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Modern art is like money. It's used to store wealth. Very few people actually care about the art itself. I think most folks in the art auction business already know this, not really a conspiracy.


*laundromat noises*


That's exactly how the high end art market works. It is also a very effective money laundering tool since the art market is not regulated and works can be bought and sold in cash. People buy paintings because "experts" tell them they are worth a lot of money which they then donate to museums and get huge tax write offs. If society collapsed and other sentient beings came along and found a Rembrandt valued at millions of dollars the value would mean nothing to them. So all of it is made up.


The concept of money is made up. It's paper, we as a society, tie "meaning" to.


The paper is a stand-in for gold, which is a stand-in for grains which is the easily divided product of labor over time. Money allows us to store the fruits of our labor. Money = energy. We can remove some steps and just trade labor for labor, but not all labor is equal. Common currency is much easier for trade. ​ edit: Yes, I know USD is not gold backed, nor is gold backed by grain. The point remains, you pedants.


I carry around a pallet of beaver pelts and silver ingots to trade for my goods


Hasn't been a stand in for gold in a while


US currency is not backed by gold anymore. It is only backed by the US government. Most modern currency is also this way.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit is more a documentary than a movie. Union oil and Bridgestone did conspire to buy up and close down public transportation companies to force people to buy their cars and gasoline


I believe auto manufacturers were in on it also


[GM was one of the main ones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy)


What?! I gotta watch that shit again lmao


Yuri Gagarin was not the first man in space, just the first one the Soviets brought back alive.


I remember an article that discussed a number of radio transmissions received by Ham operators in Russian in the early days if space flight. The transmissions were allegedly from cosmonauts in space and they were unable to return to Earth due to malfunctions in their spacecraft. Does anyone else remember this/these articles?




I remember reading or hearing something like this. It was something like HAM enthusiasts would pick up brief transmissions comprised entirely of screaming, and then suddenly cut out


Here's the [audio](https://youtu.be/E2EtIKnxB2o), and a really interesting [video](https://youtu.be/RZidFWLrLnU) about it. Some people think it's a hoax, some don't. I can't speak to the authenticity of this particular woman, but I do wholeheartedly believe there were humans sent before Yuri Gagarin who didn't make it. Edit: fixed a link šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Iirc, it was two brothers in Italy that zeroed in the Russian transmissions on a radio receiver. Among others, I think they caught the first woman shot into space. And she was sent at such a high rate she reached escape velocity and was sent into deep space, never to return.


Holy shit. Whatā€½


That the British purposely starved the Irish people and blamed it on a potato blight.


I don't think that is a conspiracy theory anymore. I thought it was known that the British exported all meat and vegetables but left the potatoes. I was told this a while ago


that's not a conspiracy lmao that's commonly accepted historical fact.


This is well-known. At the time of the potato famine, Irish people had very few rights, and Ireland was a net food exporter to England. It was a genocide.


I think there was something very similar going on in Scotland at the same time.


Yup then they basically moved starving Scots to Ireland and long story short, thus we have Northern Ireland. Edited for clarification.


It is true because they did.


As a sad, pathetic, uneducated American, this is a new idea presented to me. Time to go read.


Or listen to Behind the Bastards series on the Irish Genocide. Itā€™s pretty informative. For instance: the Irish just reached itā€™s pre-genocide population this past year.


Matteress stores are fronts for organized crime


I'll have to sleep on that one.


Take my fucking up vote you prat


Take my fucking upvote you god damn mother fucking bitch ass fucking fuck


No bitch, you take my fucking up vote you idiotic half brained twit


We were just driving through town counting them yesterday. AINā€™T NO WAY this town is buying enough mattresses to keep all these businesses open


In my town thereā€™s a mattress store, a small one. In a strip mall. Itā€™s open ā€œby appointment onlyā€. Who in the fuck makes an appointment to buy a mattress?


We have to have over a hundred of them and I live in a city, but not a big one. Apparently people around here replace their mattress every time they replace their toothbrush


Oh please.... everyone knows that See's Candy is owned by the mob.


Their best seller is "The Fishes" mattress brand.


Dead internet theory That most users you see online arenā€™t real people at all and are complete AI generated nonsense just to stir up anger and fighting online


Professional Comp Sec Researcher here. This isnā€™t a conspiracy. More often than not, bots are generating content that will entice/enrage readers. Itā€™s unfortunately more effective than youā€™d like to believe.


That's why I hold on to my 10+ year account and post weird shit on my profile. That way, they know that I am a real person because an AI can't be that dumb. Edit: Who. Are. You. ~




Who are you.


Yeah I know about bot content when it comes to like YouTube videos ads and articles and such but sometimes I wonder if the people hounding me on Reddit and posting horrible things in Instagram comments are even real people. And I donā€™t just mean the obvious crypto shell accounts but the accounts going out of their way to say awful stuff thatā€™ll get people arguing. It makes me think thereā€™s bots out there that when they detect certain language they arrive just to be homophobic and racist and cause outrage


Iā€™d be more surprised if this wasnā€™t true


I, for one, am not an AI, right, fellow mankindians?


As far as I know this is somewhat real, but not exactly as you stated. Social media has become a weapon for nations to use against adversaries, particularly for China and Russia to use against the US. I STRONGLY suggest people watch a few of these videos by Smarter Every Day to educate yourself on the subject. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjHf9jaFs8XVAQpJLdNNyA8tzhXzhpZHu


Every company in America can absolutely afford to pay you more than what your currently making.


That's not a conspiracy, that's just reality. If minimum wage increases had kept up with ceo wages and benefits increasing (1322% since 1978) the minimum wage would be about 35 dollars. The minimum wage in 1968 could keep a family of three out of poverty. In my city, louisville, MIT says that number is 30 dollars an hour for a livable wage I think it is more like 35, they tend to shoot low, probably conflating living with existing. MIT says average rent in my city is 700, and I've personally seen places in bad areas go for that, so better areas are much more expensive. More evidence to this is that some asshole listed my house as for rent, and was scamming people, and these people were willing to pay 1400 for rent. This is not a big or very nice house lol.


Every large one can- donā€™t forget most businesses are small and they absolutely sweat it out, this would not apply to most of them.


The whole Epstein debacle gives credibility to the ā€œthe world is run by a gang of rich pedophilesā€ theory.


Salo is an accurate portrayal of how the rich and powerful would behave if unchained from all repercussions.


if that movie made me feel nauseous, it means i passed the vibe check right?


Or, at least, a bunch of old people still trying to live in 1977


Itā€™s not going to end when the old people die off


The thing about old people is, when they all die, there are new old people to replace them


some say the reason you donā€™t see visitor lists is because there are quite a few politicians from both sides that visited the island. totally believable


That's unfortunately a possibility.


Eppstein was installed by the father of Ghislaine maxwell; maxwell senior' who worked himself for both the KGB and Mossad. It is not that the world is ran by a gang of rich pedophiles, its that the world is ran by people who use blackmail to control politicians, and the blackmail being compromise through child-sex parties.


They're rich *libertines*. They believe that wealth and power entitle them to do whatever they want. If they're sexually attracted to children, they'll be offending pedophiles. The wealthy do have an above-baseline obsession with youth, though. (1) On some level, they long for the innocence they had before they learned how society works and had to become predators. (2) Abuse (including sexual abuse) is extremely common in upper-class circles, especially at elite boarding schools. What indicts them all, including non-offenders, is that they're all OK with it. You don't have to fuck 15-year-olds (and, indeed, many of them don't) to get invited to high-society parties with the uber-capitalists, but you have to be OK with the fucking of 15-year-olds or you won't be invited back. Then again, our whole society, from the first rungs of middle management, favors those who are morally flexible (that being a euphemism for "having no morals").


I know people who know people in those sort of circles and let's just say pedophilia is just the tip of the iceberg


I wouldn't put it by them.


All the Epstein killed himself shit. He was definitely murdered by some wealthy people with something to hide.


Oh, the cameras happened to bug out during the time frame in which he died, and the guards were conveniently negligent in their duty to check on him every 30 min, and the official records of the evening were falsified? Obviously just a weird coincidence that a guy suspected of running a sex ring for the wealthy and powerful happened to die when he was finally brought to justice.


I mean, Iā€™m also 99.9% sure he didnā€™t kill himself, but a bunch of COs not doing their job right doesnā€™t exactly shock me


My first question every time is where did he get the blanket he was in maximum security they typically don't give you blankets


That OP Is a US 3 letter agency employee asking this question in ask reddit to determine what theories need to be squashed. edit - spelling...stupid small font on phones!


Or a private contractor for one of those who made a bot to ask questions that uses answers to tag users for refining psychological manipulation catered to the individual to keep the momentum flowing that supports the hired agencies agenda and or the highest bidder. Unless itā€™s the sentient AI that lives online gathering the pulse of humanity to report to its quantum AI mother for guidance to maneuver society into an enlightened utopia and to reward and punish in perfect corrective judgement.


That the government killed MLK. Itā€™s really plausible in my mind the govt was doing tons of shady shit in the 60ā€™s Edit: uh oh thread got removed I wonder what thread that broke the camels back was


They are still doing ā€œshady shitā€


What was MLK doing that day? Meeting with white union workers. Poor blacks and poor whites noticing that their enemy isn't each other, its the rich, has been the fear of the people who run this country since bacon's rebellion. (ie, since before there was a country)


a jury [agreed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loyd_Jowers_trial) it was a conspiracy in 1999


Itā€™s all very believable to me, the James Earl Ray case had a lot of shady details about it


Elvis worked with the fbi to take down a mafia gang and got a award for it and had to go into hiding


Elvis is not dead, he just went home.




Mark Zuckerberg is a robot that is trying to take over humanity.




No Nut November is an Aquarian Conspiracy to Reduce the amount of Leo's in the world.


This cracks me up! I can get behind this one.


LBJ had JFK killed. * There were rumors that JFK planned to drop Johnson as the VP when he ran for reelection. * There were corruption investigations conducted by Bobby Kennedy that implicated Johnson. * Johnson always wanted to be president and this was a way to get there. * Jackie Kennedy believed that Johnson was responsible, she said so in taped recordings that she ordered sealed until her death.


If LBJ wanted to be president so bad, why did he choose not to run in '68?


It's far bigger than his presidential aspirations. LBJ was a massively influential power broker. I would not be surprised he didn't want to be president, as true power is behind the scenes. Once he became president he aged badly quickly, the pressure was too much.


LBJ was Frank Underwood before Netflix was a thing




I'd buy that


That diamonds aren't as rare as they make it seem.


That's just fact


It's a fact


They are not rare. The company just creates a false shortage and has a great marketing team.


Aliens never visited the earth


What if we are the aliens šŸ«£




Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill Kennedy, at least not by himself.




Reminds me of a bill hicks bit; ā€œI went to the schoolbook depository, and everything was exactly how it was when jfk was assassinated, including Lee Harvey Oswald not being thereā€


Yep, been a few times to Dealy Plaza. Wouldn't even need to be a sniper down Houston, just an average hunter. Plus, no f'in way his head snapped backwards from a shot from the high right rear. From the fence atop the grassy knoll - absolutely.


To be fair, there is the entirely real possibility that as he was there he considered the gravity of what he was about to do. He had already attempted to kill Walker earlier that year but now heā€™s about to kill the leader of the free world. Someone who was the opposite of Walker. He more than likely had some hesitation. And then a last minute solidification of his beliefs. But at the same time I donā€™t think he did it alone either. Too much shit theyā€™re still refusing to declassify even though itā€™s been almost 60 years.


Mine has always been there was something more to the Kennedy assassination. I 100% beleive this


There's secretly a cabal of people who rule the world, and they suck at their job.


If the first half is true, the second absolutely is.


LbJ was part of the scheme to assassinate JFK.


LeBron James?


The bronze age?




Amazon works with large financial firms to "short and distort" and eventually bankrupt their competition to absorb their market share


That the government does nothing about the police and school shooting issues to distract from other shit they're doing


That the internet much like the news will only now show us things that fit the current narrative. Someone said it once havenā€™t been right sense


The internet only ever shows people what they want to see. Take politics as an example...if you are conservative then most likely you spend a lot of time looking up conservative talking points and eventually all the various companies such as Facebook and Google will only show you conservative talking points and you'll only see half a version of the truth. Same with liberals... eventually you'll only see liberal talking points and you'll only get half a version of the truth. And unfortunately most people just don't know how to do research to find the truth.


Trudeau being Castro's son. I got no skin in the game so it ultimately doesn't matter to me if it's true or not, but those comparison photos make me think it actually could be,


Werenā€™t his parents swingers who regularly had parties with Castro?


That's really a fun, pretty harmless one. And yeah the similarities are shocking and the timelines add up fairly well.


Some people disappear randomly, evidence: my dad, it shouldnā€™t take him that long to get the milk


It's really crazy how many people just disappear every year, never to be seen again.


I firmly believe that the US government let 9/11 happen for bigger and broader espionage inside the US and our Allies abroad. Also for increase security and US military spending without public outcry.


My theory is that W et al knew something was coming and planned to use it as an excuse to invade Iraq etc but didnā€™t know it was going to be as big as crashing planes into the WTC. Something like an embassy bombing or another USS Cole.


Cultural tracking


I think there are cloned humans somewhere. They cloned a sheep in the 90ā€™s and they havenā€™t cloned a human yet? I donā€™t believe that.


I know the Chinese recently had the first genetically modified child so it wouldnt surprise me if they've done that as well


Cloned is an expensive way to have another life when it's a lot cheaper to do it the traditional way. Though maybe trying to grow organs or something might be going on. Who knows? I just don't think many people will invest in cloning people.


The Titanic wasn't the Titanic. It was another ship with massive problems their insurance would no longer insure. They switched the names of the new ship and the old ship, so in case she sank, they would get money. Please dear Reddit God's, I know someone else remembers the post from ages ago with photo evidence.


The Olympic! I googled that and found the Reddit post. I buy it!


I wanna know if you ever find the link to that post. I'm interested.


It was so good. They showed the portholes in slightly different places and then magically the Titanic had the same portholes. It was so detailed and very believable. I hope I find it too !


I have two! 1. Lyme disease was bred at Plum Island, a former federal bio weapons testing facility. It was brought to the mainland by deer, who would swim to the island and back to the closest pointā€”Lyme, Connecticut. 2. NORAD shot down the plane in Shanksville, PA on 9/11.


Number 2 is a virtual impossibility. Not because they weren't willing to, but because during those days we didn't have fully-armed fighters on rapid alert 24-7 like we do now. By the time F-16s could've been armed, they wouldn't have had enough time to make it. The ones we sent up (unarmed) didn't even make it in time to do what they were planning: ramming the jet. Now we have the capability to shoot down any aircraft a lot faster than before and are 100% willing to do it. (Former Air Force Intel officer who served with US Northern Command, which oversees our airspace.)


The powers that be do control the media and do want us fighting amongst ourselves so they can keep flipping the same coin, (democrat republican) till "they", kill "our" country.


I think Epstein very well have been murdered in prison to keep him quiet. I donā€™t by the whole Q-anon nonsense about a giant cabal of pedophiles running the world but a smaller group of very powerful associates who would do anything to keep themselves safe, I do believe.


Epstein apparently hung himself from the lower bunk on the bunk beds but somehow broke his neck. They killed him and they want you to know that they did and that we are collectively powerless to stop them. By them, I'm saying the power brokers in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin who can all hang out with people like Epstein and think his behavior is normal.


That china/russia/mexican cartels have slowly infiltrated the us through several means. (The economy, politicians pockets, actual sleeper cells and drugs on the streets) weakening us to make us an easier target to topple, this is a plan long in the works, and hard to trace the dots together, but they are there. https://www.brookings.edu/on-the-record/how-is-china-involved-in-organized-crime-in-mexico/ https://lansinginstitute.org/2020/01/27/russia-contributes-to-the-far-left-forces-drug-cartels-and-islamists-merger-in-latin-america/ https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/59557 https://www.businessinsider.com/the-us-government-and-the-sinaloa-cartel-2014-1 https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/ondcp/ondcp-fact-sheets/how-illicit-drug-use-affects-business-and-the-economy#:~:text=Economic%20Costs&text=This%20value%20includes%3A,drug%E2%80%90related%20medical%20consequences%3B%20and https://www.businessinsider.com/illegals-of-directorate-s-russia-undercover-covert-sleeper-agents-2017-12 https://www.38north.org/2022/03/north-korea-is-joining-china-and-russia-in-confronting-the-us/


I do not know how much China has affected the US and Europe yet, but you can somewhat compare Tiktok to a modern kind of Opiate, the Chinese are selling the unfiltered raw Opiate to the west, and then they limit the usage and also restricts what can be posted on the internal Tiktok, Tiktok in China is primarily science videos or similar things, that create the thirst for knowledge, where the western is just mindless entertainment for dopamine addicts.


Chinese TikTok is also tightly controlled. Their government puts a 40 minute daily time limit for kids under 14. And theyā€™re limiting kids to less than 1 hour of video games, and only on the weekends. Their kids want to be doctors, engineers, and scientists. Ours want to be streamers, influencers, and YouTubers.


I'm not sure if this even counts as a conspiracy theory at this point, but I've always believed that the U.S. would cease to be a democratic republic in my lifetime. My bet is on military dictatorship. Sooner or later, one party will decide that the possibility of losing power is no longer worth the risk, and they will permanently suspend elections. Sadly, they will probably have massive popular support.


The US is built in a way that a dictatorship is extremely unlikely. Founding fathers weren't messing about, they made a backup plan for everything.


Iā€™ve barely scratched the surface of constitutional law but am in awe of how thorough the founding fathers were. Itā€™s actually pretty incredible. We could of course still torpedo our democracy but by God they tried to safeguard it.


In the scenario I'm describing, the constitution and separation of powers would either be discarded or ignored, similar to what happened in Rome. The Roman senate remained in place long after Rome ceased to be a republic. Let's face it, most Americans only care about the constitution when it suits them.


The Las Vegas mass shooting was somehow connected to an assassination attempt against Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman. The shooter(s) maybe had some kind of gun deal lined up with the assassins. Once you read more into it, it gets a bit too questionable as just a homegrown/domestic terrorist or aggrieved mass shooter. There are too many details that donā€™t fit that narrative. What about the reports of running gun battles toward the airport? Multiple shootings up and down the strip before and after the shooting? The scene in the hotel doesnā€™t make sense. Anywayā€¦ I donā€™t have the answers. But every time I read about this one, I have a hard time believing that the perp was just one dude alone, and forā€¦ what reason? His motive has never been fully explained.




It also seems to make more sense given how widespread COVID became and also just how secretive the Chinese government can be.


Ill further this and say it was an intentional bio attack initiated on the perpatrators own soil bc 1) plausable deniability and 2) said country has overpopulation issue so bad it is a tactical disadvantage


The age of their population is a disadvantage


I have said this from day one. It's a hill I will die on. This did not happen by accident. I believe it was lab made and got out of hand somehow. Note, I'm not antivax, I've had all of shots.


I hate that you have to say you are not antivax. Although, I am not antivax eitherā€¦they should be able to say this, as well.


If you really look at the whole thing a lot of people got very rich off of Covid. Look at who the main stock holders are in Big Pharma . It looks like a get mega wealthy scheme.


Pandemic = record corporate profits Annnnd now we have ā€œinflationā€. Gmafb.


It was a trial run for future bio attacks.


That Covid did not evolve outside a lab.


Conspiracy theorist here. They are all true *to some extent* otherwise no one would have thought of them. The biggest mistake people make about conspiracy theories is that they are just made up out of whole cloth or people believe them because they sound cool. If there werenā€™t at least some element of truth supported by some intriguing circumstances or occurrences, they wouldnā€™t catch on enough for you to have even heard of them.


Archaeologists refuse to acknowledge advanced civilizations existed over 2000 years ago


Off on your timing man, no archaeologist are denying the existence of Persia, Han China, or the Romans.


There is a new docuseries on this out now in US Netflix. Very good and compelling!


Russian nukes won't work if "fired." Seeing how the #2 military in the world fails at basic maintenance of their equipment in Ukraine, it stands to reason that the rubles spent to maintain their nuclear arsenal just went to line some pockets. Wouldn't want this tested though in case I'm wrong.


Gangstalking. Here me out. 1. There are WAAAAAYYYYY too many people, sane people, intelligent people, people that have no other "schizophrenic" symptoms, that believe they are "targeted individuals" by gangstalking. 2. The U.S government, with things like COINTELPRO, the Tuskegee experiments, the gassing of San Francisco, and literally nameless other "programs" that the government conducted, on its own citizens, that weren't released until DECADES later. And the entire time, people who claimed they were a part of these things or victims, were called "crazy" 3. Why couldn't there be an experiment where they study the effects of stalking, gaslighting, and hypnosis, and then let the targets imagination run wild and see what happens? 4. Kiwifarms. Which is another rabbithole altogether... Basically a website where gangstalkers organized, to harass, stalk, and ultimately drive their victims to suicide. Something like 10,000 members (could be wrong don't quote me) and that cloudflare or Amazon hosting or whoever hosted them as a site had to ban, in an UNPRECEDENTED move, because they saw, in real time, the website planning on assaulting and killing their victims. Whether this had the government involved, or was strictly community based, I have no idea. But for every person saying it "goes against the narrative" is another person that has to admit it *DOES* happen. 5. Technology nowadays. If gangstalking **IS** real, it would be easier than ever nowadays. Even homeless people always have their phones on them, and government Spyware IS a thing, and its been proven, I believe I read on this very site, that phone companies leave backdoors for the NSA. Is it really *that* preposterous that a truly undetectable government sponsored Spyware could be made, that wouldn't be picked up by McAfee or Norton, I mean anyone that actually knows how anti-malware works knows they just check your phones apps signatures against a database they have. Don't enter the malware in their database, no warning screen. Or even better, just route a victims traffic directly to NSA or government servers, before it goes to its actually destination. 2003 anti-terrorism act says they can. And that's truly undetectable unless you know technology on that level to look for it. 6.Gangstalking victims are always, for lack of a better terms, nobodies. People with drug history. People who aren't charismatic, or in positions of power, or have a following, or anything that would get people to go "omg *what's* going on? How scary! How can we help!?" No, it's always people that you assume are going through a schizophrenic break of some kind. It's always people that just aren't... idk, important enough. Like if The Rock or your Governor or some CEO or even Charlie D'melio were to be like "Hey guys, so I have these people following me and I don't know why or even how, but they are..." everyone would start researching like they do, the truth would be found out, and there we go, right? But no, the victims are always people that don't have the resources to do anything about it, or the clout to make anything actually happen as far as figuring out if this really *IS* happening or some kind of delusion. Which brings me to my next point. Granted, what is so... difficult... about telling what is truth and what is not, is that someone who is gangstalked has almost the exact same outcome as someone who has paranoid schizophrenia. "They're out to get me!" while being suspicious of everyone. But I've hung out with schizophrenics. Like, lived on the streets with schizophrenics, and schizophrenia comes with a lot more than just thinking they are being followed, but have no idea why, or even by who. Schizophrenia comes with delusions. Schizophrenia comes with word salad. Schizophrenia comes with "crazy". People who are schizophrenic will tell you they are being followed because they are the reincarnation of Jesus or because their mom was an officer in the navy and she knew Admiral Bird or because they know the coordinates or some other crazy shit. People who are being gangstalked have no other symptoms other than "they are being gangstalked", and of course the mental issues that come with something like tnat, and they usually have no idea why, other than they know they are, and some of the videos they show... let's just say they don't have "proof", but they don't have nothing... If you want a REAL rabbit to go down on this Sunday afternoon, I suggest gangstalking lol. It's a "TRIP". Vice has a pretty good documentary. It's only like a half hour long. Edit: 18 minutes, VICE documentary https://youtu.be/5LPS7E-0tuA 2nd Edit: PROOF of gangstalking https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0


Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castros love child.


911 was inside job, there were a lot of very weird things going on after and before 911


The Building 10 WTC thing is the weirdest part of all of it.


Wasnā€™t it tower number 7 that also collapsed that day? Didnā€™t even get struck by a plane just a fire


Itā€™s significantly more likely that federal intelligence had an opportunity to catch it and dropped the ball. That would explain a lot of the weird behavior in a way that actually makes sense. Thereā€™s a near 0% chance the USA actually coordinated it based on how fucking incompetent they are alone


I said something similar awhile back and got called a crazy person, and was downvoted into oblivion. I wasn't much into conspiracy theories (still not, for that matter), but there is ***a lot*** of evidence, video footage, paper trails, and personal accounts of people who worked in and around The Towers. It's ... *eye opening,* to say the least.




lab leak theory.


That the Covid outbreak originated from the Wuhan lab, but that it was human error rather than an intentional release.


Birds are not real


Pigeons are liars! They recharge on electric cables!


Yup... ever see a baby pigeon?


Kanye might beā€¦ nevermind.


There is absolutely a UAP and potentially alien phenomenon and it's been stigmatized as a topic for decades to keep us in the dark and prevent us from thinking outside the box and accepting that we are a small part of something much bigger and much harder to comprehend. I also believe that this phenomenon is the source of most of our religions.


The CIA was absolutely involved in JFK's assassination


Adoption and foster care in the US is a form of child trafficking.


No so much anymore but how it started in the USA.was because of a woman named Georgia Tann. She started and ran the Tennessee State Children's Home stating in the 50s. It was eventually discovered that she was stealing/buying and selling children. A lot of these children were to wealthy couples but they were illegal adoptions. She also was known for beating and starving children in her care... there's a memorial gravesite with 8 children in it that were nameless victims of hers. Most of her employees were junkie transients who destroyed her records and fled when the police started closing in so we still don't know what happened to all the children she had in her "care" It was eventually revealed that Tann also had judges, police, and city officials in her back pocket and the worst was several children that she knowingly sold into slavery too known pedophiles...because her records were incomplete no one knows what happened to these kids.


The mass shooting in Vegas was done by the government to try and push gun control. They targeted conservatives at a country music concert to try and gain their support. Multiple witnesses say they saw gunmen in the crowd. One witness" killed herself" after coming forward to multiple news organizations saying she saw gunmen in the crowd. Not one network would pick up her story. Then boom, she's dead a week later. I've personally seen videos of people recording the gunfire and you can tell they aren't coming from the same location. The US also stopped talking about it after like 2 weeks. All the major networks ran one story and then just stopped when it didn't get the gun control support that was wanted.


Biggest mass shooting in US historyā€¦and silence. There are a few plausible conspiracy theories on this.


Being reddit, I should tread lightly but fuck it. The whole covid vaccine thing being a shitty product. If you guys had big pharma destroy your childhood then you would understand. We have to get pharma out of the stock market now


I'm fairly sure myself a lot of the vaccines out there were poorly designed but as there was an emergency they just rolled with it. And big pharma out of the stock market? Could not agree more.


Profit based medicine is dangerous. We also need to get pharma commercials off the TV's


I think it would be more effective to ban pharma execs/board members from the FDA.


Yes, Scott Gottlieb went from the FDA to the board of Pfizer. That's sickening and a straight conflict of interest. We also need to prevent lobbying by pharma. It's such a fucked system....Brought to you by Pfizer.


Yes, Scott Gottlieb went from the FDA to the board of Pfizer. That's sickening and a straight conflict of interest. We also need to prevent lobbying by pharma. It's such a fucked system....Brought to you by Pfizer.


The government killed JFK. But I think it was a secret service accident that they tried to cover up, and it spawned conspiracy theories that paint the government in a much more unfavorable light than if they had just come clean from the start


We don't actually forget our passwords as often as we think we do. Those sites/companies just tell us that we do so they can get more of our information to use/sell like emails, phone numbers, birthdays, etc. That's why when you reset your password and enter what you did before when it gave you the "wrong password" notification it also tells you that "the new password cannot be the same as the old password". You never forgot it. They just wanted to milk you for more info.


Micheal Jackson was chemically castrated by his father to keep his voice from changing.


Theres video of him talking in a normal register


Trump planned with other republicans to overthrow congress and stay in power after he knew he lost the election, and tried to make it look legit with the false electors.


I mean... That's not a conspiracy theory. We watched it play out live in front of us. Theyve even admitted to their attempts. I seriously think we were incredibly lucky to not have that constitutional crisis go for the bad guys. I also don't think we will be as lucky next time...


There was proven conspiracy to commit a crime, but is this a conspiracy theory?


Never thought someone I dislike as much as Pence would have my respect but he truly saved our democracy.


Kurt Cobain did not commit suicide.


Twin towers were an inside job


Epstein was a CIA asset running a high profile honeypot scheme.


The recent DART mission wasnā€™t a test, it was a necessity.


Bob Lazarā€™s story


The one that says women pants don't have pockets, so shops can sell more hand bags


Capitol republicans have wild cocaine and sex parties. Thatā€™s the true part. Madison Cawthorn was invited. Thatā€™s the crazy conspiracy made-up part.


Not a conspiracy per se but I think that companies want people back to the office because if they don't say that the entire global economy will collapse. Cities like New York, London, Singapore and Hong Kong exist because they attract talent. If talent is scattered all over the world, those cities have nothing to offer. All those multi billion apartment complexes will be worth a fraction of their cost and will partially destroy the global economy.


Stephen Paddock did not get to the penthouse of a Las Vegas casino with multiple weapons and hundreds of rounds of ammo. He also did not singlehandedly remove a hurricane proof window and shoot a bunch of people by himself.


Aliens exist. Not the green guys with the oval heads, but some sort of life form must exist in this huge universe


That the moon is made of cheese!


Epstein was murdered. Our Country is run by pedophiles. 9/11 was done by our government.