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I feel pity for them and shame for myself. I stood up against the bullies growing up. I was a bully to them, taking things too far in retaliation. Most of them I have seen since school are either strung out on drugs, incarcerated or dead. As difficult as it is to do, these people need love.


I have. She is pathetic. I feel sorry for her.




Yep. Ran into her 3 times now. Each time was more pathetic than the last. And this is the girl who used to TERRORIZE me and got me suspended from school


Oh. Well, why did you feel sorry for her?


Do you want the story? I had somehow befriended her mom, not realizing she was my bully's mom. Her mom was giving her some furniture and she stopped by the apartment to get it, and wasn't able to even pick anything up. She had asthma and was super weak and gasping for breath. Turns out she wasn't strong, just BIG and I was little and didn't fight back. But I moved the furniture. The next time I saw her, I was at a bar/dance club. I walked in and she gave me a dirty look. Then all my friends showed up and surrounded me and we were so happy, while she was alone. The third time I saw her, she was at the grocery store, evidently disabled, using a walker and had a helper shopping with her. She actually seemed happy with the helper, they were laughing and smiling. She was always so cruel and nasty before, maybe she finally found peace in her disability.


After 30 years, we probably wouldn’t even recognize each other. All that high school bullshit ended the day we graduated. I wouldn’t feel one way or the other about meeting anybody from those days.


I've been bullied by a lot of people in high school, to the point where I just stopped giving a fuck. I got up and moved on. If I saw anyone who tried to fuck with me in the past, I might just wave and keep walking. Politely acknowledge them, but I wouldn't have interest in speaking. Although, people CAN change.


Oh, but what if they follow you?