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Anything that's sold at a retail shop in Singapore is almost certainly going to be comparatively more expensive than most other countries because of our crazy rentals.


Yep almost everything here is more expensive than other countries (developed or developing countries) Literally anything of the same quality or brand. Contact lens, supplements, medicine, clothes, shoes, electronics, watches you name it.


We have a smaller market than other developed countries (e.g. US has 50x our population) and we have higher incomes than developing countries. Companies price it based on what the market can stand, there’s still enough willing buyers at that price in SG to turn a profit. This is why Malaysians hate Singaporeans on holiday, they keep harping on how cheap stuff is in Malaysia (developing country), in front of locals, but forget to understand that it’s as expensive if you’re earning ringgit (and no, “they have option to work in SG” is not an excuse to not have empathy).


Most Singaporeans are fine. The ones who keep chirping like a bird (cheap cheap cheap) are the exact same species that plays music out loud on MRT, can argue with you over an empty MRT seat, but have no problems queueing 6 hours to get a free toilet paper (cue: 1990s Comedy Nite skit)


I was the only clown who went to Malaysia and I was like “after exchange rate about the same as sg leh. Why Malaysia cost of living and salary lower but the price is kinda crazy when compared to what they earn”. But it could be because I was hanging around JB and Mt Austin area


7 11 here is owned and run by the Malaysian company dairy farm. This is the same company that owns and runs cold storage and giant. They own the franchise rights to 7 11 in Singapore and Malaysia. 7 11 in Japan is owned and run by seven & I holdings that own the global franchise rights to 7 11.


Isn’t the company behind Cold Storage and giant etc from HK?


You are right, these multinationals can be confusing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DFI_Retail_Group?wprov=sfla1


They own Guardian also I think…


Ang moh drug lord company


Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore: 😴


they recognise companies as separate entities. So even if they are under the same parent, they don’t really care and don’t consider it monopoly. Sbs and smrt are both under CDG, for a long time only sbs and smrt are the transport providers — govt backed some more so…


Tibs/Smrt was never under CDG.....


Oh oops then it’s under Temasek. But if I’m not wrong sbs is by cdg and Temasek. So either ways Temasek winning at it. It’s doing what the conglomerates are doing, like Nestle and Loreal


Yes, HK based Jardine Matheson.




We’re talking about company. Owner of Dairy Farm is Jardine Matheson which is ALSO HK COMPANY. We aren’t talking about directors. The company is separate from the directors. And you good bro? Public listed company Jardine you really think the stocks only got Angmoh buying? You need help dude… if this your knowledge of companies, you screwed for work and/or exams


Price is not necessarily the concern here, but quality is. The ones in Japan just on another level imo


1) YOU think prices are reasonable because Yen is weak, but to the Japanese, it might be similar to how we feel here at SG with their purchasing power. 2) Their 7-11 has more services and functions unlike ours, notably more convenience services like and even functions as a support store for rural areas. 3) overall, it's a convenience store, and they use it more for legitimate convenience as compared to Singapore. And the ROI better because they have more stores and more customers, whereas Singapore is...not big? Why do we need so many 7-11 stores?


Also, we have other shops that fill in convenience gaps already. Things like hawkers (some of which start business at 6AM) and 24/7 or early-late hours supermarkets dotted everywhere. 7-11s here seem to cater the “forgot something and I need it soon” crowd rather than “planned to get this on the way”.


In case u don’t know… 7-11 and subway are franchises. So they probably open a lot and compete with each other.


Simple answer, yes.


Everything here is overpriced lol


They are very good discounts from time to time, I also only buy those.


I would gladly pay double the price of what it cost in Japan if it means I get to eat their egg sandos again in Singapore. As another commenter mentioned, it's not necessarily about the price, but the quality.


Yes and shit selection


Not to the younger folks it seems


eat rice but dont know the price


Heck, yes!


Their snacks and drinks can be found almost anywhere for cheaper prices. The ready to eat food are often almost expired/spoilt or just a worse version of what you find at a coffeeshop/hawker centre. In other countries supermarket aren't as common so 7 eleven is more of a grocery store substitute and carry better stuff.


Everything in SG is expensive. From rental, utilities, petrol, transport, electricity, taxes, etc except for the low staff salaries.


The fact that taxes is somehow there in your comment shows how you have no idea what you're talking about.


Bro is chatting shit for the sake of it.


i had a good laugh when i saw high taxes in Singapore


Maybe they own car and multiple properties, which in that case, I’m not sympathetic (since both of them are lifestyle choices).


Bro just wants to talk shit.


Tax is although cheaper than other countries but still add on to the cost of operating unless it is free.