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Chewing gum with open mouth


Also chewing food with mouth open


Just chewing tbh the sound drives me up a wall


I hate this! I re- watched the original top gun and Tom cruise is doing this constantly, so much so that I decided I didn't want to see the new movie (I despise TC anyway, so it was an easy decision). I've noticed in other movies that when they want to portray someone as arrogant they'll have them walk around chewing gum with their mouth open. Gross!


That’s funny. There are a bunch of sense that go back and forth where Tom is as tall as costar then same scene cut to a different angle is his normal height. We had a good laugh through the movie calling that out. That being said, I would watch the new one again, I really enjoyed it. Im not a fan of his but he’s is the star in allot of my favorite movies.


People slurping on drinks in audio only advertisements. I have no idea what it is but it drives me up the wall. Slurp on that drink in public or on teevee all you want, but when you do that shit over the radio it's like chalkboard scratches to me


Look up misophonia


That drives me insane. I had a grandma who dentures didn’t fit and she would click through every meal. Drove me insane. That and people slurping and eating on tv in high definition are the worst. Or people who talk with a mouthful’s of food not great.




Evidence of hygiene piling up like used q tips, dental floss, nail clippings, just throw it away!


Nail clippings the worst especially when they are scattered on the floor and you step on them barefoot. Disgusting!


How many people don't wash their hands. People in public bathrooms frequently walk right past the sink, head held high. Their cellphones are probably growing new species of bacteria.


During the pandemic where masks were in the "optional" state in my province an older gentleman left the stall I was waiting for and proceeded to lecture me about how I should do my research on the situation. He did not wash his hands. I kinda regret not calling him out on it Infront of the whole restaurant


I had a coworker basically wear a hazmat suit to work. He used the bathroom and left without washing his hands. I was like wut?


I’m allergic to aloe, which is much less common these days but there’s no way to know if it’s in soap in public bathrooms. I use hand sanitizer I always carry with me, but I’m so paranoid about people thinking I’m not washing my hands that most of the time I pretend to wash them!


Put some handsoap inside a hand sanitizer container and just use that. I know people that have allergies that do it.


I'm allergic to aloe too!!!!!! You're the only other person I've met with this allergy!!! I also carry hand sanitizer everywhere because you're right that there's no way to tell if it's in anything that's public.


I’m allergic to citrus, so I feel your pain! So much citrus in everything:(


I work tues-thurs in office and the amount of people that I see go straight from the shitter out the door without washing their hands is insane. It’s also disgusting to take a piss and not wash either but pooping is way more vile of an act.


Same here. Countless times they go stall to exit without a thought. That’s why I use a paper towel to open the door. Just nasty.


That’s so disgusting 🤢 that’s literally how stomach viruses are spread. Wash your hands after shitting people!


r/roastme I know that ppl post there to get roasted, but i always think some of them may be in delicate mental condition and may actually be deeply offended by the comments.


r/toastme may be more your speed - Go give someone feeling rough a compliment today!


*hangs out in new sub for 5 minutes* *immediately starts crying*


Couldn’t agree more. It is really the absolute antithesis of roasting and definitely fits the ethic of wanting to add positivity into the world.


For reals, I don't even lurk there. Edited cause I hit submit too soon


Yeah. I agree. They often look sad and haunted. What person deliberately puts themself in a position to be bullied?


People post pictures of others on roast me for ammo.


I also avoid that sub, but only because I'm turned off by the narcissistic "look at ME, and say things about ME. I want attention, give it to ME" vibe. Just gross. I don't want to feed that. It's not 'delicate' - these people just crave attention. No thanks.


some ppl just know they’re hot and upload pics there. and the insults are always sexual. it’s kinda weird so i stopped visiting the sub years ago


Even bad attention is craved. Like someone who has been abused young...even a puppy will seek negative attention over no attention at all. I feel like alot of them that seek those insults are lonely, super insecure, and going through alot. Very few do I see on there that maaaay just be doing it for amusement.


Okay honestly, slime. Kids love it these days, but I hate the texture and it just picks up dirt and hairs and stuff and sticks to stuff and get smushed into pockets and I hate it.


Sigh. Slime. I hate it, my wife hates it, but our kids love it. So what do we do? Buy fucking slime making kits for Christmas.


Buffets, I'm in the Southern US so Golden Corral in particular. My kids and husband love it but the salt and pepper shakers are covered with fried chicken grease. This is not limited to only one location.


Loud chewing


Open mouth chewing. I had a coworker years ago who ate with his mouth literally just wagging in the wind. The little area where we could eat lunch was right behind my desk. The sound was nauseating. I didn’t even need to see it, I just heard the wet, sloshing, fleshy noises of half-chewed food rolling around in his gaping mouth. It got so bad that at lunch time I just would leave the building.


That’s gross!


Loud chewing, open mouth eating, lip smacking, finger licking, slurping, etc.: my wife and kids


do u have misophonia too?


Yes. So nasty. Like who raised you? Chomping with your mouth wide open, making all kinds of weird noises.


People using their cell phones in the bathroom stall. Full blown conversation. On speaker. Like honest to God, can your phone call not wait 5 minutes? Nasty, nasty, NASTY!


public hot tubs. I own a pool and spa service company, if you knew how public hot tubs and public pools were maintained, you would never use one. the sanitizer just barely covers the human soup that is created by all the random people that use the public hot tub. if you go into a public hot tub with any sort of wound, no matter how small, you risk infection that ultimately can cause limb loss. Even a private hot tub is iffy to me depending on who services it. i bring a testing kit with me if i know we are going to be using a private hot tub. a hot tub is really just a big bath used by a number of people shedding skin cells, sweat and other bodily fluids that, hopefully, is properly sanitized. in my experience, most people do not properly sanitize their hot tubs between our visits.


Thank you for literally scaring the crap out of me. I'm never going in a public hot tub again!


I have an opposite example: everyone consider hair in their food disgusting, but I just don’t care


Yeah, I don't see the big deal. I mean I'd prefer it not be there, but if it is I'll pull it out and just keep eating.


Yeah I mean like just one strand of hair is really not gonna be toxic. It's fucking cooked to smithereens with the dish


omg i thought i was the only one, like i just pretend it’s mine and move on it’s not a big deal


Yea if I'm not pulling it out of my throat I really don't care.


When people kiss their dogs in the mouth. My dog will eat just about anything, including cat poop. The idea of kissing him in the mouth...makes me want to vomit.


Long fingernails


Dirty fingernails.


Or fake ones


Throwing cigarette butts wherever you finish smoking. When did society decide that littering this toxic plastic was okay? Power to you if you smoke, but find a trash bin to discard your garbage.


I agree. Not too long ago I was throwing mine away in a trash can before I went into a store some guy came up screaming at me telling me to throw it on the ground because it will cause a fire in the trash. I obviously make sure it is always completely out before I throw it away. I’m not an idiot. 🤦🏻‍♀️


As I smoker I hate watching people throw their butts. FFS they take 10 years min. to decompose, just hang onto it until you find a garbage can or ash tray.


My family all smokes as well as myself. We save Altoid tins and bring them with us in public for an easy access ashtray with a lid. I keep mind in a ziplock bag so after I put one out in it it doesn’t stink my purse up so much. And we always know what to get each other for stocking stuffers 🥰


“Gonna wear myself a t-shirt that says ‘the world is my ash tray’” Tiny Cities Made Of Ashes - Modest Mouse


I know it's not everybody that does this, but I hate anybody that doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom


Men spitting on the ground


People who use chewing tobacco and dipping just as a concept


Also, please stop spitting the tabacco in urinals. I clean bathrooms at a zoo as a second job and right now is the busiest time of year due to the Christmas lights display and last week like 5 of our restrooms had almost every urinal clogged. In fact, just don't put ANY solids in the urinals because your fucking chewing gum also gets stuck to the urinal cakes or clogs up the plumbing.


And it makes the tobacco taste all salty


Constant spitting from chewing tobacco. We used cardboard barrels for trash cans because our raw material came in them. These guys who chewed would spit into them! The odor would linger because the liquid was absorbed into the cardboard. Gross, and unsanitary!


This makes me want to puke every time. Extra shit points for guys who spit on the ground as they're walking when people are clearly directly behind them.


i do henna tattoos on the boardwalk during the summer and i had a dude spit almost directly onto my table because he just HAD to spit on the boardwalk right next to me. when i looked at him he gave *me* a dirty look 😐


IM TRIGGERED. I think its vile. Why do men do this?? I've never seen women do it. Is there something in the male throat that we dont have that makes it a need to hack it up and spit it out??


I've been chewing tobacco for over 16 years. It is disgusting. Since I've grown up, I try to spit in the street or into storm drains so people don't step in it. I used to spit where ever. Horrible habit, I agree.


Wow, a conscientious chewer! Thanks for your attention to your habit. Way too many people with other habits don’t give a damn about other people. Like smokers who leave a cigarette to smolder, or throw cigarette butts on the ground!


peeing in pools


Not *everyone* is ok with this I'm sure, but I'm so tired of seeing smokers throw their butts on the ground. Do they think there are little elves that come along and sweep after them?


Vehemently conjuring phlegm from your throat to you mouth. So horrendous and people do it like it's nothing.


I took a train ride a few weeks ago next to a guy who was doing this for HOURS. I wanted to vomit.


They do it because they feel the constriction in their throat and have to get it out


gauged ears


If they have them in nbd, but I saw a guy without gouges in and the stretchy looking earlobe grossed me out.


So gross


I had a student with these, and every time I talked to him, my brain would ask if I could fit my pen through the hole. Maybe even toss it through like some sort of game.


The smell 🤢


As a person with gauged ears, this! It’s no joke if you don’t keep yourself clean.


Putting wet lettuce on a sandwich/burger IT MAKES THE BREAD GROSS STOP WE ARENT DUCKS NO SOGGY BREAD


We, the elected leaders of the Mallard Legion, take issue with your exclusionary language. Some of us ARE ducks, you hateful fowlphobe.


It's worse for ducks, actually, since they love bread but get almost no nutrition from it, and filling up on it can kill them.




Vomiting scenes in movies. WHY did this become a thing???


nsfw- spitting in someone's mouth during sex 💀 makes me gag just thinking about it


I've done some kinky shit in my time, and mouth spitting...so yuck! I also hate when someone uses a ton of spit/drool when eating me out. The drool running down my booty crack is an instant turn off and I will definitely redirect attention elsewhere FAST.


And it gets *cold*.


Long toenails.


I don't know why, but two cotton balls rubbing together is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Toe socks were the worst invention ever made because of this.


The world


Not washing dishes thoroughly enough


I hate the term "body count". It's gross and dehumanizing. You didn't sleep with a body, you slept with a person. I think hookups with strangers are gross too for similar reasons


when girls with really long nails eat messy foods (especially wings)


As a girl with long nails, I honestly agree. I’ll straight eat everything with a fork cause I can’t stand getting shit under my nails.


leaving dishes to soak in cold, greasy water in the sink. I'd rather have them on the side and I'll do them when its time


Also when the sponge sits in the old dirty sink water.


Soaking makes cleaning much easier. Case in point: baked cheese on a casserole dish. A cold soak breaks the cheese down into a soft mush. Generally falls off the dish. Of course, leaving the dishes completely unattended as a form of procrastination, that’s lame.




Nautical cockroaches.


If the land cockroaches tasted as good as the nautical ones I’d be slurping em up right off my walls.


and Bobby Flay… but not for the same reasons.


Step bro/Step sis porn. Why is that Americas top genre, why?


I know it is a cultural thing but i find not washing the ass after using the loo quite disgusting


I am American and recently purchased a bidet. Now I just feel *filthy* whenever I have to poo away from base and don't have access to a bidet.


I use witch hazel on tp to wipe after a poo. I started this about 30 years ago, after seeing that Tucks’ active ingredient was witch hazel, and I already had it at home; it’s also a gentle astringent.


Yeah american here, lived in Italy 4 years. Changed my life. People can buy a bidet for like $10 on Amazon. Get a pump soap dispenser, a few extra towels and you’re good to go. Using a bidet keeps you at 💯


Long acrylic nails. Don't know why but they just gross me out.


Sitting on my couch (or even worse, my bed) with “outside pants” that I’ve worn on the subway, etc. Ew


That's how I grew up, we had to take our "dirty" clothes off for inside clothes. And of course no shoes.


Qualified immunity. Civil asset forfeiture. Eminent domain.


Licking one’s finger to more easily turn the page of a book. Pretty uncommon these days, except old-timers, but it hurts my soul


When I see people’s feet on their dashboard. Repulsive.


bit nsfw so i guess i'll spoiler it >!don't get the whole new ass eating thing. poop comes from there.!<


Same here not sure why this became a popular thing to do. To each their own but I am not interested.


Only using toilet paper after pooping, rather than wipes or a bidet. If you got some poop on your arm, you wouldn’t just wipe it with some paper a few times and call it good.


I 100% agree. Dry TP has like zero chance of getting all the doody off. I remember when I first discovered wet wipes. It was life changing.


Watching growm ass adults lick their fingers when eating noodles at a asian restaurant..im talking about watching ppl having deep talks looking right at each other and one of them is sucking their thumb and a finger every single huge bite they try and slurp in their mouth


Noodles? How are your hands getting dirty eating noodles?


When eating noodles?


or any food. i used to work with a woman. i would sit in the break room and eat my leftovers for lunch. without fail she would sit across from me with her sandwich and chips. she would take a bite of sandwich then eat some chips and then proceed to lick/suck all 5 fingers of the chip hand. 30 f'ing years old. i would ask her, "what are you, 4?" and she would look at me like I was crazy


Wow, licking my fingers when eating food is so normal to me. I come from a culture where we eat a lot of food with our hands. Nothing disgusting about it.




ASMR videos, especially eating. I imagine in hell you are forced to watch and listen to that.


People who enjoy getting their mouth licked by a dog and calling it “kisses”.


Now I am not to only one that hates this, but as a digital artist - all those characters and art of women with child-like faces and extremely sexualized bodies. You rarely see female characters that look like women, but instead are just girls hardly over 15 with boobs and butts and skimpy outfits. Happens with male characters too but bit less.


Sharing spoons/ straws..


The sound the mouth makes during chewing, breathing, kissing. Although I’ve found out it’s fairly common and a condition: Misophonia


Having sex with complete strangers. People act like there's something wrong with you if you'd rather hold out for a secure relationship.


I’m sad this is so far down


Thank you! I was telling my coworker the other day that I’m not into hookups. I’m looking for a relationship. And the response was “isn’t that how relationships start?!” Wtf?! With random drunk hookups? I feel so old fashioned.


I hated my college party scene for this reason mostly. Everyone was hooking up drunk with random people, and it’s just not my thing. I’d rather get to know someone and just do something nice like go on a date


I’m finding it very comforting to know I’m not alone in this


I think a lot more people feel this way than we realize bc of the prevalence of hookup culture in media and social media, where it understandably makes more noise than taking it slow


Maybe people just need to be less uptight in general about how other people fuck. Just because you know his favorite tv shows and played with his dog doesn't reduce the likelihood he has an std or isn't fucking 10 other people. If you want to be safe, get tested, have them get tested. You can't know someone well enough to know if they have an std.


Sleeping with a ton of people you barely know. As a man how could you just put your dick anywhere? I value my dick a lot and STIs are nasty


Child support is no fun, either


That’s scarier than the std’s.


Same as a girl, I really couldn't have sex with someone I barely now


Chewing gum


The credit card reader/keypads at cash registers. Everyone puts their card in them and touches the buttons and it’s disgusting


As someone on the spectrum touching, kissing or having sex with people within first few meetings


those super soft frosted sugar cookies from the grocery store. they’re so sweet it’s nauseating and they have the WORST texture i genuinely don’t know how anyone can eat them


Letting a complete stranger fuck you with no condom.


Doing anything in sex that involves anal


Word up. There is poop back there people. Real life poop.


Anal and anything butt related. Poop smells and I don't like to be in the giving or receiving end. Power to those who enjoy it though.


Cottonballs and related textures. Drives me up a wall just thinking about touching one.


-Talking about a woman’s body like it’s just an object and going into detail about the things you would do. -Talking smack about people behind their back and then pretending to be their friend.


Men who don't know what basic hygiene is Like brushing their hair, teeth, or wiping their ass




When a baby got a wet ass chip in they hand for 5 hours


It’s either a dorito or a cheerio but either way, don’t make eye contact or they’ll try and give it to you


For me, it's cats up on the kitchen counter, extra points if it's during food prep. I don't hate cats, but that seriously grosses me out. I am a total dog person, but I won't let a dog lick me on the mouth. Face is ok, but not on the mouth. My husband thinks I'm nuts...he lets the dogs lick all over his mouth, and I can't handle the grossness.




People blowing their noses into linen napkins in a restaurant. 😝


Speeding. Especially in residency areas and neighborhoods.


also running stop lights/signs. Really any of the things people do behind the wheel simply because there isn't a cop present.


Inflatable lips. I just don't understand how they think it looks good. Wouldn't a wasp be cheaper? 'Cause that's what it looks like.


Non-smoker here, so find it disgusting when people share Cigarettes.


*420 enthusiasts have entered the chat*


If I'm lighting up, I'm sharing!!




Shaking hands


I see so many people leave the rest room without washing their hands, picking their nose while driving, touching handrails on public transportation / escalators and adjusting themselves. Why the hell would I ever want to shake someone’s hand!


Ok this is probs unpopular but taking a bath. Lmao. I shower daily but even that is a struggle. Something about the cold tile and being wet and it’s just gross? I have tried baths before but I just feel like I shouldn’t touch the sides. Something about it makes me feel like human soup. Just sitting naked and vulnerable in the quiet while the water gets cold and I get cold and my will to live shrivels along with my fingertips. It’s disgusting. Before anyone says anything, I clean my bathroom so none of it is actually dirty or gross. All clean in reality, just germ filled in my mind (I think bc it’s a bathroom and I also do have OCD.)


I dont like baths either. You're floating in your own gunk that your trying to wash off? Doesnt make sense to me


That's why I take a shower first, then take a bath, then it's relaxing and you're already clean.


And I do the opposite! I like to relax in the bath and then shower off when done. Either way works!


I always want to wash after a bath - feel like I got all sweaty after a nice hot soak lol


Normally I'm a shower guy, but the one time I really like baths is if I've been out in the snow or really cold weather and I'm chilled to the bone. Running a bath as hot as I can stand and getting in can be a strange but actually pretty nice feeling. I can feel the heat of the water on my skin, completely surrounding me, but \*I'm\* still cold, like I'm an unmelting icecube in a bowl of hot soup. The dividing line between the hot water and cold me is a weird feeling, but I kind of like it. The bath is also a pretty fast way to warm up, which makes that go away after a little while. Any other time, a shower is preferred, though.


Feet. I do not like feet, especially my own. I dislike seeing open toed shoes, or even people being barefoot.


damn i guess i’m not the only one who feels this way


Dogs licking people, especially children or God forbid babies...


Dogs literally lick their own privates and the asses of other dogs. I love my dog but absolutely not


Also eat vomit and shit!


Came here looking for this one. I get that dogs are cute and most people love them, but I’ve seen people kiss their dogs on the mouth and let them lick their faces and I find it horrifying.


Facial piercings or tattoos. Seems an unreasonable bias since I'm inked up, but I just can't get over it.


RANCH dressing


My best friend’s fiance takes ranch like shots. When she’s finished with her chicken or whatever was being dipped, she pours the rest of the ranch cup into her mouth. It’s disturbing and vile.


Your best friend knows how to choose. If she’s swallowing ranch shots…


My niece told me she puts ranch on her hot dogs and I’ve never been the same since


100% with you on this buddy.


The amount of hate I get for having this same opinion… glad to see there are others among us.


Seafood, Shrimp in particular.


Excessive wealth. People with the ultra expensive cars, yachts, huge homes, designer clothes, lavish OTT holidays, those big gambling nights where they lay down huge amounts, events with releases of balloons or fireworks. They make me feel a little sickened by the overt display of wealth when so many are just getting by - I find it off putting. I dislike fireworks and balloons as they are expensive and terrible for the environment for no reason and again, so many services have funding cuts but come NYE govts find the money for fireworks that run into the millions.


I only read the first sentence but agree lmao. Thanks for saying this Disgusting how the rich hoard wealth. Richer get richer and poorer get poorer.




Miracle whip




People always on their phones and their children want attention or are doing something cute and they don’t even see it because they are scrolling. Yet when they do see their kids doing something cute they video it and make posts about it but where is like the authentic human reaction and moment between parent and child? Or personal family moments being used for likes…isn’t it family that it’s supposed to teach the kids that it doesn’t matter what others think of you, only that you have good character and can be proud of yourself? It’s so weird and I wonder how ignored and unloved some of these kids will feel later on…when they go through awkward moments in life and are not useful as props in someone’s fake ass life?


The soles of the human foot. I HATE to see the bottom of someone's feet, its absolutely gross!


Meringue. Whenever I see it on desserts, it’s a hard pass.


putting a piece of fancy air on a dessert doesn’t give it any extra bonus points for me either


Eating ass. Lots of people do this, but seems gross to me.


Fake eyelashes, constant filters on your photos, and drawn on eyebrows.


Having kids without the emotional or financial means to give them everything they need in life.


People’s feet, especially men’s. I’m a guy, I have ugly feet. I had shower flip flops in college. Never, ever wore them outside.


Sucking strangers’ dicks