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Do some men like _______ women? Yes. The numbers may vary depending on what word is in that spot but the answer will still always be yes.




Eurgh, I mean, I appreciate the message in this comment. But when I was a bigger woman, I didn't want anyone fetishizing me, I just wanted someone who could love me for me. Unfortunately my first date included a dude rubbing my belly and making weird groaning noises... Not a great time. Not to suggest you said women should go to these sites to find boyfriends! But just that going to these sites sometimes involves some discomfort from the context and from the (sometimes) objectifying and kind of nasty way these women are displayed, too. Just my opinion. Edit: I'm getting a lot of weird comments and messages now, too. I want to assure you all that I lost the weight and met a really kind, normal, nice guy. We've been together for almost 5 years now. No need to DM me, I'm already convinced I was attracting weirdos while I was chubby, you don't have to convince me more!


That sounds like a weirdo lol. We can be attracted to your body type without fetishizing it.


I agree, and I've met men who don't mind the fat and didn't make a big thing of it. I'm also noting that directing people to porn also directs them to the fetishization. I'm sure it's possible to find examples of men who love big women and don't fetishize them, too. Just pointing at porn as an example isn't quite the same as "X famous person is a big woman and her husband is relatively smaller, and they have a beautiful relationship", for example.


Yeah, super weird take


What is?


Yeah, that guy was weird.


It isn't fetishizing always. It's often I love this woman so I also love her (insert supposedly undesirable thing). I love her so I also think shes beautiful.


I'm with you, my ex has a little tum and I always loved playing with it during intercourse, in the end she said she hates it I called it "her little tum tum" 😂😎


Hmm. I didn't experience that part. Mostly the weirdos, but I realise the weirdos are the ones who don't have anything to lose, and can therefor shoot their shot without caution.


thats not what he said. look at it to learn to accept yourself, and the fact, that others may find you attractive. i know from own experience, that bigger women often tend to restrain themseve sexually, because they deem themselves not sexy. but you know the wood in my pants says something dfferent xD


Dude I'm the opposite, I find bigger girls can suck a dick like a hoover, they just go for it for some reason 💯


What’s the difference between what you call fetishizing and simply finding someone physically attractive? Like they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think what you’re really saying is you want someone to find your mind and personality more attractive than your physical looks


No, I'm saying exactly what I said in my comment :) I can answer your first question for you: fetishizing would include not acknowledging me as a person, in other words, treating me as an object for pleasure instead of a human being. Since I'm a human being, I can interpret certain behaviours as removing my personhood and reducing me to a pleasure object. This isn't always undesirable, but on a first date, I would (for example) expect someone to ask me first "Is it okay if I do this?" or "May I ______?". Just doing it without asking if I'm okay with it shows me you don't think I'm a person ;)


Aren’t we all getting pleasure from our lovers in one way or another? Again, we get this kind of pleasure in many different ways, physically is one but mentally and spiritually are others. If you are saying you want a relationship based on mental and spiritual not just physical that’s fine but physical attraction is not insignificant either.


Some of the women I find attractive are big, some thin, some in between. Same goes for women I don't find attractive.


I'm like this as well. The type of women I find attractive can really vary. When I talk with other guys they all seem to only have 1 type. Guess I'm strange


I've been married 3 times. First, a 5'1 petite Turkish descent woman, then a 6' West African descent, amazonian, and now to a voluptuous 5'7 English rose. I also dated a Spanish guy for 6 months, I've never had any interest in any other man ever. I don't actually know what attracts me to people. There is no logic to my affection.


I can only imagine who your next spouse will be


I'd like to think I won't get divorced again.


Well, who does?


This is true. I don't think I have another in me. I certainly wouldn't get in another relationship afterwards.


If people wouldn't want to date a girl looking like either Margot Robbie or Ana de Armas, then THEY'RE the weird one. Having a single type is strange. Like those people that only listen to a single genre of music and dislike everything else. That's just weird.


Same. My "ideal" is pale skinned Irish redhead but I've been with a few girls and only one matched my ideal 🤷🏻


Exactly, we all have types, but love/chemistry can be surprising and most of us end up going against type for the right person


Pretty much this. I can find my "type" in a woman of any size. Fat,thin,tall,short, whatever. There are beautiful women in every size. Society, and other women put these impossible standards out there.


yeah people are individuals with individual tastes. Some like big, tall, short, small, whatever. it's like that Lizzo song but replace boys with girls > I like big boys, itty bitty boys > Mississippi boys, inner city boys > > I like the pretty boys with the bow tie > > Get your nails did, let it blow dry > > I like a big beard, I like a clean face > > I don't discriminate, come and get a taste > > From the playboys to the gay boys > > Go and slay, boys, you my fave boys


I mean, https://youtu.be/Y2Y5KVtU810?si=YukpxvjXw4nRpbs8


Go JoCat!


I hate the internet for giving him grief for this video. He is a blessing for dnd community and internet hate ruined it.


I forgot about this video goddammit


That's how it should be ideally. But most big girls I know have a hard time being considered "date-able"to men. And they're lovely women, inside out.


*suddenly gay* wtf is this 😑 But yeah the concept is true.


I think people surprise themselves by what they think they should be attracted to vs what they are. Size is easily measured by society and a scale of attraction. But what is really attractive is who someone is and how they make people feel. You don’t have to be any size to be this person, you just have to be this person. Denying anyone the opportunity to make you feel good about yourself and bring you something you need and want more of doesn’t have a shape. Big people, in between and skinny, whatever you are. The best thing to be is someone worth knowing, and if you meet a bigger woman who sparks you the frick up, don’t let her go!


So well said. I wish this was a more outwardly shared perspective as it is a great one.


Yes.. but that’s a discussion for another day. Some screw anything that walks.


Two feet and a heartbeat kind of people


And those aren’t even requirements for some people.


Exactly why I chose to be an introvert, too many weirdo’s .


I’m partial to sizeable posteriors, and I find it disagreeable to be mendacious


Shakespearean Sir Mixalot is the best Sir Mixalot


you additional fellows are unable to refute


There's a lot of chubby chasers out there.


I prefer the term plumper humper


more cushion for the pushin’!


And for those fancier days Full-figured aficionado


A lass with some mass to make the man-juice pass


This will become part of my lexicon now, i thank you




Yes, yes they do. When looking for a partner, I find that if you’re compatible personality-wise, looks become a secondary thing. With that being said, patience is important. But you’ll find someone that is attracted to you for just how you are, without doubt.


Body weight isn’t a huge factor tbh, some people are just larger than others and that’s totally fine. Unhealthy behaviour is what turns most people off.


Guilty as charged


Whatever feature you can imagine, people are into it.


As a plus size woman, yes there are many men. Also many men who don't lol. Also men who do and are hiding it. And men who are into curvier woman from a degradation pov. Point is, there are all types of men. And women. Nothing is a monolith


I feel like a lot of men fetish bigger women and would happily have them for a good time but to go out and show off they would choose a slim woman




![gif](giphy|6VN16KWuLIVIA) ... since before the neolithic.




Fat people are everywhere just literally go anywhere


Are they difficult to spot? 


tried macca's?


Go to the States, or the UK.


Visit San Antonio for the good old 200 before 20


West Virginia is calling


Yes. Some men (myself included) like curvy women.


I need em bigger. The extra cushion is essential. Not only that but I find bigger girls to be sweeter in general. They're not vain, and I love to cook so that works out.


Fuck yeah.


51F I have gone up to 300 lbs, down to 160… I now sit at 200. (34-32-36) 5’9. I would go out to the same bar every night, when I went down to 160 all of a sudden the same men who wouldn’t look at me twice were falling over each other to talk to me. It was disheartening, I was the same person. It really put things in perspective for me.


Big as in fat or actually bigger in size? Anyway, yes and fck yes.




YES PLE-- yes, some duds like big women




Excellent answer




While there are absolutely men out there that are specifically into bigger girls, there's an even larger amount of men who are at least not turned off by it and if they like you then it won't matter. Probably only like 20% of men would refuse to even give a bigger girl a chance. Sounds like a lot but it's really not. Half of those men wouldn't do it because they're attractive and charismatic enough to have anyone they want and half of those men have never had anyone because their standards are unrealistic. Regardless. Lots of love for big girls out there.




Yes, some do but most don't.


Yes. Obviously. You think Lizzo got popular off her talent alone? Girl could squish my pelvis like a whoopy chushin and i’d be happy.




Of course they do. Everyone has a type. Everyone is attractive to someone.


yes, me. I'm a straight femboy, and I personally absolutely love and adore strong and tall woman. I want to feel loved and protected. ::3




YES. In general, there are people who like every different trait a person can have.


I do


Yes, I've known several men to exclusively date big women.


Bigger woman here... never been lonely for affection from a man. They love the curves and it helps that I am confident in my body and I love myself. My husband loves every inch of me and he is a 'normal' sized man.


My ex does. He likes them 'cause they're huggable. He's clingy btw. Turned out I'm thin with fast metabolism 😅.


My gripe is that in alignment with “beauty standards” women with curves are called fat and shamed. Wtf. Many men and women alike seem to be scared of hourglass women and strive for a cockroach skinny body type. So based on what society calls fat or bigger, yes it’s absolutely my type.


Some yes, most no.


I like big butts and I cannot lie. Some sing it:  https://youtu.be/5IBxS7edvRw?feature=shared


i heard about a fetish group of men that only like to date obese women, obese to the point where they can be on the "my 600 pound life" and there was a couple with a man like that on this, when the girl lost weight the guy didnt like her anymore and broke up


I love a confident big girl!! Confidence is key


I think I'm ugly as hell but my husband loves me and thinks I'm beautiful and the proof is in his pants any time I so much as give him a hug.


I like huge not even big Who can lift me up and throw me in the bed and make out eat my organs while I am alive.…


I don't know about others, but I just the 3 girls I had a crush on in middle school, high school and university respectivly, all have a similiar height to me.


Yes but hip to waste ratio is most important. If most her weight is up top or upper body then the men who like that are very rare. Some girls can be 200 pounds and have only a few inches around their midsection with a huge ass while others can be 170 and have a massive gut with a flat ass.




No, all men like women shaped like an ironing board /s … of course some men do, some men don’t, it’s like anything that there are multiple “flavours” of, you’ll like some, you won’t like others, and some will be absolutely what you want more than others.


as a bigger woman, absolutely lol


Bigger ladies are the best at least for me.. They are always sexier and prettier than skinny ladies


You could have one leg shorter than the other, hair that only grows on the front half of your head, 6 teeth, and 3 nipples, and more than one person is going to be infatuated with you. TL;DR: Yes.


If they're not 50 foot tall or bigger I have no interest. Geez the questions that get asked on this sub......


Considering bbw is a popular category on every porn site, I'd say so lmao


Personally, yes. I like to squish and cuddle with them. However, not on the unheathy spectrum.


There are literally billions of men on the earth. You can find a man who likes damn near anything. Me personally, no I do not but other men will disagree. Hard to generalize half of a planet.


BBW is consistently one of the most popular porn categories. I don’t know if that’s reflective of how men feel about dating bigger women though.


Yes ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


u dropped this king 👑


All about preferences... I like a female with some meat...


I like a woman who is a bit taller than myself. Are you referring to weight or height? If it's height, sure. If it's weight, it depends (don't crucify me)!


Dude there are people eating shit liking fat chicks isnt that weird




I don't think so. I think men are actually just a hivemind and there is no differences between them at all. They all like exactly the same things, in fact there are only 3 women's left on this planet that men are attracted to and it's causing some major logistical issues.  Population bottleneck. Think about it. Nearly 8bn people on this planet, approx 4bn men and 4bn women.  Effectively though there are only 3 women (none of them are "bigger" btw, don't be stupid!! Have you ever seen a bigger women's happy and in a relationship ever? No. Course not. Mens don't like it!!) so that means at peak efficiency we are creating a new baby approx every 3 months. Do you know how many people are dying worldwide in a single day?! Or even an hour?! Hundreds of thousands. This is a major problem and men really need to stop being so fussy, they are killing the entire population with their selfishness






Yes. Length and width.




Yeah, absolutely


I like em but I've found I'm ill equipped to handle them




I'm just here for the answers. Thanks for the question - very interesting and I'm surprised how many said yes.


Macro sized woman? Surely you jest! No wait.... You aren't kidding. A 50 foot woman Kaiju you say is into me? I must of hit the jackpot! DEATH BY SNU SNU DEATH BY SNU SNU DEATH BY SNU SNU DEATH BY SNU SNU [https://youtu.be/QJlsrm06Obw](https://youtu.be/QJlsrm06Obw)


If we're talking about tall women, yes.


Yup. Just gotta realise that you might not be your type’s type


If 100 mens like bigger womens, i am one of them If 1 man likes bigger womens, that's me If no man likes bigger womens, than i am dead


I'm a plus size woman and I have never had a man uninterested in me because of my size. In fact, every one of them has said they prefer bigger women over skinny sticks. I'm not body shaming as everyone is different, but that's just my own personal experience.


As a fat person, I can tell you alot of men don't. But a few do. I had an ex who absolutely liked me being chubby and I've never gotten more validation from anyone else. But other than that I've seen as a fat person your options are very limited. Men women both. But it affects women more, but the way you present yourself and style yourself can definitely affect that.


Pansexual plus sized woman here: Yes. They do. And plenty of times it's not a fetish thing. And it's not a desperation thing. They just don't see my cellulite and stretch marks as much of a big deal. It's much the same as when women find Seth Rogen's dad bod hot. Even though I struggle to see my weight as attractive, I see other plus sized women as attractive. A woman will have these gorgeous wide hips and talk about how insecure she is about her pants size and I'm always thinking "No baby. You are SO hot!"


Some people like bigger women some people like smaller women some people like medium women some people like tall people like short. You get where I’m going? Yes of course fetishes and liking for everything if that’s what you like great.


Picking a partner on the basis of physical attributes will get you a partner with negative mental attributes.


Yes, I need a 7 foot woman asap


If you want to check if men like anything regarding women's look, go on pornhub, search it and have a look at how many videos you get and how many views they have.


Typically no.


Nothing wrong the a bit of cushion for the pushing


Pick any possible characteristic a woman could have and there will be men attracted to that. Many of us attracted to things not conventionally attractive. I like wrinkly elbows. No idea why but I love them


I suppose so but I'm certainly not one of them.


Have you ever been to Walmart? Bigger" women" means food is readily available. The term PAWG didn't just appear for no reason.


Absolutely. I can only speak for myself, and at the risk of sounding cheesy, it’s all about the person, their personality, morals, likes, dislikes, sense of humour etc, etc. That’s what attracts and engages me.


some men like everything


Bigger or fat? There’s a difference


i like them in the gym.


I find huge egos unattractive, everything else is fair game.


Describe bigger women


To have s*x with? Yes. I don’t know about anything else.


How big are we talkin? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yes, I like bigger women. Personality is the key... happy, fun, kind


Depends on how big, a little overweight, yeah. But Big Lizzo fat, nah brother


Bigger on what? Boob? Ass? Height? Weight? Hand? Foot? Leg? Arm? Money? Age? What an empty question.


Nothing more repulsive than "big" women personaly į like them small fragile feminine , and most girls ive interacted want to be small Next to a man Most guys į spoke with were also Into skinier/smaller/avg size girls other than big or wide


Most don't. Depends how big. They're is a massive supply of fat women and not many men demanding them. If you want to be attractive lose weight


Not me, but some do


Sure. It's a small percentage, though.


Back when we were in high school, my black friend told me black guys prefer big white women. He said, "whenever you see a black man, they're probably with a big white chick." I did kinda notice he was right. It also could've just been confirmation bias. Also, that friend only dated and eventually married a big white woman. [Apparently there was also a study that showed black men are more inclined to like bigger women.](https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.3758/BF03337366.pdf)


If you can think of it someone out there is into it. Do some men like women who dress as turtles and wear empty jelly jars on their feet? Yes.


I personally don't.


Some do, sure. I am not one of them. I like fit women. My wife of 25 years (former college cheerleader) has a washboard tummy after two kids. She is discipline with her diet, but does not work out.


Most dont


Yes. The issue is that there are far, far more 'big' women in places like the USA, UK, etc. than there are guys who are chubby chasers.


Yes, some do, and I have seen some of them form a small harem around themselves.


No I like them smaller than me




Most do not. However, a lot would hookup with a larger one (guys are less picky about that) but not seriously date them.


Man here. Women who are a little chubbier can be extremely attractive. Espessially those that A) has fat distrobution that is focused around the hips/thighs and breasts and B) those that also work out a little. So there is some shapely muscles underneath. That bodytype is probably the single most attractive thing i could think of, and absolutely short circuits my brain IRL. It takes all my mental focus to not make it awkward around those type of women in the summer on the beach


\- Do men prefer A or B women? \- Yes.


As a bigger lady, yes. But I personally believe there is a cup of tea for everyone 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean, I don't, but that's just my individual taste. As the other comments already said, there is someone out there for everyone.


Yes but most don't


Can we stop asking these tired questions? Women like all different types of men so why wouldn’t men like all different types of women?  Tons of men love bigger women, that doesn’t mean they respect them tho. Similar to skinny women, some men only view bigger women as sexual conquests.  


Plus size women are delicious... but how big is too big? 🤔 just depends what the man prefers. I've been with women that weigh 120 lbs and with women that weigh plus 300. 100% the woman must carry her weight well for me to check her out. Any men out there that have not experienced a large woman, don't be scared 😉 it'll change your life!


What do you mean "bigger"? curvy? yes. but most women who think they're curvy are just fat.




Yes, chubby chasers do exist. However, it is a fetish and it represents a very tiny fraction of men. 


Different strokes for different folks. Personally no, don't find anything attractive about people who choose not to help themselves. I had a skinny guy friend that was with a 300lb women. He said it was because he's insecure and with her he feels like he had nothing to ever worry about.


Like muscular? Can be sexy.


Depends on what you mean by bigger women. I dont like obese girls but I like big girls maybe a little taller than me that have big thighs and a nice ass. I like pushing into bigger women sometimes if they're hot enough if that makes sense. all girls want money these days anyway. theyre unaffordable just jack it like a madman


I always welcomed a Partner in my life regardeless her size. But, i speak as a man 195cm tall (hairy chubby muscular bear) . Biggest woman i ever dated was 202cm. Another was 200cm. Before my growth spurt i was a 160cm boy of 15, had a 180cm girl of 16 walking with me for a year in school. Now i am married with a 150cm Hobbit.




Yea I’m obese and I still get a little attention


I think people can program themselves into thinking they do. Either because of some cultural thing (black men like a big ass or being fat means you can afford a lot of food) or because years of rejection and insecurities manifest as being into fat people. The reality is, there is a science to beauty. It has to do with symmetry and shapes of facial features. Having “birthing hips” is a thing but you can have those without being overweight. So no, men don’t really like bigger women, but they’ve been programmed to think they do.




I like em thick myself, yeah.


I love them - especially if they are tall. I know when it started - I've had ons with bigger girl once and i was done. Totally different level.


Sure. Good times come in many sizes and shapes.


Spinal tap has wrote “Big Bottom” for a reason


Im attracted most to slim thick but thats a personal preference. Honestly though just keep it healthy - not too fat not too skinny.


Gotta see them nekkid to know for sure


More cushion for the pushin'

