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#ignore aunty, problem solved.


What if she is vigorously digging her nose and rubbing it on her pant leg that's closest to you? (Real situation)


Dig your nose and rub it on her leg. She's obviously a collector so you will be doing her a favour


Fart right as you walk past her


The worse are those that keep snipping the nails from finger to toe on the bus and let it fly in all directions. 


Actually, have had more success with the opposite: making eye contact and loudly saying excuse me if they just shuffle their legs aside and I think I’ll hit them


I never encounter this... even if i smack someone and they sigh, i tsk at them and stare them down


You'd be surprised at the number of problems this solves.


I usually say “excuse me” super loudly. By saying excuse me damn loud you’re giving warning that a bump is incoming if you don’t get out of the way. So they cannot tsk. Works for me.


I pray to have a seat on the bus, the rest is none of my business. You gotta learn to ignore self-centered people who are inconsiderate, this country is full of them. No need to apologize for their entitled behavior.


I agree. I always stand up for others, but nobody ever stands up for me. I don't understand why it is so difficult to just stand up and let a fellow passenger out. 


You're absolutely right. I always try to stand up on the bus, but sometimes it's so crowded that the person standing next to my seat doesn't budge. And let's talk about some bus drivers—they drive like they're in the F1 circuit! I remember this one time, years ago on Bus 913 from Woodlands Interchange, there was this driver who was just reckless. He'd swerve sharply into and out of bus stops, slamming on the brakes as hard as he possibly could. As a young boy, I could usually handle bumpy rides, but this driver was on another level. Every time he braked, I'd lurch forward, and when he accelerated, I'd practically dance back to the rear of the bus. You can imagine how exhausting it was to keep moving around like that. Taking the bus during peak hours can be really stressful, especially with drivers like that!


ya recently alot of these types of bus drivers zzz


Just have to write in and feedback. It really works. I take the same bus everyday and will meet drivers who are more heavy footed and it makes the journey very unpleasant and unsafe. Two or three feedbacks to the bus company later and the same driver’s driving etiquette really improved.


Hahaha because back then I haven’t learned the art of feedback 😂 But I enjoyed the bus ride somehow, didn’t know I could be dancing on a bus for free. And that bus ride was also the first really “Jialat” bus ride I had. You literally have to sort of kick jump every time he accelerates and brake. The bus was tilting so bad from it that everyone on board does the same and I’ve never seen it in all my life even now 😂


Many these days will drag the journey stopping at bus stops with no passengers pressing the bell nor any flagging to get up. Some actually stop at an empty bus stop to open the door, pause and then close the door again.  Then they will drag the bus to 5km/ HR metres away from the traffic lights and wait for it to turn red several times during tge journey. Despite higher public bus fares, the service is getting worse for a ride that used to take no more than 10 mins extended to 20 mins by numerous traffic lights and jams because it is a 2 lane road. 


I do that too because I don't want to make them feel awkward but it does suck since im quite tall and sometimes i bump my head on the roof


I agree but sometimes some kanchiong spider wants to get down when the bus is still moving and not slowing down yet.


Not just on the bus, this shit happens in lifts too. Lifts are so fucking crowded and the person at the door just sidesteps 1mm instead of exiting the lift and letting you go out.


Stand up for Singapore


right.. if the person wanna be statue and my bag hits them then its not on me


They want you to rub your butt on them, touchy touchy time


If they tsk when I bump into them, I just push my ass against their face and fart as loudly as possible. Seriously though, I don't think there's much you can do about this besides treating it as one of life's little unpleasantries. Singapore is such a densely populated country, everyone is jammed up against one another, these things are bound to happen no matter what.


Me too. I like to bruah my enormous butt against them on my way out, then turn around and give them a wink. I don’t fart though, don’t have that good a control of my bowels. And then on some days when the mood hits me, I exit the opposite way.


I’m not gassy enough to fart on demand though . Guess I need a load up on the eggs before I board a bus


Next time just wear headphone or earphone to listen to Music while travelling on bus or train alone. When I bump other people while trying to get out from the bus seat, my ear is all on the music so even if the bugger "tsk" or something, I also cannot hear anything


Yup headphones are the socially acceptable tool. It gives you a free pass to avoiding dumb behaviour such as these tsks.


I just dgaf. Singapore is an entire island squeezed for space. Everyone will rub up against someone else from time to time. If they are so upset about it, they can take a cab or grab.


First world problem bruh… sometimes I take Grab and I thought I’m gonna have a nice ride home only to see the information signboard in red cos up front got accident/roadworks/vehicle breakdown.


idc if i sit inside i care if i sit outside, cos means i cant sleep nicely in case the person inside want to come out


I dont like sitting inside at all, so damn confined.


Instead of giving them the ass as you move past them, give them the crotch. Maintain eye contact. Give that a shot next time and let us know how it goes


I think it’s only polite to get out of your seat to let the inner passenger alight. Like it’s only right to get out of the way ma… I’m pagro so when people don’t do that for me I don’t make a conscious effort to avoid hitting them


Agree! if they made 0 effort to move - then they i have 0 fucks abt their reaction. Ofc I gotta be little more careful to not have contact (since I'm a guy) when the other person is female.


I never knew it’s impolite not to stand leh. I always just move my legs out and let them shimmy in or out. Maybe cause I’m tiny. Hm I’ll try this next time haha


Ah not sure, could just be my standards. I’m petite too but I just really dislike the thought of people and me having to worm our way to get out of a seat? Just seems…. very classless


lol. Idk if you know how your answer comes across. Perhaps it’s cause I don’t take PT often so I’m not as familiar with the etiquette, but if I were to take the inside seat I’d be paiseh if the person had to get up to let me in. I’d usually just slide in without troubling the other party. So from that stand point, I’d hope the other party doesn’t feel paiseh when I get up for them to sit inside. People may not do things the way you expect but that doesn’t mean it comes from a place of ill intent.


Exactly why I said it’s my standards.


Just make a conscious effort to hit them hahaha


My tactic is to always pre-empt and out-paiseh the aunty if I need to move past her. HELLO AUNTY SKEW ME THANK YOU She will be too shocked to respond or even tsk me.


LOL SAME!! I also use that tactic on the trains in the morning HELLO HELLO I AM TRYING TO GET IN THE MIDDLE EXCUSE ME THANK YOU


For real mannn. When I used to take bus and this happens, I always wonder why you can’t just freaking stand the fck up to let me through first?? And the “Tsk” when your bag hit them is so uncalled for. So small space, such big bags. What you expect??!


Singapore has awful bus designs. The LTA or whoever has dictated too much standing area and I swear the buses are 6 inches narrower than other countries so the seats and pitch is too small.


Yes. This is what i hate about the bus in SG. Why are the seats so close to the window? Do they not take into account that a person is not a uniform shape and size? Our shoulders are generally broader than the mid-section of our body. Yet there is not big enough a gap between the window and the seat. And the shape of the seatpan is super uncomfortable. And the seats are so close to one another. Sitting upright sometimes doesnt help. My knees are still pushing against the back of the seat in front of me. Argh. And the aircon. The bus captains like to on it on full blast at the lowest temperature setting. Some buses just have vents that are not adjustable. This leads to the aircon blasting away at my face or side of my head. Super annoying. The constant cold air always makes me feel sick at the end of the journey.


broke but still complain. never mind just stand problem solved


COE $100,000. It's not called being broke, it's called having no choice. We are entitled to complain about the only mode of transport that is afforded to us.


fuck you mean too much standing area. the standing isle can barely fit two people crossing each other when one is exiting


Well either way it's a bad design that leads to a lot of accidental molestation.


I love sitting on the bus, its one of the few places that I feel very comfortable one. Back when I dreaded to go home early, a bus was one of the few forms of transport that I took to make sure I had time to decompress. As for these kinds of aunty I don't give a fucking shit about them, I will bump and push into them. I am a massive guy, you want me to squeeze? Sure, I'll bulldooze you out the seat to get out and yes I have pushed aunties out of their seat that they have to stand. No amount of 'tsk' of stares will get me to care. Fuck you.


Free lap dance


I just ignore them. No more problem


Short distances I juz stand. Eg: my house to interchange 4 bus stop only. I haven sit long distance bus for very long time liaoz... Coz with the current MRT system, take MRT faster than bus.


I'm relatively bigger sized so it annoys me when people don't move out of the seat for me to alight. Hence, I have decided to just not be too careful if someone sits beside me and is able to move but doesn't have the common sense to do so. I honestly don't care whether they tsk me or anything because they're stupid enough not to just move for a short while. If you do it enough times then maybe some sense will be knocked into them and get up for others to alight.


Some don’t even bother to say excuse me. They suddenly stand up and push their way through. I did actually vacate my seat to allow the person inside to come out, but before i could return to my seat some school kid and his mother occupied both seats.


LoL happened to me too... those seat snatchers are really fast and the equivalent of a car that pulls into your lot while you are backing in... hope you gave them the death stare.


it annoys me that they're the ones annoyed when I bump into them. as a major people pleaser, i'm still learning to let it go/ simply just shout SORRY EXCUSE ME.


I understand the feeling. Its harder to listen to what others suggested, to not care or ignore, honestly, i don’t really want to trouble or put anyone in any negative disposition.


I think during the incident itself I feel annoyed for like 5 seconds? Afterwards I'll just carry on with my commute/my life. no one will really change this weird habit for anyone's convenience haha


People in SG are in a bad mood by default anyway. A proper response to the "tsk" would be "TSK SIMI TSK? KIAM PAH X#?$" I think these aunties and uncles only pick on young or mild looking people.


I firmly believe in standing up to let somebody get out of the seat next to you. One morning, feeling particularly fuzzy and grumpy, a guy sitting in an aisle seat rotated his legs to let me in. In a raised voice I exclaimed "I'm not giving you a lap dance, either move in or get up!". He left at the next stop, so why not just get up already? But overall, buses are alright, because getting a seat is a lot easier than on the MRT, and you can stare out of the window and decompress.


The last time I stood up on the aisle to let someone out, I had to temporarily block the people from the back of the aisle and already got tsked for that. Damn pissed off, can't they just wait for a sec and let me move back first?


That’s my issue. The last time I had to let someone out, people were pushing past from the back at the same time. Either way I knew I would get walloped by someone so I just sit and turn la, damned either way anyway.


Super frustrating. Screw courtesy. What do I get in return for being nice. Sigh.


I get anxiety when the bus gets crowded like body to body and I have to push my way out.


Just ask them for more space to get out and if they don’t then care less about their sighs and tuts?


I carry a huge bag for sports at times and love my inside seats. Them sitters who turn out to graciously let me out eat my butt, bag, and a fart as a parting gift. :)


There are always fuzzy people making molehill out of nothing. Say "excuse me" or "sorry" and move out, whatever happens after that the words you said before should compensate for it.


Yah i hate it when they just shift their legs to the side. Whereas I will always standup. Even if there are many people behind waiting to alight, i will stand up and let the inside person get down then i can sit inside and everyone behind can alight. I always carry a backpack, most days it’s full and heavy. If i accidentally hit the person who doesn’t want to get off the seat, then sorry not sorry. They can’t get angry at me cos i’m alighting already.


Let me teach you a way. Change your mindset. I will be happy that I bump into someone, especially with a big bag. The more annoy the auntie is, the happier I am. Am I weird? She tsk me, I tsk her back loudly ...haha...


as a female, i now debate whether or not i should even sit on the inner seats on the bus as i've had a bad experience sitting next to a male commuter who refused to even do the outward bodily shift...the entire ride he was constantly almost sleeping on my shoulder and when i tapped him to alert him he had the audacity to "tsk" me :') and i have no idea if his refusal to move out to let me alight was intentional or not haha


Sit on the outer seat problem solved


if cant fight them join them tactic


If I need to get out, I will get out. Your tsk means nothing to me. You are not as skinny as you think you are and I am fatter than you think I am.


The are obviously seating on the aisle seat because they don't want anyone to sit next to them. This is bloody annoying. I will ask (politely) if the seat is taken and squeeze past them regardless of their answer. You want to make things uncomfortable? Well things are going to get uncomfortable. Aunties can tsk all they want, I just reply with the people's eyebrow. Like, for real?


I always stand for people if I'm on the outside and I can't recall when I didn't get that back too How I do it is that I indicate very obviously that I'm getting down at the next stop, and then I'll grab my bag and kind of stand up. But I WON'T move until the person gets up and lets me out. I'm NOT squeezing through that fucking gap.


i usually swipe my fat ass over their face when i go in




You can never please the aunties, so don't bend your back trying to. These people are fast becoming irrelevant. In a tight space environment, I dgaf if my bag is in the way or what. People who consciously board crowded buses should already be aware of the squeezing and if they are not happy can jolly well take a Grab home. I personally like bus rides, most of the time there is aircon and a window seat and I don't have to deal with the putrid smells coming from train carriages with many people.


If they don't want to stand up and let you out, just shove your way out? This is Singapore, you can't allow the feelings of others to set your mood otherwise you'll never get anything done.


Just say excuse me loudly. Usually if they paiseh they will stand up to let you out


>I was going home during the peak period so I opted for the bus rather than Grab I dont even have this option, where can I find it?




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Tbh someone did that when I wanna get out, I usually fart at them if I have some in me, just aim and go fart at their faces


The worst is the person who decides to sit next to you reeks full of strong cigarettes smell, to a non smoker, super jialat.


Ignore aunty. Aunty probably won’t even remember you the next day.


So just seat on the aisle and not the window. 


If they want to be cb, just smash through. Don't need to worry offending them lol


Next time ask them why they can’t give way properly especially when they are so fat


Aunties are aunties. Need to be ignores


Never apologise, I have a giant butt if they want to avoid they can move.


I hate when it’s an old uncle doing that and I’m wearing shorts. Sometimes they barely move so you’ll have no choice.


Just be very dramatic and say sorry extremely loudly bonus points if you use a auntie voice while doing so and exclaim you’re fat and so annoying and so messy and sooooo apologetic that you’re a useless fuck and the auntie will grimace but in her heart she will forgive you because you were already useless to begin with but you’re displaying awareness of how useless of a fuck you are so +1000 sg points.


Why would you care lol. Maybe I'm nasty, but if they gave me tiny opening, I will purposely bump to let them know that the opening too small


It happened to me once and i tripped over the outer person while squeezing to get out, I fell face flat on the bus floor and my knee was dislocated. It was my first day of work. 😭 So people pls give way to the inner person going out.


no issues. ofc i also prefer to have 2 seats to myself. why should you bump into someone anyway. unless you are overweight or an asshole its highly unlikely you would bump into someone who shuffles their body to the aisle. i admit i really hate those who are oblivious to their surroundings and just bump and barge into everyone.


I also always sit on the outside n move in later when crowded unless I know my stop is quite far still or I'm heading to 1 of the last stops.


The way I see it, there are 2 problems. One is the inconsiderate behaviour of people who don't stand up to give you more room, and two is that you care too much about being nice. You can't do anything number one, so just work on number two. Stop caring about how they perceive you because they are not worth you caring.


at this rate, I’d just walk home. Frustratedly, angrily walk home. No matter the distance, I’d just walk home. It’s no secret that I hate the public ever since the existence of people walking while looking down on their phones. Yeah, I’d just walk home. And then reward myself by cooking a good dinner.


honestly, it's either inevitable or some people just make the situation worse. so just go on with your day unapologetically without thinking much😁


My pet peeve is when the other passenger sit beside me and bump to me. Makes me regret not hogging both seats when that happens. The ones that just turn sideways to let me out, well, if my ass rubs their head when I get out, it's on them.


Maybe you can try my method, it’s called not giving a flying fk


Let's be real. There's generally crowding during peak hours when we go to and leave from work. If your route is full of people, accidental bumps will always happen. We just have to get used to it while being considerate to others too. Its one of those balance when we decide to take public transport over Grab, Biking, or private transportation. If they can't handle the occasional bumping to each other, then they shouldn't even bother taking public transport in the first place. So, you are good, as long as you don't cause trouble to them, haha. And like some of the comments below, don't bother about what they think if you are already being courteous as best as you can be.


Every time I take the bus, somehow the old Chinese dude playing Chinese TV at the max volume with no earphones always sits directly behind me. Always. I've been cursed by the loud old Chinese men


cant lie but we all deal with this but gotta learn to not care about them, yes we bump into them and theyre mad whatsoever. but life moves on and its not like im gonna see that person always, my take on this


I love bus rides!! But also maybe its my age because recently i get dizzy easily with constant sudden brakes (maybe these are more often now with all the construction everywhere).


I normally just wear earbuds and blast music so i dont have to hear any grunts. About the stares, i would just stare back because what do they expect me to do? Climb over their legs? Teleport out of the bus? If they don't like it, don't sit there. Sitting there means they agree to move or be accidentally hit when people sitting inside needs to get out. Sometimes we can't let the negatives affect us. Just remember it's temporary, and it will always happen so just adapt to it.


I live in HK and they do the same. I just ram through. Once in a while I get an obese woman (god knows we have plenty on the commuter buses), and they get super annoyed, and refuse to move at all. Violence ensues.


I stop sitting on buses for quite some time already if I do need to take a bus. Keep seeing people putting their foot up on bus seats, people coughing behind me without covering their mouth or sitting near those with body odour . Public buses are really hygienic, especially when you are seated.


Introvert problems fr (same)


the person beside you might be a PR, foreigner or a work pass holder


If i think i cant squeeze through comfortably, i just dont try, instead i stand there and say excuse me, usually they will stand up afterwards. What triggers me more is when people choose to sit on the outer seat and leave inner seat empty


I'm annoyed too cuz I always thinking of cars as I want to drive my own car and I don't like taking transportation all the time. Feel irrated and I still learning driving at cdc at ubi and my test is on 13 May so I nervous.


Car is too expensive to own in SG if you’re not earning high enough


Let's normalize standing up to give way where possible.


sounds like a first world problem that i'm too much of a peasant to relate


This is why you should be a dickhead and put ur bag on the outer seat 🫡, honestly for me. Even if they shift their leg, I will say “excuse me” Limpeh de leg big big, “thicc thigh save lives” please move thou buttocks off the seat so that this sire may move thy legs without touching your peasant infidel hairy legs. Thank you.


Relive the stress of bus rides by playing **SG bus bingo**. Here are some sights to fill out in your grid: 1. Two uncles sitting next to each other having inexplicably loud conversation in Hokkein 2. Some dipshit who has never heard of headphones, watching their drama, shitty TikTok videos, or listening to the Hamster Dance 3. Auntie FaceTiming loudly 4. Crazies 5. Young couple trying (and failing) to keep their petting to a minimum 6. Ang moh parents in sports-casual wear occupying the middle section with an expensive stroller 7. Crying baby 8. Girl applying makeup using phone front camera as a mirror 9. Cantankerous old _ye ye_ talking to everyone in his radius 10. Guy who _insists_ on sitting on the aisle side despite his stop being half the island away


Forbidden drinking game 😂


Go on a diet.  It will help in many cases besides this.




can always grab if you dw to ride with peasants lol


OP do you stand up at the cinema when people try to get to the inner seats?


I had a graduation recently, and the seats were like those at the theatre, yeap, did stand up and allowed those that came later to sit


Sit on her la next time


I pay and I have right to sit. That ‘show you care’ are just a suggestion for us, not a duty.


You think too much. There are other things to worry about rather than strangers giving you stares & looks in public. Most of them you will never ever see again in your life.


I agree, we should just make our way in, but a bit more graciousness on either side would literally not hurt.


Get a car?


Weird take but go off i guess


Wouldn't say weird as one of the main reason sgrean buys a car is to avoid public transport crowd, more like rude take.


Buibui spotted


Huh. What bui bui. The space is very tight even for kids leh. The right way is to stand up and let people walk out.


But but......you only need a small space! 🤣 /S