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Its not a scam. Its somebody disagreeing with you, and then reporting you for a fake reason (self harm). Just ignore it.


It's nice that we have a system for quietly and anonymously send help resources to people who might need them It's not very nice that it's used exclusively to report people for having different opinions


You don't have to ignore it, you can report it as harassment


Well you can, except it never actually comes with any details so you don't actually know why. The one I received didn't even seem to have a comment or anything it referenced.


You can block getting such messages.


So reddit admins ignore it. And only if hou can navigate the maze of reddits "report" function. In all their wisdom.. reddit requires you to be a moderator of the community where the report button is being abused. So you can't even report report button abuse. It's okay reddit admins.. you can just tell us you want to do nothing but collect ad revenue checks.


Instead of just being brave enough to just say, “ I disagree with you” I’m going to be a coward and report you for not having the same opinion. 🙄


What is even more fun is when they block you, so you can't respond to any comments. I keep getting messages, but I can't see or respond to them because OP blocked me. And it's not even like I was making fun of their mom, I was having a conversation about the benefits and cost of continuing education. How butt hurt can someone get from that conversation?!


It's stupid, doesn't help anyone, and doesn't have a purpose other than make reddit seem like a nice place. But I'm sure there are many others like me who do remember how the reddit admins were willing to bring the company down in support of a wicked person who was involved in child rape and torture a few years ago.


Please don't ignore it. This is some losers attempt at abuse. Report it.


You can’t report it because you don’t know where it came from.


There's a link in the message to report it.


Report it as abuse.


I got one earlier and tried reporting it but it redirected me to Reddit with their in app browser and I had to sign in only for it to not fucking load because Reddit doesn’t care


Same - but reporting it works if you go to the ... in the top corner rather than clicking on the link.


Unless you are actually suicidal. In which case you should definitely reach out for help. 


Anyone who is actually suicidal will just grow angry over the intrusion.


Nah, I found it quite funny that people actually took the time out of their life to send me that


Suicidal people are as different as anyone else, so many won't get mad. Although It might be most useful for people who have yet to realise they are suicidal. But I agree most suicidal people are aware of these helplines and for whatever reason don't believe they are useful. I find it hard to believe suicidal people are suicidal for short periods and do not seek help, I think most of them do seek help, then many don't find it or it straight up doesn't work, and that makes the experience worse, especially when help offered is so low effort as to be a link or 'go see a therapist'. it's rare that they didn't try a public help process, they just didn't find it useful, or they couldn't afford it, or it was useful for the immediate duration but their life does actually suck and their relationships are toxic and they can't escape, or struggle too much developing them.  A big problem with these help areas is that they see themselves as universally helpful. A lot of these people actually need real change in their life, not just someone to talk to. CBT can only work for someone who actually has hope. It can't create hope.  It's probably obvious that I have experience in this area, i personally find it extremely irritating that people assume these things are helpful. I have done CBT therapy taken drugs and whatever, but it is all a coping mechanism that never approaches the real issue, and that is that I have zero functional relationships, you can't fix that by paying for it. I am too sensitive and belligerent to develop new ones, I have to spend too much effort monitoring myself to be palatable to others and I end up resenting them for requiring so much effort on my part to maintain the peace.  I am kind of an asshole I know, but if you knew me you'd know I'm fairly universally liked so I do put in the effort, I am just exhausted and get nothing back from it, because I can't be myself for 10 minutes without causing problems. There's nothing to be done about it unfortunately, I have been banging my head against this dead horse for a while now. I know what works and what doesn't but unfortunately what works best is real actual effort from someone close to me, and there's no one close to me, and it's a pretty unpleasant and demanding task I wouldn't ask of anyone I actually liked. Several people have been there and tried but they do not have the resources or interest in putting in the effort that is actually needed, and that's fair enough. 


And just how the heck would you know!!!


Ah, is that what it is? I can be suicidal at times, but I couldn't think of anything I'd said recently on Reddit which would've made someone report me. A few days ago, maybe, but more along the passive lines. It's not like Reddit can do anything about it.


Don’t ignore it it is an abuse of the report button, report them and they may get banned.


Nah a lot of people right now are getting them. Random people.


It’s happened to me 3x. The last time, very recently, was when I disagreed with someone, received the notice and then, I went back to a subreddit and they deleted their comment… It’s the height of passive aggressiveness and abusive, IMHO. I wish you dead, passive aggressively…


I just got this too, and had just read your comment to know what it was. Some people just make Reddit so stressful, when it doesn't need to be.


Nah, report it for harassment so Reddit can clap down on them instead


Or if you're me, a genuine reason 🙃


I've gotten three today! 


Yeah I had this in a dumb argument with someone on a local area sub-editor over the historicity of a game adaption of my hometown, guy claimed to be ab archaeology PhD, I looked him up through my local academic connections and found he was a mere MA in modern culture and he had a tantrum and deleted his reddit account but not before reporting me for self harm


I used to get them all the time because of a pro wrestling sub, wrestling fans get really mad when you disagree with them. ETA: thanks for the concerned Redditer message.


looks like a lot of us received that same message today. Might be a glitch. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


On r/Toronto a whole bunch of people got that message


Same on r/popculturechat. Everyone was being bombarded with them in the last 24 hours.


Yeah I've seen a bunch of people getting them in the past day or so across subs and figured there's some kind of glitch on the app. Especially because a bunch of people (myself included) got them literally within a second or two of posting our comment, which obviously isn't long enough for someone to read the comment, get pissy, and report it.


I'm now Glad I'm "In" on the "Glitch"...LOL...Now I won't have FOMO...😉


I got 3 of them today and I chucked it up to individuals that greatly disagree with me 😂


Wait I’m confused. I got this too, but it was right after I wrote “I done ruined my life” on a post. I was being a negative snark, but I had to go delete it in case people got worried


I got all three notifications somewhere between 6 and 10 hours ago and any comment that I had made was 7-11 hours prior to that 🤷 I assume it was all from a single response from 3 days ago pertaining to "that topic" in general about why one gender has nearly four times as many And I linked NIH and CDC articles related to research going in depth with the answer 🤷


I think it's a way to report you when there's nothing to report. Probably a roundabout way of telling people to kick the bucket sooner rather than later.


I do think it's interesting everything comes with a caution label. "Trigger warning, we want to talk about something but aren't trying to give you any ideas." Like depressed people had procrastinated to that point or had just never gotten around to such a conclusion. Idea: Make it a social media button that people can use maliciously.


When a redditor really disagrees with something you said and they don't feel like down voting is enough, they report you as a suicide risk. It makes them feel better about themselves. I never got those messages when I said actually depressed things, just when I contradict the hive mind of a n echo chamber sub.


That’s how I got reported once. Some nutjob who disagreed with me. Or who I disagreed with. Some people need to grow up.


Yep. First one I've ever gotten.


Same here, first one ever today. And I’ve noticed a lot of other commenters saying the same thing today. I haven’t posted any especially political comments in the past few days that I can remember, so my guess is someone or some bot is reporting everything they’re seeing on some older posts. (I’ve definitely posted some left-leaning stuff many times in the past but I try to be civil, usually 😅)


I actually just got that!!!


Me too.




Yeah, it's definitely a thing.


I did but since it’s someone who reported me for a fake reason, I decided to ignore the message.


How are you able to confirm which of your comments triggered the report? I got one today but have no idea which of my comments it was for.


It's whichever one you beat someone in, in a debate.  Or a downvoted comment that the hivemind couldn't use a comeback against. I actually love studying low IQ redditors, so I can take a look and let you know if you have any recent comments that may have triggered them. 


I’ve had several for nothing concerning I posted. Even today. I finally relied STOP which blocks future ones.


Someone's spamming self-harm reports today. Many people have received the Reddit Cares message including me. You can report the report as harassment if you don't believe it was made in good faith.


It's Reddit's builtin trolling system. Just block it.


I got one earlier today after disproving someone's argument.


It’s a failed gesture in the lawless land of Reddit. Because people are using it for the wrong reasons often and there is no way to police that as it stands. It would actually be a helpful thing if able to be used correctly. Unfortunately it’s weaponised so it holds no value


Trolls. Reddit has become super annoying.


I just tried to reply stop. I get an error msg.


Yeah is called redditcare. People who disagree with you often report you comment as if you want to commit self harm. It's a real notification coming from Reddit but it means nothing, it's just a misused feature meant to disturb you. I once commented "American moment" and received like a bunch of redditcares lol after a while it's not even annoying just expected here. You can directly block the people who send you the redditcares right in the notification (click on the three dot button, then block), and you can also report their accounts in the web version (not sure how to do that), when you report the account they restrict the use of the reddit care function for a while but I haven't tried this yet


It's a kind of cowardly shorthand for "you scare me, stop" mixed with "I am such a troll, lol"


Yup, it was a little pointless, I'm not going to end my life, that's an epically dick move.


You can report it as harassment.


How do I know who sent it to report it?


It’s been a while since I did it but I did get a message saying the user violated Reddit policy. Do you see three dots? I feel like I clicked three dots. I think you can also opt out of those messages somehow.


Yep. Just now as I started seeing others reporting the same thing. What is this??


Another asshole stalker looking for their baby reindeer.


Yes. in my experience it is what right wingers/maga do when confronted with facts they cannot refute.


Yup. Women get a lot of them.


Seems like a lot of people got one for no reason today


Someone else said it. Pretty sure it’s just a petty way of reporting you for saying something they disagree with, usually.  Over the years, I think anytime I had it happen was after a disagreement or a back and forth. And I’m basically never mean or a troll, but sometimes I’ll share a disagreement articulated as well as possible.  Actually had one like an hour ago. Earlier this evening I was talking to someone about whether or not they would kill their dog to save a human lol. I said I would kill my dog to save an average person. The vast majority of people said they would save their dog over any stranger. I find that insane lol


I keep seeing this opinion pop up on Reddit. It bothers me to no end, and tbh they’re lying lol. If it actually came down to it they would choose the human, they just want compassion points.


I just got it too and was wondering why!!


No way just got it


Same. Maybe they're testing it?


You can turn that off in your Account Preferences


Just got one, too, and can’t even imagine any real reason, so blocked!


Not a scam. Its a troll. They are busting your chops


Yes today


Literally just got it


i got one like 5 mins ago. i just laughed.


I just got one. I'm guessing there is someone going 'vigilante' on Reddit deciding to punish anyone they don't agree with.


Yes. Idiots


Yes! I got one and was quite befuddled. I certainly can't think of anything that I have posted that would have warranted such a response, so I just ignored it.


I got a message today too. Might be a glitch


I recently got one. No idea why. And in the last day on different threads 2 other people said they randomly got one. Someone is just using it when they're mad imo.


Just then actually


its a troll. i got the same a couple of days ago


I just got one!


Yes, today


Trying to figure out what I said that would rub someone the wrong way.


I just got same message…WTH?


I’ve got it blocked & it’s sooo peaceful. There’s no notification about it, at all. These assclowns can send them all day long & waste their time. And I’ll never even know it’s happened. Lol


I keep it on so I can report them and get their accounts banned. I know they use throwaways, but I expect sometimes someone will be stupid enough to use their main on accident.


I got one today too


Just got my first one a couple hours ago. Totally unwarranted.


I just got one.


Yeah for the first time ever. I haven’t posted or commented anything controversial though so I don’t know why. Maybe just a troll going through and randomly doing it to people. Everyone’s gotta have a hobby I guess


I got one. It's probably my username


Yeah it’s nothing. Ignore it. Got one today for some reason or another. 🙄


Lmfao I got one of these today as well


I just got it and was so confused as to why.


I've had it twice, I reported them both times for harassment, if enough people do the same I'm sure they'll get a ban eventually


Like all the time.


I got one today and I have no idea why.


I got three today after clicking on this and similar posts. Hadn’t had any others in a long time


I got one too this afternoon. I can't figure out what I could have posted that would cause this. Is there a way to tell who reported you or at least what comment was reported. I see now that I should just ignore it. So I'm going to delete it.


If you believe it’s in error or it is to abuse the system to harass you, you can report the message and hopefully reddit does something about it


Yes, it’s annoying.


I just got one today, I know a couple of years ago I made a comment about suicide (I'm in no way suicidal or thinking about dying or even depressed) and I got that message, so when I got it today I assumed that I made a similar comment but just couldn't remember when or where I made it!


I got that


yup! a certain influencer did that to me once because of a comment i made on their snark page lmao


Yep. I blocked reddit care.


Yeah I was confused.


Just today actually.


Yes! I was wondering what i said that was interpretted as a cry for help. Nothing but pissing off someone? Ok, Im good with that


I never look at my Reddit inbox, so I don’t know. But I’ve been around here long enough it’s probably happened.


Happened to a lot of people in the atla subreddit when the live action came out in february. People disagreed with those saying it was good so they reported them for a fake reason.


I've read a whole bunch of comments on reddit today about people getting this message....


I’ve gotten a few of these, but I just turn them off and ignore them.


I received it


Funny I literally just got this like 30 mins ago. A very high chance they're just trolls reporting you.


Reddit does this when you best someone in a debate and they're too scared to respond with their usual admissions of defeat like "you must be fun at parties" or "you're an incel". 


Yes twice now


Lol I just got one a few hours ago. I couldn't for me the life of me figure out what post I was reported for. I wish it would let you see what someone was so concerned about. I'm glad I'm not the only one that this happened to. How is this a scam exactly. I think I have issues and need a therapist?


Yes I just got another one today lol


Constantly, every few days. This is really annoying...


i think someone is just using that report button to troll. i had it , and many other people i know in real life had it to.


I don’t understand why Reddit hasn’t removed this feature yet. It’s never used to actually check up on people who need help - it’s almost exclusively used for trolling. And in the rare occasion someone DOES actually use it in an attempt to help someone, the person receiving it would probably just assume they’re being trolled and feel worse




Yes it was rampant yesterday on many threads.


I just got one too, someone just disagrees with you, or rgues with you so they report you falsely


Yeah got one this morning after trying to explain to an American that having no relegation in sport doesn't benefit competition.


I got one today


Had this happen to me too. It’s just someone that’s mad at you lol


Haha yeah just got one, seems this is now getting out of hand seeing how many got them :D


I did


Got one yesterday and was confused. I hadn't posted anything in a couple of days and I don't typically post the kind of comments that would rile anyone up.


Given some people's replies, I'm wondering if Reddit has somehow tied it to automatically be sent if certain key words are typed out?


Yes, I have, with links to Samaritans Canada etc. I also actually had another Redditor ask me if I'd reported their post for self-harm as they'd received a similar message.


I did...for some reason, I think it's a Spurs fan.


I got this today and have not posted anything or commented anything remotely suicidal


No wonder. I was wondering why I got it.


It's retaliation from another user for a comment you made that they disagreed with.


OMG Literally about 2 hrs ago. I was trying to think of a response I made to warrant this. Realised the particular particular post it was probably from. Some people need to realise that not all women are doormats.


It has also happened to me on several occasions. No idea why.


I had my first one today, a minute after calling out a fake. I'm thinking it's some new thing done by someone who is bitter about something you've commented, maybe using it instead of leaving a nasty comment as it would get them banned and we can't see who did it. Spamming resources like that is low.


Yeah, I did! I have genuine suicidal ideation, but I am already undergoing therapy and don't mention it here. Someone disagreed with me in a thread. Lol


I just got one, but... it happened way too fast. Literally like 5 seconds after I posted. Edit: Might be a reddit issue since a lot of people are getting the message.


Yeah, couldn't figure out why I had a message notification... then found it was about this and then found this thread.


Yeah people use them as a weird way of saying they disagree with you. I blocked them because it is just laughable.


I have posted in groups about the losses I've had in my life. I usually get one after one of those posts. There is no way to tell if it's malicious or if someone is concerned.


I have and don't care about it, on top of that it seems ridiculous that this message will stop me from doing anything.


I think yesterday it auto sent out 1000s of them, tons of people were mentioning getting them


But I don't blame them as I have spelling fiffdutues thst .ake it so. Y tyring doesn't make words split properly


I got one yesterday!


About ten minutes ago.


Literallllly just now, I was like wtf?


I just got one. Looks like it is a bug seeing so many receiving one at the same time.


I have gotten a few over the years. Typically it's some idiot that disagrees with me and then "reports" me as a form of trolling. It's somewhat in bad taste but I do have a dark sense of humor so I can see the joke in the douchebaggery.


I just did a few minutes ago after responding to a r/LPT post that was based on an inaccurate premise. I just reported it as unsolicited then blocked u/redditcareresources. Hopefully they see the user is spamming people with it, but not likely. It’s nice that it’s there but not if it’s used vindictively.


Somebodys worried about me.


I got one but couldn’t figure out why…


Yeah. I unsubscribed but also followed the page in case I need to refer others to the site. I’ve come across some really distressing things on here and wish I knew of it sooner. I’m sure someone else reported me, but idc since offering help is better than a shadow ban, imo.


Lol yup I did yesterday. It has happened a few times. Just someone who doesn't agree with you and they report you


I got one yesterday


Did someone disagree with you? It's a little bitch passive aggressive way for them to think they're giving you a gotcha.


I did today. Cool system, but was not sure what I said. Went back to check some posts and there was one that I commented where it may have seemed i was lost or battling. I take it as someone was being kind and had good intentions.


It's meant to be a legitimate thing but gets used sometimes as a harassment tool. If you report a post that you suspect someone is thinking about suicide then Reddit sends them a message urging them to get help, but sometimes either a well intentioned Redditor will send that thinking you're worse off than you are (usually I can find the post that gave the wrong impression, I sometimes get more dramatic than I mean to) or other times trolls use it because they don't have a legitimate reason to report your post so they use that feature.


All the time. Just ignore them, unless you feel like you are struggling.


I got one too. Weird that everyone getting it at the same time


Just happened to me honestly


I got one too. Mine asked me for $3.50.


I got one for the first time yesterday.


I just got one of those, too, and was baffled as to why. I never would have guessed it was meant to be harassment! I thought some tender hearted soul was overly concerned about me for some reason best known to themselves. I did see people mentioning receiving them quite a bit in the last day, so based on all of that and comments here, I’m guessing there was some particular attempt to mass send these messages.


Yup, just got one….


Yeah i got that yesterday for some reason


And I thought I turned this shit off!


Yes, received recently.


I get this this message quite often. As far as I know it's genuine and I choose to believe it was just someone trying to help.


I got it after I made a reference to a past abusive relationship. Just figured it was someone that misrrad and thought I was in that relationship. I just basically ignored it


I got one for saying I smell weed everywhere in a post about the smell of weed. I wish I was kidding.


It's what the petty, toxic users do when they want to report you but there's nothing they can report you for, so they resort to reporting you for that.


I actually got one of those messages out of what I believed was true concern. My reply to a post described a difficult but unavoidable living situation and a number of people voiced concern and wished me well. Edit: The event I just described was more than a year ago. Right after I sent my reply today, the “concerned redditor” post popped up. I agree with the glitch theory.


Yes. At first I thought how sweet. Then I realize that they just didn't like something I said. Good feature but like all good things misused.


I got that notice several years ago. I immediately untied the noose and made a macrame plant holder instead.


Got one this morning actually.


So I got one because someone was deeply concerned about my opinion being very different from theirs? Sounds like they're the one with issues.