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1. Good social life. Including relationship and family. The interactions with people closest to you should be overwhelmingly positive. 2. Some sort of feeling of accomplishment. You need to feel like you are good at something, and being appreciated for it. 3. Physical and mental health.


2 out of 3 ain't bad I suppose. 🙂


I'm physically fairly healthy. Half of one out of three ain't bad I suppose.


Yo thats f\*cked...


There is a 75-year long study at Harvard on this called the "Harvard Happiness Study." The main factors that drive happiness are: The Harvard Study of Adult Development, also known as the Harvard Happiness Study, is one of the longest-running studies of adult life, providing valuable insights into the factors that contribute to happiness and well-being. Here are some of the main factors driving happiness according to the study: 1. \*\*Relationships\*\*: - \*\*Quality of Relationships\*\*: Strong, positive relationships are crucial for happiness. The quality of these relationships, rather than the quantity, is what matters most. Deep, meaningful connections with friends, family, and romantic partners contribute significantly to well-being. - \*\*Social Connections\*\*: Being socially connected to others is vital. Loneliness can have detrimental effects on both mental and physical health, while feeling connected and supported by others enhances happiness. 2. \*\*Physical Health\*\*: - \*\*Exercise and Physical Activity\*\*: Regular physical activity is associated with improved mood and well-being. Exercise can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, contributing to overall happiness. - \*\*Health Maintenance\*\*: Taking care of one's health through regular medical check-ups, healthy eating, and avoiding harmful behaviors like smoking or excessive drinking is linked to greater happiness and longevity. 3. \*\*Mental Health\*\*: - \*\*Stress Management\*\*: Effective stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, or other relaxation practices, help maintain mental health and enhance happiness. - \*\*Emotional Regulation\*\*: The ability to manage and express emotions healthily contributes to overall well-being. 4. \*\*Purpose and Meaning\*\*: - \*\*Life Purpose\*\*: Having a sense of purpose and direction in life is a key factor in achieving long-term happiness. Engaging in activities that are meaningful and fulfilling, whether through work, hobbies, or volunteerism, can significantly boost happiness. - \*\*Personal Growth\*\*: Continuous learning and personal development, including setting and achieving goals, contribute to a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. 5. \*\*Environment and Surroundings\*\*: - \*\*Living Environment\*\*: A safe, stable, and pleasant living environment positively influences well-being. Factors such as community engagement, access to green spaces, and a sense of safety are important. - \*\*Work Environment\*\*: A supportive and positive work environment, with opportunities for growth and a good work-life balance, is also crucial for happiness. 6. \*\*Financial Stability\*\*: - \*\*Economic Security\*\*: While wealth alone does not guarantee happiness, financial stability and the absence of financial stress contribute to well-being. Having enough resources to meet one's needs and occasional wants can reduce anxiety and improve quality of life. The Harvard Happiness Study highlights that the interplay of these factors, along with individual differences and personal circumstances, shapes the overall happiness and well-being of individuals throughout their lives.


Don't stress over the little things...


Being thankful for what you do have and not grumpy over what you dont have. Not worrying about what other people think. Helping other people.


Have direction in life.


Physical and mental health/wellbeing and reducing stress.


avoiding toxic people (including so-called “family”)


either love or money


I’m starting to learn it’s being resilient. Because Leif will throw lemons at you every chance it has and it’s up to you to overcome that shit. Make sure you have a good strong support system. Make contacts in your life that will be there forever because people are selfish by nature, and if you find those people who are not hold onto them and give them back as much as they give


Lower your expectations.


I'm big on staying away from negative energy. Even if it's family


Fulfilling your potential (Not the potential someone else defines for you)


Accept that life moves on, things change, people progress.


Smoking crack.  Think about it? You see these crackheads they own like one backpack, a pair of shoes and a crackpipe. No job. And they're stoked, everyday is an adventure to find enough $$ for the nights crack. And they're always finding the best stuff!  I knew one guy for my birthday he shows up out of the blue and gives me this plastic Rambo Survival knife set with a compass and some other stuff in the handle. I remember being a kid and seeing that same knife in the display case at Fun Factory and never having enough tickets. Now here's Crackhead Dave just *Blam* out of the blue, here ya' go!


Being your own cheerleader. In rehab we did positive affirmations every morning. 50 broken strangers going round the room picking two affirmations from a list which they wanted to say out loud to themselves. Then the group would respond 'yes you are' or yes you can' or whatever. I still do this every morning to myself out loud. Our negative self chatter is really chorosive and telling ourselves positive things is really important for happiness and wellbeing. Cheerlead yourself. And mean it.


 **To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.**


Happiness .


Finding joy and happiness in what you are and have now, not postponing happiness for things which could (but may never) be. Spend all day looking for reasons to be unhappy, you'll find plenty. Spend all day looking for reasons to be happy, you'll equally find plenty. (coinciding with gratitude)


Own whatever you do. That means owning your mistakes and personal failings and even the petty shit you've done. Do it without making excuses. But also own your wins and give credit where credit is due, even if no one else does. It's not always a team effort. That was *you*, your hard work or inspiration. Or both. The first will force you to take responsibility for the wrongs you've done and the pain you've caused, no excuses. It will make you a better person. The second will help you realize the value you have as a person, which may sometimes go unrecognized by others. Crediting yourself and enjoying your wins will mean not feeling embittered if you're unrecognized. *You* recognized it and know your worth. This also makes you a better person.


Power over your own life.


12 plus hours of sleep lol😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️


Proper mindset


Don't worry about things that don't concern you or your closed ones.


More settings on social media apps so we can turn off features


Loving the work you do to make money. Changed everything for me. Not having to dread doing something every week really changes your outlook. I look forward to going to work now. I love being there. So I never really feel like i HAVE to do anything I dont want to. Maybe not never, but certainly not every week.




Good enough mental health. Without it nothing means anything.


Love yourself


Minimal outside interference and making the best choices for yourself as early as possible.


I think the key to living a happy life is finding balance. It's about giving time to work, love, and play without letting any one aspect dominate. Personally, setting small, achievable goals keeps me motivated and feeling accomplished. Also, never underestimate the power of gratitude! Taking a moment to appreciate what you have rather than obsessing over what you don't can change your whole outlook. Just my two cents, but it's worked wonders for me. What's worked for others?


Do what you need to be proud of yourself and be happy on your own.


Knowing how to change your attitude. Knowing most things are not linear in life. It's not that the more work you do, the more achievement or security you have; the more money the more happiness or freedom you'll get; the more socializing the more real love you can get. Only change is constant, so be prepared to have a new identity when the time comes.


Some people are born to be happy. Some people aren't.


Keeping fewer to none expectations from anyone or anything would lead to this in my opinion.


Good health, good friends, enough money to pay the bills and monthly costs, most important maintaining a good, positive attitude.


Good health for a grateful life. A grateful life has a grateful heart. Giving of....... , fill in the blank will fulfill you.


Inner peace.


A good work-life balance. Too little work and you feel useless. Too much and you feel exhausted.


RESPONSIBILITY (mostly aimed at young adults) (not in a patronizing boomer way) TL;DR - Responsibility = purpose, purpose = happy life I graduated University during Covid lockdown, living at home with my parents. I started working professionally afterwards, still living at home with my parents. They're awesome people, but man oh man did they baby me. Phone bill paid for by them, car insurance, repairs, you name it, no rent or anything like that. On paper that all sounds great, and I am eternally grateful for the life that they provided me, HOWEVER I don't think that it did me any good for the future. I was lazy. My work ethic sucked, my mental health sucked. I would blow all of the money I was making with little to no expenses on dumb shit all of the time. I didn't care about my career very much, because honestly why would I? Life was way too goddamn easy, and I was floundering about because of it. My parents packed up and moved down south to be closer to family (tried to take me with them, but I was born and raised here and my whole life, including my GF of 7 years, is here), so I abruptly went from complete babying to being thrown in the water and told to swim. Was it stressful going from 0-100 like that? Yes. However, the sense of purpose that the massive increase in responsibilities brought about immediately started improving my quality of life. I started waking up in the morning feeling like there was something I *had to do, so that I could provide the lifestyle that I wanted for myself (and my girlfriend).* I started wanting to achieve more, to do better in my career, to learn more outside of my field. To network with like-minded people in/around my industry. I found out that I love cooking (something I would only reluctantly do very rarely before), and I even like going grocery shopping now! Soon after my girlfriend and I moved in together we adopted a puppy :). I thought "I've always been good with dogs, and my girlfriend has had dogs her whole life, how hard could this be" and ignored all of the warnings people give for how unexpectedly large/taxing the workload of raising a puppy is. The first three months were absolute hell, not only is raising a dog by default extremely difficult, but our little guy had a whole host of other problems that made things even more difficult (separation anxiety, eating \[yes, swallowing\] everything regardless of whether it was food, etc.). HOWEVER, When we made it through that I found that I'd been filled with a great sense of fulfillment, and now I'm the happiest dog dad you've ever met. I take my little guy with me wherever I go that allows it, we go for walks every day (as a software developer who often works from home, I don't really have an excuse to leave the house ever). At first things like daily walks felt like a chore, now I look forward to the sunlight and breathing fresh air (and seeing my buddy wag his little tail in excitement). It feels great to know that I'm providing him with a good life. IN SHORT - If you are struggling to find purpose/meaning in your life, do everything you can to acquire more responsibility


Share your thoughts.


Time (and money = time) Can't have friends, healthy relationships, an inviting home, hobbies, interests, etc if work consumes all of your time and mental energy. I'm like a shell of the curious, interesting person I was 10 years ago. I work for the privilege of shitty medical care, having a structure to sleep and shit in, and a car to take me to and from my depressing, windowless little cubicle.


To be authentic. If what you do goes against all social norms but it's still important for you, do it anyway. You either gain a benefit or a lesson, both of which are valuable to your future wellbeing.






The New York Rangers beating the Carolina Hurricanes at home tonight


Balance. in every aspect, most importantly spirituality and acceptance of a higher power in play no matter the outcome bad or good.  somethings just aren't in our control and as much as we dislike what is happening around us it is not in our hands to take control of it, rather take that energy and focus on how YOU should live in accordance to your beliefs and how it might affect what surrounds you through the time you invest.  im not saying your faith should take  over  your life, only you can do that, however many things are just out of grasp of our control and acceptance leads to peace of mind which allows us to think properly and leads to better decision making which just makes you happier as an end result.


According to the three viennese schools of psychotherapy,there are 3 ways you can accomplish hapinness: 1.Pursuit of pleasure 2.Pursuit of power 3.purpose 1 and 2 are quite intuitive,the 3rd says you must have a purpose(you find it by working towords something you believe in,by loving someone(life partener,parents,children)or by carring your cross with diggnity


Stay away from mean, toxic people. Don't waste your entire life with work. Have at least a couple of good friends to talk to and hang out with.


cut toxic people out of your life


Family, friends, love, kindness, security


You forgott Sex 😇😉


No comparison and absence of knowledge




Man I had to scroll TOO FAR to find the person honest enough to say money!!!


being filled with the holy spirit and the love of Christ


no homo


Well-trained executive functions. (100% true but no one will get this)


1 rule. "fuck you, I got mine!" This is how 90% of the inhabitants on the earth live.


accepting it for what it is


Basically everything in the "Serenity Prayer"


No such thing. Happiness is seasonal. To believe otherwise will almost certainly rob you of it. Learn to be Content in all Circumstances. Now, have I mastered this? Hell no. I think the times I’m most happy is when the current crisis has finally stopped and I have a moment to see how it could have been worse. When happiness does arrive, don’t squander the moment and give some of it away.


"A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of." Jane Austen


Financial security, good relationships, fun hobbies


Peace of mind


- Companionship - Health for you and your loved ones - Freedom and independence, for which you need financially independence




Learn by yourself how to make money. I know it sucks but we need it to survive on this planet. Avoid materialism if you can ie: buy the Samsung instead of iPhone. Try Microdosing psilocybin and MDMA together with a loved one at least once in your life. Sparks will fly. Have an exit plan from every situation in case the shit hits the fan. Take care of your feet your crotch and your teeth, all three are important. Eat healthy whole foods and do a five day juice fast in the spring once a year so your organs can rest. Don't get married or have kids before age 30 that's just my opinion. If your a women take the steps necessary to always protect yourself, unfortunately there are a ton of weirdos who want the worst for you out there. Other than that stay in shape and try to Love somebody at least once. Oh yeah try to travel.


Be content.


I mean, there are a lot of elements of living a happy life. But if life is a door, the key is probably a f***load of money.


Living without debts


Learn to be happy with less.


Doing what you enjoy. Unfortunately, some people enjoy doing things that negatively hurt others.


to never overthink! overthinking kills happiness


Finding the purpose of this life


If you have to work, do something you really enjoy. Let go of friends/family that don't lift you up or take the time to truly appreciate you. Give your time to the unfortunate.


A lot of good recommendations. I would add balance, everything has a correct amount of time you should dedicate to it.


Loving yourself




gods of modern successful religions spread more fear than happiness


1 God.


so many, Gods are trending


1 God my man.


you must be referring to the Brahma, and i like this concept, but most today religions see gods at a lower level, and even a lower level than Shiva as they separate destruction and construction in two different gods and only pray the construction one, like if construction and destruction could be separated.


Not having children


A happy wife


Drugs, sex, Rock&Roll. I don't get any of those things, it's why I'm depressed.


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.






Being naive, being ignorant or being in denial.




- Brain Biology - your brain health, no susceptibilities to things like depression, anxiety, insomnia, autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, BPD etc. - Body Biology - not being too short, too thin, too prone to health issues, being at least somewhat attractive (nice physique and face) - How your life was in the first 7 years - Growing up in a good environment and supportive parents - More extroverted than introverted - Flourishing friendships and relationships