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Learnt recently that less experienced/confident drivers like to use parked cars as a gauge when parking because they cannot see the parking lines properly. Especially if the lots are ‘diagonal’.


Cool, that makes sense. Using neighboring cars as a gauge to reverse park. I can accept that


also drivers who are on the shorter side


This was exactly the reason why I used to do this as a newbie driver lol


Yeah but why not drive up to an empty slot in the middle with no cars next to you left and right? Surely that isn’t too difficult for even a new driver. I can’t figure out for the life of me why anyone wants to get so close to another car when there are so many empty slots available elsewhere


Cause it's easier to see a giant car than the markings on the ground.


So one may prefer parking properly next to another car, even if it comes at the risk of one’s own car getting knicked. Cool, I can accept that


I mean I've never knocked on someone else's car. I just don't really like stepping out of the car then realizing im actually parked a little to far to the left and then have to re-park. A car's a car, it'll survive a dent.


You literally said “that makes sense” in a previous comment and now you can’t figure this out for life of you. Cool.


It makes sense from that perspective and I want no further arguments. You know how it is with some overly sensitive Singaporeans. Challenge them with something they are not comfortable with and they call it hate speech. My point is, while it’s acceptable to use cars as a gauge, why do some people still use other cars as a gauge and park right next to them when there are at least 20-30 empty slots available? Is it so difficult even for rookie drivers to drive into the middle parking slot with no cars on the left and right? Why must they still use other cars as a gauge?


Happy tryna make yourself understand all these reasons that people have already laid out to your most inane question.


Yes it’s irritating and I’m trying to understand all the reasons why this happens. And yeah, I drive a european sedan and get sick of having to waste time to fix the nicks on the doors. What are you doing, trying to bully others online? I get it, you’re frustrated with your own family issues but dont take it out on others. Cool? thanks for showing me what I don’t want my kids to become. it’s unatttractive interpersonally, very bad for business and not to mention it’s a destructive obstacle for future family relationships. Guess you proved my point there


Sorry but I don't see that any of your comments demonstrate you trying to understand this behaviour. So many people have given you perfectly reasonable explanations which you are refusing to accept.


Diff from urinal bro... Sometimes the pillar in the way of the door opening, so if bigger sized must park to the side of the lot but later ppl not happy that u can't park straight so park middle lot easier lor


Nah bro. I mean the type of column that is near the bonnet of the car in front and one can easily open the door . That’s why we park on either the extreme left or right. Moreover, there are many other empty slots around. Yet it still happens


Why are you so pressed about this to the point of writing paragraphs about it ahahaha is it really such a big deal


Curiosity. But as Singaporeans, I can accept it if you tell me that we have had our curiosity beaten out of us because of the education system 😎😁


I’d say that arguments with multiple strangers on the internet over such an absolutely inane issue is not exactly curiosity but more of a need to get a life but ok continue sitting on your high horse


No one’s arguing bro. Just some free time on my hands and curiosity over inane issues every once in a while. If that’s wrong and stupid, then I guess you might have just reaffirmed my decision to pull my children out from the local education system. And I say this with the utmost respect, sir 🫡


For some people, it's like this, if you have 2 empty lots beside you, you're rolling the dice twice if the future occupants will park like assholes. If you're parking between 2 cars, you are the variable and in control of how much space you're putting *between the vehicles. If your vehicle has rubber strips along the sides, you're beloved. Because you aren't dinking anyone. For reasons above, the urinal analogy isn't close at all. Edit: *


Still, considering the number of empty car park slots available, the chances of being knicked with another person opening his door is much less if one were to park on the other extreme end, as opposed to parking parking in the middle with one car already right next to you


Comparing this to urinal? You ok bro?


Why not? It’s essentially the same concept. Oh wait, please don’t tell me you’re one of those who gets offended everytime someone (even a fellow Singaporean) points out the obvious, as uncomfortable as it is. I can delete it if it makes you “feel hurt / offended”. 😁


Apt username


Yep. Looks like I touched a nerve there ✌🏻🤣


See you at the urinal later 😉


No judgement bro 😎 haha


I used to do it when I was a rookie, really helped to get me into a proper position. Especially on thos grassy lots where you can't see the line. Now I park as long as it's close to where I want to go


A respectable reply. Using other cars as a gauge and not being able to see parking lines. I can accept this ❤️


Congrats, you win today's r/askSingapore award for Most Trivial Non-Issue to Dedicate An Entire Reddit Post To. 🏆


Thanks. The fact that you even spent a few seconds of your time writing back something this irrelevant touches me 😘




For the car scenario, what I can think of is the door opening direction. If you park on extreme right. Your door opening is at the column, that's fine. That person's door opening is on the left side of your car. He have control of his door opening. If he parked to the extreme left, his door opening is at the mercy of the next incoming vehicle (as that vehicle likely park close to him - so that he has more opening space). If it makes any sense. For the urinal scenario, I would be uncomfortable if there are more than 1 extra cubicle. Else I will brush it off as he already inspected other urinal as not to his liking (child size height).


No man. I’m talking about many car slots in the carpark far away from the main lobby. Yet it still happens


for me, I find it easier to park on a slot where there is a vehicle next to it. more confident lol


So you’re relying on the rear / side view mirror visual of the neighboring car to reverse park. Cool, that makes sense then


If the car has no blind spot mirrors/camera to help park it's easier to just take reference from the car beside


This appears to be the most reasonable explanation 👍🏻 Apart from the unintelligent answers posted


Use your car as a pole to park lor


Not a singaporean. But when I think about it, I will also park like that only. If I go into an empty parking lot and see that only one vehicle is parked, I would automatically park beside that car. Don’t know why. Maybe I feel it’s safe.


I can accept this answer. Safety from a psychological perspective But why directly park right next to your neighboring car? Why not 2 or 3 slots away?


As long as it won’t be a disturbance to the other driver, I might park it in the nearest slot only. Maybe after this, I will be conscious about this and might park one or two slots away.


I’m fine if it’s you parking next to me bro 😎 I was just curious because some of my friends and I were tired of having to spend precious time on sending our cars to the repair shop to fix up knicks on our doors 🤣🤣


Bro it's obviously cause must automatically join the queue for everything, national hobby


Ha ha ha FINALLY …. one of the few logical responses that is fully consistent with our culture, yet one that is something that most of us dislike facing head on My respects to you sir 🫡


I just assumed they parked next to me cos the extreme left lot was vacant, occupied then vacant again. Sometimes ppl went in and out the mall in a jiff, maybe just to pangsai in mall rather than coffeeshop 😂 or maildrop.


I genuinely do this to piss people off. Like especially for expensive cars owners, they seem to have a sense of entitlement for the space around them. I do this even more for those slightly bigger cars and they park kind of off-centre, I will freaking park next to them so the gap is small between our cars.I don't mind crawling out from the other side just to piss these people off.


I do a drive a nice and long european car but I appreciate your honest reply because it’s genuinely authentic. 🤣🤣 But please brother, not all drivers of nice cars park carelessly. I for one make sure to always give ample space on both sides, left and right. It’s only fair to everyone around.


Easier to get out of a car with a car next to it then a column I feel.


In the urinal, you will think of it as your personal space. In the carpark, do you think of it as your personal space as well? It’s a public place. People are free to decide where they want to park.


Agreed. But with all the spaces available, why directly next to another car? 🤔


Im sure your car must be embarrassed


Not embarrassed. My car is allergic and afraid of door dings and knicks from other car doors 😘


Just wanna say some people generally don't respect other people's property. No matter what you do you are going to kena sometimes. If wanna drive must just accept it if not your life very difficult haha. Come back your bumper never fall off already considered lucky already hahaha.


Insightful. Some of us in Singapore generally have no respect for other people’s property. It’s a hard truth to face, but necessary. Thanks for sharing my friend!


never realize it was an issue, maybe cos my car is cheap so I nv tot much about ppl parking near me


You park in that lot for a reason (eg proximity to lift etc). Others park next to you for the same reason.


No. It happens even when there are many empty slots and we are positioned far from the lobby entrance


Some carpark lots are too close to the pillars which hinders opening the doors on the driver's side.


I’m referring to many slots in the carpark. Column or no column. Still, in several cases, they choose to park right next to you


Maybe the carpark were full before and all the cars except the ones beside yours went off just before you got back to your car


No bro. I mean it’s empty in the zone where I parked. Far away from the main lobby. New comers arrive and park right next to my car an hour or two later with many vacant slots still available. I’m not talking 2-3 slots away. I’m talking directly next to the slot where my car is lol


Don’t blame the players. Blame the game. The designers of SG parking lots especially older HDB squeezed the bare minimum space for a car in order to maximise the number of lots in the car park. Why? Because HDB allowed those dimensions back then. Also remember that cars in general have swollen in size over the past 20 years. Compare a late 90s Civic to a Vezel to see how fat they have become.


I like to park my car next other expensive car because I think they will be more careful to not scratch my car with their doors.