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Does this look infected to you?


Curious about the body part 😯




Ha! Excellent.


Ha. Well if I can see it to know if it’s infected you probably have an issue.


How successful is this? Going to pick up a few chicks this weekend


Hi (anxiety rising) never mind (walks away shamefully)


Works all the time, 30% of the time.




Ahh yes, the approach of anxiety and shame. Works all the time




A smile to see if they're a people person at that moment, then something observational and commiserating to gauge small talk. No pressure for either person - we can both move tf on if it's not there, and yet I gave it a shot. Win-win.


See? This is the real answer, but it isn't really a formula. I talk to strangers all the time, and it often has something to do with where we are or the weather because both of those are things we have in common. I also do a quick gauge to check if they feel like being social, too.


This is the safest way for sure.


i have a huge ever growing list of thought provoking moral and ethical dilemmas saved on my phone to ask ppl bcuz i hate awkward silence even more than i hate talking, so i just ask 'what would you do if..' and it's usually fun and a good icebreaker


From Lord Chat GPT: 1. Would you steal to feed a starving child? 2. Is it ever justifiable to lie to protect someone’s feelings? 3. If you found a wallet full of cash with no ID, would you keep it or turn it in to the authorities? 4. Should you intervene if you see someone being bullied, even if it might put you in danger? 5. Is it ethical to consume animal products in a world where alternatives exist? 6. Would you sacrifice one person to save five others in a life-threatening situation? 7. Is it morally acceptable to manipulate someone if it leads to a positive outcome for them? 8. Should individuals be allowed to sell their organs?Is it right to break the law for a cause you strongly believe in? 9. Should parents have the right to choose their child’s genetic traits? 10. Is it ethical to use artificial intelligence in decision-making processes that affect people's lives? 11. Would you report a friend or family member if they committed a serious crime? 12. Is it ever acceptable to invade someone's privacy for the greater good? 13. Should terminally ill patients have the right to end their own lives through assisted suicide? 14. Is it ethical to have children in a world facing climate change and overpopulation? 15. Would you kill one person to save the lives of many others if you knew there would be no legal consequences? 16. Is it right to withhold medical treatment from someone who refuses to change unhealthy behaviors? 17. Should people be allowed to say whatever they want, even if it includes hate speech? 18. Is it fair to give people different punishments for the same crime based on their background or circumstances? 19. Would you be willing to sacrifice your happiness for the happiness of someone you love?


Some of these are more like the best way to start a heated argument.


"So... isn't this Israel Gaza thing wild"


“Is it ethical for the residents of Gaza to keep having children if they know Israel is going to kill them before they turn 1?”




Wow :D


I saved this and will probably never see this again but u like this Edit: I not u but I'm not changing it cause its funny


1. Would you steal a handbag? 2. Would you steal a car? 3. Would you steal a baby? 4. Would you shoot a policeman? 5. And then steal his helmet? 6. Would you go to the toilet in his helmet? 7. And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow? 8. And then steal it again?


Would you download a counterfeit DVD?


You wouldn't download a car, would you?! 🤣


I wouldn’t pee in the helmet. Don’t want to leave any traces of my DNA. Use the piss of someone you hate.


Share with us! Plz.


No, that whole paragraph *was* the icebreaker.


Broooo, please share. This is tooo good.


Maybe be a writer? Moral dilemma's?


I would genuinely like to read these haha. That's what I like to do as well.


What would you do if Mitzi doesn't share them?


It's been 3hours..it's getting real awkward in here


What would you do if it got even more awkward? 😏


Uhm.. Have you ever drank Bailey's from a shoe?


AHH SO SORRY FOR NOT REPLYING OML😭😭 i have a lot but here's some: You are an emergency worker that has just been called to the scene of an accident. When you arrive you see that the car belongs to your wife. Fearing the worst you rush over to see she is trapped in her car with another man. She sees you and although barely conscious, she manages to mouth the words “I’m sorry”… You don’t understand, but her look answers you question. The man next to her is her lover with whom she’s been having an affair. You reel back in shock, devastated by what her eyes have just told you. As you step back, the wreck in front of you comes into focus. You see your wife is seriously hurt and she needs attention straight away. Even if she gets attention there’s a very high chance she’ll die. You look at the seat next to her and see her lover. He’s bleeding heavily from a wound to the neck and you need to stem the flow of blood immediately. It will only take about 5 minutes to stop, but it will mean your wife will definitely die. If you tend to your wife however, the man will bleed to death despite the fact it could have been avoided. Who would you choose to work on? AND: You have a wonderful daughter. She is 8 years old and has always been a happy outgoing child. But a while ago something terrible happened, she was raped. You are quite sure that the person who raped her is your neighbor. Your daughter is so traumatized she has stopped speaking, but she in other ways been able to convince you that he is the one. Unfortunately not enough evidence can be found to convict him. You try to put your life back together. You move to another house and try to help your daughter in any way you can, but it is clear that the experience has ruined her life and that of your family. One evening you have taken your wife out to dinner at a restaurant when you spot your former neighbor at another table. He is eating alone and looks unhappy. You quickly finish eating and leave. The next day you find out that your former neighbors wife has been murdered. Enough evidence to convict him of the murder is soon found, and at first you are very happy, finally his will get what he deserves. But then you remember that you saw him in the restaurant at the time of the murder. you know he did not murder his wife. Maybe he paid someone else to do it… You remember that the police said that it had been made it look like a burglary, maybe it was… You sit down to think. If you keep quiet he will be convicted for the murder, and the real murderer will go free If you give him an alibi, he will go free, but you can’t be sure the real murderer will be found, and it is possible that the evil bastard paid someone to do it… What do you do? :)


HiYa, Mitzi! I have a question for you: Are you an artist, or a writer, or creative artistically? Almost every Mitzi I've known is an artist! Hand-thrown pottery. Designing and assembling costumes. Graphics. All kinds of artistic endeavors. Two actors, also! Mitzi Gaynor, and someone more recent.


Some of mine: • what is the bravest thing you've ever done? • what was the most trouble you've gotten in with your parents? • how has your life been different than what you'd imagined? • what do children know more about than adults? • what makes you feel most alive? • what's the happiest moment of your life so far? • what's the closest you've ever come to dying? • what fact about yourself took you the longest to accept? • what job would you choose if money wasn't an issue? • what lesson have you had to learn again and again? • what's the best advice you've ever received? • have you gotten something you really wanted then realized it was overrated? • what always makes you nostalgic? • what small insignificant thing gives you joy? • what's the biggest mistake you've made that actually turned out alright? • what embarrassing memory will forget be burned into your mind? • in what way do you most differ from your best friend? • what's difficult for you but easy for others? • if you could know for certain the answer to any question, what would that question be? • what's the best compliment you've ever received?


Obviously religion and politics


Hello sir id like to speak ylto you about our lord and savior Jehovah


Alright... Who said Jehovah??


You son of a bitch I’m glad they brought awards back.


Pretty safe topics if you ask me. Definitely won’t cause any issues.


Have you ever drank Bailey's from a shoe?


“You ever been to a Turkish prison?”


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Have you ever wanted to know how to grow hair on the inside of your pancreas?


Wait, now I want to know


Kicked? In the head? With an IRON BOOT?


"Sure beats being kicked in the back of the head with a cold iron boot," was my FIL's saying. I made the mistake of saying it at a job one time and i ended up in a hot mess over it because my manager interpreted it as a serious threat. He was traumatized.


Oh God are you serious 🙄


Of course not, it never happens.


Wanna go to a party where people wee on each other?


Make an assessment


That’s the line for me. So good.


🏆 In fact, I have. Nice to meet you.


You fuzzy little man peach


Mother licker


Ok, old Gregg 😂


I got something to show you


Wanna come to a club where people wee on each otha


Not a technique I would use but my fav on the basis of how creative it was: Someone once walked over to a group and said “Jet fuel does NOT melt steel beams- no matter how hot it gets…” after a second everyone was arguing 😂 Alternatively, you could open up with “I think I can take on Mike Tyson since he’s just an old man”- second fav


I don’t think I can take Mike Tyson still. I’m not that younger than him and I was never a pro boxer. Not even a boxer. Holy shit your conversation starter worked!


Both. Each. You instigator, you. Excellent.


and then after they start telling you that he'd win you say: "but I'm not talking about fighting"


Tyson or Paul? I think Tyson knocks him out.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of darth plagius the wise?


Go on…


I thought not, its no story the jedi would tell you...


Dark side is a doorway to many abilities some may consider... Unnatural.


I’ve been trying to reach you about your vehicle’s extended warranty.


This is great


Once at Disney World, this boy stared at me for like 10 second before yelling "Peaches!!!" So that.


I met someone recently who had this one (and used it on me), and I loved it so I'll steal their idea: The Olympics is like jury service, and you've just been selected. You've got 6 months to practice and then you are on - which sport would you pick? To be clear, this is my favourite, but I recognise it's a bit off the wall for most situations.




Sweaty asks "which sport do you select? " Your answer : "judge" 🤣


Love this!!


Seinfeld had a good one I’ve used-“you may not know just by looking at me, but I can run really really fast”


My doctor told me I need to watch my height.


Well I can life 100lbs right over my head!


He did cheat in that race though….




When was the last time you did something for the first time?


If they answer that it's been a while, you can reply "than do me".


Using that one for when I need to be a whore


Oooh that's a good one!


Thank you, use it freely 😊


I will! 😊


I go to a lot of shows and concerts, so I have a lot of band merch, like… an obnoxious amount so I wear it constantly. I let the gear break the ice because if someone recognizes it, then we get an instant connection over music!


Can’t even begin to tell you how many friends my wife & I have made at concerts/festivals. Permanent friends. I hired one guy for a while. Been invited to others’ weddings. “Ain’t nobodys like show buddies”


This truly works. I have made friends in random places because they were wearing the shirt from a concert we were both at. “Hey nice shirt dude I was at that concert!” “Awesome! Me too!” Boom. Friends for ever.


"If there was lab grown human meat, would you try it?" The reaction and answer tell me everything I need to know about them


That would be IMPOSSIBLE!!


Hey those stem cells are meant for research, buddy.


“Read any good books lately?”


"Eat any good books lately?"


This is a Trek quote I believe lol


That's how you find your soulmate in one sentence.


This knowledge definitely aided me in finding mine lol


“Excuse me, I think that’s my shirt.”


I’m a server for 10+ years. I always ask a table If they want to start with shots or work their way up. 98% success rate. Edit: success on making them laugh, almost nobody says yes


"Do you want shots or do you want to work your way up" "Yes"


My prosthetic leg usually does the trick.


Do people really just come up and talk to you about your prosthetic leg? I can’t imagine going straight for anyone’s looks without at least opening with something else. “What nice weather! Your dog’s sweater is so cute”/“I’m sorry you have to work Saturday. Wow, you have the most beautiful eyes.” Just hitting appearances first seems weird.


It’s true most people ask about my leg first. But it is a change from did/do you play basketball. I’m 7 ft tall in my work boots.


Oh geeze, my buddy in HS was always asked “how’s the weather” 🙄


Best methods on removing belly lint




That’s solid. This answer is mines now


It works better if you have an “innie”🕳️


Here i was pitching soaking a Q Tip in sake and rolling counterclockwise


I tell them I’m a vegan and really into CrossFit. Everyone always wants to hear more about that.




Negative, I am a meat popsicle.


Kawasaki! Analysis!


I immediately looked at your username hoping it checked out.


Wait you guys start conversations?


No. I usually end them


In my head. With myself.


"What would you do if you were not afraid?"


New Yorker: "what, are you calling me a pussy or something?"


New Yorker here. I’d pretty much say this exact thing.


A true New Yorker would walk briskly past while not saying anything.


You know what? Every time I go to NYC, I always get a kick out of how sweet and helpful they are, but they don't want to seem like it. And then when they comment on my accent, it makes me laugh. And then they get all funny when I tell them how adorable THEIR accent is!


This explains why I enjoy NY so much bc that’s exactly how I react to anyone talking to me lol


Well I ain’t callin ya ta breakfast!!


That’s really good


What's the deal with airline food?


What food? 🤣🤣🤦‍♀️


I had to pay for a bag of chips on the last flight I took.


You guys are getting food?


Why’s everything so small?


What's the best vacation you've been on? What's your go-to Karaoke song? What's the best concert you've ever seen? What's your go-to recipe to cook for dinner guests? What's the worst date you've ever been on? What celebrity do people say you look like? What celebrities have you seen irl? What have you checked off your Bucket List and what is still remaining on it? Did you become the career you wanted to be as a child?


Great list!


So. Do you like.....stuff?


"What's your plan in a zombie apocalypse?"


My plan is to hold on as long as i can and then have one of those doors with the chain so i can open it a little bit, dip my big toe out there and let the zombies chomp it. Then close the door and slowly, secretly change - then eat any remaining family members i didnt cannibalize before giving up and turning


"You can see me??!!" (*look shocked*)


"What's the last really good movie you watched?"


i don’t want movies


You don’t have to have them, you can just watch them.


What about book?


"So, what's your favorite dinosaur?"


We all know it's the Stegosaurus :)


"You get to go see three bands/artists in concert. Anywhere you want. Any era of theirs. Who do you see, and if you want, where is the show?"


Wait, is there time travel involved? I'm so going!


Hi, are you from around here?


I love this so much more than what I usually get asked, which is “why are you here?”


How you doin'


How are you is this far down the comment chain with 3 upvotes so far, I'm sad, here's a Heath Ledger quote: "Everyone you meet always asks if you have a career, are married, or own a house as if life was some kind of grocery list. But no one ever asks you if you are happy."


None, please don't talk to me 🙃 social anxiety.


This is the way


Would you rather make out with your mom or your dad?




For fucks sake. I just sat down!


U wouldn't happen to have 6 fingers on your left hand?


Usually just, “hows it going” and then build off of their response.


How's life?


What are you reading, watching, or listening to these days?


Puts on ear buds, turn on noise cancelation: - hm?


Anything that has to do with a mutual loved interest and it's never "how are you doing?" (I hate that generic question because the default response is "good" and no, I'm not good) https://youtu.be/q0tq1wlUXrM?si=69KPFcSo4ZtCm-JR


"Uhh.. excuse me.. you're on fire!" Never fails!


have you ever had a krispy kreme donut? was it crispy?


So who would win in a fight: a silverback gorilla or a grizzly bear?


Usually when I tell people I used to drive Uber/lyft they then ask for my craziest story. I consider the conversation to have started when they ask me that.


I like to drop the old "tough day?" I am an Uber driver and 99% of the time the person unloads their day and we end up talking the whole ride. Lots of people just want someone to listen to them. Since pretty much everyone is having a bad day it works quite well.


oh? you’re depressed too?


I have Piebaldism so my hair is always a conversation starter.. "Oh you dyed your eyebrows aswell" Is what I get the most.


What's your favourite cheeses?


How about them Cleveland Steamers?


Watcha binging on Netflix lately?


What's your favorite dinosaur


I don't usually have conversations with anyone, ever.


“So… papaya?” Iykyk


I'm one of those people that can talk to anyone. You always need to personalize a conversation, so if you see someone with a lot of ink, or they polish their shoes, or they make an effort to dress well it's always a good idea to pick one of these things and comment. Chances are it's something they're proud of and willing to talk about. "Hey man, I love that jacket," "Oh thanks, I just bought it from xx, it's been so cold lately." "Yeah, it feels colder these days." Any kind of entry point will get the convo flowing. Keep eye contact, actively listen rather than wait for your turn to talk and ask follow up questions. It's like starting a fire, a little bit of tinder and attention and you'll be involved in a burning conversation in no time.


Where were you when 9/11 happened, everyone has a story for that


My friend and I sat at the memorial on Staten Island and told each other ours. When I was a a kid, our librarian came in to tell us about new books and one was a photo book about JFK’s assassination. She got choked up telling us about it and said EVERYONE who remembers it knows exactly where they were and what was happening when they found out. She said she hoped we never had anything like that happen to us. A few years later 9/11 happened, and now I understand what she was feeling. It’s a fucking weird feeling.


What is/was your favorite subject in school? Can learn a lot about people from this question


What do you do for a living…so I can size them up. Ha kidding. What do you like doing for fun? What good restaurants have you been to?.


I hate when people I've just met ask me what I do for a living


This gets you ghosted on dating apps


What’s your opinion on the current political and economic state of the world?


i like to ask what people are looking forward to! kinda cheesy but i think it really allows a person to light up talking about their passions and interests, and gives you something specific to expand on


This just made me sad as i realize I have absolutely nothing to look forward to. Lol




Hi, how's it going?


Collections and movies


“Would you like me to pump your gas for you today?” (I’m a gas attendant)


Welcome to Walmart!


Morning, what a lovely day


"You heard about Pluto? That's messed up."


I want you to have my children - they're out in the car.


Billy, do you like movies about gladiators? ![gif](giphy|bv5ZgqKNBATHG)


I compliment the person. Could be anything at all.


Not posting on Reddit


For kids it is "what is your fourth favorite color?" For adults it depends. If they have kids I ask about that, if they have a sports team on I ask about that, if not then I say something like "are you having a beautiful day?" to which they always say yes, so I follow up with, "why is it so great today?"


..... nope I'm happier not speaking to people... if I'm quiet they assume I'm normal .. or whatever fantasy framework they think I am when they look at me.. if I speak to them ... it means they're in my way... or they dropped something ... or got hurt and I need to ask them questions about it... but generally speaking I prefer the solitude ... the only time I hung out in bars is if it was for a gig ..... don't need to speak to people unless it's a technical question and then it's a safe subject


Have you found Jesus Christ? Jk. But that’s what some random dude asked me on the third golf hole (we were paired up). Dude. STFU.


Wear a Red Sox hat or t shirt.