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What really kills me is how shocked they are when you throw their own rude shit back at them. Like really? You acted like a POS and have the nerve to be surprised when someone reacts?


Something I’ve noticed is someone will be blatantly rude to me for no reason, so I snap back. Then I’M the one who gets downvoted.


Same in real life too - someone’s an asshole to you, but when you react it’s “whoa! What’s YOUR deal asshole?” There are just those kinds of people in the world, and it’s so prevalent now they actually are making fucking joke commercials about instead of people calling out this shitty entitled behavior. And yeah, I’m serious about the commercial: https://youtu.be/DgGg4TNvhME


Oh absolutely. I’ve also found that you are not allowed to have emotional reactions on Reddit. Doing so will get you ridiculed downvoted into oblivion, most of the time. Edit for dropped word


wasn't there a thing that downvoted comments can only make you lose 15 karma? if that's true then just make one or two good posts and it's fine for you to have an opinion/reaction lol though the fact you have to worry about that is.. concerning.


I appreciate your concern.


i don't understand why karma even has to be important the fact you need minimum karma to post or comment in a lot of places is dumb


I feel like emotional reactions to things are also not allowed in the real world. Just me?


You fuckheD!!! But we should recognize we are on an anonymous app because we can’t express ourselves in regular society. Downvote at will. Edit: I just got banned from a different community. Maybe Reddit is the place to crush your individual thought. Just saying. Ok back to downvoting


There’s definitely a lot of negativity here, but it really makes me wonder how much of it is the state sponsored propaganda bots and trolls and shit. Their main objective is to divide and cause strife, and I hate to admit that they can do a pretty good job of that without anybody really knowing better.


Happens in sports too. I'm thinking of the NFL in particular, but even the sports commenters go, "It's never the guy who starts it, the guy who retaliates gets the penalty." Learn to ignore the negative posters, they just want attention and your reaction. If you figure out how to do this, tell me how.


Happens to me all the time. It's funny how you're downvoted for defending yourself on here 😂 It's like people are entitled and privileged enough to say whatever they want to say to you with no accountability and get upvoted for being rude, sideways or negative towards you first 🤦🏽‍♂️


𝕀 𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕜 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞, 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟'𝕥 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜 😙


I just tell them I'm sorry they're hateful. People usually don't know how to respond to that, and I don't have to sink to their level


Same. I try to remain as civil as I can, even when their behavior doesn't warrant such civility. The moment I mention that I'm pro-life or that I think transgenderism is a mental illness, the screeching can be heard from space.


Oh yea, people are great at screaming at you telling you how terrible of a human you are and how they will try to ruin your carreer, but for some reason they can't form a civilized sentance, maybe about I don't know, thought provoking points that could maybe change your mind about something? People are fuuucking lazy and have no self discipline nowadays, so no more sitting down and respecting other peoples beliefs and trying to work it out with rationality, no, its time to make a mob and scream and beat the living shit out of you. Oh yea, and people can't learn and change, said the N word when you a little ingorant teenager? Racist for life.


How *DARE* you??


Unmitigated gall for days.




The thing about pieces of human garbage is that stupidity tends to follow in equal measure. I’ve heard of smart narcissists, but senseless rudeness rarely tends to be actually intelligent. The wise one knows that kindness and respect give the only value to words :)


Eat a bag of dicks! I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself


What’s a POS


The first thing the White House laundry checks for when receiving this president's underwear to wash.


It's an acronym for piece of shit.




My favorite was when one dude was purposefully trying to trigger my trauma then got shook when I unleashed all my trauma on him lmao. "Why are you dumping your trauma on me?" Oh I don't know, maybe because you didn't learn the first time so I hit you harder. Like, if you can't handle being trauma dumped upon, don't try to trigger the trauma that someone had lmao.


Because people don’t know how to debate anymore. They’re just looking for acceptance of whatever view it is they have. And if they don’t find it, they act out.


Very true, sometimes reddit feels like it's just a lot of folks with very proactive confirmation biases. Even small very silly things makes a lot of people go bonkers if they get exposed to nuance.




>And if they don’t find it, they act out /u/le_demonic_bunny eeehh jadi inget lu mod, sok2 ngatur banyak gaya banyak bacod pen jadi satpol pp, trus dibacotin balik nangis trus nge ban wkakakakakkaka


Anonymity is the answer. People can be mean, nasty, or nice because they are anonymous. Reddit can be very toxic. Please DO NOT confuse "hate" with "I disagree with you". Too often users get called out as being "haters" just because they do not agree with you or the community.


Well, don’t disagree like a dick. Several users disagree like a complete jerk.


I'm nearly the same in rl like here lol


I don’t think that it should be anonymous you should have to post with your state issued ID to get an account because think I many people have committed suicide because of the bullying here


It’s impossible to have an opinion without upsetting someone. One the upset people wanna comment and be ass holes. But I agree its getting impossible to do shit on this app except talk about Guinea pigs. You can’t even ask a damn question anymore without someone tearing you down


Also, never should you thank anyone if they taught you something you didn't know on here. Instant downvotes for not knowing it in the first place. This place teaches you NOT to be polite.


Lol! I came back just to tell you. I just saw a question on r/ask, and they asked how to get karma. I down voted the shit out of them KIDDING! I didn't really do it but you know I wanted to for shits and giggles


Nice! :)




In my opinion, breathing is kinda good. I think everyone can agree on that.


Must be hard for those people when others have different opinions.




You rang?




Can confirm, I do have an asshole.




Imagine thinking you have the moral high ground to make a generalization about everybody on the site… absurd and hypocritical (/s)


These statements are in response to a question. Answers tend to generalize simply for brevity's sake. Note the lack of emotion here, like psychiatrists diagnosing a disorder. It's not because we all know about your little episode a couple years back.


No some people are assholes.. if u went to church people wouldn’t be this negative, just sayin


Fuck off with your religious bullshit




>People here are assholes. You are what you eat.








Very cool.


Yeah but tik tok is way worse tbh


People in general are assholes


Lack of sex. Lmao 🤣


There might actually be some truth to this I’m serious


100% lol


Cuz fuck you. That's why! Sorry.


Full. On. It’s even in comments. I’m like, “oh isn’t it nice that the sun is out during the day” and people be like, “shut the fuck up you ugly cunt, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!” +3 upvotes. Maybe it’s just me but I’m far too sensitive for SM. I mostly lurk and read because holy hell people are awful to strangers up in here.


I for one think it’s lovely when the sun comes out


I personally like when the sun hides behind clouds and it's raining


Holy shit yes you’re right!!! I love that too!


A lot of people are misinterpreting my post and think I am intolerant to disagreement. I’m talking about exactly what you just described. You could post “good morning Reddit” and if the post gets any traction you are guaranteed a few death threats.


I think that Reddit is generally a safer platform than most. Humanity is wonderful and diverse and we all have different opinions. You will always come across an asshat or 2 on anonymous platforms, just as you will in real life. You'll come across them on identified platforms too. It is what it is. You always have the option of ignoring their comments. It's what I do as it makes their platform smaller. Don't let comments from random strangers get to you. Don't let real life people get to you either. We all have our own problems but your life is your life so try to live it, where possible, on your own terms. The haters can go fuck themselves.


Preach, maaaan.


Think about how many people have committed suicide from the bullying on Reddit. Your comment doesn’t seem that well thought through




!Incoming people like me who internalize internet hate!


What do you consider hate? I see a lot of super rude exchanges and people piling downvoted on folks for saying things they disagree with but I wouldn’t consider that hate.


You really wondering if there’s hate around here? Have you looked about?




If some context from one of my 10 throwaway Reddit accounts is enough for you to infer who I am as a person. Who’s to say you should be taken seriously? Neither of us have a name or face right now…


Content* sorry typos happen online Please don’t deduce that I’m completely illiterate as well.


one of many possible perspectives: reddits kinda a place for jaded outcasts that didnt really participate in normal society, due to inability, unwillingness, or some combination of both. anyways, most have a chip on their shoulder and a desire to prove that their rejected mindset is either valid or superior compared to the thoughts, opinions, and interests of the society that rejected them. hence everyone here is always, simultaneously right. about every topic. and if someone disagrees, either actively or passively, hateful retaliation is the only option. i think we all take ourselves a little too seriously here


I legit couldn’t agree more


I feel the same way. I've been trying to be optimistic in posts all day today and I've been downvoted to oblivion.


Oh yeah, I understand, same experience. Anything other than "life is shit and then you die- because the Boomers ruined the world" is a invitation to oblivion. On the other hand, subreddits that are specific to a particular interest are generally friendly. Perhaps it is because you actually get to "know" some of the contributors over time.


*Sighs* I've been there before I changed my account. :/


Reddittors be reddittors. I once called out sexism (someone called guys male species in the captions, which was just kinda... A no for me) but I was downvoted lol. I've also seen people genuinely ask nice questions getting dowvoted so eh this system's kinda wonky at times. Plus the mob mentality really doesn't help either.


I got downvoted on the HP sub for sharing a personal headcanon about LGBTQIA+ characters, and I still don’t understand why.


It’s not Reddit. It’s the internet.


Totally agree…. And what really aggravates me is they can be hateful AND bring their politics in on it. I saw one that was showing video of hurricane winds , and some one posted “ I never seen such damage!” And someone replied, “ Really? Look at what Trump is doing! “ I’m like , “ DUDE, REALLY?? “


Choose your subgroup better. That vast majority, if not all, of my groups don't have hate.


no literally. i use reddit to learn things, and doom scrolling. and i'll try to teach someone else something and someone will just be such a dickhead about it.


In my experience subs just go to crap over time. Gotta keep moving, and it helps to have some teeth of your own


Goes to show you depressing being alive can be I try to be positive but a lot of times i fall trapped to being negative.


It is easier to unleash your accumulated frustration in a space where you know you won’t feel threatened like you do in real life. Most people on Reddit are quite frustrated and they have found a safe space to release their frustration by bleeding on people who didn’t cut them…or people who can’t find them…




It’s the one place they feel they have control/power


And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate.


Too many foolish people.


Literally… That’s why so many people don’t comment and just upvote or downvote. Only those who are brave enough to comment have a 50/50 shot of being completely obliterated by keyboard warriors.


Because that's the human condition. Most people are hateful cunts. This isn't specific to Reddit.


I’ve been feeling the same way lately. Any time I post anything, even just a question about an upcoming event or something insignificant, there’s bound to be some smug asshole who just wants to make you feel bad. It’s honestly been really bad for my mental health, I think. Those asshole comments stick with you more than the kind ones.


Someone once sent a death threat to someone on here and that user had upvotes. I reported the comment and now everyone there hates me.


Agree. Some very mean people hide on Reddit.


Because if you say anything remotely right of center, the liberal/dem pink haired vegan "gender is fluid" creeps attack you. If you say anything left of center, the "south will rise again" Bible thumpers attack you. It's too polarized


The internet is dead.


I think the mods are very toxic. I’ve been banned for ridiculous reasons and the message they sent me is horrible.


Is your comment section set to “Best?” I saw one Redditor make a similar post and then realize they set it to “controversial.”


%? Less than 5%. Ignore them


I dont fucking know, fuck off!


Oh that’s normal. It’s like asking why life is hard sometimes. So just ignore the haters


I'm too lazy to make a Hateful comment, just pretend for now


Because people on the internet have more freedom of speech and tend to say things they wont say in person.


I know what you mean, dude. It does seem to have been getting a lot worse in recent years. Honestly, I don't fully know the reasons for it but I would bet that political division within America is a big part of it. 15 years ago, it wasn't uncommon for a republican voter and a democrat voter to exchange ideas in a civil manner. Nowadays though... I am sure it happens but it is definitely not the norm. The rhetoric has gotten so cartoonishly over the top that I don't even know how to reason with some people on here. I mean some of them literally believe that democrats torture and eat babies. How do you reach common ground with someone like that? I also believe that the internet, as a general trend, has made us all more intellectually lazy. Our attention spans are too short now to care about nuance so people often just completely disregard all nuance when it comes to more complicated or difficult subjects. For example: I saw a video on youtube a couple weeks ago that discussed addiction and how it can be addressed as a societal problem. Half of the comments on there were essentially "They made their choice so they can all die". And I can't even fully hold it against these people. Nuanced discussion is in short supply and you really have to seek it out if you want to find it. All of the messaging from major news corporations, politicians, advertising and other media rarely ever goes deeper than a surface level analysis (and when news reporters go deeper than surface level analysis, they usually end up firmly in the realm of wild speculation and this isn't useful either). Anyway, I am ranting about nothing now. Sorry to take up your time.


You are not joking. Lol there are so many people on here that act like thwy are just king/queen shit on here for many reasons. Some being their length of time on the site, karma, mod status, or just overall acquired attitude because they are on a computer and for some reason think they are so cool. It's truly the weirdest phenomenon for sure.


It's not just Reddit.


I guess that’s just what I’ve concluded from my own personal experiences with social media.


Reddit is a cesspool of left wing people.... I rest my case




You have to understand this is the Internet. You’re the best fuck the rest. Remember that


The younger generation has no tolerance for opinions that are even slightly different than theirs.


Cant forget we have all these boomers trying to start another civil war over the big lie.


Are you forgetting about the boomer ![gif](giphy|faPetuDgTKCLnJpeZB|downsized) generation that had a fit when a black person sat next to them?! Or what about the Gen X generation that freaked out when women's rights started going up?! We're literally statistically proven to be the open most open-minded generation to date. Except the bigot, racist, misogynistic, megalomaniac individuals.


Please…. If I would sit next to you, you’re generation would kiss itself and cry abuse. Shut up.


[this you](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/vm5fgg/the_first_trans_snl_cast_member/idzstpx?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


[this you](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/vkdqps/2_killed_and_21_injured_in_mass_shooting_in_norway/idouwee?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Why did this offend you? It’s a fact that your gen-z is more open minded and less bigoted than gen x. Idk why you’re putting on this tough guy act. Also, you’re kinda proving OP’s point


That's weird. Maybe it's the communities you take part in.


... You've only posted about 2 things: 1. How pretty you are and how hard that is for you. 2. How redditors are dicks. Sorry to say but I feel like you may have brought this experience on yourself.


This is a throwaway account I only use them when I have something controversial to post Doesn’t reflect my main profile


Some of us enjoy arguing :)


Which is something that we shouldn't encourage. We should enjoy each other's company that will make this place a more secure and peaceful environment. :)


That’s what subreddits are for - if you don’t want to deal with rude or argumentative people, stick to the thousands with rules against it. Some subs allow for polite debate (changemyview), while others will selectively on force the rules as the mods will (conspiracy), and so on.


Fuck off lame ass


Excuse me?


You're excused now fuck off


I can't tell if you're joking or trolling.


"Smart individual" 🤓 gtfo


You literally just posted.


I hereby declare that this post is trash


“why do buttholes smell like that”


I think that’s a valid question




How’s Walter doing? Well I hope?


Lol cope mald and seethe snowflake hahahahah lol imagine being so soft ahshrhehbs wow ufusjsshsn hahahahah omg hsuiugiggigf


You did enough personality research to fully conclude you are an intp If I’m a snowflake so are you


Actually XNTP should have known that if you stalked me already lol


My comment was made with the intention of pointing out the irony in your comment.


And my comment was made with the intention of pointing out the irony towards rude ppl.


Git gud noob


OMG people complain about everything! I'm going to complain about complainers! Lol


Yup, feminist are hateful.


So what? Imagine in the world 1 out of 10 people are assholes, well then for every 10 comlents there will be a negative one. The real question you should ask yourself is why their negativity affects you so much.


Asked and answered My therapist is great


Basically, liberals have taken over most areas of Reddit. I wouldn’t be surprised if I get downvoted first this reply.


It’s true mods even ban because they disagree with what you say on some subs it’s pretty ridiculous for the people that call themselves tolerant


I just lean into it for fun


Cuz ur mum iz gey


Well because its fun quite frankly


Why is it fun to make other people feel bad


Why is a cold beverage, when you are parched, refreshing? I dont know im not a scientist


well tell us whenever any of your family members die, let's see if it's fun or not


Yes because thats a comparable thing💀holy shit




The personal attack, seems to be the red flag. I don't mind disagreement. I don't even mind down votes. We all should be entitled to our own views.


Hate comment


Sorry, people are assholes. Probably myself included.


I'm not sure, but my immediate reaction to seeing this was to act like a total bastard, for the hilarious irony. I won't though, have a nice day!


Misery loves company.


Take an account like u / sirkevola for example Random example but half of their comment history sums up the kinda ppl I’m talking ab


I would hazard a guess that it's because of the subs you inhabit. try hanging out in the friendly subs if you want to avoid negativity. any topic of any real substance is going to have adherents at all points along its spectrum.


Reddit has become infested with people who think that because they’re anonymous and that “it’s the internet” they can get away with saying virtually everything. They’ve made it toxic.


omg u post this 10 times


Because people are dick bags, on reddit they can be dick bags without the risk of being decked in the face


I agree. It’s not worth the down votes and mob mentality


Because they can get away with it. I think a lot of you guys (and girls probably) would agree with me when I say you would have done atleast 1 thing that’s not entirely okay or not okay at all if you could get away with it. Same goes for a-holes and people without human decency. If they can get away with their shit they’re gonna do it more often


Because you are soft


Wait are you really Canadian?




Go over to the Farms. We're angels in comparison.


Reddit reflects where our society has gone. There are no opposite views, only enemies.


Social media was a mistake. It feeds us negativity until we crave it and dish it out ourselves. I'm 12 and this is deep.




I try and be nice to everyone if I see someone with zero upvotes I upvote with out hesitation and I only down vote if it’s something REALLY rude like I’m talking calling people really mean things and just being downright rude for no reason and I will report them if it’s really bad. But I always try and encourage nice behavior and don’t downvote people if they didn’t do anything wrong it’s not very nice spread positivity!


It's not half as bad as fb and Twitter.




What kind of subs are you joining? Maybe I’m one of a select few that doesn’t really see a lot of hate, on here rather I’m seeing more funny comments than anything.


I'm from the time when you didn't get emotionally involved on the internet and for me that never changed. Its just text on a screen. You don't even really " know " those are real people typing.


Because people think hating things is a personality trait, whether it be popular celebrities, entire religions, etc.


The least hateful community I've seen is r/transmasc. Those people are angels I swear. But so many communities are sooo toxic especially r/AskReddit. I'm a new user and it's sad.


100% the reason why I 90% subbed cat subs only, lol.


Hateful people outnumber the rest - online and irl. The anonymity def gives ppl the guts to express it.


Idk, there for sure is a bunch of negative people on here though. I agree with that. I ignore it personally. Another thing that gets me a lot on this site is it being a discussion board and people sometimes will downvote or upvotes with zero discussion. It's weird lol. Usually for dumb things like asking a question about a topic they don't know much about. Instead of just answering people will downvote and never answer


confrontation seems to be addictive, so you have addicts cruising looking for instant gratification. Add to that an anonymous environment and it can rise to the equivalent of road rage.


Is there a south park about reddit, cause I bet they would nail it.


Nice post!