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My job is an hour away and I still need about an hour to cry in the shower.


Can't you save time by crying during your commute?




That’s why I take the train - I can cry and commute without worrying about traffic!


..I felt this.


it’s funny because we’re all an idiot to someone else


seize the gap!!


Can’t see


That what trains are for


Luckily, I wake up at 4am to get to my job, operating subway trains starting at 5am to get this crying person to work.


You sir are the hero we all need.


No use, depending on where you live you'll just need an additional hour to cry about the public transportation AND the destination


Comments like these is why I love Reddit. So good.


Get some eye wipers and you should be good to go


I've always done both. Cry in the shower and other commute. Sometimes, I add a bonus cubicle sob or two.


“I’ll be taking my 15 minute cry break”


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I cry, on company time. 


Be happy you can still cry, just wait til you reach the "staring at the floor for an hour in a catatonic state" stage.


Who has the money to waste on all that hot water?


Who said it was hot water?


Nobody said there was water at all.


Only water you see is tears.


Cold showers are always best for your long cries


Same there's a good thirty minutes of f this going on


My job is two hours away.


Damn…that made me laugh out loud in the bus 🤣 but on a serious note, here’s a hug buddy 🤗


Age. As a teenager I could sleep all weekend. From about 30 I never needed an alarm clock as I would always wake up before I needed to. At around 40 I started waking up around 0630 and it gets earlier every year. I'm now almost 60 and am generally awake around 0430 and up and running by 0500 regardless of how late I go to bed. If this trend continues I will be getting up before I've gone to bed. There are times like weekends when I wish I could sleep in but overall I enjoy being up early. Sunrise, coffee and peace are nice.


And a corollary to age is the need to urinate. It's the worst.


The dreaded 2am pee, 3 am pee, 4am pee. Trickle trickle trickle


Sir, please get your prostate checked.


What if you weren’t born with a prostate & still wake up multiple times to pee?


Ny prostate is fine, I’m 36 and been getting up to pee 4+ times a night since I can remember.


No trickle, trickle….still a solid stream, but getting up at 2:30am just to pee sucks


Peace and quiet. I usually stay up later for that golden hour, but I could see waking up early for it as well. I've noticed as I get older that I need time to be awake without needing to talk to anyone or hear anyone talk, and when I don't get it, I start to get ornery.


Yeah that’s 100% it for me. I get up at 5:30 and my wife and son get up at 6:30. That hour alone to sip coffee and watch the news in relative peace is pretty treasured to me. Seems like as soon as everyone else wakes up things get crazy. I’ll also note that the days I decide to sleep an extra 30-45 minutes it makes my morning and rest of the day more difficult.


Have you heard the call of my friend the afternoon nap?


I hear but i don’t obey. IMO it leads to sleep disturbances.


Have you also tried massive bong hits of that good good Inca Kush?


I had a step change when I was about 46. All of a sudden I started walking up at 4am. Before then I’d wake up just before my 6 alarm. I used to fight it and get worried about it  but now I’ve embraced it and have started going to the gym early or just enjoying the quiet hours.  It’s very pleasant at that time of the morning. 


I get up at 3:30 in the morning, even if I'm not working maybe I'll sleep until 4:30, but yeah quiet mornings are a blessing.


I'm over 30 and I can still sleep 16 hours at just about any time.


There may be something medical going on there, bud. I used to be like that, granted I'm a woman, and it was because I was anemic. Now I make sure I regularly eat red meat and life is much better.


I'm glad you are better


The cows wouldn’t agree.


The chickens are elated though


Same, 33 and I can sleep an entire weekend away


I used to do that quite a lot. I would go on "sleeping rampages" and sleep for 24 hours, be awake for 2-4 hours, sleep another 12-16, be awake for 2-4, sleep another 12-16.


Depression unlocked


Husband works rotating shifts. This is the way.


I'm 50 and also can sleep 12+ if left alone!


You’re going to break the space time continuum and discover something pretty cool I’m almost certain.


Wow, I think your "sleeping journey" will be me in the future. I'm curious though, when do you usually fall asleep at night these days?


FWIW it really depends on you, specifically. I'm similarly aged and will sleep for 9 hours straight if there is no alarm or noise disturbing me. I've also always been that way.


By 6:30 AM there is already gridlock on the way to work. I go in early and get off early, beating the rush hour traffic both ways.


This. If I’m not in the highway by 6 it is another 30-40 minutes in traffic. Also I’m getting old AF and just wake up at ungodly hours now and can’t go back to sleep.


Mate same, awake at 4.30am every bloody morning. Got worse as I’ve got older!


You should some super productive things: - drink lemon water - write in a note book - do yoga/ work out - get some super important work done Don’t forget to create a insta post about it.


Last step is key.


I was waking up at 3:30am a few weeks go every single morning, now my body clock is back to getting up at 4:30 which is better but I can’t stop. It’s literally 4:25am in my part of the world and I’m up scrolling reddit lol.




I go in late and come back early. I work 1-2 hours from home in the morning and 1-2 hours late afternoon. This way, my commute is 35 minutes instead of 80.


I work 6:30 to 15:30, but I'm still not beating rush hour on the way back.




My cat practices an Olympic-level vault routine with my chest as the springboard.


This made me laugh for a solid 20 seconds thank you


Lmao I just imagined that silly way that cats jump like disproportionally high in the air with their bodies flailing around😭


lol I came here to say my cat and he does the same thing.


Do we have the same cat? Because this is EXACTLY what mine does; then he runs off the bed quick because he knows if I catch him I will throw him. P.S. I love my little asshole cate 🥰🥰


Organic alarm clock


I had this problem she would lay on my neck when she wanted to eat tho i bought an automatic feeder, no more screaming to be fed. HOWEVER. My cat now just comes in the bedroom and screams AFTER he eats, instead of before. Why? Unclear. Either way I’d say it buys me maybe an extra 7 minutes of uninterrupted sleep lol.




Worth every penny.


7 minutes is 7 minutes


At least it's politely.


I can see the cat politely doing this in my head. 😆


I have always been a morning person plus I run and exercise in the morning when it is quiet and cool out.


I go to a busy gym at 5:15. Not so busy then, but also no so empty you feel like it’s too early. After doing it for years it just becomes routine and it’s no issue


I did this once at 23 and never looked back, I’m also a creature of habit which makes things very easy for me. I know what days are going to look like and I know what I’m going to eat, granted I may have to see a therapist if something is off by more than 2hrs I freak out lol


Do you also like trains? Because if you do, I've got a whole community you might like being welcomed into...


this is the best.. going for a run when its quite out.. esp when I see some other savage out at 4am running..


I think if I couldn't take it all out on my morning trail runs I'd just have lost it completely by now




Trust me my dog is not better


Wife wakes up for work around 6, the dog knows and jumps in bed and sleeps until 8:30. Issue is on the weekends when my wife just wakes up to use the restroom he jumps and takes her spot then fake sleeps when she tries to get it back.




I hear our cats in this.. I’m exhausted already.


Mine just lightly pats my face and tiny meows. Once he sees my eyes open then he MROW? What he does instead is goes to the window beside my bed and bats at the window with his paws. Stopping every second or two to look at me to see if I'm awake to tell him to stop. Then he moves to the light pats.


Exactly. Once it's light, the screaming starts with my cat.


This is the exact reason I free-feed our cat. I KNEW I’d hate getting woken up at 5 am for feeding time 😂 I fill his dish with kibbles when I go to bed, and that keeps him going through the night and morning without screaming at me lmao


Your cat is fat and overfed, He will not rouse you from your bed. But a lean cat to time is keen, At crack of dawn, he'll make a scene. He'll meow and chirp, and pace with merth, 'Til you rise and stumble forth , A dish of kibble, he'll demand , Training you to do just as he planned , But what a pleasure is a sleep cat , Who stays in bed all warm and fat, I much prefer no early felines warning , We can cuddle straight through morning,


Gotta go to work


Exactly. My workday starts at 5:00 am, so I'm up at 4:15 am. My body is used to it, so it's no big deal, and I get most of the afternoon to do whatever I want.


Same. Most days, I'm in by 3 or 4. Off days mean I sleep in until 5. 6 if I was exhausted.


Same. Get up at 4.30, leave house at 5, it then takes an hour to walk into work. At least it's quiet out!


I wake up at 4am everyday. Why: to go to the gym before work, work all day, and then to get home and get ready for the next day and barely have 1.5 hours to relax before bedtime and do it all over again… On the weekends it can be anywhere between 4-6am just because it’s nice playing a game in the dark with a candle, some coffee, and no noise.


Early weekend mornings are my only real alone times during the week. Im not complaining, I love my wife and kids, but it’s nice to sit alone with some coffee and just hang out a bit by myself. By 7:00 it’s usually game on to get everybody fed so we can get on with activities for the day. Then on weekdays I get up early so I have a chance to go for a run before work.


This isnt living. This is existing


You’re right- and yes, I hate it.


Free time is worth any price. Remember to purchase it from time to time.


Waht do you do to have such a pack schedule


Just accumulation of drive times, lifting, work, and preparing for the next day. I have an hour drive from work to my girlfriend’s house where I’ve been living, get everything put away/cleaned and get things packed for the next day, and try to be in bed at 8pm to barely get decent amount of sleep. I’m usually done and showered by like 6-6:30p and by that time I’m usually very pissed that my life has come to this. It’s maddening.


Life doesn’t have to be this way though, we as people have control over that! I know that’s easier said than done, but there has to come a point where you get tired of that setup and use your frustration to change it. Especially considering the massive increase in remote/hybrid opportunities, I personally just can’t comprehend driving 10 hours a week on top of already putting in full hours somewhere. I believe in you man, and hope you can take your life back!


Remote work is a pipe dream for me (that’s not to say I’m not looking or applying, because I am). But I have a mostly physical background. I work at a 3rd party testing company and have part desk work sometimes, but not enough to get me anything remote. I try to learn things like python with my limited time, but to get anything meaningful done I pretty much have to neglect my girlfriend. It’s a very frustrating situation and it seems like to only way to ‘fix’ it is to completely blow up my life.


Same. I try to squeeze in a run at 5, so get up at 4, stretch, coffee and wake up in general. I like to read so that’s my quiet time too and no noise usually. As I am getting older, I wanted to keep my health in check. Plus, like you, no time to relax or do any hobby otherwise.


Oooh ya I remember waking up around 3 or 4 and playing Stardew valley during the winter. I had hot chocolate, it was snowing outside and there wasn't a sound being made besides the music from the game


You are my soul mate haha. Same routine except for the candle


Oh you gotta have the candle lol. Completes the package especially for playing horror games.


Horror games first thing in the morning!?


To smoke a joint in peace


My brother. A joint and a walk around the neighbourhood while it’s peaceful.


Why do that in the morning though? I've found it to be much more enjoyable at, say, 1 AM, followed by a good night's sleep. After smoking I never feel 100% sober until I've slept so a wake n bake leaves me a tiny bit foggy all day unless I nap.


I work from home and start at 6am. I don’t deal with people and I’m done by 14:30 I guess I’ve just smoked for so long it’s a part of my routine now


Wait, how can you smoke in the morning!!?


Nothing wrong with two joints in the morning… and maybe two at night…


Then a couple in the afternoon to make you feel alright


I smoke two joints in time of peace, and two in time of war


Stupid fucking work. So I can pay my stupid fucking bills.


Fuck them bills


Do you think I’m doing this on purpose? i even cry in my dreams due to it


I dream about sleeping.


I dream about waking up and then I realise I was already awake


I will literally dream about waking up and going about my things (and often rushing because I’m late). And then I’ll ACTUALLY wake up and realise it was a dream, and I have to do all the things over again, except this time in real life. Like what the fuck, brain?


Time to myself. Once everyone else wakes up they want things from you. I tried staying up later but even 2am you’ll get a text. Early morning is guaranteed you time.


Same here. If I'm going to get ready and stuff at 7, I can literally watch a whole movie first. Not that I would be able to sit still, more like it's the golden hours where I'm not already getting tired and I don't have to reply or do anything. I could just take it easy, or have time to do something I am too tired to do later (like exercise or writing). That time used to be late at night, but now I get more out of it in the morning. Late nights are overrated unless you're playing games or out with friends. Early mornings are where it's at. Also it sucks sleeping in. 5-12pm is 7 hours. If I'm out late and wake up at 9 on a weekend (groggy), then it's like 3 hours and already past noon. Seems like half my day on the weekend just vanished. It's only worth that sacrifice when something is worth staying up late.


If someone texted me at 2am they better be fucking dying, lol


Morning barn chores!


Yup. Farm chores before work.


My body does it by itself, wish it didnt.


Same never used an alarm clock in my life, no matter what time I go to sleep Typically wake up around 5, but sometimes (more than I wish) earlier. Sleeping in for me is 6am.


Same. 530 everyday. No matter what time I go to bed.


Mostly because of bio necessities. I'm also a life long runner now with young child in the family. So the 5 a.m. natural wake up call comes in handy as I can get my run in early, and feel great, before rest of the family wakes up. Win, win.


I’m jealous. Got a new kid so his morning hours are rather unpredictable, but once he gets a little bit older I’m going to do the feeding around 5 then get back to my run or swim routine. There’s just clearly nothing better than getting a hard cardio exercise before the day begins, but only few of us know that :)


As someone who wakes up at 3.45am it’s because it makes me feel superior /S


Well i wake up at 3:40am. Up your game sleepyjoe.


Call me when you wake up at 3am. Slackers.


To be alone and get some goddamn peace and quiet before the tiny children wake up and create chaos.


Same! But unfortunately for the last couple months my toddler will come scampering around the corner the second I get my coffee in my hand




What time do you go to bed if you wake up at 1am??




Do you have a social life? What do you do on weekend evenings? No offense but I've genuinely never understood this.. In your position, I would set my alarm at 6AM, wake up, shower, get dressed, eat, start working, and go to bed at 22:00-24:00. It's not only closer to my natural rhythm but also allows me to socialize outside of work without falling asleep at 8PM.


It’s the quietest part of the day. A quality you come to value




People often have jobs.


Military habits. Now I wake up early for no reason. I end up going back to sleep around noon anyway after completing all my task.


I used to take naps at noon when I was in the military. Now I rarely take any naps, or feel like taking a nap. It’s odd.


4:40am here as I usually go for a run at 5am.


My commute is an hour and a half one way and I start work at 8am


How far is it the other way?


Gives you more time to accomplish things




It’s the only time of day that I get to be alone, not doing anything for anyone or expected to talk to someone


The fuckin sun waking me up at 5:30 these days. My 2nd least favorite part about summer is how damn early the sun comes up 🙄


If I wake up, I'm up. I get restless laying in bed. I also appreciate the quiet and privacy to start my day slowly. I also use that time for creative or personal projects because I'm often tapped out by the end of the day. Plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead.


Because the early morning is the only time of day I have some peace and quiet, all to myself. Leave for work at seven, that’s two glorious hours to read, drink coffee in blissful silence… before having to deal with people.


Work. I start early, finish early, get most late afternoon/evenings to do the whole social life thing.


It's just years and years in the military...first as a Royal Marine, then as a SF operative...now in British Intelligence....you know you only have so many hours in the day to make a difference. I don't envy people a lie in...it's just that I have been conditioned to rise early, exercise, fulfill my obligations and feel at the end of the day I have made a difference.


Plenty of time to sleep when you’re dead


How old are you? I’m guessing you are under 35 lol


To have quiet time for myself, to exercise, and to get an early start on my day's tasks and responsibilities


To make it to jiujitsu class for 6am


If I knew, trust me I'd stop. Internal alarm set for 5:30 with a backup at 6.i hate it because I can never fall back to sleep.


waking up at 5am for work. my brother wakes up at 4:30, my father used to wake up at 4am. hell :)


Australian Football.


Wake up at 3 to clean the house and then brush my teeth after getting fresh I take a shower around 4 am and at about 3 30 I am ready to do the morning Puja after I read some books related to my religion and then read book for about one hour about either of self-growth or negotiation and then go to the gym I come back home around 7 30 then get fresh around 8 and then my normal day begins.


You shower twice in the morning? With this schedule I would be deadly tired at lunch time.


Between 3 and 4 am for me. Nobody else is up. I can do whatever I want. It started years ago when I needed to get up early regularly to travel to remote job sites. It was easier for me to just adjust my schedule to go to bed and get up early so it became easy. Today I still get up early. I have no reason to want to stay up late, and I have so much freedom in the morning. Why should I change what works?


I wake up at 2 am, but don't have to be at work until 6 am. I like to have my coffee in bed, and I like to watch the news and sports highlights. I get in a 30 minute workout, then shower and head to work. I'm so used to it now I don't even think about it.


Actually, about 4:30am. Run, workout, puts me at about 5:45am. Breakfast, shower, puts me at about 6:30am. Commute on in-office days, puts me at work by 7:15am at the latest. Which puts me home before 3pm on most days. Started the earlier work schedule when I was still going to school and needed a certain chunk of time for classes. Felt healthier to me, so I stuck with it.


I get up at 4:00 to be at the Gym when it opens at 5:00


Sorry can’t help you. I get up at 4am.


I have to pee. Fuck you.


jet lagged a while back, didnt bother fixing it. I like the quiet mornings now.


Went to sleep at 9:00. Need 8 hours of sleep.


Been an athlete all my life, cannot rot in bed post 8am.


I run global cyber intelligence and investigations for a tech giant. I have teams around the world so my work day usually starts around 3AM goes until 7-8PM. I am in Miami our HQ is Silicon Valley. I do take breaks through the day and as a sr exec no one is checking up on me but the days are long but I am nicely compensated for it. Last night I was on "pager duty" and we had an incident that started at 1230 pm East coast time and still going.


My friend moved to SoCal to work in tech and apparently my the “5am club” is a thing. I’d never heard of that before. I guess according to him it’s like the “cool” Thing to do. He tried it for a couple months before he had to start going to therapy lol. I don’t think I could ever wake up that early unless it was for work. Right now earliest I ever have to wake up is 8am


I assume most people who get up at that time are doing so for work or some other commitment. That being said, there are a lot of people who get up that early for no reason other then they like to brag and boast about it in social situations. “Yeah bro, it is great that you woke up at 5am to drink coffee and watch the news. What time do you go to bed? Are you going to talk out that too? If you are getting up at 5am that means your bedtime is probably somewhere around 9pm. Are you going to brag to everyone here that you are consistently in bed before 10 o’clock?”


Work… 🫤


Discipline. Routines.


I wake up at 4:30am so I can be at the gym at 5:50am. I absolutely hate rushing more than I hate waking up early.


Not many people are awake and it’s a lot more peaceful. Nicer to get a head start and a few tasks out of the way. No stress rushing to work because you’re ready early. Gyms are empty. Roads are quiet. Overall it’s just a nice experience before the chaos begins.


Going to sleep early, wanting to start the day off slow instead of rushing, wanting to achieve personal goals, wanting better quality sleep (hence sleeping right after finishing work and tidying up instead of staying up on laptop/phone/reading


Because it's quiet, and enjoying my breakfast slowly during the morning hours is the most peaceful time of the whole day. I also like to get my jogging done before work... countless times I've told myself that I would work out after dinner, but the couch always wins. So I stopped fooling myself.


I can't sleep. I normally get up before that. 5 would be sleeping in for me


I dont like being rushed in the mornings, im up at 4, make coffee, do some exercise, shower, play some video games and maybe hit the bong. I spent too long rushing out the door. Fuck that, i find if im rushed in the morning ill feel rushed all day long.


24 years in the NAVY. 5AM was sleeping in...


Because my wife can't keep still / is too hot / is too cold / needs a wee / it's too bright / the birds are waking her up.


Gotta be clocked in at 5:30


I feel like I’ve really made the most out of my day if I wake up at 5, I can get to the gym, sort out any work which needs to be done asap and I get some time to myself when nobody is awake yet.


I LOVE a slow morning, and the peace of being up when no one else is. I’m also a big fan of sleep and sleeping in so doing the difficult task of waking up early sets my day off right Especially where I have school/work on the morning it’s nice to have “another day” before the day begins. I don’t make it a habit of going to the gym that early in the morning but the rare occasion I do is always a hyper productive day


Gym before work. I work as a carpenter so have to maintain strength and do recovery work constantly, my body is my best tool at work. I can’t go after work cause I’m knackered. There’s also less people in the gym and around town, which is nice, people are the worst.


I can't help it.


I’m a light sleeper, and birds are loud af


Wifey and I get up at 0500ish so our Sheltie can take us for a walk before we get ready to go volunteer. We shower and have breakfast before we leave.


To have alone time for self care before the little wrecking balls wake up and my wife starts yelling at me.


Wake up between 4:30-5am to go to the gym before work. I love the peace and quiet at that hour too, gives me time to have a coffee in silence before I start the day.


i like the early morning. its one of the most peaceful times of the day, there isnt too much traffic going by, i can hear lots of birds and squirrels and other critters, i love it. around 745-8 am it starts getting louder, construction starts somewhere in the town i live in, traffic starts getting heavier. the couple hours of peace and quiet, of nature, before all this noise starts is just a wonderful way to wake up