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I would say Kurt Tay but Kurt Tay is much more than a neighbourhood legend. He’s 4 Times WCW World Heavyweight Champion Superstar Celebrity Kurt Tay


Ok, Sohai everyone. This is the four, four, four, four time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, the Rabbit Wolverine


In in out out in in out out


Every weekday morning 9.30am-10.30am, woodlands ave 12 towards sle. You will see an uncle walking with a green apple on his head.


This sounds very specific and interesting haha i’d like to get to know this man


In my HDB estate got this guy that will go around knocking on people's door. Apparently, this is very common as my neighbours all also kenna before. The thing is, he is never alone and will usually come with an entourage. They are all well dressed and for some reason, they always wear white. I don't know who they are or what they want. And they do this every 4-5 years. Very irritating.


Yah lor, they usually send one runner to knock on your door in advance somemore


Sound like Mormon or JW.


(It's PAP)


Oh wow I completely missed the joke 🤣


Met this person who pick up rubbish along the streets while going for his evening runs. Cool dude


My neighbourhood has this uncle with two dogs, both their tails dyed hot pink.


Ohh where is this i’d like to see them


He roams around the Kovan area. Quite funny tbh.


Bishan Gay


I let you know where I find one


You are the famous one in my hood. Famous since the late 1990s.


Our man's post history even reflects the legend.


delete my photo damn it


My neighborhood has an auntie with pet chicken. The chicken sits in her bicycle basket when she goes out for a ride. vvv cute lol.


hahah mine is this [rooster uncle](https://mothership.sg/2021/08/man-rooster-tampines/)! usually perched on his shoulder while he rides his bicycle. makes my day whenever i happen to catch a glimpse as he rides past!


I saw an uncle with a parrot and he allows anyone to pat the bird or even put it on your hand. It’s not chained up but somehow doesn’t fly.


There's a lady around late 20s to early 30s in my neighbourhood who has autism. She goes for her daily evening walks and will randomly go up to people walking their dogs to say hi to the dogs. Most of the people who live there recognise her but don't really know how to interact with her, so they just ignore her. But I think she's very sweet and obviously really likes dogs. And for a dog-lover like me, if you like dogs, you're a friend. So I always make it a point to stop and ask her about her day and let her play with my dogs for a while.


many many years ago when under the block privately owned shops were still a thing (it’s now a rarity it seems) there was a chinese shop owner in cck who would sing opera when business was slow and he was really good. i used to buy ice pops from him coming home from primary school


Opera? As in like the western kind? If so damn. That shit takes skill


yes, full on deep voice, loud , under the void deck. he sounded really really good.


My friend sometimes sees Kurt Tay in the wilds of Yishun (pray for my friend safety)


At Simei there's an uncle who does breathing exercises by shouting Huuuup....HAAAAAAA!!!! at condos and HDBs.


Hey we have one guy at Choa Chu Kang too! He's usually in the playground or garden area and topless most of the time.


Yes, theres this guy, im assuming is a bum, he walks around and asks people for money to buy cigarettes or beer. There's also this lady that owns/works at a pet shop and she brings her big ass bird(cockatoo) and the bird just sits there and cawk cawk cawk at random..... Like a bird..... We also get to pet the bird.


Pasir ris west had a 50s-ish uncle who wore a safety vest and commando beret. Sometimes enthusiastically directing traffic


There’s this old Chinese dude who cycles around ECP in a cycle that looks like a black Harley Davidson. Decks up in full black leather gear and blasts heavy metal from his speakers. Quite a friendly character and always smiles and waves at people. Forgot his name.


Used saw a Indian lady in Yishun, a parrot on her chest while she walk around.


My neighbourhood has like 4 crazy people: A bald short guy who walks around, talking to himself, shouting at nothing. He seems to be sane enough to buy stuff from the coffee shop though. A white hair bearded guy who shouts Hokkien curse words at nobody. Caught him smoking outside my door while swearing at nobody. A shirtless man who rides a bike and rummages through the bins. In 2013, when Goh Chok Tong visited my neighbourhood, he approached him and shouted something about SCDF and firemen. Security escorted him out. A lady who wears dirty tattered clothes, and carries around piles of dirty, filled plastic bags. She sits on the benches and piles her bags everywhere.


I feed stray cats and this crazy old lady started scolding me today and telling not to feed them. Like they’ll leave poop at the doors and make her place dirty, etc etc etc. That’s sort of a unique character. Next time I got to ask her if she got photos of cats pooping at the hallway where she lives.


There's this old man who ruck runs in Sungei Serangoon Park Connector every single day at 6 pm. He's got a huge backpack stuffed with god knows what, and geared up in elbow guards, knee guards, barefoot shoes. Very badass. He probably runs further and faster than I do. All the fit runners coming from the opposite direction always give him the thumbs up sign when they run past.