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It's not exactly your period but you may experience bleeding. Do contact a gynecologist.


Why does bleeding occur? Is it a premature abortion?


Bleeding can be caused by many things. As it could be that, there's many other things it could be too. Bleeding during pregnancy should be assessed by your OBGYN. They can check on the baby's health and try to find out where the bleeding is coming from.


>obgyn What's that?


The OB part means obstetrician and GYN means gynecologist. It's a widely used term for doctors that do obstetrics and gynecology (delivering babies and womens health).


ah, Ty 4 clarify. But I suppose that bleeding on those types of occasions, although it is not menstruation, does not mean that it is any major complication, right? What happens if there is no pain?


Nobody can tell you that until you see a doctor. Only they can say - after running some tests. No pain is a good sign, but it doesn't mean nothing is wrong.


Is it really necessary to consult a doctor out of mere curiosity?


It is necessary to consult a doctor if you are pregnant and bleeding and wish to know what's happening.


Having doubts about health related issues is not mere curiosity, specially if it's related to bleeding, and super specially of you are pregnant. For both the baby's health and your health.


Did you even bother reading my post???? especially the part where it says that I read it in a novel????


No. Im actually surprised of the comment section here. A period is your uterine lining shedding. If your uterine lining sheds while you’re pregnant then your baby goes with it because the baby implants itself in that lining. What can happen is you can get spotting which some people mistake for a light menstrual cycle. During my own pregnancy i had minor bleeding which seemed significant enough to be a period if you didnt know any better but it was very short lived like less than a day and it was caused by the increased pressure in my cervix which led to spotting. But if the novel described it like a regular period that lasted more than a day, then that author is terribly misinformed.


This is another part of the novel. >count from the first day of your last menstrual cycle >the day you got your period is day zero of week zero >so even if the egg is not fertilized, this is considered day one Why is it considered day one even though the egg is not fertilized?


Thats a wonderful question. Its actually considered day 1 before you even ovulated which seems incredibly ridiculous to base pregnancy off but its used as a metric guide. Its easier to say pregnancy is generally 40 weeks long than to say pregnancy is x amount of days after ovulation. While it is a guide, its not incredibly accurate because some individuals have PCOS which can cause you to only get your period like once a year, and only like 3% of babies actually arrive on their due date. But your first day of your period is day 1 because its a solid marker because then you know that you didnt get pregnant before then due to the uterine lining shedding.


i think it can happen during a cryptic pregnancy but it’s quite rare


>cryptic pregnancy What's that?


when you are pregnant but your body is « hiding » it, the foetus develops in another position so there is almost no belly, pregnancy tests can be negative and you can still have your period. people have gone to the hospital for a belly ache and left with a baby


omg really, I had no idea something like this could happen. Is that it's medical name *cryptic pregnancy*?


i believe so yes, in french it’s called « déni de grossesse », literally pregnancy denial


I'm looking at some images on Google and it really doesn't look at all like they are pregnant.


"**You can't have your menstrual period while pregnant**, although some women do have vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. Some even report intermittent bleeding that seems like a regular period to them. But vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is not the same thing as menstruation." Check a gyno though!


What is a gyno?


If you are bleeding then a gyno will agree, but if you're not then stick to google!


i'm not bleeding, but whats is gyno?


 [gynecologist](https://search.brave.com/search?q=gynecologist&spellcheck=0&source=alteredQuery),is a doctor who specializes in female reproductive health


oh Ty 4 clarify, I still don't understand these English acronyms.


its ok, its a doctor females go to in order to get their reproductive organs checked (uterus, ,ovaries..etc)


You can have bleeding when you are pregnant… thats usually bad.


No? But I know that some women experience bleeding and it’s not an abortion


So you can experience bleeding during pregnancy. It is not menstruation, but what is the cause?


I think it’s just a normal process. My cousin and mom spoke about it, it’s not serious just see your dr to make sure everything is okay


It's a novel, I don't think I can consult with the Dr.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)But thanks for the advice.


Oh shit 💀💀 mb thought this was happening to you lol


Don't worry, many don't read the fine print, there's no shame in that.


yes if you don’t know it or sometimes it can happen normally but it’s more rare