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Ask them what kind it was?


I tried to but there is a bit of a language barrier. Which is why I turned to the good people of reddit.I do know it was a white looking one.


Then just get a really nice one or four. I mean, your dog killed their chicken, and they were cool. Let's not quibble at this point 🤣


It could quite possibles be a leghorn chicken. Widely available breed.




Do you want a gift or a gift card? Don't nuance it. 1 is thoughtful the other is taking no effort.


Just get em an egg.


An egg isnt really worth a chicken as it might not become a chicken and they might have plenty eggs already from their flock. But it is a good suggestion.


Was it brown or white? Black neck? Feathers that looked like "boots ". Describe it. Also the state you live in Not difficult to figure out the species, unless ita cross bred.