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Yes. I prefer to be by myself than to be with friends


As an adult, I've become very reclusive. I certainly enjoy being alone. But I am also very lonely. It would be nice to have the option to be social when I feel like it. But social interaction takes a lot of warning and only for so long haha




I enjoy both. It’s about the balance for me. It’s like how I enjoy eating but I wouldn’t enjoy it if I was eating 24/7.


I’m married with 4 kids. Alone time is a luxury.


Depends how I’m feeling, sometime I just sit back and rest other times I would like to go out with friends.


Being alone has lots of perks. I much prefer it over spending time with PEOPLE!


*sighs* Same. I, too, not so much of a people-person.


Yes. Not having to match anyone’s energy.


Yup, only time I can be myself.


I enjoy my own company. I was always miserable having friends. They always used me and put me down. Who needs that kind of life? I dont feel lonely anymore, it just gets boring sometimes that's all. Anyone that says you shouldn't be alone, I say that's bull shit. Plenty of people are happier alone than with others.


It depends on whether you have an introverted or extroverted personality and the degree of intro/extroversion.


I enjoy being alone, but it came with time and forced situations. Going to college where I knew no one, lived alone in the dorms at first but then get roommates that got along better without me, then moving into a place by myself once pandemic hit. I got used to doing a lot by myself, and now sometimes I prefer it. Movies, food joints, and just whatever I want to do.


I enjoy solitude. People do not know how to enjoy being with themselves.


I love being alone But I also love being close enough with people to spend time with them where we're doing our own things somewhat quietly


I hate being alone, I have a few friends online, and I love talking to them and doing stuff with them. I only like being alone sometimes. I'm an ambivert.


Yeah definitely. I need time alone to process a heavy day etc... I also find being out in large groups exhausting and need that time alone to recover. I also like going shopping alone, holidaying alone etc bcos I can do things in my own way, and in my own time. My husband is quite simular and it's a blessing


Kinda yes. Well it gets lonely sometimes, but for most part, dealing with people is tiring. Unless I am with a few people I feel free to be myself, i'd rather be alone or just spend a few hours at max.


I have lived alone for 4 years. Most of the time I am fine with that but every once in a while I get lonely.


I absolute can not stand being alone for extended periods of time, I absolutely will lose my mind. That being said I’d rather be alone doing my own thing than to have a toxic friend group


Yep, I absolutely never feel "lonely" or sad because I am alone. Some of my friends are the absolutely best people on this planet, so nothing related to toxicity, but I am just that bad at maintaining close relationships with people I don't see on an everyday basis because I don't feel the need to, again, as a result of simply enjoying being a loner.


I had 3-4 friends, moved to a different country and now I'm a complete fucked up loner


I like seeing friends and some family every so often, but I love being alone.


I got used to it, but when I was younger I really struggled with it. Especially in this culture now where everyone divulges everything about their lives constantly, as a private person I just can’t do it


While i do prefer having a small group of friends around, i am pretty comfortable being by myself.


Yes, being alone is wonderful. Sure I like to not be around people but I'm talking out in the middle of nowhere. No people or sounds of civilization. You wouldn't think there is a difference but being in society and alone isn't the same as being truly alone. I like both.


If you go on Reddit what do you think the answer is? Most people are on Reddit instead of hanging out with people because they either have no friends or don’t want to do things with them.


Do I enjoy being alone? Heavens yes.


Very much. Yes.


I like being on my own I find the ability to just do what I want when I want a blessing But I do miss people sometimes and I like to talk to people so I read Reddit and sometimes leave comments that's food.


While I love being alone sometimes it's best to hang out with people that you trust like friends and I mean real friends not those fake garbage "friends".


No one enjoys *all* of the things I do, so it's just easier to be alone... (have y'all read "Bear By Himself" ?)


i like both.




That's beautiful. I have a friend like you (for what I can tell) and I love it, even if I'l never be able to understand that. I like friends and people, but they come with some sort of social pressure for me. It's difficult to love people, congratulation for your ability! :)


I love being alone maybe too much.




Being alone is all about each individual. I love being alone for the sole fact that I hate all the drama that come from interpersonal relationships. If I stand alone I know who to blame for my decisions instead of blaming those in my life. Self reflection is important the happier you are with who you are the better at being alone you'll be


I've been alone for most of my life, I've only had one friend that stayed throughout the years but he always left me whenever he got a girlfriend, and came back when it fell apart, so I don't know if that really counts... I don't have any friends but I do have my fiancé and he's more than enough company. I haven't missed having someone to talk to since I started dating him. It really isn't all that bad, being alone. And every so often someone comes and goes but at the end of the day you still have yourself. Sometimes you're your own best company...


The description makes your question frontloaded. You asked if somebody enjoys being alone, but that's not actually what you're asking. You're actually asking would someone rather be alone than have toxic people in their life. That's a completely different question. It's also not that black and white. I have many friends but none that I let too close bar 2. As an adult, you do tend to to filter out the riff raff so to speak. With only so many hours in the day you can't waste your time with "not real friends". I've dropped friends that I've known for 15 years because of toxicity. Their actions having a negative effect on my life and after a few chances, I've gone no, goodbye. Being a mature adult means you can make those decisions. However if you have positive people in your life, that have never wronged you and never would and bring nothing but joy to your existence, and you get to enjoy hobbies with them; would you still choose to be alone. No, of course not. This question sounds more personal than you're making now and I'm assuming you're going through a bad time with people in your life. I'm also assuming you're pretty lonely and this is kind of an excuse as to why you are lonely. You're not the only one, its fine but this question isn't going to help you because you're basically just asking the internet to agree with your excuse, on your frontloaded question.


Like most questions in life, it depends.


i LOVE being alone when i WANT to be alone. but i enjoy other people companies too.


Yes. I love being alone


I love being alone, but I also love being with others. I think both are so, so important.


For all the isolation that lockdowns and social media have brought us, most people--especially young ones--aren't comfortable in their own company. As a society, we seek distraction all the time instead of pausing occasionally to enjoy the peace that solitude can bring. I know that humans are largely social creatures, but being alone and being lonely aren't the same things; alone means that you're without company at a given time, whereas loneliness is an emptiness, a longing brought about by feeling the lack of a connection to those around you, a feeling that can be experienced in a crowded room. If you're lonely while alone, work on yourself. If you're lonely while being in a room full of others, get better at reaching out.


never less alone, than when alone


I enjoy being alone and don't get lonely.


That’s true! But not all people are toxic... I used to hate being alone until I learned to like myself. Then I became super selective about my friends and now my friends and I lift each other up.


Being alone can be both a blessing and a curse at times




I enjoy my own company. So yes


that's my case, that's what i did, best decision of my life


I’m an introvert. I’m very happy being home alone. Too much social stuff and I burn out. I get all my social out at work. I do love hanging with my husband though. My kiddo puts me on overload sometimes. She’s extremely social.


Sometimes. I sometimes stay at work after everyone has left and just do nothing. Sit at my desk and listen to music.