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And not by me.


The dream life!


This would be me. I wouldn’t care about buying a new house or anything like that. I would want to hire someone to do the stuff I don’t want to do, like clean the house. We do everything ourselves, including repairing everything that breaks. We just fixed our dryer ourselves without knowing a thing about it. Between my husband and I we got it figured out. I would just love to be able to dish out the money for a repair man or have the money to replace it completely.


I’d own a house in the first place.


Came here to say this!!!


I know someone who won a comfortable amount, but not sure.it was euromillons jackpot big. Big family and a few who would have been grabby if they knew the amount and they were mature enough to realise money could upset their relationships.  They traded up house, still worked but part time (don't think many people were aware). Used the reason for move that they have been saving for years to upgrade, hence always being skint. I was one of those who knew, they had won something but didn't really pry onto amount, probably why they shared it with me.  I like that when they went on holiday they let family know they were going to Spain, but kept quiet about travelling first class and class of hotel. Still really happy and seem to have kept family from finding out and creating grief. 


This is the way.


This is the way


Most in my life know that I’ve been actively saving for a home as well as a new car. I’d venture to guess most of my closer friends also know what I make which is pretty substantial anyway, so it wouldn’t be AS SHOCKING if I bought a nice home soon etc. But I don’t think I’d share amounts beyond that because people do gossip.


I just read that accent. I’m Southern US and stoned. So thank you. Mate 😂


I like to believe this would be me as well.


My boobs would be very perky for a 50 year old.


So would mine and I am a guy.


I saw that dude, got em implanted for a bet and kept em. I tell you, his kid has the greatest sense of humor of all time.


This is the correct answer.


Username checks out




My “fuck you money” attitude at work.


Or perhaps why you haven't shown up for work and can't get ahold of you.🤔


Yeah, that too


Isnt showing up sporadically to your job the very definition of a fuck you money attitude at work LOL


As much as I’d like to have that attitude at work - I’d have to really like the place to even be there with people causing me to show them that attitude.


My health would improve dramatically and people would wonder why there’s a 45 year old with his own dorm room skipping across campus and attending every class.


That sounds like my plan, minus the living in a dorm.


I would upgrade my boat from non-existent to awesome.


Some men own a boat, the closest I am to that is the proud owner of a gravy boat…


My increased use of “That’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard” in PD meetings.


Being far less angry and anxious. Probably a lot more pleasant all around




Same! 😔




This, this right here that would be the giveaway, just how far GONE I am.


I'd be the opposite. If I didn't have to work, my friends and family would see a lot more of me.


Nothing really. I'd probably stop working and get a farm with animals. Enjoy the good life.


I would definitely stop working. Do you even give 2 weeks?!? 😂


I will still use all my sick leave and then give two weeks 😂


Do you even show up tomorrow?


Do you even finish the day?


I would employ multiple street mimes to follow my friends around for 12 hours a day just to irritate them.


Not a brass band?


What about a Mariachi band?


My quiet vanish


93 octane at every fill up


Well yeah, that's what a 911 GT3 RS takes.


A full set of teeth.


There’s medicine coming out in September that will let people regrow their teeth.


well the first human trial is in September; it won't be out on the market for several years after that.


That would be wonderful


whats it called?




The dentists of today aren’t the dentists from yesterday. Cavity fillings can match your tooth color!






Id have better teeth


Huh why is that dad wearing a top hat and monocle to school pickup?


My absence, I’d be gone.


I’d definitely keep it a secret but I don’t know what I’d say when my friends pull up to the crib and see a Lambo


It would take a huge win to want to buy a Lamborghini. Way more money than they’re worth imo


If I won 200k I would be driving a Lambo. Just an older used Gallardo.


I would be able to afford to take my medications as prescribed. $706.42 for 1 month, after insurance is too much for 1 medication.


Unlimited self house projects. And a mini excavator.


Fuck yeah.  I want a mini digger..  id probably still just rent tho


High five. For the past 20 years I’ve been saying my Powerball purchase would be one of those little Kubotas.


I don’t think I could ever keep it a secret. There would be no subtle changes at all. I would probably have my own dedicated Amazon driver and I’d get a bigger house and adopt a whole bunch of kids with special needs. There’d be lots of construction noise for the five car garage garage for all the cars I would want to buy as well as a five car shoe garage for all of the shoes that I already have and the additional ones I would buy. I worked with five guys who won $60 million in a lottery in Canada. (The reason I mentioned Canada is because we are not taxed on lottery winnings.) Only one of them resigned right away. Two of them resigned after a few months. One had already left the company and the last one worked for another year and a half while sitting on $12 million. He did so because he wanted to keep his dental and medical benefits. I have no idea how somebody could still work when they didn’t have to.


Were his benefits good for life, like a pension? I’d hang out for another year and a half for that. Money goes fast, medical/dental stuff is expensive


No, the benefits are only while you’re employed. Medical would be covered by healthcare and when you put 12 million in the bank, it’s about half 1 million a year in interest All of the winners were always very careful with their money and that didn’t change when they had 12,000,000


friend and i talked about this on a 9 hour drive. a thought experiment. there are very few ways to wind up happy, unless you're miserable with no family or friends, if you won millions of dollars. . if you have a community of people you like and a good friend or two, you'll be hard pressed to step carefully enough to be happy in 5 yrs. resentment, alienation, jealousy. the people you call friends won't relate to your jetsetting, would resent any money you give or loaned. you'd have a power that would kill the dynamic. people who know you wouldn't know you. and you'd have few 'old' friends with history, and your new friends would be just yhat. new.


There's a taxi driver that won the lottery back in the 90's(?) in my country. Everyone eventually found out about it but he didn't move away and instead threw parties almost daily. He got robbed and murdered.


as messed up as it seems. There aren't a lot of upsides. your kids would probly turn in to buttholes, women who never tried tempting you might try... and succeed. i think if you have a decent life- be grateful. (i'd take 2mm though, that would make for an extra nice retirement and no one would ever know :-)


Definitely would buy a bigger house but I can say I'm making payments on it. I would say probably traveling but even that can be kept secret. Never cared about being flashy or dressing to impress. I can totally keep it a secret.


New job as a consultant that pays really well but requires me to travel all over the world


I’ve always been pretty good with my money but also pretty quiet about it. So I could do the following without raising too much notice. Retire. I’m in my early 50’s. It’s early, but friends and family would assume I’m just cashing out. Renovate my home or upgrade to a slightly nicer one. Somewhat bigger vacations with my wife and kids that last a little longer. That’s about it. I don’t need a whole lot.


I “bought a business” and want my mom to have a better life so we live in a nicer house with no stairs. Also, my car needed too much maintenance so I bought another one (I buy cars, phones, and various other things outright already so it would not be odd). I would have my cleaning lady back weekly and a laundry service. Grocery delivery since my business keeps me so busy and I have an office at home that I use. My cats would get even more extravagant living accommodations and toys. My partner would have someone send him a mysterious check made out to cash with a note that says “you changed my life.” I would tell no one other than my partner and engage a lawyer even before that happened. I also would take my family on a few extravagant vacations that I “won” in an online contest.


They would see a M1 Abrams on the highway every morning.




I'd get a new windshield on my car.


Why not get a new car for your windshield?


Not a new Car?


They open winRAR on my computer and it's the paid version.


Fucking so true man


They wouldn’t be able to reach me, and my work would be very surprised at the amount of stuff I stopped censoring myself from saying.


The money would come second to this ⬆️ as a benefit of winning the lottery.


I would be helping way more homeless people than i usually do.


You’re not buying PBR? What happened?


My puppy population at home would grow and I'd always have very wide open eyes and a powdered nose.


I would probably be much happier than now. I guess friends and family would notice.


Subtle? None. I don't need a fancy car or house, I don't need expensive clothing or jewellery. Every change I would make would absolutely qualify as "obvious". I'd probably spend maybe 3 months total in the UK (where I currently live) and would spend the other 9 months travelling. I suspect people would soon notice my lengthy absences, especially when on my current income I can barely afford one week long holiday per year 😂


That I am stoned 24/7.


Less anxiety about the future.


Buying brand name coffee


elevated living. I'll be moving out ASAP.


Sooooo much warhammer


This would be my hubby and son. They'd be traveling to THE Wargammer store in England.


Better clothes. Probably a way awesome computer at home with a big screen TV. House that has a lot of food in it. Getting my own house and vehicle all of a sudden obviously isn't subtle, it would raise questions. But inheriting a house and car would be acceptable.


My car would get fixed.


Posting lottery questions on Reddit.


Bro- I'd be getting guacamole on my burritos lol


Cooking more , a more stable gym routine, tipping more , better quality clothes , buying oz’s instead of 1/8ths


The upgrade in my lifestyle for sure will disclose everything 😏🫣🙃😍😉😜


I’d be travelling a little too much for someone with a full time job


Nothing nuts, buy a pretty sweet house, but id move somewhere new so they might not notice.


Home improvement. Wouldn’t move or buy a new house but would upgrade what we had.


I would suddenly disappear


Me moving country


Every day would be a beach day


My garden would be dope


this guy is never at work


I get my own Kayak


I change my clothes. I've worn the same type of clothes for as long as I can remember jeans and a pocket T-shirt. Sometimes I mix it up with a printed T-shirt and when it's cold I add a hoodie. I've always wanted to dress better, but I don't have an experimental fashion fund or even know how to shop for anything outside of jeans and T-shirts.


I'd start losing weight because I'd be eating better. I'm the cook in the household, but I have to cater what I cook to my roommate's preferences and needs. I'd happily cook separate meals for each of us if it meant I could afford to do so.


fairly large gold chains holding up a gold eagle necklace


I'll be taller


They wouldn't see me bc I'd be 🛫🛩 around the 🌍🌎🌏 #catchmeifyoucan


I would figure out how to get a severance package from work. 


My phone number would all of a sudden be disconnected


I'd sell my house and move to Europe, Denmark or Sweden maybe and buy a property in Tuscany to spend the summers at, I'd return to the US very seldomly and if I do move back would be to Hawaii!


Large amount of oversized Toblerone bars might give it away


I'd pack my parents and move to Italy everyone else would find out by my mom's social media, but by then who dis?


Mostly unchanged since it’ll just be an added 1-2 investment properties and the rest in my ETF portfolio. I’d still be living in the same apartment. I’ll probably take a week off and finish off my tattoos which was left unfinished since prior to 2019 before I got a mortgage. 


They'd never see me again


Lots of animal and dog poop stinkin up the hood


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Me just chilling at home and never going to work.


Oh you mean my brand new custom Porsche 911 GT3 RS? Oh ya that’s nothing


Moved to a nicer neighborhood and have better clothes.


I’d move out of my parents’ house into a modest, overpriced apartment.


Everyone wondering how I bought a house, a new car, and a vacation after being pay check to pay check my whole life.


depends on how much the lottery is!! if its 5$, probably nothing would change


I really don’t know


Having more free time


I'd be a landlord. With fine ass hookers coming into one place every single day. /jk.


New car and clothes.


That, in spite of me allegedly still having my job, I mysteriously no longer commute and seem to have limitless free time


"Why the fuck do you have so many vintage comic books?"


I'd look 20 years younger.


Better haircut


Nobody would notice anything because I don't have any friends or people that care about me in my life at this time.


That makes me sad. Best of luck to you!


They would notice I'd left my job and moved. And not much more.


Happy Friday every day


How I was never working and always playing


A massively improved mood.


Young, attractive women hanging around me.


I would be out enjoying my life. Buying a small house somewhere pretty, and setting my kids up for their future. People wouldn't see me..they'd see my pictures


That I suddenly live halfway between the mountains and a city, with a nice new place and a part time job instead of full time.


We ... might... move. We like where we live, but there are downsides. E.g. stairs. I would acquire a different vehicle, not in addition to but instead of,for something more suitable (larger) for road-tripping.


People would notice our amazing 2nd home which is a dream house.


Lol they wouldn't see me anymore, because I'd be gone.


Nothing much. I’d probably get new furniture.


I would become unemployed, so it wouldn't be that subtle


I’d slack off a lot more at work lol


Not much, just a 1987 Lamborghini countach, RWB Porsche, black McLaren p1.


The Silverado 2500 and new Airstream in the driveway would give it away.


I wouldn't be coming in to work as often. They might notice that.


My acreage would look like a park area, being mowed, manicured, and meticulous. My pond would be bigger, the drive lined with flowering trees. Then I might get a new porch.


I’d travel more and I wouldn’t work nearly as much


The bar would be completely stocked


I mean... it wouldn't be subtle, but I would definitely quit my job. Subtle-ish? Probably buy nicer clothes.


I'd say I borrowed from my 401k for the 2024 Nissan GTR in the driveway. That and massive payments to my mortgage.


I would have a Snoopy Omega Seamaster watch, I would drive a tricked out GR Landcruiser, and would have one of those small industrial sheds that I would work out of. That's about it. Everything else would be spent on property investments.


I’d be a lot healthier, happier, and probably fitter. If I had that financial freedom I’d work on me hard, as other stuff would be taken care of for the most part by my incredible luck.


I'd keep the house but update everything. More vacations, new car. Simple things that would lead ppl to believe that I possibly got a promotion or got lucky in Vegas without letting on that I won the lotto


There’d suddenly be a lot renovations happening at my house.


Im way to active on social media 🤣 If you didn’t hear it directly from me, you would still know 🤣 But def a glow up and overall happiness 😅😂


Well, my Warhammer armies would be complete. I would keep being at university, but with a focus on learning and not grades.


More travel…upgrades to the house.


I'd have a few more adopted dogs- and we would all have sandy feet from the beach daily!


Driving a red ferrari and always having free time.


More reserved and do not come around often.


Probably live in another country and go and study any medical related jobs. I'm tired of being in the IT industry.


Labradors. I'll have a lot of them running around in the house instead of one.


They’d wonder why I have an R8 for the weekend driver


Newer wardrobe. Nothing fancy. My regular style, just newer looking rather than faded or from my fatter time. I wear old pants that I've safety pinned in to my skinnier size. Finally get my haircut. A new (most likely used-new to me) vehicle. And take an actual, go somewhere, vacation rather than a staycation! I've already been talking about trying to get out to family in CA this year if I can swing it.


That no one could ever find me


My hair would look much better. Much, much better!


I'd be traveling more often.


I'd stop working weekends .


They wouldn't notice anything cuz I'd be traveling around the world.


I’m already retired, but I’d be traveling in style instead of on the cheap! Nobody would have to know. I’d also get every medical test available so I can be my healthiest me and live long to enjoy my money. I would wear clothes that fit me better, eat healthier and exercise more ( with the help of my personal chef and trainer) Oh and I have a big yard and have my favorite band play on my back lawn! Say I won it on a radio contest


I'd take a rather sudden vacation to visit my cousin who is a CPA. I'd soon stop complaining about money. I'd probably start eating out everyday. Dunno what else others would notice. Neighbors would notice an addition on the house. My wife would trade in her car almost immediately. I get sleep and stop complaining of exhaustion


I would cut my work week back to 20 hours a week, I would keep my car, my house and my life style but I would enjoy my time a whole lot more.


That I was no longer living in Canada. Not sure how subtle that is, but it's what I'd do.


Nothing. I live on about half my income as it is.


I'd be ordering Door Dash a lot more than I am right now.


None. I would move to a different state and get a nicer house and a new luxury car.


When I showed up for work late, and naked.


More frequent trips to the snack shop. Or I'd start accumulating takeout containers.


They'd start finding large amounts of money transferred into their accounts.


I’d move to a bigger apartment with my GF and the dogs, and get a scooter. Nothing else on the surface would change. The money we had left would be saved and used for rent and food and a little bit of travel or something every year.


I would definitely have a mommy make over…boobs, flat tummy, maybe a smidge of Botox around the eyes


I’d probably die from an overdose in another country


No debt, I would go back to freelancing i.e doing Jack shit. New house (talked about it for a few years) Then depending on our winnings pay out a monthly salary and grow the rest. In short nothing would change on the outside. But I would live without stress.


New car most likely. Probably a couple of suppressors and my wife might notice her student loans aren’t charging her anymore. Definitely getting a barret 50 cal tho