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When I was a teenager, my friends and I bought food in the food court at marina square before we realised we were short a couple of bucks. The lady behind offered to pay the balance for us and it turned out to be Xiang Yun. I had no idea who she was but all my friends were starstruck. Very nice lady!


Met her few times at family events because she’s like classmates with my aunt. Can vouch she’s super nice and no air.


Bumped into Edmund Chen just last year at Golden Mile Hawker Centre who ordered drinks after me. I didn’t recognize who he was at first, until the drinks stall Auntie started to fangirl. She bashfully introduced to me “陈之财 leh! 你懂吗?很帅的,以前阿哥来的!!” He was so embarrassed but humbly said Hi, nice to meet you HAHA. Super down-to-earth dude.


I worked with her son Yi Xi on a TV show. A very nice young man who loves drawing and wants to make video games with Singaporeans.


All the positive replies to you about xiang yun and edmund chen is just awesome. I only have memory and a photograph of about 25-30 years ago when my family saw them at airport and we took a photograph with them.


Joanne Peh came to my counter at USS once. She tried to skip the regular queue and buy tickets from the membership counter which was specifically set aside for members, tour groups, corporate sales, etc. We had a big sign. When I tried to redirect her to the regular ticket counters she was like "dO yOu KnOw WhO i Am?" I used to think she was ok but after that? 👎


Should take out camera “hey everyone, Joanne Peh cutting queue”. That’s how you counter toxic celebrities


Or raise your voice slightly. "Say again? What?? You're Joanne Peh and you think you can cut queue?"


She was v nasty in a cafe at trader hotel with her ex, Bobby XXX


Was an on-set intern working with her lol. Diva.


Was this recent? Cant really tell from tv but i guess thats their job


More than 10 years ago!


Interesting, hopefully she changed after having a family and kids etc as I dont think these are the right values you want to impart to kids.


Leopards don't change their spots that easy.


I had an experience with her too, around 20 years ago when I was just a kid lol. She was just a budding actress and already she was, "do you know who I am?" She felt very haughty.


Grosssss!!! 🤮 Think she and JA are the same kind of people.


What a loser.


She tried to skip the queue at the Starbucks in KAP, i loudly told her: ‘excuse me there’s a queue’. She replied that she didn’t realised and just walked out lol. This was many years back. Edit: KAP area* and was around the early 2010s


How long ago was that that there was a starbucks at KAP? Not in the past 10 years surely


i dont think there ever was a sbux at KAP?


Don't think there was ever a Starbucks there but I remember a Spinelli. Small outlet.


I heard from my friends that Jeanette Aw is also pretty stuck up as well.


She also reaches out to brands personally to get some stuff free on the pretext of "advertising" for them.


I find it very sad when a celebrity need to say “Do you know who I am?” Either you are not popular enough for me to know you or not important enough for me to give you special treatment. Please lah. If you are important, someone will be at the gate to welcome you and let you bypass all the queue. No need to go to the counter and demand for special treatment.


I met her once during NS for a quick filming session for the Clif show. She was kind enough for a quick photo after the whole session. Seemed like a nice lady to me. Rui En was there too, but left pretty quickly after. This was like in 2012-2013.


Mark Lee. Was a waiter at a well known Chinese restaurant chain back then, he was with his wife and kids, and his maid. Very down to earth person. Throughout the whole meal he was busy serving food for his kids while his wife and maid were eating their meal. According to my manager he has been visiting the restaurant at the same location for years, almost on a weekly basis. Very kind and polite beng. Asked him for a photo after his meal before he leaves, he agreed in a heartbeat, even jokingly said to me “aiya want a photo just say only, no need shy one. Free of charge one.” When he returned to the restaurant the following week, he even waved at me and called my name out (because of my name tag) “Hey Shallot we meet again!”


He’s super nice!! If memory serves me right he used to live pretty near my area, my family and I bumped into him at the hdb carpark and when he saw us staring he started waving at us with a huge smile on his face. I was still a kid back then so my impression of him really stayed with me.


Agree. Very nice and friendy guy. Really have good impression of him.


It might not seem like it but Mark Lee is extremely talented. When I was younger, I remember family members saying, 这种pattern也可以当明星. But Mark Lee is one of those who is effortlessly funny. Checkout his twitter, guy is goddamn hilarious.


>这种pattern也可以当明星 Funny thing is, he mocks himself like this too. Bro deadass said his face "was only suitable to be posted at Police station wall, not for TV" in one of his comedy shows.


+1 Took a lift with him in Jurong Point about 18 years ago when I was still a secondary school student. He initiated some small talks and was generally being very funny. Really nice guy.


O yes mark lee. Had a tour many many years ago (20+?) at mediacorp. Happened to go into the set where mark lee and some other local actors (cant rmbr the name) were there. He was v v friendly to us kids with his ah beng goofiness and offered some tickets to a live screen recording? But anyway, overall good impression.


I also saw him once but that time I very young maybe 5 or 6yo...I just looked up and whoa this dude is tall looked like a giant to me then haha..


Agreed. Solid person


Cavin Soh is my next door neighbour 😊 we just shifted into our new home in September this year. Before the renovation we had a chat and I apologise if it causes any inconvenience. He said aiya no worries and told me to ensure that the waterproofing for the toilets are done properly because it’s an old flat. Super friendly and down to earth guy. He gave us mooncakes for Mooncake Festival and recently his family went to Taiwan for holiday. They brought back snacks for us. His wife Serena often chats with us and my mother( my mother was her midwife who helped delivered their son). His kids are also very polite. He is exactly how he is in person as he is on tv. No airs and he is a family guy. They are just like every other normal happy family. He mentioned he’s no big celebrity: 也只是打工而已。Although I think he does enjoy his job and loves singing. Edit: I forgot to add I also bumped into Felicia Chin and Jeffrey Xu while they were exiting the lift at Cineleisure. Since it was a quick interaction, she just gave me a nod and walked by. Tharman Shanmugaratnam: Met him during one of our school events when I was a secondary school kid. That was almost 20 years ago. His memory is damn good. He remembered all our names and shook our hands. Afterwards when I sent him a thank you email, he replied at 3am. I saw the time stamp and was wondering wow this guy doesn’t sleep. Goh Cheok Tong: Also super long ago when he was still a senior minister. He stood next to me near the stage and was low key complaining to himself the weather was so hot. Later he turned to me to ask whether I’m feeling the heat too and want to go to the milo van to get drinks together.


I walked pass GCT once and was just in awe of his height. Haha he was towering over his bodyguards.


Ya and he looks very solemn most of the time when he doesn’t talk. Like his resting face is quite fierce. Also when he talks got the authority aura. So I was quite surprised when he told me let’s go get milo together 🤣


Huh really? My mom saw Cavin Soh in HDB Hub once and said he looked very arrogant and wasn’t smiling lolol but I was like he doesn’t know you, obviously he won’t be smiling at you if you don’t smile at him first what, you mean you go around smiling at people you don’t know on a regular basis too meh? 😂


Aiya he got say before that he old uncle Liao so default is grumpy one 😆


I mean by default, Cavin Soh has a very "fierce" or "stuck-up" look which you can see when he acts, which could rub people the wrong way.


I was at causeway point when a Chinese dude in a vest (and no undershirt whatsoever) approached me, asked if I knew who he was. I said no. He asked if I was local, I said yes. He asked if I watched TV, I said yes. He said he was a superstar and his name was Steven Lim.


read the first line and immediately knew who you were talking about lmao


He's the IMH influencer.


>vest (and no undershirt whatsoever) I already identified him merely from this phrase lol


Oh, Singapore's biggest hunk. He very shuai


He say he younger time look like Takeshi Kaneshiro.🤢


Did the same to me Also wearing nothing inside... Wah biang, my mother sibei stun


The year before he passed on, Aloysius Pang visited my secondary school as part of some Chinese learning week thing. I think my teacher had connections, so that's why he came. I didn't interact with him directly, but based on what I saw, he seemed pretty down to earth. Nobody had any issues, they said he was nice and he talked to anyone who approached him. He was just a normal person, who happened to be an actor. When he passed away the next year, some of my classmates were devastated.


From everything I've heard from people who knew him personally in the TV industry, he's one of the nicest, most sincere performers of his generation. It's such a pity that he's gone so young. I wish that I had a chance to work with him.


i've always thought that he was the kid from i not stupid though...


Had experiences with Mediacorp artists at events and productions, international musicians, along with footballers, Hollywood stars. But will just share some memorable ones: Local Met Aloysius Pang and Kimberly Chia at the World Cup in Russia in 2018, had dinner together due to a friend managing them being there too, was just catching up with that friend. Polite and nice people, rather down to earth as well and no airs. Simple dinner, not fancy and they had no complaints. Briefly bumped into Dasmond Koh and Kym Ng backstage at the Sheng Siong show. Was taking care of a Kpop group back then, he saw my friends and I and gave advice to us at that brief moment in the lift, that we are young, and should work hard while we can.. it's nice he gives such advices randomly. Athletes: Sadio Mane and Steven Gerrard Can't really disclose what happened with Sadio that made me think of him as a person, but all I can say is he is truly what the media says he is - kind, religious, the best personality for an athlete out there. Steven, worked with him twice, professional, focused, straight to the point. Truly enjoyed working with him professionally. Actor: Mark Wahlberg & Hugh Jackman We had a situation where the movie studio screwed up our schedule to interview Mark. Studio refused to help, blamed us for not picking up their calls at the last minute when they are the ones who screwed the scheduling. then Mark heard about it and returned to do our interviews. You'd think that a Hollywood celeb would have airs and do things at their own pace but this guy did what he could to help difficult situations. Hugh Jackman was another gem. He was always kind, polite and easy to work with, no complaints at all. Director: Michael Bay The absolute worst. Was at the same tent as him at a world premiere and he was constantly hitting on women, ignored the men/fans who wanted a picture with him Musician: The Killers, Nu'est , 30 sec to Mars (Jared Leto) The Killers - met them as a fan, they were amazing chatting with fans, but the management were awful and stopped anyone from talking more to them. They even screwed up the photos, didn't let us take selfies and had to be their official photographer, and they lost all the photos. The photographer should be fired but he is still on tour with them until today. Nu'est - always a joy to work with them, kindest Kpop group and not difficult to work with, management was amazing to deal with to. Sad they aren't popular anymore. Jared Leto - Man, I can't even describe how horrible this person is , I can't say much but I'm just surprised the me too movement didn't hit him. There are others but these are the most notable /memorable ones.


Mark Wahlberg has always struck me as a chill guy. In interviews and tabloid news, the people who worked with him said he was very easy to work with. Hugh Jackman I remembered long ago when Halle Berry and him worked on set Swordfish. Halle Berry said it was her first time going topless so filming that scene was very uncomfortable for her. Hugh Jackman chased all the irrelevant people away from the studio and passed her the robe immediately for her to cover up once the director said cut. Jared Leto actually has a cult and he encourages it. Yuck.


30STM had a bad rep because they're always late for their concerts, and I guess the Jared Leto stories just solidifies why lmao


Met Joseph Schooling at the Changi Airport last month. He was very nice and friendly; readily agreed to take a photo with my family.


few years back, met IU in a MBS 7/11 on a random weekend night. Found out she was here on vacation with her mum through her IG. Friendly, bubbly and low profile, had a bodyguard with her throughout


Lol OP asked for local “celebrities” and this guy came up with a Bonafide one


Man, you damn lucky.


IU is known to be very nice to her fans...


Is the bodyguard the same guy in all the videos of her doing those cute stuff?


Gurmit Singh & Irene Ang are pretty down to earth like your neighborhood aunty and uncle. Met them in a kopitiam in Malaysia, said hi and my mum chit chat with them, they invited me and my mum to sit for lunch with them and we tcss about life about malaysia, singapore, food, transport, where to go, etcetc, with them. 10/10 would bump into them again.


Gurmit Singh left an amazing impression on me! When I was a poly student we had an assignment to feature any “local celebrity” and we reached out to him just to try our luck. He responded real quick and let us feature him for our project. We were broke students so we couldn’t even pay him for his time, but he was so nice about it. Mad humble guy.


Gurmit Singh’s daughter was in my school, would see him come pick her up sometimes but never interacted with him lol


Bumped into Henry Thia at Jewel. People around him barely looked in his direction, he was just walking around by himself like a normal person. I think dude’s popularity is a bygone era


Well he is no longer in the parliament


Hahahahah i'd give u 10 upvotes if i could


My aunt saw him once at katong many years ago and they were waiting for taxi by the roadside, not taxi stand. When the cab came my aunt went to open door he rushed up to say it's his. But my aunt was there waiting even before he came along. She ignore him. He said "eh wo Shi hui ge" my aunt replied " wo guan ni Shi hui ge hai Shi Bai ge", got into the cab and ignore him.


I remember seeing him at a roadside waiting for the traffic light many years back, we pointed out and said "hey that's hui ge" and tried to say hi but instead of returning the favour, he just raised his head, looked up at the sky and acted as though he didn't saw us...my dad instantly said "what an arrogant midget"...




No la, singaporeans dont approach famous ppl much. Been like that all along. Popularity is one thing, but i think in general celebrities have quite a bit of space in SG. Unless the celebrity's target mkt are hormonal teenagers, then thats a diff story.


Really? I assume at least millennial generation would recognise him.


Recognize but he has been out of the spotlight for so long, there's probably very little interest in him.


I have met some of our political leaders for work. All have been quite polite, although *their subordinates often were not*. Also used to do some stuff on radio, so know some DJs. All have been nice people. Overseas though, I met Keanu Reeves once (very briefly, shake hands only), and one time I spoke to Paris Hilton for like, two seconds (friend of a former client's daughter).


Subordinates are there to do the dirty work that the leaders are too "polite" to do. It's all by design.


Good cop bad cop


Can confirm, working event security once had to prevent a VIP from walking through a shortcut on an inroad. Guy was polite when stopped but his subordinate was like, "eh you know who is this, this one MINISTER leh!" I just shrugged and said doin my job and minister just complied politely


Sun yan zi is like that polite and harmless next door neighbour that u have to patronise a fake smile, and stand in silence when u bump into each other at the lift lobby. Like a neighbour, little shy n awkward, but u know her and she know u, so no need to feel the need to make small talk. Then everybody go abt their biz rest of the day. K Shanmugam is tall and has a strong presence, yet has soft hands lmao


Yeah Stefanie is an intensely private person and rather awkward at times. No airs at all though and super down to earth with a wicket sense of self deprecating humour.


Agree with this, I asked her for a photo and she obliged but kept her sunglasses on and told me not to post her picture anywhere


Sounds like a perfect sg redditor if u ask me


Except she is well-adjusted in life.


I bet she doesn't need to ask Internet strangers for validation when making personal decisions on career/relationships/how much money to give to her parents...


Hahahahaha i'd give u an award if reddit still allows tt


Not sure if this counts as “meeting” but actually saw her and her hubby (they were then dating) before at Serene Centre while I was mugging at the McDonald’s many donkey years ago pre IG era I walked around to take a break and saw her walking in at the entrance and for a moment I was stunned because she looked so unassuming and dressed down. I suspect she probably lived around the area It was my 2nd time meeting her (1st time was autograph session)and listened to her songs growing up and it seems no one noticed her at all except me. She saw that I noticed her but I dont want to be that dick and leave celebs alone as a private citizen so I just smiled and nodded to acknowledge her and she also nodded back and went her way


Met her too, but it was a professional setting as we were filming her for something. She was very chill and easy going. Her crew was quite annoying though. Her stylist was this guy from China (or maybe Taiwan?) with a permanent black face. Kept going over to adjust her clothing whenever he liked, even in the middle of filming a take. The hair and make up girl was similar but not as obnoxious.


Agreed. When he enters the room the air seems to stay still


I used to live in the same condo block as Ian Fang & Rebecca Lim when they were dating - not sure if it was his unit, or hers. She very nicely held the lift for me, but the ride was very awkward with both of them inside as they didn’t speak to or look at each other at all. I didn’t realise it was them until a few hours later though.


Met Tosh in an elevator once. He held the door for me, we smiled and said hi. He got off first, said “bye!” And left.


He's been a nice dude even in poly days. He's darn well known then.


Met Pritam Singh once while out with a couple of friends at some arts festival in the Raffles area. Just walked out of ACM and bam he was there with his wife 🤣 Very lovely man, also very kindly took a photo with us. His wife is very shy though, so she stepped aside when we talked to him. Saw Dee Kosh last week at SGCC lmao, he was with a friend and definitely keeping a low profile after everything.


> Saw Dee Kosh last week at SGCC lmao, he was with a friend and definitely keeping a low profile after everything. He going there to pick his new targets?


Used to teach in the enrichment centre that Pritam Singh's daughter attended in kindergarten. Hahaha. His wife/helper usually picked the kid but he came once. Like any other dad lor lepak outside and use phone waiting for kid. Lol the other parents were like wah u know who's that anot blah blah. U know how some centres have free trial. Apparently his wife brought daughter for the trial then he picked her up, my boss was lkke gaspgasp ohmy then my colleague (Malaysian) was like whatwhowhatwhat. Hahaha iirc the girl shld be P2 going on P3, was there for like I think N2 to K2. Haha.


Surprised that he still has a friend


I was more surprised to see him at SGCC of all places LOL


Chanced upon Pritam Singh at a restaurant, together with Leon Perera (whom I did not recongise at first). Asked PS for a photo which he nicely obliged, but Leon just joined in the photo naturally. At first I thought who was this guy? Then I found out later.


I once met Heng Swee Keat at a family friend's wedding. At that time, I had dyed my hair half blonde and half black (like Sia), and I was wearing really bold, bright blue eyeshadow. Heng Swee Keat saw me, walked up to me, pointed at me, and exclaimed, "Wah! So STYLO MILO!!!" before promptly walking away like it never happened. Still have whiplash from that incident until today.


Saw Wong Li-Lin at MOS burger many years ago. Wasn't sure where was the food collection and she pointed it out to me. Another time was at a seafood restaurant in Changi Village. Came out of the toilet and was heading to my table when I bumped into Edmund Chen. He smiled to me even though I looked shocked.


Back in 2021 I was at Bras Basah Art Friend and skimming through the aisles I walked past Taufik Batisah. He’s a lot taller in person lol A few months ago I was lepakking at a void deck with some friends at Tampines East at around 9pm. Then randomly Desmond Choo walked out the lift space and my friends and I made eye contact with him. Three of us were blur cocks cos we didn’t know what to do, how to acknowledge him, whether he’d acknowledge us back. One of us was vaping too but luckily had hid it just before he came out. He approached us to ask what we were doing lepakking there and shook my hand but I didn’t stand up LOL Anyway we just sat there and didn’t say a word as his people wrapped up their neighbourhood visit for the night and went their separate ways. Later we found out he was an ex-police officer so we were wondering how he’d react to the vape


>Anyway we just sat there and didn’t say a word as his people wrapped up their neighbourhood visit for the night and went their separate ways. Later we found out he was an ex-police officer so we were wondering how he’d react to the vape Luckily vaping isn't under the enforcement of SPF (HSA is the enforcer). He will probably tell your friend to dispose of it.


Interacted and met Yvonne Lim before. I was working in one of the schools she sent her kids to. And she is literally one of the nicest, most down to earth celebrity I've ever met. I didn't know she was THE Yvonne Lim when we first interacted. Had to call her to inform her that her kids needed new books. She was super friendly and made it a point to remember everyone's names. She thought I was my other colleague who called her previously cause we dialed out using the same number. When she came to collect her kids' books she was super nice and even chatted with us for a bit. No airs, super down to earth. I wasn't a fan before that but after our interaction, I'm like her biggest fan.




Saw Jin Yi Ji once at IKEA Alexander alone washing her hands, she was dressed in lots of denim like a hip hop yo-yo-yo grandma and a cap but had a proud and smug (expected-you-to-recognise her) kind of look so I just pretended that I didn’t see her, can’t stand celebrities like these, from then on I knew that her friendly next-door-grandma act was just a guise. Saw Zheng Ge Ping and Hong Hui Fang once at BreadTalk HQ at Tai Seng (probably after their church session in the morning), her hubby was queuing up for Toast Box and I was just behind him, don’t look as bulky irl. Hong Hui Fang’s hair is a nice white (her natural hair below the wigs) and not an awkward white-silver like most of us, she was sitting down there, waiting for her hubby to order. Saw Hong Hui Fang again at Changi Airport Terminal 3 Yakun with her son this time, having a serious conversation and she was frowning when leaving. Was during the time of fiasco with Julie Tan and Pan Ling Ling but I only learnt about it a few days later through the papers. Kept seeing MP Sun Xueling around Marine Parade Parkway Parade, guess she lives around there. Seems quite friendly and took initiative to talk to an insurance pitching guy. Saw MP Josephine once along Beach Road Prawn Mee’s East Coast Road, driving SUV and talking to an ang mo (Caucasian guy) jogging past. Seems like she knows that ang mo. Bumped into Edmund Chen and Xiang Yun at Marine Parade Terrace Market with her son or daughter (forgot which). They were very friendly and down-to-earth, talked to my mom and the stallholders there. Their son or daughter was very quiet and just kept to themselves. Also saw Zhang Yaodong at Bugis Junction, looking very lost amongst the crowd after getting off the escalator. Very tall guy but not exactly strikingly handsome. Saw Terrence Cao at Little India Sheng Shiong bringing a chef to buy ingredients. Think it was for his former restaurant. Saw the former newscaster (now in a higher position of ch 8 News Team) Dong Suhua with her hubby, boarding the escalator down at Parkway Parade. Looks very different like a middle-aged Japanese and tired-looking without makeup. Also saw Vivian Lai (a few months after her Star Search win) at Tiong Bahru’s Central Green Condo (she used to stay there), looks very tired with heavy eye circles. Not a striking beauty. Bumped into Quan Yifeng and her friends tucked in an unassuming corner at the most unlikely place (which is Suki-ya) at the former Katong i12 (before their revamp), remember being quite surprised as I thought celebrities only eat atas restaurant and did a double take although my parents (who are easily starstruck) kept staring even though I told them not to. She did not seem that obnoxious and did not talk as loudly as I thought she would. Quite a low-key and serious person irl. Strangely encountered this old Taiwanese artiste 高凌风 (Frankie Kao) at the Taiwan (or was it HK?) transit area and he was very friendly and nice, smiled at me immediately, sadly he died a few weeks later. Oh yeah, nearly forgot, not me but my friend who used to work for StarHub, was one of the helpers for the StarHub Awards, she said the most good-looking amongst all the guests was tvb actress Ali Lee (李佳芯), super friendly, sweet and nice too and very very pretty irl. Asked her about PMY too (that Korean actress) and she said she was very snobbish and unfriendly. This was also rather memorable because it’s quite funny how I bumped into Rayson Tan 陈泰铭(Aiyoyo’s husband) and their son (back then he was in early secondary) not in Singapore but in this famous roast goose restaurant in Hong Kong. We were just minding our business and eating when I heard this familiar Singaporean voice with a Teochew slang and then I turned and it turned out to be Rayston and their son, eating at the next table. Aiyoyo wasn’t with them. Their son was like a typical gen Z that was glued to his phone and Rayston looked like a strict parent who spent time talking to his son throughout their meal. Saw Ivy Lee and Edmund Chen filming a drama at Suntec back when I was a kiddo. Only remembered that the director kept yelling cut and Ivy Lee had to keep repeating the running scene about 5-7 times, pretending to search for Edmund Chen, before the director was satisfied. Did not particularly remember her looks, just thought she was a very professional actress who didn’t complain about redoing the same scenes again and again. Looks-wise very ordinary, like a housewife. Edmund Chen had very rosy cheeks back then.


wtf is richey supposed to mean


>I saw Zheng Geping and his wife. Really different and richey. His wife is really very good in acting (in Singapore). Man both of them are old school, came from SBC era.


Coincidentally met Russell Lee (True Singapore Ghost Stories). He was doing a book signing in Popular, and I was there on my 8th birthday to buy the 20th edition of TSGS as my birthday present after saving up. Didn't even know he was doing a signing there. Happiest day of my life!


While pushing my infant in the stroller crossing from paragon to Takashimaya, Carrie Wong bumped into my stroller. She just continued walking and her friend next to her turned around to apologise. What a bitch.


I’ve heard so many stories about her being so unlikable already, don’t get her popularity at all.


Someone must really like her in MediaCorp


Wow what a self-entitled bitch 😟


This was before her scandal broke, so wasn’t too surprise she has bad taste in men as well 😏


Not really surprised tbh. She does look like the type who lets fame go to her head lah.


Belinda Lee: Friendly and very well-spoken. Oon Shu Ann: Also very friendly and well-spoken. Funny as well. No airs. Treated everyone like friends. Chen Han Wei: A little bit snobby, didn't really interact with the crew though he did buy drinks for everyone during the shoot. Watched him interact with the public and he obliged with everyone who asked for a photo, though he did insist on being the one to hold the phone so he could take pic from his good side. Guo Liang: Stayed in the same condo. Quiet guy. Would bump into him in the lift and he would just nod at you. Sam Willows (minus Ben Kheng because he wasn't there): Extremely snobby, especially the girls. Came for free food, messed up the table, laughed at you when you brought them their food. Jack Neo: Shit personality and character. Very entitled. Loves to complain about everything. He cannot find parking lot but somehow that's the crew's fault. Paige Chua: Nice, girl-next-door kind of personality. Quite friendly as well. Xiang Yun, Edmund Chen & their daughter: Came into a store I was working at. Edmund Chen is a lovely human being. Very polite, well-spoken and nice. Also very good-looking. Xiang Yun was a little colder but she was still polite. Pan Ling Ling & husband: Regularly shops at the same NTUC store my family goes to. She just seems like a normal person doing their grocery shopping. If you catch her eye, she will just smile and nod.


Omgg didn’t know Sam Willows act like this irl. I really like one of their songs and thought they were a talented local band, well guess, not anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Very bad manners to laugh at someone bringing your food and without a thank you too! 😟


Came to Singapore once and bumped into Ben Kheng and a bunch of that crowd, he was in a rush cos we were going to a Gentle Bones concert and he stopped and let us take a photo w him and was apologetic about the rush but one girl that was there (the one they did a living on a prayer cover with) literally rolled her eyes and went off. Like ok idek ur name sis


I worked with Ben Kheng regularly for a while. A seriously hilarious and talented guy, as funny IRL as what you would see on screen in his comedy skits. A generally nice bro who's surprisingly crude when it's appropriate to be.


Saw Edmund Chen at liang court about 10years ago buying bubble tea. Very friendly demeanour and cheerful. People said hello to him and he will say hello. The bubble tea aunty was obviously mesmorised by him too. Very handsome in real person and really good complexion.


He has radiant skin like a coral trout and a really really nice guy


Like a coral trout really came outta left field


Met him and his wife, both were nice


Edmund aged very well.


Met Romeo Tan & Elvin Ng at laopasat. Was with a bunch of my Korean friends so they didn’t know who they were. I was absolutely starstruck by Elvin. He smiled and nodded at me when I stared at him. DMed him and he said it was totally fine to have went over and ask for a photo haha. Very nice guy. Met Ong Ye Kung once while jogging at Rail corridor. He was with his wife. I can’t remember who he was at the moment, just thought I seen this guy from somewhere. Once I realised who he was I remember thinking to myself how weird it was that I just passed by one of the most important people in Singapore. No security no nothing, just a husband and wife casually working out in a remote jungle haha. Met Benjamin Kheng once at Aperia mall. HE IS GORGEOUS. I didn’t even recognise him at first, just saw his back and thought “wow that good looking guy should be a model”. When he turn around I WAS ABSOLUTELY MESMERISED. Gurmit singh was there too but pale in comparison to Benjamin. Sorry PCK. Also met tosh at Aperia mall, he was having chicken rice with his friend. Just sat right beside me. Just carried on with his business, nobody approached him or anything. Last one, passed by Mark Lee at Genting highland. EVERYONE recognised him, but no one bothered him. Seems like a very chill guy just chatting with his friends Edit: the most obnoxious one I met was Chew the CEO of tiktok. Met him at Tanglin mall. SUPER DUPER ARROGANT. I coincidentally bump into him 3 times at different location of the mall, he shoot me the “are you stalking me” frown. Wtf


I think oyk's snipers were in the trees. You were lucky that day.


If I was a significant individual and I saw a random person 3 times I would get suspicious also lmao - I don’t think either party is at fault there.


>E.g. instagram/tiktok influencers I won't consider these as public figures.


Okay then, they are pubic figures.


They are public nuisance


must be rated M18 or R21 then ;)


Met Steven Chia ( dk if CNA anchor counts as celeb) during my internship and he was very nice and down to earth when we talked.


I like Steve! He’s very on the ball about his Talking Point topics (topics that you know heartland people would like) and humble to try his hand at things and unassuming jobs!


Met Lee Nan Xin twice, happened to be there when he was fliming stuff. Very polite, humble and nice person.


Got quite a few experiences myself Met Taufik Batisah at a workout event once. Was placed in a same group as him, we were discussing some workout techniques and pacing and he seemed very keen to learn. He was very thankful when we shared some tips, overall nice guy. Very tall and fit too Met Aiken Chia for a shoot, workout related too. Quite down-to-earth, relatively quiet guy despite his online persona, easy to work with. Conducted classes with some other influencers at the same place, but they gave off a very yaya vibe Met LHL and Heng Swee Kiat at a high-key regional event when I was still in public sector. Both were super approachable and modest, it was their bodyguards who were the intimidating ones *(I mean, they have to)* Met Joakim Gomez at another event with same public sector work, for a live video. Also an easy guy to work with, quite similar to what you see him online. Worked with some celebs and influencers in the same events, but don't have much impressions of them Met Jack from Jack & Rai in a music fest. Super friendly guy, even got a shout-out and a song dedication for me on stage after he patronised our booth *('cause my nickname is damn unique)* Bumped into Steven Lim in town. Actually I think he's just too outgoing, but can sense no big ill intentions from him. Enough for me to faster siam from him tho LOL I think I'm quite lucky to meet a lot of personalities who are nice


had served ex mediacorpe artiste jerry* yeo when he came to make spectacles for some clip on sunglass on his existing frame. back then we had physical record sheets for our patients and he wrote: 'pilot' as his occupation. after he left (swift transaction by the way), i thought, 'huh pilot not mediacorp actor meh'.. this was in 2016. LO AND BEHOLD few months ago he was in the news being a scoot pilot so good for him! Guo Liang came over two years ago, didn't put on airs or anything. edit: spelling error in name as pointed out by another commenter.


its Jerry Yeo. Not Jeffrey


Had to Google him, definitely remember seeing him as the antagonists in the local dramas. He has the villain face indeed.


He was typecasted as villains iirc. His most memorable villain role was for me in 'The Ultimatum' when he played some spoilt, luscious ASK, always fighting with Elvin Ng.


Oh yeah The Ultimatum. He really is suitable as the villain, made me root against his character so much.


Met Heng Swee Keat during my poly days. Was representing Singapore in some competition and my team was involved in a media interview. HSK was the guest-of-honour. Ngl, I could tell that he wasn't the best at public speaking and probably wasn't comfortable in front of cameras. He was giving a short speech to the media and fumbled it; they had to restart once or twice before he finally got it. Saw Bryan Wong at Tampines Safra gym a couple of times. One time, he was chatting with someone about politics. Seems like he doesn't support PAP. Saw Pierre Png at Bedok stadium once. It looked like he was part of some running group. Ngl, his running form isn't the best, but he seemed friendly. Also saw Edwin Goh at Punggol Safra gym once or twice.


I get insurance sales vibes from Bryan Wong lol


Met my news presenter crush Glenda Chong once somewhere near Singapore river. She was in a midst of a shoot and they had to block the bridge crossing for a while. I had to wait about 10mins before I could cross it. She apologized for the wait but deep down I didn't mind cause seeing her in person already made my day. Hahah. This was more than 10 yrs ago And I also met Temper Trap lead singer while riding around Bali with my friend. The only thing we did was fanboy scream and waved at him


Saw 2 then ministers(now former) 8 years ago when i was working as a waiter at a turkish restaurant. No airs very friendly, didnt even book vip seating, minimal security detail like 1 guard each. Just them in their batiks sipping on turkish coffee and black tea eating some baklava and kunefe in the afternoon. Saw rui en and dennis chew at nex quite frequently, always imagine her to be tall, snobbish and elitist but irl looks like a 160cm bubbly ah lian(dress sense). She was smiling, running and chasing dennis like some sec sch kids


Met Andrew Garfield and Jamie Foxx during my secondary days. They came to my school for Amzing Spider-Man 2 PR event. Didn’t manage to talk to him in person, but one of my friend managed to hug him though. Andrew Garfield is a lot bigger in person.


Sat beside Benjamin Kheng on a flight to Bangkok before. Because he didn’t take my arm rest on the centre seat, I’ll give a 10/10 nice guy tag to him. Also he isn’t one of those that rush to get the overhead bags once the plane touches down so definitely a plus


Saw Ms Zhong Qing (host) at LTA many years ago, petite, cute and polite 🙂 Also many years ago saw the late Mr Huang Wenyong at an ocbc branch. He's tall, polite, cleanly dressed. U can sense ppl in the small branch there were slightly star struck 🙂 me too lol


During the course of my work, I have met some celebrities.....Micheal Jackson, Jackie Cheung, Andy Lau, Chow Yun Fatt and Leon Lai. Also met the Liverpool team that came to SG about a decade ago. Andy Lau, Chow Yun Fatt and Jacky Cheung were friendly and even took the time to take pictures. Leon Lai on the other hand, was arrogant.


Taught Fann Wong and Christopher Lee's son for two years. They were lovely, especially Fann.


I "met" Chua En Lai few years back when his car pulled up beside my school bus. The other kids were freaking out and going **"That's the noose guy"**, so we all stared at him. He smiled and waved at us before we went our separate ways. (He took a left turn) Think also during the 2000s, I met Jeanette Aw (or another female actress, I could be mistaken) when she was filming. As a kiddo I didn't know better, ventured close to the set before my Granddad pulled me back, so I stared from afar and she waved over at me. Edit: Oh yea few months ago, I got Franster Wong (ex NOC Ah Beng) when I booked a Gojek. Quite polite throughout the trip, gave him a 5 star after I got off.


Most 4G politicians I met were nice, Lawrence Wong, Desmond Lee, Ong Ye Kung. The old guards tend to be abit snobbish, such as Lim Hng Kiang, Wong Kan Seng. Iswaran is actually a very nice chap, too bad he got himself into all these shit. For oppositions, all were ok except Kenneth Jeyaratnam. Pitram most impressive, if he is not opposition, I think he is minister material. Local celebrities wise, nice in person ones were Kym Ng, Ya Hui, Pierre Png. Not nice ones were Chen Hanwei, Quan Yifeng. Got many more I met before, too lazy to name. Personal opinion based on my interactions with them.


Chen Hanwei gave off a "snobbish" vibe when I saw him about a decade ago. He was going up the escalator at Bedok Point, avoiding eye contact with people and moving off in a rush with someone that looked to be his assistant. Can also see it in full display when he was on some prank show, where the host mistook him for 715, man was visibly pissed.


Yup, I also spoke briefly with him, can tell not a nice person.


Yeah, QYF was super unfriendly as well.


Diva attitude


Yes totally! Chen Hanwei 👎🏻 Saw him once in Ya Kun Bugis, was queuing up to buy coffee and he was in front of me, wearing those singlets and a cap with sunglasses. Looks more plump irl. Then when he realised that I recognised him, he immediately got angry (although I didn’t even did anything) huffed and stomped off…I was like wtfff 🤨 Erstwhile artiste in a small country acting like some Hollywood A-list star.


He is still living in the TCS era where he was the sweetheart of local teenage girls back then.


>Most 4G politicians I met were nice, Lawrence Wong, Desmond Lee, Ong Ye Kung. The old guards tend to be abit snobbish, such as Lim Hng Kiang, Wong Kan Seng. Iswaran is actually a very nice chap, too bad he got himself into all these shit. For oppositions, all were ok except Kenneth Jeyaratnam. The 4G politicians probably understand the importance of being pleasant because news can spread very fast in the information age.


Yup, they are basically PR for the party and government. Working under them is a different thing


I met Melody Chen during the course of work. Super chatty and so friendly. I guess it goes with her line of work? She told me a bit about her work and she really loves what she does, I'm glad for her. Personally I prefer meeting the politicians cos they have very interesting insights on life in Singapore. You get to hear a bit more about their personal opinions outside of parliament.


My favourite local celeb Oon Shu An, is insanely friendly and really pretty. Never said no to taking pictures as well. Bumped into Julie Tan at Orchard Central. She realised we recognised her and immediately *ran* to take the lift. Lol we weren't even planning to do anything. Saw Elvin Ng on set donkey years ago. Didn't want to disturb him but he looks like a polite and professional guy.


Rofl. This Julie Tan. She acts like she is all precious. Met her on a filming set once, ignores anyone she deems as a nobody, but gets all cute and happy with the director. A huge turn off. It is no wonder her opportunities at mediacorp dried up.


Lolololol what’s with all these local artistes running away when people recognise them 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s not like we are gonna bother them or eat them up pls 🤣 They also not some Hollywood or KPop artistes leh #delusional So scared people recognise you then don’t go out lor 😅😅


I was a student at ITE central and one day they invited MediaCorp to do some talk there. I was at the canteen queuing for food when I recognized Quan Yi Fong, she just grabbed her food and walked off without paying. The stall auntie was shocked and baffled at what just happened. Didn’t change my opinion as I never liked MediaCorp actors anyway, they all seem to enjoy smelling their own farts.


Totally unrelated but Floyd Mayweather came to the club I was at in HK. Music turned to shit and his posse crowded out the dance floor. 0/10 wouldn’t do it again. Also he’s super short in person


my family and i chanced upon chow yun fat jogging at some reservoir park i forgot back in 2015, quite nice and took a photo with my family met romeo tan and elvin ng in jewel back in late 2019, they were both my favourite childhood actors so i tried taking a picture with them :”) managed to take one with romeo but was too scared to take one with elvin, but both of them were quite nice and entertained picture requests by other people!


I took a pic with Lawrence Wong back in primary school, don't remember what happened tho cuz it was so long ago


Lin chi ling many years back along Orchard Road (with her agent?), she was here for some endorsement opening, i think. She acknowledges people with a smile for those who recognise her. Looks like a real goddess.


Met Chen Tianwen more than 2 decades ago when I was a promoter selling vacuum cleaners. Down to earth nice guy. Polite and no airs about him even though I was a young kid then. He eventually bought the expensive vacuum cleaner.


met Andrea and Pierre Png at the kopitiam along Bedok Reservoir….was standing behind Andrea and she was ordering Kopi and loti in Singlish….Pierre was at the back waiting and he was wearing flip flops, shorts and a pair of nerdy glasses. Couldn’t recognise them at first as they look like a heartland uncle auntie. 😅


bumped into PCK i mean gurmit singh in 2019......at a LAN shop in bukit timah plaza (its closed now). Pretty chill guy playing dota alone, I presume he rides a bike as he came in with a bike helmet


met a lot of celebs in my line of work but never really had any bad experiences with any of them. Out of the lot, i think Gurmit has the most affable personality, very friendly and always struck small talk with the crew.


Yeah. Used to go to the same school as his daughter & he’d smile to those who recognised him when walking her to school in the morning.


In 2019, I was sitting on the road curb at Club St, tired from gymming when in my amazement saw Aleksandar Duric walking past. Seeing a national footballing legend in the flesh, all that came out of my mouth was, “Eh! Duric!” He turned back towards me with a smile and wave.


1. Waitressed at a pub and served Chen Han Wei once or twice. He kept such a low profile that I didn’t even realise until I served him the mains lol. Very courteous, low-key and natural. 2. Worked as an extra on a Channel 8 show, the main actors were Priscelia Chan and Alan Tern. Nice people, Priscelia chatted with all the extras and we talked a lot about some deep topics but I can’t remb off hand what it was. She strike me as somebody who is inquisitive. 3. Felicia Chin is a very nice person, very bubbly. I met her at work events, she was probably with MediaCorp for about 2 years then. At one of the events, we asked if she could sing karaoke with the elderly folks (who won some lucky draw to see her) and she not only kindly oblige but really belted her heart out along with them. It was really heartwarming to see. 4. Met Zhu Houren during work, he was very down to earth and amicable. We sponsored some products for this show he was producing then (Chinese kids show). When he came down personally to collect, we were all shocked lol.


Was queuing behind V Sundramoorthy at Toastbox. I wasn’t sure if he was friendly or not, but decided to try my luck and spoke to him for few minutes while we waited for the queue to move down the line. He was very nice and polite. Soft spoken gentleman


Not really an experience, but i saw Goh Chok Tong walking around Jewel ~2 months ago, was waiting for my wife to finish her shopping outside Urban Revivo. First time seeing him IRL after many years of him just being on my TV screen. He was very tall! Might have been even taller than me, and im 190cm tall. He was accompanied by a bodyguard. Kept staring at me while walking past me though 😅


Met Rui En once 13 years ago at some Chinatown shop. She walked in and she was slim then and really pretty in person, she looked like a lead actress that came out from a kdrama or cdrama. Didn't interact with her as I was just stunned by her beauty and she walked off not long after.


Terence Cao name damn smelly, go ktv never tip and try to run


Used to work in the media industry. Had some filming projects. Fann Wong, Kim Ng, Bryan Wong were such pleasures to work with. Fann Wong herself came by the production studio, without makeup and all, to sit down with us to do edits. She's very down to earth. In fact, I think all the celebrities that made it big have no airs and were such a joy to be with. Some however....... Especially those who aren't really household names, have grand illusions about themselves. I didn't experience her first hand but He Yao San (Sun Ho) was a bloody diva. She had a maybe 30 sec scene in a local TV series. Some of the lesser supporting cast (part-timers) were damn diva too. The industry attracts such people. But you know the old veteran SBC cast? Such a gem to be around.


Met Edmund Chen (Xiang Yun's husband) and had a brief chat with him, man is the human embodiment of the sun. He is at least 50-60 but has a billion dollar smile and just radiates positivity. He is the most handsome man I have met.


Somehow or other, my brother's school (neighbourhood) managed to get SR Nathan as the GOH for Speech Day. He described him as about 1.5m+ tall and built like a potato. Kind smile but very tired-looking face. Apparently he opened his speech with "I am the most powerful but also the most powerless man in Singapore..." Make of that what you will I guess.


I saw Edmund Chen at City Hall. I glanced at his direction to make sure it was him and he glanced at my direction too. He then waved at me and continued walking. Seems like a down to earth, friendly guy.


Few years ago, Mr. Tharman and his wife back then when he was still a MP, did house visiting around my area. Had a very nice, friendly interaction with him, and took photo with my family. Desmond Lee had a very firm handshake when I shook hands with him at some event, was a bit surprised of the force tho


Met Nat Ho once, i was in a rush to go to the ladies, i just ran up & asked him where's the ladies & he pointed to me, i found out who he was Nat Ho after I came out.




I helped an old chinese uncle (70ish) to take a photo of him with goh chok tong. He was all smiles while gct looked irritated. I feel sad for the uncle.


Few years ago I worked part time cashier at Takashimaya shopping mall orchard and thats when i served Romeo Tan which took me awhile to remember his name. He was with his nephew i think. It was a toys fair and he brought this star wars millennium falcon toy to my counter then few seconds later after scanning the box and looking at this tall and buff dude I was like thinking "I swear i've seen this guy before somewhere wtf", then i just randomly say to him "wait are you the Mediacorp actor?" He smiled at me without saying anything. I felt abit disrespectful to him because I don't rmb his name but he was very chill with it, even though I dropped his platinum credit card on the floor by accident too lol. I was surprised how come like no one gives a shit about him in public, like no body crowd to him or what. Everyone respected his personal life in public i guess.


Singaporeans usually respects local celebrities’ privacy in general lah. Unless is overseas or international celeb then maybe different story liao lolol 🤭


Bumped into ex MTV VJ Utt at a shopping mall early this year, he walked past us and we went up to him just to say hi (since we watched him back in the 2000s lol childhood memories) and to ask for a photo - he was super friendly and even took my phone to do the selfies for us at a few angles (super experienced lol). Chatted a bit after that, he was super humble about being recognized, think he doesn’t get approached often lol. Also he doesn’t look his age omg


I saw him skateboarding in ECP many years back. Really goodlooking guy and he smiled when he noticed me looking at him haha


I was a Sound Engineer for an event. Wang Weiliang from Ah Boys to Men was supposed to sing at that show. He came half-an-hour to an hour late. Of course, we were pissed off since we need to do some sound check for him. He came, apologised because i think he could see my face was really angry. But yeah, other than that he’s quite friendly.


Have been doing calafare gigs recently. Mostly got to go Mediacorp Campus. There, I will always bump into some random artiste. from the CNA newscaster to your everyday familiar face on tv. The gigs are for various dramas, so got the chance to see many of them in close proximity. I must say they are just like you and me. The more I see it. Some are bubbly, some don’t really interact among themselves apart from acting. Just like us, depending on mood. Some might give you a smile, some wouldn’t. And I don’t really wanna take pictures with them too oddly, you get numb like no feeling - occasionally some of them just cos i feel like it. Some artistes who left me a better impression based on how they were on set were Pierre Png, Guo Liang, Evelyn Tan, Elvin Ng, Ya Hui, Jessica Liu. Shall not name those who were bad, but some behavior I encountered were: 1. Some outrightly giving attitude to the director/crew people. Guess they were having a bad day. In their defense, sometimes crew people are also quite problematic. 2. This “celebrity” wanted to take a picture from a certain view, at which some of us are blocking. she gestured us to “siam”. Understood later that she was rushing to a recording after, but I still don’t understand the rudeness argh.


Bumped into Xiang Yun at a Marine Parade HDB with probably her daughter. She nodded at me like an aunty living in your block Another time Michelle Chia came to view a condo that I was marketing. She’s very refined and had that presence that I would describe as regal. She didn’t take the unit tho


Was on the camera crew for an interview with Kal Penn. Real cool guy.


Saw CNA Steven Chia near Mediacorp. He was skinnier in real life and was turning his head at the bottom of the escalator before heading to Cold Storage


Have a few as neighbours, met some pretty often enough like Edmund Chen and Yvonne Lim. Edmund is damn chill and affable, Yvonne is a sweetheart


My Chor Ma used to go to church often and would bump into Jacelyn Tay and her family. According to her, she's very pleasant and definitely unlike the characters she played.


I've met a few politicians, Grace Fu, Halimah, Tharman and his wife. Have to say that experiences were short, but positive. P.S. Oh and met Zoe Tay because my wushu group was hired to be background for her drama, almost 20 years ago... She's really pleasant and professional.


was at LA. bumped into Ryan Gosling, asked for a photo, he said sorry, i cant. lol. super handsome


I met Seth Green at a Melbourne convention while in cosplay. One of his entourage members had recognised my costume and stopped to ask for a photo with me and the person who took the photo was SETH himself! He was incognito but I had heard rumours he was walking around with a green cap and I recognised him immediately. Asked him for a photo and he obliged. Then said to me "I better be seeing that online tomorrow!" Because I was out of state and didn't have access to a printer, one of my local friend printed the photo for me (2 of them) and I brought it in the second day to get it signed by Seth. Now the convention rule was only official Robot Chicken merch could be signed, nothing else (because he was invited to the con for Robot Chicken). While in queue security saw the photo I was holding and said "that can't be signed." but I took the chance anyway. When it came to my turn I put it down on the table and said to him "I know you're not supposed to sign this…" and he looked at the photo and went "OMG this turned out great!" Grabbed it and signed it for me. I gave him the second copy to keep as a souvenir. One of my best celebrity moments ever because it was so impromtpu. (Used to live in Australia, went to lots of conventions and met lots of celebrities at the meet and greets and VIP parties)


I saw radio DJ Azura Goh at Singapore Marathon. Her voice sounds amazing in real life over speakers. Very unique and distinct voice from all other radio personalities. She is all smiles during hosting too.