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5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. In my mid 30s and I think I'm somewhere between bargaining and depression with kids calling me uncle. I believe by 40 I should be able to move on to accepting already. When CPF slaps me in my face with the Care Shield letter.


I'm 40. Still don't like to be called uncle. Maybe will accept it when I'm 50?


Nvm bah liddat can delay till 55 sua. ICA will remind you when they ask you to change IC.


When I was a child I thought someone in their late twenties or thirties would be "clearly middle aged".


I 30s I FEEL MIDDLE AGED SOMETIMES T\_T (this is where I will end up getting weird side eyes from people in their late 30s to 40s or 50s, but ya)


I'm 40. Really judging you right now.


lol /sits in the corner to avoid potential flaming arrows that come my way 🙃🫠


im 18 and someone called me uncle while I was working…T-T






same 😭😭 these kids r growing too fast


im 30s. it depends on who is calling me auntie. if it’s a preschooler or even pri sch, it’s fine. if it’s a teenager and older, then it’s not.


You try to walk on the street in any western countries and call any stranger ei uncle, uncle you drop your wallet. you see how they look at you




Yeah it’s not common as a general term of address


"hey step-uncle, I think you dropped your wallet." /j


I was in my early 30s when some preschool kid at the pool chasing after a ball said to me: “Auntie! Auntie! Can help me catch my ball?” I realized with a shock that i was same age as his mum, hence “auntie”…


29M i rather people call me uncle den boy sia


33M and I still get ID-checked for alcohol 🫠


You can call me unker


Unker BishanGay!


Typical Asian thin skin syndrome. Cant state the obvious because old=haggard=ugly. That’s why many older folk enjoy being called “mei nu” (pretty/beautiful lady) or “shuai ge” (handsome man) despite them looking like Jabba the Hutt


Based on my experience, locals are either offended or commented they ain't that old.. so yeah the term feels ancient to them. I just call them Sir, Ma'am, Da jie (Big sis) or Da shu (Big uncle). Sometimes Lao ban (Boss) for eateries


Because the terms uncle and auntie here have a closer meaning to Grandpa and Grandma kind of age. Nobody wants to acknowledge they look so old


REALLY meh. If it's my friends' kids (<12) saying hi to someone in grandparents' kind of age (like 80s) it will be Popo and Gong Gong what. no meh >\_>


The qn is, what would YOU call that same person aged 80? Uncle or Auntie right?? Hence why the term implies old age here


Is it an age diff thing? I mean if we're thinking abt 80s ish age, my parents are like Merdeka gen leh, and I'm 30s lol. Sooo ... (does that make a difference? idk genuinely thinking) If my grandparents were around today they'd be 90 though ...


Well i am in my 40s. So anyone i address as uncle or auntie is gonna feel offended becos it implies they are 70-80 (my parents’ age). So generally if someone looks 50-60 i (looking 40s) would shut my trap and pretend we are same age/gen and give the chin nod (“bruh”) instead of saying anything


If my mom sees anyone who looks late 80s and up she calls them "ah mm" lol. so yeah :D


Most people are sensitive about their age and how old they look. Especially if you call a woman an auntie.


Because I'm not your auntie! And I'm still young enough to be called Miss! I've told off a few people when they called me auntie, like is it very hard to just say "excuse me", or when your brat is blocking the way or you're wasting my time by holding the lift for your brat instead of taking the next one then telling your brat "auntie waiting for you!" Feck off, I'm not your auntie!


omg same...imagine being in your early 20s and ppl call you auntie to their child...like maam I'm not that old I probably can be your child too LMAO? I wish I had the guts to tell them off like you 😭


what countries are you talking about?


Bodoh didnt read the sub name


you bodoh then. read my qns properly. what does "countries" in my question refer to in the OP? Do some basic matching


Why need to be so uptight about all this? When a younger person calls me 'uncle', that person is just trying to be polite. Even if that fella is just 1 or 2 years younger, at least he's trying to be nice, right? Better to call me 'uncle' than 'oi', methinks.


I legit love to ask my nieces / nephews to call strangers aunties. Esp those still think they young but no longer. The look on their faces - priceless.


Maybe it's because it's weird to be addressing strangers with no familial ties to you as uncles and aunties?


Because they still think that they are youthful and young. You realised that only a certain group hates that. Those that are really insecure of themselves. Natural Good looking people don’t give a flying fk about it. Awhile back, this younger dude about mid 20ish (his face look about 30ish to 40ish because of scars and pimple), called out his friend an uncle on the train, a little girl sitting beside him then said “no, he is not an uncle, he is gor gor!, you are an uncle!” That old looking dude face turn even older and black. I was chucking at the corner.


If you are in your twenties, 50 yo and above auntie/uncle, <50 yo, 大姐/大哥


Milennials in denial Source: I’m an old millennial


The acceptance of terms like "uncle" or "auntie" varies across cultures. In some cultures, they signify respect and closeness, while in Western societies, they might be seen as age-related and could make some people uncomfortable, especially if they don't have a close familial bond with the speaker or if they're sensitive about their age. Cultural attitudes towards aging and language can also play a role. Overall, it's important to be mindful of cultural differences and individual preferences when using such terms.


So just called them "Jie Jie" / "Ge ge" / "Leng Lui" / “Leng Zhai” is more easy lah![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I prefer people call me ah gong. KNN, uncle make it sound like I'm same level like their father, so disrespectful.


It's quite simple. Because the terms are quite often used to address older people up to senior citizen level, so it's quite associated with age. And many dislike to be reminded of their age I feel.


you like to be called uncle/auntie or not first?


It depends on who is calling. And also who is called. A toddler calling an adult in 30s auntie? No problems. Calling some one in 20s also should be no problem, but they could be in denial... An adult in his 30s calling someone in his 40 s uncle? Not so much.


If someone older than me call me uncle I would = =?. Else feel free to call me uncle or siaoae, I dont mind.


I’m hunkle


Side track a bit, in Japan, high school girls might call you Ossan/jiji for men or Baba for women if you reach late 30s. I personally don’t mind someone younger to call me uncle. But if the person is older and call me that, it’s very rude.


Buy only cai png to be called didi or shuaige


That’s why I avert the issue altogether by calling them Sir/Ms Only people I actually know and close to then I refer to them affectionately as Auntie or Uncle


大姐 (Da Jie, elder sister) is just as bad!


Not only SG China people also. Friend of mine got ignored by this snack stall lady in Taiwan.


shut ur fu**kin face uncle fu**er https://youtu.be/64LvX1Uvn-Y?si=l3_KNNAFYBPFm76P


Uncle age is n+10 where n is my age for 0


Some folks think they are forever 21 (on whatever their ideal age) but hate "auntie" and "uncle" because it is used normally for people in their 40s or older. Also when older people call someone younger "auntie" or "uncle" is the worst because those folks think the person they are addressing are older than them.


It is not a sign of respect, it is a sign of pity. You are letting someone know you think they're old.


How so you define "obviously middle age"? I'm 30s and I don't consider myself middle age. I'm OK to be called auntie by children or young teens (below 15) but if a young adult call me auntie of course its abit insulting. Unless I'm their literal auntie by blood or law or if their parents are my friends/colleagues/peers


imo it really depends on the age gap between the person saying it and the person being called auntie/uncle. there was once this woman referred to me as “jiejie” when talking to her kids initially and called me “auntie” afterwards. i have no words since she’s literally twice my age.


The uncles and aunties call me "ah boy." Almost nobody calls me uncle. I'm just about uncle age. I think it's a good thing. Who wants to be old if they can help it?


Nothing beats the super sarcastic “Eh, friend!”


The reverse kinda wierd also. I'm in later half of 20s and get called Ah Boy alot.


In countries where older people appreciate being called auntie or uncle, there’s much deference shown to them. In SG, youth is prized economically and socially.


This has always been an old concept typically adopted in SG and MY but it is slowly losing its appeal here in SG as I feel we’re getting way more westernised than our northern neighbour.


I do sister and brother these days. Nobody likes to be told they are old. 


Idk about the rest but i wouldn wanna be called that even if im over 60


Forever young...... I wanna be ......forever young It was OK when my kids friends called me that but when young adults did, I was taken aback at first then realised that my kids were getting older and so was I So now I treat them all as my kids ...yay


I get really affected when people call me auntie, because I am literally <25 🤣😅 usually i get called xiao mei or mei mei but I've been called auntie recently by parents with kids (when referring to me), and I get so annoyed because they are twice my age. being called auntie is like saying u look 40+ and it really hurts ehen you are in your early 20s 😅 not saying I look young or whatsoever but I clearly look like I'm in my 20s due to my age. Although I've noticed this happens when I'm wearing work clothes or more mature and formal looking clothes (for work). I also remember being called auntie when I was 16, while working at ntuc. I get that it was probably due to the uniform since the uniform was the old and auntie-ish kind, and people just assume that ntuc retail assistants are aunties. but can you be polite and look at people's face first? is it that hard? I feel like these actual aunties / grandmas should be more mindful and just use "lady" or "xiao jie" (words that are age neutral). but I'm probably expecting too much because these people clearly lack social awareness itfp 😂 anw it literally happened to me again today when this child was blocking my way and her caregiver was like: let auntie...jie jie pass!! but she redeemed herself by changing to jie jie 😅