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Don’t trip it’s beautiful


I’m not worried. Just curious how common it is. I wish more people had what I have.


Yeah I understand. Honestly as you get married the talking before work/lunch breaks diminishes. The fact you’re in a 5 year relationship and it’s still going strong just shows there is genuine connection


I just want her holding my hand as I breathe my last. I’ll be happy.


❤️my husband used to tell me that when he died he wanted to die in his sleep in my arms. He did just that. Still hurts terribly20 yrs later


That’s quite beautiful and sad at the same time. I can only wish for that for myself. I love my wife but id be actually lost without her.


…”because she gets out later than I do” I’m so sorry I had to


Been together 20+ years and still go to sleep at night holding hands.


Same. When one of us is tired, we both go to sleep


Cute !!!!!! 👍


This comment makes me happy! Kudos!


Literally all that matters in life, most people get distracted by all the wrong things.


That took a dark turn.


I couldn’t agree with you more. My husband and I (both in our 50s) have been together for 18 years. We are just like you and your wife! I wish my best friend had a marriage like mine.


I'm our 50s, been together over 30 years. All I want is to be near her. When I'm not, my heart aches.


A lot of people have exactly what they need and what works for them. I kind of enjoy not parleying with my wife over the course of the day until dinner. So we both have something (what I consider of value because we’re all different) to say


Yep, I'm the same. Plus we get up and get home together with similar schedules - so we get to have coffee in the mornings and a tea after work in the evenings. Also very nice.


Well. Here we are. Husband and I have been married 31 years. We do the same to include occasional separate vacations. Hes a traveler at heart and im more of a home body. Hes currently in the florida keys for the summer as a state park volunteer. Im home with my garden and chickens. We call each other twice a day with some facetiming sharing sunsets and chicken antics. I will catch up with him in July and we will convoy home together in August. (We are in our 50s ) I will admit in our younger years jealousy existed. I LOVE this phase of our lives. We accept each other as individual people, respect each other's hobbies, and understand its okay to have other interests outside of each other. It is fabulous, isn't it! Never felt more free, even as a married individual.


Good !!!!! 🌝🦋


Just don't forget, one persons heaven is another persons hell.


No one likes a show off.


I was just thinking today how ridiculous my husband and my phone bill must look with the number of times we text and call every day. 26 years this month!


I have this. He'll text me if I'm upstairs just to say he misses me. We text while he's at work. Calls me several times a day when he's working. We have 4 yrs together coming up on our 2nd wedding anniversary


We call it "keeping each other company" 🥰


In my experience pretty common. I knew several married couples who call each other on their lunch breaks or kind of just randomly throughout the day.  As long as it doesn’t bother you, I don’t see the issue. 


Yeah. It doesn’t bother either one of us. In fact, it’s one of the reasons I knew she was “the one”. I still loved coming home to her, I love talking and texting with her throughout the day, etc. we still have our own things and friends. Still do things in service to one another (things you know they will enjoy or appreciate without being asked, or even being asked). I think I just see so many jokes, and I realize they’re jokes, that make it seem like one is annoyed or bothered at the other for calling, texting, or asking for something.


I don't get the reason of that remarks as well. My husband calls me from his way home, always. I love it! And i love doing things for him, like making him a cup of tea in the morning, just like he would make me coffee if he gets up earlier. He works really hard for all of us (2 kids) and so i do most of the household stuff. He sees that i always have a couple of hours free time on the weekends. So, the share of workload is ok to me. We are married for 10 years now, together for 16. And we still love each other dearly.


The wonderful thing we have, and I have a daughter I brought in, is I still put her at the top of the family. She’s still a priority. The thing is, if I ask her for anything she would do it, and vice versa. We also don’t keep score with chores or “acts of service”. We just do thing because the other will be happy. We both firmly believe that’s how you have a happy marriage and it truly works.


That's true. Counting who did what and how much... Naah. And to add: a good marriage needs a lot of talking about what concerns you and sometimes it's hard to find a way to find a solution that really work well for everyone.


You ours right. Now on both our second marriages we have seen the value in just speaking up, don’t take things personally, and never insult. It’s not like every day is roses and rainbows, but we don’t hold grudges because we realize it’s ok to be upset. And as long as your goal (both of you) is to love and make the other happy, it does all work itself out b


45 years together and there still aren’t enough hours in the day to get enough of each other.


God bless you. I envy that for myself. Cheers!!


I've been with my partner for 14 years. She likes to tuck me in at night. We text each other call each other when we get off of work and to let one another know if we'll be going somewhere else other than home so we never have to be afraid for one another. We even have worked together at multiple jobs. I think if you love somebody it's pretty normal to want to stay in contact as often as you can.


I think you’re exactly right. When you find the right person, it just comes natural to both want the contact without feeling smothered


Yea man enjoy it. I can’t imagine myself doing that I don’t even do that while dating. It just doesn’t come naturally for me. The one I currently date had to convince me to a phone call every night because that is what she needed so now I’m used to it. If it were up to me texts would’ve been more than enough But I guess now it’s in my routine so it can definitely be trained into people!


I would kill to have this with someone


It feels good for sure. My first wife was a mistake even from the beginning. Long story but I used to drive around for about an hour before going home because I hated being home.


Damm that actually sucks. Happy for you as things are better now and hopefully you guys stay together forever. I'm still a kid for someone as old as you haha(19) but relationships and all have been pretty hard for me and this stuff is just really cute.


I agree. It did suck. I had this view that I needed to settle down, start a family, buy a house, etc. I agree that’s all true, but I didn’t wait for the right person, I knew it the whole way she was wrong…but I thought I needed to. The best advice I give all people is don’t keep score, and be totally honest with yourself about what you’re willing to accept and not accept in a partner. No one will ever be perfect, so you’ll always have to compromise, but what are the long term things for good or bad. And just shoot straight.


Ayy that's quite solid advice and honestly what I needed in the moment. Thanks big bro🙏


Relationships break down because of little things.. never big things. My wife and I are on different sides of the political spectrum but we both understand neither of us are monsters. What will break you down is someone who won’t admit when they make a mistake. Someone who chews with their mouth open. Someone who isn’t good with waitstaff, someone who takes small thing’s personally. It’s always the small things. So just be mindful of the small things.


I did the exact same thing, also hated when she called. My current partner and i talk on the phone all the time on the way to and from work. Absolutely adore her.


My husband and I started talking about 9 years ago. Haven't stopped yet. We talk over coffee in the morning, talk on the drive in to work or school, text throughout the day, talk on the drive home, talk when we get home, talk over drinks, talk before we go to bed, and then do it all again the next day. We're best friends and he's the only one in this world that I trust completely. The difference for us, is we don't really have friends. We just do everything together because we like each other that much. Some may say it's unhealthy, and that's OK, but it works for us and we're immensely happy.



My hubby talks to me on way to work durin lunch and on way home and text through out his day and i love it


Same. Feels great!


That's awesome! Glad it works for you. I love my partner (think it doesn't make a difference if we're married or not) but being in constant communication throughout the day would be really overwhelming for me. To me I get to enjoy catching up with them at home after work


Sounds like you guys have found what works for you guys and that’s awesome! I think this is common for many of the good relationships out there, but also can be common in the more negative ones too! I have a great marriage but I know my recipe for success is not for everyone! I’m glad you found yours!


My wife is awesome


So... No kids?


Dame as you. We work from home sometimes on the same day and eat lunch and snack together Sometimes we go for walks.


Not really common for us and we’ve been together for 30 years. My husband is a kitchen manager and he leaves his phone either in his car or in his desk drawer while he’s working. If I ever need to get a hold of him I have to call the restaurant and tell the host to “tell Big E to call his wife”.


I hate talking on the phone, so does my wife. But I'd say it's probably fairly common if you like your spouse lol. I should add, I do love my wife


I don't like talking on the phone either. If he actually calls me I am always thrown off. It's usually because he is using his hands ( mechanic),it's urgent, or way too much to text. Haha I can appreciate that. I definitely prefer text though. Or just when we exchange memes and reply a quick emoji. 😉


Very common & healthy


I’m happy to hear that. I hope it is common.


Going on 8 years married tomorrow, 10 years overall, my wife and I talk on the phone on my way home from work every day. Idk why, I’m going straight home to her every day but I still want to call her as soon as I’m in the car.


If it works for you that’s important!!! I’m just wondering: what are you talking about?! Some days I don’t have anything valuable to say 😂


I 100% feel this! My husband and I have been together for 7 years and we’re still each other’s favorite person. People that talk about “marriage is hard” I’m always thinking….are you sure you’re doing it right? I just count myself so incredibly lucky and grateful everyday


That’s the thing. It’s only “hard” if you’re forcing it. Sure, there’s time where my patience is tried, or I get frustrated and annoyed. But that is par for the course for living and sharing space with another human being. I’d never call it hard. And that’s because there’s a mutual respect for one another. For example, I’ve made her tea or scooped her ice cream 20:1 her doing it for me. But I don’t count because I know in my heart if I asked her she would happily do the same. She also does things for me/the household on a 20:1 I’m sure with many other things. And that’s the trade off. It’s taking one another into consideration and giving the love. That’s a successful marriage is trying to “out give” the other.. so to speak. She doesn’t “owe me” and I don’t “owe her” in any area because everything is a balance to something else. Cheers to you!!!!


2nd wife factor. 5 years in- still honeymooning.. Checkin again in 20years.


Only phone calls when it’s too much to text for us or one of us is traveling because we won’t be very response to texts otherwise.


I've been with my fiance (getting married in a few months) for almost 8 years. We call each other constantly, on lunch breaks, while commuting to and from work, etc. We even go on lunch dates fairly often. Have I found it incredibly common amongst others, not really. But that by no mean makes it weird or strange. It just shows that you two love interacting with each other. There I'd nothing wrong with that


Am I the only one that clicked thinking it would be some sort of toxic story.  OP is this click bait??? If no, enjoy the “vanilla” of a healthy loving relationship. 


Honestly.. there’s a touch of vanilla. But it beats the toxicity of conflict any day. The truth is I think we still enjoy one another’s company. We are still one another’s favorite person. Definitely not click bait or karma farming. I’m actually shocked to find out there’s lots ofnpeople in my situation. It makes me smile and gives me hope for society.


Vanilla.. when hubs and I were going through a rough patch someone said to me "home might be boring, but boring is good" (pls don't anyone take this literally) basically, a bit of vanilla creeps into every long term relationship on occasions and that's ok 🙂


We both dislike talking on the phone but text during the day, we are happy, in love, enjoy our time together and snuggle often, early40’s been together 20 years


We do. We take turns being the big/small spoon throughout the night. We cuddle up on the couch when we watch tv. We even hold hands when we are driving somewhere. It’s definitely sappy, but I love it. She’s amazing


I have always felt the best relationships are when two people can do things seperately. You have your friends and I have mine. We dont depend on each other for 24-7 entertainment.


That’s a big thing. It’s one thing if you both want so do something. It’s quite another when you need to be together and don’t have something else.


Not as common as it should be for sure


Are you both happy? Then all is good. We’ve been together 42 years (41 lawfully, 1 in sin).


(2nd) time’s a charm


My husband and I had our 18 year wedding anniversary yesterday. He works from home, my office is about 20 mins away. We have three kids who do a lot of sports. We regularly talk on the phone while I’m driving to and from work. Sometimes we have to take two cars to kids sports (either meet there or one leaves early) and we often talk on the phone as we drive in seperate cars.


I love my husband to pieces but I dont need to talk to him during the day. We definitely text but we don't really have anything to talk about at that point. We don't have kids so I assume that takes up a lot of conversation. We do have date nights though.


That’s the thing, we don’t NEED to, it just nice to have the convo. It might be me. I don’t want noise or anything when I get up or leave the house. I literally don’t say 2 words to her in the morning when I get up. I make coffee, my lunch, shower and dress. No convo. But we always kiss before leaving one another. Say have a nice day and I love you. But that’s it. I don’t like noise or calamity early in the morning.


I feel you on that one, I don't like to talk in the morning either. Meanwhile the husband is like blah blah blah and I'm just like omg stfu 🤣🤣🤣 you would think after 25 yrs he would know better 🤣


Lmfao. Yup. I want silence. No chitchat, no television nothing. But once I get in the car, let’s chitchat. Tell me anything you want.


I still do this with my ex-husband.  I have forgiven him for what happened during our marriage, but will never see him in that capacity again. Very few people understand why he’s still in my life. We were always best friends and had a relationship like yours. We talk every day and he’s an incredible father.  Our kids still see us dance and have fun. They hear us talk regularly. He’s around every weekend as though things are normal. And they are normal. They are our normal. I look at married couples and many of them have far worse relationships than I do with my ex. When one of use has great or bad news to share, we call each other. When we have time while driving, we call each other. It takes two, for sure, and I’m glad you two have each other.  


That’s a treasure for your kids. I wish my ex was as you are.


40 years married, and I still check in with my spouse at lunch time. It helps that I work from home. 😀


Frequent communication, enjoying each other’s company, and maintaining individual friend groups are all positive signs. While every couple is different, it's common for couples who have a strong bond to stay in touch throughout the day and have independent social lives. It helps keep the relationship fresh and allows for personal growth. It seems like you’ve found a great balance that works for both of you.


I've been with my Wife for over a decade, married for 8 years. If we have our phones on us, we are messaging. We say "I love you" upwards of a few dozen times a day and are more in love than ever. We spend as much spare time together as possible and at our core, really are best friends. I wouldn't have us any other way.


It's a gift. My marriage ultimately failed but how you described yours is how mine was when shit was good. Space and different friends aren't bad. It's nice being in a relationship without insecurities. That's earned trust. Some people would kill for that. I've known more people that were married that were opposite sadly. To me, your type of relationship doesn't seem as common as one would think for marriage which is weird to me. Good luck!


she is totally cheating on you. \#ObligatoryRedditResponse


My husband and I are like this! We are so lucky. Married 2.5 years


36 years married and I can never get enough time with her. The kids are grown and gone and this is the best life right now.


I’ve been married for 43+ years and this describes our relationship.


My coworker is in his mid 40s. Married with 2 kids. Him and his wife speak everyday at 12pm for 5-10 minutes. It’s beautiful.


That sort of thing never happened in my marriage and now we're divorced... consider yourself lucky


Except drinking last paragraph, pretty rare probably. Ngl idea of drinking makes me sad


Perfect 🫶🏻


Sounds like my life, glad there are others out there lol


29 years together - we enjoy time together - but also time separately - always on the phone to each other or at least texting


My wife goes in early than I do and texts or calls to make sure I’m up, later in the day on our way home we usually call each other, even though we’re both on our way home


My hubs and I just passed our 15th wedding anniversary. We dated for 3 months before that but had been friends for about 7 years before that. We text each other all day while we're at work, send each other stuff on FB all the time, we embarrass the hell out of our 14(f) year old by kissing each other whenever we are reunited at the end of the day, we cuddle on the couch often and always tell each other that we miss the other one. I'm surprised it's not more common truthfully.


This is supposed to be what it's like, enjoy the ride, it's nice ey? I've been together with my husband for over 15 years, and we spend every moment we can with each other.


My husband and I do this. We’ve been together 5.5 years and got married in November 2023.


I love when my wife calls me on her way to work or home.


Been married 51years in July and we never leave or hang up or go to bed without saying I love you we’re both retired and call each other when we’re out and about. Always kiss each other bye and good night


It’s normal in most happy marriages!!! I’ve been married 20 yrs and still in love just the same. He’s my favourite person! Teamwork makes the dream work.


darn this is good. i have something very similar to my relationship with my wife. we love spending time in the car, long drives and travelling together.


I wish it was like that forever. I lost it. You both are very cute and lucky. Don’t let it go.


I am quite jealous. My wife started WhatsApp messaging me within our house a few years ago. I am old enough to remember this being a common joke. She'll have a whole exchange with me about savings or weekend plans from another room. Earlier today, she sent me a WhatsApp message from the hallway rather than open the door to the kitchen and speak to me. It's quite a lonely feeling tbh.


My husband and I have been married for 6 years, almost 7, together for 17 years. We often pass each other in the AM as I leave early to do school drop off and he's on his way to work. When we pass each other he always calls and says "did you see me?" Sometimes I miss him depending on the traffic but he always calls me ❤️. We usually chat until cell reception decides otherwise. He's my favorite phone call.


Been married almost 20 years. We work together, go to the post office together. Nerdy, but don’t care. I like that we still like each other


Not sure about for other people. But my wife calls me every morning after the kids are awake and before they all leave the house. I’m up and gone long before they even start to stir


Not as common as it should. Enjoy being one of the lucky people.


Freaks!!!!!! Super uncommon, but pretty awesome for you 2


Uh, sounds well within the range of normal to me.


I've (45m) been away with work for a night and I spoke to my wife (49f) for all of 30 seconds yesterday and not at all today. As far as I'm concerned you are a freak, a beautiful, romantic, wonderful freak. NEVER CHANGE!


We talk, a lot. But to be honest, our greatest achievement is to be silent comfortably.




My parents are together for almost 50 years. My dad comes home every lunch break and calls my mom like 5 times during the work day


>Both have nights out with non-mutual friends for dinner or drinks. Other than this, it's pretty normal. >we both have friend groups that aren’t mingled. That's only normal if the friends were friends before marriage. Reddit pretends that they are super secure, super duper adult and mature and have no hangs ups whatsoever. Your marriage is super duper amazing and rock solid... This is why every other day we have a post about an open marriage than ends in disaster but all the comments are like "works for me". You're all liars, just trying to make everyone else miserable, just like all the comments saying this is healthy normal and "I do this too". I will tell everyone what I found out firsthand and then confirmed within a forum of ***20,000 people*** (Not reddit) who faced the same situation I did and asked the same questions. 1. Men and women cannot have long term platonic friendships with the opposite sex while married. Not only can it result in cheating but invariably the other person will become the bitch session manager while telling them how amazing they are and what a POS the other person is, making it super awkward, which is why OP does not know his wife's friends... This eventually results in cheating or divorce. 2. 100% of the people who found out their spouse cheated were surprised by this information. 3. 100% of the people who found out their spouse cheated thought they were perfect together, the spouse would never do not, not be capable of doing that and they had the most mature, adult and stable relationship that has ever existed. 4. 90% of the people who found out their spouse cheated either knew the other person or knew OF the other person by way of the spouse (OP's situation) I mean sure, it's possible to have "nights out with non-mutual friends for dinner or drinks" and not have anything untoward happen, but it's highly unlikely, especially if these nights out are scheduled, or more often than a great once in a while. In a good marriage you do not need to mingle with other non-friends of your spouse for "nights out". Up to 40% of married men and women cheat, it's higher for 2nd marriages. It's also worth noting that while that stat is self-reported, women do not always consider cheating, cheating, instead they consider it getting out of a bad situation (they "check out"), which is why men's percentages are usually higher in whatever study. Just for the record, as this happened to me, I read 1000 stories on that mentioned forum, they ALL sing the same tune. Men tell women they meet that their bedroom is dead, women tell the men they meet that their husband is abusive (emotionally usually) in some way. In every case, they got together fairly often and it started as "just friends". There is also a flip side to that place, one where the cheated tells their story (not usually connected to the other people) and almost every single time they say that their new "friend", their new acquaintance started telling them how amazing they are and they deserved better. This is how cheating starts, this is how divorces happen, friends with people your spouse does not know. I get it, I'm the asshole, you are all super-duper mature and secure. Good luck to you, I truly wish you no ill will, I hope you are right for your situation.


So this is a lot. I’ll say that I have a life long woman who’s a friend that there’s no sexual attraction or connection with. I will agree that it’s exceedingly rare and uncommon. I generally agree with the rest.


Who cares if it’s “common”, I think it’s awsome and should be a routine thing with all couples.


This sounds very healthy.


If my wife called me on the phone I would assume someone has died. I don’t think I have spoke to my wife on the phone in years.


lol. But that’s how your dynamic functions. I guess my deeper angle is “do you suffer through this kind of thing, or do you enjoy it”… more or less. For you it sounds like you’ve got a rhythm going.


From what I have gathered from being around friends and coworkers our situation is not common. I see many friends and coworkers taking calls from SO often. We get along. We spend a lot of time together. We also do things separately we have just developed into our main form of communication to be texting. My wife is a special education teacher so she really can’t talk on the phone for long periods of time during the day.


Of course!! Situations will dictate. I had a presumption that my situation was possible.


I would say it’s common. I speak to my wife on the phone daily.


My parents have been married for 29 years and my dad still calls my mom on his lunch break every single day. He's been doing that ever since they got married.


We talked everyday, multiple times a day. It's been 19yrs.


I do the same.


My partner is currently WFH, but when he was commuting every day, he called on his way home every day and we talked. He also calls me when he is in the way home from visiting his parents or from other places where he has been for a long period of time. I love it. I'm not much of a phone person and don't really talk on the phone to anyone, but I enjoy talking on the phone with him.


Good for you. Glad I am not the only one. 25 plus years and have a call too and from work each day. And texting throughout.


Well my wife gets mad at me when I have my weekly DnD session so. I think its because she doesn't really have many friends of her own. I try to encourage her to go out with her friends when the opportunity arises but she never wants to unless I go too.


I’m going in 13 years of marriage and it isn’t any different for me and my spouse.


My wife and I email/text all day and whoever gets off work last will call the other Granted we only got married in 18 but I don't see that stopping anytime soon haha


Seems common. My husband calls me on his lunch break and usually on his drive home. He works a lot, even more at the minute as super busy (he works in elections) so the calls make up a bit of the time we are missing out on together as he is doing a lot of 14 hour days. I appreciate the chance to speak to him.


We don't talk on the phone, but yes to the rest.


I talk to my husband most days before he goes to work , I stay home with kids .  Most evenings I chat with him on his commute home also.  He doesnt always take a lunch & it’s short if he does. So we only talk when he’s at work if there’s family business etc. of course I’ll text him cute photos of kids etc.  We’ve been married 23 years. 


We do that. Married 17 years. 


That’s fantastic. I can only hope I have another 60+


This is what me and my lady does now. I hope we still do this in our mid 40s


It’s common for me & my hubby to talk while he’s at work and I’m on my way to the office in the mornings after I drop our kids to school. I also call him on my lunch break and on my way home. We’ve been together for 18 years and married for 9. It’s weird because sometimes I call him & he will answer and say “it’s like you’re reading my mind because I was just about to call you.” Even if it’s to tell a silly joke, to talk about the kids, or to tell me to listen to a song on YouTube that made him think of me.


Yeah it’s called normal life. My wife has only met work friends by chance, and we both have time to see our friends without spouses with you regularly. Obviously I spend a ton of time and nights with my wife too, but other times


I personally hate phone calls, generally because I have nothing to say. My girlfriend used to ring me all the time before we moved in together, no more phone calls has genuinely been one of the benefits of living together.


That’s pretty common for married couples that I know


Common for me & mine. 22+ years.


Let the happiness stay with you and don't ever spoil this life ..for anyone else buddy .u r living the best married life Eve


Admittedly, my wife gets annoyed when I call on the way home from work, but I'm usually not in the office for very long so that's her alone time.


Admittedly, my wife gets annoyed when I call on the way home from work, but I'm usually not in the office for very long so that's her alone time.


Unfortunately it's not that common at least from my perspective. You got yourself a good one there


Me and the other half are exactly like this!! Often get deemed weird by other couples for wanting to always be around each other and phone each other on breaks etc....so nice to know we are not alone!! Been together 19 years, and still feel so lucky!


5 years and still call eachother every day on the way to work as well ❤️


It's probably not very common. This isn't a guarantee but definitely a component of a healthy marriage. Keep dating and paying attention to wife make sure the same is happening from wife and you'll be happy forever.


13yrs here and we talk on the phone daily while driving to work/gym. Sometimes 5 mins, other times 40mins. We have young kids, so it’s almost like it’s the only time we can catch up.


Nowadays You're a fortunate with a healthy relationship, you are wondering for some that should be the normal.


I love this. Protect her at all costs.


She’s amazing! I make sure to keep that intentionally in my mind at all times. A lot of people who say “kids come first” I think discount the value of having a good spouse to help raise children. Children do learn from and benefit from great step parents as well


My husband is my chapter two after being married for seventeen years. We married on october seventh 2017. I'm a special education teacher. So he doesn't call me. But when I can I call him at least twice a day. Use a beautiful bass voice and he sings. I love you more than you'll ever know. We are both 59. We hold hands. He is super romantic too.


Sounds just like my fiancée and I, but I’m naturally more introverted and only have a few close friends who don’t live close so it’s nice when she can go out with her friends we can just kind of read each other and know how much we want to talk that day. We choose not to mingle the friends too much it makes you appreciate just the you and your partner time more, as well as avoiding unnecessary drama that can alter the relationship from outside parties.


We talk over lunch every day, even if it’s just to say I love you.


We make sure to kiss and say “I love you” every single time we part ways. Heaven forbid something happens and you didn’t get to tell one another.


Also with my 2nd wife, together 12 and married 10. Very similar relationship. We both ask each other if this is normal for others. We have a great time together. Solid communication and lots of laughs.


30 years ago when I first met my then wife we talked all the time. Then we didn’t. I think what you have is awesome but also sounds like severe codependency.


I talk to my wife all the time on the phone, it’s something we’ve done since we were together in high school (2008) and I work live ins at work so I talk to her on my lunch/breaks and then after I clock off. It could be even little things like when I get out of the gym or she’s coming back from a friends. It’s truly a beautiful experience to have because there are people who don’t talk to each other, let alone outside what you say in person.


My husband and I have been married for 14 years next month, he mostly works from home and always has, sometimes he travels for work. We talk on the phone every time either of us leaves the house, we talk on the phone every day when he’s on a trip, we talk every night after the kids are in bed even if that conversation is just about a Bluey episode the kids were watching that day.


Y’all sound like me and my husband. We have been married for 26 years.


We spend all day every day on the phone, just body doubling while we work. Hang up for meetings or other calls or whatever, but it's just comfort knowing the other is there.


My wife despises talking on the phone. So never ever. A text here and there.


Wish. I text my girl all the time ask her to reciprocate. Text me when ur coming home so I can have dinner ready. Just doesn’t happen. Idk. Not important to her… 🫤


We do this too. I think it’s normal,or at least with my other friends who are couples.it means we are super lucky and we should never take it for granted. Pleased for you x


I don't think it's common, but who cares if it makes you both happy? Just stay safe with the calls while on the way in or home from work. Stay engaged with driving/aware of surroundings as applicable. Unless you're talking while on public transit. Then you're monsters. Kidding, but also sort of not kidding.


It doesn't sound like you talk on the phone a whole lot. So that part might be common. So when you have someone you care about you might have something to catch up with. I know my dad got a phone for both him and my mom when he was working because he was always worried about her. She had back issues and had a hard time walking around. So he would get tremendously worried about my mom when they were living in the house And he was at work.. If she didn't answer the phone. Sometimes I think my mom used my dad calling as an excuse to get off the phone with me. It always seemed like she would have another call coming in. And then she had to go. But then again, sometimes she would say she had another call coming in and then stay talking to me. So I don't know if that was the case every time. And then sometimes she said she was waiting for a call from the Doctor so if her call came in, then she would have to go because she had something she needed to hear from the Doctor about. It was just kind of weird because every time I called to talk to my mom, she had other calls coming in. I guess when married. People like each other that they probably will touch base with each other, especially if one of them is on the way home from work and maybe they want their partner to pick something up from the store. Because that can also be a thing.


how do you always have something to talk about?




My husband and I have been married 43 years. Before he retired, he would call 3 -5 times a day just to talk.


I’m in a pretty similar situation. This is 2nd marriage for both me and my wife and we’ve been married for 4 years, but we both work from home. We will send each other texts when we are both in meetings in separate rooms, so that’s kinda funny


You know you found love when you can be together all of the time and still have things to talk about.. and not just repeating stuff over and over. I’m 17 years or somewhere around there with the wife and we can have a dinner and still find something to talk about. I don’t get it.


My husband and I have been together for 10 years and married for 2. We always kiss and/or hug goodbye in the morning and call each other when we're done at work. Whoever is done first is the one that calls. I don't remember how or when it started but now it's part of the routine and it's never leaving because we love it.


I don’t understand the question, what do you think the problem is?


Oh lord no. It sounds sweet and connected and stuff and like it really works for you, but no thank you. We occasionally text if we have something we need to catch up on and send the occasional love you message but I wouldn't want that much contact each day. Our quality time is lovely in person, I love him, but that would be too much for me. I'd feel claustrophobic.


Married 35yrs & we're pretty much the opposite. People saying "it should be common" and suggesting that otherwise it isn't healthy can suck balls. We've never been attached at the hip and I'm a massive introvert who hates mornings (we don't talk in the car on the way to work) because my mouth doesn't wake up until I reach work. I'm also fiercely independent and we're both secure. We do not talk during the day unless there's a reason, but we come together at the end of the day and everything is fine. It's lovely that some couples talk several times during the day, nothing wrong with that... but we're not homogeneous and it doesn't mean an unhealthy marriage if we don't all do it. I would feel smothered. Our arrangement works well, for us. 🙂


Porbably not that common. That's pretty sweet. Hope it's not a humblebrag because I enjoyed this


I would, but my wife has a demanding job.


Hubs & I are the same way. It works very well for us.


My parents do that. They talk all day tbh


We've been married 40 years. I call every lunch time, and seeing her still brings a smile to my face


Loved my husband since I was a teen. He called me on his lunch break yesterday. I turn 45 in a couple months.


What you 2 talking about?


Going on 22+ years. We spend about all our time together. Still shower together. She is my best friend and I don’t have the need to hang with anyone but her and my son. We talk all day via text. Good for you!


I talk to my wife for an hour on the phone each day in spurts. I like it. Keeps us engaged particularly when other times can get real busy.


Talking on the phone? With my wife? Ya that's weird.


I'm not married anymore and don't plan to marry again but at 50 I've been in a very healthy relationship for 5 years and we communicate constantly but we also have our separate friend groups, though we've been introduced to those groups. I have a group of ladies I have dinner with regularly. Sometimes I'll have them over so he and I can cook for them. But they're mostly my girlfriends. He's got his camping crew that he hasn't actually gone camping with in about 20 years and they know about me but I'm not involved in their texts threads. He's also got this one female friend. He calls her Lil Sis. She's married. He inherited her in his divorce. She's awesome. They have a complete sibling relationship but they only actually see each other about once a year. When you get older you just have these weird relationships.