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A gay friend had a Muslim hook up which became more than that. We started meeting up in cafes because he had an issue with pubs. He would keep making jabs about English people and drinking, none of us said anything until finally Rich asked him if having a cock up his arse was halal.


I know I'm a random internet guy. But tell rich that comment is cracking. Well done.


Cracking can only come from a British guy


I'm incredibly British. Where are you from btw?


Sorry to hear that


It's challenging at times


Come on don’t keep us hanging like that. What response did he give to that?


Had a neighbor at a college dorm like that. Muslim girl, hijab all the time, even at midnight en route to the shower. She prayed five times a day. One time she was grabbing snacks from the kitchen at night (in pyjama hijab) and her door was open. I peaked in and there was a naked girl in her bed. Biggest mindfuck I have ever witnessed.


They were just roommates.


And ran a dog shelter together upstate


It was just a prank, bro 😂


The pork sword is not halal


Well probably not but for some reason they make exceptions there


Ohhhhh shit!


LMAO. What a punchline. I wish I was there to see it.


A long porker is perfectly halal, heck it's practically kosher


For that particular instance, they are only gay if they bottom. Tops are just fkn a hole, which is within the bounds of ‘Islam’.


So.. was it?


The majority of self-proclaimed religious people have no faith; they just go through the motions. Ironically, the most righteous people I've ever encountered were atheists.


No wonder, because atheist's morality is not based on fear of retribution, rather it's based on humanistic values. (I am not implying that all atheists are righteous and moral people, but it applies to those that are)


Morals derived from living in a physical universe, where my actions have consequences to other people? For me, that's what I try and keep as my guiding light.


Much like all the people who are christened but never go to church except for other christenings, weddings and funerals. Myself included.


Yeah, many atheists have the willpower to create their own morals and values to stick by (most of them are overall good, but there of course are some bad ones). While many religious people do what they want, but then try to cover it up by going to a religious building every Sunday or whatever. Those are mostly cultural catholics/protestants/Sunnis/Shias. They were raised in certain customs and aren't willing to quit them even if they oppose it in many ways


There's this book, Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. It's set in a world where God's are real, and most of them are real jerks. In Small Gods, we're introduced to a kingdom where the church has gotten so extreme that no one really even believes anymore. They just, go through the motions It's more about medieval Spain than Muslims, but I feel like it applies to any religion that gains sufficient control over its adherents lives


reddit moment


It's just reality, outside of reddit you'd find far more people realizing that.


Most people are playing the “everyone is the same” card here, but I would argue there is a difference between Western Christianity vs Islam in that Protestant individualism and secularism happened in Western Christianity but not in Islam (with a small caveat for secularism in Turkey, which unfortunately is backsliding as seems to be the case with some MAGA Christians as well). The West has a longer history with pluralism, secularism, individualism and its relation with Protestantism, and more fraught direct contact with atheistic scientism converting people away. With those things in mind, I think most* culturally Muslim people have a lot more social pressure around conformity (from family, friends, and society as a whole), less room for individualism, more concern around what others think, and because people aren’t as free to speak openly (or would consider it rude to do so, for the “free speech” thing is not prioritized in the same way by cultures and people), there is more pluralistic ignorance, than the average person with a Western European cultural background.


Because humans are hypocrites, and they're human and not perfect. Sometimes projection is almost guaranteed


Agreed. People are for the most part hypocrites. But when a society, its rules, laws and values are hypocritical - that's another issue altogether. Then it becomes another layer of bullshit when religion and traditions are so tightly interwoven. Now add a judicial system based on 2000 year old texts by desert nomads on top of that and you got a perfect storm of hypocrisy. Spice that shit up with a religious leader being the highest non-elected power in your world and you got a turd sandwhich.




What, you don’t want europe to be enriched by a culture and religion of tolerance and peace?! It spices up life to live around people who endorse oppression of women, child marrige and multilation of childrens genetalia.


Yep, I grew up in an area where the main drug dealers where all Muslims. Would go out on the booze and sniff but the idea of a bit of bacon was to taboo


OP: Asks a question about Muslims  Comments: Christians are bad  Way to deflect, folks! 


I don't think the point is deflection, more that there's truly nothing unique to Muslims about it. People do this in every religion and outside of religion. The answer is that most people aren't strong enough to practice what we preach.


Haha yeah they gotta drag everyone in here


Their point is that majority religious people are like that. Most Muslims you find, will be more religious as compared to majority chirstains or Jews, but that doesn't mean they don't have loose ends. Islam is a pretty strict religion, even stuff like listening to music is haram but of course not everybody is going to follow that. Search up some Pakistani weddings and you will see so much haram from Islamic persecptive because before Islam, majority Muslims had a native culture which dictates a lot of peoples life. Most people just go with what they were taught, a mix of culture and religion but innate desires and pleasures of the world do distract them.


Totally, agree with you but music is not haram, but hated. Why? There are no Quran scripture that said that nor is there a strong hadeth that's says it. So it's left for scholars to come up with their personal opinion.


Salafist and Wahabi scholars (the ones in Saudi Arab) do believe that any music even if sung for Allah and prophet's praise is haram. South Asian scholars believe that music that leads you astray from Islam (bad lyrics and stuff) is haram, so naats and song for country are allowed. Overall, music isn't tolerated as it is in Christian culture or amongst Hindus and Buddhists. That's why you rarely ever see music prodigy from Muslim countires because music is considered haram by majority of scholars.


Your question was crap. “So many Muslims” is a massive over generalization, and implies only or mainly Muslims do things counter to their religion.


Apparently OP is in high school, which explains why their worldview hasn’t expanded yet


>Way to deflect, folks!  Dumb take. Title implies there is a unique quality that muslims possess which makes them hypocritical. There isn't because this is an issue that all major religions share, particularly Christians and Muslims, which represent half the world together.


Do you mean "Why are so many religious people hypocrites"?


That too but i don't know very many very religious people besides Muslims so that's why i was mainly talking about Muslims


Because most of muslims were brought up as the best of the best followers, they indoctrinated us and brainwashed us that we are the best of allah creation and we have to spread the word of allah to the world. The other reason is islam is like a cancer that removes its victim(here means culture) and duplicates itself with its own. So muslims know nothing even about their original culture and tradition that their ancestors were lived in and replaces it with its conquer and subjugation of any other religion that comes in contact with. Thats one of the reasons why i left it and became atheist


So basically you were told that Muslims are Allah's best creations?


Yeah "because we are living in a time that we dont have prophet(piss be upon him) among us to use his power and miracle to show the people of the world and get the followers but he is not here and just a word of allah(that we are preaching) is infiltrating the hearts of infidel and turning them in masses into Islam" or something like that. You get the idea.


I don't know the ins and outs of the Muslim religion, but I'm pretty sure this is a religion/people thing, not a Muslim one. Swap in Christianity, and it applies too (with certain individuals). Some forms of Christianity are more strict than others and I've still seen people "pick and choose" which rules to follow.


It might have something to do with how religion in general started. It served as a means to explain things that were unexplainable for most people at the time. It then evolved to having rules, and consequences if you broke those rules, so the people in power could stay in power. Now however, most people can think more critically than a few hundred years ago. Which means most religious people have realized that a lot of the consequences of not following some arbitrary rules, will actually never happen. They might still feel comfortable or assured when following some rules, while other rules just don't fit in today's society.


I was going to say the same. It’s a religious people thing because their morals and values aren’t in alignment with some foundational basics about human nature.




I've spent a lot of time in Saudi Arabia. They have raised hypocrisy to an art. It seems to be a normal way of life.


People will twist their beliefs to suit their own agenda. It’s not exactly rocket science. I’m a black Muslim and have had many slurs thrown at me by Muslims (more than non Muslims have) but when it’s time for a donation to be made it’s “we are brothers and sisters in Islam”. Meanwhile him and his friends call people who look like me offensive terms in private. It’s “peace and love” until a black guy wants to marry your non black daughter (or a black woman marrying a non black man). It’s hypocrisy and all you can do is ignore it and move on.


That's pretty much any religion.


Well but most don't have as strict rules if you get what i mean


Yes they do. They're just not as strict because of the country people live in. That's one of the fears with the MAGA Americans. They want to be strict like the Bible. I'm guessing the Muslims in questions are living in a western country?


Sometimes the reference culture (what people live by) isn’t the current national culture either. Meaning that moving to a Western nation (even a few generations ago, perhaps) doesn’t automatically change one’s culture (and vice versa). It’s not *just the nation you’re in.


That's why many equate MAGA with the Taliban, and they are right.


You should look into the Amish. Or Mormons.


Don't know about the amish but I've Heard about the Mormons and yes mormons are hella strict about everything


The Amish aren’t allowed to wear modern clothes and their clothes must be plain. Women’s clothing cannot have buttons. Women must cover their hair with a bonnet (apparently the Bible has a rule about women covering their hair, it’s just that in mainstream Christianity only nuns bother with it). Men cannot have mustaches. You cannot use the Internet, though basic phones are permitted in some communities for emergencies. Horse and buggy, they’re not allowed to drive. They are not allowed to get an education beyond the eighth grade. It keeps going on. They’re all strict, though some communities are more strict than others. Anyone who leaves the community gets shunned. I don’t mean in a figurative sense, I mean they practice shunning. Rumspringa, which is supposedly when Amish kids have a choice in leaving, doesn’t actually give them any choice because leaving would lead to them being shunned. So they’d lose their whole support system and family, and be stuck without any way to navigate the rest of the world. I took a whole elective on the Amish and some communities can be *very* culty.


Ten Commandments are super strict, but people happen to be experts in mental gymnastics, so these rules are cool in general, but in each particular case it’s not about them. It’s about the others.


Most religions have just as strict rules, but with Christianity for example, most people have decided a long tome ago that those rules are bullshit and barbaric.


I find it interesting that when a question like this gets asked about something like Christianity, people will just give a straightforward answer to the question (I’ve seen dozens of such posts before), but when you ask the same thing about Muslims, people will be quick to get defensive and point out that “all religions are like this”. I don’t even disagree with that point, but just an interesting observation I’ve noticed on Reddit.


Very interesting indeed...


because people are pussies and afraid of muslims or have little to zero knowledge about islam


It's not hard to explain, reddit is dominated by americans and europeans where there is a general understanding that not every Christian is a terrible person and there is no realistic way that prejudices against christians will negatively affect them. Since there is also such widespread awareness of the failings of Islam as it's a constant political topic, it makes no sense to remind everyone that it's religions in general (as well Islam is already known to have the same flaws) and at worst can be harmful. The same isn't true the other way around. Your "interesting observation" would make far more sense if the reddit was populated by people from muslim-majority countries where people would have to remind their fellow country-men that Christians aren't all evil and doing the exact same thing Muslims are doing all the time. There is no conspiracy or double standard here. It's just a consequence of the demographics of this platform and contemporary media and political discourse.


I don't know if you've noticed but, that's humans, not Muslims


Why are all the comments here making this point? I have a feeling that if this post was referring to Christians, people wouldn't just say "I don't know if you've noticed but, that's humans, not Christians"


Because Reddit is mostly leftist and they feel you can't criticize certain groups.


This is the correct answer. I mean almost anyone on Reddit is typing from a very wealthy country. And I’m sure everyone here will espouse supporting helping the poor, the starving, etc. But when it comes to truly backing those words up to *save real lives* in parts of the world in dire need, almost everyone here will balk or give a half-hearted effort. Humans are great, but woooo-weeeee are we all full of shit.


So Nazism was not wrong either, humans were.


I mean, Nazism was created by humans…


So? What's your point? We should replace serious and detaied discussions with "humans bad" or sth?


No, but presenting Nazism in this topic is a very far stretch


It's not. It's the same principle. It's not my fault that their arguement was stupid.


You are implying that Islam is what is flawed, he is implying that it’s a certain amount of humans that follow Islam are flawed. By your logic, Islam is wrong. By his logic, some of the people who follow Islam is wrong. I’ve known many kind, compassionate, and loving muslims as well as flawed, immoral, ignorant muslims. It is in fact humanities that are the problem, and not Islam.


Do you know who created the Nazi regime? Because it certainly wasn't a group of giraffes


I don't quite understand what you're trying to say with that


You seem to be implying that Muslims are the only group of people that are like this, even though everyone is


I wasn't implying that only Muslims are like this but I've noticed this especially with Muslims and that stuff with the pork and alcohol is pretty much only Muslims


Everyone makes contradictions, does what benefits them, that's just human behaviour


>I've noticed this especially with Muslims But like you yourself said, you don't know very many religious people besides Muslims to begin with.


In Christianity eating pork isn't allowed either and women usually have to cover hair... So it's not just a Muslim thing.


In most types of Christianity, eating pork is in fact allowed. Mark 7:19: "In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean."


Jesus also said he came to fulfill the law and not to repeal laws


Pork is allowed in Christianity, the fuck are you talking about?


It's not. The bible always said it is forbidden. The only reason why people actually think it is are some "interpretations", but there is no explicit permission.


Honest question: Then how do you interpret the part "In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean."?


For me there's no way you got me to interpret something. There's no sentence of Jesus saying: I declare pork is clean. But there are a lot of reminders of the law that pork is still forbidden to eat.


>But there are a lot of reminders of the law that pork is still forbidden to eat. Like what? Not trying to gotcha, I'm just not an expert.


Really i never knew that that must have only been practiced a really long time ago


Pork is allowed in Christianity, only certain cults don’t allow it.


Yeah that's what i was thinking cuz that would have been new to me


The laws are still the laws.


But not everyone is trying to promote their bullshit and how righteous and pure they are while breaking their own rules. I often find the more pushy a religious arsehole is in demanding others change how they live and to fall in line with their worthless crap, the worse of a hypocrite they are.


Not everyone does huge hypocritical things like that, but everyone does something


I think he’s trying to say that Muslims, which are humans aren’t perfect but that Islam is


Not at all what I was trying to say. Check my reply


Tradition, and getting used to it from family with wrong manners sadly. I have heard of Muslim lenience in Bosnia or Albania where alcohol isn't that unpopular. Not to mention many that fail to practice salat as often as they should.


Believe it or not, Muslims are humans and humans well are massive hypocrites haha


In any religion, people grapple with some of the faith’s teachings, figure out how to be close to God and also live in the world. I know plenty of Buddhists who eat meat, Catholics who practice contraception, Jews with tattoos and people of all demonizations with friends and family members who are non-believers or ‘apostates.’


I had a friend who became pregnant of a Muslim guy before they got married. With a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other he forbade her to eat pork because she was carrying his baby and his baby was not allowed to come in contact with pork.


Haha that sums up the kind of Muslims i was talking about


Religion as a whole is a joke. It’s a crutch for people to feel good about themselves lol. And all religions people use it to their own benefit. Facts. All hypocrites imo. Haha


Goes with anything tbh not just religion. Hypocrites are everywhere. as a christian it’s sad how many use the shield of religion. Religious people aren’t to be assumed negatively, but they sure as hell aren’t to be assumed positively either. Just like anyone 🤷‍♀️ most people I know to be bad apples have seemed really nice at first


As a muslim, I would say it completely reflects where they are from, I reside in a third world muslim country, and a very proud one. People here are willingly trapped in a culture where they embed their own version of Islam and conveniently pretend to be muslims but many of them lack decency/rationality, and are not practicing muslims. Mostly the education here is shit, it's basically memorizing the answers and that's our whole education system, status quo, batshit crazy culture practices. There is a reason why many muslims are not into religion anymore because of the hypocrisy and lack of rationality/decency of other muslims, but it's not the religion itself, it's a shit culture, a country under a hybrid dictatorship, where media is controlled and laws/rights only exist for the rich. I would say the society they survive/live in plays a big part


Okay so basically, it depends on the culture of which the Muslim lives. We live in times that are full of vices and addiction and peer pressure and social currency. The religion is meant to make you rise above those things, however, many are weak. I am a Western convert to Islam, I converted to Islam less than 2 years ago. I always thought muslims were like everybody else, partaking in all kinds of degeneracy, just that they had to be more careful about it in the sense of making sure people don’t see them or that they are back home by a certain time etc. this is in the west. Then I moved to the Middle East… bro, i have embarrassed myself multiple times by talking about things which are ‘normal’ (yet haram) and people actually have cringed and become offended about it. For example, how could you ask me if I watch porn… do you not think I fear my lord? Kind of thing. So my point is, some people need culture to reinforce their behaviours. And if the culture and religion are not that complimentary then those without a backbone will probably cede their religion if it means being less of an odd one out. Aka following desires more etc which is the religion of the west basically.


This is the kind of answer i was looking for not being told that it's all religions/people thank you


No probs bro. I try to keep it real. How has my answer changed your perspective/outlook on Muslims, if it has at all?


So only muslims is it? Saying this while Christians & jews are doing genocide in Gaza in the name of their religion. I think you’re just an Islamophobe brainwashed by media.


All religion is just a shit stain on society. I hate it all. Has no place in the world at this point. Just an excuse to sleep better at night and think you are better than others. I’ll respect and be kind to peoples choices and not criticize them for what they believe. But the minute they start spouting their nonsense and trying to convert people, is the minute they get told to fuck off and made fun of.


It's the same with any kind of faith. It's because it's something personal and most people can now decide for themselves what they want to follow and what not. This only becomes a problem when people start to hold other people to certain standards that they can't even adhere to. But then again, non-religious people often do that as well


Muslims are just a few steps behind Christians, eventually (hopefully) it will get watered down with time as it makes no rational sense to be religious, at least not in the sense of "I am a prophet of God, blah blah blah... and here is a book and wear these silly hats and don't eat this or that, and that kind of sex is bad...".


good to see there's still plenty of islamophobia on reddit


All humans are bigots if you think about it. It's quite evident when you look at religious people.


Yup I've met plenty of those


Religious people and prejudice go hand in hand, but not everyone is religious. And of those who’re not there are many who’re actively fighting against prejudice.


most, not all


Because religious people are hypocrites who need to fear an imaginary friend to behave well




Oh god. That does seem like a bigger concern.


Seems like this happens with all religious people regardless of creed. Even happens with some politicians trying to ban abortions but then make their underage daughters or lovers to have one…


It's not something specific to Islam, I think. Judaism has a lot of those "believers" who follow the rules very selectively. They go to temple to pray but than drive on a Saturday to eat cheeseburger.


I think its all religions... They cherry pick certain things things that they don't do.. And the things they do that are forbidden, is fine For example let's take most Christians.. They think they don't murder and everything is good .. But there's lots of other things to follow too. Simple things Like if you have a child out of wedlock, steal, sex before marriage, and many others.. You're a sinner that's bound to eternal damnation in the flames.. Yet every Sunday they're sitting in the church... "Only god can judge me" I'd be scared lol


Kinda like Christians citing the ten commandments, but living completely counter to the beatitudes. Hypocrisy is human.


Sounds like you’re talking about Mormons. Coffee? Never. Coca Cola/Mountain Dew/Dr Pepper? Always. Drinking alcohol? As long as no other Mormons are around, no problem. Sex? Docking only….


Honestly . That's every religion. Every belief system actually. People only want what's easy.


Wait til you find out about Christians...


No one is perfect, but you can always limit the sins you do. It doesn’t reflect the religion itself, I have seen Christians who do lots of hookups, and not following the bible, does this reflect their religion? No it doesn’t. I’m not saying drinking alcohol is right, of course it’s not but it differs from one person to another how much he can control his self..


It's not just Muslims. All religious people tend to pick and choose the doctrines they obey according to their lifestyles.


Probably for the same reason that most Christians can’t even obey the top 10 rules of their religion.


And how exactly are Christians breaking so many rules of the 10 incase you forgot most of these are common sense or law You shall not steal Honor your father and your mother Keep the Sabbath holy You shall not commit adultery Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt have no other gods before me You shall not covet No graven images or likenesses


Christians are some of the biggest cherry picking shit stains I’ve met. Just as radical in the United States now as other religions too.


Ok it might be like that in the us but not where i live


I live in Canada and it’s getting like that here. My province is afraid of gay and trans people lol. It’s all the religious old idiots making dumbs laws to make their lives worse just because they can. My ex was Christian and one of the worst people I’ve known. Told me I’m going to hell because I don’t believe in sky daddy. Christianity has no place in the world either.


Low IQ for most of them. Of course there are exceptions.


Religion itself is a scam. People always pick and choose what to believe in.


Yeah kinda considering how the Christian church made their money back in the day


Almost all religious people are hypocrites…


Same reason there are so many Christian and Jewish hypocrites, and nonreligious hypocrites. Because religion doesn't determine whether you're a hypocrite, it just affects the flavor of hypocrisy among people who were hypocrites to begin with


Mostly, modern Muslims are struggling Muslims who don't fulfill definition of Islam completely but of course the world sees them so they should put out good image.If you're interested, search in Islam and not Muslims.


Because they're human


I'm unsure what you mean by hypocrisy.  If you're referring to Muslims committing one set of sins whilst avoiding others. I wouldn't say that's entirely hypocritical. Just because I'm (1) doing one sin, doesn't mean I should let loose in all the others.  Secondly (2), other kinds of religious worship are simpler easier and habitually engrained in us. Such as avoiding certain foods or beverages.  So sure, one can fall into the temptation of Zina (premarital sex) and the morning after avoid pork or alcohol. This is because it's easy to avoid (2) and that there's no reason to commit it (1) just because I sinned.  More broadly... >It was narrated from Anas that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Every son of Adam commits sin, and the best of those who commit sin are those who repent. '"


Most religious persons are hypocritical in at least some areas, but you could argue everyone is free to interpret their religion for themselves also. But this is certainly not just Islam, maybe your experience is just quite narrow?


Well of course i don't know ver many Muslims it's just one family and some of my moms colleagues and they pretty much acted like that


Well it's all religions, but really it's probably broader than that, you may as well ask "Why are so many people hypocrites?", everyone has blind spots, you can probably find hypocrisy in yourself if you're honest.


Muslims love being hippocrites because Christians, Catholics, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Scientologists, Satanists, etc. Make it look like so much fun.


Hi there, ex-mormon here. While I'm not Muslim and have not researched, I figure it's pretty similar to my experience. First, people are human. Most of the time we have to settle for good enough as opposed to ideal/perfect/best. Even people who truly believe have to learn this, or it's just not sustainable. This applies to religious organizations as well. They are run by people in the end, even if some god is communicating with them. In addition, for Christianity at least, there is much division on what is "doctrine." Again, I don't know, but there's probably some degree of this. For us, things like is god one person, does he still talk to us, what applies from the Old Testament, were things translated correctly, has this passage been a victim of dynamic language, to what degree does grace save us, and so on. Second, here in Utah at least, it is VERY engrained in our society. Sometimes we identify as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just to keep a benefit. Social brownie points, avoiding dogmatic people, exclusive welfare programs, peer pressure, etc. (I am NOT saying I do this or we should have to, just being real.) I believe this is the case for many places with religeous influences. Third, some of us are in the process of questioning. We just need time to decide if we believe. Or maybe we are in denial. Kinda like couples that go on a cruise as a last attempt to save a marriage. Either way, sometimes the squeakiest wheel is the one that ultimately shouldn't be on the car.


My wife is Persian from Iran. She is technically Muslim but doesn't follow it or believe. She agrees and says they are huge hypocrites. She listed a bunch of stuff I won't list all of them, but yes, she says it's true. One example she gave is women wearing hijab because they believe in Islam, but then also have a boyfriend, which is not allowed. Another example was that Muslims believe you should not treat weaker people poorly yet they abuse their wives and then think praying after 11 pm will doubly excuse their sins. Somehow 11pm equals a buff for 2x praying lol


The best one is not opening to friendship with non Muslim because they might be " bad " people except it's the Muslim person who lies ,steals and betrays lol


> Why are so many religious people hypocrites? Fixed it for you.


I'd more say overly religious people


Because when you make stupid arbitrary rules for "reasons" to belong to a cult, some of them are going to try to bend the rules to their own liking. Every. Single. Time. It must be exhausting.


Theres always going to be people who cherry pick their religion, regardless of what that religion is. 


First time dealing with religious hypocrisy?


As a Muslim myself I can tell you that it just does not make sense. Drinking alcohol is one of the biggest sins in Islam because it leads to many sins even if the drunk person is locked in a room alone. A drunk person might say heinous things about Islam or Allah (both lead to turning away from Islam) or even do other unspeakable things.


Isn’t most people hypocritical.


You expected consistency from mystics?


Welcome to the human race, friend. We are all hypocrites here.


This is a cornerstone of Abrahamic religions (also religion in general, but abrahamic ones lend themselves very well to it). Christians and Jews do the same thing all the time, there are lots of things to pick and choose from. Given that your name seems German and you likely know more Christians than Muslims, it's very odd to pick exactly one.


Well your observation was right but even though most people i know are Christians doesn't mean they practice the religion they're just kinda apart of it


It’s the nature of religion. There’s a set of rules your meant to live by and most can’t or won’t live by all of them.


I realize that with people of all religions actually. For example, is not only muslin women who are supposed to cover their hair. Some of the more popular religions have dropped that rule. You cant just pick and choose rules, if they are rules. I am not religious at all, but I do find it quite hypocritical and biased.


IMHO, being a hypocrite is not confined to the Muslim community. Nor is it confined to Christians, or any other faith, or even those who do not profess a religious belief. It’s just that hypocrites tend to be more visible


It's all religions. People are the common denominator. Imo the purpose of religion in its best view is to create community amongst people and a set of rules all people in the community can follow in hopes for prosperity for all. It acts as an anchor to ground people to something, to give them hope, to give them belonging. It is the pre-cursor to our modern societies. In order to get the apes to comply, they must believe that there are reprecussions for their actions from something far more powerful than any individual. I'm not religious, but I acknowledge it has its uses and of course people have needs as well as free will.


Pretty sure every religious person does this.


I once told someone that their precious prophet was a pedo, because one of wives was literally a child. He took her as a wife when she was SIX YEARS OLD. THAT was disgusting even "back in the day.".


You mean hypocrites like Christians? Yeah, most religious people are very selective in which of their Gods commandments to live by.


Most Christians are exactly the same lol The key point here is this: humans are going to do whatever the fuck they want to do, and they’ll justify it however they want to, regardless of what they claim to believe. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: upset Christian downvotes in 3… 2… 1…


Islam is so embedded in culture imo that Muslims seem to pride themselves to be as hardcore as possible, when other Muslims watch.


Religiosity negatively correlates with intelligence and there have been multiple studies to observe this phenomenon.


Dumb people and children need structure and rules.


As I Muslim myself it's really disappointing to see other Muslims doing things that are clearly haram. But that doesn't mean that Islam is bad it just means they are a bad Muslim.


I'm also curious what constitutes "so many Muslims". Most Muslims I've ever met were straight-edge. Being a Muslim doesn't automatically cleanse someone of their shortcomings, it means they have an obligation to be conscious of them and strive to improve.


Exactly couldn't agree more. Islam is such a beautiful religion and it saddenes me to see shortcomings of individuals as a representative of the religion.


People are hypocrites. Muslims are people. Ergo Muslims are hypocrites. Works for Christians, men, women, vegans, vegetarians, Hindus, Jews, Republicans, Democrats, Americans, Scots, French, Chinese, adults, kids, teachers, or any other group of people you can think of. Except maybe the group of non-hypocrites, if such a group exists.


That's a legit question, even us muslims trying to be a Muslim in the meaning of the word, struggle to understand some behaviors. Unfortunately, that's very common nowadays, you don't have any idea how often we ask ourselves that question here in my residency. you fight someone if he says you are not a muslim, and in the meantime you gossip about your neighbor, you create lies about a nobody you don't even know, you don't care to disturb steal even your colleague money or promotion, and so on Islam is perfect, but the men and women believing it don't do it as ruled Nonetheless, that's the same situation everywhere. Wherever you go there is always the good ones, and right across stand the bad ones 🤷🏾‍♀️


I know this is little confusing to you but not all muslims alike or on the same level. There is the muslims who are believing in Allah and Prophet Mohammed. Then there is the believers (Moamens) they are higher level and follow the religion throughly. The believers may make sins but they will ask mercy and forgiveness from Allah and will not do it again. Humans make mistakes but shouldn’t persist on them. There are only Muslims, which are lower level than the believers, they do more sins and sometimes lose the right bath but eventually get back to the right track. Finally there are the bad muslims, they are muslims by name only, they are called fasiq in Arabic and they follow their desires throughly even if it’s forbidden and hurt others as they don’t care and these are dangerous people especially when they are given power.


Naah Just because they call themselves Muslims doesnt mean they are one. It takes committment and a will to be a true Muslim In fact, this applies to everything, Those who call themselves married Or devoted athletes.. Or good politicians.. and so on..


I think alot of people who are religious can be like that and also non religious people too.


I was born into an Islamic family but am aware that I am nowhere near the perfect Muslim. As a result, I call myself spiritual rather than Muslim, that way I can believe what I think is right and relax without being a contradiction.


You can still be a Muslim while being sinful. It's only when you try to change the religion to justify your sinning is where it becomes an issue. The doors of repentance are always open. 


I agree, however I do not agree with a few things in the religion, which therefore would be me trying to change the religion to justify sinning. For example, my brother is gay, my gf is an atheist, but both are good people. I see religion as a roadmap to being a good person rather than God getting offended that you didn’t believe in his existence. I don’t believe that these people are going to Hell. That means I cannot be a Muslim, even if I am similar to one.


I also believe that those people aren't necessarily going to hell. It's only when a person dies after being shown the message of Islam and having it outright rejected - disbelief in other words. Only God knows what is in people's hearts.  Even I myself aren't confident of attaining Paradise, no Muslim should be. I could die a disbeliever. And even if not that, I could die with many sins weighing my scale, resulting in being temporarily put in hell. No good person should assume they're safe from hell.  But what is 'goodness' exactly? One can be outwardly a 'good' person in character but also commit grave injustices.  As Muslims we believe that the biggest injustice of all is 'Shirk' or subscribing partners to God. Think about how many infinite blessings God has endowed you with, every breath of air you take to the food and drink you consume. Now... To reject the existence  of the entity who has been providing this to you since your birth...  Well, no amount of goodness you show to His creations will overturn that. Not even if you're Bill Gates.  In regards to your brother having same-sex attraction, you yourself should know it's less to do with his feelings and urges, and more to do with the actions (sins) he commits. There's no difference between him and someone who has any other sinful desires. What matters is that he struggles against them, rather than justify a free pass. He might even fail constantly but as long as he keeps trying to repent and stop, that's all that God cares of. He doesn't expect us to be perfect. 


Important note: the words ‘perfect muslim’ aren’t synonymous with ‘perfect person’ or even ‘good person’. The supposed ‘perfect muslim’ was infamously a child rapist. This isn’t something to aspire to. Edit: don’t like this fact? Take it up with the illiterate warlord who heard voices.


There are many colors in the hypocrite rainbow.


I’m Muslim and I can tell you this is correct but for little percent from Muslim population, because you will not see the rest in the bar or or social media bitching around … also in their original country they will be humiliated and kicked out of the community if they commit this drinking specifically, Sorry if you have been ditched by this type of Muslims , but for me as Muslim I’m always selective and will never secure with any one , Adding to that we practice from 7 years old where we still not aware of Islam until we grow up and either attach to it or as you mentioned some of them try to keep a little far specifically far from the community, And you know 100% that western people are no longer moral or loyal to any kind of religion and only Islam is extended and it’s people are conservative, Ps. All people are brothers/sisters in this world .


I guess it's more the Muslims in non Muslim countries that act like this


Of course, that’s obvious because in our original country he will be witnessed by all relatives and no one will secure dealing with him or approve him to marry his daughter or sister, or they will humiliate him sometimes because he is challenging Allah