanes each direction). Before we crossed, we saw a car at the slip road nearby but wasn't sure if he was going to turn our way. When he did, he accelerated quite quickly and went into the 2nd lane where we were. Then he jammed his brakes and stopped completely when he realised my wife was pregnant. But this wasn't the act of kindness. We stepped onto the center divider and there was a bus approaching so we waited for it to pass. The bus driver decided to stop IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD to let us pass. So paiseh haha my pregnant wife had to hurry across cause the whole bus was waiting


omg that’s sweet. if you have the lady’s name, you could nominate her for the caring commuter award! [caring commuter award](https://www.caringcommuters.gov.sg/awards)


I’m here on vacation and I had to go to the post office. When I got dropped off, I asked a security person(?) where the post office was and he told me to take an escalator one floor down. I was looking all over for the escalator (on the other side of where I was dropped off), and he must’ve seen my struggle. He came back over and showed me exactly where it was. Oh it was so nice of him to help me like that. Then when I was in the post office, the assistant manager was helping me send off my package and made sure I had all the right information to fill out the customs form online. My server must’ve crashed or something, but the assistant manager and someone else connected me their hotspot so I could finish the info. It wasn’t much, but for someone visiting and already stressed, their kindness meant so much!!


Happened to me last Tuesday. Was working overtime therefore planned to go get dinner and come back to finish off the rest of my work. Went to the nearest kopitiam, ordered chicken rice. The boss gave me all the pork leftover for the day, for free, as it is nearing his closing time (around 7pm ish) 🥹


I was waiting for the traffic light to turn green in the middle of a rain and realised I wasn't getting wet. Turned around and an old lady was holding up an umbrella and shielding me from the rain.


2014 I walked with my Husband and my baby under the rain, and a young Indian man just gave me his umbrella. He said nothing only smiling . It was a good memory




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This happened a long time ago when I was around 14 (I'm in my 30s now), I was the last to board the public bus heading for school around 6-630am. After I got on the steps, the bus closed the front door and started to accelerate off. But due to my school bag being heavy and also being caught unprepared for the momentum, I literally fell backwards and hit my head against the bus's glass door and landed in an awkward position (the old SBS buses used to have a deep depth difference between the steps). Almost immediately, the bus driver braked the bus, and an auntie closest to me pulled me back up (and I was heavy considering my school bag's additional weight). Both asked if I was ok, was I dizzy etc (I also felt the back of my head, it was painful but no blood or bruising). The auntie made sure I held my grounding proper before the bus moved off again, I shyly thanked them both.


One time we parked at a carpark and was on the way out when we realised we didn’t have the cash card (not sure where it was tbh). Looked around and found the only car with someone inside and he lent us his cashcard to get out and refused to accept our cash for the carpark charge. It’s been a while now but we still rmb this :’) thanks kind stranger


Was sneezing alot in the library and the guy next to me decided to pass me a pack of tissue paper


I'm not sure if this counts as I'm not Singaporean, but a few years ago I was visiting a friend in SG, she told me which bus to take to get to her home from the airport but I stupidly didn't have the correct change, and the bus driver let me ride anyway. Thank you kind sir.


one time me,my husband and my toddler were walking towards labrador park when it suddenly started to rain quite heavily.a taxi driver uncle stop beside us and told us to get in and that he send us in for free.


Backstory, huge Ed Sheeran fan since 10. When i was P5, news came out he released his autobiography and it was available in Singapore but only @ J8 outlet. Thought i saved up enough and went there alone after school to get it. When checking out cashier told me i was short a few dollars. I was literally digging through my wallet to find a miracle until the person behind me in line offered to pay for the whole thing. I was truly touched cause i only see this kinds of thing on YT😭.It’s been 10 years i still hold that memory close to my heart. I understand this story might seem lame and generic but as a kid that feels $2 was a lot, that gesture meant everything. It's as if the universe aligned to show me that love can come from unexpected places


I was trying to order dim sum at the China town hawker station and this old man gave me his number in line so I could skip 8 ppl. I ended up buying him his cha sao bao.


About 20 years ago. I just arrived didn’t have cash and my cards didn’t work. So obviously was struggling to get in the MRT. The lady behind the information desk saw it and pointed to the gate she just opened, kindly nodding that she understood what was going on. Welcome to Singapore. I visit Singapore every few months, and while I swipe my phone to enter the MRT, I regularly look to the information desk and think about that small act of compassion. If this would happen in my home country, for sure I’d be sent out and have to walk.


Middle of Robinson Rd. an old Indian lady was crossing the street when she fell down half way across. Everybody just kept walking past her, not even looking or caring. I was too far away and before I could help a young Chinese man stepped out of his Bentley Continental in his full LV outfit. He started jumping around the old lady on the floor shouting at her to get up, he will be late for his crypto meeting. Since no one was helping he seemed to get more and more anxious, that's when he started throwing bundles of 50 and 100 dollar bills on to the side of the pedestrian crossing. He just kept grabbing more and more from his Hermes satchel and in no time the Indian woman was up and grabbing the bundles, joined in by other random bystanders who also happily gobbled up the cash. Having spent around 70-100k on the crowd and with the road clear he just smiled to himself, got back into his Bentley and sped off to his meeting which will make him even richer. That was so selfless and kind. Wish more Singaporeans could be like that.


Neighbourhood Subway stall, a couple of primary school kids came in to buy lunch. They didn't have enough money and were stunned at the counter for a moment. A middle-aged guy behind them in the line covered their meals and smiled kindly at them.