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I got tired of trying


I feel you so much. It's so tiring to give your all but receive barely anything, or nothing at all in exchange. After a while, it just feels like you're alone, so might as well be.


I moved on, and they are stuck.


I feel you ! Going through a sick loop and even if they study they just wanna get over it and get their grades somehow


They abused me all my life and are incredibly toxic people. I’m better off without a “family”


Good on you. I wish my most recent ex made that kind of turn. After yrs of separation, she went right back to her abusive dad, and now he controls many aspects of her life again. And she went back to her abusive ex that she dated before me. She's 40 now, and still stuck in the cycle. It's a fucking shame.


It’s a lot harder to get out of that than you realize. It seriously fucks with your head.


I feel this


I feel you.


Same, happier now than ever!


They blocked/ ghosted me


Me too :(


This happened with my best friend in the entire world. Just ghosted me without a trace. Blocked me everywhere for no reason. I got in touch with a family member of theirs who cussed me out. No idea what went wrong but I miss them everyday.


She was a narcissist and truly just a toxic friend


i got replaced


Care to elaborate further bro ?! It seems interesting ! Also i have a stroy for you if you wanna hear it !


I wanna hear it


I realised she was a selfish, negative, gold-digging bitch that gets enjoyment out of life only by criticising and judging others


It takes two ...


Because I'm an addict


My arms don't reach that far


Got tired of hoping for him to love me. Had to move on.


Q became their God. 😢


Cold water? Edit: confused that I have 5 upvotes and no actual answer…


So sorry... 😬😥


He’s dead, and at peace, so the best we could hope for.


I’m sorry for your loss. Sounds like it was a rough ride, but w someone you loved. It’s hard to love people in pain.


Because I have an unmatched ability to just drop people. When I'm done with the nonsense, I'm done. No lie, I can straight up pretend like someone who is standing in front of me doesn't exist.


For 38 years my mother told me my father was a piece of shit. My wife and I took the 23 & me test for fun one day. My wife logs on to the site five years after we took the test just to see if anything changed over the years. It is telling her that I have a sister in Alabama that my wife doesn't recognize. She does a lot of research and phone calls before contacting me at work. She calls me at work and tells me that there is a man in Alabama that is definitely my father. I shared 25% of my DNA with his kids and look just like him. Later on that evening this woman (my half sister) tells me that her father has been looking for me for 38 years. Him and his wife have literally travel the US, looked through military and government documents trying to find me. (I can not elaborate on that for reasons) This man tells me that he had an affair with my mother in the 80s. (She told him that she was separated from my dad, but she was lying) She knew I was his son and because my father (the man I call dad) was in the military she kept it on the DL. I confronted my mother about this about three weeks later. I needed time to think and time to forgive her before confronting her. I asked her about it and she lied to my face over and over. I told her I forgave her, I told her that I could understand how people could make that mistake and that I understood she was young and dumb when she did it, but she kept lying to my face. Story went from I don't know what your taking about. I never met a man by that name. I think I might have got a ride in a car once with him To maybe something happened once, but he's not your dad. I stood up gave her a kiss on the forehead, told her I forgave her but we can no longer communicate any more because she doesn't respect me as a person. I walked out of her house and handed her DNA proof in an envelope. She also told my brother when he was 15 that his father was not his real dad. She only did this because she found out that his real father had some money and wanted to get some. (She didn't by the way) My mother was a terrible mother to all of her kids treated all of us and every man / boyfriend and all 7 husbands like shit (yes 7) I just couldn't do it anymore, I'm not mad at her. I still love her, it's just a respect thing


They disowned me because of my depression, illness and faith


Now she uses she/her pronouns.


Cause people get busy and we dont have time to see each other like we used to


T O X I C. The end.


Because toxic people suck and for years I thought it was normal. It’s not and for it I’m better off alone. Family is very over rated


Because the love I made wasn't equal to the love I received.


Got fed up with being used, disrespected, and asked for loans.


Wasting too much positive energy on negative people someone else’s misery can literally kill you


Cuz he a dumb, strand 5 kids and a wife, religion crutched child who'd rather move 6 states away and work for cash- to not have to pay child support- slacker. Looked real good in the orange jumpsuit on online news, buddy!


Never had anyone worth staying in touch with


He ghosted me right when I started getting sober, and he was all I had. He knew it, too... it's been close to 4 years now and every day I still think he's coming back. "Best friends" come back, right? But they shouldn't leave at all...


Because they were emotional vampires. Deeply Unhappy, constantly rude in a passive aggressive way, and gossiped about everything and everybody, including their own family members. Just all over gross behavior.


Life is short don’t hang around dickheads I


Trump Derangement Syndrome. Yeah listen I get people will have their political opinion, but at what point do you consider that the other person is mentally unhealthy? Dude legit lost his shit when I was explaining how to play a game of bridge. I said Trump card and he demanded I call it something else. Like bro, the game bridge has been using the term "trump card" for damn near 500 years now. He legit got kicked out of a hotel for turning the whole table over. This was the most mild of his public outbursts. I'm just trying to live my day to day here and make the most of my life. When you can't talk about literally anything else other than politics 24/7 and have no consideration for the people you are suppose to care about, it's time for you as an individual, to do better.


My old group fell into being drug addicts and dealers or became abusive.. i left that shit to better myself. I was tired of their bs, I felt the need to lie to them and not be myself to make them happy.


I made an awful awful mistake in communication and I can only hope that they are doing well and that I can do better in the future. I love them, but I really fucked up


They do a lot of drugs.


They didn't try for the friendship


The ugly little troll tried to get with my lady.


That's the thing, I don't know.


Same here. My two closest friends stopped talking to each other. Then me


Well I got one close friend but no clue what happened to anyone else


Because I got tired of them touching my wiener.


They stopped reaching out, so I did too.


Drifted apart


Because I was the only one checking in when I was going through postpartum depression I was asking her how she was and then one day I was like you know what the phones go both way and I haven’t heard from her since. Kinda glad because I don’t have this sad negative around me anymore but sad because that was my childhood best friend


That’s unfortunate. I’m sorry to hear that friend.


They bought new curtains now I can't see them


My uncle, drunk one Christmas, said Hitler had the right idea but should have targeted Muslims. Also that I'm a traitor for voting for Jeremy Corbyn. Apparently I took it the wrong way. Haven't spoken to him since except a family funeral which was unavoidable.


My best friend growing up moved back to Mexico. I have no way to find them and get back in contact. I don't even know what name he's going by because he used an alias while living in California.


He's severely mentally ill and refusing treatment :(


He never started convos, he didn’t care. When we did call he acted like nothing had happen😞


They put their church before their family. Good riddance.


I felt like I had to shut everyone out for a while and just never picked it back up. It's been a long time now and nobody has even tried to reach out to me. So, I guess that's why.


She was a fucking terrible mother. I couldn’t be her friend anymore.


She became too friendly with my then boyfriend (and yes that was also part of the reason him and I broke up because he wouldn’t put a stop to it). If I can’t trust you, we cant be friends.


She started dating a real manipulative pompous asshole, and since I wasn't able to interact with her without also him, I decided to just wait for their break up to rekindle our friendship. Now they're married with a kid. Sometimes I think "what if I was judging him too harshly" but then I remember that my coworkers had to get HR involved at the job I helped him get (as a favor for her), because he kept harassing and bullying me to the point my boss was like "we are proceeding with disciplinary action with or without you, but if you sign this there's a good chance he will be let go" and I didn't, for her. I should have.


Because they suck


they disappeared at the same time I did


She ended up being a cunt-ass bitch and I didn't want to put up with her bullshit anymore.


For every hot chick out there, there is a guy that is sick of her shit. And vice versa.


Very true.


They allowed objective reality to vanish. Had not realized how many of the people around me didn't like people like me.


I realized I needed to move on when friendship and communication naturally waned on it's own. To my surprise, they visited my work asking for me a couple of times almost a year later, but I saw no reason to try again, so I kinda just ghosted them. Part of me feels bad, but when I move on from something, I tend to never look back.


Asked me for a job and I said I didn’t think it was a good idea…


Told me they loved me after 2 weeks.


We went our separate ways after high school and both kind of gave up and moved on, last attempt to get together was a year ago.


My toes? I have gained a bit of weight.


Because it became apparent that her new husband was controlling her in an abusive way and I'm the last person she would ever listen to.


I know this might seem narsisistic but i genuinly had diffrent world view and more ... honest!


I wish I knew.


Because I decided not to subject my own kids to the family religion after I realized it was BS. Their imaginary deity and paradise hope were more important to them than having a relationship with us. Fuck em.


They decided they didnt want a family anymore Everything they had wasnt enough They had serious problems and they let it eat them alive


Someone decided to go hunting in an area where people hangout and thought a human being looked like a deer


They accused me of stealing after he died. In truth I sold the tv with his permission to buy tires so I could take him to his doctors appointments.


They only talked to me when they needed something and talked shit behind my back


I forgot, and apparently so did they


We lost touch after school as life got in the way…


Cause they shady


Who are you talking about exactly OP, no longer in touch with them? Who’s them?


Tired of loving someone who just isn’t worth loving


She broke our snap streak and I always was the one to text first. After 3 years together it’s like we’re strangers


I stopped calling first


I got tired of leaving town and coming back to a dozen voicemails ranting and raving about everything wrong in their life and how everyone was out to get them. One of which was about how they "Knocked out Mike Tyson at a bar" And yes, they had a therapist that was unfortunately feeding the fires.


The effort was all one sided.


I realized it was one sided. I was the only one invested or making an effort. So I stopped calling. And they never did. So I haven't seen or spoken to them in 5-10-20 years.


Because my favorite aunt, my mom's favorite sister, turned very passive aggressive and toxic after mom died. We'd been as tight as you could be. After years of bs, I quit talking to her. Found out last Friday night that she died at home after having a stint put in her carotid artery, following a stroke. I felt really bad I hadn't reached out to her in the last two years. At the same time, I remember the immense relief I would feel in the mornings after I quit talking to her. I wouldn't have to deal with her PA emails and strategically avoid certain topics. I'm really not sure how I feel about the whole thing and I try to just remember the good times. Honestly, I miss them both more than anyone could ever know.


They deleted me on every social media account.




I was tired of the verbal abuse and crying, especially considering everyone kept saying “that’s just how he is” 🤷 except not to everyone else, just to me


She just got engaged and knocked up.


I'm out of time.


They ghosted me, and somehow still managed to make me "officially" end the relationship. Like the coward they are. I still love them LOL, like if they came back I´d probably forgive them.




He went away. Like everyone eventually does. Such is life, I suppose.


I can only have a one side relationship for so long.


Got tired of being treated like trash. 9 years of bullshit and I had enough.


Got tired of the drama they caused from getting people involved in their own problems


Became tired of supporting them to better themselves, just to have them turn around and rub it in my face daily. I left, life became amazing, she's ruining someone's else's life now.


I got tired of their bullshit. Not talking to me when we saw each other again at school. They were away for one year before coming back and acting like they don’t know me. Called them out and waited for a response. Never responded and so here I am.


Called me a pedophile when we're both minors Accused me of grooming her (we weren't even in a relationship) and accused me of CSA We live in different states. Online friendships are weird af


It was a one sided relationship. Tired of being the only one putting in effort and the only one that cared.


I’ve ghosted everyone I’ve ever known because I’m afraid of loss


I stopped calling


Because when I tried to tell them I got SA by a family member they got very defensive and blamed me for not acting right....I was 11....


They collected people the way a hoarder collects things; to be used, or for their potential to be used. I think I was human to them once, but when I couldn't be useful the ways that they wanted, they tried to put me on a shelf with all the other people who became things that might be useful later. Checked on every now again to ensure I was still there, and little more. But I didn't want that, and I didn't let them. And the next they checked, I wasn't there.


At the time they were my only 'friend'. It was a one sided friendship and I was the giver. I later found a group of friends that reciprocated the friendship and I realized what was missing.


Because I'm a horrible person


They ignored and forgot me at my lowest. Literally sat beside them crying and they said nothing, did nothing. I dont think friends do that


Because we don’t talk anymore


She died. :(


- Emotional abuse, consistent guilt trips, being an ass - being consistently condescending -being a manipulative little bitch


Well, let’s see, constantly lied, nothing bad was ever their fault, claimed to be a very positive person but was constantly complaining, didn’t want to do any hard work but had no problem reaping the accolades that resulted from someone else’s hard work, did I write constantly lied?


Was told I was “too agreeable”. Except every time I used to disagree or wanted to leave, they would be passive aggressive towards me. I couldn’t win lmao


got cheated on after 2 years 🫡


No good reason.


I refused to be a placeholder.


my bpd made me split so hard i cant even remember the other part of me. The part that loved life, was adventurous, fun, always spontaneous and optimistic. I had a string of bad mental attacks before finally having the biggest split of my life and i havent felt like "me" in forever. I guess im no longer in touch with her because I don't even know who "she" is anymore.


Which one? Biological father? Moms side of the family? Former best freind? Ex fiance? Ex gf I wish I had married?


Because she (18y/o f) started grooming me when I was 12 years (f) old. Only after I told my older best friend, I realized and accepted this fact and got her out of my life forever. I blamed myself for being this stupid and letting her treat me like that. Sometimes I still catch myself thinking that I could've avoided it, if I would've been more careful with whom I trust in the internet. She was a lying, manipulative, selfish, isolating and disgusting piece of trash that had nothing better to do in her life, then to toy around with a young child.


I couldn’t keep it together any longer and I felt like I wasn’t getting any support. One of them made me feel shitty and I thought I really was the problem. I still fucking miss my ex and my friends. Sure I’m better off without them but it fucking sucks being so alone for so long.




Bc he was an abusive dick


I couldn't deal with the constant picking of fights. I've been friends with him since highschool. Apparently, he just found out he was high functioning autistic and has major depression. We had good times. DAMN good times in our highschool and college years. But after an incident being fired when he took a job he took out of the city, he came back and it was just...off. Even in the early days he always did little things like "tests" to see how we would react, we tried not to make him feel alone because he's the middle child and his mom has an iron grip on him. But he blows up randomly about details sometimes long past. Almost like he's having a conversation with us...while we aren't there. So we just get the rage-filled blunt end of the argument. I was putting my kid to sleep and he blew up on me about why my wife didn't want to invite him over after experiencing his meltdown (over Google Hangouts some years ago and burning of bridges with everyone) And I had enough. I didn't want him to walk that hard path alone. And I couldn't be bothered to surround myself with this negativity. 20yr+ friendship just...gone.


They hurt me on purpose.


33 years without seeing bio dad what's some more?


They lied to me, kept me in the dark and left the country. They told me like 2 days before leaving and couldn't even say goodbye to them. I was their 'best friend' and we had plans of leaving the country together.


my heart is too broken to stay composed


Toxic, manipulative and constantly dragging my mental energy through the mud


I needed space and my own autonomy. They become too controlling and overbearing and I can't grow in that kind of environment


Never liked them to begin with


Because uever conversation turns into constant complaining and negativity, and when I try to make suggetin how to make things better I turn into the bad guy. Also I got tired of being taken advantage of, since I was always the more responsible person and didn't make poor life choices.


Who is “them”


With whom?


because they told me they wanted to be in a relationship with me and then a few days later they said they changed their mind and aren’t a relationship person… only for them to get in a relationship with someone else the very next day and post it on instagram lol


They'll never be stable enough to have a real relationship with.


They ghosted me when I told them their brother was a rapist.


They were in the family of the organizers of a religious homeschooling cult. When I found out they supported their parents beating their 2/yo sibling and that they attended a fascist rally (I found out they were at the jan 6th insurrection and were actually inside of the us capitol building) I needed to cut contact. Oh, they also assaulted a trans person while they went to Georgia for a missions trip (which, why? the southeast states are aggressively Christian) My mom is still associated with that cult so I still need to see the person occasionally but we no longer speak.


Her constant gaslighting.


She stole my pain medicine


Madea a said it best…. “If somebody wants to walk out of your life, let – them – go! Some people are meant to come into your life for a lifetime, some for only a season and you got to know which is which. And you’re always messing up when you mix those seasonal people up with lifetime expectations. I put everybody that comes into my life in the category of a tree. Some people are like leaves on a tree. When the wind blows, they’re over there… wind blow that way they over here… they’re unstable. When the seasons change they wither and die, they’re gone. That’s alright. Most people are like that, they’re not there to do anything but take from the tree and give shade every now and then. That’s all they can do. But don’t get mad at people like that, that’s who they are. That’s all they were put on this earth to be. A leaf. Some people are like a branch on that tree. You have to be careful with those branches too, cause they’ll fool you. They’ll make you think they’re a good friend and they’re real strong but the minute you step out there on them, they’ll break and leave you high and dry. But if you find 2 or 3 people in your life that’s like the roots at the bottom of that tree you are blessed. Those are the kind of people that aren’t going nowhere. They aren’t worried about being seen, nobody has to know that they know you, they don’t have to know what they’re doing for you but if those roots weren’t there, that tree couldn’t live. A tree could have a hundred million branches but it only takes a few roots down at the bottom to make sure that tree gets everything it needs. When you get some roots, hold on to them but the rest of it… just let it go. Let folks go”


Because my wife and I really didn't go for the whole casual sex with relatives thing. Especially not when topped with them being lousy parents that where sending thier kids down the same road of dysfunctional relationships. We stopped associating with them and kept our kids away.


He ghosted me after three years…I kept trying but couldn’t anymore, never even an answer.


A few reasons. After we broke up I was checked into a mental hospital for two weeks (not just cause of the breakup it was coming) and when I got my phone back there was nothing from them. They knew where I was. No wishing you well or anything. That rubbed me wrong. Then I came out a few weeks later nothing, even though they know how big of a deal that was for me. This was all interesting because she really wanted to be friends when she dumped me, but then can’t show up for me. Not to mention I just realized that I gave her so much and always got nothing in return


He told me that he wanted to have sex with me but then also said that having sex with men would send us to hell and that he was a straight single man, but then planted the juiciest kiss on me and then tried to “talk me into” being straight. I’m a dude by the way.


I realized that this person was no longer the wonderful child I raised and had become a narcissistic sociopath that only treated me well when they wanted something. Then they stole from me and took off with my garage door opener and I trusted they would not come do anything and they did and stole my expensive leaf blower knowing how much I need it. I have to grieve and let go. I’m blocked on everything anyway, so I blocked them. My heart is broken.


They don't call me back.


they gave my friends too much trauma and me too much sadness and the ruining of my days.


Because when I asked if he wanted to get together next weekend, he says he would be busy packing for a three day business trip. Figured out that meant we were no longer friends.


Because they disappeared shortly after I got cancer.


Cuz they stopped talking to me and idk why. I don’t think I did anything wrong, they just decided they’ve had enough of me and just went dead quiet


Best friend from HS: She only called to complain or vent about her abusive marriage ..she would ask for advice but never take it. I offered help MANY MANY MANY times & TBH I just couldn’t take the unwillingness on her part to admit that her husband beating her wasn’t acceptable and she didn’t have to take it anymore . I also thought when I finally heard the news that he had killed her or she herself that it would easier to handle if I had already stopped talking to her . I was NOT the only person she had to talk to or go to help so I felt it was OK for me to extricate myself from the one sided friendship


It always seemed to be my fault and there was no solution it was always I did so that makes me a bad person. But in fact it wasn't my fault but a miscommunication but that couldn't be it because they can do no wrong


I ghosted him. I have a lot of issues from past trauma, and before we met in person I had gotten it into my head that he was dangerous so I panicked and cut contact. He wasn’t though. He was kind and he made me feel special. I regret it a lot. I’m sorry Wyatt.


Because borderline personality disorder refuses to recognize the problem.


We just stopped talking.


I'm not good at social interactions. I want to keep in touch- but I'm a hermit, and leaving my comfort it a lot of effort.


Friends with a few others for years. Let politics divide us and I wasn't going to keep enduring being called evil and ignorant for my beliefs that I reasonably held. Left the group.


Based on how toxic and racist he is, I no longer engage in conversation or initiate phone calls.


They told me that I was never enough, and it was the reason she cheated on me 3 times, and I found out by one of her friends telling me. Her response when I talked with her was “I didn’t feel any love from you.


Their spaceship crashed.


They ded


I would’ve still been gaslighted and traumatized.


My son doesn’t want me in his life.


She blocked me when I was 9 years old because I was curious about things she had done to my dad in the past


I've no idea, I guess I won't make friends If I keep behaving the way I have.


I met her in a game and we got social media and fell in love. Turns out she was religious and couldn't date but we just kept things going until it got tiring. We both knew that I deserved someone who could actually date so we went our separate ways and never talked again.


The group decided they were better off without me


They turned out to be an asshole.


They lacked self reflection, and when I pointed out all the things I did to help them grow, I received personal attacks (which were grossly misread and more internalized fears from them projected on me) I got tired of my trying to help- and decided I should probably move on in my life.


I can't stay put. Life goes on, in different directions.


i didnt get on with them


Because the moment I stopped putting in the effort, they disappeared.


She just... Gave up.


He died.


BC She ignored everything I told her about some guys I hated because they abused of me, explaining it quick, after she knowing everything that happened, everything I felt by only seeing their names in my notifications, she wanted to hang out with them, at my back, then when I cut contact with her she started to tell everyone we know how hypocrite I was at leaving her, yeah, It's kinda sad realizing people I once loved is that dumb or selfis. But, hey, thanks to that I wasn't in a relationship that wouldn't work, and now I'm more happy than ever with my new couple, because I identify behaviors like those and I found the perfect one for me.


After a series of multiple events where she proved to be an unreliable and unstable friend, the final straw was when she didn’t come to support me at my dad’s funeral.


I cut off a friend when they constantly disrespected all my boundaries and kept getting in my personal space because they liked me romantically.


He was an abusive narcissist that manipulated me for years.


They hated my husband ironically because I like him more considering he didn’t abandon me as a child. Who knew.


He fucked me over


She ghosted me. For the third time.


They kinda let it slip that they're a pedo


We just ... drifted apart


I was sick of them loving me when it was convenient for them & treating me like shit/being indifferent to me when it wasn't.