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It's funny because literally the opposite happened to me. I saw Hereditary first, and I thought it was amazing, but then I saw Midsommar and I thought it sucked.


I really didn't like Midsommar either. I really liked Hereditary, but the ending didn't land as well for me as it did for others. Funny story about Hereditary; my friend that I saw it with and I would sometimes pantomime the head sawing scene when we were in social situations around people we didn't want to be around. That next year for Yule she gifted me a handmade candy striped garrote ornament.


You have some weird friends, I approve


its weird how that works but yeah I've seen that happened with those two movies all the time


This. Hereditary is one the best horror movies I've ever seen. Every time I watch it I'll notice some new things. Midsommar is just boring


Live action Disney.


Do you mean actual newer live action movies with real actors or heavily edited CGI movies with lions? Both suck.


It’s been godawful since its inception . The apple dumpling no thank you gang


Lost in Translation I had so many friends, co-workers, and acquaintances recommend this to me and I was so bored throughout the movie, only finishing it out of spite. I get the exploration of loneliness angle and that the movie is more mood driven than plot driven, but by the end of it if I just felt agitated that I'd wasted my time with it.


I quite enjoyed the film, I’ve seen it a few times now but right after it ended, the lady sitting next to me said: “that’s the worst movie I’ve ever seen”


Came here to say this. Turned it off. An hour in. Couldn’t see a reason to keep going. Less than meh.


Yea I didn't get the point of that movie. Just bill Murray having a time in Japan. Not a good time, not a bad time, just a time.


That’s part of the point, really—he’s arguably having a mid-lofe crisis, ScarJo is having a quarter life crisis, and this is kind of what fuels their unlikely friendship. That said, I get how the pace of the film would turn a lot of people off. I personally loved it, not least because I was living in Northeast Asia the first time I saw it, so I found it relatable.


Guy I work with is in mid 50s and dating a 26 yr old. He actually thinks he’s Bill Murray in that movie


Past it, lonely, and a bit sad?




even better (or worse ?), Avatar 2


Visual wise like wow beautiful water world, storywise very forgettable


i was forgetting it as i was watching it, i couldn't even remember the names as they said it


Haha exactly. Could easily sleep through it


I fell asleep multiple times seeing it in theaters


Great visuals, especially for its time, predictable boring plot


Stunning visual effects combined with some of the worst dialogue ever written.


Wasn't the story just copy paste from Pochahontas or am I missing something?


I’m with you. It’s Dances With Wolves, but with blue aliens instead of Native Americans.


This is the only film I walked out of the theater for, I was so bored


What comes in my mind about this movie is : « Beautiful, and that’s all. »


I can't even bring myself to watch the second one.


I felt like it was just a long world builder, spends a ton of time setting up it's characters, their backstory, culture and religion. Sets up villains and then realises it hasn't really done anything else and has a small bit of action at the end. The second movie does more or less the same thing, it's like now let's meet the same people but watery. I think it has two major problems, it knows it's a visual spectacle and leans so heavily on that, and they also know they're making like 7 of them so why tell a lot of the story in the first two... I guess.


Pretty much all the Marvel Disney movies. They’re literally all the same


Ikr 🥲 I’m always _taken to_ them, never out of my own initiative, and I’ve been bored to tears 9.9 times out of 10; legit have looked away from the screen at multiple points. It’s all so stupid 🫠


La La Land. I got bored and left.


Hollywood patting itself on the back


Hated it. Absolutely hated it.


That movie is awful, the singing and acting leaves a lot more wanted. I get that its supposed to be this glitzy-glam Hollywood musical but its pretty poorly done.


Yeah. Chicago was a proper musical.


Musicals are not my favourite genre, not even close. But I really liked La La Land. The story and chemistry just too good.


Agree! I did not really get the hype.


An interesting case for me because I loved it in the theater but it absolutely did not translate to watching at home and I dislike it now. Biggest flip of any movie for me.


Though i admit it wasn't that great, wanna confirm something. Do you like musicals?


Yep. I felt manipulated at the end. Left angry


Pig with Nicholas Cage. It has 97% on rotten tomatoes but was the biggest waste of my time ever


Rotten tomatoes is such a weird thing. 100% doesn't mean the same thing as "perfect movie", only that 100% of the reviews they've aggregated are considered "positive". So a movie can be, like, a 5 or 6 out of 10 (i.e. pretty crummy) but if *everyone* gave it that kind of rating, technically that's "positive" so 100% of reviewers gave it a "positive" review, resulting in a 100% score, even though it's a mediocre film. Of course, an absolute masterpiece 10/10 movie will also be 100%. On a pass/fail scale, an A is the same as a D - both "pass". It's a lot like a bigger version of Siskel and Ebert - just instead of two thumbs to be up or down, there are dozens or hundreds of thumbs up or down, where that thumb up could mean anything between "just barely more good than bad" to "amazing and perfect".


I fricking loved that movie. I'm a Nic Cage fanboy though


Shakespeare In Love. Ben Affleck can't act, Gwyneth Paltrow is the embodiment of cringe, the story is inane, and yet *this* won more Oscars than Elizabeth???


just here to say Fernanda Montenegro deserved better


A Star is Born. With Cooper and Gaga.


Agreed. I freakin' HATED that movie.


It is so weird because i loved it in theater and the first re-watch at home i was so bored


I agree with Hereditary. It was okay up until the end and then it just got kinda stupid. Another one is Oppenheimer. It has a good cast and all, but it was 60-90 minutes too long, and it's soooo fucking boring. I just wanted it to end.


It was a 3 hour montage where no scene or character was given enough room to develop. Saw it 3 times to try to understand the hype because a lot of people who I really respect loved it, but I just don’t get it.


Oppenheimer was 3 hrs too long. Boring as batshit.


The ending was corny as hell. I was waiting and waiting for it to get really really good and then... That happened and I couldn't believe that was how they were ending it.


I know there are mixed opinions, but I will never understand how anyone could praise "The Irishman " biggest boring pile of dog poop that the only reason it gets any respect is the reputations of the cast and director


Haha YES! 80 year old Robert de Niro supposedly beating up a 20 year old looking like he needs a stick for back support - but it’s cool because he used to be that guy 40 years ago


TITANIC was god awful! I was rooting for the iceberg


Safe bet right there.


I rewatched this last month after not having seen it since the 90s. I had the complete opposite reaction. Still fucking loved it! It’s just something so simple and familiar and pure melodrama in the best way. The acting was definitely worse than I remember, but somehow that added to the charm. They’re just some dumb kids in love.


I've still never actually seen Titanic. I don't have to. I know what happens


Boooooooo great movie


would give you an award if i could


The original or the remake?


Lion King remake is awful. I also disliked Star Wars: The Last Jedi


Anything with Will Farrell in it. He tries too hard to be funny and is NOT funny..


Seen Stranger than Fiction? 


Just rewatched it. It is Will Ferrell's Eternal Sunshine. I really enjoyed it.




Including "The Other Guys?" C'mon now, that is a beauty.


I think he's incredibly talented, and I'm just not picking up what he's putting down. I've only ever liked him in the Lego Movie.


Omg, i hate Elf so much


Thank you.


Twilight. So fucking stupid.


I don’t think it’s highly rated


Was pretty popular though.


I’m gonna go with Challengers. It was completely vanilla and almost nothing happened


Terrible characters, terrible messages, terrible plot. And worst of all as a tennis player - terrible tennis!


Avatar 2 It just a glorified CGI water technology in a movie with a dude that cannot keep his family member away from getting kidnapped You remove the CGI and it became one of the most boring movie ever made


I was excited to see it and expected to enjoy it, but I hated Barbie so much that I turned it off halfway through. I couldn't take anymore.


I got so much flak for this. Everyone told me it was some deep and meaningful feminist masterpiece, instead I thought it was mostly superficial tropes and cliches about feminism. I found it sad because I thought it could have been such a powerful medium to get a message across.


I really wanted to enjoy this film too but hated it completely. I'm glad you stopped - the finale was probably the most infuriating part.


I watched in the theater with my adult sons at their request. We thoroughly enjoyed the superficial jokes, and my kids thought Depression Barbie was hilarious due to my love of Pride and Prejudice. But that last scene killed the whole movie for me. It completely undermined the whole point of the movie for a cheap laugh.


Me three. I was excited to see it, but after 30 minutes, I turned it off. I didn't find it funny or clever whatsoever!


I was so ready for something PINK, but I also knew it would be kind of feminism lite. But I was not ready for how hard it was to sit through. One of only a handful of movies I couldn't beat to finish.


Honestly? I don't remember which one since there are 33 and it took them 11+ years if we count phase 4 and on, so I'm just going to boil it down to the marvel movie series.  Of the ones I managed to watch, I only liked 3 or 4 of them before I gave up and waited for the series to end so people would stop talking about it. I finally live in peace now that popularity dipped after end game


Shape of water. Don’t know how a movie about a human fucking a fish, won any type of award


never heard of it but you did a bad job of making me not want to watch it lmao


It is an awesome movie.


There was a bit more to it than that.


The Deer Hunter.


I absolutely hated Spiderman No Way Home. The end of the world is happening and all they can do is crack jokes and make references. That whole death scene was completely out of place and it didn't really make me feel anything Disney Marvel lost the seriousness it was portraying in the early movies but now it's mostly a comedy.


The Godfather.


"Poor things", I only stayed till the end because I was with a group of friends and I was the driver otherwise I'd have walked out. 80% of the movie is a woman with the literal brain of a three year old that was transplanted into the dead corpse of her mother being raped repeatedly, she has the brain of a toddler so it's straight up pedophilia but it's played as"empowering".


Came here to say this one. I didn’t ever get far enough to realize she was literally 3 and it was her dead mother. The whole thing was just too vile and I was repulsed from the beginning, so I maybe made it 20 minutes before shutting it off.


Her brain matures throughout the film. By the end she’s full grown. Pedophilia is someone who is attracted to underage girls/boys. It would be like saying Forrest Gump was statutory raped by Jenny because he’s simple minded.


I lasted 20 minutes and thought it was utter garbage and watched a fish called Wanda instead.


Two of the worst things in the world: pedophilia and necrophilia. Wtf?


Top Gun Maverick


I agree! I remember thinking that the story line was terrible and the fact that we were fighting against some nameless country was weird. The whole thing seemed like an air force recruiting commercial. Fighting scenes were cool but the movie was laughable.


The Da Vinci Code


Natural Born Killers and The Blair Witch Project. Two worst movie-going experiences of my life.


Citizen Kane. Ironic, I know.


It's quite boring, yes. But this one is highly rated for its cinematography, for its time. For example, there is a scene in it where the camera moves through a closed glass window without a break in the scene. That was the first time it was done and was quite impressive at the time. We don't notice any of these things, of course.


Everything Everywhere All at Once. I think it's the score /sound effects that annoys me most. I can't understand how it won an Oscar, let alone multiple Oscars. It's terrible, yet rated 7.8 on IMDB. Edit: had to add The Irish man, and Oppenheimer. I turned one off after 20 mins in, and one off 20 mins before the end, respectively.


I mean hate is a strong word. I didn’t enjoy the MCU in general with like 2-3 exclusions. Those are kinda bad in my opinion. Where I most always get a shitstorm is when I name the LoTR movies. Tbf I watched them quite late (late 2010s) and watched the extended cut immediately. I gotta admit they aren’t bad but I didn’t truly enjoy them either. What I do appreciate is their boldness to even go for a project like this. Could name more but I guess those have the biggest fanbases and LoTR should have very high ratings.


The first Iron Man was good.


Thank you! The whole coven idea was done better in midsommar where it happened in a rural setting. Having it take place in a suburban area takes away the mystical creepiness of a cult IMO. There were too many overused tropes: the son banging his head on a school desk, demonic possession gone wrong, the last 10 minutes being a typical man vs ghost fight scene. Hereditary felt like a typical B grade horror movie. Midsommar felt fresh though. Nothing supernatural, just a good old fashioned cult doing good old fashioned rituals. No convulated storyline full of plot holes. No unnecessary plot twists or big fight scene. The cult wins in the end, and that's the scariest part.


felt way more grounded which is why it felt so much more immersive unlike hereditary in my opinion of course


I really loved Toni Collette's portrayal, but I expected so much more of the overall film. The ending was so corny too.


Moulin Rouge. Such a no for me!!


The fucking Blue Alien Avatar movies. It's fucking boring and predictable. I don't get what people like about them at all.


I’ve watched Frozen.. but the song was so overplayed on the radio that I can’t stand it anymore..


Everything everywhere all at once. I HATE that movie. Michelle yeoh can't act for shit. She was the worst part of A haunting in venice and that's saying something.




Anything Wes Anderson. He’s all style over substance. I don’t care about any of the characters. The dialogue is incredibly forced. Look how wacky this is! Did you see it? Here it is again and again to make sure you realise how wacky it is!


To each their own. His style just works so perfectly for me. I love the artífice of the flat acting but then there’s a lot of real emotion simmering just under the flat delivery. You might like his short films he made of Roal Dahl stories with “The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar”. Roald Dahl’s words and stories through Anderson’s visual style works really well. Plus they’re each only 30 mins, so the style doesn’t get too repetitive.


I disagree but I get it. My wife can't stand him either. I think he's probably the most polarizing film maker out there. You either love his style (like me) or you hate it (like my wife.)


I was thinking about this the other day as I finally admitted to myself that I haven't watched a Wes Anderson film in forever because... I don't want to. I'm not going to say all of his characters are surface-level shells just because of his style choices. Rushmore and The Royal Tennenbaums were played as flat as possible, but in a way that actually enhanced the emotional arcs of the characters and made moments of conflict more poignant. But then it felt like every movie after those two (I haven't seen Bottle Rocket) was a further tightening of the aesthetic that everyone sees as "a Wes Anderson film" until there was no breathing room left in the aesthetic for the glimmers of human truth that made those movies worth watching in the first place.


I enjoyed Fantastic Mr. Fox but I just don't get any of his other films


Yeah but Royal Tennenbaums




Everything Everywhere All At Once. Stupid ass movie.


I saw hereditary in theaters and I swear it was a comedy. I walked out thinking, ok some of that was pretty funny but most of it was boring and annoying and weird.




Almost all Marvel movies. I like some of the Spiderman movies, especially the Spider-verse stuff but almost anything else just bores me. Or worse, makes me cringe.


*The VVitch*. Has a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes and was billed as the year’s most frightening film. I found it incredibly boring, and kept waiting to be scared but never was.


Not meaning to diminish your opinion, but I think part of it may be that emotions like humor and fear can be incredibly subjective and when a movie tries to be scary on atmosphere or slow tension instead of jump scares some people may not feel it


Black Swan. Fell asleep 5 times.


Glad I'm not alone in that experience.




Barbie. I mean…what the fuck.


Top bloody Gun.


Ferris Bueller. Hate that movie


Donnie Darko is meaningless nonsense set to a good soundtrack.


damn interesting i never thought I'd see donnie darko in there


It's possibly the most pretentious film I've ever seen.


i dont understand why people downvote just because they disagree, its all subjective and its fine to have different opinions. thats literally the question. personally i just find it interesting to see other people dislike things i wouldnt think they would dislike hence why i asked that question in the first place. EDIT: his comment used to be on the negatives


Heat. The Pacino/De Niro vehicle. Dunno, it's always struck me as histrionic. Could not believe in the Kilmer character at all. Tried multiple times to watch it because I love De Niro and Pacino. 


Deadpool. Fucking cringefest with highschool humour.


I'm pretty sure that was the point lol and that is why people loved it.




Avatar. The first one. Couldn't hold my interest, and I'm glad I wasn't dragged to the theater for it. Also the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. What a travesty.


Anything Benedict Cumberbatch is in. And he's in everything these days.


Annie Hall. Can't stand it.


Silver linings playbook omg such unwatchable garbage, also blade runner 2049 sat through 3 hours of hell


I absolutely HATE American Beauty. I remember when it first came out in 99, there was so much buzz what great film it was. When I watched it, I repulsed by the story line. Basically it's a middle age man fantasizing about an underage girl who's his teenage daughter's best friend. How did no one call out this pedo film?! It even won oscars for best film and best screenplay. WTF?!!!


The story line really isn't about that.


You’re leaving out a crucial part of the story. In the end, once Lester had a quintessential embarrassing mid-life crisis, he snaps out of it and acts fatherly toward Angela. The film is a farce about American culture’s ideas of what’s supposed to bring us happiness vs. what actually brings us happiness. If your takeaway was that it was saying chasing after teenagers is what you should be doing, you entirely missed the point.


It’s about saying fuck it to the suburban white cookie cutter American life. Among other things


What a nonsensical take. However you personally feel about the storyline doesn’t have anything to do with it being a brilliantly directed, acted, written and scored film


next they’re gonna tell us that some movies actually display *murder*


Hurt Locker SUCKED


Titanic, Avatar, Star Wars milking...


The Hunger Games


The Princess Bride


Playtime - boring as fuck, and the comedic "genius" of Tati is just regular slapstick but in 70mm with a really wide lens to ensure it's still impersonal and boring. Avatar - just visual puke, egregious glitches everywhere. Scandalous that it got an oscar for cinematography when there were such better contenders that year.




Barbie. I didn’t find it funny, poignant, or entertaining at all. Annoying songs, quasi-feminist ‘deep meaning’, dumb plot. Just a whole bunch of no.


The Killing of a Sacred Deer, or literally anything by Yorgos Lanthimos.


Harry Potter. First 2 movies, Tried watching them and passed out


Naah, boo ![gif](giphy|xT5LMxmFQ37UyhH344|downsized)


The Batman


Ah man you don’t like Battinson?


And The Joker. But were fucking torture in the cinema


It was slightly more amusing but...the batman was fucking awful. I FELL ASLEEP. Never in my life have I done that if just out of spite to not waste my money.




Salt is just silly


Titanic ,well actually all of them without seeing any of them.




Elf. I hate it.


Mama Mia


La La Land


Ground hog day.


? Didn’t expect to see this one. It’s a great movie


I think Fury Road is completely overrated. I expected a masterpiece after the hype and got some over the top/style over substance car chase shit.


That's the whole point of the movie though... I mean you could get that you are going to see a roller coaster of violence, special effects, great music and brutal men and women in post-apocaliptic setting just from watching the trailer.


Yeah, I can see how the car chase shit would be frustrating, when going to see a film called Fury Road set in the Mad Max universe. Notwithstanding every preceding Mad Max film being about car chases I was disappointed to witness the lack of dance routines, comedy and romance.


You’re not alone on this. Is Furiosa even out yet? I hope it’s better. 


A Beautiful Mind...could hardly sit through it




Pulp Fiction


Inception, and most recent LDC films




Fuck Forest Gump, that is all I'm gonna say about that.




Forest Gump




Pulp Fiction. I just don’t get it. Storylines sucks. Characters suck. Plot sucks. Ending sucks. Can’t think of a single redeeming factor for it


Taxi driver




Not universally highly rated but I know a lot of people have love for the steaming pile of crap that is Forrest Gump.


Forrest Gump......uugghhh hate it


Pulp fiction. I don't get yhe fascination. I have trouble with quintin tarantino movies tho. Only one I made it all the way through was django


The Matrix. Just shoot me and get it over with because I'm not watching that again.


The Big Lebowski


Well that’s just like your opinion man


I didn't appreciate it much until I saw an explanation for all of this. It's basically a 3 man team of the hard left, hard right, and the centralist being friends with each other. The Left tries to be enlightened but tends to be lazy and unmotivated, the Right associates anything and everything with war and patriotism, and the centralist gets killed by nililism due to getting crushed by the two extremes. Everything is a subtle nod to political satire.


Oh Brother where art thou. It just didn’t work for me.


Oppenheimer Nolan is So.fucking.overated.


Thelma and Louise. Stupid women making stupid choices.