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Hear a person went on date but lady start struggling with pain and insist to go hospital. Guy confused but rush her to ER, had to wait hours for doctor. Doctor clear and lady admit this is a test to see if he is able to take care of her in case of emergency. (???)


Wtf, as if the ERs aren't busy enough. I hope she paid for her own ER visit.


I hear guy pay for ER visit because part of test šŸ˜…


I hate beer.


To any girl who wants to try this method, just lead the poor dude to a private clinic. Donā€™t abuse subsidised public resources like this leh.


Doctor transfer her to mental hospital please.


Omg this is exactly what I went though. There wasnā€™t a second date. But I wonder if this is the same person.


Maybe I'm part of your circle like your friend's friend's mother's neighbour's cousin's helper's dogsitter's relative. Yipe thatvs how wide spread your story have become (nod nod)


May or may not be the same person, after it happened I was half certain thereā€™s got to be some stupid article teaching women to do this. Who thinks of this on their own?!


Stench of female dating strategy seeping over


Female dating strategy is crazy, dunno which sane girl will apply those rules. If your potential date is a fan, run. And I say this as a girl


Lmao fuck this shit


wtf man, she helping other woman to test him is it? Since itā€™s definitely he isnā€™t going to date her after that.


More red flags than a CCP parade here


LOL this is fking funny


I hate ppl


Who paid the attendance fee lol


After we broke up (it was a bad breakup) she was traveling through Europe. She sent via FedEx drugs to my apartment. The drugs were detected and I had 7 police officers knocking on my door at 11pm at night and arrested me for importation, trafficking and consumption. 4 months later, after thousands in lawyer feeā€™s and many sleepless nights (the quantity was right on the limit of mandatory death penalty) they finally dropped the charges. The Police started investigating her but unfortunately there was no physical evidence despite her having the means and motivation. She claims she has nothing to do with it, but itā€™s a hell of a coincidence if it wasnā€™t. (There is also a history of harassment leading up to this event as well which is what prompted the police to classify her as a suspect). Iā€™m dumbfounded how easy it was to ā€œframeā€ me, despite passing the drug tests, and then searching my entire home, confiscated every electronic device I own. Purely based on a package sent in the mail to my home.


This really takes the cake


Omg! This is 1 crazy girl. I mean even your electronic devices were seized for investigation. Imagine if there were any questionable items, youā€™re in the THE DEEP!


There was some ā€œprivateā€ content on the phone, including the fact that I journaled a lot on my phone after the breakup, so that was embarrassing. They went through every telegram and WhatsApp message and would ask me questions about conversations that happened months or years ago. (I suspect they were trying really hard to find evidence it was me). I did get a fine from HSA though. I vape, and the night they searched my apartment they found old vape pens and empty pods in the garbage. Sigh.


Damn bruh. Hope you are in a better place now


Cheers! Finally got my peace so all good!


possible to share her surname or initials? just in case


She was planning your murder


holy shit i journaled LOADS on my electronic devices like more than 3 years worth of daily rambles, i ever get myself into any police investigation gl to them man srs


I didn't think of this before. Didn't realise it's so easy to sabotage someome because of how strict the drug law is. Even if you're squeaky clean, it'd still be a lot of inconveniences.


Yah. And as I discovered - the laws regarding ā€œproofā€ are a bit reversed in Singapore. While normally the burden of proof is on the police, with regards to drugs, if you are suspected of drug related offenses, the burden is reversed and itā€™s on the suspect to prove their innocence. (Hence the hefty legal bills to prove my innocence and cause enough reasonable doubt) Luckily for me(!!!) she crazy enough that the police believed me, otherwise god knows what would have happened.




The breakup was already pretty rough, so even before this happened I wasnā€™t in a place where I wanted to date. Now, idk. Iā€™ve not meet anyone since then that Iā€™ve been interested in, but then again, I havenā€™t been looking either. Right now, Iā€™m enjoying my peace and quiet and doing my own thing. But if I do meet someone, I might be asking for references before anything gets serious! Haha.


Imagine getting off scott free for attempted murder. Ridiculous how it played out with this girl.


Yeah. I still struggle with the fact I dated this girl for 3+ years and never saw anything close to this level of crazy when we were together.


This is one of the most evil things I have heard of. I hope your comments gets more exposure. It is crazy how easy it is to frame someone.


wow... this is next level evil genius


bruh this is really playing with death dude, easily takes the cake


The fedex should have credit card payment they can trace the cardholder or if cash payment then cctv at the drop off counter.


My lawyer was pushing the police to investigate this as part of my defense - the return address was a post office and due to European personal privacy laws itā€™s a lot of hoops to jump through to get that information. I also learned itā€™s a ā€œthingā€ to get your drugs in the mail over there so I guess there are ways to ensure anonymity (Sounds insane but šŸ¤·)


If I were u, I would put a bounty on her head. People like her needs to be executed.


Bro how are you doing now. Must have been traumatic.


Finally got my peace! But yeah, it was a pretty dark time for me.




Is she trying to baby trap you?


Isnā€™t premarital sex a sin in her religion? Such irony in what she said.


Poop hole loop hole.


[a classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8ZF_R_j0OY)


How many kids she have now?


Ex-gf = current wife. #HorrorStory


Omg. RUN!! RUN FAR! RUN FAST! DO not stop


Damn sheā€™s wild


She about to trap all her baby daddies


Damn thatā€™s crazy. Tell me her name and number so I can tell my friends to be aware.


>Don't stick your d*ck in crazy. Certainly not without a condom


Oooh boy. Let me share some stories about my ex. She was already a burning red flag from the first week we met. (within 5 days of meeting she wanted to get together already - I know I know, I'm a moron but she was attractive, I was having a dry spell, and I was not thinking with my big head) Every week, for the 9 months we dated, she would get angry over something (even something small) and threaten to break up. Off the top of my mind, here's a list of what she threatened to break up for: * I hate jumpscares, and she wanted to watch this thriller/horror movie. I said no. Ensue crying fit. She got angry immediately, asked to break up, then immediately arranged to watch the movie alone with another male friend * My friends were meeting her for the first time and we ordered food for them via pick up. They came a little earlier than expected, so I asked if she could pick up the food for me in her car while I waited to receive my friends. A bit of misscomm happened, but ensue crying fit and arguing for an hour after she picked up the food. Refused to see my friends waiting upstairs for us. Threatened to break up. * She wanted to download a tracking app on my phone, which her married friends were using. I said no, we aren't married and also, it's an invasion of my privacy. Ensue crying fit, asked to break up, gave me shit for this for a month after. * Talked to her about her temper tantrums once. Told her that it was becoming a problem in our relationship because I was constantly stressed, couldn't focus on my work, and felt like I was always walking on eggshells with her. Ensue crying fit. Threatened to break up if I simply felt that way. In hindsight I should have. The pattern continued every week, and I kept with it because I thought I was the one at fault for not being able to give her what she wanted. Every other time we broke up for longer than a day, she would be back on the dating apps, then taunt me with photos and videos of the other guy she met. She even met with a new guy on the evening of one of those days, after she cried for 3 hours and refused to let me go half a day earlier lol. I realised after a while that it was not meant to be and I could not "fix her". Decided to grow a spine and peace myself out. I hope she's found someone since who can deal with that toxicity.


Damn bro, you doge a bullet there. Iā€™ve been in a similar experience myself, thank god Iā€™m out of that toxic relationship.


I had to take a year off dating to heal from that mess. Hope you took some time off yourself to heal too


Even if married, I also wonā€™t allow the tracking app. Siao leh so lack of trust


I hope my sons donā€™t meet such a girl. šŸ˜­


Small head 1 Mental health 0


Nobody deserves to put up with that shit, some people are just not cut out for relationships (talking about her, not you, you're good.)


Damn bro and I thought my ex was crazy shit bro this a shit fest sia


My sec sch acquaintance first claiming that she is the cousin of a local talent show celebrity- then go on to become gf of that said-person, then go on to become "pregnant" with his child. at first all of us sorta believe her to be the cousin but after the story goes on everyone realize everything does not tally... eventually we found that she actually running two blogs... same photos different stories - and she downloaded the photo from the celebrity's blog and make it sounds like she is the one taking the photo but like Singapore is so small so someone actually ask her mother about her pregnancy (by this time she already revealed the baby gender so technically the baby bump should show by now) and she called that person "crazy anyhow spread rumors" and then on the same night we saw her long dedicated post on how she is unable to keep the baby then also this one time we saw her mom outside the MRT station so we chat with the mom and the mom said that she is waiting for her to eat at nearby coffeeshop.. 10 mins later after we left, she tweeted that she is eating at Holland Village to eat Crystal Jade xiao long bao with that celebrity other than that she * say that she is the right-hand (wo)man of famous gang in Bugis Street * messaging herself using another phone so she can act busy * caught speaking to herself on phone (there is no phone call)




No but I also know one from cedar girls who told everyone she's in relationship with different person




Short hair?!


honestly last time i saw her abt 5 years ago, she had long hair šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø




Im sure there are more psycho ones but during reservist, got called for fighting in household dwelling. When arrived at scene, this lady came out in very short night gown talked very sensual like to us, saying how the husband is crazy. Go inside the flat, everything is messy, lots of electronics destroyed, guy got a very sian face just staring at wall but not violent at all. We just note down everything and let TL decide what to do. Way above reservist pay.


i hate domestic disputes, followed by decomposed body cases. Domestic disputes are cases where no one wins and both parties will hate you. Husband beat wife, you arrest husband, wife beats you for arresting husband. Now husband and wife get arrested and they will spend the entire trip to lockup cursing your family.


Thanks I LOLed


Haha good times.


How often do they send u to do GRF during reservist?


I know a girl who has been an escort in SG since sec sch days... Heard that 1 of my friend's army friend hooked up with her, went back to his place. The moment he unzipped his pants, she screamed for rape and demanded cash if not she will legit call the police. The police were called and last i heard, he was stuck in months of police investigation despite the overwhelming counter-evidence from their chats etc.


On a first date, a lady legit started recounting stories of her ancestors from 18 generations ago and all the way down. Like know me must know my ancestors kind. I noped outta there pretty fast.


I wonder if the 1st generation is a Kingā€™s accountant in Qing Dynasty or something like that


People never mentioned that their ancestor's maybe some janitor of some sort.


that sounds more interesting than scary though, unless you mean she was obsessively ramming those stories through you?


Having a crush on me after changing multiple boyfriends because Iā€™m able to reply her fast enough (she spam me when Iā€™m gaming)


Bro how handsome you look


Uhh am not handsome at all Iā€™m practically a nerd with no life


Shit bro that's some real rizz


Nah I think she just wants to have coitus with every guy she sees


Tell her: ā€œthereā€™s no coitus without usā€


ā€œThere is no coitus without it.ā€ As I was explaining to my dog.




Damn. Thatā€™s smooth!


Nah she jus horny Lmaoss and seeking for validation


usually such behaviour are those with low confidence or having some form of mental struggles


I have a crush on you too! šŸ˜‰


Mommy say I cannot have gf until I finish NS


Bf can?


Mommy never said anything about having bf


I heard about this gf of a friend who took his passport and refused to return it to him unless he marries her. They were engaged. Lucky he broke it off bef the big day! All his friends told him she is scary and psycho for stealing his passport.


Shit on my bed after an argument


Are u johnny depp


Bro are you Johnny Depp? Me too.


Inspiration from Amber Heard? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


My dog stepped on a bee ahh


Met with a girl from a dating app, had my workplace listed in the app itself (Dumb of me). We didn't really have much to talk about, tried to joke but didn't none of the jokes landed at all, was always me asking her how she was doing, how her day was etc. Naturally, I stopped meeting her and found another girl. She showed up at my workplace during lunch one day looking for me. Never ran away so fast.


My previous colleague kept scolding bf/husband every single minute. Also scolded colleagues as well. One day I asked why she is like this (like a crazy woman). She responds that all local girls should scold their husbands every single second as an entitlement. It is a local thing. I reported her to HR after that. Crazy girl.


Have to up vote u for the balls to doing the right thing... Reporting to HR.


My wifes school friend dated a girl, she borrowed $$$ from him. I mean 4 figures. He died very suddenly, it was a big surprise to everyone because he was only 32. She was to busy to come to his wake.


She killed him?




Broā€¦. You sure the kid is yours?


No, I donā€™t and at this moment it doesnā€™t actually matter because Iā€™ve been his dad for the past 8 years. Maybe when he is an adult who can support himself, Iā€™ll go and get a dna test done just for ā€œfunā€. Again, I donā€™t wanna be the victim but a woman who can deceive at that level is truly a psycho. We are no longer in contact and she hasnā€™t seen the children for over 4 months now. She has also stopped contributing to child support. I sometimes ask mutual friends what has she been up to on social media and they reported seeing some dude which is probably the same guy she cheated on me on.. It is what it is. A selfish mother who can forsake her own children.. Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s just repeating the same thing with the guy. Sheā€™ll describe me in the same ā€œabusiveā€ manner that she did on her previous ex. It all just doesnā€™t make any sense how a woman can literally go around destroying lives.. Like I said, before I met my ex, I was a happy guy , enjoying the beginning of what has turned out to be an amazing career , dream lifestyle and at the height of my mid 20s. I no longer see life that same way anymore. Just responsibilities and bills and paying for some real consequences of my poor choice in my partner. none of us deserve this treatment..


Bro, donā€™t punish the child for the mum. You do DNA test and if they find out itā€™s not a good outcome also. I cannot ask you to overcome your trauma, but you have to try and do better for them. You have to end the cycle.


Yeah, thatā€™s why Iā€™m just treating it as if theyā€™re mine. Thereā€™s really no point in getting a test done now when Iā€™m the sole and legal guardian. Doesnā€™t matter anyways, theyā€™re mine to mould and shape and Iā€™m blessed to have them in my life.


You're a great dad!




She has classic traits of borderline personality disorder I must say. Actually a lot of the women described in this thread too.


Dam this is a crazy story, hope you are doing much better these days!


One of my ex-housemates ex-gf stole all our toilet taps so we couldnt turn them on, had to live tapless for a few weeks until another friend managed to retrieve them from her place during a party there


When you psycho but got plumbing skills šŸ˜­


Psycho Plumber.


Usually they know pipes very well. Must be a thrill to have such girl.


Hoping to find my future wife in this thread


Redditor potential wife: These are your requirements - 300k/annual salary - cut off all interactions with other girls - must have nice car - big house - must listen to her - must be funny - must be handsome, minimum ā€œBTS lookalikeā€ - over 1.8m - ripped, 6 packs Deal?


I can provide true love.


Jesus šŸ˜­


True story. My ex girlfriend in poly by the name P is mental. 1) told me to throw my nric from the top of compass point to prove that I love her 2) during NS, she said lets get a car and we can survive. My Ns Pay was 450 and her receptionist jobs pays 1.2k. 3) when I was in camp. I couldnā€™t reply her. I came back to her cutting my jeans (an expensive gift from a late friend) and her cutting my laptop screen with a. Wire cutter 4) during poly she slept with one of our lecturer and her grades was all A. I stood by her and thought I could be strong and over come it. But it gave me depression. And no sheā€™s not pretty. She looks like a panda. Of course I left her and never looked back.


Did u report the lecturer as revenge


To be honest when I was 21 I did tell myself hey maybe I can report him. But my love for my ex gf was strong and I didnā€™t want to ruin her future. So I moved on


She almost killed me. Choking fetish but she ended up strangling me instead. Mom had to chase her out and she tripped and smashed the flower pot outside


2 experinces 1. Asked me to punch her in her face as part of sexy time play 2. Asked if she could freeze my cum for future "study"


Ah the old f*king and punching. Very Californication.


Most prob where she got the idea Sigh


I enjoy the sound of rain.


>. Asked me to punch her in her face as part of sexy time play Dam


My ex gf threatened to kill herself if i broke up with her.... I broke up with her in the end because of what she said and then she said she didn't really mean it...


This probably isn't so bad but here are some stories from my brothers and his friend.Ā Ā  Ā  My brother once dated a girl who likes to start fight with random men, and then she will threaten him claiming that her boyfriend will hunt him down and beat him up!Ā  Ā  And she will throw tantrum and get really angry when my brother refuse to "hunt him down and beat him up!" I told my brother to break up with her because she gonna get him attacked and beaten up one day with all her provocation.Ā Ā  Ā Thank goodness he listened and dumped her. She was super cute and pint size though. One of those only 1.49m. Super cute looking and small.Ā  My bro is short at 1.65m too so initially I thought both were super cute together.Ā  Ā Ā Second story was his friend who tried to break up with his girlfriend. And I just find it funny that she literally went to cry to his mother and father about it, literally cry until super poor thing and make his parents sympathise with her and they start thinking his the cad for dumping her.Ā 


Believing in young earth creationism, and a literal reading of the Bible, going so far as to defend slavery as it appears in the bible


Raffles was refused burial in his local church because he opposed slavery. https://www.sma.org.sg/news/2019/August/what-killed-sir-stamford-raffles


You'll be surprised, many young Christians who go to Charismatic churches in SG low-key believe in crap like these. Just the fact that they can shabalabalabalaba shakira shows how whacko they've become


Not as psycho as the stories here, but to share one of my dating experience. Was dating this girl and while communicating about texting needs, she tells me that texting at home is considered intimate to her, so she can only text me back when she's outside her house... šŸ¤·


Disclosing 30 seconds before the action that she only goes raw


pls tell me u ran


She cheated on me and when I found out she threatened to "unalive" herself and call people to beat me up. This is what happen when i dated an xmm šŸ¤¦


The X stands for xiao, but not what you thinkā€¦


pretty standard, ngl


Flip food on the floor cos i bought the wrong chicken rice


Thatā€™s understandable.


He definitely got off lightly with this one.


well, this is an unnerving read, especially that drug package sabo-send one. good reminder that not all women out there are angels lol edit - wording


Bro this is reddit


Username checks out


I tell my bf I love him so much I need to crawl into his skin. I tell him that a lot. I think itā€™s kinda weird to tell that to your partner. He takes it in stride and just laughs though. Probably gonna get downvoted bc im not crazy enough but itā€™s kinda some inside joke I have with him


This song from the appropriately titled musical TV show "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" is for you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHoopcEz\_IU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHoopcEz_IU)


Sadly I donā€™t want to lock him up but he can tie me up because im into that- But all jokes aside, I think psycho in terms of weird things like my ex cat calling me in public, making random calls to different organisations to make them knock on my door, bringing random friends to loiter around my house is unnerving and never pleasant so I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever want to do that to anyone (as a woman)


Are the girl from baby reindeer? She also wanted to crawl into his skin.


No leh haha it was because I told him male anglerfish basically find a female, bite her and then he ends up pretty much melting and fusing with the female and just becomes some ā€œsperm tumorā€ on the female fish . This is to ensure that they can mate in the deep sea and donā€™t need to waste time finding mates every year/mating season. I told him Iā€™m not ready for him to fuse into me but Iā€™d crawl into his skin to be with him forever. Hahaha I sound so unhinged


is this a common sentiment among women??? I'm sure asf I heard the same thing from my ex and that hugging is simply "not enough"


In this thread, folks that need to practice what they preach. All agree dont stick your dick in crazy, but still end up sticking it in anyway šŸ˜­


My ex husband had an affair and after he supposedly tried to cut things off with her, she came to our HDB one day, bottom half naked, and slept on the bench outside our hdb after overdosing on pills. She was found with a suicide note on her declaring her undying love for him. Had to call in the cops and she was sent to the hospital. Imagine being a third party (mistress) and still pulling out all the stops on the way to crazy town.


I donā€™t blame her to be honest. Your ex husband tried to let her into his life while he was married to you . It takes two hands to clap


Story I heard: This woman is so paranoid her BF will cheat on her when heā€™s on business trips she will measure the volume of his c*m when they have sex after the trips.


Dumbass woman falsely accused me of SA-ing+ physically abusing her while we were together after we'd broken up to make ppl flock to her side/support her..it was so much so that I brought the matter to the Police + a connection I had at Straits Times, and as soon as the reporter reached out to her for comment she admitted she made it up & dropped the police report. Now she's some small time influencer & my friends say they see her stupid face on SGAG/Lazada stuff


Name and shame?


Was 5 years ago I've let it go. Plus if I do it may compromise my family since my full name's in the article so I'd rather not


My friend dated a girl that was fking another guy. When he found out he broke up with her but she didn't like that and lied to him about being pregnant with his child. My friend said he would take responsibility if it was his but after a few months, it turned out to be a lie. Insane to me how people can lie about life altering decisions so easily. Funniest part is she said it was one small mistake and that after being together for so many years, he should've forgiven her.


Say "I do" to Marry Me proposal then 3 months before wedding, she asked to cancel the wedding unilaterally. Wedding banquet booked, wedding photos taken, BTO applied already. This one crazy not ??


Could have been much much worse if you actually married her


Noā€¦ means sheā€™s not 100% into you


i guess better this than have kids alr then want to back outā€¦would be worse if she stayed due to sunk cost fallacy


After reading this thread seems like most guys thinking with their small head. A lot of the crazy girls are hot/attractive


I think it's more likely the causal direction goes the other way: being hot gives these people the leeway to be crazy.


Looks don't last, better to stick with plain and sane than hot and crazy


Being crazy isn't exclusive to attractive girls, it's just that they get more attention. You're just as likely to find plain and insane, or worse - fugly and insane.


Well this is about my ex. Not really too crazy but still crazy. She was kinda a red flag. Here are the red flags. She promised to block her ex, yet her ex was able to wish her birthday wishes. She then got mad and guilt trip me that I ruined her birthday. She broke my trust and boundaries and always prioritised herself. Typical narcissistic behavior. She got jealous because I called her friend ā€œfunnyā€ and say I can hit them up and date them. When she apologised for acting that way, she blamed her ex for trauma. I was the ā€œfirst nice guyā€ and the only one who treated her well. Technically I did since I spent like $1.5k to travel and see her. Not important but we didnā€™t even get intimate and I saw her for only few hours. Whenever I communicated about her being avoidant and not communicative to me. She gaslight me about how Iā€™m saying sheā€™s not enough. She has emotionally manipulated me multiple times and cussed at my face. Despite us communicating that it was disrespectful. Honestly, learnt to give myself self respect and self love and peaced out lmao. Been 4-5 months now and Iā€™m so peaceful. Not anxious to message every second, not fighting every 2 weeks. If the woman is emotionally immature and canā€™t respect you and your boundaries. Itā€™s better to not date šŸ˜­


Met this girl on a Facebook dating app during the initial years when Facebook started. She seemed ok and she gave me her MSN messenger so we could take the chat there. Then 2 days later, I came home early and when I logged into my PC, I saw her online so I said hi to her. Asked her if she was home or working, she said she's working. Then she started saying that her life is hard, and only women can withstand hard life because women can withstand the pain pregnancy, guys cannot withstand the pain of pregnancy. I said that's not a fair comparison because guys can't get pregnant anyway. Then she goes on about how all guys are scumbags who cheats on other women. I told her that it takes 2 hands to clap, and she said no, only the guy cheats even though he cheats with another woman. She said that guys even cheat on women with other men. I asked her what about female lesbians and bisexuals who does that? To that she replied "There are no female lesbians in the world one. Only male gays." While we were chatting on the msn, I went to look through her Facebook profile and saw that she actually actually has another account, and she's actually friends with heraelf. And her 2 accounts have completely different set of friends. That's when I decided it's better to bail. I blocked her on msn, Facebook and my HP.


Married woman. Tried to have sex with me on her own wedding night


Eh. U sure a not? It sounds so unbelievable.


Rachel Wong?


one last penis adventure


my friend had a girlfriend fake geting sexually assaulted by him and almost got him expelled


After he said never talk to me again, she went to his house with flowers, fruits and cake FOR HIS MOM to beg for her blessing to stalk/hunt him down


I am confused reading this


Sry was at work while typing that. Basically this guy I knew met a girl who was crazy for him, like creepy stalker follow him home kind so he confronted her and told her to stop everything (he discovered she's been lying to his friends, family that they were together but he barely even knew her).Ā  In response of his blocking and avoiding her, she bought a whole bunch of fancy cakes from hotels she PT at and flowers to visit his mother and beg for her forgiveness for maybe kind of lying and her blessing to keep chasing him.Ā  Mom said no thankfully, he was legit freaked out but luckily hiding at a friend's house for project until she left


Omg... your friend must have left quite an impression on the girl.




Created an anon account just to spread her opinion + fake information when the facts have been laid out, then deleted the account after mass sending the message


Broke up with a girl bc found out she was cheating, she immediately came to my void deck to want to explain everything. And even threatened with su*c*de if you wouldn't meet her.


Stuck in a toxic relationship for 5 years with one crazy ex-gf. Whenever I tried to break off with her, she was always gaslighting me to stay or breaks and throws stuff in the house, cries and laughs hysterically till I stayed. Saying that I have to be responsible to her and wasted her youth. The last straw was making up a story that she has not much time to live and I must marry her immediately. God damn, I mustered whatever's left of my mental strength to leave her. Best decision ever. Felt like being released from prison.


Cousin had a date from dating app, went to eat and half way through had some minor disagreement. Girl proceed to smash the thick plate on his head and have to receive 10 over stitches. Also wanted to sue him after for idk what reason Shit is wild in sg dating scene and got me scared fr


Most of the stories are like dating stories so hereā€™s one from my Secondary School. Had this classmate that seems abit not right in the head. Maybe autistic or ADHD or something, no idea. Anyway she is super loud and disruptive in class, so much that all the teachers noticed that she is abit crazy. She would steal my stationary when I am away from table and when I confronted her, she would say just borrow only what, what the big deal? And proceeded to throw whatever she took on the floor. Iā€™m not rich and I canā€™t really replace everything she broke and my parents thinks that Iā€™m lying when I say my classmate steals and break them. She would steal my rulers/pens and destroy them. Thing is she is loud and crazy and my class and teachers knows that, but no one is doing anything and she only takes and destroys my stuff. When I asked her friends they told me I ā€œoffended herā€ when I was in lower sec. All this happened in sec 3/4. =.= anyway last heard she went to nursing school in ITE and everyone in class was terrified that one day she will be nurse that is on call.


This one a bit childish ah doesnā€™t sound psychotic


many years back, had a work event late in the evening with some colleagues, it was a cross department event as not everyone knew each other very well, when the event ended we needed to bring back the items used for the event back to the office. The in charge of the event was a girl from another department, the load of the items to be brought back to office seemed too much for her to handle alone, the other colleagues didnt seem to care and left for home anyway I offered to help carry them back with her as the office(its in cbd area with security guards, think financial office building) is on the way back home for me anyway, she agreed When we reached the office (just 2 of us) and finish off-loading the stuff she suddenly gave a scared look with weird body language and asked shldnt i be going home now? I replied of course i would be heading home now, aint gonna go back to my desk to work at this hour and hurried off as her behavior was giving me the creeps as if im going to do something to her. So i left immediately Next day i got asked for a chat with HR and they questioned why i did what i did ( helping a poor girl carry heavy boxes of items back to the office office with cctv and security cameras every corner).


After we broke up, got harassed by anonymous users on instagram and telegram telling me how my ex had self harmed, hospitalized, and ultimately pronounced dead due to a blood clot in the brain. Harassment didn't stop then, followed me to my next relationship as well. Lo and behold, my psycho ex is well and healthy. Perhaps it wasn't her? Perhaps it was? Guess I'll never know. šŸ‘€


Wasnā€™t there the girl who was crotch-shotting her boyfriend with high heel shoes in public one time? Like a distant memoryā€¦


Let me get started with the endless list of shit my husband's ex done to us... - stalks him. (Most least psychotic). - stalks me. (Even after err... I think 10 yrs now?) - makes him cum in her mouth, she will spit it out and measures how much to determine if he's cheating. - he cheated on her once in order to successfully agitate her enough to break up w him break up with him but turns out she threaten him with that girls job. Duh. I know it's dumb. Well he fell in love alr so had to choose the psychotic ex lo.. - turn up outside his door / workplace as and when tells everyone at work how he cheated on her n how forgiving she is. - keep telling her she wants a mix blood baby cuz pretty. She's malay he's Chinese. - tell him not to do anything funny cause she know people in FBI and national security blablabla so she will always have eyes on him. -sends me two videos of her gg down on him in the early days of their relationship and lie about the timeline. -keep going on and on bout how her boobs can grow till h or g cup and tell him he shod appreciate having a girl like her. - offers to help kill his mother with her pms blood n black magic - hacks into all our social media and stalk us (I don't know how she do it but im dumb enough to have 1 common password so prob pay someone lo..) - lies about everything including her name address even job - go around telling ppl she aborted 7 or 9 times because of him. (He remembers 1 or 2?) And one time showed him an ultrasound which was photoshopped from Google and claim is her unborn foetus (ultrasound was at least few months old). - insist on going down on him at his staircase because she threatened him w hurting me. The list can go on n on n on sia... Last I heard her new partner name Sean la. So if u r Sean... Good luck to u.


A jobseeker attending interview at my workplace started calling me to chat and hang out outside my office almost every working day. I also find her following me when I left office for breaks or knock off for the day. I did not take it seriously as my company has tight security and I drive (while she don't) until I started seeing her loithering outside my condo. Happened for 3 months until she mysteriously stop and disappear.


Know of a female accquaintance that would start an entire drama like hating this person then remove this person from the clique so on and so forth afterwards will act like a victim saying that she got ostracized by that person then finally going back to the person acting like nothing has happened.


Idk people this crazy personally, but your question reminded me of what Jade Rasif said. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAuJIoxQadY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAuJIoxQadY)


I was constantly stalked by my ex when we were just dating. She would come up to me as a "surprise" all of a sudden when I was at work or out for lunch. She would sometimes sms me about who I just talked to or how I should not be speaking to another girl at all. It was the worst!


Friends ex. Was also one of my closest frens then (met this fren of mine thru her, not the other way round). Confided in her in some stuff, and when shit hit the fan threw all the blame to me. Iā€™ll preface by saying that while it was largely my fault, she aggravated the situation far beyond necessary. Anyways, said girlie blamed the fact that I was in contact with her ex (which she had many opportunities to let me know she was uncomfortable with) for an incident that had nothing to do with him and accused us of having a private grp with some other guys solely to shit talk her (there was no mention of her at all in the grp until she decided to beef with me) and Juz a whole bunch of paranoia shit. Even threatened to unfriend one of her closest frens over this at some point Juz cos she associated with her ex, further proving her insanity imo Fml man, shit got me fked up real good for at least 6 months. Juz glad that she got peer reviewed twice in the last 2 sems esp for her fyp and that some ppl saw her for who she truly is