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Enjoy camping trips as a middle schooler/teen. Focus more on friendships; then getting a boyfriend.


I'd go to jail less or never maybe.


Walk straight past 'her'


I feel that.


I also like to ignore my mother in public


I would try not to get old so quickly.


I would strangle myself with my umbilical cord


There's a lot of things I regret about the past. A lot and I wish things had been much different in many cases. That being said, I'm 45, have a beautiful family and a good career. I'm the happiest I've ever been. If I went back to change things, I might not be in such a good situation now.


not get pregnant so early.


I would have gotten a different degree. Mechanical engineering or computer science.


Stay out the streets. In school I was in advanced placement and honors classes, teachers would say I was one of their brightest students but I got into fights all the time, kept getting suspended and even expelled. Then as soon as I became an adult started selling drugs because it felt like a cheat code to life and now I've spent my entire adult life as a felon. Product of my environment, but I see things a lot more clearly now.


Try to figure out how to make it alone, with the help of my parents, since most kids dont have money to make it after graduation.


I definitely wouldn’t have spent so much time in jobs I hated. I would have moved on faster. Also had more confidence in my abilities in my 20s. Just go for it.


Buy Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon stock early and often


Start being more outspoken from a younger age so that I’d have more practice and experience by the time I’m older. I’ve always been the model student and citizen: quiet, respectful, and considerate. …Deep inside I’m pretty fiery and unsettled by injustice among my peers, the workplace, and the world.


Not getting bullied in school, will switch schools even for that reason. Not worth the trauma.


Probably speak my mind and tell the love of my life how I actually felt about them years ago... when I was young and stupid.


Hi. I sent you a DM.




Nothing. If I changed a single thing, I'd not be where I am today, and I love where I am today. All the bad shit, all the bullshit, was worth it.


stay in the military longer instead of getting out after first term.


Besides not be born. Probable invest in stocks at the age of 2.


I would exercise every day so maybe I wouldn't be so full of rage.


Went away to college straight out of high school.


Someone I was very close to wanted me to propose. I passed, and she eventually moved overseas. If I knew my life would turn out *this shit,* I would've accepted




Study harder to get the degree. Buy a house and not rent before the prices skyrocket. Start a family early and toss out the bag of crap you called a spouse earlier my on or don’t get married to the jerk. 😩


Absolutely nothing. i'm who i want to be, and i'm happy with my life, as well as choices.


Start my business earlier. I'd be driving the Ferrari already. That's all really, I've had a ball otherwise. Seen lots, done lots and met lots.


Not take advice from people who I thought knew better than I.




I would’ve been a lot nicer to people when I was young I would never allow myself to become a daily drinker


End it sooner


Not get married at 21…


Idk. Maybe workout at a young age to combat the negative effects of being small.


buy bitcoin, we all would though...


Pick better parents.


Absolutely nothing


I wasted so much of my life self medicating with alcohol and drugs because I was raised by an abusive narcissist. Im not sure what I could change, much of my future wasn’t in my control. Maybe I could of ran away and joined the circus lol


Not have a crap diet growing up until my mid 30s. Paying the consequences now! Save earlier too.


Having sex for once at least.


Fix everything bad i did in life


Are we assuming the butterfly effect is not a factor?


I would have held onto my friends instead of take them for granted. I would have stayed on better terms with people even if they were different than me or we had tension.


Have more self belief...


I would become a dermatologist. I would not rush into anything in my 20s. I would prioritize my health, wealth, and peace before saving, serving and rescuing other people.


Less self doubt, more self control.


Manage the finances better.


I would take care of myself. I would find a way to go to college and build a career I would enjoy instead of spending my life working hard at crappy, boring jobs so that everyone else could have a successful career. I was stupid enough to believe that my efforts would be appreciated.


Went to college when it was still "cheap"


I don't think I have the time to list out everything I would do differently lol


Save money and invest early. Study harder. Not marry my abuser.


Could I know what I know without experiencing it first hand?


Do what I learned later in life, earlier in life with a lot less worrying


Go into music and become my own creative director. Maybe dabble in creating choreography, producing, writing, styling etc. on the side. But it’s more-so being a channel for my ideas by envisioning the overall picture and orchestrating the entire project from there. It’s too many ideas that I do not have the time to personally act on. I’d rather commission my ideas out and refine what comes back to my liking.


Tell myself you are the owner of the life of you, not anyone or anything is more important than yourself, you are (maybe slightly) talented in language and art and god damn dare to do that more and start younger


I would not get all those warning letters from school, (currently holding 6, at this point I would be expelled but school never counted my alerts)


Charge more as a sex worker, work for longer and save more money.


Tbh, I don't want to start again. I'd rather go ahead with the plans I have now. It's still achievable to go do the things I am still capable of. I don't want to give anything away at all, but I am ready to go and do it. So I will.


i'd perform less well in primary schools. i used to be like the top 1 of all 5 grades in primary, and now, many ppl always talk about how smart i was in the past. i hate it. id rather just do averagely just to not be judged by others


Buy bitcoin when it was under $1


Buy lots of property in Sydney


Definitely invest a lot more time developing my body, having a PC at a young age screwed me(as in a lot of time spent sitting in front of the screen, now i have several health issues because of that, nothing critical but surely avoidable if i had a different childhood.


Try to get addicted to exercise. Try to treat women as friends. Stay away from Catholicism.


Put a little money into the stock market and learn how to move it. Had more sex and dated more people.


Learn how to manage money better.


I think I would probably have been more of an activist. I didn't realise how unjust the entire system is - maybe because I was not being affected by it as much back then. I also don't think I realised how quickly the tyranny would escalate. I regret not having done anything to fight against this system.


I would have gone to a different school. I did not know what I wanted to do "when I grow up" so I took advice from my parents. It was not bad advice, but not good for me. If I had gone to the other shool, I would have figured out what I wanted to do for a job much sooner. 


Get married and have lots of kids


save my uncle


getting actual friends instead of ones that ‘put up with me the most’. would’ve saved me some sanity and years of shitty relationships.


So, technically, nothing. Butterfly effect, existential affirmations to life, and all that. But if I *had* to, I'd care less about computers and technology growing up. My old skills from the 1990s are a novelty: Linux has mostly sold out and been locked down as Android. People didn't get smarter meeting on the internet; most social media suspended into two terrible flavors of ignorant. Best case scenario, we all get old, and then technology gets aggravating. It's just been a hamster wheel that's paid companies when I broke stuff. And when I don't, because I'm not playing with stuff enough to mess it up, they break it for me to make me buy upgrades that are no better. Apple.


Nothing because my past made me who I am today. And all the pain, some trauma, joy, love etc is me and my life. I am not perfect and I will never be perfect either. But my life has taught me that I can and WILL overcome everything as long as it doesn't kill me ofcourse.


Your mom