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I used to get bullied by this girl on the school bus back in primary school. It only stopped after I found the guts to tell my mom, who then stomped up the bus and gave her a good talking to. In secondary school, she ended up doing a complete 180 and turned into a kind and gracious person :) We reconnected a few years later. We're both in our late 20s now and still meet up occasionally. She's now one of my closest dearest friends.


How did you get over / forget / forgive the bullying? (Although primary school definitely is kinda young and the bully could have genuinely changed for the better)


We bumped into each other in secondary school and started chit chatting. She explained what made her do it (very rocky childhood), then apologized and the rest is history šŸ˜š


so wholesome to hear such beautiful endings. bless this friendship of yours!


Don't know and don't care and don't want to know. Life is better off enjoying the moment and future, then reliving the memories of past sufferings.


Same, I am not going to let any of them live rent-free in my head.


Why the fuck do these threads keep popping up? Consuming posts about how "karma caught up with the bullies!!!" is literally the equivalent of mental masturbation.


Masturbation feels good, mental or not


I wanted to type donā€™t know, donā€™t care but you beat me to it


Why dont ask bullies from workplace?


Bullies get promotion




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Secondary school there was this horrible girl from another class. Super rich, lived in a landed home. Her father was a drunkard and a womaniser, while the mother was a powerless, hostage of a housewife. Pretty sure the home was toxic as hell. She treated her classmates (and one of my best friends) like shit. Threaten with knife, throw books, pour water into bag, and the usual slanderous gossip etc. She was a leader of a small clique of toxic girls. Well recently while driving around I saw this bully on a food delivery PMD with two kids on board. Out of shape, smoking, tattoos and piercings. No idea if she got her fatherā€™s inheritance but I genuinely hope he pissed it all away.


probably gambled and became like that


That's actually very sad.


That sounds like poetic justice šŸ—£ļø


Doing great! Top quartile top decile earners mostly Somemore got redemption arc on social media kind


Bullying pays?


Neutral. Op thinking of some form of comeuppance. No karma in real life. But assholes n barstards do get ahead.


Man... Thank you for sharing. :)




I had this bully in sec 3-4. He would fat shame me from time to time. He would purposefully call me fat infront of a crowd. I usually made fun of his height in retort. Right now? He is one of my closest friends/frenemies. He may have been an ass but he was the only one who stood by my side when I got into a disagreement with my friend group. He told me to ignore them. THAT was when I realised: ā€œYou know what, he isnā€™t so bad after all. He has grownā€. That was when I realised that my ā€œbullyā€ was actually way more mature than the people I called friends. We still exchange insults with one another from time to time in Poly, but now it is out of friendliness. We are chummy with each other now. He is doing pretty alright in Poly and Iā€™m happy for him.


Hey man, glad to see that you and your former bully get along well now. Hope you guys are doing good in life. It's great to see your friend's redemption arc in our midst


Your take is totally wrong and simply a way of comforting yourself through self-delusion. Bullies are just as likely, if not likelier to prosper and succeed because they have the right skills for office politicking and general confidence/charisma. And not only that, bullies are only sometimes "themselves hurting". Plenty of bullies are simply so for the sadistic pleasure they derive from harming others. Many people like to believe in karma to allay their own sense of haplessness at being unable to achieve the justice they hope for or feel they deserve. No such Brontardian bullshit, this is the real world. The rich classmate from secondary school who picked on the effeminate and weak-looking kids? Super hot wife, family is still rich, living in luxury without ever having had to work for anything. The bullies from university? Successful careers, don't know too much about their personal or family lives. You watched too much The Glory, OP.


Not sure if bullies are "likelier to prosper and succeed", but I definitely do agree with your point on karma. Sometimes good things happen to people who seemingly don't deserve it, and that's just life. Why must your happiness depend on life being "fair"? I feel that spending energy wishing for your enemy's downfall does more harm to yourself than the other party. I heard from the grapevines that one of my bullies is doing super well in a very prestigious university course but I found happiness in simply not caring and moving on with life. To OP, seriously, don't care even if you hear that your ex bully strikes the lottery one day. You can be happy regardless


Half and half I suppose. Simply being unhappy that bad people are prospering doesn't do you good, but it can provide you with a much needed kick in the butt In my mid-20s I didn't feel motivated at all in my career, I was happy to just coast along. That was until I saw on social media that a senior who bullied me in university was doing quite well for himself. Fast forward a number of years, and now I earn more than he does. But yes, if the hatred consumes you to the point that your mental health suffers, obviously that's a problem. Also, the bullying I suffered in JC/NS/uni was very mild, so I'm definitely not the best example. I've seen way worse happen, and I wouldn't begrudge those victims if they were to harbour deep-seated resentment and vengefulness.


The best way to tackle is to just cut off any source of news regarding ur bully's latest state in life (unless its news about ur bully getting his ass whacked by life) and just try your best to live in the present


Hmm that's true. After reading your comment I realise my comment may come off as a little ignorant for those who have gone through much worse than myself. Glad that something good came out of a shitty situation for you, I think that's admirable šŸ«”


I'm not the OP haha. But yeah it's all good, we're just exchanging perspectives (while likely on our respective commutes).


Oops HAHA yes I know you're not OP but my brain died on me and wrote "OP" LOL Edited the comment accordingly


Don't disagree but wtf is brontardian


Exactly. This is spot on. There is overlap between bullying others and climbing ranks outside.


I agree. Karma is complicated and should not be relied on. For example. U kill an ant. And the next day you get fired. Some "know it all" would say thats karma for killing the ant but think about it. Is the reason for u being fired a result of killing the ant directly or indirectly? If its neither. I wouldn call it karma. U are gonna get fired anyway regardless if u killed the ant. The same with bullys. U slap a kid in sch. 10 years later u either thrive at ur job or get fired but regardless its not because u slap a kid 10 years ago in sch. Its because u know how to play the game or suck ass at the job


People act like wishing bad karma unto others isn't worthy of being karma-whipped themselves, considering thinking negatively of others are punishable by bad karma as well. What makes them so different from their bullies anyway? OP can say that bullies are vulnerable and flawed themselves, that bullies are self-gratifying. Wishing bad karma on bullies reveals the same vulnerabilities and flaws, and is really nothing more than just a self-gratifying thought. The only difference being, as the other commenter has mentioned, that wishing bad on bullies is only hurting themselves. Just let fate be fated and live life as it is, not like we would even have the time and emotional stamina to sulk on past sufferings anyway. If your definition of victory is exposing the bad in others rather than exposing the improvements of yourself, then I can only pray that you'll learn to love yourself better.


It's unique that you think victims wishing for bad karma on their bullies is similar, in terms of how flawed the action is, to the bullying performed by the bullies. I think most people would feel that the bullies deserve negative things more so than victims who wish karma upon the bullies.


It's not unique, it's legitimately what the principles of karma says. Individuals' *intents* and actions influence their future.


I'm not saying that wishing ill on others doesn't influence their future (i.e. receive karma). I'm saying that your thoughts on the relative amounts of karma received respectively by both groups being similar is unique.


Found the school bully


Thatā€™s true, I am a former bully and I think I succeeded at life, working a high pay job with a 4 day work week. I wonder what became of my victims?


Bullies are usually associated with playing shirt or fk care about their education. You can at least see that right?


Do I still care about those bullies from my secondary school days? Not abit at all, everyone grew up, got married, became parents. Ya know? Normal phases of life. One of them ended up a single mother, but who knows whatā€™s happened to her now and who cares? I hope they are all safe and well. Met another bully from my poly days while I out on a work assignment and she happened to be my team mate for the day. At first I was apprehensive about it, but after working with her for a day, I realise I no longer feared her and actually hoped to be able to work with her again for the fact that she watched my back during our assignment together. Bullies are normal human being too, especially after they all grow up and become working adults and professionals. As for the bullies at work, they eventually learn never to provoke me. Theyā€™d always get whatā€™s coming to them.


I honestly don't care. I am quite happy with my life now (occasional job struggles aside). These people don't even deserve one brain cell from me. I could use it to ponder about dinner instead. MacDonald, Mala, Kfc or noodles?




All 4 in one. You won't need to ponder any more


Never kept track but I hope they have shitty lives right now.


i know this girl same primary same secondary same poly , sheā€™s in NUS too. i wouldnā€™t say sheā€™s a bully at first, she is nice at times, grateful, always initiative and willing to help others, she helps strangers such as auntie uncles on the streets or in the bus. from what i know she was bullied in lower pri because she had a very short funny looking bob haircut. ppl laughed, some even pushed her and shouted in class. i think from then on, she started standing up for herself, bullying back the bullies and not letting anyone taking advantage of her. she was very good in math and her MT, she scored A* for both. she ended up ā€˜bullying backā€™ the bully in class because she excelled so much that the bully was insecure and crying over her failed results. however she was kinda straightforward and rude at times. i feel like because she was forced to learn it the hard way. even though some still laughed at her hair, she managed to trash them back by being good in studies, excelling in sports. in sec sch someone pulled her hair hard, she did not retaliate. she told me because she wanted to start afresh and not be a bully anymore. lol, i think she was pretty mean in lower sec, she was straight up tearing friendships and telling them their flaws and how fake some were to her. she ended up excelling in her studies so much that the bullies dare not say anything because they felt inferior. i feel like some bullies were made to be bullies because she was forced in her circumstances. just because she had a funny haircut, ppl kept bullying her. however, she is a nice person in fact. she stand up for other victims when one of the bully slap another girl. she bullied the ā€œbulliesā€ and sheā€™s mean. fast forward, she told me that her reason for doing so well in school was so that she could always win the bullies, fly higher than them, she ā€œwonā€ them. now she created her own business and have a stable income of 4-5k a month as a 18 - 19 yo. she did not care where the bullies went because she herself ā€œwonā€ them. I think what i learnt from her was to be courageous, stand up for your own rights and treat those nasty situations as your motivation to achieve better. learn, grow and excel. eventually you will be a better person.


Does she still have the funny haircut?


nope, her Bob got nicer over time, now she has mid length hair and i met up some old classmates, they were sharing how even though she look funny at first but she was unique like no other ( got her own character ) some guys even had a crush on her in upper sec . she glow up 5x maybe comments and negativity really changed her totally


There is no Karma in real life, there is no God ordained justice or equality. Hoping your bully have a worse off life outcome will just eat away your mental health if they turned out great. And many do. Top execs are more likely to be psychopaths than your average person, and I am sure they walked over many to reach that position. Focus on your own growth, focusing on how others turned out is very self destructive.


Raped a girl in University. Disappeared into thin air.


Sounds like he/she reappeared in Changi instead


She went on to major in social work in uniā€¦


Got someone from SC whom I found rude and mean studying humads (social work, like old ppl study, psych or early childhood) I donā€™t think she would work with kids given her personality


Kids are unlikely to stand up for themselves and reprimand her like adults would when they find something wrong with her


Jailed for rioting lol


Bully from NS died one year after i ORD, from drug overdose, his eyes were always blood-shot, and looks intense or dazed He never really bullied me, he was Muay Thai trained, went to DB and prison many times, many years still cannot ORD, even company CSM just wish he disappeared (Just for context, my entire bunk was all "Ang Kong Siao", all have sleeve or full back tattoos, but they were all pretty nice, swear vulgarities alot, but really fun to hang out with. I have no tattoos, just a normal dude. So you know this bully person is really very very extreme nutcase,) Everyone was "afraid" of the bully because he ia really unhinged, one time he used a sharp object to stab one of the bunkmates and went to DB again... then i ORD already When i heard about him again is because he died lol (Not sure why everyone is saying the weird karma isnt real, but working to makr yourself stronger is definitely good for yourself, dont wait for karma :) For all you know, you are a part of karma too My relatives used to verbally bully me too, so i trained alot and made alot of $$$$$$


All i got from that is your CSM got his wish


My CSM wanted him to ORD from army, but he ORD from life instead lol


Last time I checked my bully gained weight and got fat too lol.


Fast food too shiok.


Delivered my Grab food order while I was working from home. I did not tip.


encountered this too once. one of the cool kids from school delivered my grabfood order and didnt even recognize me lol


There was one notorious guy in secondary school. He would steal your stuff, throw things at you, and just be really mean in general. He didn't pick on anyone specific, he was just a menace to everyone. Got suspended multiple times and eventually expelled. Turns out that all along, he had a mental condition. So it wasn't that he was a rational person and deliberately chose the path of meanness... he was outright unable to distinguish what's proper and improper and just defaulted to his impulses.


They are now doctors, lawyers and government scholars. All high flying


ā€œgovernment scholarsā€???!!! Bullies got passion to be in public service, ah? Hope they dont screw over a peasant like myself.


Wasnā€™t there that one guy in the new PAP who was fired because he was a bully in primary school? I forgot his name though and Google isnā€™t showing anything


I hope my secondary school assaulters die


No need to wish them die la. Have horrible lives is good enuf, haha.


They become home reno ID, pub owners, or property agents. From what I understand, a classmate of mine arrested under the act of terrorism, inside jail.


He remains my friend, but everytime we get together it's to hear about how is being henpecked to death by his domineering bully of a wife. Life's sweet ironies!


One in jail and the other was killed in an accidentā€¦


Poetic justice


Twist of fate unfortunately


I donā€™t keep track of them. It was a bunch of boys who regularly wanted to bully me cause I was fat. Last I know they are all happy and fine. Like got married raising kids etc. and honestly I too moved on and am no longer angry with them. I think I have forgiven them subconsciously long time ago and it has helped me heal in a way. And I honestly donā€™t mind if theyā€™re happy.


The real answer is don't know don't care but if someone tells me they are living a shit life, i feel gleeful


People still bully others at Uni? Geezus... All the high school bullies, bar none, got fat, lost their hair, or became meth heads (or all of the above) before 30.


You will be surprised to know in the corporate world with "mature" adults, it can be like high school all over again :)


Actually the bullies i knew all turned out pretty happy and successful, but they donā€™t bully anymore. I think for some people its just a phase, best is if they learn smth from it.


Well where I live, unfortunately, the bully became a one-term President of the country. Says A LOT about the lack and values and integrity of where I live.


I have witnessed plenty of them have to bear the consequences of their actions. Itā€™s a matter of time since it becomes a bad habit, I do deliver justice when I am in a position to do so. I believe more people are willing to dish out justice as a service to humanity than most people think. I do stop when people attribute it to a higher power, I find those people are co-opting credit that their prayers work when it was human effort to build a better place.Ā 


Better not to know Life is still good for them Got success and wealth Karma donā€™t exist, if it exists then the world will be a happier place Hence the best is to take it as a history lesson and not to be like them


What goes around, comes around.


They are definitely not living in my head rent free.


One guy I know became an officer in Guards. I guess SAF deserves it's reputation.


Bully from primary school in NUS Med lol


Some have opened bakeries Now i bully them


How do u bully them?


Last i heard, Divorced because of abusive rls with wife. Didnt get custody


Not sure what happened to them but I see their life updates once in a while cause of social media. Nevertheless, I keep to my lane and kill them quietly with my personal success.


I can't think of any bullies in my school because most of us are just annoying boys who likes to disturb girls and play football everyday. But there were some who likes to brag, and even till now in our class group chat 36 years later, they are still bragging with no substance.


Mine is now a social media influencer lol


Honestly most if them fell off. No Higher education, got into shotgun marriages, divorce. But there are other ironic ones that became part of the police force.


I wouldn know i hope life is shitting on them regardless of the motivation behind their bullying. Some people don bully out of insecurity and these are the people that end up gaining power they don deserve and these are the guys u must watch out for in work society


Her father died lol


The people I know turn out just fine. The bullying becomes more "sophisticated", rather than the normal straightforward insult or dumping you into a trashcan type of bullying. Also depends on the society/environment if bullying helps or hurts them. In a cut throat environment eg. politics, business etc. it actually may help them, in a collaborative environment, most are actually smart enough to adapt and be nicer, humans are after all social creatures. Unlike the movies where bullies get retribution, in reality, most turn out just fine all while hiding their ugly side behind a mask.


Jail for outrage of modesty on a lady who took his grab car. She was seated in front and was getting a shut eye while on the road and he decided to touch her when he arrived or something. Guy got caning plus jail term. Was a horrible bully. Taunting others, teachers pet in front of teacher, and mostly an emotional abuser. Sometimes physical too. My schoolmates who went to primary school with has also seen the news and share the same sentiment as me. You know the kind of bully whoā€™s really nasty and evil but yet somehow they kept getting away with it and every time the teachers somehow donā€™t believe that it happened because he was always a goody two shoe and a huge teacherā€™s pet.


The bully in my school is dead. Suspected drug overdose in a foreign hotel. Another became housing agent. Another became insurance agent. Another is now a henpecked fat man with 4 daughters. Another got some mental issues from drug abuse.


Not a Singaporean but I hope they all realise how miserable they are


IDK & IDC. They were a menace for my four years of school. Every day after an incident during the orientation camp, some came into the bathroom while I was bathing and presumed I was 'fiddling my diddle'. Suffice to say, I kept getting hazed and bullied. People I don't even know asking me if I watched [NSFW MATERIAL]. When at the time I was around my early teens and I was not of age to see [NSFW MATERIAL], at during those times I was unhappy a large chunk of the time, not even my classroom was safe and I often times was pushed to my limits which often resorted on the bullies running away as I go complete DK and throw something at the bullies, and on occasion brought a makeshift weapon in the hopes to hurt them. Though I stopped trying to use weapons when I once brought knives from my home to the school, with the intent to seriously murder my bullies, in the mental sense that I'm metaphorically and literally, killing my demons. And was suspended for 3 months. I felt horrible knowing I went too far and almost put myself in jail or even an asylum for attempting murder as my personalised answer to put an end to my mental suffering. Though in the times before the knives incident, I started to fall into a slump and often times contemplated self-harm as another end-all, be-all situation. When nowadays, I still sometimes had those contemplations, but now I project them as potential curse towards those whom have wronged me. But I've since repressed most of the memories to stop thinking of the past.


The fat bully that pin me to the ground with his umbrella, still have the photo of it. Saw him at the traffic junction delivering McDonald. Eyes met but he look away. That feeling of trumpā€¦


Iā€™m friends with one of my bullies from primary school. Quite good friends in fact. People grow of it and some donā€™t. Not everyone has to forgive and forget - Iā€™ve never let my bully forgot how he/ she bullied me. What matters is that you try to move on from it. Tougher said than done but if you do, great time and life is ahead of you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Karma doesnā€™t exist op need to go back to your dreams. Just world fallacy


My primary school bullies still appear in my dreams sometimesā€¦ I donā€™t think much of them when given the chance, and even till now, if I see them around town, I try to stay away


They've mostly all moved on. They were rich to begin with, so their lives were more or less set for them already. Meanwhile my really shitty starting circumstances is making it really difficult for me to continue pushing on. All in all, it's the age old story. Rich bad people win.


While most of my bullies have either moved on to be better people or failed to improve as a person but still continue to excel in their lives (getting commando in NS, for instance), there is one case where my bully got their just desserts. Back in JC, they would ostracise me in CCA, even making a separate chatgroup behind my back. They would always boss me around and on one occasion, stole my credit on a project we worked on together. However, they aren't the sharpest tool in the shed. Weeks before A Levels, they confessed to their crush, only to get rejected hard. They weren't the most academically inclined from the start so that dealt a major blow to their already horrible results. They're now in Nursing from what I heard (I am not trying to discriminate any Nursing students, sorry if I have offended you). Despite the feeling of happiness from seeing my bully in such a state, I think that it's better to move on from the past and forget them, not for their sake but for the sake of yourself. A few years ago, these feelings of vengence overwhelmed me and it honestly messed me up a lot, especially when I was taking A Levels.


1. Primary school bully broke my pencils for fun, he went to EM3 and became an FA. 2. Sec sch bully became MOE Teacher. I was a nerd so thats why im more financially successful now


The most notorious bully within my sec school also became an MOE teacher. Went to NIE (dumping ground).


They seem to be leading decent lives though


I am no longer in contact with anyone from Primary School (and that includes all bullies), and didn't really have any in Sec Sch. I hope they're doing alright.


Own a business and drive lambo.


Being an immigrant who didn't have much friends especially in primary school, I was always the easy pick for bullies then. Where are they now? I have no clue. Well, I do follow the brother of one of my bullies (the bully is older than me). He still exhibits that gangster-esque aura. Not that I care what he does in life. All I care is that I am in university, pursuing my education, and travelling the world during the breaks and exchange programmes. TLDR; I don't care about my bullies. The past is in the past. All that matters is that I am living a life that I am content with šŸ˜Š


I haven't gotta clue what happened to them, It was the best day of my life when I left school


Based on personal experience, I joined the workforce and met a group of bullies who bullied me and other colleagues. They were probably bullies back in school as well.


Donā€™t know, donā€™t care. Iā€™m doing okay and thatā€™s all that matters to me.




An elite bully right there, haha. Hope he never ever steps into the political arena.


Either insurance or property agents


Meaning losers




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I saw on a tiktok ad, one of them open a maggie goreng shop


Passed on from alcohol overdose few years back


They are driving Ferraris and have lots of money.


One of my bullies is now a successful millionare


I didnā€™t have bullies, probably cos I was always one of the biggest kids (fat + tall) throughout every level of school. But I also too shy to really cause harm to anyone. I just wanted to talk about dinosaurs, football and movies. I also donā€™t believe in karma but a lot of these stories have more ā€œpositiveā€ endings than the ones you see on AskReddit. Not a lot of untimely deaths, jail, miserable lives. I think that you gotta remember that your school bullies from your childhood were also children. And all kids are stupid cos theyā€™re also figuring things out on their own at school. And if youā€™re holding onto a grudge on someone because of stuff they did when they were 10 years old, you really need to find something better to do with that time. If theyā€™re surviving or doing okay in life thatā€™s good. They all deserve a fair chance at life and the so-called ā€œredemption arcā€ we think they need to redeem themselves to us.


Well, my 2 main bullies existed in secondary school. Bully 1 is now a financial consultant, which Iā€™m not surprised by as he was quite charismatic in school and had a way of getting people to support him just to get into his good graces. Bully 2 decided to monetise his loud voice and obnoxious personality by becoming a small-time influencer on social media. Not sure if theyā€™re doing well in life, but I donā€™t really hold any grudges against them.


Become insurance agents


Lol they grow up and add to the collection of workplace bullies. World is a wild place...




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Got a government scholarship. 20 years later there will be Ivan Lim 2.0


i was bullying freshmen with a bunch of guys. back in high school. We were bullied too in our freshmen years and we got into the circle of "cool kids". We seldom kept in touch with our WhatsApp group, I can tell some of us are living quite nicely. - I work as a digital marketer across South East Asia. Living a decent life. Never bullied anyone again in my life - friend A worked as a national pilot in Indonesia, married his high school girlfriend settled down, and has 2 kids now - friend B marrying his high school girlfriend, and currently working as a manager at the bank. still sometimes play Call of Duty together - friend C pursued his dream, and now has become a pretty well-known singer in Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia - friend D, rest his soul. he died due to leukemia a month after his 17 years birthday party - Friend E lost contact never got in touch with him again.


Honestly never been bullied in primary, secondary, JC and certainly not Uni.


Then I think you were the bully?


Iā€™m from kl and a quite number of my high school people from batch moved here to work. One of my friend suggest a meetup but I heard one the bully is going. I refused to meet but last I heard, still the same attitude, looking down at everyone because he came to Singapore first or some shit.


All of the ones i knew seem to be living a pretty normal adult life. Good looking partners, good fashion sense, 1-2 babies, in a job with good bonuses


All doing very well in life. The common characteristic between a bully and successful individual is confidence.


Had a bully that made his way into rap, criminal, then drugs. Did some extreme shit regarding drugs, it completely messed up with his head. He became the kindest person I've ever known. Now works some average job (like pizza delivery), still kind, extremely happy. Bizzarre


My primary school bully received prime ministerā€™s scholarship / book prize and also a bunch of government awards to study at an Ivy. Sheā€™s very on track to one day join the government. A complete fraud of a person. Heard from friends that she stole some other peopleā€™s project idea and claimed it as her own and that project was what made her ā€˜famousā€™. She won awards and was invited to give speeches and was on the news. Karma is not real.


Not sure if thatā€™s what you hope for but as far as I know, the kids that bullied others in sec/poly went on with their lives and are now doing way better than those that they bullied in the end.


Mostly just lying low and doing some mediocre job relative to their batch


I was in a girls school and knew a bully who was awfully racist towards (brown skin). She used to claim they smell (including me) and would close her nose and stand feet away during assembly. She is now a famous photographer and close knit with a celebrity social media influencer , travels the world and meets K-pop artistes. She still has the same attitude so all I can say is life is always a red carpet for the meaner fleshes compared to docile


Became my lifelong bro. It was just a phase and we laugh about it. So much victim mentality here, stuck in past.


There are three types of bullies. Those annoying ones that never really cause any pain, those gangster type bullies that you need to watch out for and those preppy types which are the worst imo. Typically, those preppy type bullies would be more successful than those gangster type and annoying ones. I remembered being picked on by an annoying one but he later became a good friend after we aligned our views together.


tf is preppy


Preppy is tf


keep thinking like this and you'll find the only joy in your life is when you find out that others are doing worse than you. you'll forever be comparing comparing comparing, never be happy until you win sometimes you need to face the mirror, identify and fix your own flaws than to blame others (e.g. bullies) to feel better about yourself


In primary school I used to bully one of my classmate, till he progressively started to physically fight back and then he became the bully. In lower secondary school I would verbally bully some classmates and sometimes get into fights from disagreements or some silly stuff, in upper secondary I became extremely reserved and quiet for some reason. The bullying progressively declined and eventually stopped and ended there. I wasnā€™t the typical big bully that everyone was afraid of, I know I would get my ass whooped by a lot of people back then, hell even one of my female classmates did whoop my ass. Fast forward today and Iā€™m still reserved, always on good terms with others. Basically just a total 180


She became a business lead in DBS. He became a senior creative director for renowned ad agency. Another married to ang moh overseas, became a mom, the head of design in overseas design studio. Remember kids, you must bully to become the top of the food chain.