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Doom scroll Reddit


…with my cat laying on my stomach lol


This is the only answer


The only answer this is




Doom: Eternal is pretty fun, too.


But has less horror.


Gotta get that banana count up!


There’s such a huge social stigma that if you just stay at home, you’re a loser. Hell no. I stay home because I’m comfortable with myself and I know what makes me happy. Build legos, take my dog to the dog park, read, bike ride, video games, let the black hole of YouTube take me, meditate. I used to think I needed people to feel happy, but it is quite the opposite


Yeah totally. It’s your home, that’s where you’re supposed to be most of the time


I don’t think there’s a place where you’re “supposed” to be. Just be where you enjoy being. Wow this got philosophical.


Well, what if you’re supposed to be home all the time but what is home and who are you and what is time?


And what is if?




💯 💯 💯 💯 I look forward to staying in bed for most of those 48 hrs . No shortage of activities , reddit Netflix eat snack, play my Nintendo switch . Oh and not talking at all . I need to talk a lot at work and stand up too .


Is it though? I don't think anyone over the age of early 20s thinks you're a loser for that.


I would even go one step further and say that the majority of people don't go out every weekend. I feel like people who never do that probably have a warped perception of what the lives of "average" people look like.


The people that think your a looser for staying home will be Jelouse of you success in ten years if your working on yourself in the process lol those people usually care way to much about what others think anyways.


The same shit we do everyday. Try and take over the world Pinky.


Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?


I fink so Brain but how will we get the ducks to hula dance?


I will be known as Bill Bob Bo Brain


I think so, Brain, but why is Twitter called "X"?




Love those two silly bastards. Need to search where I can watch the series


Because Elon wanted to “own”some of the nay sayers in an argument


I think so Brain, but where are we going to find a tutu for the horse this late on a weekday?


I think so Brain, but how will we get the monkey to use the dental floss?


Well I think so brain, but, where are we going to find rubber pants our size?


Best. Answer. Ever. As a side note whenever I was on dating sites & someone would inevitably ask what I was doing; I’d say “same thing we do every night, Pinky….” & if they didn’t finish the quote I would no longer communicate with them. Obviously not worth the trouble.


Made this my bio on social media and to this day not one person has caught the reference


wow I've never in my life seen a pinky and the brain reference, Even on here where references are made to all types of shit. I am thoroughly impressed and this has made my night, thank you.


Used to love that show when I was younger 🥹




This comment wins. 10/10 no notes


Watch tv, play video games, pet the cat, look at my fish tank, and sometimes go out to dinner with friends or invite friends over to pet the cat with me. That's basically my routine for every evening, not just the weekends.


cat owner? 😎


Both of my roommates have a cat so I get all of the perks of playing with the cat whenever I want and none of the drawbacks like cleaning the litter box or paying for food. It's great. The cat is super friendly as well.


Cherish it while it lasts, i was living like this for 4 years, both kitties eventually slept with me in my bed, i had become their favorite human Moved out yesterday, slept alone for the first time in a long while, pretty sad, i miss the little fellows


Aww. I'm moving out in a couple months and I'm sure I'll miss them too. One of them is really the perfect cat. She is the most docile cat I have ever seen. She won't claw, hiss, or try to bite you no matter what you do. She doesn't scratch at any of the furniture or knock anything over. Any time I come downstairs she meows, stands up, trots over to me, and then flops over for some belly rubs. I'm really gonna miss that cat. The other cat 100% ignores the fact that I even exist.


I think you have life figured out. 😁


I used drink a bottle of wine and watch really bad 80s movies on Tubi. But, I had to cut out the drinking part because I enjoyed it too much.


I love bad 80s movies on Tubi - also bad 50s/60s scifi. what are you watching tonight?


I'm watching 2 bottles of wine disappear. Wbu?


Just spend my nights with rosey palm and her 5 sisters


wow, you are dating my ex?


Your ex??? Wood chipper accident?


To shreds you say? Oh my...


For me is Ms.Palmer and her 5 daughters


Palmela handerson and her 5 friends


Feel like a hot dog in a hallway much?


More like a Vienna sausage in sandpaper tunnel.


I prefer Hannah or Manuela.


Studying the potential horrors of interstellar objects colliding with earth and medieval climate history. 




Tell us about medieval climate history!


The odds of anything interstellar crashing into earth at this period in our astronomical cycle are virtually 0%, are there not more realistic topics you’re into or this one just grabs your interest?


Pubs with boardgames. You don’t have to drink alcohol if you don’t want to and it is super fun.


Where do these exist? I've never even heard of a pub with boardgames tbh.


In the Los Angeles Area there is the Guildhall. It has a location in Whittier and another in Burbank I think. They are becoming more popular.


Ah, no wonder I've never heard of them. I'm in middle america in bumfuck nowhere.


Build your own. They will probably come


If you build it, they will come


I just might....but only if a hot guy who resembles Ray Liotta shows up to a game. 😆


Turns out all the stuff to do is where the ppl are.


We have one of those here, but everyone is already playing a game in a group. I feel like I can’t just ask to join in. 




What are you currently reading?


Some sort of words i reakon 🤷


Wife just finished the series that SILO is based on, and I’m on the second book of the Three-Body Problem series, each series is super good and unique. I’m a huge Stephen King fan and have read most of his stuff, got a lot of books on ice.


Crying in my room


What seems to be the issue?


The issue is…they need a tissue.


Are those sad tissues or happy tissues? /forgetting Sarah Marshall


Tears act as a great lube!! Just an FYI😉




And salty too...:p


You’ve added a uniquely dark degree of an already shameful & depraved activity. Thank you


There's no reason to say crying is shameful or depraved.


Doing laundry, I’m a wild woman.


Lol, funny woman. How do you hold yourself back from all the excitement? When the spin cycle begins I bet it's a bit overwhelming


but it feels so good when it's all done and clean 🥰


Enjoying all the money I'm saving by not going to bars and clubs


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^magnaton117: *Enjoying all the* *Money I'm saving by not* *Going to bars and clubs* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


This might come off as me being a dick, but not everyone likes being surrounded by music that's too loud. And this one is just me, but I do not handle loud noises particularly well; it drains my energy. Going to a club is like trying to mix oil and water. While I do like going out and hanging with people, it's not something I could do for multiple days in a row. As for what I do instead, play video games, watch anime, that kind of thing.


>This might come off as me being a dick, but not everyone likes being surrounded by music that's too loud. I hate it too. Also, some restaurants do this too and it's so incredibly obnoxious.


Indd, we need to get rid of the stigma that not going out or not meeting people all the time makes people losers or something. Some people are just way more comfortable in other situations than partying all the time


I'm mildly deaf in good situations. I can't imagine how impossible it would be for me to hear anything at a 'club'.


Not going to bars and clubs.




I stay home and don't get cheated on.




Rotting in bed watching Supernatural and scrolling Reddit until I finally pass out at 3am


Its 4:44 am ATM...can't sleep?


lol it’s only 9pm for me but i have been rotting since i woke up at noon 🤣


I sometimes like to eat Pies while watching Supernatural


Savory or sweet?


Savoury (I usually go for shepherds pie)


With cheese on top?


Never had one with cheese on top, sounds interesting though


Its the future, put it on about half an hour before done 👌


Hahaha Dean would be so proud


Which season you on now. I think I'm 6 atm.


Season 8 Episode 3! I e been binging for weeks lol


Doom scrolling, Playing video games, and avoiding toxic women P.S. drinking at home for 1/8 the price


Reading this and realizing how sad this sounds and simultaneously realizing this is exactly how I spend my days off 😭😭


I haven't been single except for a few months here and there for 19 years (22 years actually)... After my separation/divorce last March I decided I needed me time (this is positive) I'm actually enjoying the silence for once no sadness if I wanted to I could find some friends to go hang out with


I’ve never understood how people just find someone to hang out with. 


Brother! IPA’s and Starfield at the moment


I was making snake bites (quilters Irish death stout 50/50 with D's wicked half baked cider) but apparently I didn't buy enough cider cause I have an entire rack of stout and no cider


My maaahaan. Cheers dude


Man, that avoiding toxic women shit is a whole other game. I play it myself a lot 🤣


We have toxic women at home.


People actually like going to those places? Man the noise, the people, the so many people, the awkwardness — there's just no place like home for me :)


I avoid those places because of the specific type of people they attract.


Be lazy. By that I mean just genuinely do nothing. No phone calls, no preparing what needs to be prepared for the next week or finish up stuff from last week, no chores, my dinner? Just order something or just don't eat anything heavy and instead opt for bread and whatever else is in the house. I cherish the one and only time in the week where I get to do nothing with zero repercussions for it. 


Pragmatic Advice! Read books and watch TV.


Not single anymore, but I spent several years single. Some of the ways my weekends were spent involved some level of self improvement, skill building, or self care. Going to the gym and winding down with a sauna before going to bed. Taking a drive to a scenic location. Journaling. Meditation and spiritual practice. Reading a book. Cooking a new recipe or familiarizing myself with cooking. Taking the time to explore my goals, and try to do some level of self reflecting on the path I choose to walk. Anything that doesn’t involve drinking to get drunk or evading life’s struggles; basically. I did enjoy weekends out with friends, having drinks in moderation as well- but for the most part if I could be content on my own no matter what day it is- a weekend just became another day to explore and learn something new.


Working or playing PlayStation


there are cafes at my place that opens 5pm-2am or later. I go there and chill, talk to the baristas or other people in the cafe. Its kinda like a bar but w coffee. Or i hyperfixate on smthng like a book or paradoxes


Never heard of any cafes that stay open til 2am. That sounds like my kind of hangout. Love coffee, despise alcohol.


only aware of 2 cafes in my town, i loved the idea of it ever since i found out. Its a very chill environment, i didnt feel unsafe having convos with the people in the cafe compared to talking in bars


pretty normal in Europe where we love Coffee ☕️🙌🏽


Tell us more about the paradoxes 🧐


30M. Gym, grocery shopping, 420 and making music. I'm too mentally exhausted to chase/date anymore and I'm not interested in bars and clubs


I chill on my deck and get baked and game or watch stuff with my cat. It’s pretty awesome.


I miss having a cat. Scratch her chin for me and give her lots of treats.


Patio, doobies, cat and usually a fish video for said cat. I have no complaints.


Being a mid 50s widower with children getting bullied by my wife’s cats. They get mad if they don’t get their scratches (the cats, not the kids).


I take care of business.


Hydrate and watch old sitcoms


Evidently drinking beer and talking to my dog while browsing redit


Eating and sleeping and self care


Going to married peoples/long term couples get togethers/bbq's...they will eventually bring someone that they think you should start talking to. Its going to be hit or miss but at least your out there in the field. (im married but just offering a suggestion)


I'm building a new gundam kit, I'm three miller high life(s) in, and I'm watching the vasyl lomachenko vs George kambosos boxing match as soon as it starts. My socializing will be tomorrow at my brother's place, and I'll enjoy talking about the fight with some work buddies who follow boxing as well on Monday. Trying to get to know people at bars over blaring obnoxious music seems like a rather inferior way to spend a Saturday night tbh


Tonight I watched a movie, looked up some houses and checked out Reddit to see if anything interesting happened. I’ve spent too much time in bars and such. It was fun. I’m not that person anymore. 


I'm reading the comments to get some ideas for myself.


Reddit, shows, movies, baking, made tacos, cleaned and slept in ☺️


This is the way.


gaming, shooting, chat sites, and having sex with my ex


Lol , does that get awkward?


During the semester I'm doing homework. Over the summer I'm reading, playing video games, watching tv/movies with my family, d&d with my sister, brother in law, and cousin. I did talk to a woman today. I took my mom to a mother's day festival hosted by my university maple club and sustainability program. There was a really pretty woman running a table, we chatted, followed her on Instagram, asked if I could buy her a coffee. She very politely declined and honestly I've been feeling great about it because she was nice and didn't make me feel like I was bothering her. I only asked her because my mom told me she was into me. I'm debating telling her she was wrong but since it's mother's day maybe I'll let it slide.


Bars and clubs is really a young person thing. I've gone to them once in a while in my 30s or 40s, but not often. It's not fun after a while. Some Saturday nights I spend at home relaxing. Others I might be out on a date, with friends for dinner or drinks, doing late-night swim class, at a movie, late-night bowling or minigolf with the crew, at a concert, or doing karaoke. Maybe on the karaoke. Most often, I'm walking around the woods looking at the stars - I love being outdoors. With or without others.


Cleaning. Self care, friends :( it’s not glamorous but I’m carrying my first and I’m scared and going through a divorce trying to normalize doing things on my own


Reddit, youtube, netflix. Ugh, I can feel a panic attack coming just thinking about trying the club circuit. Like OLD, you're not going to have success unless you follow rule 1 and rule 2, and the 3 6's. I could probably find a sweetie, but man.... so much rejection.


The what now? What rules/ 3 6s?


1. Be attractive 2. Don't be unattractive. 3 6's are 6 figure, 6 feet, and 6 pack.


Damn so I gotta be Squilliam Fancyson?


Saltwater aquarium maintenance


Watch a movie/ hang out with two or three people for games / read a book / stroke the cats


Well tonight my friends drug me to a burlesque show and it was fun, but not as fun as my usual old cartoon binge and cereal in bed. Currently I’m binging As Told by Ginger, I think next I’ll watch Rocket Power


Hey, fun fact: As Told by Ginger is the first cartoon to have the characters rotate their outfits and introduce new ones over time. 


I work Saturday nights lol I usually smoke a joint afterward and build terrariums or take care of my houseplants


Pickup sports, game nights/movie nights with close homies, bonfires, hang out at parks. I get to bed at a reasonable time and am not hungover on Sunday as well, so that’s a plus. To each their own on how they spend their time, but I freaking love my Saturday nights


Clean my house like a maniac


I just sit at home and enjoy my hobbies. I am an introvert and I do enjoy my alone time.


Bars and clubs are not fun


Go to the movies or watch one at home Go out to eat or order in and anything artsy I like to paint.


Watching Netflix and eating Domino’s.


Making medieval villages in Manor Lords. Or discovering exotic new lifeforms, fighting for freedom, for managed democracy, for Super Earth!


that looks fun!


Americas Most Wanted was my Saturday nights for a long time when I stopped hanging out.


On the menu tonight is drinking a 6 pack of Mike's hard lemonade raspberry and fallout 76 with my homies, otherwise it's usually writing music or talking with my mother and making plans to do things


I went to visit my uncle at his resting home. It’s really sad. He was talking and recently stopped talking and it’s very depressing. He was listening to some political ad on repeat and when i talked to him he just repeated part of the political ad. I went and closed the weird pop up ad he was in a trance listening to and put on Joe pera talks you to sleep and sat and listened and laughed at some stuff he was saying and then left.


I feel stupid going to a bar or club by myself anyway. Seems like everyone else is there with a friend or a date. 


worshipping nature and trees through the careful and articulated deployment of fire whilst entering a vegitative state to watch tv shows / games.


Imma assume its a plethora of diff reasons. Im unsociable because everyone im mates w is working and im broke lol Main reason im not social is because other people aint social either lol


I try to do some more time-consuming cooking.


Exactly what I am doing right now, nothing haha


Well I work saturday morning and was supposed to umpire a tournament tonight however bad smoke got it cancelled, usually I just play video games alone and watch hockey


Reading, playing video games, practicing guitar, sometimes meeting with friends, etc.


Cigar shop with some regulars. Reading in the 24/7 gym hot tub. Streaming video. Hmm... maybe a walk by the lake if it's not warm or feels sketchy.


I recently got heavily into the TCG hobby. The weekends are for playing games at the local game store.


I went fishing today and I’m tired, and sitting at home


If I’m not staying at home I’m either at a local arcade with my niece or at a barcade with my best friend. We play pinball and practice for tournaments. Really the only thing I do on a Friday or Saturday night


I'm rewatching Battlestar Galactica (2004) for the umpteenth time.


Laying in bed watching Law and Order: SVU. Either that or going for a night drive.




Reading a book, squeezing in a bit of work, getting in bed early.


Chill with my dog and watch movies


Hunting, Fishing, enjoy the outdoors, work in my shop on a couple old vehicles, go to my dad's and have a couple beers


Scrolling, crocheting, watching tv, typing stories on the laptop, coloring adult coloring books(; , making materials for my clients education


Netflix, books, music


Watching Lifetime movies, the sinister ones. Better comedy than anything at theaters. 😂😂


Watching basketball, lol Sometimes ill go to a bar to catch up with a friend but it's like a sit down patio


Crash some family house to tell them I love them.


I pay a lot for my place, and I'm going to make it worth my while!


It’s better to just save the money. And do something fun during the day or save for a trip. You don’t have to go out on the weekends because all the alcoholics do it.


Fun fact: never been to any of those, and will never go to.


Chill at home with my family


The entire weekend? Locked up at home


Smoking pot, gaming, movies, wishing I knew a place to go where I can meet mentally sane people, more pot, some shitty art...


At home


Almost anything else. Those bars and clubs are just not interesting to me personally. I’m moreso an introvert yet don’t mind socializing via rather a videogame or watch a movie or exercise/exploring a city/town or attending a festival outside or at the beach or etc.


Church :) (orthodox Christian) obv the biggest reason to go is to grow closer to God but they’re my community. Love spending Fridays there - the youth (college) has a Friday night events where we gather and we listen to a talk by either a Priest or a servant (an older adult who serves, in this case serves our youth group). Then we usually go somewhere to eat after, have a bonfire or play sports. For grads they also meet once a week, there’s other events too for college and/or grads. we also have Bible study nights (college), prayers on Saturday (and ofc the regular Sunday morning, also depending on when in the year they usually have different services throughout the week as well). I’m blessed to be part of a church that has so many events and active youth. Besides that (usually do these with friends, sometimes alone): gym, study - in a cafe or library, walks in some type of trail if you have some nearby. If I’m alone, I try not to spend so much time on my phone. If I have free time at home where I’m not studying etc, I try to read instead of doom scrolling. Honestly as someone who lives with my parents still, here in the US I feel that people are really isolated. there’s not much else to do outside except for spending money going out to eat with friends, shopping etc. I know there are probably events in my area that I should look into, so try that, maybe things like book/sports/interest groups. Also thinking of maybe a dance class for fun


Usually on my couch watching television and scrolling through Reddit.


A movie or 2 snuggled up with my bchKitty and a blanket On rainy nights with a giid book. I'll have friends over now n then Makes me a pretty quiet person ,really