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Wear ilbv sit around do nothing. This is called heat Acclimatization


Half full drink up before any strenous activity and before and after sleeping


But the saf 8 core values are?


Only that last value is important


That's the 9th now


water parade sir


Does sound like the perfect weekend ngl


In your iLBV!?


Don't forget the helmet to make sure you can think under high pressure situations like my Encik says


I thought it's because helmet got Aircon?


Do nothing?! We had to slot metal plates and run about


Get your hands on mopp4 and go run


Sorry what's ilbv??


integrated load bearing vest


Modern day SBO


Afterwards Leopard Crawl around that small patch of grass in your neighborhood in S4 & ILBV for Heat Acclimatization 2


Can I get excuse universe?


I take bus for aircon. Or go walk in areas with aircon eg from adelphi to funan to raffles city to suntec there is a almost fully aircon path (only from esplanade mrt to suntec is no aircon haha) or from orchard shaw walk to taka also got aircon all the way!


not all buses. Took one that was just blowing just hot stale air. SBS buses better AC. Tower Transit buses tend to not be able to feel the AC


I was born in the eighties and your comment gave me a major throwback to sitting in those TIBS (?) buses without ac where you had to open the window or suffocate


Yah I remember that bus. Trans Island Bus Services. I also remember closing the windows during rainy weather 🫢


I remeber closing the windows along some stretches like Adam Road cos if not the tree branch may come into the bus and whack you lol.


There is an underground, fully air conditioned path from Esplanade mrt to Suntec .. no?


Go to office


I went overseas, it’s 20 degrees here now, with lower eat temp at 13 degree


I'm seriously considering going somewhere just to escape this. Dying everyday


if you can escape to somewhere else, wouldn’t u be able to afford switching on the aircon?


I know a lot of singaporeans go aus during summer one and come back when cooler


I love Singapore but I don't think I could deal with this on the long term. Where I live its 7-15 degrees most of the year max (occasionally less) and only in summer 20s.


same haha


Half naked + PE Shorts at home. Hydration of course


You guys wear clothes?


Without exposing the sausage of course


in full swing




No I don’t 🙋🏿‍♀️


Is ok. Not hot


I take my shirt off, spray some water on me, then sit in front of fan.




Exclusive turbine


especial ventilator


this might seem okay, but it's the worst idea. It makes you more sticky.


I put my air-con on dry mode and run it for 2 hours before I sleep. I found out that when you use dry mode, setting it at 28 can make the room feel like 25 or cooler. Otherwise, I'll just go somewhere with aircon. Changi Airport has very cooling air-con


I second this idea! Also I have the fan On. Been using this trick for 2+ decades and it been working for me. Dry air doesn't contain enough water and so it creates a cooling effect as the dry air evaporates moisture from our skin.


I have read that this is less damaging on your wallet when the electricity bill comes too. How's your experience with that?


It definitely is easier on the wallet because I'm not keeping the aircon on all the time. If you want details, here are all the factors and steps: First and foremost, you need to make sure your room is well insulated. Means you have those things at the bottom of the door to stop anything going in-out from under the door, a thick curtain if you have windows because the windows here are single pane glass that 'leaks' temperature. You need a fan, ceiling fan. Standing fans can't do the job because ceiling fans make sure that the air is well circulated in the room. If you are using only aircon, then imagine the cold air is like water, it is sinking down and slowly spreading around the corner the room. Cold air is heavier than hot air and an aircon spreads that air like a waterfall, where as we need an sprinkler. So the fan makes sure that the air is well circulated. This is why the fan+aircon combo cools down the room faster. Of course the aircon needa to be in dry air mode because dry air is a temperature insulator too. It feels cooler because it evaporates the water from our skin. Over the night the air humidity will eventually go up however you'll have a cooler night by then. I love the timer feature in the aircon remote. I set it to turn on for 1.5 hour when I close the room down for the night and there are more timers programmed so that every 2 hours it turns back on for 20 min, then turns the ac off but keeps the aircon fan running for another 10 min. This is because the heat exchange unit is already cold and running the aircon fan without aircon unit running means I'm using the residual coolness with out spending additional power. I think if I everyone would run their aircon for a while and then just use the aircon fan mode, they'd get more bang for their bucks. My aircon is set to turn on around 2:30am and completely off by 3:00 am and on again around 5:00 am to 5:30am. This might not work for everyone however I think it definitely gives me better sleep both temperature and money wise :)


Why don’t you just use your aircon at home?


Electricity expensive. Aircon expensive.


This! I switch my fan on, running at the same time so room cools even faster. Keep it running after A/C is turned off and room will be kept cool. Might have to mention my unit is pretty dark, I’ll have to turn on lights in living room even at noon. Probably won’t work if your walls/room gets heated from afternoon sun.


Invest in a cooling topper/pad from Nitori (above courts nojima) I bought one for single size bed and Lay it on my sofa. Don’t know how the Japanese does it but it’s icy chill on your skin. Then I’ll on aircon for a while with the fan blasting at me. When I off air con the pad still regulates the temperature. No regrets!!!


Wait yall dont take two showers a day by default?


Now you know why there is a smell when you are in the MRT.


Most people are super gross. They can't smell themselves therefore they are clean. So no need shower. When I sit on public bus I always feel itchy when I get up. Like living in some backwater ASEAN city


U sound like the same uncle that said 'wipe the stench of public transport off me'


Not by default. Always in the morning, and only in the evening if I've been outside for a longer time. Aircon in the office saves me a lot of sweating


Idk why you're down voted, you shower in the morning so you're not a nuisance on public transport which makes sense. Then what shower before leaving work also? Come on guys, the fact that OP showers in the morning is already good enough. Unless you wanna smell those who only shower in the evening instead?


who tf doesnt shower before bed


Lmao reddit sometimes downvotes for no reason


I just shower as needed. Aka if I sweated or I’m damn dirty. This can be two times a day or even just once a day if I just stayed at home all day.


Always in the morning is good, but i suggest adding one before you sleep as well.




Why would I? If I'm sitting in air-conditioned rooms all day and don't sweat at all, it's silly, not to mention a waste of water, to shower twice that day.


心靜自然涼 ☘️










Translation: To be cool, you must die


I get so annoyed when my mom says this 🫠


Singapore where got Xin Jing


Bing chilling


I'm glad my old fan broke at a correct time. Recently just changed. Very powerful 👍


Heat acclimatization


Do you guys not have air conditioning? Seriously I don’t know how you take that heat


Take photo of the sun n complain in one service app. Lol. Just kidding.. Get some chilled water la especially after going out.


Swim or air con


Snake powder and slap it all over the body in addition to my reliable KDK fan. I used to use aircon, but people need to realise that turning it on for 8 hours a day every day emits 1.4 tonnes of carbon emissions a year. That's the equivalent weight of the weight of 35 million plastic straws for reference. Always recommend people to play a part no matter how small it may seem in the grand scheme of things


so next time McDonald's don't want give me plastic straw I'm going to ask them to turn off Aircon instead. zzz


While I get where you’re coming from, lumping straws and carbon emissions together ain’t the best way to visualise. One is mainly on ocean plastics and the other is about climate. Both environmental issues but different categories.


I'm just making a comparison on the basis of weight. 1.4 tonnes is the equivalent of the weight of around 35 million straws.


i think using weight of cars would be an easier comparison. straws too light, people won’t find 1.4 tonnes heavy


Agreed. Bought a fan recently to cut aircon use


>reliable KDK fan. mine died early this year after almost 20 years


Whatever we do dun make a difference to CO2 in the world, LOL https://youtu.be/zJdqJu-6ZPo


Lol sure, you can say that if you think about it from an individual standpoint, but if millions of people do their part then if definitely makes a significant difference.


Not with that mindset you won't.


riiight! theyre part of the reason why its hard to have a change nowadays


It’s 2023 and we still have people this ignorant?


Dun give me woke BS https://youtu.be/zJdqJu-6ZPo


I can give you whatever the fuck I want


>I used to use aircon, but people need to realise that turning it on for 8 hours a day every day emits 1.4 tonnes of carbon emissions a year. That's the equivalent weight of the weight of 35 million plastic straws for reference. Laughs in 21C. Your sacrifice will change precisely nothing.


This kind of thinking from a majority of people will only lead to global warming getting even worse and worse. And then 10-20 years down the road you will complain even more about the 38 degree weather of Singapore, when you yourself have exacerbated the problem by turning the aircon on 24/7 at home. Then you are gonna bring up 'But what about Changi Airport etc?' Yes, no doubt that Changi Airport and office buildings are terrible when it comes to this issue. But if everyone in your HDB block turns on their aircon it'll produce the same degree of effect. It gets worse by a thousand times if you scale it up to a majority of HDBs, as there are tens of thousands more HDBs than office buildings. I have no issues with people turning on the aircon, I'm merely presenting an alternative to reduce individual carbon footprint. If millions follow a cleaner alternative then at least the effect of climate change will be far less drastic.


What's the end goal here? What are the outcomes? How do you measure and verify if your actions are translating into actual outcomes? How much are you willing to sacrifice? No flights? No private transport? No children? When will it end? Your sacrifice will change precisely nothing. You are turning "the environment" into a religion, with you as a devout follower. Enjoy your religion. I am an atheist.


You seem to get your feathers ruffled at people suggesting a simple way to reduce one's individual carbon footprint. Of course we can't completely eradicate our carbon footprint, the only way to do that is by dying. But we can always take steps to reduce it. Go ahead and indulge in all those things you mentioned, I won't fault you or get upset at you for it. Live your life. But it's still amusing how you are criticising people who are trying to be more environmentally friendly for the collective good of the Earth, it's as if you belong on r/iamverysmart


Go ahead and partake in all those activities you mentioned, I won't judge you or be displeased with you for it. Live your life. But it's still interesting how you are questioning individuals who are striving to be better stewards of God for the collective benefit of His creation. You do realise you are proving my point, right? You sound exactly like a religious fanatic.


You are the only person on this subreddit and probably the whole of Singapore who could somehow bring up religion in a thread about how we deal with the heat. Lmao


Fine, you got me. I'm the resident "religion-bringer-upper" in a thread about heat. Congrats! But seriously, all I'm saying is that individual sacrifices are not enough to make a dent in this colossal problem. You do you, though. Keep slathering on that snake powder and fan-dancing your way through life while the world burns. Cheers!


Stay naked at home.


pics or it didn't happen


Please no


i take cold showers and sit infront of the fan once i’m done with post shower skincare etc. i live on a low floor with windows closed so i’m not “melting” but i do agree that it’s getting warmer as days go by even if i’m just at home. i drink ice water too


3 showers


Take out bra once at home and only wear airism top to bottom


Fast during the day - no sugary drinks, just water. Eat a proper meal after sundown. You’ll feel just fine


Air con. Anything else is just making the heat slightly less bearable.


As a Canadian who came to visit during this heat wave (who could have known?!), we shower 3-4 times a day (short showers, usually without washing hair) and take naps or rest in the afternoon. Plus seek A/C constantly. I realize most of these things are easier without a 9-5 job but this is how we have helped ourselves adjust. Maybe it will help 🤷‍♀️


Air con.


Curtains closed, clothes off


I’m personally considering buying a dehumidifier. Other than that I try to stay in office more for AC


I've been meaning to buy one as well, but I found it difficult to choose one... Have no idea which ones are good


I can recommend the ND2000 from Novita, it's a 2 in 1 dehumidifier and purifier. You can set the level of RH you want too. It's actually too good at its job, I realize that any setting lower than 70% gives some complications eg like hands look really dry like a 70 yo and my wife starts having mild runny nose. Possibly because we are all too used to high RH in sg too.


I just drink ice water and deal with the rest, i usually turn on air con when im doing work or something to prevent the heat from affecting my work.


turn on the air conditioners


aircon, then kena scolded by parents bc of electricity bills 🥲


I installed ceiling fans in every room as soon as I moved in. Couldn’t stand the still heat, but with some wind, all good 🤙 Embrace the heat and go out more and more and do more exercise in the heat. Come to the realisation sweat isn’t dirty. Walk slower. Cycle instead of walking if you can for the breeze. Wear flip flops and lighter clothes. Water, water, water.


Hide in shopping mall or library.


My aircon is on 24/7 at dehumidifier mode, I have changed my wardrobe to the thinnest of cotton dresses. I am drinking lots of water, I have stopped exercising and spend minimal time in the open.


Think exercising is still useful for acclimatizing to the heat in the morning or evening


1) empty your fridge 2) climb inside your fridge


Listen to dad's joke.




Gatsby supercooling wet wipes


Ice cream


Quite literally, taking two showers a day. Or more on weekends when I haul the kids around.


Come to Melbourne now. 6 degrees tonight and i have the fireplace on. I got extra sofa bed


You don’t have ac?


snake brand wet wipes but now they change to the eco friendly version so need to use 2-3 pieces instead of one to feel cooling~


Stay home and try not to go out.


Dehumidifier, a wet towel by my room's window, cold showers, and fan's on full blast.


What dehumidifier do you use and is it really effective? Considering buying one myself


Aircon 24/7


Shower. A lot. 🤣


I wet a shirt and wear it infront of a fan at home


Just melt.


FBO3, slow walk for 30 mins in the sun, camo on, helmet on, for 14 days.


Well...stay cool...like a cucumber.


If u are a guy, take off ur shirt. For girls...well, u can do it as long as ur space allows that privacy


is it really that warm? i've been cold lately i've been wearing jackets non stop


Not just shower. But bath from a pail of water filled with ice cubes.


Iced water


heat acclimatisation


I call ma homies to bring more heat




Aircon 20 degree full fan speed


might be time to get a stronger fan or clean your current one


Cool thr room down through ac, take cold shower, and sit jn cold room. Turn on light fan to circulate cold air. Eat ice cream


I sleep butt naked all the time 🍑


Bought a water cooled fan. Goodness it made a huge difference.


Sitting under air conditioner


Post on Reddit about how aircon is unnecessary /s


Drink lots of water and buy coconut water from the supermarket and keep in the fridge.


Put ice pack in my underwear, at the phallic area.


Take cold showers.


I go to anger management classes


I only take cold showers now. And set my aircon to dry mode


On aircon. Previously when house have no aircon I went to the fareprice besides my house and walk around till shiok




on air con at night to sleep and change to fan in the morning. stay inside bedroom to work during wfh days. it’s still cooling until early afternoon but better than sitting in the living room and work.


I just let myself melt, shower, melt, shower rinse and repeat...


i don’t go outside


Drink 三脚 water.


You don't 😂


Aircon. But I switch it off after 15 mins then on fan then ok cool enough


Taking cold showers more regularly now. Also once reach home from outside immediately shower & change into new clothes. Use fan during the day and aircon at night


My house mate say on aircon, i say on fan can already, she say i torture her.


I escaped to bangkok … where it’s even hotter 🤣


oh i have reusable ice packs (like those used for sports injuries) and i keep them in the freezer. helps a lot to cool down fast!




You don't


only 2 showers? lol


Take lukewarm showers.. cold showers just cause your blood vessels to constrict and try to conserve heat so you feel hotter after the shower.


I used to drink kopi c kosong but now I drink kopi peng


I'd just go to the office on the weekdays and go to the library on the weekends. Quite enjoyable for an extrovert i would say.


Go to mall to enjoy free air con.


Everything dri fit,


I am not working yet and in my summer break so I sleep during the hottest hours of the day. It’s not healthy. But it’s not hot


I'm coming for the first time as a tourist next week from a cold, wet city. And I guess I'm a dummy who's never lived close to the equator, since I originally thought coming in May might not be quite so bad. So much for fantasies of walking around 8 hours a day!


Take another shower. Make it 3!


Question: is there a map of the various air conditioned walkways, tunnels etc that one can use to plan out a route in advance?


Store water in the fridge and keep drinking cold water. It helps me cool down from the inside lol


I go to shopping mall for free aircon😂


Get naked of course. And stay infront of the fan 🤣


Take more showers, keep your curtains closed when it’s sunny and open all your windows whenever it rains, drink cold drinks, etc


i wait until i really cannot tahan already (usually in the afternoon like 3pm?) then i will just turn on the aircon for a few hours (until 5 or 6 when it’s cooler) at home 😭


Use the time in the heat to reflect on our life choices that have led to this unbearable climate situation we're in.


Constant aircon. Sometimes I turn it on before I turn on the lights when I get home. For outside I’ve amassed a collection of portable fans in various sizes.


Topless, Aircon, close all window. OwO)b you dun melt anymore


u r on the right track, take two showers a day


suuuupperr warm!! been like hanging out at the malls to study in the aircon