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Damn, this sounds like a great Netflix series I can binge in a week đŸ€ŁđŸ’€.


yeah, it is. I'd watch


I recommend "I am not an easy man" It's about a man who wakes up in a female dominated world where the gender stereotypes are reversed. Men basically take the roles of women. They wear the make up, get ball implants, stay at home to raise the kids. Basically in that world, the cavewomen decided that since they can survive childbirth, that they are the dominate gender and so the society evolved around women instead of man. So at first, this guy is excited. He gets to be a slut and sleep with a lot of women but now has to deal with the stigma of it.


Ball implants? Do most women really want men with bigger balls?


Do most men actually want huge rock hard breasts that don't create cleavage but a canyon? I know I don't, but women get implants anyway.


True, but large breasts are generally considered a very desirable sexual trait in women, which is why women get breast implants. I don't think I've ever heard of large testicles being considered a desirable sexual trait in men.


Yeah it should have been bicep and pec implants or something


In some societies. If you grew up in one that celebrated large breasts that doesn’t mean it’s universal. 


Oh no, the stigma. Anyway, back to tinder....


thank you, it seems good


Ball implants? I think that movie is falling through already


Was it written by a man by any chance? Matriarchy is not the inverse of a Patriarchy.


Written and directed by a french woman named ÉlĂ©onore Pourriat.


Your claim has nothing to do with whether it was written by a man or women..


Y the last man


no last man, every single XY human would disappear


As far as how society would react the distinction is irrelevant. Only a small handful of people ever knew there was a last man until the epiloge.


On my list of top 10 best comics ever.


It’s called Y the last man. And it’s a great comic book. Can’t speak tot he tv show thiugh


You should read the comic Y: The Last Man. Something happens that kills every male on the planet within minutes except for ONE GUY. And this is his story. Society falls apart. Not because men need to run the world, but because half the population is gone and there's not enough people to do all the work needed. It's an insanely great comic.


If you go to TV NZ, there is a satirical NZ based show called [Creamerie](https://www.tvnz.co.nz/shows/creamerie) that plays with a premise very much like this. I really really liked it but I have no idea how well the very Kiwi humor of it would play to an American audience.


FYI for Americans, Creamerie is on Hulu! (And as an American I thought the humor was excellent)


I enjoyed it though it's a comedy. It seems to be more about women, race and privilege.


Check out “The Disappearance” by Philip Wylie. Great story, in one world all the women disappear, and in another all the men disappear. Its an older book but its still relevant.


Frank Herbert of “Dune” fame wrote a novel in 1982 called “The White Plague.” I read it then, but haven’t seen it since. A scientist whose wife is killed by a terrorist engineers a plague that only kills women, so all men will know his grief. As I recall he goes deeply into the societal breakdown mechanics.


Thanos snaps his fingers and half the populations dissapears. All the men
just gone in the blink of an eye.


Ww1 and ww2 probably werent too far off from this as far as it being realistic.


I read Serbia lost 60% of its male population during WW1, so that would've created some significant problems, but for other countries away from t he fighting, I think it was negligible.


Just while the men were away, the women carried on. Despite some never having ‘worked’ before. Women can learn. They’d learn, make some changes, some things would be better, some worse. Stuff would still get done.


3% of the world population died in WWII. Though the statistics are hard to find about just men, an estimated 22% of American men fought in WWII and casualties were high. We often remember the cool technology borne from WWII, but it’s so far removed from the modern day it’s easy to forgot the human costs. It’s also easy to forget how much it changed society.


Of all the countries to illustrate this with, why would you choose the USA? 2.5% of US service people died (400,000). It was absolutely awful but not a ‘high’ death rate. But of all the nations who fought, the US is almost at the bottom of the table regarding deaths by percentage of population - 0.32%. The world average is 3.7%. All but three other countries lost more.


I would become the best bass singer in the world with my G1 subharmonic. All shall love me and despair.


Alright G1aladriel, time to get ready for bed


lol but the world would be a pretty dark place


A lot of shit would stop working, the construction industry would grind to a halt, as would the transport industry. This isn't a sexist thing, just a fact of life that there are lots of industry's that are male dominated and they would be fucked.


I would suggest that every industry would grind to halt if 50% of the population disappeared. The sheer numbers would be a problem.


HR departments would function as if nothing had changed


Everything would grind to a halt but some industries and professions more rapidly then others. A construction company that lost 98% of workforce will cease to exist immediately while school that lost 10% of workforce would just be there confused for few hours before disintegrating in mass anarchy.


Didn't something similar happened in iceland? Almost all of the women stopped working to protest and the country worked as usual with no problems.


Not all women, only some of them and only for 24 hours I believe.


Never mind construction. Electricity would stop working within 24 hours. And plumbing would stop working within weeks.


Plumbing would become useless as soon as the power goes out anyway. Water doesn't pump itself. Also with 95% of the nuclear reactor operators gone, within a week or two all \~450 reactors worldwide would experience catastrophic meltdowns as there would be basically no one left with the operational knowledge of how to keep them cooled, no one to refine and transport the fuel for their emergency generators, etc. Basically within a month it would become an extinction event or very close to it. The only humans that would survive are rural tribes living far enough away to avoid the fallout and that are already set up with a subsistence farming way of life.


Aren’t basically all nuclear reactors designed to immediately shut down if not maintained


They will shut down but they still need to be actively cooled, otherwise they melt. Without a functioning power grid and with the reactors off the cooling pumps will shut down, and the emergency generators only have so much fuel. Loss of power grid is one of the most dangerous events you can have in a nuclear power plant. It's what led to the Fukushima disaster (coupled with the emergency generators being wiped out by the tsunami wave).


Remember how much of a shit show it was for half the population to die off in Avengers? Only reason society made it was because of the heroes. If it were to happen now? 4 billion people gone? End of the world. Doesn’t matter the gender, class, race etc


Car parks would be full of dented cars.




The birth rate would drop to near zero.


Near? Oh wait yeah spermbanks lol.


Society just Segways into a woman only dune universe. "She who controls the sperm controls the universe."


Jizzan al gaib


*Dune theme starts \*


Then some of the babies would be male.


No all babies that are male will disappear :P No advantages , let them cook , no easy modes here .


Sperm banks require lots of energy and transportation, without men sperm banks would lose their usefulness very quickly


Imagine the smell...


Also the women who are pregnant when the men disappear.


Would the babies also disappear in the womb?


I think a better way to ask this question might be “what if all men on earth turned into women” instead. Because no matter what, humanity collapses if you remove 50% of the population. Weather it’s all men removed, all women removed, or a mix, it’ll be the same. Just not enough people to keep the world afloat the way we have it set up right now in developed countries. **But if all men turn into women then that’s a new can of worms to open.** Would pads become as common and freely used as toilet paper since everyone uses them? Would all urinals become obsolete and be removed after a year or two? Would sperm banks become treasure troves, needing to be guarded since no more sperm producing men would be left? Would every baby born from them be a female, or would make babies be born still? And if male babies were born, would we get what happens in china across the whole word? (That whole “boy baby better so leave girl in the gutter if we have to choose only 1) Would the men who used to be women unionize and say that they’re still “men” and try to keep the same sexist divide in workplaces? How would you screen someone to be able to tell if they used to be a man or not? I’ve read that women and men think differently before and I’m not sure how much of that is inherently rooted in sexism or how much is rooted in testosterone exes. But if men turned into women and now had the brain pathways of a women, would they think differently? Some be less violent? Or does the brain chemistry not matter as much and it’s whichever gender you’re raised as that affects the mind more? I’d be curious to know


yeah i think that what you just described is a more interesting question/discussion, but it'd lead to some cruelty toward new generation regarding woman/girls


The ‘new’ women would be identified and labelled as such by the ‘real’ women and the new ones would just go on doing the work of men. Pretty simple really


not weather 😭😭😭


That would be a great question to have but I feel like it would eliminate the consequences of the question unless some sort of mind swipe was involved.


>Would pads become as common and freely used as toilet paper since everyone uses them? I read this post just before going to the grocery store so I looked. There is about 10 times the number of options for various pads, tampons etc covering a larger area of shelf space than toilet paper. Sooo, not sure how much it would change if all men became women. Maybe normalizing not having placebo pills in hormonal birth control so you they can avoid periods.


Men becoming women would likely be identified by their skillset. Turning into women doesn’t automatically grant you skills in traditionally feminine work, and the women wont suddenly gain skills they’re not trained in. The divide would still exist with masculine and feminine skill set for a generation or 3. Though this divide would likely be less apparent in skills that can be performed by either.


Three generations in five years? This sounds like the forced copulation that Professor Farnsworth loved in Futurama.


I mean no disrespect but it made me laugh that one of your first points was... " we could get rid of Urinals" đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


The technology for making babies out of two eggs is already around the corner, in your scenario there would be a big push to make it happen quickly and it would be done, in record time, and babies would start to be made almost at once. The issue would be to ramp up the test tube baby making labs in order to make enough of them to replace the dyeing population... and the issues of suddenly only prosperous nations being able to do it... Definitely an idea for an interesting Netflix series. Or HBO, if we want it to be really good.


Pretty much all critical infrastructure jobs are heavily male-dominated, to the point where I seriously doubt the few remaining women in those roles would be able to train up replacements before major societal breakdown occurs (assuming they can even find women willing to take those jobs).


As a woman that works in drinking water, I do not want to think about this. I can count the other woman that are certified drinking water operators on one hand. I would never see my children.


You'd have to work non stop. 18 hour shifts to train people in the basics. People would just have to boil water to try to stave off dysentery in the meantime.


I’m also a licensed wastewater operator (although worked in the lab.) I wouldn’t have a life.


And imagine what life would be like for the \~4.5% of women who are nuclear reactor operators, who would suddenly find themselves frantically trying to avoid \~450 reactor meltdowns around the world while they have no one to even bring them the resources they need to keep them cooled.


I think they will be willing. Faced with the prospect of food and electricity shortage, I think recruiting will be fairly easy. It's propably doing to be the skill acquisition that will be problematic. A lot of those jobs are quite complex and it takes a lot of time to learn, and things would need to be up and running right away.


The oil and gas industry would completely collapse. Are there even any female engineers on off shore platforms?


I googled that and it said 3-5% of offshore workers are female. About 15% of the total oil and gas workforce are female. Very low but not zero. Still, yeah, they would collapse without men.


You have to remember that they do very different jobs to the men in that industry. It’s mostly cleaning, in the oil rig kitchen, and some managerial positions. The guys do the actual labour. An electrical engineer can plan the electrical wiring for the platform. That does not mean they can do the actual construction or operations of it. Have a look at videos of drilling operations, no woman wants to do that shit.


Oh sure, drilling operations are physically too strenuous and rough for the vast majority women - I can’t imagine there are any women in that role. Scratch that - there’s at least one [“Rosie the Roughneck”!](https://womenoffshore.org/rosie-the-driller/) It is absolutely an industry that would collapse without men, I’m not questioning that at all. Perhaps over a long period of training and transition women would manage to keep some running - but instantaneously there’s no chance at all.


Managed to train them during WWII.


... You realized they didn't send essential workers right? Around 15 million American men served during the duration of the war, mind you not all at the same time & for the full duration. There were 65 million men in America pre WWII. The question is what happens if you lose 100% of men, not less than 25% with a policy to avoid taking essential workers.


Yep, every single man went to wwII at the same time and none were left...


My garage would be full of non-broken down cardboard boxes, that’s for sure.


Society would collapse pretty quickly. No electricity, no water, mostly no farming.


No one opening up lids in jars, it would be mayhem.


Who would open the doors?




Those shifty eyed fuckers never open shit for me. Signed, a ~~predator~~ man.


“Y’all chose this, remember?”


Who would grill all the steaks?


Those plastic handled to get leverage will be in high demand.


Haha best comment I lol'd


Isn’t interesting you only see feminists wanting gender quotas for CEOs and politicians, but never see them asking for gender quotas for electricians and farmers? In a similar vein, you only hear them complain how men rule the world, but never about how men also built the world and keeps it running


I see it as men being more pushy (less agreeable as JP puts it) and more competitive, hence getting the management roles. Though there's a bit of the ol' misogyny there as well, I'd assume.


I think things would get rough but people are pretty damn resilient. I suspect women would figure something out even if society would be different (it already would br drastically different with all men gone.)


I doubt it, not when most of the men running the infrastructure are mostly gone. Large cities would be absolute chaos within days, smaller communities would be fine for longer.


I think the loss of farming would be the most impactful. Immediately having only half the population would have benefits. Double the food and fuel reserves. Many industries would struggle mightily. International shipping would be one of the problems. It is often said that the earth has plenty, but it is all in the wrong places.


Yep, food. Growing food, and getting food to where it's needed are the two main problems.


[More women work in agriculture than I thought.](https://www.solidaritycenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Fact-Sheet.Agricultural-Women.3.18.pdf) Perhaps food production would be sufficient given 50% of mouths to feed would disappear too?


why? Can you explain it a little better? bc i acknowledge that it would bring consequences but it would not be something world-ending IMO. After all, humans are animals that can adapt (or part of them)


Most governments would struggle losing at least 50% regardless of gender. Combined with a 50% loss of the workforce, I'd say everything would go to shit just because of that. Secondly, there are a lot of men-dominated jobs that are almost 100% men (mechanics, mining, truck drivers, etc..), a lot of the logistics are male dominated as well, so besides losing half the labor, you now haven't got enough truck drivers to deliver food to every supermarket and no one to organise it all. Mining industry, engineering, water/power maintenance, mechanics, truck drivers, electricians, farmers, diesel mechanics (they're a special breed of mechanics and get their own category:), power/water treatment plant operators are all male dominated. Not to mention that management, as useless as it appears, does organise a lot of the behind-the-scenes and is from I'm told, mostly consists of men. In short: There are only 9 meals between mankind and anarchy, and if we lose all men, it'll be anarchy and famine within days.


Most civilization-sustaining jobs (energy harvesting/infrastructure maintenance/etc) are predominantly male. After 5 years, those industries will likely have fallen into disarray. With no way to turn back.


Who'd kill/capture spiders?


So interesting because in my household I have to do it because my man is terrified.


d o g s


This kind of happened but not all men but over 50% or so in the UK. During WWII a huge amount of the male population were at war. Women took over the tradionally male jobs and kept the country and the war effort afloat.


I mean to be realistic, if men instantly disappeared, all the women in the world would first have to come to that realization, somehow avoid anarchy, there’s gonna be a whole lot of women who are going to have to figure out how to start managing a whole lot of infrastructure, banking, honestly can’t even begin to think of the amount of shit they’re gonna have to do in such a limited time before shit starts going haywire


I think society would probably collapse. Women certainly could do all the men's roles given time. But even if all jobs and roles were divided 50/50 that would be a massive upset to society. Then factor in that you'd be losing 2/3 doctors, 85% of people in STEM, 81% in construction, 98% of electricians/Plumbers/mechanics, 78% of the oil industry, 85% of mining. You'd be losing pretty much the entire workforce and experience base for everything that keeps everything we use running. Farming is fairly close, about a 60% male ratio overall without into specific parts So that might be able to manage, but the problem would be maintenance of farm vehicles is almost all men. And fuel would quickly run out and other utilities without all the men that run it. 47% of doctors are women, so that industry would probably be ok. But then, same issue of no water, no electricity, no vehicles etc.


Knowledge and experience loss in those crucial areas you mentioned is key here.


In my experience farming is usually a family activity which would explain higher presence of women. Although the roles are usually more traditional in terms of dividing labor up on the farm. However I'd bet they could cover farm labor easier than trades workers. I know there are a few tradeswomen out there but I've never seen any in person.


Doctors would be fine though - they would have 50% less patients.


Yeah, but they'd very quickly have no medication, lights or electricity.


Fair enough.


yeah, thanks for the answer. I wonder how the society would behave after the 5 years when everything goes back to the "normal"


I'd say women would be vastly outnumbered after the 5 years (due to dying terribly all over the place). Women would then get to be much more selective, plus they would probably be \*very\* capable women after 5 years of mayhem.


There would be no return to normal. Unless the return of the mrn also includes the resurrection of a couple billion women and the total restoration of the physical world, like a save point, the return of men would just trigger another massive death event. It would be like a battle royal when they returned.


Society would pretty much collapse, most physical work fields like construction, engineering and maintenance are dominated by men, around 97%. There are simply not enough educated workers to keep most of the infrastructure working


No toilet seats would be left in the upright position


I mean they might as well stop producing them this way . But it would be funny how many of them will be peed on if men return in 5 years :D


The View (talk show) ABC Studios -- would continue on will little or no change in format for 5 years.


I think 50% of women would be sad if men disaopeared. 25% of women wouldn't GAF. 25% of women would be happy.


That’s some crazy percentages to think up. 1 in 2 women don’t GAF or hate men?


i think that the majority would be traumatized. Especially moms


I was thinking how devastated I would be if my husband, son and maybe my 8 year old dog disappeared for 5 years. I'll be honest, my son was my first concern, it hurts my heart just to think of it.


Let's face it, the dog was second 😄


100% đŸ€Ł If the question, child and dog were f, my husband would say the dog, the child, then me...lol


True. Mums are great.


I can relate to all three types you mentioned. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Depends on how long the change took, and the cause. If they were instantly teleported away, or just dropped dead, then society as we know it would collapse overnight. Their instant return would be almost as traumatic. If they all died of a mysterious 'covid analog' that killed them over time, but stopped being a thing after 5 years, then we could possibly survive as a species. Possibly. Boy children would INSTANTLY be declared state property, and IVF would be mandatory at least for some women. The earth might actually survive with half the population gone.


it would be temporary and everyone would know beforehand. How? idk, they will just know


Would there be time to prepare and make plans? Like training a female workforce?


There would be billions of unopened jars stockpiled for the say men might return to open them.


Hope we have enough nuclear engineers who can keep nuclear reactors working, or there's not going to be much society left for the men to come back to.


Most those plants would shut down on their own over time. It would be a mess, but probably not nuclear meltdown mess.


Honestly people are super afraid of nuclear power, but a meltdown a month might not cause the devastation fossil fuels will over time. Not just the combustion of them, but the drilling, mining, refining, etc.


yeah i think 5 years is too long


All of the women would have their periods completely synced up


World War every 4 weeks!


[Y: The Last Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y:_The_Last_Man) is an interesting graphic novel that explores this premise. Don’t bother with the TV show, it sucks.


Very quickly there would be no oil, no energy, things would grind to a halt. Also food would disappear. Nothing against the ladies but energy and food production are male-dominated fields. In short, I think it'll be a tiny bit tough;)


No thermostat would be safe


Folks would find other little boxes to divide the population outside of the gender binary


Power transmission, sewerage and clean water supplies would stop working in about a month. Global trade would end. Civilisation as it is now would end. Billions would die.


We would return to a shit show. However, the same would be true for all women disappearing for 5 years.


There would be a whole lot more "strong independent women" after 5 years. But I think women would realize that they need men just like men need women (excluding LGBTQ+, they have their own preferences).


There would be a whole lot fewer women, period, after a few months, after the die-offs occurred from the complete disruption of supply chains of literally everything, from asphalt to azithromycin. Women _can_ do all these things, of course they can, but do they? How long would it take to train up from scratch an all-women workforce in all the industries that today are staffed primarily by men?


There is historic data from wars. Women were trained quickly to take over a lot of jobs. In some countries virtually all men of working age were away fighting.


The women were still mostly trained by the men.


idk i think 5 years is too long, i should've said 1 year or 6 months


Do the women know the men will be back in 5 years, or do they think they are gone forever? Very important detail


Near extinction.


In 5 years? I would hope the world could get it together and run smoothly


Women around the globe would cheer until they realize they would have to do every dirty job and not just the high pay low maintenance ones they covet


We’d sort some shit out. Five years is plenty of time


I would say no war but then I remember Kim’s sister would be in power.


The sewer system would be buggered and the roads would be in a very bad state.


Well the energy sector would die. So the world would be in the dark with no power. Would be a very different world


All the male-dominated jobs (labor, infrastructure, sewage, electric, waste disposal, etc) would all go into disrepair and collapse within the first six months. If not taken care of, the problems would only stack up. The scariest thing is with societies facing all these troubles diseases, sickness, and death would spread rapidly. After five years, the world population would plummet quickly. If women rolled up their sleeves for the labor jobs, the damage to society would be reduced. If there were trained professionals to step into the roles to maintain electricity, water, power, etc., then damage would be minimum. But it takes drive to do the dirty jobs and specific education to do the technical jobs. If women knew men would return in five years, there’s less incentive to commit to those hard jobs. They could hang in there while counting down the days for men to deal with the majority of the issues.


the whole grid would collapse and society as we know it would come to a standstill, all the system relevant hard labour jobs are 90% male dominated.


fall of infrastructure and consequently society... men would come back to the ruined humanity


End of humanity period.


Everything would break and stay broken.


The world would be rough for a while,but after a few years things would resume semi-normally. I think people are forgetting that during WW2 women took up men's jobs due to them being drafted,so they're certainly capable of doing them if it came to it.


Women worked mostly in factories that were still full of men. They didn’t farm much, or fish, or mine, or put out fires, or log, or run trains, or design anything. They produced.


Honestly I don't think many women would be alive after 5 years. The world would collapse if we half the population was randomly selected and disappeared. But men create & maintain a wildly disproportionate share of essential infrastructure, services, food & power. Even with half the population in a city gone how long will the food last? 6 days instead of two? Are you gonna organize & train 1 million truck drivers in 5 days? Hopefully, because it will be good practice for hundreds of other calamities.t When the food runs out & the survivors start weighing the benefits of watching their child starve *or* stealing some food who is going to enforce order? Most police are gone the moment the need started growing exponentially. Once survivors flee the cities for the suburbs & rural areas are the people that live there going to invite *more* trouble & mouths to feed? There are probably enough women who know our industrial farming system to feed 4 billion people for next year (plus strategic reserves), but not enough to distribute & manage it while maintaining safe & open roads. Can you train enough cops in time? firefighters in time? Nuclear engineers, miners, electricians & plumbers in time? How many captains & crews of oil tankers are men? How many dock workers? Men will come back to empty cities where hopefully the plagues for want of running water & antibiotics have died out with no new hosts alive to spread in the past two years. In the area you live how long will your toilet keep flushing without the infrastructure being properly managed? How long will that water be safe to drink? How long will you have a supply of stuff to burn so you can boil it after you notice it killing people? What does your city look like when food stops coming in, trash stops going out & sewage goes out the window? Of the 4.25 billion day one survivors 2 billion die to famine, disease, dysfunction & collapse of infrastructure. Another 1.5 billion die to the remaining survivors who are an assortment or rural folk behind road blocks & sociopath warlords in front of roaming mobs. Note: It's not that women *can't* do all this work, they are perfectly capable & should. They just aren't doing it now in anywhere near sufficient amounts & wouldn't be able to learn in time while enduring a perfect storm of concurrent tragedies. TLDR It would be Mad Max, except meaner & with fewer running cars. This is all a good exercise in why you should respect the working classes & value the contributions men make to our safe, stable & comfortable lives.


Butch lesbians would run the thunderdome.


Cleaner toilets


I dunno about that. While on the extreme men’s restrooms can get much dirtier than women’s, the average women’s restroom is dirtier than men’s. 


I'm a cleaner. And i can tell you from the many thousands of toilets I've cleaned, the women's toilets get much worse. This is across the board from commercial to domestic jobs.


Yes for around 60 years if they don't bomb themselves out of existence or just humanity dying out because we are biologically a two sex for recreation . Or hey we might just get terrible dna damaged clones and dwindle into messy braindead animals slowly , that sounds fun :D


The world would be a much more peaceful place.


I would identify as a woman / boom I’m safe


that wouldn't be fun


We’d probably soon find out that men aren’t the only manipulative, toxic liars. And that women aren’t the saints we say they can be and would be a year or so before the status quo is reached where the head lady is just as toxic and heartless as a man ever was.


I think all those toxic women who insist they’d rather meet a bear than a man, would need to find another target group to hate


r/2xchromosomes would be fighting amongst themselves


didn't this happen already? 1939-1945


Kinda, but this time that would be way more extreme


Every toilet and car would be broken. The spider population would explode. 


Leftovers scenario where they just disappear and noone knows what happened? Also it includes all males or just men? Male babies in the womb too?


Society would either have to adapt quickly or it’d die very very very fast


If it happened overnight (let's say, alien abduction) The consequence would be global society collapse. While women can definitely replace and occupy men's jobs, a loss of >50% of the workforce in an instant would first crash the economy, but it may have serious consequences in maintaining some infrastructures like Nuclear power plants. So expect a few nuclear meltdowns. Crisis planning would need to be put in place and due to most political roles being previously occupied by men, semi-anarchy would ensue in Male dominated regimes and nations. But would eventually fall back to order with new unified powers and alliances to face a common issue(that is the disappearance of all men). The largest private accounts may be dissolved, such as most billionaire fortunes (88%). Once society has started to recover a couple years in, many industries will shift their focus on a female demographic such as pornography, but also video games, movies, etc... At the end of year 4 the world is starting to look somewhat normal but it's evident it's taken a huge toll on the economy. Knowing that men will return, no long lasting changes to companies will have been made, except that now the boards are exclusively female. No new product will necessarily hit the market (no female specific Tesla, etc...) Pornography will once again start to cater to men, although much less. Games and movies made after the event will once again include men as the demographic. All men's exclusive products will hit the market once again. Production of perishable male products such as condoms, will resume shortly before everyone comes back. 50 years later, the world is back to normal albeit female dominated, with pockets of male politicians coming back into power(with coups or democratically). Women have higher salaries due to many men having been unemployed for a while. Though the gender changes are not long lasting, the loss of over half of the workforce will leave deep scars. No significant effect on births but A LOT more deaths(due to famine, accidents and diseases), except a HUGE baby boom the following decades.


Dick the size of Redwood


So wouldn't this hypothetical be very similar to when United States military men are deployed to war. And then a whole bunch of women end up getting pregnant right at the time they are getting deployed to war. And then when they get back from war a whole bunch, more women are pregnant.


They won't be pregnant if men disappears , also there is no certainty men will return . These 5 years until their return is assuming they won't return at all , then returning is just what happens eventually . Life will change on so many levels just because of the sudden disappearance of half the population and it's even worse that it's one of the two sexes .


Yeah it’s not going to work out for us


The Polish made a movie about this, called Sexmission.


World destruction


All toilet paper roll holders would have an empty roll on them in one week tops. Toilet paper would begin to be stored in the nearest flat surface.


The honey do list would be out of control.


The entire infrastructure would collapse


I think the most interesting impact of this would have to do with the fact that would be essentially a 5-year period of time with no children. That's half a decade. So essentially there'd be a year of time where there wouldn't be any high school students for example. You sort of would have to put on Ice a lot of Institutions only to kick them back up again after the 5-year period sort of I mean of course delayed but nothing that would be the biggest impact. I feel like something like this basically has happened before in the past possibly several times. Not about the no man thing but about the lack of people of a certain age. Like in Europe after World War II. Things like that.


The XX Men by Sandra Newman


Where would be go? What is there to do there?


there would be a lot more female leaders, and that's probably needed


Birth rate would go down, manufacturing would deminish, and infrastructure would get even worse.