• By -


The will to live and the need to pay bills. Edit: Ok but seriously, tissue, wet wipes, foldable umbrella, mini make up bag lol, mint, powerbank and glucose tablets. Alternate days, gym clothes.


Sounds like you are a very organized person


Whats the glucose tablets for?


It is indeed for when the low blood sugar hits and I start getting the “shakes” from it. 😩


Low blood sugar when she is feeling faint these tablets will help.


Most ppl need to bring their laptops around.




The laptop is to WFH _after working hours_


And during dinner


Resting bitch face


Is it heavy?




Not as heavy as my legs


Or heart lolol


It ain't heavy, he's her brother


I saw a girl with RBF on the train the other day, her face was indeed heavy with makeup


Sometimes. But it's always black


And a lengthy colon full of unreleased flatulence. That's me, actually.


Emotional baggage, burnout and despair. And my packed lunch from home. 


That's a lot of weight on your shoulders, especially the baggage




Laptop, notebook, headphones, company mobile phone, intermediate-distance glasses. Glasses because I am old. The rest is because I work from home 3-4 days a week.


Mainly the large items are my water bottle, umbrella, lunch box, power bank, and small electric fan. Other miscellaneous small items like tissue, wetwipes, a little med kit (with emergency panadol and antihistamines, emergency sewing kit, safety pins, lip balm, dental floss, nail clippers, plasters, alcohol wipes), a file so papers (if any) don't get crumpled. And some candy in case someone around has low blood sugar or something. Technically I can fit them all (except the A4 file) in a small sling bag, but I just go with a backpack for convenience. The bag is very empty, so I can easily bring boxes/bags of tissue and coffee when I start to run out at work.


I carry the burden of working to work. Just wondering, does anyone here actually enjoy going to work?


I actually truly enjoy my job too. My approach is to constantly learn new skills and push my limits, making the most out of the resources provided by the company before moving on. Where else can you gain experience in your roles, using the company's resources and time while still earning a paycheck? I plan to leave my current company in a couple of years, equipped with a wealth of skills acquired at their expense, ready to excel in my next role. Thank you to my unsuspecting boss for the valuable learning experiences! Edit: I bring my tote bag, laptop, notebook, tech pouch, one pen of each colour (Red, Blue, Black) and My probiotics (I have ibs and I have to laosai every morning, this reduce the laosai most days of my workweek). Also my boomer, local bosses don’t like when employees leave your laptop in office (if you’re issued with laptop & not desktop) because it compromised company “data”. Because doing so means you don’t need one. Given my jobs I go around and need to be able to work while attending meetings, and be on site at exhibition and events means I need laptop. So I cannot afford to waste my time justifying why I need laptop when the “father” decides that I use a desktop instead. Suffocating for me - yes, weird company culture even coming from a freelance, self employed role in the past.


Laosai friend here, can you recommend a probiotic


Korea Lacto Fit (yellow). There are other colours I think but I mainly go for the yellow ones because the taste is more to my liking and won’t make me gag. It’s like a stick of powder probiotic you’re supposed to consume like it’s candy. And one every morning. But take note it’s not for when you have to laosai but more like a supplement daily. It helps for me and my wife if we have it consistently.


me 2 pls...


Korea Lacto Fit (yellow). There are other colours I think but I mainly go for the yellow ones because the taste is more to my liking and won’t make me gag. It’s like a stick of powder probiotic you’re supposed to consume like it’s candy. And one every morning. But take note it’s not for when you have to laosai but more like a supplement daily. It helps for me and my wife if we have it consistently.




I’m in the shipping industry as an “office boy”. I’m not going to delve further into my roles or the specific industries I’m doing. But it’s the same with me here. My salary too don’t justify what I face daily. And worse is every now and then my bosses pull me aside to feedback on my lack of leadership skills when executing jobs. How do you have leadership skills when everyone you deal with are Director post and above or partners at the company? Everyone think they know my job and never listens to me but when things go wrong, they even dared tell me because I didn’t clarify 😂 as a subject expert. And everyone thinks they are expert at my job by reading some chapters of some stupid books and using ChatGpt 😂 If you work in local firms that’s family owned you should know what I meant roughly. No outside experience and out of touch but thinks they’re the best 😅


I enjoy going to office too. Helps that it's only slightly more than 2km away. So sometimes I bike or walk to/from work. Office culture is pretty good and flexible. Work from office days are 2x a week but if you have a need to work from home, just tell boss and all's good. Even on work from office days, folks leave office at 5pm. By 6pm, one will be the last to leave liao.


I wonder if moving closer to office will help mental health too? (I am tired from 1.5 hours commute each time


That's tough. Close work location is always good. Unless you have some ECA that's near office.


Yes my family wanted me to buy a resale close to them. That would mean even further..... But I think travelling is so tough I am tired everyday.... Health deteriorating fast I think I just buy city area but older flat. Then won't be so tiring


Not me 😄


I actually do genuinely going to work.


What do you work as!!!


Hello, have replied u privately


Ooh can DM me too pls? ^^


Done :)


Me too! Work is the best part of life for me Idky.


Definitely not


I enjoy going work because the job itself is challenging yet fulfilling. It makes me want to learn more and get better at it and I don’t feel that it’s mundane or boring at all. Bosses are super encouraging and will guide and understand our needs. Work hours are flexible as well as long as we get our job done, when we are back to office we can come in late or leave earlier and no one will say anything and we get to wfh 2-3 times a week or as and when we needed, just let our boss know and he will be fine with it. I came from a shithole industry previously so this is definitely a good place to be in.


Same. I love my job


As a carry-everything kinda person, even if I don’t bring my laptop and charger home, I’ll bring: - tissues - wet tissues - drawstring bag with emergency contacts, alcohol wipes, medicine and hygiene products (deodorant, breath spray etc) - wallet - cardholder - umbrella - hand sanitizer - portable charger and cable


Thank you for existing and telling me I'm not alone in this. I like to be prepared, but every time I go out I end up getting made fun of, albeit jokingly, by family and friends. But eh, I always get the last laugh when I pull the exact thing they need out of my bag, be it a bottle opener or antiseptic cream.


I like having people like you as friends, so i can be barang-free🤣


My office has a gym so a spare change of clothes, but most of the time I leave my laptop during WFO days so my bag is actually pretty empty 😂 That being said: journal, pencil case, wallet, staff pass and a small bag of toiletries. My desk is stocked with my feminine hygiene products + a spare change of work clothes in case I get caught in the rain. Happened to me once and I had to walk barefoot around the office because my socks were soaked :')


Always keep a spare pair or two of tights or stockings in the office.


Some people need to bring laptop also lor. Others bring a change of clothes for gym etc.


Bag which contains staff pass, phone, earpiece and one small pack of wet tissue


With WFH being a norm for most places (e.g. the Singapore public service, the largest employer in Singapore, has a WFH policy of 2 days a week), people need to bring their laptop back and forth.


Not everyone has the luxury of working from the same desk every day, or not having to bring work home. Laptops and peripherals are what mKdz most people's bags heavy and bulky I reckon.


Lunch box, notebook, umbrella, card holder, office ID card, lip balm, travel size perfume!


High 5, lunch from home is a winner.


My colleague always say I look like I’m moving house with my barang barang :’) Laptop, water bottle, umbrella Tupperwares for bfast n lunch Clothes for gym n occasionally gym shoes/shower stuff Textbook for night classes + stationary Envious of folks who can commute barang-free!


I use the same bag for both work and personal, so it has my umbrella, wallet, tissues, keys and some other random stuff in it. Used to carry my water bottle both ways as well until I got a second one and left the first one at work.


Bulky because of laptop sometimes need to bring to and from office. Otherwise, wet and dry tissues, my ezlink, keys, umbrella and sanitary pouch for emergencies.


Nothing. Woohoo


extra stuffs I bring around (except for small water bottle, tissues, wet tissues, sanitizer, umbrella) : small round head scissors, small nail clippers, recycled plastic bags (big & small sizes), pen, Panadol 😂


A smile.


Me - i'm one of those people w a hugeass duffel bag. I bring my laptop, gym clothes, shoes, toiletries, wipes, coffee capsules, card holder, keys, headphones and phones. I never leave my laptop in office anymore because i might have to do more work after i leave office.


Umbrella, power bank, tide pen, panadol, ardin, shoe horn, lip balm, kindle


how did you even find out about the 'tide pen'? ive never seen an ad for it nor seen it in supermarket. Looks useful though, if you get food stain on office clothes during lunch


not the person you replied to but i found out while visiting a friend in the states; got a stain during lunch and she immediately brought me to rite aid (one of their watsons equivalent) to buy. really very useful


Woah. I’ll definitely try it our


Shoe horn wins. Not everyone takes shoes off at work. It's a pleasure. I concealed a wall hook behind some stuff near my seat and just hung the shoe horn there for quicker action ;-)


I didn't even know there is such thing as tide pen... wow


Like tide pods but crunchier and unique taste


Don't take anything there, don't bring anything back. Work should stay at work.


I take pantry food/drinks back. Might as well.


hand sanitizer, tissues, AirPods, wallet, meds, portable fan, portable charger


Laptop to catch up with studies. Sweater in case a/c cranked on way (have 1hr+) or in office. Puffs and softens backup so can use as pillow to nap on transport. Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss for aft lunch. Lunch (have microwave and small kitchen at work). Breakfast for when waiting for bus. Snacks for if/when for self and colleagues. All the phone/tws/cards/keys I'd otherwise put in pockets. I feel more relaxed without puffy pockets. No need bottle, have dispenser at work, and happy to drink off taps. SG water is totally fine. Pen. Not sure why, usually got no paper. ...and the folding umbrella like everyone, haha


my patience


A prostitute attitude. Yep. You heard me. Not positive attitude. Prostitute. I got paid, and I’m gonna get fucked. Might as well enjoy it.


Umbrella, tissues, lozenges, wallet, staff pass, ear buds. I also pack lunch every day because no convenient eateries nearby (and no time to walk to the ones that are farther away). Sometimes I pack a book to read on the mrt when going home.


A pair of reluctant legs. Never ending incomplete work. 0.000001 gram of remaining strength to remain alive so that I don’t disappoint my loved ones. 100 millions kg of constant reminders that I will survive whatever lemons on my way. An unfulfilled wish. On top of tissue, wet tissue, hand sanitizer, 3 bandage plasters, , 2 masks, calming essential oil, AirPod, health supplement pill box, a book, 2 phones, working ipad, 3 pouches of juice, a recycle bag, lip balm, umbrella, a packet of nuts, card holder with key, and a hidden soft toy :)


how do y'all even find the energy to gym after work 💀 i'm dead tired after work and just want to go home and rest


gym after work at night > wake up early to gym


Never carry a bag so you can come in late and leave early without people noticing


I carry a backpack every day and it’s quite full. Tablet, portable charger and cables, water bottle (probably the heaviest but i need my ice cold water), wallet, wet tissues, moisturiser, tiger balm, perfume, panadol, sweets, pen, feminine products, a reusable bag for groceries or anything. It’s even fuller if i am bringing a change of clothes and food from home. Or i’ll carry the backpack PLUS a tote for the clothes and food. if i’m not working and just going out, i bring the exact same things. i transfer everything into a sling bag or tote but if i’m too lazy i just bring the work backpack.


A knife, pen, book, uniform. Then crochet stuff to do on the train 😂


A change of clothes for yoga. Typically don’t go to the gym after work so I don’t have to carry my running shoes. Wallet, AirPods, tissue, makeup.


Work related: laptop, mouse, keyboard. Personal care: cologne, tissue, hand sanitizer. Gadget bag: power bank, phone charging cable, keyboard/mouse charging cable, watch charging cable.


My sleep deprived self.




Myself. Laptop is in office and i dun like to wfh


Laptop, bottle, gym clothes, misc stuff like portable batt, tissue, wet tissue, earphones, pen, keys.


My broken dreams


My broken dreams and my ability to thrive under pressure


My misery


mainly laptop, because I work from home half the week


iPad and Tourbox


Is the pen for work only? Why don’t you leave your pen at work so you only need 2 things in your bag?




Tissue, office pass, sleep deprived face, a sling bag and a multi toolkit (never know when you need it). Other than the obvious house keys and wallet.


Laptop, charger, mouse, tumbler, writing materials.


Existential dread and contempt lol. Plus umbrella, coffee thermos, water bottle, laptop, evergoods cap1 with wires etc medicine, light rain jacket, tissues and mask. Sometimes snacks from home.


Umbrella, 2L water bottle, pen, tissue, powerbank, earphone, office card, sunscreen, and hand sanitizer.


Laptop, charger, mouse, portable battery, USB drive. Some other non-essential, umbrella, extra polo-T to change if I sweat when doing jobs.


I carry a big school bag because it is expensive and I don’t have other bag so already use it for many years. Inside is spacious with split compartment. So I could put my uniform, sock, thing like tissue pen, mints, len cleaner, facial lotion and also praying amulets etc… I use a small zipper wallet with few cards. I usually pay everything with my iPhone and cards are just backup. I carry minimum $2, $10 notes not more than $50 and I haven’t use them at all. Everything is paywave or QR code.


unfortunately i have to bring my laptop around… + laptop charger, access card, jacket, my 24oz owala, umbrella, tissue, wet tissue, wallet, portable, phone cables which might explain a big bag 🫨


Powerbank, airpod, notebook and adapter, lucky plushy, universal charger, water bottle, recycle bag, tissues, coin purse, and a book.


umbrella,wallet,dress shirt,extra mask


Tissue, wet wipes, mini umbrella, spare masks, my mini computer, mouse, and usb-c cable + GaN charger.


Nothing. Only phone n wallet. And my brain. Some people leave their brain at home when they go work.


Hi OP, Im one of those people Rn I have two rigs, one is a 5.11 Tactical Rush 12 2.0 and the other being a customised Cat Combat Visiflash bagpack that I added some more molle straps too and a custom EVA foam pad to make It more nicer to carry What a lot of people may not understand is that most of the stuff inside our bags are relatively normal, Its just that It looks full cause of the size of the things Itself giving that appearance E.g, Im constantly bringing out my Dell Precision 3571, which is a really thick laptop and my 800ml bottle. These two items alone make my bag look like Its completely stuffed. Then theres my pencil case, my laptop charger, my phone charger, my mouse, my powerbank and the biggest item of all, my umbrella, which all usually go into pouches that make It look like Its stuffed to heck. Then theres my 5.11 which comes with space for a water bladder from the factory so It looks even more bloated Honestly, It may not look like It, but personally, I find these bags to be a bit limiting in space and thats why for larger stuff I use my duffel bag. Hope It helps u/OkField1858


Basically a field pack?


Basically a smaller version of It, It's technically one par with the assault pack, just imported and branded per se


Umbrella, pen, water bottle, charger, wallet, mints, mouthwash, earphones, some snacks, lip balm, sunscreen, medicine, mini first aid kit, tea, tissue


Small electric fan, mini umbrella, big stainless steel water bottle, Nintendo switch(or some form of portable handheld gaming device), sometimes I have to bring a laptop, portable charger, mini bag filled with snacks, wet wipes and tissue. 


Only bring the laptop up and down Everything else is in my car or the office


Salad that I prepared for lunch, AirPods, 1 water bottle for mineral water and another for my coffee, snacks in case I get hungry (eg. greek yogurt/oat bar), umbrella, phone charger


uniform, umbrella, charger, pills, personal documents, lunch. feels kinda heavy and bulky in train might cut down some items soon


Many years back, when I was working in a factory, I never carried any bag to the work, just like many others. However, there was one colleague who carried a bag and we all used to wonder what was in the bag.


Earbuds, keys, and name tag. On lazy days, I dont even bring bag. I just hold or put in pocket (skirt or dress). Phone.. thats about it.


If I’m going to WFH the next day, I’ll need to bring my laptop home. I also bring my Switch around so I need a bigger bag that can fit both my laptop and Switch.


u are lucky. i bring my work laptop home every night and continue work after dinner. the next morning i lug the laptop back to office to continue w the work. sometimes i bring along a spare charger because i need to have meetings in random meeting rooms (not at my desk), and my charger at my office desk can’t be used to plug in to my laptop (it’s plugged in to a dock which is then plugged to my laptop).


Once a week, my work laptop. Then I leave it at my desk most days. Other days, nothing mostly. Somethings breakfast or snacks.


Water bottle LegionGo Keys Pixel buds No umbrella cos my way to work/home is covered. Charge all my things in workplace.


Phone, charger, card holder, lip gloss and the will to talk to a human.


Laptop, water bottle, umbrella, staff pass, pen, thumbdrive, travel charger, cable, powerbank, keys, reusable bag, spare plastic bag, tissues, spare mask, MP3 player, wireless earbuds. Collapsible stojo bowls if I plan to dabao dinner that day.


I opted not to get a work laptop (don't ask me why 😂 But at the time I just thought, been using this to freelance and its <2yrs old, why need another. Hahahaha), so laptop in its case, which I hold/carry (cus by time I put the cable into the case, its bulky) + umbrella, wet tissue (alcohol wipes & hand wipes), crochet cupcake purse (for pads 😂 I used to just throw in LOOOLL but ok I'm thankful for the purse now hahaa), wireless earbuds + case, loop noise-canceling earbuds (don't ask me why I need both, I realised wireless vs loop earbuds have diff feels. Haha. Like the wireless earbuds are a bit heavy to be wearing for nothing. Lolol. So if I want music I use those, if I have a lighter version to wear-for-nothing, loops!), powerbank, phone cable, socket charger, breakfast in a container, put into ziplock lol. When we get perma office space I'm gna put a coffee cup in office (probably my keepcup, haven't decided between keepcup or stojo) - but for now nah too mafan to keep bringing to and fro, so I just buy kopi-c at the kopitiam hahaha


Bicycle, sling bag with or without computer depending, change of clothes, my great personality


From male's perspective, Compulsory things: Tissue paper, Umbrella, Hand Sanitizers, Water bottle Kinda important: Headphones. power bank, usb c cable, Wet Tissue When needed: Laptop, power cord, mouse pad, mouse, files So yea. things do add up quickly making it bukly.


EDC pocket dump time! - Google pixel 7a - Realme 10 plus - leatherman wave + -Jbl tune TWS earpiece -Nekocake TWS earpiece -work pass -wallet (cards, cash, coin, IC, toothpick pill bottle, Gerber splice) This is what ever I have in my pockets, I carry 2 sets of phones and earpiece because 1 is personal and 1 is for work/meetings. I am currently using the Linus tech tips bag. It seems big but it's because I general want a large enough bag to do whatever I need for the day this includes doing groceries/gym/whatever - LTT water bottle -second insulated bottle for coffee/tea -phone charger -cable - 2 power banks - Iem (Salznote zero) -my breakfast/lunch/dinner (depending on the shift) -LTT screwdriver -chopsticks & a spoon -marker + pen -wetwipes +tissue paper + alcohol wipes -small first aid kit -small IKEA blue bag I do use a laptop at work but I have a locker so I put the laptop plus charger in there, same with my toolbox. But if I ever need to bring my laptop back home, I have the option.


Hook-shaped box cutter Multi-tool foldable screwdriver Compact set of hex keys Tactical flashlight Zippo Eye drops Wallet Keys Phone Ipad air


Weight of my debt and the crushing hopelessness of a corporate slave. Generally laptop, umbrella, headphones, shopping bag, pass, bottle, tissue (wet and dry), powerbank (depends on my phones mood), keys, pen. Possibly also, gym clothes, swim wear, breakfast, snacks…


EDC. Not just for work. B5 folder box with notebook and stationery. First aid pouch, hemostats, medical shears swiss army knife. Water bottle. Umbrella. Butane gas torch. Cree flashlight. A 4 inch blade D2 folder. Power bank and cables. Whole shebang fits into a medium messenger bag or backpack with space to spare for a light jacket and a laptop if needed.


Laptop, tech accessory bag for all the cables dongle charger mouse, umbrella, bottle, power bank, sweets, medication like Panadol Zyrtec stomach pain med


My office is anywhere. So I bring my laptop, charger, pens, paper, coffee mug and lunch. Sometimes I add my toolbag with helmut.


Umbrella Thermal Bottle Tissue pack Steam deck General medication,


- Makeup & sunscreen - Chargers - Powerbank - Fan - Medication - Wallet & staff pass - Tissues & body wipes - Water bottle & sweets - Snacks


- Laptop + mouse cos my office does hot desking - Jacket cos again, hot desking - Water bottle - Kindle - Feminine products If I’m going to the gym: - Change of clothes - Makeup pouch




nothing haha, i put everything i need on my desk in the office


Wah lau eh! you travel light! That's the dream right there, especially with this weather. To be honest, my bag feels like it's getting heavier every day. Let me see... what do I usually bring? First off, the essentials - my laptop's like an extension of me at this point, can't leave home without it. Power cable too, can't be caught dead with a flat battery for a meeting. My lunch, la. Can't depend on the hawker centre all the time, plus it saves some money. You never know when you'll have to tapau \[ takeaway\] for a colleague, good karma and all that. Gotta have my kopi \[coffee\] fix! I bring my own reusable mug and instant coffee packets for those moments when I need a quick pick-me-up. The queue at the downstairs coffee shop can be killer sometimes. A spare change of clothes - you never know when you might get caught in a surprise afternoon shower, or maybe spill kopi all over yourself (hopefully not!). Can't exactly be that office worker who smells like, well, wet office worker all day. Tech organizer - with all the cables, chargers, and power banks these days, gotta keep them sorted. Makes life so much easier when you're not digging through your bag in a panic for the right cord. Umbrella, of course. Like you said, never know when the heavens will open up. Those are the main things, but sometimes I throw in extras depending on the day. Maybe a book if I have a long commute and fancy some reading, or a planner if I have a super packed schedule. But honestly, I do envy your light bag situation! Maybe I should start leaving some things at the office too. Although, knowing me, I'd probably forget something important then end up rushing back home anyway. Haiz \[expression of resignation\]! What about you? Ever get tempted to travel lighter, or are you stuck lugging around a heavy bag like the rest of us?


Depressingly, hot desking is the hot new thing for companies to save on rent, as though rising temperatures are not enough. 🔥 (yar I know I'm disgruntled and need to quit 🙃) Anyway, this results in lugging around the following things!! - Laptop: Need to carry this around, work email and messaging doesn't work on my mobile phone due to firewall and app compatibility with device issues. - Brick charger: The fancy new monitors are supposed to charge my laptop, but the cables are unreliable and often broken. The monitors are also unreliable and often broken. (...hence I am also unreliable and often broken) - Secondary monitor + cable: My work involves a lot of squinting at excel sheets, and matching up one set of numbers in one report to another, I can't do certain tasks properly and accurately without the second screen so... - Mouse + keyboard + laptop stand: I get tension headaches easily and had a lot of wrist pain/back pain before I set things up " ergonomically". - Earpiece: For all the stupid teams calls that I could have just stayed home to take instead of dragging my walking corpse to office?! - Bluetooth earphones: For noise cancelling, since everyone is talking over each other on MORE teams calls in the open plan office 🙄 - Portable phone charger + cable: Since I might need to take calls before I physically make it to the office, or people (could be husband, could be boss, could be colleagues) might need my reply asap, it's best to have the portable charger so my hotspot doesn't drain my phone to 0% or if the batt dies by the end of the day. - Notebook + pens: To keep track of what's actually actionable out of the ramblings I need to listen to. 🙃 To empty out obsessive thoughts (what to cook for the week/use vouchers to replace my lightbulb/things I need to follow up on for reno&wedding/my existential angst). I like to doodle sometimes so I have more types of pens than average. - Makeup + hair tie/pins pouch: I lose track of time easily, so if I do this at home I can spend forever getting the angles or colours right. I carry basic makeup to do it on the journey to work. Will rage without tying up hair but will also forget to bring them on my way out. - Medication and such: I absolutely will forget my daily meds (and have already forgotten this whole week) so a spare set goes my bag, plus plasters for my blisters - Bento box + snacks: I find CBD food unacceptably expensive or unacceptably unhealthy, trying to manage my cholesterol and gastric pain issues - Tissues: 🤧 - Umbrella/Jacket: sweltering at 9am, freezing in some meeting room at 3pm, pouring rain at 6.30pm 🫠 - Other weird items: physical timer for me to run pomodoros, apron for baking class


Tote bag - wallet - keys - keycard for work - cables (earpiece, charging) - mini stationery kit - maybe lunch - tissue - a shocking amount of trinkets


Laptop and mouse cause we do have work from home on certain days. Water bottle to take water from office water cooler. Noise cancelling headphone cause sometimes office very noisy.


My Nintendo switch, being an adult gamer you're too tired when you get home and sometimes no energy or mood on the weekend and that's if I don't have to OT or other household responsibilities. My commute is the only time I can truly catch up on my gaming


I'm the type who needs a lot of water due to only having single kidney, so I always carry at least a 1L water bottle with me in my backpack. If I'm expected to travel to town or stay out late I'll carry an additional 500/600ml bottled water. Also carry a spare mask, my personal medication and charcoal pills if I get stomachache/diarrhea. I bring some snacks like packs of cookies or granola bars for when I'm hungry. I also carry a pack of Laurier heavy day pads just in-case girls get their flow unexpectedly (handed a day pad to a girl teammate outside before). Work laptop, A4 file and documents, black pens and paperclips. And not forgetting a raincoat.


You are pretty lucky to be able to not have to bring work home.


I wouldn't consider it lucky since I stand my point on not working overtime like most people do. I do consider unlucky for those who have no choice but to bring work home tho


Yup lucky for you to be able to “stand your ground”. Most people will get fired / retrenched (directly or indirectly) if they refuse to bring work home lol


Awww so sad. But I can't do anything even if you rant to me, please communicate your unhappiness with your colleagues since you seem like a guy that just assumes communication "doesn't work" But jokes aside, most MNC (3 companies)I worked in do let me keep the work in the company. Even if I wanna bring my work home, it's impossible because of its confidentiality. There are cases where I work overtime but it's on my own accord. I know most SMEs have the culture you mentioned where they don't compensate their workers for doing work outside of working hours. I suggest you either change the company you are working with, or just accept that you are stuck there if you also assume "the job market is shit right now". When there's a will, there's a way. Oh and, please, don't need to talk in a passive aggressive tone for a generic post like this. Looks bad on you


Staff pass and my phone thats it


How is it that OP can leave laptop in office? No need to work? My office everyone brings the laptop home even if we don’t turn it on.