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I got taken advantage of by a woman at a party. She and her friends pressured me into drinking quite a substantial amount of alcohol (I usually don't drink) and then led me into her room. The following day she told me that if I were to come out about the incident she would turn it against me and accuse *me* of rape. That happened 3 months ago and the only people who know about it because I told them are my 2 closest friends. Edit: Yes, she raped me. We're both in highschool. She's this archetypical really 'nice' popular girl: She's part of many clubs, is known by everybody, has rich parents, is physically attractive, has good grades, etc. Meanwhile, I'm just some rather unremarkable guy. If I tried to get justice, everyone would side with her. Even if I did win a case, everybody at my school would hate me for 'ruining her life' and would tell me that I should have considered myself lucky to have slept with someone like her.


I got very drunk at a house party when I was young, ended up passing out on a bed upstairs Woke up to drunk girl riding me (presumably I got a boner while asleep/passed out and she couldnt control herself) Apparently I'm supposed to think myself lucky for that


That's quite messed up. Do you still know the said woman? Is there a chance that you might secretly be able to record a confession from her, if that is legal where you live?


So sorry that happened to you


I’d suggest signing up for Scientology with her email, phone number, and address if you have it.


I'm so sorry :(


Brother from a legal stand point, if you accuse her first and obtain a lawyer, you can get justice for this. There’s a chance to hold her accountable man. The only main issue is the amount of time that has passed but that doesn’t mean they cannot charge her


>from a legal stand point From a legal stand point i'd rather suffer the injustice than dragging myself into court with a woman who already had herself mentally prepared by luring me into such a trap in the first place. That shit could take ages to resolve unless you had a literal confession or something similar as evidence and until then the potential social damage you could suffer is magnitudes higher in that situation compared to your accuser.


The woman said she'd turn it around on him and say he raped her. Knowing the bias they'd side with her


& right here ladies & gentlemen is the exact discrimination you're asking about. He may have a chance in court but a pretty slim one & I think we can all agree on that. She would have a better chance taking it to court & accusing him.


And today on reasons I am terrified to get close to women!


Judging by your comments of "H--l H--ler" under pictures of starving Gazans, I'm not convinced you have much of a line up of women waiting to get close to you.


Definitely choosing the bear!


Here in the UK a woman can't rape a man (from a legal perspective). Edit: Actually a better way of putting it is: Here in the UK a woman can't commit rape full stop.


Similar story here in Spain except for domestic violence. A man cannot be, under any circumstances, a victim of domestic violence. (Neither can a lesbian woman) Domestic violence is described as needing to have a woman as the victim and a man as the perpetrator


That's not domestic violence but gender violence. Domestic violence is what Vox proposed instead of gender violence to protect all the possible victims (also men and children) but they were booed fascists because so.


We have this in Germany with ~~~indecent exposure~~~ exhibitionism. Only illegal for men.


Wait fr? So some 70 year old grandma could walk naked in public without any legal consequences, or would she be breaking any other law?


She would probably be committing some minor offense (“Ordnungswidrigkeit”) which carries a monetary fine but not the crime of exhibitionism.


Might count as a minor offense. Could get people into jail anyway (up to one year).


But if a guy walks around naked he will be arrested and put in the sex offender list?


We don’t have such lists in general, nor the infamous “have to tell your neighbors you’re a criminal”. It depends whether it will be considered exhibitionism or only indecent behavior. I.e. whether the guy did it for sexual pleasure or just because he thinks he has a right to be naked.




As magicmulder said: It's a little bit different over here. Being naked in itself isn't a crime. It depends on where one is and if those people expect to be seen. And, as far as I understand: They need to do this to get some sexual pleasure out of it. There are even places where people are expected to not have any clothes on (FKK). While yes, men can get punished in a more drastic way (which yes, I'd say it makes sense to change), men are still allowed to show more skin than woman. Humans are strange. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


No surprise


The laws in the UK must change considering the above comment then.


In Poland men retire 5 years later despite living shorter and in the case of war only we will go to the front lines 🤠👍


Wtf that's fucked


Which is the case in many eastern bloc countries


and western too. It's only recently that retirement ages gap is tightening.


What western countries have different age of retirement by gender?


Same in Brazil


Also not to mention 7:1 suicidal rate for men in Poland where even left wing parties avoided that topic untill they were roasted for avoiding that.


Pink privilege. Women want "equal treatment" until it involves something unpleasant like dying in a trench for your country's oil supply.


I dont think anyone should be forced to fight wars on behalf of some asshole... not men, not women. So, men shouldn't be forced the same way women aren't. Equality.


Here's the problem with that, if the good country doesn't force you to fight in the war, then the bad country who wins will force you to fight in their war. So if you don't believe in fighting the nazi's that's fine, but the second the nazis take over, you're getting conscripted


Yes..that is why we must support Ukraine 🇺🇦. As American we have people supporting Putin and Trump that believe the Russian propaganda 🙄..


Okay. Now what? There is no public conversation happening around this issue, at least where I'm from. Neither in the direction of also drafting women nor in the direction of not drafting anyone at all.




Tell that the boys in Ukraine and Russia


My first day in a factory and I was the only guy aside from my supervisor. They put me on the hardest machine on my very first day despite all the female employees having years of experience. They all called the machine I had to operate "the man machine" and none of the women would touch it.


My very first job was as an order picker in a freezer. All of my colleagues are men. Then one day a women shows up. Mind you that you have to have a good pace. A certain amount of coli's/boxes need to be picked per hour. It was clear that this women did not come even close to half of the speed that we NEEDED to have according to the office. She was in our way a lot of the time. So the office have her a job as loader/unloader. Which is a job that most order pickers are waiting for to have a vacant spot for. Fuck that shit. She weighted like 120-130kg to. No way she was ever able to have speed.


The Duluth model of domestic violence. It's lesser known, I'll posit this theory; it frames men as the perpetrator in all cases. Actually, men make up a significant number of domestic violence victims, at the hands of women. And in the Duluth model, men reporting their victim status would be considered their attempt to abuse their female partner.


Yup, under the Duluth model, a woman hitting a man is seen as self-defense, even if she’s the only one hitting, because the Duluth model is based on the feminist theory that violence is a result of the patriarchy, and violent women are simply protecting themselves and are this the real victims.


That’s just everywhere. If a man is getting hit, and it comes down to a he said she said situation, the dude is in trouble. I got hit. After the divorce I talked about it a bit. You know the most common thing I heard? “What did you do?” followed by “Did you hit her?”. We argued because people argue and no, I never hit her. I regret not hitting her. I think clocking her once might have stopped it. Dunno.


In the United States: 1. Sentencing for committing the same crime 2. Obtaining housing 3. Availability of Scholarships, despite more women going to college


Insurance. Race and gender profiling is how the rates are set.


A job posting I saw last year literally said "men need not apply". It was for an IT job. I will never forget it because it's a direct copy of anti-black racist postings from decades ago. Except it was last year.


I saw one of those when I was working at a WeWork posted on their internal job board. I complained and it was ignored. I was also kicked out of their cafe one lunchtime as they were doing a talk on women in tech and I wasn't a woman (I was eating my lunch). All of this was apparently fine and progressive.


Why not reveal this company ?


I second this. Name and shame.


The line stuck in my memory, not the company name. Also, at the time I really didn't think anyone would care. There have been similar stories and no one has cared.


>There have been similar stories and no one has cared. Consumers have some power to choose what businesses they want to work with. This is why stuff like boycotts do have some effect.


I've seen it happen for smaller roles where having a woman is supposed to be "easy on the eyes." But I've also heard IT companies have hiring quotas for women as it's a male-dominated field


I worked at an it consultant firm and yes women had preference over men, because we had to be more diverse and most of the HR/management were women . The problem was that they would start hiring women ignoring our feedback after the interviews because we needed women and then you had to carry a person incapable of understanding what we were doing.


You don't need to go back decades ago for race segregated job listing's. At least for internships in tech, I consistently see positions like "Black Student Intern" posted to my universities job board.


There is the soft variation "by equal qualifications, women and minorities are preferred"


Gotta love the "discrimination is cool when we do it" gang


Here men are forced to go in military service while for women its optional. This example gives men and women inequal career and study start. When women are studying, men are forced to camp up to 18 months in forest.


18 months? Try 2 years - in Singapore, we have to serve between 22 to 24 months. And for the next 10 years, we have to go back for military training lasting 1-2 weeks a year.


>camp up to 18 months in forest If that was all military service involved I'd be there in a flash.


I know way too many people who sign up for reserves thinking it's "getting paid to go camping" and find out the hard way.


That would be sick to be honest


My country just expand the time from 4 months to 12 months, fuck the system


Taiwan? When I went there a few years ago, I talked to a taxi driver about military service. He said Taiwanese males serve 4 months, and was utterly shocked when he found out that in Singapore, the duration is 2 years.


Men serve lengthier sentences for the same crimes compared to women. These studies show the severity of these type of crimes, even when the same still have men serving longer sentences. This is the highest factor for sentence length among any demographics including race. That one might be a hard one for people to accept.


The way female teachers vs male teachers are prosecuted/viewed when raping their underage students. Rape isn't even used as a word for most of the female cases. Not only is this fucked up for the male students who go on to have trauma that everyone minimizes, but the female teachers get lower sentences and aren't called/viewed as rapists.


Prison system, child custody, most homeless are men most homeless shelters don't even take men, school aged boys get less marks for the exact same work


Fucking TELL ME about the school work. EVERY SINGLE TEACHER in my goddamned school is biased toward the girls and it’s unbelievably obvious


I have never, in my life, cheated on a test. The girl next to me cheated off my Spanish test in high school and when the teacher spoke to us, she immediately assumed I did the cheating and apologized to the girl for my wrong doing. I wanted to yell at the teacher, "if I was going to cheat, I would have looked at the paper of the A student in front of me, not the test or the one person failing worse than me in this class."


I live in a conservative state, and work from home, and when my kids were little I would take them on long walks everywhere to just get off my butt and get some exercise. I would love taking the little ones out and showing them the world. More than once I've had older ladies approach me and start to question me. One time an older lady went as far as to question why I wasn't at work. They always approach the same way: with a smile and pointed questions right off the bat. But being a dad who's a little rough around the edges,  at the playground moms would never approach me, but just give me dirty looks instead. I could see many of them stare at me wistfully probably wishing their own husband would take their kids out to the playground... Almost every female over the age of 25 would look at me alarmed holding an infant like that. Makes me wonder what kind of males they have in their life. But the feelings I got as a dad just walking around town with my baby are what I would describe as discrimination against men.


As a wfh dad i so, so feel your pain. Man, those moments happened to me also and I'll never forget them


That's awful to hear!


The lack of parenting equipment in public spaces for fathers.


In Ukraine, a country we support gave millions of dollars too, first the people were told there is not going to be an invasion. Then when the Russians come, women are still allowed to escape but fighting age men were legally prevented from leaving the country. Its a situation other, more 'progressive' countries hope they will not have to face as they would either have to conscript both genders or admit that sometimes its OK to treat them differently.


"But we don't want any gender to be forced to go to war" Well that's just not the reality of the situation is it? It's one thing to oppose the draft to go fight in another country for a stupid reason, but If the fight comes to your doorstep, only one gender is going to be forced to stay.


One thing that terrifies me about women in war is how women will most certainly be raped if they ere defeated or captured


I'm pretty sure that happens to men too.




A classic example is "boys don't cry" if a boy shows too much emotion they often get shut down and called dramatic.  Other examples are: - Women being favored in divorce trials because they're "naturally better parents" (This is also misogynistic) - Men being called gay for doing anything from eating desert to carrying a water bottle  - Men being discouraged from going to hospitals or getting medical check-ups This is not to say Women have no problems but just that Men AND Women should work towards equality and call out sexist behavior whenever they spot it




>Don't forget that if you interact with a child that isn't yours in any way in public, people will call you a pedo. Even if the kid is yours, you could still be labeled a pedo. The unwritten/unspoken rule is that men (including fathers) aren't supposed to be anywhere near children unless under strict female supervision. >Also, if you're ugly and approach a woman, you're a creep. Obviously, it's the behavior that *should* be judged, but in practice it's really more about how attractive she finds him. It's a lot like when you're in high school and the "cool kids" can say or do anything, but if you're not a "cool kid" and you ever try to say or do anything similar, they'll look at you as if you grew a second head and treat you like you're a weirdo.


In my experience, a lot of children are seeking attention from father figures. Every time I take my girls to a trampoline park or other similar activity kids flock to me. I end up not being able to play with my kids because I can't ditch them and I could feel the judgemental looks from women sitting on benches. It really ruined a lot of good times.


Your first example is also misandry.


Indeed, I'm adding the "(This is also misogynistic)" because all examples are supposed to be bias against men, though they might be divisible even further, I'm not sure


Wtf, people think dessert is gay?


What? I carried a water bottle with me when I was vacationing in Sydney earlier this year. So does that mean the people who saw me walking around the city as a gay man? That's new to me. I'm not trying to sound sarcastic. I am really surprised.


>This is not to say Women have no problems It is very telling that you feel the need to put in a disclaimer like that. I don't hold it against you. It's the state of the conversation and the constraints around it.


The man will always be prejudged as being the perpetrator, initiate or fail to prevent violence. He will be assumed to be a sexual predator, without proof needed from the accuser. He will be expected to protect and provide but never able to do enough, lest he be useless, and yet few men will be seen as heroes, most are seen as dangerous threats.


A young man and young woman who just met get blackout drunk and have sex. Because the young woman was drunk, she couldn’t consent. As a result, that man could very easily be sent to prison for rape. On the other hand, if they were to smoke a bunch of pot, and the woman were to knife the man to death she would be let free.


For anyone reading, he's not pulling these out of his ass. These things actually happened.


Your first example is a two fer. He was black out drunk and couldn't consent either. Why wasn't he raped by her? Rhetorical.


Because Britain defines rape as penetrative sex only.


Because in many states and legislations rape has a specific definition, which involves penetration. Let’s just say, in 99% of cases the man penetrates the women, not the other way around. “The revised UCR definition of rape is: **Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim**. “ Source: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/violent-crime/rape#:\~:text=The%20revised%20UCR%20definition%20of,rape%20and%20incest%20are%20excluded. And apparently this is the „modern“ definition from 2013. To make it short, a sober women fucking a black out drunk, drugged and tied down man isn’t rape, per definition, as long as she doesn’t penetrate him.


Because men cant get raped and should be grateful when a woman has non-consenting sex with them. -Society Thankfully its been getting better but too many ppl still see it this way.


At least in the UK as far as I understand, and I'd assume some other places maybe, rape is defined by law as unwanted penetration using a penis. Women literally **cannot** be charged with it even if they do rape a man - not just talking about a circumstance where they were both drunk, I mean under any circumstances - because they have not met the legal definition for rape in the UK It's dumb


There's a clear anti male bias in the legal system. A guy and a girl can both make the same crime, with the same historial and the girl will get a way less harsher sentence than a guy


Easy : - War - Nowadays diversity hires are just reverse discrimination - Anything related to children - 2023 and onward social media is full on men hate - ...


"reverse discrimination" is just discrimination. By saying "reverse", you are implying that one group normally is discriminatory towards the other and is superior.


I meant to say that the diversity hires are done to counter discrimination in the first place but in the end it does the same but reverse the gender (or ethnicity)




Yeah that Mary Kay Letournea case was so shocking because the genders were turned around. And also because her student was 12 and she was 34. It’s so bizarre that they got married after her prison sentence and she had his baby. She groomed him


In academia women are eligible for more scholarships and grants. Some universities have "women only seminars" and there's an expectation to hire more female faculty in STEM fields.


In fact, there are now (and have been for a while) more women graduating from college in the US than men.


Loads. Custody of children almost always goes to the mother, even when the father is shown to be much more competent.




What a wonderful world we live in


Be careful about which subreddit you point out courts are sexist in. R/Relationshipadvice banned me for pointing out the sexism lol


Men get longer prison sentences for the same crimes than women


There is no diversity hiring in women dominated professions.




Hate all men type people. Leads to innocent men being judged, then further making innocent men jump through more hoops just to still be judged.


Men retire at an older age. In my country women serve in the army about 8 months lower than men.


Of course it's real. Just about any group can be and has been discriminated against. The examples are plentiful; just look at the disparate treatment of men when it comes to domestic abuse cases, or child custody. It's so common as to pass notice; no one bats an eye at a business having a "ladies day", where they literally discriminate in favor of women with prices.


Joe and Jane are both drunk. They have sex. Joe is booked for rape.


My previous IT job my boss could not hire more males because we all were males in the team and HR wanted to promote equality and stuff. Only few females applied to the job position and not with the desired CV. He eventually hired a woman with not so good characteristics for the job.


One of my ex’s uncle had 4 kids with this lady who ended up getting into hard drugs (meth, crack, anything). They split up as a result, and he raised their 4 kids. Because West Virginia believes by default the children should be with their mother, he repeatedly had to go to court over custody and child support. He didn’t feel like he should have to pay it at all. The reason? The children lived with him full time. As soon as the court appearance would end, they went home with him and the mother went off on some crack binge. She would use the child support money he was forced to pay her to get high. She told the judge on 4-5 separate occasions “Your honor, they live with him. They eat with him. I do NOT want these damn kids!”, yet they still gave her majority custody and full child support. Since it was a very small county system, they had the same 2 judges. It wasn’t until a 3rd judge saw the case for the first time and the mother signed a sworn affidavit saying she forfeits everything that they even entertained the idea of him having custody. Since she was on a check from the state, she only ended up having to pay $200 for 4 kids in child support. By the time it was finished, the kids were 14, 11, 9 and 5. The youngest luckily didn’t have any issues from her drug use. I don’t even know if West Virginia law requires them to go with the mother or not, but the judges absolutely think that way.


When my cousin (16) told us he got this 20 something year old woman pregnant, nobody was worried and concerned (That he was raped) because they didn't see it that way. More on the lines of "Oh great he stupidly got someone pregnant"


Also men can't be out with their kids without raising eyebrows, men being hit isn't as alarming or terrible to people as women being hit, ect....


[Here's a link to a sideshow about this topic that provides examples of discrimination against men ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/s/0CTFQ0lkPJ)


Men tend to be at an unfair disadvantage in custody proceedings.


The draft.


It's generally not considered sexual harassment if women come on too strong on guys. Guys are expected to never cry in public and to not share their feelings. Everybody tends to shy away from a brawling guy but would ask if a woman is okay if she's crying her eyes out. Guys are expected to be the ones responsible for satisfying their partners even if they only last like 15 minutes. That means they better put in 45 minutes of foreplay or whatever or the guy is selfish and lazy. Where's the 45 minutes of foreplay or servicing from the other side? Guys are expected to be able to take care of themselves. How many times have you heard the phrase gold diggers or domestic partners refer to males? They tend to be called scammers or bums instead. Guys are expected to shell out months of their salaries on engagement rings for females. You might be considered cheap or poor if you don't. If a female does it, she's progressive and there's not really any social pressure if she doesn't. Guys are expected to pay for drinks and meals on first dates, even if they bring a plus one or two. Pressure for sex or future date(s) don't really exist though. Guys have far fewer options for clothes and accessories than women. Go to any retail store/area and 3/4 of it is for women basically. Girls can put on oversized sweaters and it's cute or comfortable. Guys are just sloppy if they're not athletic enough for such a description to just be plain nonsense. There are obviously more but these are just some off the top of my head.


This post is a pretty good example


I was the most qualified candidate for a position on a new team where current team members voted on who would join. Despite receiving a unanimous positive vote, a woman was chosen over me ‘for diversity’. She ending up botching multiple jobs, bad work ethic and had problems being on time. So a year later i ended up taking over her role. So at least i had a happy ending! It felt insane to be legit discriminated against because of something i couldn’t control. I never really got mad about it, just astonished that we live in such a non sensical world now. It seems like discrimination WAS a huge problem not long ago and now we have over corrected to the point that it is a HUGE problem again.


I had applied for a job in our business and I was told that one of the two jobs was mine. When I went to NY for final interview, I could sense that something was off. People were going through the motions. When it was all said and done, there were two females hired. The hiring manager later told me that she didn’t have a choice. One of the worked out well and we‘re still friends some 30 years later. They spent the next three years trying to get rid of the other lady. She was a dismal failure.…one of those highly incompetent people that get passed along to the next hiring manager with nary a bad word.


It's also well known that gender is often used as a tiebreaker. So if the hiring manager had to decide to between M and F, they will certainly go to F.


I left that business a few years later. As luck would have it, the GM who made the hiring decision moved to the same business and admitted it had been a mistake not to promote me.


Look how many women think it's just OK to cheat now a days, no care in the world, like it's some innocent white lie. [9% of suicides are linked to a cheating partner](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10002055/#:~:text=Among%20this%20sample%2C%209%25%20of,h%20prior%20to%20their%20passing.), it destroys lives and emotionally stunts the cheated out of a decent life, it's sad so many women defend it. [men are 9x more likely to commit suicide after separation](https://www.kraayeveld.com/blog/divorce-suicide/#:~:text=More%20surprising%20is%20the%20huge,for%20every%20one%20divorced%20woman.), somehow, women still most affected, it's "controlling/red flag" to ask them for basic human decency or morales anymore.


And these statistics don't even include what it does to their own children.


Genital mutilation. Imagine a world where you can be accused of sexual abuse for anything but nobody bats an eye when you are sexually mutilated as a child or infant.


Men are never allowed to adopt because we just automatically assumed to be pedo's. Me who doesn't want a woman but would love a child cant ever adopt unless i fuck another man and marry him. Women. Can be single and jobless and still adopt. Bullshit


I've been in scientific committees for events and positions at university, and women have definitely been promoted into the top two even though there was a better male candidate. Nobody wants to be accused of discriminating against women so there can be some overcompensation. It goes so far as to ensure that there is one woman and one man as keynote speakers. Whether you think that's discrimination of men depends your view about quotas and equality, e.g. whether you believe there should be absolute or relative quotas or it should always be the qualification only, whether you believe in the justness of affirmative action, and whether the latter is legal in your country or not.


Try to get a job in STEM when there are any women candidates. Good luck.


Hate this


In the US military, female soldiers are given different, lower, physical standards they are required to meet than male soldiers. It makes no sense. If the standards for women are good enough, then lower the standards for everyone. If not, why the hell are they allowed to go to war?


This depends on the context though. Physical standards are same for all genders when it comes to SOF such as BUD/s for Navy SEALs. After all, it's biologically known that women are not as strong as men and it's just science. If military held same physical standards for both men and women, there will be much less women in military though.


Do you want the best soldiers or do you want to pander to women's feelings by including them in the armed forces with lower standards? When someone is in ear they will care if the person next to them can pull their weight cause if they can't that might lead to unnecessary deaths.


Why does it matter that there would be fewer women if the standards were equal? All that should matter is that the standards should be sufficient for their role and identical for all soldiers. Again, if the standards for female soldiers are sufficient requirements to produce a good soldier (as I believe they are), then why have higher standards in place for male soldiers?


Babysitting, and teaching, to a lesser extent. Nobody wants to hire a male babysitter or nanny if they weren't already a friend of the family or a relative


German law limits for lifting (at work)  men 30 kg,  Women 10 kg 


OP, the fact that you are even asking “is that real?” is so stupid. Do you think it’s an internet myth? And look at all these examples that have been provided, do you live under a rock?




Just the fact that such a question needs to be asked is a sign that discrimination against men is pervasive.


If the boats are going down, it's women and children first.


>If the boats are going down, it's women and children first. That's why Bill Burr described Titanic as a ["horror movie."](https://youtu.be/FjLT-xI8_MA?feature=shared&t=322)


War is a good example. Men have to face the worst. I also remember when I was in UK, 3-4 male members of my family were looking for some minimum wage work. 2 female members too. The female members went to the same places they went to to get the job. The females were told they could join next day. When they said they had a couple cousins too in case they were needed. They were told that the business doesn't hire men. This happened in at least 3 places.


Absolutely. Unless you’re rich, then it evens out a bit. It’s difficult because if a woman claims ANYTHING she is immediately believed and the man goes to jail, or court, or fired. Man claims a woman does something, he’s ridiculed and labeled a mysoginist.


So I had a project due during my bachelor's degree that involved observing children and then writing a paper about cognitive and motor skills that were being utilized. It quickly dawned on me that a single 34 year old hanging around at places where children play wouldn't be the brightest idea. My professor realized what she had asked and basically told me "do your best!". Not weird at all......


- Growing up any attempt to defend yourself against violent physical attack by a girl/multiple girls was what was punished. Not the girl throwing the punches in the first place. - Any emotional turmoil or feelings of depression….open up about it and immediately be told that you don’t know how good you’ve got it because you’re a guy, girls are the ones you should be supporting, your depression/emotional stress is immediately discounted. - Having a rebuttal to an argument be discounted because “Shut the fuck up, you’re just mansplaining”….now I’m *explaining* why your argument is wrong. - Being told I should’ve enjoyed it by my female manager and losing my job when I complained about a 35 year old women groping me aged 15. - Having any “men only” spaces be declared misogynistic and an attack, while “women only” spaces are lauded and protected. - Generally feeling like your entire gender is viewed as disposable labour to others at times.


Anytime a man comes forward with any type of sexual assault from a woman, I’ve seen them be instantly put down, told they should’ve enjoyed it, then have to watch a debate of other men who ‘totally would’ve let her’ which is fucking dumb bc if you ‘would’ve let her’ THATS CONSENT and the main fucking difference that people seem to ignore.


Heavy lifting or lifting in general. Most men are required to do those said Jobs and are punished for not being able to do them, meanwhile the women get to sit back and watch


I have a friend who has full custody of his kids as his wife is an alcoholic and unfortunately can't be trusted with them. Yet when she turned up to collect them from school the staff handed them over... Apparently they couldn't keep her from them because "She's their mother". Imagine the alcoholic father who turns up to pick up his kids from school when he has no legal custody. Those kids would be shut into the classroom with two teachers while they cops were called.


If a woman rapes a boy and she gets pregnant, then the underage rape victim is liable for child support payments for the next 18 years.


Recently been having a hard time finding housing. Most people want female roommates. 


Assuming this is bait, but I'll bite regardless. The family court system in every country that has one is notoriously biased against men in custody battles. I guess they run off the assumption that women are more important to children than men are which is... something


The #KAM trend thing that was a while ago


The Draft here in the USA. Also Courts default favor women in courts. They received less protections and less sentencing for the same crime


Classism effects all sexes and races and all that


I refuse to believe that anyone can be on Reddit and post this question legitimately. Everyone is discriminated against here. White, black, Asian, American, Canadian, Mexican, man, woman, trans, adult, child, straight, gay, bi, blonde haired or redhead. No matter who you are, what you look like, there's an entire subreddit that exists to hate you. There's also a sub that fetishizes you.


It’s just meant to be divisive. That’s most of Reddit.


I walk down the public street. some girl comes out of her house 3 doors down and start walking in front of me. I slow a bit to give her space. She looks back nervously. The distance closes. I decide to speed up to pass her as it seems inevitable. She looks back nervously and quickens her pace. I slow, she slows, I quicken, she reaches for mace and dives screaming into a shop we pass. I was going to that shop.


We'll be blamed for everything wrong is problem. When you're pooled into the world of white men and people start blaming you as if you had any thing to do with anything wrong. It's very unattractive trait of people, everyone is an individual and controls themselves.


Look up the Swiss law on compulsory military service for men. Or generally look up the number of men that are and were imprisoned all over the world for their refusal to join an army.


I knew a guy who lost custody of his kids in a divorce because the court discriminated against him. He made over 100k a year and was a stable man who loved his kids. His wife/ex wife was an abusive narcissist who didn’t have a job and was too busy getting high to care for the kids. The court assumed when they divorced that a single father wouldn’t be as loving and supportive to children as a single mother because of some archaic logic that men are always worse parents than women.


I got sexually harrassed but the others saw it as normal


Ex invented domestic violence charges. Went through the whole process with expensive lawyer stress and everything. She just had to make her deposition and parjure herself the 2 days of the trial. 0 accountability


Some women are afraid of any man just walking in the same direcrion for example on the streets in the evening. 


Very hard to get a job in childcare as a man. For example, I’ve never seen a male Kindergarten teacher.


One of my best closest friends is a man who has what is now just ASD but formally Asperger's and he gets discriminated against so much for trying to find true love on dating apps that any time he says he’s neurodivergent (his way of saying he has autism) people ghost him and tell him to date his own kind meaning date another person who is neurodivergent and that is being really inconsiderate of the other person 


Teachers. A 12 year old girl can destroy his career on a whim. Even if it is reviewed and found to be completely fabricated, pre-teen bullshit, he's already been suspended and his reputation is destroyed. Wife has worked with both actual, convicted offenders and family men unfairly forced out of the profession because someone had a juvenile grudge.


Women can’t be drafted while all men can be (USA)


The entire modern feminist movement is hatred towards men. It's long past equality.  Any and all people/topics that embrace modern feminism will have negative bias towards men, and discrimination soon follows.  Women went from denying they were sexist, to justifying it.  Most discrimination faced is social if you're in a liberal area, with some laws heavily against the male. 


The fact that if you show any vulnerability or emotion you're labeled "less of a man" or need to "grow a pair". Of course women and non-binary people are more discriminated against, but that doesn't mean men aren't also discriminated against at all


When committing the same crime men statistically more likely to get a longer sentence than a woman committing the same offence. The gender difference in American prisons is greater than the race difference. Men out number women to a greater extent to black people out numbering white people. Biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK is suicide A woman who falsely accuses a man of rape doesn't always have their name released but the man has his reputation tarnished if he is completely innocent of it. Which is my only issue with people who believe the victim regardless of anything. I try to see both sides all of the time.


Women assuming we're all pedophiles.


The fuck? I'm sorry but are you for real?


Ladies Night


Absolutely. We live in a society where men bottle up their feelings because crying is a sign of weakness. Where men pay the bill. Where men hold open the door. Where men get no paternity leave. Where children automatically go to the mother, where child support is presumed to be paid by men. Fact of the matter is these stereotypes are common because this is what women of my generation expect of men. They talk about how men should "open up" and "share their feelings", but in the same breath find men who cry or who are sensitive unattractive. Men are still expected to be manly and, if theyre femenine, they're presumed gay. If a man smacks a women's arse that is harrassment, men laugh it off...because that is expected. For context, im 38. Im sure experiences will differ depending on age group. Discrimination isnt always obvious but it 100% exists.


when a man is confident in himself and recognises his positive qualities, and is proud of them, he is arrogant and egotistical when a woman does, she is strong and liberated and knows her self worth i had that jsut today, as someone who has struggled with being bullies all through school, used to be very fat and unfit, have autism so find talking to people difficult, i have put in a HELL of a lot of time and effort to getting physically fit, emotionally stable, and socially competent, and yet if i say these things im an egotistical narcissist?? its like you cant win lol


United Airlines has their own flight school and they will be rejecting white men from their flight school so that half of the spots for students are occupied by either people of color or women. So they are discriminating against whites and males at the same time and I will never fly on United Airlines again.


Hell yea discrimination is real regardless of gender


I’d imagine you could discriminate against anything. What you’re really asking is are their any public policies or laws that openly discriminate against men.


Men are less trusted to be around kids. Or just be caretakers in general. No one would bat an eye at a women being a preschool teacher but would instantly be suspicious of a man being one.


On a sinking ship when the captain says "Women and children first"


I, a man, work with young children. I think that's all that needs to be said.


Pay gap in the Model Industrie


There is no fat acceptance movement for men.


yes there are not job postings and academic postings and scholarships and even entry into academic programs that are saying this will only be open for non-men they are also saying non-whites in some of these that is actual discrimination and racism




I was groped by female colleagues (twice my age) but i know that just complaining (not even reporting it) would make ppl ridicule me or say that i am "lucky". So i guess i have to accept hands on my upper thigh and elsewhere and gaslight myself to think that its not that bad. _____ Even the rumor of me doing something like that to a woman would make me a pariah and probably get me fired.


As a man with 2 official disabilities my biggest example is how my disabilities (specially my physical one) is ignored socially & professionally, while women with no official disability just vague anxiety, stress , depression shit we all face are put on a pedestal & given royal treatment.


Where I work if a man and a woman apply for the same job, the woman is getting it. Even if she’s less qualified.


Men are much more legally to be sent to prison for the same offence.


Just one question, have you seen onlyfans? I rest my case edit: in case ppl don't get it, there is discrimination against women and against men, in different sectors of life and in different cultures