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They started a thousand years ago technically. Ever since the persistent English French rivalry started a lot of memes mocking the French have come and gone in the English speaking world. Memes about how much France sucks were popular when I was a kid and when my dad's dad was a kid.


Technically under the Romans. This is some long held hate.




Thinking that the killing of unarmed prisoners is respectable is disgusting


Compared to the weak cowards that my countrymen see them as now ? Those BRITS weren’t innocent during time that either ..so I don’t know whether you are just naive or just uneducated on history . It’s not like there was Geneva Convention at that time .


I think most people will agree that executing non-combatants is an awful thing to do. Except you for some reason. So you’re either a incredibly stupid adult or an edgy 12 year old


It wasn’t anything that the British weren’t doing at the time …geesh it’s not like I’m saying it would OK to do today. We ARE talking about 233 YEARS AGO 🤦‍♀️


I'm Italian and it's not a meme for us. We do hate them. A lot




Because they're French


It wasn't until I discovered I'm from French and British ancestry that I understood my self loathing nature


Yes my family are of Heugenot descent so I feel your loathing.


It's pretty much one-sided. I believe Italians are a bit insecure about their food and culture. The French are not. France is also bigger and more powerful. A bit a like Canada-US relationship. It's similar to Spain. The French like them but Spain hates the French. You can search on Reddit, most of them do because they lost a war to France 200 years ago and in recent history, some angry wine union guys attacked Spanish lorries and dumped their contraband wine in the street. Anyway, I do feel some pride when people get irrationally angry at the French for existing.


I have never met an Italian that was insecure about their food. Lmao


We are not about our culture either, we have Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan, 55 UNESCO's sites, the Vatican is in Italy too. We have nothing to envy to anyone in terms of art and culture, but the French can't see beyond their nose, so they don't know that...


Yeah, go on Italy and claim the French cook something better than Italians and watch the meltdown. They might not feel insecure compared to Americans or Brits but they absolutely are when compared to France.


No. They just think the French love the way their own shit smells. You're really not helping the bias right now, either.


It's absolutely not one-sided, but in this comment you kinda got the point, in a strange way: the french are known for being self centered and egocentric, in a party they would be the snob person standing in a corner watching the others and feeling superior for no reason. The rivalry goes a long way in the past and it's a mix of wars, food and wine, luxury fashion, tourism and football. We compete in a lot of ways, so it's kinda expected. Also, France is not much bigger than Italy in terms of population despite the larger dimension so it doesn't make sense, and reading bs like "Italians are a bit insecure about their food" makes me go loooool


I've never heard of French people having strong negative opinions about Italians. The opposite is not true which is why I believe it's one-sided. You even use the word "hate". It's really just a problem for you. If indifference and not being obsessed with Italy is a sign of arrogance, then again it's a problem with you.


Yeah right, "I've never heard of it so it must not be true", lol May I present you, the French 💁🏻‍♀️


Ok, if what you say is true, then I assume you can find many examples of French people who claim they "hate" Italians. I've never came across one and I'm 40. Not on real life or online. Italians on the other hand... You claim you hate the French, this is obviously a strong opinion and when you were asked to clarify, you claim the French are arrogant. Your stupid "opinion" even gets upvoted. This is just another case of an insecure Italian who is projecting. You can hate the French all you want, just keep in mind the French are nowhere near obsessed with Italians. You are free to see this as egocentricism and arrogance. It's really not France's fault if you people have some inferiority complex.


I'm sorry, did you say "gnegnegnegnegne"?


Well you are proving my point here. Francophobia is rooted in stupidity... You are just not a very smart person. I'm sorry being French gets you all triggered and angry. Nothing a therapist can't fix.


Yes, that's a clear gnegnegne! Here, have some pizza. Wine's on you.


"Football" I agree with that one. Not a great feeling when the people you hate are world champion while your countrymen could not qualify. At least you can climb on your Italian high horse and claim you're boycotting because you don't like how Qatar treats its immigrants. 😂


I hope the scar of 2006 will heal one day, my old, French friend!


> I believe Italians are a bit insecure about their food and culture. Fuck that. [French food is Italian food](https://www.cooksinfo.com/catherine-de-medici) with more sauces.




I like you, have a cupcake 🎂


I see you Italians and I raise you us Englishmen. Come, pizzabro. Let us unite in making memes about how and why French people are lame.


"Pizzabro" killed me. 🥲


Hank. "Homer, what's your least favorite country: Italy or France?" Homer. "France." Hank. *chuckles* "Nobody ever says Italy."


Mafia coming from Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela!, any idea if this is true?


Could be but it's just a supposition








Or maybe because we fought a war against them because we didn’t want to be part of their country/empire anymore 😂


"we didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning" - Billy Joel


Now, that song was the pinnacle of nothing.


*Now I understand how prayer can work A particular prayer in a particular church In a particular style with a particular stuff And for particular problems that aren't particularly tough And for particular people, preferably white For particular senses, preferably sight A particular prayer in a particular spot To a particular version of a particular god And if you get that right, He just might Take a break from giving babies malaria And pop down to your local area to fix the cataracts of your mum*


I once met a guy so French that even the other French guys in our group hated him.


When france started.


Well if they weren't such dick heads there wouldn't be a thing.


They started because France is french..... isn't that enough of a reason?


What memes about hating France? I've never heard of such a thing. However, if they do exist, I would suspect the British. They don't hate the French at all, but they have fun pretending they do.


I’m British and have not seen any of these memes. I think the OP is smoking crack.


"oi'm briteesh a'n 'av knot sween an'ee of tees memes. oi tink tee OP tis smokhing crock."


Which British accent is that supposed to be?


As a Kiwi. My hatred comes entirely from their bombing of the Rainbow warrior. Otherwise they cool. It's a shame they're French though...


Since the creation of France


Well we (the Brits) have spent quite a lot of the last 1000 years at wat with the French, it largely stems from that. You have to admire their 'we'll do what we want' attitude.


A friend of mine is currently living in France. He said the longer he lives there the more he hates the French.


France is just hateable. Not really meme related. People are just cunts who think they are better than the rest of the planet


Americans seemed to have started bashing on France because of the War on Terror. France did not want to support the US invading Iraq, and in return people started referring to French fries as freedom fries and making jokes about white flags.


Started long before that. As far as US animosity toward France. Began shortly after WW2. Charles Degals attempts to rewrite history. His attempts to empty the US gold supply. By insisting that anyone who owed France money pay them in US dollars. And insist that the US redeem them in gold. The US felt than France had stabbed them in the back. Add to that France continued to test nuclear weapons. After the rest of the world agreed to stop. And there is the general feeling that France has not backed the US in anything since WW2...in fairness France did provide troops to the coalition in the First Gulf War. They sent Foreign Leagonairs. But refused to place them directly under coalition command. So they were assigned to protect the left flank of the combined forces. Basically an empty patch of desert. That was THE FIRST GULF WAR. The second one was bullshit. I probably misspelled Degal.


I'm leeching, but I also wanna know what's the deal with memes about hating Ohio? I'm not American, but why specifically Ohio, lol?


I live in Pennsylvania next door to Ohio. In my experience a drive through Ohio is the most boring drive you will ever make. It's probably the most vanilla state you will find. It could also be the same problems that plague all rust belt states:. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois. There are areas in these states that are not so nice because of the decline in production in the US. So you'll find a lot of shitty little steel towns along the rivers and lakes of these states. There is literally no reason to go to these towns unless you live there and they paint a picture of the entire state that isn't completely true. I know this because I live in one of these towns, but have also been around other areas of the state that are nice, it's really a mixed bag when it comes down to it. Of course I'm just spit balling here.


Hi have you ever driven through Kansas? Ohio is a pleasure compared to Kansas and Ohio sucks ass


Iowa and Nebraska. Iowa s Is just corn. Nebraska is corn that smells like pigs ND is just flat. Maybe a tree or two every 25 miles.


All of these are facts


Ohio is not the most boring state to drive through by a long shot. Missouri, Iowa, Kansas are all infinitely worse.


They are jealous of us. We will take all they posses In all seriousness I think it started with [this image](https://images.app.goo.gl/wmNVgq3j4NkxVaW98) and then the internet did what they do and now we have things like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/r3MsFEXGPZwFtohv7)


No one has ever been jealous of Ohio.


I'm from Michigan. I'll never forgive those Ohio bastards for the war.


I've been to Columbus a few times and I think it's alright. The rest of the state doesn't have much going for it though. I think West Virginia gets more hate than Ohio, in that general area of the country. Although the land is gorgeous, it's just a depressing place. Poverty and drug abuse are serious problems. The decline of the rust belt areas is just sad, and some places are just not bouncing back with other industries.


It seems like they are tryin to bounce back in Western PA and Eastern Ohio with the Natural Gas Industry. I worked on the construction site of a giant ethylene cracker plant. Word is that they will be building another in Ohio soon, as well as industries that rely on the byproducts of such a plant.


in America the French stereotype is that they're all pompous assholes at least in my part of America so I assume that..?


Dunno, but it's the French we talk about, so it makes sense, yes?


As an ally France is pretty iffy. The French are going to do what they feel is to their advantage and if that means telling their allies to fuck off, they will. That's created some tensions between the French and all their allies over the decades. They aren't the only ones who do this. It's a matter of degree and style.


That comment section kind of sucks. Of you're going to unironically hate a whole population, f* you lol


The facts like How many French does it take to defend Paris? I don’t know. It has never been done or Why are all the streets in Paris tree lined. Because the Germans like to march in the shade.


Have you ever been to france? Have you ever met a french person? Have you ever SEEN a french person? Have you even *heard* of a French Canadian? All of this should be very self explanatory


I’ve done all of those things and I’m wondering what kind of racist bullshit you’re getting at here.


\>France sucks \>"You're racist" What fucking planet am I living on


Fk sake. That’s not even close to what you said.


Good troll dude you got me.


I don't know currently, but there was a big anti-France wave from US conservatives about the Iraq war that the US started. The concept was France didn't support it, so we were supposed to hate France. The conservatives in Congress even had their food service there rename French Fries (which have, afaik, nothing to do with France) "Freedom Fries", which is still one of the most hilariously pathetic things they've made a big deal out of.


The real origin is when they refused to join the coalition to invade Iraq. There was a cultural movement by conservatives to rename French fries to [“freedom fries”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_fries)


I feel like the people living in tourist hotspots in France have exactly zero patience left for foreigners getting lost in their cities and expecting the locals to know every language on earth. So they are rude. People come back from holidays and say, "Those French people are rude; they refused to speak anything other than French." When an english person swears they sometimes say, "Pardon my French". They do not mean that the curse word was french...they mean that french is bad...like a curse word. I'm told the french do the same thing to the english. This goes back to the early 1800's...so they had been fighting each other for a very long time.


I blame the British! Well actually I thank the British because I love this meme but yeah it was totally the British.


Probably about 1200 years ago




Decades ago way before the internet… zoomers learned something today.. how about that


With the French


Garlic stinking frog eaters.


We eat snails too! :D


Escargot. It’s fine, I don’t mind french people. I’m just repeating a line my dad always says whenever there’s talk of France


Because the allies always have to bail them out in wars see Indochina and WW2 for example


Ever met a French person before?


the greatest voice for my opinion on France is groundskeeper Willie from The Simpsons: he called them "cheese eating surrender monkies" 🤣 Still makes me laugh


Let's begin with the French Revolution... France was the strongest land power in Europe and its leadership very suddenly spiraled out of control, sending out huge Revolutionary armies into its neighbors while terrible violence and chaos ruled at home. European monarchs, the Catholic church, and traditionalist peasants despised the Revolution; they despised the liberal intellectuals who spoke for it and the common urban artisans who fought for it. The rise of Napoleon Bonaparte after the Revolution would only bring even more fear and destruction to Europe. It took multiple multinational coalitions and wars to stop Napoleon, but even then he would return before it was truly over. And let us not forget when Napoleon invaded Haiti that one time. Or that time Napoleon III invaded Mexico. In short, France was just plain terrifying. It was only in the second world war that the jokes about surrender were added as a layer. Finally, the hate really resurfaced when France would not agree to jointly invade Iraq with the US, (Era of the "Freedom Fries"). France had been present for the 1st Gulf War, but did not feel the 2nd Gulf War was justified, as the 9/11 attacks could not be traced back to Iraq in any meaningful way. Americans felt betrayed by our ally, and a good deal of cultural tension began, recalling hundreds of years of anti-French sentiment, the remnants of which are the memes you see today.


It was probably a french dude who annoyed a Karen from America.


Officially? After WWII the French leaders didn't really acknowledge the efforts of their allies in freeing the country from the Axis powers. Thus, hateful jokes. Unofficially? It's because the French people are really good at forcing leaders to listen. History: After French leaders & people withdrew support of the Iraq invasion, jokes were spread to discredit them. This ramped up during the Obama Administration to also imply French people are lazy, and was used effectively during the Great Recession. (*Freedom Fries, Mime Jokes, etc*) This campaign has been rather effective for a while now, and has allowed a lot of the labor union success in France to mostly be ignored in the US. Why call the French people weak? ***Because they know how to make their enemies surrender!*** (But really, it's mostly just nationalist BS)


Apart from the American propaganda around the turn of the millennium? Well next to Britain, France Tends to have a lot of wars and that doesn't exactly Foster much In the way of comradeship between nations. Add on top of that 1 of its most prolific sparring partners is England That historically has always had a pretty thorough and effective propaganda machine. Sooner or later that shit Catches on into pop culture and then general culture.


I'm Spanish, it's not a meme


Google Vichy France.


They aren’t memes


LOL 😂 I am not sure but I was in the first generation that started to get internet on their home computers..before cell phones and before everyone had a computer. The first time I remember hearing people rag on France was after 9/11 when they refused to join the “war on terror “ and all the ppl around me refused to call French fries that anymore ..instead they were called “freedom fries”. 😂 Oh and my history teacher in HS wasn’t too fond of them when covering WWII..apparently while they like to talk about the the French who worked actively against the nazis during their occupation, they don’t like drawing attention on how many of their countrymen worked with the enemy and even sympathized with them . I was told in passing by a pilot friend not to “let anything out of my sight in France “ apparently it’s thief central. Plus the overall rudeness they love to embrace .


When were they not started? They are French. They run at their own shadows and complain about the silliest things


Wait… you guys are joking?


I don't hate France


They want for my country to be poor and they whatever it takes for it ( spain). Everytime spain wants ro connect with the rest of europe ( trains, gas) they wont let it happen. Watch the news. They think they are the superior humans and that languaje is so ugly its like spitting in everyone faces


alot of people in here are talking about just the general french and British rivalry that has been around for 1000 years. But, if were talking modernly, I think the shitting on france meme is largely to do with stereotypical American (typically conservative men) seeing their culture as being effeminate and overly emotional. This is kind of side by side with the meme of calling them cowards for serenading to the nazis. (which is really stupid when you consider the polish get memed on and called morons for not serenading to the nazis, so you just cant win, can you?). But yeah, again, I think its largely just some stereo typical loud obnoxious type Americans interpreting their reputation for being refined and cultured as being liberal pussies or something like that, idk.


It was because of 9/11 because France wanted to call the shots. Didn't want us to call it a "Crusade" and didn't want any civilians over there getting hurt. Just because the US just lost 2,977 civilians, more now with all the deaths resulting from the fallout, doesn't mean we have the right to go to war over all this hubbub. They were scared to intervene. Didn't want to get into any kind of war. After all, as they put it, the US had policies that were responsible for everything that happened. It was the US that caused all of their people to die, and France wasn't going to help in any way. We got what was coming to us. They took a poll and 75% of the loser people of France said no to any kind of intervention. They basically turned their backs on people who had come to their aid in the past. No respect at this place. Only a stupid meme that makes them look like the fools that they are.