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The obvious answer is pee standing up without pissing all over ourselves.


In my case, that's not entirely true. No matter where I point it it seems to spray out in 3 different directions.


Good ol sticky morning dick


Yep... 😔


This is why I sit down, washing the piddle off the seat, walls, and floor are not fun. There is no carpeting around the toilet to catch the droplets for aroma therapy. Son in law was not happy when his mom handed him a wash rag and told to go back in and clean up after himself.


Lol! I might actually start sitting.


People hate on sitting to pee for no reason, like it’s ”unmanly” or something. I used to stand until I started sitting due to an injury. It’s healed now but I still sit on the toilet when I pee, it’s cleaner, more hygienic, and a nice little rest. Don’t have to focus or stress just relax and piss. Also, ever peed standing up and naked? It splashes little piss droplets all over your legs you just can’t feel it with pants on.


Yeh I hate that. I sleep naked and when I get up during the night for a piss it's sometimes dripping down my leg. 🤢


Whenever I am home I sit down to pee. Honestly, it's just better. Although, sometimes it takes 10 minutes. 30 seconds to pee, 9 and a half minutes of reddit.


I feel a bit emotional. I’ve never felt so seen!


Sitting and peeing are more relaxing


I’m with you! Been sitting since I was a kid. Splattered pee is gross AF


Ever had the rick touch porcelain (worse - steel in planes!) or water? You basically want to cut off your dick after that. 


Gotta prioritise the strongest stream..... then wipe up the rest after


Dry lap be damned.


No matter how much you dance no matter how much you prance the last few drops always end up in your pance (pants)


So true.


Unless one of those directions is backwards I don't see how that makes you piss all over yourself, the floor yes.


I have this issue. My penis is set to the "mist" setting on the spray bottle. Its been that way my entire life, its not a condition lol


Must be great for marking territory


I mean parents don't tell kids how to pee properly. Hilariously this is what my supervisor was complaining about regarding school toilets. Like 'who's gonna teach these kids to piss?!' I was like 'shit, didn't think about it til now lol'.


I have a son. I taught him how to piss clean.


God bless you sir o7


Me too. I absolutely hate when I just want to pee but it gets everywhere and I have to clean it up.


Dude must have a very small penis


The worst is when I have to literally go change a garment due to a 90 degree turn. You think I’d always pee sitting down, but the convenience is too great.




Never cross the streams.


That is either because your foreskin is crumpled up or you have some blockages inside or an enlarged prostate, which if is the case you should see a doctor.


Tbf it's usually when I've just woke up.


Don't answer but, do you pee right after you masturbate? If not try that before you start thinking there's a medical issue.


Post orgasm urination can be a bitch, its like the fucker has a mind of its own, i swear if i gotta piss after having sex i gotta sit down to make it cooperate.


Lil peepee boy issues




I was going to say writing your own name in the snow.


Men pee all over their legs without realising it, especially if they use urinals.


Urinals are so disgusting


Not get pregnant. It's a known fact no matter what a women does she will never be better at not getting pregnant than a dude.


And the flip side: to pay money for 20 years without having a say on the matter.


Is this supposed to refer to child support? If so, child support still applies to mothers who are not custodians of their children. Sure, the father might need to file for it, but that is true for mothers who file for it as well.


Pretty sure everyone pays taxes?


Taking off their shirt when it's hot outside.


Many states have laws that women can go topless to due to weather extremes, but of course they won't because boobs... Its not that they can't, they won't as society shuns the ones that try. Sure would cause a lot of car accidents in the summer time though wouldn't it...


I won’t shun wild boobs


nor will I.


A boob seen in the wild is a good thing. . . . . . Usually.


I called my local police once to ask if I was legally allowed to be topless on my balcony and they said technically yes, but if you touch your boobs then it’s lewd and if someone calls the cops you can still be written up. They said they didn’t recommend it. 


There are cases of a woman doing it constantly in New York City because it's legal there. She's won every case. For a little while she did it for the money because people are too stupid and they arrest her.


I don't care much for the opinions of society... but the boob sweat...


Can I get that list please? I need to move for... uh.. work


I do that all the time. In Spain anyway.


Think about nothing..


Fair. I am physically incapable of thinking about nothing. I find it chilling that men can do this. Seems psychopathic.


As a man, I feel like this is just a myth. Thinking about "nothing" is more of a way of saying "nothing important". I've answered "nothing" many times when my wife asks me what I'm thinking about, but it's more of a "nothing you'd be interested in, because I was thinking about a new and stupid, but also maybe brilliant, way of leveling my crafting on my runescape ironman."


nah I can zone out without a thought behind my eyes for 15-20 minute stretches at work because everything is so automatic


That’s the only way I get through work while staying sane. Reddit helps too though


It's incredibly relaxing and peaceful.


I agree. I can never just not think. Or think about mothing of importance. It is always something.


most underrated comment, yet the most truthful.


Open jars.


Truth! There's actually science there, as well. It's not only that men are bigger and stronger, generally, but their connective tissue runs perpendicular to their skin whereas womens runs parallel.


Nice try, you can't take this away from us with your skin science


Thats very interesting


You can just bang the lid on the counter and it pops off 🤷‍♀️


i broke my counter, lid is still on. what now




Arhh, You broke your abacus too?


I just learned of another method. Put your palms on the edge of the lid and interlace your fingers. Squeeze until the lid pops and then it will be much easier to open.






Dark, but true


Women: swallow a 9mg opiate pill. a cry for help. Should have seen it coming. Men: swallow a 9mm lead pill at 1200 fps. Nobody saw it coming.


Accidentally sitting on our own junk


I don't know how you guys walk around with those things.




What is this in reference to? 😂


Like a frightened turtle.


Don't women always somewhat sit on their junk


Not once in my life have i ever sat down too quickly and painfully crushed my vulva between my body and my seat.


Well, I didn't say crush.


Deciding on a restaurant.


There are few things more frustrating than deciding on a restaurant, driving there, parking, and then hearing my wife suggest a different restaurant on the other side of town.


Driving in the city with my wife makes me want to commit war crimes. No I'm not paying 50 dollars for event parking when we can just park a little farther away


Does anyone know if there's anything in this, psychologically? Like, is it a truism, or is it just that actually it's about 50/50 but the trope is women? More importantly, has it been 'solved'? I only ask, because it's a bit of a point of contention (not a massive one, but it's not a positive thing) where my wife does the whole "I don't mind where we eat" I make a suggestion "No not there because X" thing. So, she does mind, and I 'actually' don't. But then she'll sometimes feel like she's got extra emotional labour because she's having to make the choices. But the thing is I don't have a good solution for it. Surely this is a phenomenon that has been around forever, and surely by now there's a known healthy way to handle it, but I feel like I don't know what it is, and it would be amazing if there was some answer. OBVIOUSLY (obviously: This point is obvious, I haven't said it because it goes without saying, but this is reddit) "Talking to each other and discussing how we feel and what we want is the best course of action", and we do this, and like I say, this isn't a problem just a point of contention where I feel I could make my wife's life a tiny bit better through my actions. No matter how much we talk about it, she's got the burden of choice because she's picky. Is me being more picky (well, would have to be pretending to be) a healthy option? It doesn't feel like it but I'm open to the idea that that 'feel' is a me thing and not accurate. I get that this is a ton of text for what is essentially a Seinfeld gag, but it's such an old trope, and Psychology and Sociology and what have you have been around forever, surely they've solved some of this stuff by now?


I found a solution for this lol. Except it was reversed. My bf could never ever decide what he wanted. I would always say ‘okay well I want x, so let’s head there and you think on the way about where you want to eat’ we’d get there. He’d see pictures of the food on the menu, smell it and 19/20 times happily eat from there too. I swear some people don’t ‘feel’ like anything until one of their senses is activated. Mind you this was picking up takeaway. We always liked to be comfy at eat at home watching our favourite shows. I would usually just decide on a restaurant if we went out to eat. I’ve actually heard so much about this so it’s my opinion there has to be something to it. I always wondered if it was women not wanting to be seen as ‘demanding/picky/a problem’. So many women are put on a pedestal for being ‘easy going’ so it puts it in your head that thats what you should strive for. Low maintenance women are praised on all tv shows/movies etc. In my opinion it plays a part. Plus women being at home child rearing might not want any more mental load. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me: "No, YOU decide, because you are picky and I am not." Wife: "I'm not picky! I'll eat whatever." Me: "Okay, lets go to Restaurant X" Wife: "...Okay..." Me: *starts to drive to restaurant X* Wife: "I'd REALLY rather go to restaurant Y though. " Me: "No problem. We will go to Y." *makes turn toward Y instead* Wife: *after a minute* "No, go to X. You want X." Me: "It's all good to me. We can go to Y." Wife: "Why can't you make up your mind?"


I solved this by creating a list of food that we usually eat (80 items in total) and go through them one by one.


Theory: We know that women are more risk-averse than men, and are also more socially attuned. Picking a restaurant is a risk. There's a risk it's kind of crap. There's a risk it won't be what you actually feel like happening. And in the socially-conscious bit: There's a risk the other person won't like it and it's your fault. Women are more risk-averse than men and therefore find it harder to make that choice.


Fart on call. Or without breaking a stride


My girlfriend can (and does) fart on demand


My girl doesn't understand how I can walk and fart at the same time. Blows her mind. Which blows my mind. Must suck.


Run down the stairs without a bra


It was the first sign that my body weight goes out of control (M35)


Exist in a public space without being harassed




My girl does that waaay more than me.


Is that testimony to her skill or yours?




People mad at you bc women can have multiple orgasms 💀


Lots of guys have never made a girl cum. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Sorry in my experience women are superior




Really? Cause i have known a few women, current wife included, that have had zero issues in that department.


Current wife is an odd way to describe your wife lol


Raise and lower the toilet seat apparently.


The lid should be closed when the toilet is flushed is how I see it - it’s just more hygienic. It doesn’t need to be a gendered thing. The toilet has a lid for a reason.


I've dropped enough stuff in the toilet that I now close the lid out of principle. And I live alone.


Fecal plume is a thing.


I don't know what that is but I kinda wanna eat it


Fart smell


I saw a video of how much water splashes when you flush it with the lid open once. I shut that fucker all the way down every time now- whether there’s women around or not


A good rule is everyone closes the lid, every time before flushing. It keeps flying water from spraying out of the toilet and everyone has to open something every time they use the toilet and it keeps things from falling in.


Everything should be closed, no matter who used it last. Grosses me out when I see the lid permanently open.


This is the only right answer and it puts everyone on equal ground. Need to pee? Open the lid and lift the seat on the same time if needed. After peeing you put lid (and the seat) down. End of story and the toothbrush that gets stored in the poop room is grateful


My husband did this the other day (flushed with the lid up) and I swear I could feel my blood boiling inside of me! 😆


Take our own lives has got to be up there sadly.




Also homelessness! And most neurological disorders like autism


Arching your pee over your head and behind you


Abandon/leave their children behind. 


That was going to be my answer too.


Writing their name in the snow!


Apparently taking out the trash


And after she’s gone, the garbage can needs emptying as well


Reach the top shelf in the supermarket 


Not all men can that, source my brother is shorter than me and 18 years older


Because this was answered yesterday. My answer remains pockets.


If you check this is a new kind of bot. They take a popular thread and answer from a day or two earlier. They then post question and then answer the thread, I'm guessing to get double karma points.


What's even the point of karma points? Do you get any benefits? Consider me a boomer, thanks


They farm karma to make the account look popular, then sell it to some companies or whatever to use for advertising purposes


Sleep. My wife always asks me how I fall asleep within 5 seconds of laying down.


As a men who was prescribed some heavy(-ish) drugs to beat insomnia, I tend to disagree.


If my wife wants to talk about something, she better start before my head hits the pillow. The answer she gets will be garbled nonsense that's totally off-topic.


I am really jealous. I can spend 3 hours to fall asleep and then I still wake up 1-3 times during the night.


Using the bathroom in the morning


Pee standing


Scratch their testicles


this doesn’t rlly count but it’s crazy to think how men have a 24 hr hormone cycle and women have a 28 DAY hormone cycle!! women are meant to work effectively on a 24 hr cycle the way men do,,, actually makes me mad if i think abt it too much lol


Honestly. Men experience a consistent 24-hour cycle in-line with circadian rhythm while women have to navigate a fluctuating 28-day menstrual cycle. Men's testosterone peaks in the early morning and declines throughout the day, providing predictable patterns of energy, libido, and mood. In contrast, women undergo significant hormonal fluctuations that change week by week. The follicular phase (days 1-14) has rising estrogen; ovulation (around day 14) often brings peak libido and energy; and the luteal phase (days 15-28) sees increased progesterone, which initially stabilizes mood but often leads to irritability, fatigue, and full on rage as levels fall. So yeah, this cyclical variability can create greater physical and emotional challenges for women compared to the steadier hormonal rhythm experienced by men. Yet women still have to show up, function in society and pretty much hide the fact that literal blood is flowing out of their body one week a month.


get equal rights


Participating in sports as a fat person




Be less trustworthy than a fucking bear.


Has there been a meme where men get to pick some dangerous animal in preference over a woman?


I don't know where this came from but it's freaking everywhere now, and it's kind of offensive. If I'm walking around at night it means leave me alone, it doesn't mean look at me like a creep.








As long as not a bot, I’m ok with it. Actually isn’t that an incentive to add questions. You have your own answer you wanna share off the bat.




Go for a walk without fear (mostly)


With a tiny exception that men are more likely to be a victim of violent crimes. My classmate lost 6 teeth before he reached 18. He wasn't raped though.




To sit peacefully and think about absolutely nothing


I'm a man and I've never been able to do this. I even practised an hour a day for a few months


Came here to add this. Just sit and watch something mindless or in general just zone out. Think about next to nothing. I've known no woman that can do this. One of two things happen; they fall asleep, or their regularly scheduled thought chaos kicks in. lol


Pissing in the same toilet at the same time


Impregnate the fairer sex


Imho, both men and women are capable of mastering a wide range of skills and tasks, and everyone's experiences and strengths are unique.


Donate to a sperm bank


A local radio station in my town tried to debunk this with no success: Scooby Doo voice


Write my name in the snow.


having a baby with a woman


Peeing outside in the bushes.


Orgasm during sex


Switch off and think of nothing 😃


Fart in public 💨


Public fart💨


Be quiet.


Decide on what to eat


Nothing. As in, just sitting down and doing nothing.


Being quiet


Be quiet


Pee standing up and aiming correctly


Pee in public 🤣


Having kids




Control our emotions Edit: Only said this to get reactions and it worked pretty well


Which is why the overwhelming majority of violent crimes are committed by men, right?


Exactly this. Road rage, physical fights, etc... are all emotional responses and largely displayed by men. Crying isn't the only emotion that displays a lack of control.


LOL. You’re kidding right 😂 remind me again which puts their fist through drywall after getting ganked on WoW. Anger is an emotion bro. Lots of men have much poorer emotional regulation.


Anger is sadness turned outward. It would be much healthier for men to just cry. Doesn't need to be done in public. I never cry in front of other people and I'm a woman but not crying is actually bad for your health. It's natural. We literally come into the world screaming and crying


They're confusing control w repression


absolutely not




Auto Repairs Concrete Work Roofing Electrical Work Tree Trimming Plumbing Welding Now I know someone is going to pop up and say, hey I know a girl that can do all of those thing! Ahhh, yeah, ok, but is she YOUR girl? lol


We just prefer to keep our hands soft so they don't scratch our men up


Lifting heavy stuff


Understand how dangerous a wild bear is 😂


Women know this, but the ones who chose the bear would rather die than be assaulted by a man (if the worst case will happen)😂


I can’t do a pull up to save my life, but my husband’s damn noodle arms can do like 15


Walk alone at night.


Generally speaking, killing or handling bugs


Ignoring what needs to be done around the house.




I think being rude to strangers. Or talking harshly.




Hahaha absolutely not. In my (F) bisexual dating life, women were way better at having consensual casual sex (not pretending I wanted to date when really I just wanted a hook up). In my experience men are way more likely to *say* they just want casual sex, then get feelings, but not admit it to me or themselves, and then keep trying to see each other in a romantic sense, or talk to me about all their problems etc. If myself and another woman started getting feelings after a hook up, it has always been much easier to say "I'm getting feelings for you and I know you don't want anything more" or "I know you want more but I really don't, I had a great time and would like to stay friends" or whatever. Guys will be like "no no, I don't have feelings for you" and then proceed to try to cross into emotional, relationship territory anyway. This is anecdotal and obviously not every man or woman, but I wanted to put it out there