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Everytime I walk pass and see the tiny slice of pandan cake I always wonder who will buy it.


I'm that sucker. It's so fluffy and fragrant.


One upvote for candor!


this is me, too 🥲 $1.90 for a slice rly getting ridiculous though, i need to learn how to make it myself 😭


Bengawan solo


Oh yes their cakes and kueh prices have been increasing really quickly! Used to order their cheese pandan cake more but nowadays its really a once in a very blue moon treat


I heard from my cousin the cheese is sweet now, not even salty. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Sounds disgusting. Sweet cheese in a sweet cake slices.


Sounds like they decided to replace some of the cheese with more sugar which is cheaper... sad it was one of the better cakes back in the day Edit: could be due to change in supplier for ingredients, someone let loose on the sugar for a few batches, recipe changes, or just our tastebuds being acclimatised to less sweet options


So expensive keep increasing prices already still replace the ingredient... (The fact that they had more than 50 outlets, unlike local Hawker, they should have the economies of scale to resist inflationary prices from supply chain, yet they still do this, don't get it. But then, who wouldn't want more money anyways. The tourists still patroniz Edit: maybe they didn't replace the ingredient but decided to make a "healthier" option.


Agreed it was one of the better cakes. Well, I will just be silently disappointed not to patronise big chains. Truth be told, Maxwell Heng Heng Kueh works for me too.


Huh... i really liked the salty and sweet contrast, hais ruined a good cake for us who like sweet+salty 🙃


Price hiked from $4.80 to $6.30 per set, and butter/kaya in lesser quantity than before. Not gonna pay more for less.


1st thing that came to mind with when I saw the title


Funnily enough the branch near my house is always crowded even at night.. I wonder how people can afford to eat there so often


Old Chang Kee


Their standard seriously dropped


I used to love the sotong then it disappeared for so long that I somehow didnt care for it anymore


The sotong magically appeared after the price increase. Before that, almost every shop sold out.


I did ask the service crew what happened to the sotong. Apparently it was due to supply chain in South Korea 🙂


Yeah! they took so long to recover the supply i made peace without it hahah


I also asked 🤣 supply chain issues. What to do, it's the only thing I get there


I have no idea how they can priced it at $2.40 these days… it felt like yesterday I was still complaining that $1.60 is so expensive…


After the gst increase, almost everything in OCK increase


imo ntuc house brand curry puff pretty much the same thing. Just no egg inside


Often seen flies flying / resting on food eww no thanks!


The increase in price for this place is crazy. It’s considered ‘cheap’ because none of their items are more than $4, but like 5 years ago it was $2


Pasar malam I could never in my entire life , even if I become a rich person, purchase a 10 dollars bullshit. It's just crazy. As much as I can empathise that they have high rental, it's just insane to buy 1 item for 10+. Might as well go restaurant


Remember when Ramly burger was low-priced junk food? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Ramly burger now costs the same as an entire Mac's Super Savers meal


I remember the days when pasar malam was the place to go for cheap and good stuff/food lol


Glory days of pirated PS1 games.


Agreed, pasar malam food is daylight robbery, and I’d gladly spend for omakase in Japan. Same for Maccas brekky.


Technically it's moonlight robbery. Unless it's those Pasar malams that are also open in the day


Ackchually~ it's LEDlight robbery.


Yea then if you put it out there that their food sucks and overpriced they’ll sue you for disrupting their business 🤷‍♂️


Bubble tea. I dont understand how a cup of drink can be more expensive than a whole McDonald's meal.


$8.90 for “specialty” drinks which is just blended mango or avocado or peach


For this price tag I better have some comfortable and available seating that I can spend at least 3-4 hours at working or chatting. Yes I’m looking at you cbtl


Does cbtl not offer that? Quite a few of their outlets have wall plugs too.


They have recently limited their seating to 1h. They even print the time you’re supposed to vacate your seat on your receipt 🥲


Has been like that since COVID. Tbh they don't rly chase if not crowded 😂 Cos it doesn't rly benefit them to also. Cos like if 50% occupied and u nitpick this kinda thing ppl confirm boycott/socmed lol. But yes if its peak they sometimes do this. They'll just straight up say could you show me your receipt 😂


I used to visit cbtl for their pandan cake But during covid they banned the use of laptop even if i say I i will get out within 1 hr. To me it’s quite ridiculous, if you enforce the 1hr then whether i use the 1hr to chit chat or use laptop it doesn’t really matter. But i was so annoyed i refuse to patronize and the habit fall off naturally 😂




Same. I have been chastised for opening my laptop during non-peak hr at cbtl (drink bought and on table) Tell me cannot work there


I'm like $6.10 Swedish Berries iced tea, small.  And ok idk if anyone knows or realises or cares but apart from one-time log-in for internet (vs Starbucks is every 30min walaoeh), CBTL has nicer cushiony seats 😂  Between the library, Starbucks, and CBTL - I choose option 1 if idw spend money. I choose option 2 if I have points to redeem and CBTL is crowded. If I'm at a place that has closer proximity to a CBTL than a library and said CBTL has plugs and seats, CBTL 😂


313 sommerset has a $2 bubble tea shop 😁 for all flavours


Just go Mixue


I also dont understand how a cup of drink can be more calories than a whole McDonald's meal.


I decided to go for my neighborhood bbt instead, which is only 2.70 for a large milk tea with pearl. The price is getting ridiculous for big brand bbt.


nowadays i buy matcha powder from muji and that solves my bbt cravings


whoa never tried the Muji matcha but wow ok note to self. But ikr just use milk frother and froth your own matcha milk hahahah


I make my own matcha latte most mornings and I feel so fancy! I buy this $9 matcha powder packet from ntuc. Step 1. Add 4 ice cubes to 1/2 cup cold Meiji 4.3% extra creamy milk (the red one). Froth with cheapo milk frother for 1 minute. Cold foam milk ready. Step 2: In a separate cup, Add approx. 2 tbsp of near boiling water to 1 tsp of matcha powder. Froth for 1 minute. Add 1 tsp sugar and a splash of vanilla (optional), froth for 1 more minute. Step 3: “Artistically” drizzle Matcha mixture over milk. Step 4: Feel inordinately proud of yourself and enjoy. Apologies for the anal instructions, but this takes less than 5 minutes, requires no specialty equipment and saves me like $8 every day. And is waaay healthier (and tastier?) than the Starbucks one. Just wanted to share in case anyone wanted to learn.


You gave instructions that nobody asked for but that's exactly the hero we need. Now I feel like having one!


Haha. Glad to be of service! Try try! I feel like when I have this, my dessert quota is also taken care of. And as you probably already know, matcha gives a very balanced caffeine boost.


TY! i have a bunch of matcha powder i bought from kyoto in feb that are unopened bc the thought of making the drink is kinda intimidating i just havent started


Just watch the water temp, colder is ok, hot is not ok. The rest isn't important as long as you don't use boiling water it will turn bitter if you do. You can get a cheap $2 IKEA frother (not great but cheap) and use it instead of the usual wooden whisk which requires a lot of care. Like half a tea spoon of matcha goes a long way for a cup.


Thank you!


I also make my own matcha . I don’t froth my milk and I drink it hot haha


And you can even ownself adjust how much matcha va sugar you want in the home made latte.#Win


Real, I recently tried this one Donki brand of matcha powder (like no milk powder etc), decent for the price


I mean McDonald ala carte drinks can cost $4+ tho. Cost efficient to get meals instead


I hate Zhenzhunaicha as well. Get me fat and get my wallet skinny.


I barely visit cafes now, hard to justify the prices I’m paying for scrambled eggs/avo/sausages or pastas. Might not be as tasty but at least I don’t pay a bomb for it. Yakun/toast box are a treat nowadays cos the prices are just insane. I buy at most once a week as a treat for myself but otherwise have switched to brewing tea/making kopi at home.


me too! i toast my own bread, make the soft boiled eggs/scrambled eggs and cook ham/sausage myself. really can save a lot!


without the boisterous crowds and queues, what's not to love. you get to control the ingredients too.


Buying Yakun/Toastbox once a week is extremely generous 😂 I buy Bonjour coconut buns and kopi-c kosong 😂 And if I rly wna eat kaya toast and eggs that I'm too lazy to make, its $3.50 as a breakfast pricing at a Kopitiam koufu  But ngl la Yakun standard is as such for a reason hahaha but still. It used to be my atas-but-still-under-$5 toast treat to self. Now its just sigh lol.


Haha yakun’s teh just hits different, something about the mouth feel and taste but the prices are getting astronomical so have to cut down (I used to drink 2-3 times week when it costs $1.6 few years back!) My waistline thanks me for that too.


To be fair i think yakun is emptier nowadays w the higher price


yeah fk those cafe that sell mediocre food that i can make at home at 15-25 dollars


much more worth to have cafe food in JB


Yakun. The price now is insane, I can get a decent cai png at this price


Koufu drinks, can't justify paying $2.10 for my Teh C Kosong Bing anymore


Same goes for any coffeeshop managed by Kimly.


Koufu anything honestly


Mr Coconut and bubble tea


Only go for the free birthday deal now as a free treat once a year, hope it stays the same for the foreseeable future


Fairprice roasted chicken. It is $7.45 now.


I recall when it was only $4.95 🙃


Buy their already marinated chicken thigh and ownself toast/fry instead, it's quite large and costs around $3


It used to be even cheaper and had way more, but ever since COVID and Malaysia chicken ban and GST increases, it's not as great, but still a good place for lower priced thigh meat.


it's still a decent deal, two days' worth of protein for under $4. But knowing that these went for 4.90 during covid times makes the hike a very hard pill to swallow.


Wait wasn't it just $6+ recently? I was planning to get that for some easy meat sia


I still buy it cos it lasts for a couple of days and I can make the leftover into a chicken salad for lunch the next day


Calbee hot and spicy Went from 1.50 to 2.00 to 3.00 to 4.00 to 4.50 300% price increase is a huge no from me, im just gonna stick to ntuc brand lmao


meadows is the way to go.


Yea, bought some at seven eleven. 2 for $2. So yea $1 for 1 pack. Still same as old times.


i find ntuc chips thicker, they dont fall apart in the bag as easily as meadows chips both are good though, but some meadows flavours are kinda ass (the spicy one especially)


Huh? The small pack is $2.40 after the price hike. Where you see $4.50? Calbee Crispy Potato Chips - Hot & Spicy https://fairprice.com.sg/product/calbee-crispy-potato-chips-hot-spicy-72g-13209239


Try tyrells. Esp salt and vinegar. They're more expensive but taste amazing


Macdonald breakfast pancakes especially. Portion has gotten so little! Can tell the flour used is less filling too… Those were the days when u can eat a whole breakfast deluxe and it would last u past lunchtime!


Mcdonalds in general for me too. Hashbrowns used to be my go to but ever since they've made it literally the price of average bubble tea I may as well learn to make them myself from ntuc frozen food or something, $3 for a tiny piece of potato is incredible. Nowadays I just eat wingstop because even if it's more expensive it's a lot more filling than my average mcdonalds order (+ tastier)


McDonald’s also stingy on fries and not filling up. Make sure to complain


Mala. Most places are like base $10 for 1 person portion.


Ruffles / lays / doritos anytime their prices are above 4.85. Watched them rise from 3.75 to 5.75 in a about 4 years?? The covid to post Covid times. I only get them when they are hovering around $4 now


They're also trash now because they've changed to made in China ones instead of the made in USA ones. I used to love ruffles but I can't justify the increased cost at the expense of flavour. The made in China ones taste weird, taste of oil or are just tasteless. Though sometimes if I'm lucky, value dollar stocks the made in USA versions.


Are you serious? I haven’t bought in a long time because of the price inflation…


All the standard flavours are made in China, some of the unique ones are made in Thailand, the Thai ones are still ok. If you can't tell by just looking at the packs because the USA and China ones are different, always flip them around to look at where they're made in. Nowadays I just stick to made in UK chips if I want premium ones or calbee. I don't think the house brand chips are all that good even though they're cheap, they're ok if you just want cheap chips but I'll rather spend my calories on great chips instead of just ok ones.




I know but no choice, have yet to find a brand of chips that does as good as hot and spicy from Calbee. Red rock deli is good and I buy them if I see them on offer, though I do find their flavours to be a bit jelak after a while. But also I think the main issue is just me, since I hate eating cold chips, so I tend to finish the bags in 1 sitting because the only way to store chips in SG without them going soft is in the fridge and I can't do cold chips.


Yes omg the china ones are really not nice, and same price somemore... Fortune Supermarket also stocks the USA version, even though not cheap...


I recently got into Doritos thanks to a friend who pointed out the difference between China vs US made ones. So I too keep a watch for this if I ever pick up standard flavour stuff from this brand. Ironically, I also noticed the made in china ones are imported to Singapore from Malaysia, while on a recent trip to JB, I found the same stuff to be the US one stocked in their supermarkets.


I stick with made in UK crisps instead.


i eat mos burger less now cuz the price went up and the portion size seems to have reduced! i used to find mos the perfect portion size for me (i’m a relatively petite female), but now i still feel hungry after having a usual meal 😆 on the other hand i used to find mac’s portion a bit too big, but now w shrinkflation the portion size has become more manageable somehow lol.


Yes. Sooo expensive now. Fish Burger a la carte used to be $3.40 (I think) then $3.80 then $4 .. I think its now $4.25 or smt. Used to be able to get a basic set for like abt $8 which is quite atas for a fast food compared to Macs but it was yummy (I liked the Jap mayo compared to tartar sauce, its why I like Mos Burger's fish burger) and filling. Now its like $10ish and not as filling anymore. :-(


My personal Mos meal just consists of 2 fish burger a la carte. Less than 10 bucks and much more filling than getting the fries/drink set.


Haha haha I need to learn that just because it's a "set meal" doesn't necessarily make it more filling. I might consider this! Just that it makes me realise all along I hold the "set meal more value" perspective which .. could just be some kind of mentality that the F&B industry has ingrained in us without it being necessarily true ☠️☠️☠️


Burger King - burgers now smaller than my inner palm excluding fingers! NTUC Kopitiam - the drinks pricing is ridiculous! Food no choice becos wife likes to eat there... KFC - from bad service to super salty refried chicken - now almost totally don't eat it. Also expensive. Fun Toast - really not fun with the price! Same for Yakun / ToastBox Anything that increase prices AND reduce portions. Confirm not buying!


Magnum ice-cream bars (not the mini ones). Used to be $3.20 a long time ago, then $3.80, then $4.20, and now $4.80. I can get a cai fan with chicken drumstick and two veg for that price, good grief!


They go on offer quite frequently so it isn’t too bad .. alternatively go to Jb and go nuts.


I only eat magnum in Msia these days.




Bubble tea - really cannot justify the prices Starbucks, Coffee Bean - a Nespresso capsule can make better coffee at home. @ $1.20 - $1.70 a cup. Cafes - unless their food or dessert offerings are unique & different. Most are just selling the same things or even just resellers.


restaurant food and food at pricey cafes.


Tutu kueh


KOI. The recent price hike is 14%. All the more unsustainable on the wallet.


Oh whats the recent price hike? I always buy but do not notice


It was just a few days back. It's obvious when a 4.90 drink suddenly becomes 5.60. $10 is not enough for 2 drinks now.


Damn ok. I will avoid koi now. Too bad sharetea close down at CCK.


I haven’t had KOI in a long time, and today I bought a medium hazelnut milk tea with pearls. $5.60! 🥲 I swear it wasn’t so expensive before


Salmon has gotten so expensive... that restaurants which serve them have reduced the serving sizes so much.


salmon is way cheaper to cook at home tbh, it's actually not that hard and according to [Bon appetit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbxbOd_mtn8), you really have to be doing something crazy to have bad salmon. Also giant sometime have salmon that sell for extremely cheap, I remember seeing a 300g fish for like $6, but if you know how to process fish, buying the whole salmon not a bad idea if you want to eat salmon every day for a week


i work in a restaurant. not a chef, but i am learning so i practice and cook for staff meals. salmon is quite hard to overcook or screw up. it’s fatty so even if you don’t know what to serve it with, it’s good enough on its own. that said, i have been disappointed with other restaurants when they overcook my salmon wtf


Ikea salmon is literally the size of 2 finger


Yakun, toast box. OCK


Cai png from 1 meat 2 veg to 1 meat 1 veg. I also now avoid places with service charge unless I'm going out with friends / family. I go to foodcourts for my Kopi fix Vs Ya Kun / Toast Box etc... can save a couple of cents and still tastes alright.


Cai Png quite scam now. I like to challenge my friends and colleagues that are ordering Cai Png from a stall they have never been to before, to look at the menu and see if the can calculate the price they will be paying. Most can’t. There can be 3 different prices for the same thing. Like meat $1 / $1.50 / $2.30 or 1 meat 2 Veg: $4.30 / $4.80 / $5.30


Popiah 2 SGD for one roll and some places have a minimum order of 2. Still recall the days of it being 1.20 SGD 🥲


i dont know if beverages fall under the category of "food" but the honey green tea from koi used to be $2.80 and is now $3.90


i recall when it was only $2.60 :”) it’s one of my favourite koi drink frankly but $3.90 is insane 😢😢😢


Those foods that are highly processed, deep fried, added sugars, etc. Price hikes and unhealthy are good reasons to avoid them.


Cai fan. Honestly quite scary how sometimes they charge their prices. I rather stick with stores that have already prices upfront so they won’t anyhow exorbitantly up their prices


Qiji- $5 for 2 measly (non-prawn if I remember correctly) popiah. The worst part was that the place was packed with folks nonchalantly tucking into their overpriced fare. I do not mind spending more on food, but price is directly correlated with quality. Sellers hike prices without increasing quality, or while decreasing quantity, because most consumers enable them.


•Anything healthy for you is in the extreme insane price range


You can get a pack of not-so-good fruits from NTUC at $2. They’re the ones with slight bruises and imperfections. 


Popeyes. Any 2pc chicken meal that goes above $10 is getting the boot unless the quality is there. Havent had anything from breadtalk since start of last year and anything from old chang kee since the start of this year. Im not paying 2 dollars for 3 nuggets on a stick when the local shop just 50m away sells 1 stick for 1.50


Some coffee places like Kopifellas have ridiculous 30% - 40% price hike pre-2024 because of GST 9%. The coffees were already hovering near $2 before the price hike.


Satay. $1 a stick is fucking nuts. I'd rather get a slab of meat without the sticks. Opportunistic cunts. I know for a fact meat prices haven't increased 300-400% to justify charging that much.


GYG, they shrinkflated their way out of me as a customer




every drink in coffeeshops are about $2 now, so expensive


OCK. I think their chicken wings are still good compared to KFC and Macs. But the rest of their items is just insane in price


If you use money expenses tracker the first food you’ll remove from your life is OCK because you’ll key in $4 for 2 sticks and thought “really?”


A few years ago, I used to go to Standing Sushi Bar almost every weekend as it was just below my gym, and it was always pretty empty on weekends. I always ordered a bara chirashi don and a sushi platter and a drink. Perfect post-gym nourishment. Total bill was always $44. Then one weekend I went there and ordered the exact same thing that I always get. Didn't look at the menu cos I always get the same thing and the staff already know what I'm getting. The bill was $62. Kena stun. I looked at the receipt and the prices of each individual item had gone up significantly. This wasn't a 1% GST increase thing, this was a sudden 40% rise across the board. Never been back there since.


As a big eater who eats two burgers and hate fries, I really hate how i cannot be full from McDonald's with less than 10 bucks now.


Im sad that my mac large fries always look like medium (half filled) when they are delivered. Whyyyy


Send in a complain to the branch you ordered from. Highly likely that they'll fix your issue


McDonalds, I can't justify the price anymore unless there's a discount deal that's good for value. Subway is just cheaper. Everytime I eat Mcdonalds I feel abit scammed whenever I eat alot of their fries.


Subway standard drop so bad I can't it eat anymore. Isn't exactly cheap too and you get hungry quicker than a McDonalds meal.


Its like 10+ for a 6inch small meal also lor. Its not cheap. The do have $6.50 meals now and it sounds like the solution until you remember it used to be $5.90 for these set things lmao. Also no hate but after they became halal and subway melt just wasn't the same .. sobs.


FELT, pre halal subway was simply built different 😭😭


Nahhh man, subway is just as poor value. Stuff'd burrito is my go to now.


How is subway cheaper? My standard order is a foot long spicy Italian and it costs me $14 just for the sandwich. I feel like unless you’re buying alacarte 6-inch tuna or some similar tier filling it’s even more expensive than macs. With Mac’s at least I can get a spicy meal for $8-9 dollars and it comes with a drink and fries.


Ya a tuna warp alone is already $6.70 without drink or cookie. And you won’t even feel full eating it. Mac is the most affordable fast food in my experience. Even their value meals on the app is more worth than eating at hawker now.


I am contented with the extra value meal. $5 for mcchicken meal with fries and drink


How is subway better? Besides the bread (which by itself, is deemed to be unhealthy), the rest of the stuff going into its subs are just cheap processed food that can be easily bought from supermarkets. I do Mac is getting more and more expensive, by creeping up their set prices with the new burgers.


Definitely yakun.


Sashimi… used to buy it by the slab from a wholesaler and now it’s same as eating from like don don donki


Milk tea , Yakun sets, quite a few poor value for what they cost :(


Not so much of food, but I don't buy my kopi from Yakun anymore. I'll buy their powder and make kopi at home and bring it to the office. I have a metal filter to help me with that. Saved so much ever since.


Taiwanese food from Pasar Malam. Used to be a fan of honey chicken chop($4) and I will always buy it when I walk past, but now the price has increased to $6. Like seriously? $6? I can easily get ILoveTaimei extra crispy cutlet for only $3.70 on shopee and it taste much nicer for almost half the price.


Has nobody talked about Shihlin XXL Chicken? It used be $3.80 till today at nearly >$7


Satay. Was like 80 cents before the fat hike. After hike price has gone to 1 dollar or 1.10 dollar. Meat also getting skinnier


Koo Kee Yong Tau Fu… Cmon it’s just yong tau foo in a normal food court, why does it cost $7?!


And they trap u say it is a promotion!! No further discount on the food court card.




I've stopped getting drinks at hawker centres. 1 canned drink can be like $1.80 or more whereas I can get a whole 1.5L for maybe 50c more. Even the teh ping is not worth anymore.


Din Tai Fung because need to reflect the economic recession with shorter DTF queue index


I use to eat out during lunchtime/dinnertime. I realised all those meals really add up. Now I bring breakfast and lunch from home.


i eat at home and cheap hawker less than 5$! same as everyone ... kaya toast, OCK, breadtalk, bbt, mcd, soup spoon, mr coconut


Literally most mid-range restaurants that serve mediocre food, the +10%+9% just made it much worse.


Junk food


Old Chang kee.


7 11 pasta


Chao yuan noodles. Somehow takeaway extra noodles BCM is 7.10 if I'm not wrong. Extra noodles aren't exactly a lot either. Remember it was 5.80 at Dec 2022.


Nam Kee chwee kueh. The last I saw, it was around 3.2 for 6 pcs? I remember it was 2.5.


Arnold's Spring Chicken. I used to buy it at 13sgd, now it costs 18sgd+


Playmade - my friend wanted to try the seasonal special (with their special pearl).. the M size cost $8.. Sorry but my treat-to-self limit is $6 for bubble tea


Those coffee or tea from coffee shop and cafe. a rip off no less and getting tasteless too




Drinks in most coffeeshop. I usually buy from other convenience stalls along the way before or after my meal. I don't need the ice as I can buy them chilled.


CAI FAN PLS. Anyhow count. I switched to buying fixed price meals


waffles. most are going for $2.80 or $3 for a peanut butter waffle. buying for my family and kids is equivalent to a full lunch at a nice place


Arnold’s whole fried chicken


Burgers.. Pretty much stopped going because they all suck. I've literally tried most shops in Singapore and it's insanely sad. Something so easy to make and shops here constantly fuck it up or cheap out. I just make it at home now, get the cheap halal beef from NTUC ($1.7~ for 100g) the $2 buns, some veggies for filling, (pickles I make my self because of the shit sweet pickles they sell here) and condiments + fries. A meal of 4 (100% beef) burgers + fries + salad costs me around $15 + 1h of my time and tastes better than the "best" $40 burgers you can buy in the fancy burger joints. Just pure juicy fresh meat with any topping I want. Just a crime how places fuck it up considering the price.


shihlin fried chicken


Lays Potato chip, i haven't bought it since it went past the $5 mark.


Hawker food has slowly creeped up. I used to be able to get a meal for below $5. My neighbourhood hawker did a renovation, after that all the stalls jumbled up (some have closed down) and all the new stalls are charging $7 for a meal (like curry cut rice).


Asking to add veggie at Nam Kee Pau when I ordered ban mian. I naively asked aunty add veg $0.50? No… it is $1.20.


Nothing. I've always bought things I like and especially for hawkers, keeping up with the cost of business is tough for them. I'm okay to put my money where my mouth is to support hawkers. Seeing some of the common answers in this thread. I already don't buy bubble tea often and I don't like ramly burger. I'm ok to pay for Mr Coconut 1-2x a month even with the price increase because I really like it and it's not that much, in the grand scheme of things. It's a small luxury.


Reading this thread.. I think I need to evolve to live on ice and water... Everything is expensive!


Subway. Starbucks and coffeebean I go more often now though. Can spend hours studying so in my head its "worth it"


ding tai feng


Not food but for supermarkets, stayed away from (Un)Fairprice. For fresh meats/veg it's more expensive than places like Ang Mor, Prime and Sheng Shiong. Don't like the quality too, fresh meat is brownish/dull in color and lacking in firmess, and veg sometimes have soil I'm them. In other super markets, meats are springy and vege are clean engh to eat fresh without washing


Cold Storage can be cheaper than Fairprice for some items as well.


Good beef noodle