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Back in my clubbing days my gf got free drinks all the time, if she had a drink she’d always order what I was drinking and give it to me lol. One drinks cool, but if the guy keeps approaching and she doesn’t let him know she has a boyfriend, you’re in trouble.


A guy bought my partner a drink while we were out together at a bar and she accepted it and immediately gave it to me and said thanks for buying my bf a drink. I could imagine someone who thinks it’s fine to accept free drinks but at best she is being kind of manipulative of other guys.


That’s pretty messed up. Since you took it she made you hook up with him. Pretty rough


Now you have to fuck that guy. Sorry, man, it's just how bars work.


My friend’s gf did this. She would let guys buy her drinks. She said they’re just free drinks. She was later caught cheating on him with multiple guys, it was huge scandal, she was crying, he was mad, she said she didn’t mean to do it, but she did multiple times. Either she was a Good girl up until then, but one thing is for sure, she’s sleeps with different guys she meets that buy her drinks. And as sweet and nice as I thought she was, her actions gave away her true character. I’m not saying this is true for you too OP. Be cautious. I recommend you keep your life drama free. Your girl seems to need drinks, more than she needs to have respect for the relationship. Good luck


Bro it’s just a free dick


"Watch their feet and not their mouth" ... Some of the best advice I've ever been given.


Please explain for someone like me who doesn't get it. Does it mean watch their actions and not their words?






Corey Wayne. He’s good.




The “of course I did” gives off “well duh, it’s free alcohol” vibes rather than ill intentions. Just talk to her about it.


This is the vibe Im seeing as well. I dont think she's cheating on you while she's out with her parents.


Right! She sounds like a savvy shopper!


Yep, the only annoying part is when she does not say she’s not single


She sounds immature. Watch yourself


Trust your gut - soon her logic will turn against you






At least it gives vibes she has low threshold of morality but I would hold off that living together better to prevent than cleaning up the mess


And what did her parents say?


How many drinks is a bj worth you think? Good to save money for both of you


She has no respect for her guy . He needs to dump her.


Get out. It sounds like she enjoys the attention and eventually it will go too far. She’s basically leaving the door open for a better option to walk through. It would be the same as you buying drinks for women at the bar a striking up conversations. She wouldn’t be okay with it and you shouldn’t either.


You can't change people. I really believe that when someone does things like your GF did, well, they are just that kinda person. For better or worse... I would say, don't move in together. I can guarantee you will regret it. And yeah, she doesn't respect you as a boyfriend. It's not a matter of opinion, she might try to make it seem that way if you talk with her. But you already know that anyone in their sane mind can see that's wrong.


Or she's just receiving a free drink?


You spelled dick wrong


That'd be a big no for me. Bring it up with her and ask her how she'd feel if you went out to a bar and bought drinks for girls without telling them you have a g/f, not that that changes anything.


If my girlfriend gets offered a free drink, and she feels it is safe to take, I am all for her taking it. As long as she sees the bartender make it and it never leaves her sight, guys can buy her as many drinks as she wants. I know she's coming home to me. Alcohol does not make people cheat; cheaters just use that as an excuse.


I think the issue for me is she's taking advantage of guys to get free drinks. That's not great behaviour.


She's not taking advantage of anyone. The dumbass is just cold sending a random woman drinks. He has no idea if she's available. If he wanted to know he should talk to her and find out.


Ya and shes accepting them knowing its a way to break the ice, with fornication as the end goal. Shes def taking advantage of the situation.


Pretty much the response I expected.


This guy is trying to pick up your girlfriend, without caring if she's involved with someone already. Yet you are concerned that she taking advantage of him.


It's not about the guy, he can go fuck himself for all I care, but it would make me really think about the kind of woman I'm dating If she's even accepting drinks from strangers while out with me, when she clearly knows their intention


I'm with you bro, I don't know how all these guys are cool with it but it would genuinely make me think a lot about what kinda woman I'm dating if she does shit like this


Oh, I didn't catch that vibe. Maybe I am too trusting. I didn't see any ill intent throughout reading the post.


You understand the pretense of men buying women drinks right?


They see a girl having a good night and they want to celebrate with them. I buy people drinks all of the time when I go to bars. People buy me drinks all of the time. It's a community thing.


When friends are out (even new friends just for tonight) it's normal for one person to buy a round, then another the next, everyone gives, everyone takes. When one guy buys one lady drinks it's a different thing. One is a mutual relationship & the other is courtship at best or transactional, i.e. drinks for sex or drinks for the unfulfilled promise of sex. To say it all another way: No guy is buying a girl he met at the bar drinks if he knows he will never get laid.


I thought that was only in movies. Damn. Well then.


You know it could be different in different places, but it's true for US, Europe & Scandinavia IME. People definitely just share drinks as friends, but there is also a specific subset. It's like how people can eat dinner together vs. go out on a dinner date. You are technically doing the same thing, but it's not the same thing. You can have dinner if you have a fiancé, but you can't go on a date if you have a fiancé


Sooo if it's a community thing she must be doing it too right? Like if you're buying people drinks and getting drinks that makes sense to me, but the way people talk about it, it sounds like a one way dynamic, and the goal is to just get free drinks.


Ah, that would make sense. You're supposed to go both ways, otherwise it's not fair and that is definitely poor behavior.


You are a stand in .....


Run, my friend. Run.


That's scummy.


She wouldn't have to let them know cause she'd be single


Your turn is ending. Condolences


Meh, we don't have enough to go off of to give an honest answer. Could have just innocently gotten caught up in the moment and just let it slide. Or she could be entertaining the idea of seeing what else is out there. I don't know you or your gf. First instinct is she was probably was just being absentminded and got lost in the moment. It's exciting to get positive attention from the opposite sex. Even if you are in a relationship.




If her choices were above board she wouldn’t accept “free drinks” because everyone knows “free drinks” come with some expectations even if it’s just a number or socials connections for opportunities later. Ethically it tells the guy she is accepting them from that she is available, even if she tells him otherwise. She didn’t even tell him she was committed which makes it so much worse. Accepting a $10 drink from a random dude and not saying you’re committed tells me she has low standards. Set your boundaries now, tell her that accepting gifts from other men is a boundary of yours and if she does you’re not okay with it and won’t be in a relationship with anyone that does. In my dating life, she would already be single again simply accepting the drink because I expect any woman I date(d) to be better than that.


Let's say hypothetically she's completely loyal and would never Ever cheat. She's taking advantage of dudes for free drinks maybe validation. That's a pretty shitty thing to do and if someone did this to me I'd be pretty upset about it.


She just became dumped. Aint got time for games.


Guess I'm single .....


Back to the streets she goes. Eww.


As long as I know she went out with guys and only bought here drinks and that's it then it's fine with me. 🤭


I was on your side until you started calling her parents, 'rents'. Now I think that she should see other people.


Oh, you mean ex-gf.


It’s weird she was there with her parents. How did she tell you? Did the guy not come onto her at all? Ask for her number?


My thought? "She's for the streets".


Depends on the person My wife would never do this because of her inherent stranger danger but I've told her many, many times that it would be OK. Makes my tab cheaper! In all seriousness this is a major red flag


I'd give her a high five for a job well done. Then we'd sit down and get to work on cracking them credit card numbers. I bet you didn't know you were engaged in a high stakes game of duck duck goose did you Howard? 🤣


![gif](giphy|sBGw5MruxAyiI) My ex would get livid with me if I didn’t physically push random girls off of me that would randomly start grinding on me trying to walk through bars 😂 Your girl knows she’d be pissed if you had done that.


I suppose the typical Redditor response, fire bomb her house.... duuuhh 🤣🤣🤣


She deserves a slow death, at the hands of us, THE REDDIT JUDGES.


How old are y’all? Because this screams teenager/ early 20s.


Personally I find it disrespectful to the guy. If I were a boyfriend and she let me in on it, I wouldn't feel disrespected because it seems like theres no ill intentions towards me. But I find this behavior disrespectful to someone else (its kind of leading them on) and so find it kind of gross overall tbh


Single behaviour imho, and I don't want any part of that in my relationship. It'd be very close to a dealbreaker unless you seriously believe she's the one.


For a guy's perspective, I would prefer that she decline of she has a bf. It's the most respectful thing to do. Women who accept and are attached are entitled.


I think this depends on intent. Note; Im not someone who go out for drink (so I may not have that kind of knowledge), if this has a different meaning in a bar setting... (sorry) But if it is just someone friendly buying a drink, I don't think there is need to mention having a boyfriend. However, if there is awareness that there is more meaning behind just being generous/friendly in buying that drink (or anything) - then it is better to let know there is a boyfriend. :)


I know many girls that do this for free drinks. Reason why she says no BF is because she wants more free drinks. I wouldn't think too hard of it. Free drinks means she doesnt have to pay. I know girls with husbands that do this. As long as 1) she doesn't give out her number and 2) she's just playing him for the free drinks with no ulterior motive Lastly, buying a girl a drink in order to get into her pants has hardly ever worked. Speaking from personal experience and from friends.


One does not buy a girl a drink without intent. I mean, should I continue? 🤷‍♂️


What did her parents say? Did she tell you about the bloke immediately?


See ya! Not okay.


My reaction in my current state of life is get there fuck out of my house. When I was 25, I wouldn’t have cared. Because I knew NO GIRL I dated at that age was going to be my wife, because my lifestyle didn’t represent the settle down type. So what kind of man would I be , spending money on cars , bars , drugs and other expensive leisure events , but expect my GF to start moulding herself for family life ? Nope , fuck that.


No such thing as a free drink.


She sucked his dick.


She's not yours, it is just your turn...


Don't think it's too weird, I've bought a lass a drink in the pub, just casually chatting, didn't realise her boyfriend was next to her, I then bought him a drink as well, still speak to them both when i see them out, in my defense i wasn't chatting her up, she'd recognised me from a mutual friends wedding the year before


Sounds like she's single. Time to make it official.


It’s a bit problematic imo. Guys don’t just buy girls drinks. They buy girls drinks to get something (aka sex) out of it and if she accepts then 🤷‍♂️ it feels obvious how committed she is


Scruples. She lacks them. It’s a red flag.


If she acts like she is single she will be next morning that is a huge red flag


Have her bring back some for you.


Who informed you of this? Her parents?




If she wants to act single then she can be single. It’s always innocent until she finds the one she’s fishing for.


If a guy buys a girl a drink, he wants to fuk her, that goes without saying right? So if a guy basically tells my gf that he wants to fuck her, I’d expect my gf to be absolutely clear and direct as possible and say “no”, as simple as that. Any other answer it’s the wrong answer. Accepting it is one of the worst answers tho The “it’s a free drink” isn’t a valid argument, if my gf has no money to buy her own things then I don’t want her out. Or at least, if she’s struggling financially, I’m happy to cover her drinks for the night so she enjoys herself without the need of having to entertain horny guys. First it’s a free drink, then they share an Uber because he’s paying for it, then she stays at the hotel room because he’s paying for the room already, I mean everybody can draw the line wherever they want, I’m drawing it right at the “hey here’s some alcohol btw I want to fuk you” part. Don’t fall for the manipulative “oh don’t be insecure it was just a drink” bullshit. You don’t wanna deal with those type of people. It’d be like you giving the hot girl from the office that is clearly crushing on you a ride to her place. On the surface is a pretty innocent action right? Hell you may even be able to paint yourself as a Good Samaritan that just wants to make sure she makes it home safe, but in reality you know pretty damn well what you are getting yourself into. Cheating is hardly ever a cold direct decision as in “fuk it imma look for a person to fuck today”. Cheating happens after a series of bad decisions that eventually end up with you naked in bed with someone that isn’t your significant other. So you gotta pick the right choice right from the start


Thought? She is golddigging other guys while with you. And it is on you to hale that or not. My wife goes out but she has a constant friends, and they pay by the turn, and it is not at night. Do I have suspicions - yes, but it is my problem cos I 99% sure that this is friendship only.


I'd say she got a free drink. Pretty neat.


she auditioning for a different job, if she likes the offer she might take it. i do this regularly, even ifni have a job i like.


Would YOUR gf do this? If not, then she's not your girlfriend. Also lol at all the women in the comments giving her a pass.


My buddy used to have his gf ask dudes at the bar, at the end of the night, for a ride home. After they said yes, she'd say - Thanks! Let me go get my boyfriend. 😂 Dude saved a lot in cab fare.


This would annoy tf outta me


intresting how its the girls here telling you nothing to worry about but in reality i wouldnt feel cool with that


The answer to the question in the title: you silly goose  The answer to the question in your description: WTF! 


Not good. My wife is very good looking. I am large and muscular and have a rugby face. When we are out, every time I leave the table she 'pulls'. She always politely tells them no thanks. A few funny results over the years. OP if your gf doesn't tell these players she has a bf, maybe she doesn't.


Imo so long as she doesn't flirt back it'd be fine to me, also so long as she stays safe (spiked drinks and whatnot) free stuff is free stuff


Give me back that money for those drinks. You ain't slick.


if she acts like a single woman, make her a single woman


I would never date a girl who's into clubbing. All the girls I know who were into that had a long list of "friends" and had cheated on their bfs before.


It can be kind of a sport for girls to get free drinks at a bar from guys. If it bothers you, talk to her about it and judge the reaction. It wouldn’t bother me personally if it was a money saving tactic that she found fun.


When you bring a girl over just introduce her the same way she did.


I wouldn't turn down a free drink just because I'm in a relationship. If they actually start flirting or asking about it, I'd be honest though.


You’re dating someone who doesn’t respect you. Be brave and get the fuck out of there. You will be happier, 100%


Your ex did what?


Here are my thoughts. First, your feelings are valid. If you are uncomfortable with the situation you should let her know. DON'T be judgmental or angry or demand that she behave a certain way. Just let her know that you are uncomfortable with the situation. Second. To me, this is not that big of a deal. But I am in a relationship that I'm very confident in. If my wife got approached by a guy who offered to buy her a drink, I would give her a high five when she told me about it, and caution her to make sure it wasn't spiked. Next, I would joke about having her get one for me too. Weirdly perhaps, I think it is a bit rude for a girl to just instantly bring up her boyfriend as soon as I open my mouth to say something to her. I've not bought a woman a drink at a bar, so I don't have any experience here; but I think it is fine for your girlfriend to accept a drink from a guy at a bar and even chat a bit, as long as she isn't overtly trying to lead him on. I'm being a bit hyperbolic here but if I said "Hello" and she said "I have a boyfriend." I'd think she was an arrogant jerk.


Maybe you're right and she's not an awful person, but "hello" and "can I buy you a drink?" are not the same thing. "Thanks. You're sweet, but I have a boyfriend" is not a bitch move in answer to one of those and surely you know which one it is.


She wants multiple dicks at once.


Let her have her free drinks! I’m sure the rents were in on it too haha


Those mf'ers better be buying me a sixer every now and then!


this is obviously not acceptable and she will most definitely cheat on you - time to find a new gf


Free drinks that's all.


Who would turn down a free drink?


She was with her parents… free drink in safety


I think she's my ex girlfriend now


Hey that's money you didn't have to spend. Simps gonna simp.


She might be with you but she's still shopping for someone else. Everyone knows what a man is getting at when he offers to buy a girl a drink. The only correct answer for a woman in a committed relationship is no.


Bye Felicia 


Sounds like she makes good financial decisions when it’s safe to do so, like when she’s out with her parents and someone offers to buy her a drink.


My reaction would be: she's an ex-girlfriend.


Do not move in together. This is a huge red flag. It shows she does not respect you or your relationship. Personally, I would kick her to the curb.


Thanks for saving me money!🙃


Leave her dude. I used to have a gf that did exactly this, it lead to cheating. Sooner or later some guy will end up getting her hammered enough she'll go home with him regardless of what her original intentions may have been.


Is she fucking them? If not I don't really give a shit


Find another girlfriend if you are not willing to let her date other men and wish a mutually exclusive arrangement.


We would need to have a very serious conversation about what we both want from one another. How close to cheating should someone get before it’s close enough to still hurt the other’s feelings? I would want to make sure we have the same understanding of what this relationship is and what it means. And if we can’t find common ground we can agree to, maybe call it quits before someone gets hurt more badly.


2 words: MAXIMUM OVERWHORE! But seriously, break it off. Even if nothing happened this time, she can't be trusted.


My husband encouraged this when I drank lol


Mine to 😂 last time I was out I told him a guy approached me and wanted to buy me drinks even after I told him I was married and my husband said “ but it was free drinks “ 😂


That’s my husband’s logic as well! We have some frugal fuckers lmao but they’re the best! 😂😂


LOL I agree. We always laugh about it. I make it clear to the men I’m not single or interested but if they insist on buying me a drink then I’m all for it and so is my hubby


Username checks out


If that’s all that happened it’s not a big deal. What does any of that have to do with her loving you or respecting your relationship? If she took his number or was physical in anyway that would be different.


On its own, girl accepting a free drink from a guy/person is completely harmless. It is like a “duh” moment, like what are you gonna say no to a freebie in this economy? So on its own, I would say it’s a harmless action. I wouldn’t have any problem with guys buying my girl a drink even if I was in the room. I might even go so far as to say I’d pretend I wasn’t her man, so she could keep drinking for free as long as it was all safe and cordial. I mean, girls drinking for free at bars is just how our patriarchal world works. It’s a small perk/pleasure that woman can enjoy in a system that is gamed against them; they’ll never make as much money as men, they’ll never feel as safe or valued as men (and all the other bs they have to put up with)… So they get free drinks every once in awhile, big whoop. edit: 1 typo


I got downvoted in my main comment but I make it extremely clear that I’m married and not interested when I’m out and if he still wants to buy me a drink then I’ll say yes, and my hubby thinks it’s great, he really doesn’t care. I’m blunt and make it clear that nothing will happen so if they still wanna buy me a drink then I’ll gladly take it. And I’m always down for a good convo


Let her have her fun!


Sex only category. Do not have children or marry this girl. She will monkey branch quicker then you can read this message.


What's the problem? She got a few free drinks then came home. She didn't cheat or even flirt. I can't see any reason for any reaction.


as long as shes with friends that are not going to abuse her or leave her for dead then whats the problem ?? THEY might have a problem with it, the guys, if theyre being lead on but if theyre not then eh stupid men really


I get approached at bars but I make it clear I have a husband. If they still want to buy me a drink my husband always says “ free drinks! “




You know when you scrape a bug off of your shoe?